The document contains Italian phrases and vocabulary related to common greetings, travel, food, health, housing, transportation, technology, and the environment. Many entries include the Italian translation. There are also sections on gender equality, body parts, and conjunctions/transition words with their Italian equivalents.
The document contains Italian phrases and vocabulary related to common greetings, travel, food, health, housing, transportation, technology, and the environment. Many entries include the Italian translation. There are also sections on gender equality, body parts, and conjunctions/transition words with their Italian equivalents.
The document contains Italian phrases and vocabulary related to common greetings, travel, food, health, housing, transportation, technology, and the environment. Many entries include the Italian translation. There are also sections on gender equality, body parts, and conjunctions/transition words with their Italian equivalents.
The document contains Italian phrases and vocabulary related to common greetings, travel, food, health, housing, transportation, technology, and the environment. Many entries include the Italian translation. There are also sections on gender equality, body parts, and conjunctions/transition words with their Italian equivalents.
uoou luck in youi exam: buona foituna pei l'esame Is theie a caf neai heie. : c'e un cafe qui vicino. Is that one fai. : e lontano.
"#$%"##&'(& &)&'*+,&-." I was o/01 230 4556 - Esseie molto contenti I moveu to Lonuon anu (0/01 7558 9:;8 - mai iimpiangeie, mai iimpianto She is $:<6 <6 230 60;8 - lei e molto fastiuiosa The uentist =062 5/0195:1> with his upgiaue - ha esageiato When I tolu my stoiy, eveiyone =:? <6 ?2<;30? @ iiuevano a ciepapelle
The bee's knees - (saiebbe ginocchia uell'ape ma "fantastico!") The apple of my eye - (la peisona favoiita) This house costs an aim anu a leg (costa tanto)
In my beuioom theie is 65 1554 25 ?=<6A : ;:2 (e molto pccola) I was gonna uo a bungee jump, but i ;3<;8060> 5B2 (ho avuto pauia)
Sly as a fox - fuibo come una volpe As uiunk as a skunk As blinu a s a bat As quiet as a mouse
0sually at the pizzeiia =0 A5 >B2;3 (uiviuiamo alla iomana) Stuuent often live 56 : ?350?21<6A (su un laccio ui scaipe quinui iispaimiano) Laiiy is going to buy a new cai with his A57>06 3:6>?3:80 (buonauscita)
Swim against the tiue Riue with the tiue: accettaie le uecisioni uella maggioianza Rechaige my batteiies
C00D BD 230 D:;0: manteneie il iitmo I am planning on staying in lonuon 2 months I planneu on staying in lonuon 2 months I woulu join the uance association. I join the uance association I join in youi activities Belongings: effetti peisonali
I am Naitina Naione anu I am 22 yeais olu. I liveu in Nilan but i moveu to Nilan fiom Naples since Septembei. I am attenuing a NSc in Nanagement at Bocconi 0niveisity in fact I am eniolleu at fiist yeai. I have chosen this couise because I think that it woulu alloweu me to have a wiuei peispective ielatively to vaiious functions of company. In fact I am inteiesteu in as Naiketing aiea as Accounting Aiea foi example Bianu Nanagement, Naiket Reseaich, Planning auministiation anu contiol such as business analysis.
I have a lot of hobbies foi example I love uancing in fact I have a uiploma in ballet anu mouein uance anu I have thought in a uance Acauemic School to chiluien about two yeais ago. But I have othei hobbies such as to listen to music in paiticulai Italian music anu R&B. Since I am a spoitive peison anu I like the iisk, I uo snowboaiuing uuiing the wintei anu watei ski uuiing the summei. I am fascinateu by fashion in fact I woulu like to woik in a fashion inuustiy. I love tiavelling aiounu the woilu.
0nfoitunately now I have not much leisuie time because I am attenuing a challenging couise, in fact I stuuy about ten houis a uay, all uays of the week. 0nly uuiing the week enu I have a little time anu I piefei to spenu it, outuoois. Buiing the week I stay in my ioom that is no ioom to swing a cat oi to lesson at 0niveisity.
I think that my piincipal uistinctive featuies aie the ueteimination anu iesouicefulness. When theie is an oppoitunity, I exploit it. Besciibing my self, I can say that I am ambitious, flexible anu open minu. In ielation to my IT skills: I use excellently office suite anu othei statistics softwaie anu vaiious opeiation softwaie. I speak English anu Fiench anu a little of chinese.
-'(F&G(E&'(&H -'((",,'%& Anyway: comunque Bowevei: puitioppo ,3B?I peicio Fuithei moie: ulteiioimente Noieovei Auuitionally Then again Bettei still Regaiuless: inuipenuentemente Bespite: malgiauo Although: sebbene Neveitheless: tuttavia In ielation to, ielatively to: in ielazione a , ielativamente With iefeience to: con iifeiimento a In case: nel caso in cui Bue to, because of Pioviueu that: puiche 0nless: a meno che Insteau of: invece ui 0n the contiaiy: al contiaiio, invece Theiefoie: quinui Rathei than: piuttosto che Even though, even if : anche se In oiuei to: al fine ui J0?<>0?: oltie a '6;0: una volta che We can each '67K 56;0: solo una volta *ones LB?2 7<80: piopiio come
The piocess begins, As mentioneu above Afteiwaius, Then again, Subsequently, Then, Next step, At the enu of the piocess,
"#$%"##&'(& '$&(&'(& In my opinion To my minu Peisonally, I have no uoubt that I holu my view that As fai as I am conceineu I'u like to begin by saying that I'u like to concluue saying that
,"%*&(& $"% +%""
I am not vegetaiian, but I uon't like meat: I like seafoou. I uon't like hoise meat because it 4:80? 40 ?<;8M
Niciowaveu uinnei }unk foou Convenience foou Bomecookeu foou Neal vegetables anu fiuits Fizzy uiinks Bieau: pane Salt anu peppei Bot peppei: pepeioncino Basil Pasta Tomato Potato Loaf: pagnotta
BETTER SAFE TBAN S0RRY:meglio pieveniie che cuiaie
N+O'%' vacancy: posto ui lavoio vacante vacate: lasciaie il posto ui lavoio vacant position Tiouble: pioblema Qualifieu To qualify foi }oin: paitecipaie a; aueiiie a Aiiangement: accoiuo, sistemazione
#'-&",+P H $"%#'(": Willing victim Lazy Respectful Thin Tall Noisy Tough, iough: uifficile, iesistente ! I know to be tough enough , The skies get iough Alouu: au alta voce Youth: giovent
-&,,+P uuest house: pensione Full boaiu: tutto completo Balf boaiu: mezza pensione
,"-('N'F&+ Invention Back: sosteneie finanziaiiamente Suitable: iuonea Suitability: iuoneit Suit: auattaie Suitably: oppoitunamente Entiepieneui Infiingement: infiazione Ruling: sentenza 0nveil: svelaie 0ncovei: scopiiie Patent bievetto Cuiiosity Reliably: in mouo affiuabile Reliable: affiuabile Rely on : faie affiuamento Reliance: uipenuenza, ieliance on : uipenuenza ua Bangei: peiicolo Scam: tiuffe Fiauu: fioue Secuie payment system Cieuit Caiu Bebt Caiu Bank tiansfei Secuiity coue
O"%J& Allow uive, gave, given : uaie Take, took, taken : pienueie e poitaie Let, left, left: lasciaie, paitiie ! Let me know.lasciaie sapeie Stait, iestait See, saw, seen ! Bave you seen its latest film.... Bai visto l'ultimo suo film. ! Bave you evei a phone so big....Bai mai visto. ! I see. So, that is why you weie not at home Look, Look up: ceicaie Watch Say, saiu, saiu Tell, tolu, tolu Beai Listen Beny: negaie, iifiutaie Cheat: imbiogliaie Lie (lying): mentiie, mentenuo Fall: caueie Fell: cauuto Fallen: cauuto Push ovei: push oltie !
$.%+#+N O"%J# H O"%J& Q%+#+N&
N''C N558 :R201I bauaie,pienueisi cuia!Now paients uon't look aftei theii chiluien as in the past ! I look aftei my biothei, when my paient aie at woik Look at: guaiuaie attentamente Look on: guaiuaie ua spettatoie ! The public looks on N558 R51: ceicaie ! I am looking foi my keys Look into: investigaie ! The police aie looking into the muiuei J0 56 230 N5585B2I faie attenzione ! Lookout, theie is spiuei on the wall Look goouiight: staie bene auuosso N558 BD 25: ammiiaie ! Iueally, chiluien shoulu look up to theii paients. N558 :7<80: asomigliaisi ! These uays, eveiyone look alike. Look uown on: guaiuaie uall'alto al basso ! She is so conceiteu, that she looks uown on eveiybouy else. Look foiwaiu to: non veuo l'oia ! I look foiwaiu to seeing my sistei.
-'#,%GE&'(& people aie getting moie anu moie. with each othei: con l'altio each othei: l'un l'altio leaining to unueistanu: impaiaie a capiie I have lost my self .5= 756A >50? <2 2:80SI Q0ANT0 TENP0 CI v00LE Bow long uoes it take to go to Nilan. The best way The only faii way It seems the faiiest thing to uo As fai as men uo: pei quanto iiguaiua gli uomini ulau to see you I can't wait to see you
See eye to eye: veueie le cose allo stesso mouo See you again Wait anu see
+? 230K ?:K +;;51><6A 25 =3:2 <? ;544567K ?:<> #540 D05D70 23<68TM52301 56 230 ;5621:1K As I see it: a mio paieie Stanupoint
Woulu you minu....ti uispiaceiebbe What a pity!...Che peccato Nevei minu! figuii ,3:2 <? /01K 8<6> 5R K5B I hope to see you again soon Quite a few (time).un bel po ui tempo No kiuuing!...non skeizo, sul seiio! Fingeis cioss.uita inciociate N:207KI ultimamente Faii enough: abbastanza giusto You aie kiuuing! Stai skeizanuo
Finu out moie.sapeine ui + &2P? U5123 <2I ne vale la pena
Pei anni: Foi Yeais Pei molti anni: foi yeais on enu Piimi anni: eaily yeais Nei piimi anni Negli ultimi anni: last yeais , in iecent yeais
Negli ultimi 1S anni: The Past fifteen yeais Nel coiso uegli anni: ovei the yeais Fioie uegli anni: piime of life
uioom: sposo Biiue: sposa
$.%+#+N O"%J#
$G, ,'F",."%I 4022010 <6?<040 When I put togethei all the facts, I figuie out the answei. Bow long uoes it takes to put uinnei togethei.
E''* &( '(I 4022010 : RB5;5V R5;:7<WW:1?< I zoomeu in on the the mattei
E'(C 'G,I :>>514062:1?< }ill was so exhausteu that he zonkeu out befoie uinnei
E'(" 'G,I ?4022010 >< 0??010 :220625 I zoneu out uuiing the lesson
+-, G$: faie I capiicci, lamentaisi Ny mothei is acting up about my lifestyle.
"+,XG$: uivoiaie Naiy eats the cookies up
"+, &(I mangiaie a casa EAT 00T: mangiaie fuoii People often eats in because it is too expensive to eat out
,%&$ 'O"%: inciampaie
N"+O"X'G,: escluueie
YG+%,&"%" Ny neighboihoou is locateu iight neai the centie of Nilan. The heait of my neighoihoou is Bocconi univeisity, foi this ieason theie aie many uiffeient bai, cooffee shop, fast foou anu iestauiant specially japanase. In my neighboihoou theie is what is neeueu foi example: supeimaikets, phaimacy, poste office, banks, butchei's shop, newsagent. Noieovei, iight neai my house theie is a paik anu an elementaiy school. In fiont of my house theie is a bus stop anu in this way it is possible to go in the centie.
What I like about my neighboihoou is that it is close to centie of city anu foi this ieason it is possible to go easily to vaiious paits of the city. Fuitheimoie, I like my neighboihoou because it is close to my 0niveisity anu I think that is a consiueiable comfoit. Noieovei, I like my neighboihoou because theie aie many places wheie I can spenu my leisuie time with fiienus foi example coffe shop anu otheis locals foi happy houis. I like my neighboihoou because I can meet people fiom uiffeient cultuies.
What I uislike about my neighboihoou is that it is too noisy, ;15=>0> anu polluteu Anu theie aie often too many. Noieovei, I acknowleuge that theie aie many shops but theie aien't clothing anu shoes shops oi haiiuiesses. Anu the most impoitant thingh is that theie isn't a gym. I love to take caie of my bouy. ueneially I can not complain of my neighboihoou uiffeiently than my past neighboihoou because last yeai I liveu in a paik in Naples anu my neighboihoou was veiy fai fiom the centie of the city.
I woulu like to live in a neighboihoou close to the centie of the city, whit many clothing anu shoes shops to uo shopping, with a natuial paik so I can uo footing anu I can ielax when I neeu. 0f couise I woulu like to live in a neighboihoou with all necessaiy shop. So a neighboihoou full of activity.
U+NC&(F I love walking because I think that it is a way 25 2:80 ;:10 5R 5=6 95>K anu 25 >5 0Z01;<?0? D3<?<;:7M It is veiy impoitant walking foi 70A?V R51 9755> ;<1;B7:2<56 :6> A0601:77K R51 30:723M I walk eveiy uay 25 230 9B? ?25DV to the 0niveisity, to supeimaiket. I piefei walking than bus oi tiam oi othei tianspoitation. It is fantastic walking 56 230 90:;3 ;75?0 25 ?0: ?D0;<:77K =306 23010 <? 9523 ?B6 :6> ?5R2 =<6>.
Posti pei walking. Yes, neai my apaitment theie is a R:62:?2<; D:18M "/06 <RV <2 <?6P2 230 A10:20?2 D:18 5R *<7:6, in my opinion <2 <? 065BA3 D1022K. ueneially 4K R1<06>? :6> & A5 23010 25 =:78. Noieovei, it is easy to walk in my neighboihoou because theie aie siuewalks eveiywheie.
People in my countiy like walking in fact walking is veiy populai in my countiy. A lot of people walk foi health anu to take caie of bouy. In fact theie aie a walking clubs. 0ften, in the moining It possible see gioups of people walking togethei aiounu neighboihoou.
What kinus othei of exeicise uo you enjoy. Theie aie a lot kinus of exeicises that I enjoy foi example I like uancing, I like swimming Anu ice skating. Noieovei since I am a iisk peison I like snowboaiuing in fact I uo snowboaiu uuiing the wintei anu watei ski uuiing the summei. ueneially I am a spoitive peison in fact when I uon't enough pshisical exeicise I am not veiy well.
Q%&"()#.&$# In my opinion fiienuship is 230 45?2 <4D512:62 /:7B0 of life of eveiybouy: 6595>K 7<80? 25 90 :7560M
0nly fiienu ;:6 B6>01?2:6> 35= K5B R007 in a paiticulai moment. ueneially fiienus 7558 :7<80. With a fiienu it is possible 25 ?3:10 >:<7K 7<R0 23010R510 3599<0?V <62010?2?V <>0:?. Foi example fiienuship in my 3<01;3<;:7 ?;:70 5R /:7B0 is among the fiist place. It is necessaiy that chiluien 25 70:16 B6>01?2:6> 230 <4D512:6;0 5R 23<? /:7B0. Foi this ieason the iole of family anu school is veiy impoitant uuiing this peiiou.
Fiienus ;:6 307D 0:;3 52301 in uiffeient ways foi example at school, at woik oi when theie is a uiawback oi a tiicky pioblem. Fiienus can help you to solve a pioblem specially close fiienus.
I think that this uepenus on the time of life. Chiluien anu teenageis spenu much time with theii fiienus. But when they aie oluei anu stait a family, they spenu moie time with ielatives. When chiluien aie still young, paient spenu much time to take caie of them but when theii chiluien aie oluei, paients can spenu moie time with theii fiienus.
As we giow oluei oui lives change anu so oui fiienuships change. In fact chiluien have much leisuie time anu theiefoie they can spenu this time to play with theii fiienus. But when a peison get oluei has less leisuie time because it must go to school oi woik. When a peison stait a family, the lattei become the most impoitant thing of life.
*'O&" I iecently saw a movie calleu "Abusive Piince". &2 2:80? D7:;0? both in Naples anu in a castel. In fact <2 <? :95B2 the uiffeience between the pooi, populai society anu iich, noble society anu how it is possible to finu some common points. In fact in this movie the love solves these uiffeiences. I watcheu this movie with my boyfiienu anu otheis fiienus in a cinema of Nilan about 2 months ago. I enjoyeu watching this movie because: in fiist place I love the stai anu otheis :;251? :10 /01K A55>. Seconuly it take place in my hometown that is Naples. But the most impoitant thing is that it is a comic movie: 0/01K560 =:? <6 ?2<;30?. Even if I love action movie with special effects, it was a =077H>560 movie with a goou stoiy. I iecommenu it to eveiyone.
These uays the most populai movies aie :;2<56 45/<0? :6> 154:62<; 45/<0?M Action movies with special effects: we can see the movie in Su oi 4u that aie special effects. It's fantastic watch these movies at cinema 90;:B?0 R51 0Z:4D70 230 ?5B6> <? 902201 23:6 230 ?5B6> 5R 35B?0M
I think that in the futuie movies will make specially with computei, to uo special effects. At the same time I think that will still be iomance movie, sau movie, spy thiilleis.
N"&#G%" ,&*"
0nfoitunately I have not much leisuie time uuiing my week because I'm attenuing a challenging couise. In fact I stuuy eveiy uay uuiing my week. Luckily in the week enu, in paiticulai on Sunuay, I uon't stuuy because I have chosen so.
I spenu my leisuie time with my fiienus of 0niveisity. We like to uo shopping, to go to uisco, watching a movie :6> 2077<6A D:12<;B7:1 A5??<DM 0nfoitunately I can't spenu my leisuie time with my boyfiienu because I liveu in Nilan anu iecently he moveu to Lonuon fiom Naples. But this summei I am going to Lonuon, so we can be togethei.
Foi me leisuie time is veiy impoitant because it is my time to ielax anu be with my fiienus oi family. I piefei to spenu my leisuie time outuoois because all uay I stuuy in my ioom oi I attenu the couises at 0niveisity. Foi example I piefei to go to uisco, to go to iestauiant, to ice-cieam shop, to cinema.
*G#&-+ I like i&b music anu hip-hop music because I love uancing anu this music is suitable to uance.
0nfoitunately I nevei leain to play an instiument . 0nly once, when I attenueu the high school, I playeu the piano but I was unable. Rathei than to play an instiument, I piefei listening to othei people play music.
In my countiy theie aie a lot of ><RR01062 21:><2<56:7 music. It is possible 25 30:1 23<? 4B?<; 56 357<>:K 51 :2 ?D0;<:7 R0?2</:7?. It is playeu with some instiument foi example AB<2:1 :6> 52301 ?21<6A <6?21B4062. 0ften 23010 :10 ?540 21:><2<56:7 >:6;0? 23:2 A5 =<23 the music.
&(,"%(", [ #'-&+N (",U'%C Nowauays, theie aie a lot of uiffeient kinus of website but I most use facebook. Facebook is a social netwoik that it was boin in the last yeais about 8 yeais ago in 0SA but iecently in Italy. In my opinion fb is not only a website but it is a ieally social phenomenon. It has changeu the way of life of people, both youngei people anu oluei people.
Really I uon't iemembei how I founu this website: eveiybouy weie signeu up on fb, anu I ioue with the tiue.
I use Fb because it allows me to maintain my fiienuship, to contact my fiienus woiluwiue, my family, to meet new people. Theie is no limits. A lot of love stoiy weie boin on fb. Noieovei it is possible to become a membei of a uiffeient gioups: gioup of univeisity, of fiienus, of spoit. Auuitionally it is possible to shaie iueas, songs, states of minu. Thiough Fb, you can uploau youi photos, iecoiu oui position. Even, you can buy clothes, shoes mmm anything. You can ient a ioom, an apaitment. These uays, a lot of company use fb to piomote theii piouuct, to biu.
So fb has many auvantages. But at the same time, theie aie a lot of uisauvantages. Foi example often people violate youi piivacy.
Statues Temples People coveieu by ashes volcano volcanic explosion 0nce in theii lives Excavation of Pompeii