Intercessory Missions Update October 2017
Intercessory Missions Update October 2017
Intercessory Missions Update October 2017
The Washington Report
We have so much to share! We want to begin by saying again to all of you THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK
YOU for making it possible for us to be in Washington D.C. for Awaken the Dawn and Rise Up-The Call. We are so
appreciative for all of the special gifts and for all of your prayers for us. The Lord kept us safe and we both felt very well
throughout the trip praise be to God!
We left Kansas City on Wednesday, October 4, and drove to Indianapolis, IN where we spent the night with Melissas
brother & sister-in-law. We rose quite early the next day and began the long drive from Indianapolis to Washington D.C.
We were 12 hours on the road that day, and it rained very hard nearly the entire drive. We were thankful for new tires and
new windshield wipers! The Lord brought us safely to our hotel in Alexandria, VA around 7 pm local time, so we were
able to get a good nights rest before the event began the next day.
We decided Friday morning to take one sight-seeing trip to George Washingtons Mt. Vernon. It was a great privilege to
tour the house and grounds adjacent to the Potomac River, where 250 years ago the father of our nation had lived. We
then drove back to our hotel where we packed up for the journey into D.C. Each day we took small backpacks with food
for lunches & suppers, water bottles, umbrellas, etc. The hotel shuttle would drop us off at the Metro subway station, and
we rode the yellow line in to a station just 2 blocks from the National Mall. The ride there each day only took about 30
Awaken the Dawn was amazing! We experienced the manifest presence of the Lord day & night, 24 hours a day
for 3 days. It literally swept through the capital. It was a national gathering, and yet it seemed much of the time to
be so personal and intimate as Jesus was being glorified. There was so much diversity, different ethnicities,
different backgrounds, different denominations but day and night we adored him and we loved one another. The
worth and splendor of Jesus was on display. One of the workers in the tent company that set up the tents said,
This is the biggest party Ive ever been a part of or ever seen. And it was all for Jesus!
There were over 1,600 worship & prayer teams participating in the tents. Worship went day & night for 57 hours
straight, for a total of 2,850 hours of combined corporate worship & prayer. From all across America, all at the
same time, we were bringing an offering of love to Jesus. It was wild, creative, joyful, contending, prayerful and
there is no way God is not going to respond!
The California tent said to get there and bring worship teams was very costly for them (thats a long distance!). But
the momentum was sovereign from the Lord as they shared the vision across their state, and they ended up having
35 teams come from California. At the event, tents were collaborating and sharing musicians throughout the 3 days
there was so much unity! One of the states testified that they had been working for years to try and build unity in
their state, and this event has been the breakthrough and many churches are forming real friendships with each
Some testimonies from Awaken the Dawn: An ice cream vendor who was a believer came mostly not to sell ice
cream, but to witness to people she led 51 people to Jesus. Uber drivers got saved in the car. There were many
planned outreaches to the city at the event. During just one of the outreaches over 500 people heard the gospel.
Another outreach reported 19 people surrendered their lives to Jesus. Tens of thousands were impacted by the
outreaches. There were very many verifiable healings deaf ears opened, eyesight restored, legs and backs
being healed, auto-immune disorders healed, disabling arthritic pain left.
In the short span of a few days, in one event, we entered into a new season, a new dawning. We have transitioned
into something fresh, something new that is going to be replicated, it is going to continue across the nation, and we
are going to see many of these types of gatherings begin to happen. I believe we are on the cusp of a new Jesus
Movement in America. In 2018 on Columbus Day weekend, we will launch Tent America and we will replicate
what we did on the Mall (worship, prayer, and gospel proclamation) in all 50 state capitols and on some major
college campuses across America. In all 50 states, we will show our love for Jesus publicly, boldly, visibly, and in
unity with one another. This was just round one!
Rise Up-The Call
Rise Up-The Call took place on the final (fourth) day Monday, Columbus Day
and it was focused on calling forth the women of God in America to Rise Up, even
as Deborah did in the time of the judges, and to take their place in their families, in
the church, and in our nation. We arrived at the event on the Mall in the morning, just
after a major storm had come through, which was actually the remnants of Hurricane
Nate. Nate is a shortened name for Nathaniel which means gift of God. So we
felt what took place that day was a special gift of God to America, signifying His
mercy toward us.
During one particularly powerful season of prayer, the women were called to begin to contend for the salvation of their
families, their households, their sons & daughters. A man named Tim came to the stage and shared his testimony that 20
years ago, on this very weekend, he had attended a Promise Keepers event for men right there at the National Mall. He
was a young man at the time, and very far from God, but he went because his Dad pleaded with him to go. At one point,
he walked away into the city to get away from the intensity, but the Lord visited him on a street corner, where he had a
Damascus Road experience. He felt extreme fear and hopelessness, and saw & felt himself slipping into hell for
eternity! He repented and came back to God, but the road was rocky for him still until the following Mothers Day when
He made a final breakthrough with the Lord into salvation. At that time, the Lord said to him, Do you remember the
feeling you had in Washington D.C.? That was because I removed my hand from your life for just a few moments to show
you what your life would be like without the prayers of your mother and grandmother. It has been their prayers that
have kept My hand on your life all these years.
A woman then came to the platform and shared her
testimony that as she was praying one afternoon on her back
porch for her prodigal daughter, the Lords presence filled
her and she began to shout her daughters name, saying,
(Daughter), come back to God! She shouted it over and
over. Women all over the Mall began to shout out the
names of their prodigal sons & daughters Come back to
God, come back to God! It was a holy moment, filled with
tears and cries many got down upon their knees. We
believe a summons from God was placed upon the lives of
our sons and daughters, and a salvation movement began!
Soon after this time of intercession for our families, several women of various ethnicities came to the platform Hispanic,
African-American, White, Native American. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of many who
led out in proclamations and prayers for the end of racism in our nation! We also prayed for the youth of the inner cities,
for an end to gang violence, and for breakthroughs in the opioid drug epidemic. One cry, after another, after another was
being raised by these mothers in America, for the healing of a nation. It was very powerful intercession before the throne!
The large JumboTrons on either side of the stage then began to scroll the
names of all the nearly 60,000 people who had already signed the
petition. (So, think of it, if you have already signed your name spoke
loudly in Washington D.C. on October 9 th!). The large screen then held
for several minutes a slide of the website address as well as the text
information for how to sign The Moral Outcry petition. Thousands
began to get out their phones and participate. We learned later that an
estimated 1.7 million were viewing on Facebook live. There were also
other streaming platforms showing the event, as well as God TV, and
estimates have been as high as 8 million viewers! This was the largest
The Call event to date, taking into account web stream viewers.
Once people began to log on to the website, it suddenly crashed! We initially thought it was
the volume of traffic on the site, although developers of the site had prepared for the large
influx. Later it was discovered that the site was purposefully hacked, and we believe it was
just another way the enemy is fighting this petition. However, the texting mechanism still
worked, so people were directed for several more minutes to sign by text. We have not heard
final numbers yet, but we know many thousands more signed the petition to overturn Roe v.
We have learned that Alan Parker actually submitted on Friday to the Supreme Court a first
draft of the petition with the initial 57,750 signatures! There has been a change in the
processes for submitting which will take effect shortly, so the Lords leading was to go ahead
with this first submission now. PLEASE BE PRAYING FOR THIS PETITION as it is being
reviewed, that the case will be accepted and will be heard. In the meantime, we are still
working toward 1 million signatures and believe by the time the case comes before the court
we will have met the goal, or exceeded it! Please continue to share through email, social
media, and word of mouth tell everyone you know to log on to the website:, and sign this petition. Thank you!
Final Thoughts
One afternoon we rested for a bit at the tables in one of the Malls refreshments areas by the tent pathway, and a woman
came to sit at our table. We asked where she was from, and in a thick Jewish accent she said, Israel. We knew it was a
divine appointment. Her husband and son arrived shortly, and we began a conversation. They live near Tel Aviv, and
were in Washington just beginning a two-week vacation in the states. We told them we live in Kansas City, and are part
of a prayer ministry that God has blessed with a heart to pray for Israel. They were very interested, and the son who looked
to be in his twenties said he had heard of International House of Prayer. We shared with them that for the past 18 years,
we have intercessors who have been praying night-and-day, non-stop in Kansas City, and that each Tuesday our entire day
is given to praying for Israel. They were amazed! We ended our conversation by speaking a blessing over them, and they
were so appreciative! We will continue to keep them in our prayers their last name is Sion easy to remember
Zion! Now every Tuesday we will have the faces of a special Jewish family in our minds as we are praying for Israel.
We began by giving thanks, and we want to end this report the same way with thanksgiving to the Lord and to all our
precious friends & supporters who made the way for us. We prayed several times while there in Washington, that the spirit
of what was taking place would visit each one of you who gave and prayed for us to be there. We know that it will
happen! And we are already making plans to be in our state capitol, Jefferson City, on Columbus Day weekend in 2018.
Those of you living here in Missouri, why dont you plan to join us? We will share details with all of you as things are
taking shape. We believe the end of abortion in America is coming, and we are doing all we can to serve that end! And we
believe a new Jesus people movement is rising up in America, and these tent gatherings are mobilizing that movement.
Why not take your place, and play your part? Come, let us magnify the Lord together!