Hoff William Margy 2007 Honduras

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Doral, FL 331202-1615

Phone (Honduras): 011-504-566-2440

e-mail: [email protected]
website: bajiochristian.org


Bill and Margy Hoff

2227 N.W 79th Ave. Box P2025


Bajio Christian Mission

Attn: Lyn Mclntj're
34428 YucaipaBlvd. E-192
Yucaipa,CA 92399
Phone: 909-797-4628

Published Quarterly

Vol. 38, Number 1

Winter 2007

Classes ~ What do you teach?

In the last semester, the students have covered Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2,
and 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. They have also memorized many of the "bench
mark" scriptures that are essendal in forming Christian character. My only regret with
this group of students is that, because of a programming error, they did not study the
Book of Song of Songs. Other than that, they have studied every book in the Bible.
In addition to Bible, they have had classes in pastoral counseling and pastoral du
ties. The students developed numerous sermons to present in class and in their
home churches. We also held classes on practical themes. For example, baptism
in a river is quite different than baptism in a calm baptistry. Swift currents can
sweep one's feet out from under them during a baptism. Because of these dif
ficulties, the future preacher needs to be instructed and practiced in the art of
performing baptisms.

Graduation ~ Class of 2006

Nine students celebrated as they completed their studies and
graduated from the Bible Institute on November 11th. About
two hundred and fift)' brothers and sisters from the area church
es attended in support of these men.
Carlos Cojon, minister to the church
in Omoa, encouraged the graduates

with Romans 12:11, "Never be lack

ing in zeal, but keep your spiritual

fervor, serving the Lord." He challenged them to remain passionate about the Lord and on hre in
ministry. Area churches participated in leading the worship and alumni shared in prayer and
readingin the service. The graduates blessedus with a song, "Here I Am, Send Me." It was a w o n
derful day of rejoicing in what the Lord has done and will do in and through these men.

Sponsoring a student is building the future of the church!

The costs of training men for the ministry go up monthly.
Until now the mission has borne these costs with some

sjTTibolic help from local churches and missionaries. But

costs are out pacing our resources. The 12 national churches
are not in an economic position to provide more help than
the $30 monthly fee that helps offset the food costs of their
students. This fee helps the student appreciate his education
and helps prepare the churches for the eventual day when
they will need to operate the school on their own.
You can help! You, or your church Sunday school class, or

cellgroup, can help by sponsoring a student's tuition at a cost

of 150 dollars per month; or by sponsoring a student's books

which will cost 140 dollars per semester.
In return, we will provide information about the man you
sponsor, his ministry aspirations, and academic development.
We will also send you a picture and translate his letter of
thanks and future correspondence.
Please participate in the preparation of foture ministers in
Honduras. If you have any questions, contact Bill Hoff at
[email protected] or call his VOIP phone number 865686-6585.

A Dream Come True

For many years, I have taught Bibleand Church history. When we were able toa
visit the Holy Land in 1989, that was a dream come true. But this last summer
another dream became realit}' when we were able to visit Germany, the land of
the Protestant Reformation.

Former members of our congregation here in Honduras had returned to Germa

ny to retire and had given us an open invitation. Because wc were able to obtain

the help of Richard Gring to teach at the Insutute, we escaped to Europe. The

The Lutzes

airport in London was a disaster, but we made the plane

with moments to spare, and our friends picked us up in Munich. Bavaria was indescribably beautiful.
The weatherwas gorgeous. I used a bicycle again for the first dme in about twent}' years (riding in
Ladn Americais taking your lifein your hands). We were treated like royalty by the Helmut and Mari
anne Lutz family.

We saw Munich, Passau, and a dozen of nearby towns. Then Margyand I filled up a backpack and
took three different trains north to Lutherstad Wittenburg, where we enjoyed two whole days touring
the museums and churches of the Reformation. Our return trip was an adventure because one of our
trains was canceled and we don't speak German. But God is faithful.
Luther's home

Perhaps somedaywe will be able to save up the fare and find the time to do it again. It was so nice to
put buildings and geography on the history. (Bill)

Margy on Vacation
"P B If

The first week of October I flew to Atlanta

where Rebecca and Zach picked me up at the

airport. We then drove to Panama Qty-Beaches, Florida, where we checkcd into a nice motel

on the beach. All of us tlioroughly enjoyed

the ocean and the heated outside pool. Zach
had on a life jacket and water wings so swam
wherever he wanted. We dici some shopping
and ate some delicious ribs and sea food.

Margy and Grandson Zach

After two and a half days of fun and food.
we headed back to Adanta. Rebecca bought some "boiled peanuts" in a "Ma and Pa" store
along the way. It was a delightful trip, but just too short. (Margy)


The COLD followed us

My mother (83) has had excellent health, but now her short term memory is fading. She has
fallen and broken a couple bones, but she heals quickly. Therefore, the great concern for my
siblings and myself is the fact that she has trouble gettinglost when she goes out for a drive.
She also has had a series of accidents (none of which she remembers), and I have heard re
ports of dangerous driving. It became obvious that she would have to give up driving.

I had been tryingto figure when and how to make the trip to Las Vegas, when an e-mail from
a former teacher suggested that I interview his brother in Piedras
Negras as a possible teacher. As a result, Mark and I formed a
plan. Wewould go to the missionar) convention in Indianapolis,
and then to Las Vegas to help with Mother, and then to Mexico.

Mark, Rebecca. Zach,

and Bill

We arrived in Indy a couple of days before the convention. The weather was balmy ~ in the 70s.
We shopped some and then went to the convention. It was wonderful visiting old friends and
share about the ministry. Rebecca and Zach visited for a day, too. Zach is a real charmer. But the
weather suddenly turned cold. Mark had warm clothes stored at the in-laws, but I only had a wind-

breaker, so I suffered. After the convention, I was pleased to be flying to warm Las Vegas. But, the
Bill and Zach

day after we arrived, it went from "^2" to 40 and windy.

Mark and I had a wonderful stay with grandmother/mother. We ate out in several
casino buffets and a couple of dmes with my brother and his family My other brother
flew up from Phoenix and we made some
decisions about the family trust, went to
church, and went to see the Ethel M chocolate

Bill and Mark with his


factory's cactus garden covered with Christ

mas lights. The best entertainment in Vegas
is fattening. The last full daywe took Mom to
the DMV to give up her license. It was hard
for her to give up her freedom, but having
her injured or hurdng others would have been
much worse. Mark and I had had enough
cold; we stopped at Goodwill and bought
jackets. (We had left Mark's jackets in Indy.)

A bunch of Hoffs

When we arrived in Houston it was warm and humid. We rented a car and drove to San Antonio, where we spent the night.
The weather got bitter cold and windy during the night. We drove on to Eagle Pass where we spent a productive time with the
faculty and administration of Colegio Biblicodiscussing academic programs and cooperation. They have offered to send us
some short-term teachers during their vacation period. We couldn't take the rental car across the border, so we walked across
die bridge in near freezing temperatures and winds of forty miles an hour or more. We felt like we were freezing and the
gusts nearly blew us off the sidewalk and into traffic. On the Mexican side in Piedras Negras, we were met by Noe, a former
teacher, and Antonio, his brother, who is graduating this spring from Colegio Biblico. He wants to teach for us in the second
semester. We had a very positive interview with Antonio and Sari, his wife ~ one that was made more pleasant by a quiet, in
expensive restaurant specializing in grilled meats, tortillas, and great sauces. We walked back to the US and, after careful scru
tiny of our passports by officials, left for Houston. Thank God that since getting back to San Pedro Sula, I haven't needed my
Goodwill jacket once. (Bill)

Holiday Festivities for the Church

The annual Thanksgiving dinner was held in a nearby town with 120people in attendance. There was plent)^ of turkey with all
the trimmings. The desserts were worth waiting another year for. It was fun to renew acquaintances with some friends that
we don't see often and to talk to members we don't have time to speak with on Sunday mornings.

The worship program was different with scripture readings and testimonies of gratefulness, along with a drama applicable to
Thanksgiving. It was all well planned and enjoyed by the group. (Margy)

Children's Program
Joy had the students in her Creative Writing class write a Christmas drama. She used the best parts and added to it to make a
very good drama for the youth. Other young people did scripture readings that were applicable to the drama. The litde chil
dren sang a couple of songs and we really felt the Christmas spirit on Sunday, December 10th. (Margy)

Children's Party
I hosted the part}?^
this }'ear. loy
baked and cut out

about 100 sugar

cookies. The
children from

ages 6 to 12 came
and decorated

them. Following
that, they played
games and vari
ous prizes were given. Several mothers came and we enjoyed the
fellowship also. The children were very proud of their decorated
cookies. When Mark and Bill arrived and asked for one, their im

mediate answer was, no! (Margy)

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 24th, was a very busy day for the Hoffs. Mark, Bill, andJoy all
leftour house at 7:15 a.m. to setup the sound equipment at the church. Joy sang
with the worship team. Following the service we invited another family to our

We enjoyed Christmas morn

ing opening gifts and sharinga

brunch with Mark and Joy. Mark

house and ordered pizzas. The malls and restaurants were verv crowded. Three

then drove us to the Fields' home.

hours later it was dme to return to the hotel andset up the sound equipment in

Lynnell and girls liveabout one

hour and twenty minutes from San
Pedro Sula. She hosted a typical
Chrismias dinner for 22 guests.
The location, near Lake Yojoa, is
beautiful. (Margy)

another room at the hotel. The hotel had everything nicely decorated for the eve
ning. Following the singing of Christmas carols. Bill led the group in a candlelight
communionservice. Then the waiters served us some delicious finger food which
we had catered. It was all very nice. But the day was not over. Wewere invited to
our Russian friends' home for their annual dinner. (Margy)

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Georgia Sharpe


William and Margy Hoff^[email protected]]


Tuesday, May 0'


Rendel, Jacob



8:36 PM

Dear E-mail family,

I am sitting in an air-conditioned office watching the lowering of large pre-cast concrete beams for the ceiling of the first
floor In the mall being constructed across the street. We had no idea that a mall would be built there when we purchased
this house but I'm sure the Lord knew. It may be a blessing or a curse depending on the traffic and our ability to walk to It.
T.G.I. Friday's and similar restaurants will be located there.

The newspaper has advertised that tomorrow is supposed to be as "Hot as Hell". I doubt that, but we will survive in the
heat. We are always grateful when the temperature drops a few degrees.

There are currently four students at the Bible institute. Bill teaches three days a week and Mark heads the student work
program. Mark and Joy purchase the food on a weekly basis. A new professor and his family will be arriving in June and
staying on the facility. A work team will be helping construct a much needed building the latter part of June. Please help
us pray for more students.

The church is having a large departure of members this summer. We have already lost our church treasurer. Another
family that has been involved in music and youth work has been transferred to Africa. A factory manager and his family
are leaving and two single school teachers will be changing jobs. We have been greatly in need of preachers for
sometime. Bill does most of the preaching at this time.

Bill and I will be going to Knoxville from May 30th until June 10th. We have the great privilege of babysitting our grandson
while their parents enjoy a much needed vacation in Mexico. On November 13th we will be traveling to the States until the
end of January. During this time we will be attending the National Missionary Convention, I (Margy) will go to Mayo Clinic
in Phoenix area for tests and consultations, we will be speaking at some of our supporting churches, and also will visit
with family and friends over the holidays.

Because of our long absence from the church, we are looking for someone that would be willing to come and preach
during this time or at least part of the time. The institute will be on winter break during these months.

God bless you and thank you for your support.

William and Margy Hoff, 08:54 PM 7/10/2007 -0600, A ministry update


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Subject: A ministry update
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Dear Friends of the ministry,

I wanted to type a few lines to up date you about the activities in our lives.

In June, Margy and I spent a little more than a week during our semester break in Tennessee. Seven days of that time we
enjoyed babysitting our grandson Zach. A four year old can sure keep you hopping. Margy got a terrible toothache and had
to have it pulled, but we enjoyed our time in the States.

We were blessed to host a work team from the Church of Christ at Manor Woods in Maryland at the end of June. David
Chia (a previous teacher at a Christian school in San Pedro Sula) and their church's new youth minister and wife led the
team. The group came to hold a Vacation Bible School and work on the construction of two new buildings at the institute.

The VBS was held at the Bible Institute. The last day there was an attendance of 93 children. It was a great experience for
all involved. The students took home the message of the Word of God and a small gift of school supplies.

Following the Bible school, the work team laid block on our new Classrooms and Office/Library buildings. They laid about
900 blocks leaving the Classrooms nearly finished and a good start on the Office/Library building. The last day everyone
went to the Mayan ruins at Copan. Although it is a long trip to make in one day, it is a beautiful piece of history to visit.

At the Bible Institute we have just begun a new semester. Two local preachers, Antonio Soriano, and myself are teaching
the classes. Antonio, his wife Sarahi, and their three-month-old son are from Mexico and have committed to serve at the

Institute for one year. Please pray that they will adapt well and stay longer.

The Christian churches have been unable to book space for their annual convention, so it is to be held at the Bible Institute

this month. It normally draws more than 200 persons. We have bed space for 40, but everyone else will have to sleep on
mats or mattresses that they bring. Please pray for us. The real pinch will be in bathroom facilities.

Thank you for your support in prayers and gifts. God bless.

Bill and Margy

Printed for Mission Services Association <[email protected]>




and Margy Hoff

79Lli A^t. BoxT2025

Dora], FL 331202-1615




Phone (Honduras): 011-504-566-2440

e-mail: [email protected]
website: bajiochristian.org
Bajio Christian Mission
Atm: Lyn Mclntyre
34428 Yucaipa Blvd. E-192
Yucaipa, CA 92399
Phone: 909-797-4628

Published Quarterly

Summer 2007

Vol. 38, Number 2

New Students, New Teacher, New Year . . .

The Lord brought us four new students who began classes in February. Mardoqueo and Henry
come to us from a Lifeline Christian Mission Church just outside of San Pedro Sula. Santos is
from the coast in Omoa, and Juan is from Tegucigalpa. Of the four,Juan is the only one that
is married. His wife works in Tegucigalpa and most of his children are grown, therefore, we
do not have any student wives living on campus this year. All four of these men havea desire
to smdy the Word to further the Gospel. We are thrilled to have them and know God will use
them in His kingdom.

Soriano Family

We cannot say enough about how blessed we are to have a

new professor,Antonio Soriano, and his wife, Sarahi, with us
at the Bible Institute. They arrived on May 28th and have be
come a part of our team. They are livingat the Bible Institute
where diey can fill an active role of overseeing and discipling
the students. Antonio is teaching two of the classes this
semester. He and Sarahi are adjusting to many new things as
they have moved here from Mexico and are also new parents.
They havea beautiful three-month-old babyboy, Gael. Joy

New Students

Textbooks for Institute

Welcome, Church of Christ at Manor Woods!

We were blessed to host a work team from the Church of Christ at Manor Woods in Maryland at the end of June. David Chia (a previous

teacher at a Christian school in San Pedro Sula) and their church's new youth minister and wife led the team. The group came to hold a Vaca
tion Bible Schooland work on the constructionof two new buildings at the institute. The VBS washeld at the Bible Institute. The last day

there was an attendance of 93children. It was a great experience for all involved. The students took home the message of theWord of God
and a small gift of school supplies.

Following the Bible school, thework team laid block on our new Classrooms andOffice/Library buildings. They laid about 900 blocks
leaving the Classrooms nearly finished and a good start on the Office/Librar)' building. The lastday everyone wentto the Mayan ruins at
Copan. Although it is a longtrip to make in one day, it is a beautiful piece of history to visit. Joy

Group from Manor Woods

Children in VBS

Church Members Leave

It has been a difficult year for those of us who remain at the English speakingchurch. We have had some
very active members leave throughout the year. Our church treasurer und her husband moved to the States
after living in Honduras for many years. In June, Mark
and Shanda Oakley left with their three children. They

hosted most of die social activities of the church.



Oakley Family

Shanda and Mark were a big help in the music depart

ment and Shanda was gready involved with the youth.
This a great loss but will they will be a blessing wher
Karen & Henry Fransen
ever thev go. Two young ladies who were teachers in
San Pedro Sula also left. One returned to the States and the other moved to Teguci
galpa. It will be difficult to replace them because they have helped with the church's
music, but we know that it is the Lord's church so more people will come.

Church's Music Team

Prayer Meeting with a Bagpiper

Members Graduate


It is always a proud time when students graduate from high school. Even though they aren't
'our'diildren, they arcour-family iirthe Lord. Four of the five graduates have attended our
church for years so we have felt ver}'close to them. The fifth student was home schooled
by a missionary mother so wanted to participate in the ceremony also. There were tables
at the church with memorabilia on displayof each of the graduates. Three of the fathers
participated in the charge to the young people. It was a very specialday for everyone.

High School Graduates

Bill Jokingly Calls Them Coffins

Lynnell Fields, a close friend of the Hoffs, has been serving as Chaplin and social worker in the public
hospital. She obserx'ed that the conditions in the pediatric ward could be gready improved if the family
member who cares for the cliild had a place to store their belongings and to rest. Usually the mother
stays with the child but they have to spend day and night siting in an uncomfortable plastic chair.
Regulations prohibit visitors from layingon the floor or putting their purses or belongings on the floor
which is mopped several times a day. Lynnellwanted to have chests made with a cushion on top where
the mother could sleep and keep her clothes and belongings. She got approval from the administration
and asked Bill to get estimates on building the chests which are 18X53X18inches. Members of the

English speaking church got involved. To date 23 have been made and paid for. One woman who is

Chests for Hospital

skilledin calligraphy puts a verse on the inside of the lid to encourage the parents, and then Billhas been delivering them to the hospital.
The nursing staff and the care givers are overjoyed at this addition. Jesus said, "I was sick and you visited me."

A Different Ride for Margy

In 2000 we purchased an Isuzu pickup for Margy's use. It gets 36-40 mpg but the small
dieselrequires a lot of gear shifting. Margyhas been sufferinga bit of arthritis,and shifting
bothers her, so Bill purchased a Chevy Blazerwith an automatic. It is a '9K with only 24,000
miles and it is immaculate. Unfortunately, the V6 was a GM "make ii cheaper" disaster which
gets 12 mpg because of poor fuel injectionengineering. Bill will be instsdling an upgraded
injection kit as soon as possible. The good news is that the smooth nde, the automatic, the
ease of parking, and the stylingadd up to the fact that Margy lo\'es it. Bill has passed his old
(83) Chevy pickup down to the teacher at the Bibleinstitute and is drivingthe Isuzu.

Margy's Blazer

The Highlight of
our Year
Billand I always anticipatespending time
widi our grandson, Zach, and of course, our
daughter Rebccca. She arranged a vacation to
visit Honduras last February. Us four Hoffs
had a wonderful time with them. Zach enjoyed

Brutus, our 100pound plus dog, as well as

Mark and Joy's dogs.

Zach and Brutus

Loving Family

The two days we spent at the beach were a lot of fun.

We were at the Tela Mar resort in La (xiba. The ocean is

beautiful there. We rented a littie house and walked to the

Zach Helping

ocean and to the beautiful swimming pool. The food is al

ways good at the restaurant. One eveningwe ate at a good
Mexican-st}'le restaurant in town. Mark had been scouting
for a special place earlierin the day. Wereturned
tired but not too sunburned,

Sundayafternoon, February 4th, was the Super

Bowl game, One of our church members
hosted a part)' so that we could all enjoy our

Enjoying the Beach

selves. Some were more

interested in the party and

others more interested
Colts' Fans

in the game. The photo

shows us Hoffs havingour faces painted with tine horseshoe in favor
of the Indianapolis Colts.

Zach was happy riding the train in the mall.Some of our church
members were there so all the little boys got to ride together. I don't
know how many times Zach rode in the engine of the train. After we
took them to the airport, I returned to the mall to eat witii our church
friends. There were tears in my eyes as I saw the train running without

Zach and Friend

Future Musician

Mauled by a Mall or a Walk to TGI Fridays

In December of 2006 the newspaper announced that the vacant block in front of our house would be the siteof a new mall. (We had
been assured when we purchased our house that the area was zoned residential.) For five months men with shovels excavated for the base
ment, filling a constant stream of dump trucks. Strange beginning! But eventually they got the financing andnow in front of our house
the building istwenty-five feet tall and going to go upanother 15. The wood scaffolding must have accounted for the deforestation of 100
acres, anddaily they unload more wood. The ready-mix and concrete pump trucks block the street. The noise, dust, and workers eating
their lunch on our front stepand leaving tiieir trash aredisconcerting. They say our property values will increase, but we have lost our view
of the mountains andthe flocks of parrots that roosted in front of the house. Perhaps being able to walk to restaurants and the hardware
store will be some recompense? Lord show us how to glorify you in this!

Mall Construction

Moving Mall Materials

A Doctor in the House

This pastspring the Hoffs hosted Isaac Hoist, a Medical student who had just finished school in Nebraska. He
wanted to spend his vacation helping in the public hospital which isa few minutes from the Hoff's home. Isaac
was a wonderful guest; he made himself at home and never complained.
His work at the emergency room was frustrating due to the lack oi equipment, medicines, and personnel. One
afternoon, he found himself the only doctor in the ward. Bill joked tl^at Honduras is the land of opportunity,
a Med studentcan become a department head in less than a week. Isaac spent all of his spare time studying

medical texts on treating bullet wounds and on repairing or anesthetizing other wounds.

Future Doctor

On a free day he went with a team of American dentists to work in a village; diere he did his first extraction. (Theland of opportunity.)
Isaac's dream is to be a medical missionary as soon as he can payoff his educational debts. Pray for him; he has a servant's heart.

Babysitting or Building Relationships

During the semesterbreak, Bill and Margy flew to Knoxville to babysit their grandson, Zach.
His parents went to celebrate their fifth anniversary. Margy and BiU greatiyenjoyed getting better
acquainted with their onlygrandchild. Zach is almost four and has became a little boy. He is
fascinated with heavy equipment,tractor pulls and dump trucks. He has unlimited energy: it far

exceeds his grandparents. Bill did sor^ smaU repairs around the house and now Zachbelieves
that "Grampa can fix anything."

A couple of days into the trip, Margy began to

suffer sever pains in a tooth. She
called a dentist in I-exington who
bringsdental teams to Honduras.
He arranged an appointment, so
they drove up on Monday. To make
a long story short, she returned,
minus a molar. What a blessing to
have a dentist and an-orai surgeon
and not chaig^

Watching Charlotte's Web

W|)rth tkbi^'V^iO
Water Park Fun

to do an implant. God is good!

Chastains and Hoffs

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Georgia Sharpe

Wil!iam and Margy Hoff [[email protected]}


Saturday, Octofeep2f72007Tl :47 AM


Roudebush, Carl
Hoffs winter plans

Dear E-mail family and friends.

It is drizzling this morning in San Pedro Sula. We have had some terrific storms lately but the last couple of
days all has been quiet. Please pray for the many people who have had their homes, properties, and crops
flooded. These were unnamed storms but they still caused great damage and suffering.

The Bible institute ends classes on October 31st and doesn't resume until the middle of February (Honduran
winter vacation in the schools).

Our departure for the States is rapidly approaching. In fact it is only 10 days away. (It will be 5 days longer until
I see Zach, ha!) On November 6th we fly to Indy arriving in the wee hours of the morning of the 7th. The next
couple of days we will spend with the Rowan's and visiting friends in the area. On November 9th we drive to
Nashville, TN where we will spend a couple of days with Bill's cousin, Ben and his wife.

Nov. 11th - speak at New Hope Christian Church in Columbus, IN. - drive to Knoxville.
Nov. 16th - National Missionary Convention in Cincinnati

Nov. 17th - speak at S.S. class at Plum Creek Christian Church - Butler, KY
Nov. 22nd - THANKSGIVING -- in Knoxville

Dec. 2nd - speak in adult class at Prescott Christian Church - Prescott, AZ

Dec. 4th - first appointment at Mayo Clinic for Margy - Scottsdale, AZ
Dec. 8th & 9th at First Christian Church in Yuma, AZ

Dec. 13th - 19th in Las Vegas, NV with family

Dec. 25th - in Knoxville with Beka, Alfredo, and Zach

Jan. 1st - vacation with family

Jan. 6th - at First Christian Church in Seminole, FL

Jan. 9th - dental appointments in Lexington, KY

Jan. 13th - at Bethlehem Christian Church in Winchester, OH
Jan. 20th - at Church of Christ in Paxton, IL
Jan. 23 rd - at Macedonia Christian Church in Kokomo, IN

Jan. 27th - at Fairfield Christian Church in Oakford, IN

Jan 29th - return to Honduras

(please excuse any errors that I have made in this list). We are sorry that we can't visit all our supporting
churches on this trip. Hope to see many of you at the National Missionary Convention in Cincinnati.

During our time in the States a semi-retired missionary couplewho pastored an English speaking church in
Costa Rica will be taking care of the church and staying in our house.

Mark and Joy will be in the States for the holidays.

Bill has decided to have cataract surgery when we return to Honduras in February. There is a very competent
doctor here. He made the decision because of the convenience and cost. Yes, he is bothered and can't see as well

as he used to, especially at night, but he is much better than he was when this first happened.

We will continue checking our usual e-mail address while in the States. Perhaps not as frequently as we do here,
but any open wireless will give us access to it. So continue using billhoff@,amnethn.com. We are borrowing a
cell phone, the phone number is 317-374-1298.

Please pray for our traveling and health while we are in the States. Also pray for the church here and the
upcoming year at the Bible institute.

God bless and thank you. Bill and Margy

Georgia Sharpe


William and Marov Hoff [[email protected]]

Thursday, December 06, 2007 7:29 PM
An Update

Dear friends and family:

I thought it Important to inform you because I know that many of you have been praying for Margy.

Margy and I have just retumed fomi Mayo Clinic. We have spent the past three days there and have seen a couple of fine
doctors and have had multiple tests run. The results are some what hearting. Margy has had TIG's (which are very minor
strokes.) The doctors affinm that she has no signs of dementia, Alzheimer's nor Parkinson's. They recommend changing
the medications she takes for blood pressure control and adding an anti-cholesterol drug. As well they eliminated another
drug and cut way back on vitamin E (new studies show that it can become a problem) and augmented calcium. They want
her to start the medications when she retums to Honduras where she can get Lab work done frequently at first. The
tremor she suffers from is something she will have to live with.

These results were assuring but they will provide a slightly different direction in treating her problems, than that suggested
by her doctors in Honduras. But the Clinic Is highly respected and I am sure that the doctors will help us in obtaining the
proper balance of these medications when we return. We appreciate yours prayers on our behalf.

We will be leaving Phoenix on Monday moming and will spend six days In Las Vegas. This weekend we will be with a
supporting church in Yuma. We have thoroughly enjoyed visits with family members and friends. We look forward to
returning to Knoxville for Christmas and enjoying more visits.

Pray that we will have acceptable weather for traveling. At times we have been very cold but Phoenix is nice right now.

We love all of you. Thanks for prayer and support. Bill and Margy

Georgia Sharpe


WilliarrWr^Margy Hojf [[email protected]]


Wednekdayr^>eeerTT6er 19, 2007 10:09 PM


Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas from the Hoffs,

I (Margy) am writing this from a motel room inWest Memphis, Arkansas. We have been traveling for three days and are
ready to arrive in Knoxville tomorrow. We have done a lot of traveling since we left Honduras on November 6th. We are
grateful for the Lord's protection thus far in our journeys. We are thankful for family members and friends who have hosted
us. I am very grateful for the relatively good report from Mayo Clinic.

While in Las Vegas I got the flu and spent my first three days in bed. Bill and his mother took very good care of me. On
Thursday Ifelt better but Bill became sick. He still doesn't feel very well, but has been driving most of the trip.

We intend to spend Christmas with, Beka and family, and Norm and Mary Dungan. NewYears' will be spent with Mark
and Joy, Joy's parents; Rick and Becky, Beka and Zach, and Benjie and Memll Esch who were fonrier missionaries in
Honduras. During January, we will be visiting churches and having dental work done in Lexington.

The reprts that we have received from Honduras indicate that all is going well during our absence. Ken and Polly are
doing a great job leading the English speaking church. Of course, the institute students are on winter vacation.

We do wish you all a very Joyous Christmas and prosperous New Year. Our prayer is that you will put Christ first in your
lives and remain faithful to Him. We love you and continually thank you for your prayers and support.

Bill and Margy in the U.S.

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