Sanders LDavid Ruth 1981 Brazil
Sanders LDavid Ruth 1981 Brazil
Sanders LDavid Ruth 1981 Brazil
IN 46049
^'MY 2 9/95/
No. 2
There also we met the family that farms the tillable portion of the property. For the first time, we saw "upland rice" planted as our early day farmers planted corn, with a hand operated corn planter. We ate the "mangos", picked avocados and bananas.
Just a few weeks before we came, Joao, the father, was injured quite badly when
departure from Wichita via Braniff airline to Miami Florida, changing planes in Dallas, Texas. Many friends from
Glenn off. Park Christian Church, the
had seen over the years. I for one had the distinct feeling of having been there
the large roto-tiller turned over and caught his leg in the blades. However,
when we were there he was hard at
We spent the first day resting, visiting with the Sanders, McAfees and laying plans for our remaining days.
The next day we went with Dale to the church camp, and were shown the camp grounds, where the area churches have their youth retreats, as well as having area men's meetings. The buildings are located on the small farm
which the mission has on lease from the
work with his sons, hoeing the weeds in the rice fields already planted. We spent several hours there visiting with the family, sharing in their devotions, and having a delicious "tea"
with them.
Park, and myself. Bob Baker, elder of Glenn Park and trustee of B.C.M., were making this long awaited, often postponed journey to visit this vital area
in the worship service, bringing greet ings from the Christians in Wichita; Jo
(Continued on page 2}
Leaving Miami International Airport aboard a Varig Airline Airbus at 8:30 p.m., we "saw" the New Year "in" at
40,000 feet over the Caribbean Ocean. We were treated to our first taste of
Brazil with an excellent meal complete with "Guarana", a Brazilian soft drink, foUowed with Cafe Cremosa, a very strong and very sweet brew. After stops in Caracas, Venezuela,
and Manaus, Brazil, we arrived in
Brasilia at 7:00 a.m. As we taxied in to the terminal we
saw our hosts standing on the observation deck waiting for us. About an hour later, having taken all this time clearing customs, we were united with them. Customs was quite an experience, but because we were fortunate enough to have the Earl Haubner family on the same flight with us, it did not take us too long after we finally got to the clearing
Brazilian school year, first of December, for a few days together before his return
As we were driven into the city of Brasilia, we realized the importance of the use of the reports and pictures we
number of contacts possible in this short time, and then return to Brazil to keep at the work of the Kingdom. Time is precious and the Kingdom important! Let him hear from you now!!
OUR TRIP TO BRAZIL (Contiaued from page 1) Jones preached the message for the evening. We joined in their singing and
prayer times, and after the service, visited with the members. We drove to
Brasilia, arriving at about 11:30 p.m. The next day being Saturday, we went shopping in the morning for a
couple of hours, then after lunch drove to Taguatinga and Ceilandia where we
spent some time at the new church
building site. Dale also took us to the homes of some of the members of the
Wednesday, after spending more time in seeing other churches in Goiania, we left for Ceres. On the way to Ceres,
we stopped to visit the church in
Luziania was our host for the evening service. We sang with them, again
bringing greetings to our fellow
church and for their outreach program. Monday was a day of shopping for
mementos of our trip, and preparation for the departure next day for the rest of
our tour.
Neropolis, where Jose Alves de Schirlei ministers. We spent about two hours there listening to Jose, his wife and
members of Christ's body. It was a long, enjoyable evening lasting til nearly midnight. We slept well that night!
Sunday, church and study tjme at the
Brasilia church where Jairo Gomes de
Tuesday, we left early for Goiania, spent the rest of the day dining with the
Tom Fifes and visiting several churches there in Goiania. We visited the APLIC print shop, and saw the areas where the Sanders and Swings began their work
Body of Christ at His table and again, Jo Jones brought the message of Christ's
love for His people.
At noon, we were guests of Joseph and Abigail Mesquita in their lovely home. It was a very filling time, both
physically and spiritually. We met their
Siao church was memorable, more good singing, preaching and sharing of the
gospel. Afterwards, the minister, wife
water supply for the farm. Lower right, Dale McAfee (second from right) shows the
camp ground buildings to the visitors.
Francisco Hotel, we enjoyed the typical Brazilian breakfast of orange juice, coffee, bread, guava jelly, melon, etc. Then it was off to Uberlandia, a good day's drive, with frequent "stretch" stops, visiting the pastor and family in
Anapolis, sightseeing in the area, then on to our destination with the pastor, Iran, sharing the V.W. Variant with the
four of us. A bit crowded with all our
The next five days were spent in the mission conference, sharing ideas and
methods. Mont Smith of Pacific Christian College led a seminar on the Book of Ephesians, and Covenant and Restoration. This study was well received and discussed by all those
of the country, the hot days, or the rain which came almost every day? There were many impressions, but these are the ones that stand out in my memory:
The people who did their best to make us welcome and explain family and
Brazilian customs.
demonstrated by a little girl sitting on my lap singing about Jesus, or by a youth group singing praise to God, or a minister preaching the Word. I was impressed by their dedication and love of the Gospel. As I said many
times when we visited in homes and
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862 70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil
Surely the conference at Uberlandia was a high point of our visit. Anytime 90 Christians gather together for 5 days, all are going to be uplifted.
you are in Brazil, Haiti or Wichita, feel at home. Although one's home and family are very important, I can honestly say I felt at
home with our brethren in Brazil and
thank you all for a very impressive visit. Our prayers are with you.
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 7-972
Dear Friends of Brazil Christian Mission,
be over-and-above. In fact, BCM needs
is 12-7/8%, term is 5 years, monthly commitment is $340-f- to repay. Below you will find a coupon to be considered carefully, filled in and signed. The amount you choose to pay toward
this commitment should not come from
Enough said. Time's wasting. Let's NOT postpone action on this matter any longer. Thank you for any giving you've done in past appeals; thank you in
advance for your immediate action on
in your Kingdom
questions to:
I Dear Brothers in Christ:
YES, we want to have a part in repaying the loan for the Ceilandia Project!
($15,000 plus interest)
We will give $ _
Please help keep our records straight by designating your offer ing for missionary or project.
Please do not send checks or bills
to the field.
Amount intended for this project should be clearly marked "Ceilandia" and mailed to: BRAZIL CHRISTIAN MISSION, Box 17067, Wichito, KS 67217.
Brasilia with David and spent the next two days with the missionary families there. Much was accomplished in these two days in laying plans for the future of
the church there and for we three
After a quiet flight to Sao Paulo, with hotel reservations in the Tropicana
Hotel there, we left at 8 a.m. for the
This was a very meaningful trip for the three of us. We experienced first hand the problems of logistics the mis sionaries encounter every day, even the
simple act of shopping for food. Milk and bread must be bought every day, you must stand in line for medical appoint
ments, wait two or three hours for bus
gave us the impression that this was good for them also, that we came. It let them know that there were people that
were interested in their work and it made them as well as us feel that the Lord can use all of us in His work.
aries and the people of this great country have great love and respect for one
We were convinced of the mighty works of the Lord done through his people there in the past thirty some years and, as we heard L. David Sanders
experiences with those who so desire. Note: If you would like to schedule one of these gentlemen to share their trip experiences and impressions from the field, they may be contacted in care of the Glenn Park Christian Church, 2757 S. Glenn, Wichita, KS 67217.
Below, we
visit in
front of
"Peace on earth among men of good will..We have passed some days of turmoil in our church growth. While some work hard, planting the Word, cultivating the new believers, or in harvesting, Satan manages to stunt the growth in diverse ways. Thus it has been in Ceilandia this past month. Neverthe less, along with barriers to meeting
deadlines, we have also had barriers
life of the night guard. So for another precious period of weeks, we have stopped construction, continuing to seek the Lord's direction in how to accomplish
His work.
As we seek solutions for this specific project, the Lord has provided open
doors in two other locations of this
through local preachers, so that the very purpose and spirit has been challenged by the evil ones. Even though the foundations of re inforced concrete are in the ground, as the above ground foundations were being put in place, the "enemy" (a group
of men and boys) came at different times
to break down concrete forms and break
satellite city of 200,000 people. One is led by a member of the Brasilia congrega tion and the other by the First Church in
Gama. Remember, this, our leading Ceilandia project with special prayers! The Lord is working.. .May we enter
into His work! We press on against the wiles of Satan and seek to resist him, knowing there is Victory!
See plans of "Financial Advance" by
Darel Boston.
in 46049
8 1981
May-June, 1981
No. 3
First: We have been set back a year in our development and goals.
Second: It is difficult to explain how "the invisible enemy" has waylaid us. Third: It was our hope to meet the first deadline. After studying these past
months for the best solution, human
The deadline for the completion of the construction is July '81. The financial plan has been revised: Funds borrowed through assist
ance of the Mission, Norton, Kansas Christian Church and other volunteer
error entered in and the plans and projects, as well as the cooperation of the congregation and community, all went astray and the work came to a stop
for almost four months.
of reorganization and "putting in order", with plans for "revival". The conclusion is that we are going
forward in Ceilandia and on to other
Brazil Christian Mission is sorry to have to announce the resignation of Steve and Patty McAfee effective May 1. Because of the difficulty of obtaining a visa to Brazil (it is not impossible, but takes time and requires the assurance of living link and service link support while in Brazil), Steven and Patty have decided that they will seek a full-time
church in the U.S. We of the Brazil Christian Mission
are sorry that it has to be that way. There are many places they could work here. Steve already knows the language and understands the people better than
we who were not raised here, but we are
sure that the Lord will use them in
whatever situation they find themselves. Steve is asking that his supporting churches (those that had promised and were sending monthly to them) transfer their support to Philip, who is already on the field and working. In this way you will still be a part of the evangelization of Brazil and be blessed by progress made
It has been one year since I've done any "remarking" in our bulletin. It has been a year of many "trials and tribu lations" for the Sanders family as well as for the Work. We praise the Lord that
we also have had victories! We have
coast in August, where his submarine will stop at Belem, Recife, Salvador, and Rio de Janeiro. We have given him
addresses of Brazilian friends and mis
sionaries in these ports and he will have a couple of days on shore to visit. While in Rio, we would like to go down to meet
him and then he would return with us
been sustained by your love and prayers. In the other articles you can see our prayer needs for the Work, but we feel that you can pray so much more personally for the family if we let you know what is happening with each of us! Lloyd David has been in pretty good health this past year in spite of a hernia
which needs immediate attention and
ber his family in prayer for comfort and strength. The children are in good health, with the exception of Kalinka (the six-year-old) who has one kidney that is not functioning. She is still completing some exams for the doctors to decide whether or not to operate. Pray much for her. Kevan Andre's adoption can now be officialized since
both Starla and Luis are now 30 years old. (In Brazil, you have to be married
around the 27th of August for a 30-day leave, he will be 26 on September 30.
many seemingly insurmountable prob lems in the work and in our own personal financial situation. We had hoped that he would be coming to the States in July for his hernia operation and then after recu peration, to visit the churches. (It has been three years since he was last there.) We are not sure at the present what the Lord's will is concerning this and are asking that your prayers will include his operation, furlough decision,
and our financial situtation as well as the
Daryl Bruce is now stationed in West Virginia and called us direct from his
submarine on Mother's Day. He is lay-
chaplain for his crew and had just completed a three-day retreat for Bible teachers sponsored by the Christian
Church where he attends in Charleston. He has also been singing in the choir there. He will be leaving soon, going to
various islands and then to the Brazilian
Maria Joyce will be 16 on June 9 and is in High School. She teaches three days a week at Starla's school, buys her own clothes and personal needs and tithes faithfully. She is taking an English Proficiency course four hours a week at the Independent British Institute where I teach. (She gets a full scholarship there because of my teaching.) She says she would like to finish her High School in the States, but we have not made any decision on this yet. It is on our prayer
I have given you a very personal look at our family and do ask that you
continue to take time to remember us, each one, in your prayers. In sincere appreciation.
tore ligaments in my ankle and toes and was in a cast for nearly a month. Though it is still swollen and sore, it's great to be able to come and go at an easier pace.
Otherwise, I'm in excellent health,
young couples class. Our women continue visiting and taking the main meal of the day to two orphanages and a home for the aged once a month. We are also sponsoring lectures from specialists in their fields. These are every second Saturday of the month and are on "Family Planning", "Child Discipline", "The Rights of the Woman according to Brazilian Law", "Preven
tive Medicine and Health", "The
These are a few scenes of the ordination service held March 29 for the deacons and deaconesses of the Brasilia church. Above left. Pastor Jairo Gomes de Miranda and David Sanders lead the service. Deacons and Deaconesses being ordained and
installed are left to right: Ruth Sanders, Abigail Mesquita, Evilazio Ramos, Oliveiros Ramos, and Jose Mereiles. Right, Pastor Waldir Rosas, father of Waldecir Rosas who
is pastorofthe Comunidade de Cristo church in Setor Universitario, Goiania, presents special music. Pastor Waldir sang a hymn of his own composition. Lower left, special music is presented by Evilazio, his wife Rosangela, Denise and
Paulo Mendes with the guitar. All four sang. Right, Paulo Mendes directs the choir.
Dennise Santos is at the organ.
Christian Woman in the 20th Century", "Domestic Economy in the Christian Home", and "Stewardship". Marta, a sixteen-year-old, soon-to-be mother, unmarried, is staying with us until after the baby is born. We
And we are having our problems... Starla Joy works overtime at "Escola Minnikin", her language school.
Husband, Luis Carlos, has been
For the last three months I have
Preparations are also underway for the XVI Youth Rally to be held here in
Brasilia October 30 to November 2. The
the Mormons, thus strengthening our own beliefs in Christ and preparing for
further confrontations. Several of our
theme chosen is United and Strength ened in the Power of God. We have also established the fee, and a schedule to be
youth have been confronted by these groups and were at a loss to know how to
deal with them. This was the second
God has plans for me and they are developing rapidly. As of July (wedding is to be July 11) I will be preaching and ministering at the new church in the
Goiania area. Whereas I was working only with the youth in a temporary ministry, I will now be working in a definite and permanent ministry in the
plans are still to return in 1983 to visit each of you and to share with you personally what God is doing here in Brazil through me.
I went to Belo Horizonte and spent a
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862 70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies, write to:
camps. Youth Rally and Bible Bowl programs. Please be praying for them.
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 7-972 70.000 Brasilia, D.F. BrazU
Goiania where Phil will pastor the Vila Urias Church of Christ, a daughter
church of Goiania North (Vila Fama)
Church of Christ where the Tom Fifes serve. Phil will be their first pastor, as
Philip K. McAfee
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 7-972 70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil
charges, attacks, slanders, threats and ill-will shown by Avelino, his family and
some whom he influenced.
realizing that it is wrong for us to keep Sammy in the Brazilian school system. He consistently fails there, and there is no special help as there is now in the U.S. public schools. Because of his particular needs neither the American school programs in Brasilia and Ceres,
nor home instruction by us his parents,
offer a solution. We have taken him out
Linda is going steady, and will have the formal engagement dinner with his family on June 18, when they will exchange engagement rings. Her boyfriend's name is Paulo de Tarsus
Teixeira. He and his family are Christians and live in Rio de Janeiro.
It was disappointing to us that Steve and Patty could not come to work here in Brazil. Their resignation from B.C.M. was effective May 1. We realize that
since a visa was not available it was the
Please help keep our records straight by designating your offering for missionary or pro ject. Please do not send checks or
bills to the field. The Brazil Christian Mission
using materials teachers have previously made available. We have applied for his
enrollment in the Calvert Schools home
only thing they could do. At this writing Steve is looking for a church in Illinois so
he can continue his work at Lincoln
study course. But it seems this is only a temporary solution, and we want to have
him in U.S. school as he was at Valley Falls, Kansas last year when we were on furlough. Phil and Tabita are making plans for their wedding July 11 here in Brasilia.
Christian Seminary toward the Master of Divinity degree. Patty graduated May
17th at Lincoln with an A.B. in Church
Secretarial Science.
The preacher of the Christian Church in Luziania. Moises, is now living in the new church *^arsoaage". This church is completely self-sustaining.
A special letter of Invitation has come to David Sanders for him to go to Rio de Janeiro to help Jose Nascimento (former
student of the Christian Institute in Goiania and who has served as
David Sanders, Tom Fife and Gerald Holmquist pose in front of the Church of Christ in Anapolis after a recent meeting in Goiania with other missionaries and pastors to plan a Theological Training Center for Central Brazil. The second meeting of those interested in setting up a universitylevel Theological Training Center of the
Christian Churches in central Brazil was
Another invitation
has come,
(Continued from page 3) Irene continues her secondary education in a Brazilian private school
near our home in Brasilia (a different one
Luis Carlos Barbosa, preacherevangelist of the Church in Ceres, reports that the work in Rubiataba, Goias (near Ceres) is growing rapidly and that they already have a leader liv ing in town. The Mother-church in Ceres visits the new congregation once a
held in Goiania on May 9th. Twentyeight people, mostly preachers, and thirteen missionaries were present.
than Danny is in). Dan and she are both doing well in school. Irene is planning to
The Novo Horizonte Church in Goiania now has 160 members. Osorio
Goncalves and missionary Earl Haubner are pastors there. The Uberlandia Church (Harry Scates) has 135 members, 90 young people; 50 are men.
Brasilia church, and I manage the mission farm where church camp grounds are located. I conduct a culto (worship service) there on Tuesday and Friday nights. Also, I am helping the Brazilian efforts to organize and get into operation this next August a Theological education program for preachers and
church workers for the Churches of
Dear Brethren:
We'd like to partake in the Lord's work in Brazil through you, contributing in the following way(s): Pledge $ per month for the Ceflandia Project until the note is pa per month towards Phil McAfee's support. Pledge $ Contribute $ for "Acts Illustrated in Portuguese" for use on the fie
($2 per copy)
(Continued from page 3) and the fact that it is impossible to raise support from overseas, I need your prayers! Please pray that my fiancee and I will be used by the Lord. We are here to serve; not just to live, but to serve. We need your help! Please
Contribute $
Mail form and check or moneyorder to: Brazil Christian Mission Joe Means, Treasurer P.O. Box 17067 Wichita, KS 67217
A special thanks to those that have finished a year of faithful support. God will repay your efforts.
6 33.S
SEP 2 3 1981
o z CD m
Ch <]
Sickness and Ceilandia construc
out His witnesses. The good seed (God's word) also bears fruit (see Is. 55:11).
Two men who worked and studied on the
farm in its early days 1958-1960 - Iderval Ramos and Osorio Rodrigues, are now
tion and congregational needs have keptL. David from leaving Brazil in
good (Gen. 1:31) and gave into man's care. When we came along the weeds were already there; the ground has been
fouled, and it is hard to find the wheat. Oh, how we would like to find, or create,
The weeds always seem to grow the best and in the greatest abundance, choking out the crops. So has it been on
the mission "chacara" (farm) where our
Many spiritual retreats for women, men, youth and children have been con ducted there, on the campgrounds. It is even being rented out to various evangelical churches in the Federal District who hold prayer meetings and spiritual retreats there. Leadership has been strengthened, the saints edified and a few baptized in the creek nearby during the retreats. Only God knows the (Continued on page 4)
(November). Operation at Christian Hospital, St. Louis in December and back to Brazil in January. Ruth and Maria Joyce will be in the States from December through the middle
of February. Write to:
L. David Sanders
Anthony, KS 67003
Brasilia camp grounds are located. Even this year using modern agricultural tech niques and lots of fertilizer, our opera
A mid-week Bible study in neighbor Graciano's home brought out this g^oup.
Graciano is Francisco's father. In the
between the two boys and tbeir families. She and Osorio, Osorio's wife, Lydia, and
Tabita's were Maids of Honor, with Rui Oliveira, a friend from our first days in Brazil, from Goiania, Paulo Teixeira (Linda's fiance), and Eber Teixerense
and Tom and Libby Fife. The church was beautifully decorated with pink roses and candles. After the wedding the newlyweds went on a honeymoon to the south of Brazil, the state of Rio Grande do Sul. They are already back and today they borrowed a pick-up and moved their clothes, wedding gifts,
etc., to Goiania where they will live and lead a new congregation there. Pray for their life together and also for their new church, that they will
both be blessed by the Lord.
Lower four pictures: upper left, the corner foundation area being rebuilt. Right, the old chapel where services are presently being held, and the foundations being completed. Lower left, a view of Ceilandia: paved streets, water tower and new commercial area. Right, some of the founda tion and structural iron being cleared from the area for construction use.
As I write these "Remarks", I am with our six-year-old granddaughter, Kalinka, waiting for her to enter surgery for the removal of one kidney and urinary tract. She has just explained to me how the doctor is going to make two
cuts, one in the back to release the
,formally engaged to Paulo de Tarso Teixeira. In the picture you see them exchanging rings which will be worn on
afraid. Mommy has prayer for the doctor and me and if I should die - I'm going to
live with Jesus." (Now, this is the next
day and she has had her operation... came through fine. We praise the Lord!) David was quite seriously ill this past month with a slight attack of pneumonia
and then stomach and liver inflamation from the antibiotics. He is well and
lyear until he finishes his course. The ,wedding is planned for November.
energy back, planning the year's activities. He now to the States by the 10th of travel through the first of
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862
70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies, write to:
operation before coming back to Brazil. Maria and I hope to come after school ends, first part of December, to be with him for his operation and recuperation. She and I will then accept some speaking engagements for what little time we will spend in the States.. .probably from the
middle of December to middle of
prayers for her in a wonderful way. An older Christian couple, who have no daughters, have taken her in as a daughter, and will help her raise her baby.. .giving orientation and taking
care of her medical needs which include
some specialized help for epilepsy. We are anxiously looking forward to Daryl's visit the last of August for 30
days! Your prayers have been vital to our
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 7-972 70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil
February. Maria is excited about coming as she is expecting to check into possibilities of taking her last year of high school and college in the States. (She would have one more year here in
by David Sanders July over ten years ago, Ceilandia suburb (called a satellite city) of Brasilia was born by transferring a slum area of shacks out to a planned area with lots
and streets. At that time there was no
Philip K. McAfee
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 7-972
water, lights or sewage. Now, ten years later, there is water and lights, and the sewage is being places.
Some Facts: (about this area) as
A hospital is planned Many religious buildings, especial ly of spiritist origin and catholic groups The great need is security... with the lack of policing, few people have courage to walk the streets at night.
questions to:
Brazil Christian Mission
Box 17067
Approximately 11 square miles with some 27,000 people per mile. 65 schools of sixth grade and up to 9th grade level
1,012 classrooms 89,950 students r 1,924 teachers
45 bus lines with 470 buses
which has a primary school behind it (up to 6th grade), an area park, and a small shopping center directly in front, with an easily accessible bus stop. Across the street in front is a Jr. High school and up
the block is the new city hall and new mayor's office.
Attendance and interest in the
Please help keep our records straight by designating your offering for missionary or pro ject. Please do not send checks or
bills to the field. The BrazU Christian Mission
activities in the local congregation is re turning. Twenty-two students have enrolled for Bible Study courses. A
D.V.B.S. was held which reached over 40
published bi-monthly and mailed by Capstan, Inc., with second class postage paid at the U.S.
Post Office in Checotah, Oklaho
25 drug stores
17 banks
different children. The inauguratioa of the aew building has been set for September 6th with special "thanks giving" services.
by Dale McAfee
In 1980 the College Press of Joplin, Missouri, under the leadership of Professor Don DeWelt, began a project
to publish their Pictorial Acts (a beauti fully' illustrated edition which uses the
NIV - New International Version text
One of Joao's sons, Wanderlei Branco
Nieide, were also baptized. decisions in favor of His kingdom that have been reached by individuals who have been there. Missionary Philip
the book will be a valuable evangelism tool. Portuguese text has been prepared
to fit the illustrations, and a total of $4,900 has been raised so far toward the
The Ceilandia Project has sparked a
fire to plant churches in other areas of
McAfee has been in charge of the camp grounds and retreats this past year and
a half.
consisting of six districts called "P" Norte (North), "P" Sul (South), Ceilandia
"D-Day" - decision day, whether to go ahead or not. But the response to the project by then had been inadequate. It was decided to give more time to responses as there is a widening interest in the project. The money raised so far
has been invested to draw interest while more adherences are awaited. Four
Norte, Ceilandia Sul (where the present church is located), Guarioba and Taguatinga Norte. These are open, as well as two other complexes being added to
Brasilia - Opportunity Awaits!
Another new congregation has sprung up in "P" Sul, sponsored by the Brasilia congregation and already has 11
baptized believers with an attendance
You can express your support of the project by praying for it. Send in offerings as possible. Money that comes
in now will be invested to draw interest.
several homes
regularly in another
section of Ceilandia. An offer has been made of a home in another area for
a neighbor family to Christ, and began regular worship services on the camp grounds. Since they have moved back to the U.S., mainly because of Ernie's health (cronic asthma), they have helped one of the boys, Francisco, of that family, go to Johnson Bible College. Secondly, just shortly after the Morelands left, and during a short period in which Osorio was managing the farm and camp grounds, a Christian family was brought to the farm to till the land.
Joao is Osorio's brother. Joao and Edith
these fields. These spontaneous works may help us complete .our goal for ten
new churches in the Federal District by 1984. Your prayers and helps are power
behind the work!
Dear Brethren:
n Pledge $
n Pledge $ Contribute $
per month for the Ceilandia Project until the note is paid.
per month towards Phil McAfee's support. for "Acts Illustrated in Portuguese" for use on the field. for Chacara and Campground program.
has been conducting Bible studies and preaching in the homes there for the last several months. So a budding church has
developed. On July 12, regular Sunday evening services with the Lord's Supper were begun. There were 26 people in attendance. 14 took the Lord's Supper.
Four men, heads of households, were present; two of them that are members of the church, served the communion. The weeds are still around. More are growing, and will grow. But there is also
Name Address
DEC 1 8 1981
Sept.-Oct., 1981
No. 5
Inauguration Postponed
The roof is on the new Ceilandia
We would like to welcome our
church building, but our day of inauguration has had to be postponed. Funds are urgently needed to complete payment of what has already been con tracted for, the roof, the lights, the
sewage, and the iron work. This will not
include the floor or the window glass. Funds are coming in slowly to repay the
$15,000.00 needed for borrowed these for the first
Five Days In
Vacation Bible School
readers who are receiving the BCM Report for the first time. Your name has been placed on our mailing list because we have recently visited your church. We hope that as the BCM Report comes to you every other
month, that you will be reminded
payments and possibly to complete the floors and windows, thus making the building ready for use. The small congre gation is in a campaign to raise money
for some of the glass for the windows. The little wooden chapel was filled to
to keep this work in your prayers. It is only through your prayers and gifts that we are
able to continue this work. Thank
over-flowing on September 6th (day formerly planned for inauguration) when special films and music were presented. They all want to get into the new building.
Below: A group of the Ceilandia chil dren in front of the new church building.
left dead on the street. Police suspect vengeance, as he was a retired military policeman or perhaps an accident think ing that he was someone else, because the assassin fled without taking his
His small flock of beliqvers, shocked beyond belief, have rallied around and are going ahead with the Lord's work in that area. Already five more baptisms have been marked for this coming Lord's Day. These brethren hold four Bible
load of the Goiania youth (36) traveled together to and from the retreat in Brasilia.
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Above, the Sunday afternoon group that meets on the camp grounds, poses for a picture outside the all-purpose building (chapel-dining hall, etc.). When everyone is present we have 18 young people, most of them over 12 years of age! Left,
Francisco Severino Silva, back to the camera,
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Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862
Above, students of the Faculdadede Teoiogia Crista do Brasil in Brasilia (Brasilia Bible College) pose for their picture. Second from the right is Starla
Joy Sanders de Azevedo. Next to her (left) is Francisco Severino da Silva, who
studied last year at Johnson BibleCollege, Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee. Francisco is now at home on the farm with his family, nearest neighbors of the Brasilia camp grounds. He will be working days at the Malaysian Embassy in Brasiliato support himself. Classesat the Faculdade are at night. Left, Dale McAfee gives a class in Panorama of the Bible for the Faculdade, where classes began August 10th. Jairo Gomes de Miranda, pastor of the
Brasilia church (Piano Piloto) is the president and teaches Psychology. Antonia Seve de Azevedo teaches Scientific Methods of study. Zuleika Celestino teaches Portuguese. Paul Lanham teaches Introduction to the Old Testament
and Evangelism.
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70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies, write to:
o 0
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Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 7-972 70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil
Classes began simultaneously in Goiania, where seven students are enrolled. Professors there are: Paul Lanham, Tom Fife, Earl Haubner, and a Brazilian woman who teaches Psychology.
c c
Below, Carlos Alberto, Irene McAfee, Marcos Wanderlei, Edelweis Mafra and Ricardo
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Ribeiro(left to right) met recently in the Brasiliachurch youth room to plan for this year's
Youth Congress of Church of Christ (Christian) in Central Brazil. The Brasilia church will
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host the meeting October 30 - November 2. Plans are being made to host 800youth.
c c c
G c 0 Q C Q
Please help keep our records straight by designating your offering for missionary or pro
ject. Please do not send checks or
bills to the field.
C Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Daryl Bruce spent the month of September with us here. It was great to have him here. He came by submarine
and left by plane back to his base in Charleston, South Carolina. He told us of
five-day DVBS in Ceilandia pose together with Wanda Bastos, director and two of
Kyula (Starla's oldest girl) and six Brazilian teenagers coming to the States in special deputation and presentation among the churches. It is an opportunity
for the churches to see our Brazilian
all bringing sleeping bags, so we can sleep anywhere and, though most of the teenagers have had no experience with
Lord". Their parents are paying their travel expenses and we are hoping for free-will offerings at the churches to pay
our gas and oil. Our preparations and plans need your prayers!
A recent Inter-American Develop ment Bank Bulletin had the following
per month for the Ceilandia Project until the note is paid. per month towards Phil McAfee's support. for "Acts Illustrated in Portuguese" for use on the field.
D Contribute $ Other:
IN 46049
Nov.-Dec., 1981
No. 6
Technical Production and Mailing by: CAPSTAN, Inc. Address Correction Requested; Capstan-BCM Rt.2,BoxLH32 Checotah, OK 74426
November, 1981
c/o Lloyd David Sanders, President Dear Brethren in Christ, For nearly a year now we have been sensing that the Lord isdirecting us to another place of work. After over 25 years of being affiliated with B.C.M. it isn't easy to separate. After giving our hearts and lives to the work of preaching and teaching, and all the support work connected with a mission, we find it difficult to make the change. After the experience of prolonged close personal relationships we find even the thought of severance unwelcome. After many years of residence in Brazil, where we leave two maiTied children, we find it hard to make the move. But with a firm conviction of doing right we do hereby submit our
It is impossible to express sufficient gratitude to those who have served on the B.C.M. before 1970, Board of Representatives, and since then. Board of Trustees, who gave and continue to give voluntarily and freely of time, counsel and of their own resources to make our position as missionaries possible. To the faithful supporters, many of whom have held the ropes of prayer and financial sustenance the whole 20 years we have been affiliated as missionaries, our thankfulness is completely inadequate. We pray believing in the sufficiency of God's providence for His reward in your lives. Brethren in Christ in Brazil have been called into the Master's service. We bid farewell, but hold them up before God's throne for His perfect work of grace to be done in their lives. We trust completely in your taking care of the details of our separation, and of carrying on the work in progress. So, as of December 20, we release all responsibilities we have been carrying, wishing you God's speed with your share of the Lord's vineyard. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Dale H. McAfee
missionary family. May this news bulletin be an in spiration to your spiritual grou;fh
and vision!
Rio de Janeiro, Philip and Tabita continue to make their home in Goiania, engaged in the gospel work with the new church in Setor Urias Magalhaes.
(Continued on page 4)
Linda, Irene, Samuel, Carol and Dale McAfee infront of the Brasilia church bu//ding one Sunday morning after services.
Philip McAfee
youth rally. Wehadan average 400 people for eachsession, from 14 different congre gations. Our speakers spoke on the power
of prayer, praise, testimony and sanctification.
Philand Tabita infront of the gate that leads to their apartment in Goiania.
an excellent sermon on the power of sanctification. God being holy, and sancti
the privilege of leading a Bible knowledge test. The winner was a young man
studying law, member of the Pires do Rio
congregation. Second and third place were won by Brasilia youth. We many times underestimate the strength we have in the Lord, and livelives without excitement and adventures for the
fying everything that has to do with Him, we then forget that we too must be holy,
and this then divides the church because
having meetings, going on picnics, and singing for the Lord. The Brasilian people
love to sing, more so than the Americans. We are always having a difficult time
keeping up with the new choruses that
we do not live lives worthy of our calling. One of the national preachers gave a sermon in which he_wsua!ized the dif ference between a ceremony and a true
service. All of us need to be aware of this
appear. I do praise God that many of the new songs and choruses are scripture
songs. At the rally we learned two new ones, Psalms 96 and Daniel 2:20. These two passages are powerful and memorized
for good because of the song. There are many other passages being sung also.
Goiania is an exciting city and its people are very adventurous. Our youth
groups in Setor Fama and in Setor Urias
Tabita and I have been adapting to Goiania quite well. I have been working
with Tom Fife at the Fama church and
Magalhaes are constantly doing things. They are visiting, celebrating birthdays,
Left, youth carried 500 mattresses
programs. The Fama church can praise God for its progressive growth and
maturity In Christ. Tabita and I studied the
/or sleeping, not to mention stoves, pans, food, and all the things needed to feed
that many! Lower left, Tabita and Linda helped receive and take registrations.
Lower right, Phil led the Bible Knowl
- Mliiiir, Bn
I have been meeting in homes to study with people that have expressed a desire
to receive Christ as their Saviour. Novem
ber 8 is to be the first baptism as a result and in the new baptistry just built! The Fama church had been using the baptistry of a neighbor church, but because of its
own need, we gathered our resources and
built a baptistry. Itcost over$600 dollars to build this little and simple baptistry! The Urias congregation had been renting what used to be a small store, but when the contract (1 year) expired, we were asked to move out, so now we are
meeting in homes again. This is rather in
convenient since on Sunday evenings we have an average of 30 people present, and none of our homes are large enough to meet this requirement. We are hoping to
build a small meeting place but have no place to build on. I praise God for the opportunities we have in serving Him. 1 am presently teaching the youth S.S. class and preach
ing most of the time at Urias. I have also been making visits and helping with councel, leading people in their worship of
our Lord and Saviour. Tabita and I live in a small house close to where Tom Fife lives. We are reason
A neu; year to accorr]plish the
Lord's work in Brazil with your help!
ably close to the church and the middle of town. The house however, is small and we are presently paying $120 rent and it is going to go up to $220 in December, We would like to have a place of our own, but depend on the Lord.
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862
Upper right, men ux)rk on the drain for the new baptistry at the Fama church. Below, the singing group of the Brasilia church as they song at the Area Rally. They have a nice group and have sung for many programs in the church.
70.000 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies, write to: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Durham
2929 South Martinson Street
Valley Falls, Kansas 66088 (913) 945-3355 For information, colored slides and
mission studies, write to:
Mission Services Box 177
first day and 65 on the second day. Plan ned and carried out by Mrs. Wanda Bastos, head of the church's children's department, with the help of Mrs. Etza
Alencar and Mrs. Starla Azevedo and a
Please help keep our records straight by designating your offer ings for missionary or project.
Please do not send checks or bills to the field.
Picture Time!
Songs were taught through visual aids made by one of the teachers. The singing period was directed by the young people and its "Revelation" singing group. Flannelgraph stories were presented. Many of these children accepted personal counsel ing on what it means to receive Christ. None came from religious families, but most had a Bible at home which they had never seen open. Each day refreshments were served which had been furnished by
the ladies of the church.
Refreshment Time!
is owned by the religious organiza tion of the same name and is pub lished bi-monthly and mailed by Capstan, Inc.. unth second class postage paid at the U.S. Post Office in Checotah, Oklahoma 74426. Sub scriptions are paid from offerings
The ^oung people at practice, pre paring for their trip and presentafions.
Hartford City Indiana. Finally to Florida and back to Brazil on February 8, 1982. Four of our group willstay in the States to study. Maria Joyce willbe one of these. L. David should be returning to Brazil in
Merry Christmas and a blessed
4. Please keep us in your prayers through the following schedule: New York; Canton, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; then to Kansas Kansas City, Havensville, Manhattan, Abilene, Topeka, Hartford, Osage City, Wichita, Anthony, Harper, Sedgwick, Hutchinson, Norwich, Atlanta, LaCrosse, Norton, Valley Falls. In
Oklahoma: Byron, Wikita, Tulsa, Mus-
New Year from all the missionaries and trustees of BRAZIL CHRISTIAN MISSION
Though fhts will not get into your hands unfi/ after Christmas, we are thinking of you, our wonderful co-laborers in the Gospel and praying that this Christmas will be full of praise for you and yours! And may we together have a blessed fulfilling New Year!
Love, Ruth
worship services that morning. Daryl Bruce Sanders received leave of absence from the Navy to spend these days with his father in the hospital and to help in his transportation needs at that
time. Bro. Sanders was able to receive a call from Ruth who arrived in New York
with a group of young people from Brasilia on December 5th, and will be spending a few days in Queens Village at the Terry Reyes residence; he promised to help orientate them in their great city.
Scheduled to leave for Brazil on
We'd like to partake in the Lord's work in Brazil through you. by contributing in the following way(s): n Pledge $ per month for the Ceilandia Project until the note is paid. Pledge $ per month towards Phil McAfee's support. n Contribute $ for "Acts Illustrated in Portuguese" for use on the field. ($1.60 per copy) Contribute $ for Chacara and Campground program. n Other: Name
December 14, Bro. Sanders is spending a few days resting at the Winston-Salem Bible college, where he has also been able to meet with students and faculty. A special word of thanks to each and everyone of them and to our many friends for your prayers and help on the furlough, our continued work and just now for this special hour of medical need.
Mail form and check or moneyorder to: Brazil Christian Mission Joe Means, Treasurer P.O. Box 17067 Wichita, KS 67217
Dale and Carol have not as yet elaborated any work plans for the future, letting the Lord guide. They will be residing in Valley Falls, Kansas near Dale's mother, Mrs. Mildred McAfee. They will be avail able to visit supporting churches the first six months of 1982. Contact them by mail in care of: Mildred McAfee, 510 Oak St., Valley Falls, KS 66088; phone (913)