Faber Ernest Neva 1982 Japan
Faber Ernest Neva 1982 Japan
Faber Ernest Neva 1982 Japan
Over the yearf? there have been four things the Japanese have feared* fire, earthquake, thunder storms and father. Since we have
come home for furlough thof^e on Hokkaido have experienced a t5rphoon, a mine disaster and more recently an earthquake. The typhoon af
douhtedly many of the Christians we know also felt the tremors of the earthquake that struck^ 100miles southeast of Sapporo.
the trailer will be stored. Charles will sell the pick-up after we leave. W are scheduled to leave Seattle via Tai Air on July
17th with arrival in Tokyo and subsequently Sapporo on Sunday, July l^^th. ^'^e are returning just a week before summer camp and yss. Our address just "orior to our departure will be % Charles ^'"aber, 6891
I'amplishter St., Boise, ID 83703<
Since December Emest has visited the followinsc churchesj/ ral lies! etc* ^orthin^^ton, OH^ 5^ett and Boise (Central), IDj Oakley, KS; Scottsbluff (Bryant) and Bayard, WE; Wiggions ^eek at Cincinnati
Bible Collekej ^aith Promise Hally, Richmond Hin and Georgia Mis sionary Rally, Atlanta, CAy KYOWVA Missions Week, at and around Ken tucky Christian Colleere? B>rboursville, WVj Sadieville and Minorsville, Villa Grove '^d ^aith Promise Rally, %field, ILj Scotts
bluff (Sastside) and Gerin^ (Central), NEj and the Kaimichi Clinic
concerning prayer and missions.
Smest will continue to do a limited amount of travel as we
two weeks of camr)s in Kansas have been scheduled with visits to two of the nearby churches.
'The directors of Hokkaido Christian Mission, Inc., all men of the Central Iowa area, met for the annual meeting on ^Vlarch 29th at
action was taken to facilitate the Saber's return to Japan and the
financial statement was checked and a^Dproved. ment is available upon request. I^e financial state
We have been ^creatly encoura^red by increased giving: especially since a church or two are behind in their e:ivine:. Supporting Chur
^10 to .^'^o;
to $100,
that your -orayers and encourae^ement are also very important to the
We have heard from the ^ax>x30v0 church two or three times since
had 20 for the children's services and 33 for the adult services.
They also met toscether for an informal fellowshit) and frames during*
Ja"Dan*s two-week New Year's vacation. Oj^e of the Christians wrote conceminsc the other Christians and amonff other things told of the birth of a son to a family with three scirls and also mentioned that
their father is recovering: from the accident he had last summer.
She also mentioned a woman in Neva's Women's Biijie Class that is now attendinsr worshi-o services a^cain. We are looking forward to a re
newed fellowshi-D with the Japanese Christians.
"Sast l'^, Hiirashi ku, SAPPORO 06*?, JAPAN, %ny thanks and God bless you.
In Christian Ive,
5514 SW. 12TH STRRBT
OCT 18 198
August 1982
North 49,
Higashi ku,
I am sure that many of you are awaiting word from us since most
of you know that we left the States on July 15th, ^we would have sent a report sooner but have been awaiting the arrival of our things that were sent by parcel post just before we left, which in
cluded the receipt books. We arrived safely on July l6th and were met at the Chitose airport by the preacher and his wife who took us
Zk -26.
An overnight VBS
kindergarten to high school and 3 teachers, present. We divided into three classes. Everyone slept and
ate at the church.
like the preacher wanted to leave im mediately and some of the members thought he ought to give them a l i t tle more time. We had a meeting to
gether with all the members and Mr.
Kimura decided to stay. Thus we will be working together withhim and his wife. Presently Ernest preaches the 2nd and ^th Sundays and Mr, Kimura
the 1st and 3J^d. The men of the con
gregation will fill the pulpit on the 5th Sundays. Ernest has the Bible study on Wednesday evening and Mr.
Kimura will have four Bible stud
house and have found an apartment a block from the church for Mr.
expenses including $^0 a month toward the building and will gradu
the church's address unless you speA good part of the joy of being
met our daughter-in-law, Debbie, and two grandchildren for the first
Ryan. It was a warm day and Melissa was enjoying the water just outtrailer, Ryan, our youngest grand-
' '
,|[| . ^
' ^'r
fortunately, we had colds and were not able to hold him much,
We want to thank all of you for
our furlough o
We covet your support and prayers as we begin another term of service in Japan.
NOV 29 1932
November 1982
u\(inter is upon us but we have seen no evidence of snow. By this time of year it should have snowed two or three times. Speak ing of snow we wish to thank one church for their gift of money to ward the purchase of a snow blower. Vie have thought of buying one for some time but have always put it off. At Neva's and my age it becomes increasingly difficult besides being a little dangerous to
shovel paths through three feet or more of snow.
week to week on a
3~week ro
tation schedule.
One night
following week someone teaches Japanese poems and the Japanese game
Tuesday following these activities the 33^d year junior high students
stay for their English class. This is the only regularly scheduled English class we have at this time.
The Church building here is now eight years old and the outside was beginning to look like it. It was suggested that we paint it
self" activities but with their co-operation and a lot of help from_
and trim on both the house and church building. Ernest also painted the trim and roof of the garage later. Everything looks very nice
were no new people to attend but most of the Christians were here with three or four who are not Christians but with whom we have had some contact over a period of a few years.
A trip to a nearby mountain on October 11, a National holiday, gave all the members of the church and Sunday school a time to get together and enjoy themselves. Mr. Kimura and Ernest took people in their
8-passenger vans and there were others who took cars so we had adequate trans-
For the first time since our return-and for that matter in several
enjoyed spending the day with the prea-^V Cher and his family, the Christians, fz "iL and other friends. ' ' That same week there was an evan- ^ ^
gelistic service at the southside Moiwashita Church of Christ where Mr.
^ '-S:TFt ^ t
Suzuki preaches.
we have known for several years, was the evangelist. Mr. Matsushita a
graduate from Osaka Bible Seminary, is a preacher in Kyoto. We were happy to have fellowship with Christians there
that we have known and loved over the
Some of you are aware of the urgent need for a new domitory for Osaka
Bible Seminary.
and one family are housed in an old rusting steel barracks building. Pre sent plans call for the building to
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for the support you
have given us this past year.