Protozoa are unicellular animals or organisms in which are performed all functions/activities of life – digestion, nutrition,
respiration, reproduction, excretion, secretion, locomotion. They belong to the animal kingdom. (The other animals which are
multicellular are metazoa). The comparable form of protozoa in the plant kingdom is the prophyta.
Some organisms have characteristics of both plants and animals (kingdom protista). Living things are divided into five kingdoms,
1. Animalia 3. Monera (algae, bacteria) 5. Protista
2. Plantae 4. Fungi
The two main components of a protozoan cell are the nucleus and cytoplasm.
1. Nucleus – usually single but some with two similar or b. Compact or homogenous – little nucleoplasm and
dissimilar nuclei. large amount of chromatin distributed throughout the
nucleus. Found in ciliates.
Roles of the nucleus
1. Controls the life and activities of the cell Two kinds Nuclei
2. Stores DNA and RNA a. Micronucleus – controls reproductive function of the
Types of Nuclei b. Macronucleus – controls vegetative function of the
a. Vesicular – with a central body (endosome or karyosome organism
or nucleolus). It consists of nuclear membrane which
bound the nucleoplasm in which the central body 2. Cytoplasm – two portions: the outer ectoplasm and the
(endosome (karyosome) or nucleolus) lie. Nucleolus is a inner endoplasm.
ribosome factory. Nucleolus contains deoxyribonucleic
acid – composed of chromosomes, responsible in the
a. Ectoplasm – is a homogenous and hyaline in
transmission of hereditary characteristics. appearance.
b. Endoplasm – contains granules, vacuoles,
pigments, fluids, and organelles.
Cytoplasm is surrounded by the periplast (pellicle in ciliates). Organelles found in the cytoplasm are mitochondria
(powerhouses of the cell that contain enzymes, final stage of respiration takes in). Ribosomes are site of protein synthesis, Golgi
bodies (collected dehydrated proteins). Lysosomes (enzymes for digestion) while Contractile vacuole (responsible for
eliminating of waste materials) and food vacuoles (digestion).
1. Pseudopodia (false feet) – these are temporary extrusion of 3. Cilia – fine, short flagella-like structures with axoneme,
cytoplasm, formed and retracted as needed. cytoplasmic sheath and basal granule. May also function as
2. Flagellum/flagella – filamentous structures consisting of a tactile organs and aids in the ingestion of food.
central axial filament (axoneme) and surrounded by a. Ex. Balantidium coli
cytoplasmic sheath. Axoneme arises from the basal body or 4. Gliding – body glides smoothly without locomotory
blepharoplast. In some species the flagellum passes along the organelles
undulating membrane. a. Ex. Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, Coccidia sporozoites
a. Ex. Trypanosoma sp., Trichomonas sp. and merozoites
Either thru the body wall (by diffusion) or via the contractile vacuole or water vacuole more important as osmoregulatory organelle:
1. Regulate osmotic pressure within the cell in relation to fluid balance
2. Removal of excess water
Gametes are produced by special cells known as gamonts or gametocytes. The process is known as gametogony. The process of
forming sporozoites is known as sporogony.
Example: Coccidia
Gametogony Syngamy Sporogony
In plasmodia In the ground
In mosquito
Subphylum Sarcodina
1. Move by means of pseudopodia 3. Reproduction usually by binary fission (any plane)
2. Cytoplasm distinctly differentiated into ectoplasm and 4. Nutrition is holozoic being predatory on bacteria, protozoa
endoplasm and some metazoa
Family Amoedidae: free living amoeba. Occur in stagnant water/pools, soil, canal, etc. some may become pathogenic
1. Naegleria fowleri – causes “amoebic meningoencephalitis” in man.
Route of infection – intranasally
2. Acanthamoeba culbertsoni – produce meningoencephalitis in mice and monkey if introduce intranasally.
Family Endamoebidae
1. Contains parasitic amoeba which occur in the digestive tract of vertebrates and invertebrates.
2. Multiply by binary fission and form cysts
Genus Endamoeba:
1. Nucleus with well define small endosome (nucleolus)
2. Occurs in vertebrate animals
3. Cysts contain 1-8 nuclei
4. Entamoeba species may be divided into 4 groups according to morphology of mature cyst.
a. Cysts with 8 nuclei. ex. Entamoeba coli
b. Cysts with 4 nuclei ex. Entamoeba histolytica
c. Cysts with 1 nucleus ex. Entamoeba bovis
d. Cysts with unknown number of nuclei ex. Entamoeba gingivalis
Entamoeba histolytica
This is the only species of importance as a pathogen causing “amoebic dysentery” in man and monkeys. Occurs sometimes in
dogs, rarely in cats, pigs and cattle.
1. The active trophozoite stage ranges from 10-60 microns in diameter. Produces long finger-like pseudopodia.
2. Endoplasm contains food vacuoles with RBC, WBC, tissue cells, etc. cysts are spherical ranging from 5-20 microns in
diameter. Cysts are initially uninucleate but finally become tetranucleate with chromatoid bodies and glycogen vacuoles.
The trophozoite (active stage) multiplies by binary fission in the intestinal tract and liver of the host. Later, they become
sluggish, ceased to feed and start to encyst. Cystic forms are passed out with the feces of the host. The stages are precystic,
uninucleate cyst, binucleate cyst and tetranucleate cyst. The latter represents the mature and only infective form.
Upon ingestion, the tetranucleate cyst encysts in the small or large intestine the newly released metacystic form undergoes
division resulting in the formation of 8 young uninucleate amoebae. In the large intestine, they grow and invade the tissues. Two forms
are recognized – the small and large forms.
1. E. histolytica is primarily a parasite of man. Infection is by ingestion of mature tetranucleate cysts.
2. Trophozoites may survive in water at room temperature for 5 weeks. Cysts are transmitted through contaminated food, or
water, raw vegetables by flies.
1. Finding cysts and trophozoites in the feces, stains with 2. Clinical signs – persistent diarrhea/dysentery with or
hematoxylin without mucus or blood in the feces
Flotation technique – using zinc sulfate solution 3. Fluorescent antibody technique
1. Good sanitation 3. Personal hygiene
2. Proper sewage disposal 4. Avoid fecal contamination of food and water
Entamoeba coli – colon and cecum of man, monkey, dog, pigs Entamoeba gingivalis – mouth of man and dog
Entamoeba canibucalis – mouth of dog Entamoeba equi – horse cecum and colon
Entamoeba suis – digestive tract of pig Entamoeba muris – rat
Entamoeba bovis – digestive tract of cattle Entamoeba caviae – Guinea pig
Entamoeba bubalis (dilimanni) – digestive tract of carabao Entamoeba cuniculi – rabbit
Entamoeba ovis – digestive tract of sheep
Order Protomonadina
1. With 1 or more flagella. A few have pseudopodia as well. 3. Reproduction by longitudinal binary fission
Some have undulating membrane. 4. Many are free living and a few parasitic form cysts
2. Nucleus vesicular
Family Trypanosomatidae
1. Many are parasites of insects but others are heteroxenous 3. Leaf-like or rounded body with one nucleus and one
(spending part of life-cycle in vertebrate and partly in flagellum. Undulating membrane present in some genera
invertebrate host) 4. At least two development stages are undergone during the
2. Haemoflagellates are parasitic in the blood, lymphs and/or life cycle except in a few mammalian forms
tissues of mammals and birds
Developmental stage of Haemoflagellates
1. Trypanosome (trypomastigote) stage – leaf like kinetoplast 3. Leptomonad (promastogote) stage – leaf-like; kinetoplast
post to the nucleus near the posterior end. Undulating near the anterior end. No undulating membrane. Occur in
membrane present. Occurs in the vertebrate host but also in arthropods and plants.
arthropods as infective stage (metacyclic trypanosome) for 4. Leishmania (amastigote) stage – rounded/ovoid kinetoplast
vertebrate host. present but without free flafellum. Occurs in the vertebrate
2. Critidial (epimastigote) stage – leaf-like; kinetoplast anterior and arthropods. All stages may occur in the culture medium
and near the nucleus. Short undulating membrane. Occurs in
arthropods and vertebrate host.
Only two genera under family Trypanosomatidae are parasitic to domestic animals and man
1. Leishmania
2. Trypanosoma
Genus Leishmania
1. Heteroxenous 4. Leishmania form are found in macrophages, monocytes,
2. Parasite primarily of man, dogs, and rodents polymorhonuclear leucocytes and endothelial cells of
3. Vector and transmitters are sandflies – Phlebotomus sp.
mammalian host, leptomonads occur in the intestine of sand 6. Round or oval, 2.0-5 x 1.5-2 microns
flies 7. Only the nucleus and kinetoplast are ordinarily visible in
5. All species are morphologically similar. They are stained preparations
differentiated only according to pathogenecity and
geographical distribution.
Species of Leishmania
1. Leishmania donovani
1. Causes of “kala-azar”, visceral Leishmaniasis or “dumdum 3. Occurs in the macrophages and endothelial cells of blood
fever” in India, Africa, China, South America. and lymph vessels of spleen, liver, bone marrow, kidneys,
2. Man and dogs are principal hosts lungs and skin.
2. Leishmania tropica
1. Causes “cutaneous leishmaniasis” or “oriental sore” 3. Cutaneous ulcers may be “dry, moist or wet”
2. Occurs in monocytes, polymorphonuclear, endothelial cells 4. Ulcers usually heal within a year living depressed pigment
of skin of man, dogs and rodents in Africa, Egypt, India, scar
3. Leishmania braziliense
1. Causes “American mucocutaneous leishmaniansis” or 3. Occurs in the macrophages and endothelial cells of skin and
“espundia” in south America, “uta” in the mountains of peru mucous membranes of the nose, lips and pharynx.
2. Host – man, dog, cat, mouse, rats Granulomatous lesions and deformed earlobes
4. Ulcers usually heal in 7-8 months but may last for 20 years 5. In extreme cases, nose, lips, soft palate and surrounding
tissues completely destroyed.
1. Demonstrations of organisms from biopsy samples of 3. Culture of biopsy specimens on NNN medium (blood agar
spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver. medium with locke’s solution)
2. Stained scrapings from periphery of skin ulcers and 4. Formol-gel test
eczematous areas. 5. Urea stilbamide test
1. Antimony compounds 3. Nostibosan, solustibosan 10-12 4. Stilbamide
2. Tartar emetic I.V. for 25-30 days days
1. Control sandflies D.O.T., gammexane 2. Treatment of infected dogs, human cases 4. Control rodents
3. Destroy stray dogs
Genus Trypanosoma
1. Heteroxenous 4. Transmission
2. May undergo four stages of development: trypanosome a. Cyclical by arthropods
stage occurs usually in vertebrate host b. Mechanical by arthropods
3. Some are monomorphic, others polymorphic c. Both cyclical and mechanical
Trypanosoma species
The genus is divided into 2 sections on the basis of morphology and life-cycle
Section 1: salivaria (anterior station group). Transmission is thru insect bite
Section 2: stercoraria (posterior station group). Transmission is thru insect fecal contamination of wound/mucous membrane
1. Kinetoplast small, terminal or subterminal in position 4. Undulating membrane varies in development
2. Blunt posterior end
3. Free flagellum may be absent
1. Trypanosome stage continue to multiply by binary or transmission is by inoculation or insect bite. Metacyclic
multiple fission in the vertebrate host trypanosome are the infective stage (smaller than those
2. “Metacyclic trypanosomes” occur in the “anterior station” found in the vertebrate host).
of the arthropod intermediate host (Glossina sp.) and 3. Often highly pathogenic
4. Some species under this section are transmitted Example: T. evansi and T. equinum spp., T.
mechanically only (non-cyclically) equiperdum by coitus
Morphology (general)
1. Kinetoplast large and not terminal in position 3. Free flagellum present
2. Posterior end tapering 4. Undulating membrane not well developed
1. Multiplication in the vertebrate host may occur in 2. Posterior station development in the arthropods and
trypanosome, critidial or leishmanial forms (T. cruzi). transmission is by contamination with feces containing
Reproduction is usually with the criditial and leishmanial “metacyclic trypanosome” or trypomastigotes.
forms. 3. Often non-pathogenic
Clinical manifestations
1. Trypanosomiasis is usually a chronic disease characterized 3. Blood changes - The most noticeable pathological change is
by intense anemia and emaciation. The usual clinical signs progressive anemia which is due to failure in production
are interminent fever associated with accumulation of rather than destruction of the RBC. As the disease
parasites in the blood (paroxysym of parasitemia). As the progresses, there is hypoglycaemia due to exhaustion of
disease progresses, the number decreases and the clinical glucose glycogen reserves.
signs disappear except progressive loss of weight in spite of 4. Cause of death - One theory is that in severe infection, there
good posture and fairly good appetite. Edema of the is decrease in blood sugar accompanied by increased lactic
subcutaneous tissue may be marked. acid concentration in the blood. The increase lactic acids
2. Tissue invasion - Some trypanosomes may be markedly causes asphyxia by interfering with the absorption of
invasive, it injures the wall of the blood capillaries, invades oxygen by the haemoglobin. Another theory is that
the bone marrow causing anemia. Heart muscles may be destruction of the glucose throws a stain on the liver which
attached causing cardiac disturbances. It may also cause results in liver disfunction and a resulting toxaemia.
nerve lesions and capillary embolism.
1. Sucking flies: 2. Coitus – Trypanosoma equiperdum
a. Mechanical – tabanids – Trypanosoma evansi 3. Intrauterine
b. Cyclic – tsetse flies – Trypanosoma brucei 4. Milk/colostrums
5. Ingestion of infected blood organ
− feed contamination – Trypanosoma
6. Needly passage: blood transfusion
Principally ruminants (cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats) but all other animals are affected, wild game animals act as reservoir.
Distribution – Africa, Central and South America
Transmitters – tsetse flies (Glossina morsitans, G. palpalis, G. tachinoides)
Pathogenecity – mild diseases in cattle, sheep, goats
In horses – chronic course; low/depress spirit (nagana), anemia, weakness, Emaciation, edema of subcutaneous tissues
and swollen lymph nodes
1. Causes severe disease in equine, may cause death in 4-8 2. Important signs – anemia, lethargy, dullness, prostration:
days after infection, but usually 2 weeks to few months (nagana) loss of condition, muscular stiffness, unsteady gait,
corneal opacity and edema of the legs and abdomen.
1. Blood smear: thick smear in chronic form a. Causes Rhodesian or African sleeping
2. Lymph node smear sickness in man
3. Mouse inoculation – may be patent in 3-4 days b. Human trypanosomiasis
7. Trypanosoma gambiense c. Affects wild and domestic animals
Causes “Gambian sleeping sickness” in man or (zoonotic)
human “trypanosomiasis” d. Transmitted by tsetse flies
Morphology: similar to T. brucei e. Morphology similar to T. brucei
Transmitted by tsetse flies f. All the species transmitted by tsetse flies.
Host – man in Africa Development occurs in the midgut and
8. Trypanosoma rhodesiense proboscis
Hosts: horse, dogs, camel, carabao, cattle, pig, cat, other mammals
Distribution – widely distributed in the far east, near east, Philippine, central and south America, Indian subcontinent.
Mechanically by Tabanus sp. (Stomoxys, Haemotobia, Lyperosia spp) because of their interrupted feeding habits. Dogs may be
infected by ingestion of infected blood or organs.
1. Clinical signs 4. Serologic tests
2. Blood smear examination in acute form – direct smear; a. mercuric chloride test – consist of adding one drop
stained smear of suspected serum to 1ml of a 1:30,000 solution of
3. Biotest or laboratory animal inoculation in chronic type – 2- mercuric chloride in distilled water. A white
5cc of blood to rats I.P. 0.5-1ml in mice I.P. guinea pig, opalescence indicates infections of one or more
rabbits more blood IP to cat and dog month standing
B. Trypanosoma equinum
Similar to T. evansi except the axoneme arises from the small blepharoplast.
Distribution – central and south America
Hosts – chiefly equines, being most seriously affected causing “mal de caderas” (bad hind quarters)
Transmission - Mechanical by Tabanus, Stomoxys and Lyperosia spp
1. Causes emaciation, marked weakness of the hind quarters “ 2. In post-morthem, the spleen and lymph nodes are enlarged
mal de caderas” resulting in staggering gait. Finally animals and cadaver is extremely anemic.
become recumbent and die in few weeks; 2-6 months in
chronic form. Causes high mortality in equines.
1. Blood smear emacination – direct, stained 2. Lab animal inoculation – dogs, cats, rabbits, mouse, rats
C. Trypanosoma equiperdum
Causes a veneral disease called “dourine” (Arabic term for “unclean”) or “mal de coit”
Morphologically identical to T. evansi
Distribution – Asia, north and South America, south eastern Europe
Hosts – horse and ass
1. Usually through coitus 3. Contamination of mucous membrane
2. Rarely by biting flies
Clinical signs: the Disease progresses thru 3 distinct phases following incubation period of 2-12 weeks or several months
I. Stage of edema May persist for few hours or 3-4days, then disappear but may
Mucoid vaginal or urethal discharges, or a degree of reappear again. Plaques are almost pathognomonic of
nymphomania, mild fever, with edema of genitalia, chest and “dourline” or “mall de coit”
belly. III. Paralysis
II. Urticarial phase Muscle of the face and nostrils are usually affected followed
Appearance of edematous “plaques” under the skin. Plaques with complete paralysis and recumbency then death. Mortality
are circumscribed, 1-4 inches in diameter (“dollar spots”) is 50-70% if not treated.
since they appear as if a silver dollar is inserted under the skin.
1. Clinical signs 4. Laboratory animal inoculation
2. Parasite not readily detected in the blood 5. C.F test
3. Examination of vaginal and preputial discharges or fluids
of urticarial plaques
E. Trypanosoma cruzi
Causes “chagas disease” in man
Distribution – south America
Morphology: cresent-shaped
Kinetoplast usually large
Host: Man
Reservoir: dog, cat, pig, foxes, monkeys, opossums, armadillo
Transmitter: Cyclically by Triatoma sp.
Infection is thru contamination of wounds, m.m., nearly the eyes or lips
where they usually feed.
Clinical signs:
1. Edema at the site of bites 4. Affection of the heart result in degeneration of cardiac
2. Death may occur in 2-4 weeks in acute form in children muscle, central nervous involvement in others
3. Chronic form in adult is characterized by debility, anemia
and splenomegaly
1. blood smear in acute form 3. “Xenodiagnosis”: Feeding Triatoma on the suspect or
2. chronic form- sub-inoclutation to guinea pigs allowing bugs to feed on patient blood. Laboratory-
reared Trypanosoma cruzi- free bugs are used. Then
examinations of the bug 7-10 days post-feeding 4. Complement Fixation Test (C.F.T.)
metacyclic trypanosomes are present in feces or in 5. Culture media
digestive tract.
Avian Trypanosomes
1. Trypanosoma avium- birds 2. Trypanosoma gallinarum- chickens 3. rypanosoma. calmetti- ducklings
Other species reported in Philippines
1. Trypanosoma chattoni- frogs 2. Trypanosoma miyagii- frogs 3. Trypanosoma palawanense- rat
Treatment of Trypanosomeiasis
Order Polymastigida
1. 3-8 flagella 3. One or two axostyles present 5. Cysts are produced in some forms
2. One or more nuclei 4. Multiply by binary fission
Family Trichomonadidae
1. Pyriform in shape 3. One posterior flagellum 5. Cysts are not formed
2. 3-5 anterior flagella 4. Undulating membrane 6. One nucleus, one axostyle
Genus Tritrichomonas
Tritrichomonas foetus- occurs in the genital tract of cows and in the preputial cavity of bulls. It causes a venereal disease known
as bovine trichomoniasis which is characterized by infertility, pyometra and abortion.
1. 15-25 μm in size 2. 3 anterior flagella, one posterior 3. undulating membrane runs the whole length of
flagellum the body
Clinical Signs:
1. Early signs are vaginitis and periodic mucopurulent vaginal 2. Placentitis frequently develops resulting in the detachment
discharge. Purulent endometritis, there may be prolonged of the placental membranes and death of the fetus. This
anestrus with pyometra due to early death of the fetus. Fetus leads to abortion which is typically early (not later than the
may not be expelled but macerated. 16th week after service). If abortion occurs too early (1-2
weeks after service) fetus and membranes may be expelled mount the female. As the condition becomes chronic, pain
unnoticed. and swelling disappear.
3. In the bull, the signs are slight swelling of the prepuce, pain
during micturition or service and the bull may refuse to
1. Coitus 3. Instruments, hands, gloves during veterinary examination
2. Artificial insemination
Once the bull is infected, it should be regarded as permanent source of infection (carrier). In the cows, however, the disease is
self-limiting or self-cure (parasite may disappear completely and may conceive without fear of abortion later).
1. Herd history. Trichomoniasis should be suspected when: Close orifice, massage, collect, centrifuge
a. Cow requires several services and examine sediment.
b. Failure to conceive Organisms present intermittently- repeat
c. Early abortion examination as necessary. 3 negative
d. pyometra result.
2. demonstration of organisms from the following: 3. Serological test
a. stomach of aborted fetus a. Blood agglutination test- blood mixed with antigen
b. amniotic fluid (T. foetus culture)
c. discharges following abortion b. Mucus agglutination test- mucus from vagina is
d. washings from vagina mixed with glucose saline – diluted- mixed with
e. mucus from anterior end of vagina (most abundant suspension of T. foetus ---- + agglutination
14-18 days after service/infection) 4. Culture in diamonds media or beef extract glucose- peptone
f. preputial washings serum (BGPS)
Introduce 100 cc of saline solution or 5
dextrose in saline into the preputial cavity.
1. Washing with either 4-5% sodium perborate or 1-3% lugols 4. Sodium Iodide- given at the rate of 5 grams/100 lbs body
or chlorine solution weight. Intra-venous; 5 consecutive doses at 48 hours
2. Application of 1% acriflavine solution or ointment to the intervals (given concurrently with local treatment)
penis of preputial sheath injected into the urethra 5. Dimentridazole P.O./I.V. or injected into the urethra in bull
3. Ganaseg 1% SOLUTION. Introduce 100-150 ml to the
preputial cavity. Let it stand for 15 minutes. Massage
1. slaughter of infected bulls and cows (carriers) 3. use of clean bulls for A.I.. T. foetus may survive in frozen
2. avoid practice of communal bull semen.
GENUS Trichomonas
Trichomonas gallinae
Causes “avian trichomoniasis” of upper intestine of pigeon in particular. Chickens, turkeys and other birds may be affected. It
causes a serious disease of pigeons.
1. pyriform 3. with 4 anterior flagella 4. V.M. ends at about 2/3 of the
2. 5-10μ in size body
1. great majority of pigeons (80-90%) 3. acute outbreaks may occur in squabs characterized by
2. may carry T. gallinae without showing signs weakness and death
The earliest visible lesions are yellowish nodules which increases in size until the mouth, eosophagus and trachea are blocked.
Nodules are also found in the crop and proventriculus. Nodules contain caseous materials “yellow buttons” filled with T. gallinae.
Pigeons become emaciated due to failure to ingest feed.
a. “pigeon’s milk” b. Contaminated drinking water c. Contaminated feed
a. Occurrence of characteristic nodules in the mouth cavity, b. Demonstration of organisms from mouth and crop
esophagus and crop contents or caseous materials
1. Enheptin- 30mg/kg daily for 7-14 days 3. Furazolidone- 25-30 mg/day for 7 days. Carrier adults
2. Dimetridazole should be treated
Trichomonas gallinarum- occurs in lower intestine and liver of chickens in particular. May occur in other birds.
1. pear shaped 3. 4 anterior flagella
2. 6-8 μx 9 x 12μ 4. posterior flagellum ends at about the same point as the tip
of the axostyle
As a rule, it is not very pathogenic
Liquid pale yellow diarrhea
Nuffled feathers, loss of weight, loss of appetite
Pathology: Trichomonas gallinarum produces circular necrotic lesions of the liver similar to histomoniasis. Lesions have irregular
outline and raised surfaces.
1. Enheptin (2-amino-5-nitrothiazole) 2. Furazolidone- 25-30 mg/kg with the feed
0.1% of the feed
Other species:
Trichomonas anseri- ceca of geese Trichomonas tenax- mouth of man, monkeys (between gum and
Trichomonas anatis- ceca of duck teeth). Most commonly associated with dental disorders and
Trichomonas ovis- cecum of sheep pyorrhea
Trichomonas felistomae- mouth of cat Pentatrichomonas hominis -5 anterior flagella. Intestine of man,
Trichomonas canis- intestine of dog monkeys, gibbon and other animals
Trichomonas vaginalis- vagina, prostate and urethra of man.
Laboratory animals causes vaginitis
General Characteristics:
1. binucleated without undulating membrane 4. reproduce by binary fission
2. 8 flagella produce cysts
3. 2 needle-like axostyles
Genus Hexamita
Hexamita meleagridis- small intestine of turkeys, causing a condition known as Hexamitiasis or Catarrhal enteritis
1. pyriform 4. 6 anterior flagella 7. multiply by binary fission
2. bilaterally symmetrical 5. 2 posterior flagella 8. moves very rapidly
3. 2 nuclei 6. 2 axostyles 9. cyst is formed with fibrils
1. a disease particularly of young turkeys 3. affected birds appear nervous, depressed, ruffled feathers with foamy,
2. mortality may reach 80% watery diarrhea
4. loss of condition, dehydration and death
Pathology: Catarrhal
• inflammation of the intestine
• intestinal contents are thin, watery and foamy
1. demonstration of organisms in freshly killed birds 2. organisms are difficult to demonstrate in birds 1-2 hours after death
1. Furazolidone- 50 mg/lb of feed 4. Nithiazide- 0.02% of drinking water
2. Oxytetracycline- 25 mg/lb feed 5. Enheptin- 30 mg/kg body weight for 7 days
3. Chlortetracycline- 200 mg/lb feed
1. raise young poults away from adults 3. treatment of carrier adults
2. general cleanliness
Genus Giardia
Giardia lamblia (intestinalis)- occurs in the small intestine of pig, monkey and man causing a condition known as “giardiosis”.
Common in Philippine Island.
1. bilaterally symmetrical
2. pyriform
3. with 2 nuclei
4. 2 axostyles
5. two well developed sucking disk
6. 8 flagella
7. convex dorsally and concave or flattened ventrally
1. most cases are asymptomatic
2. chronic diarrhea
3. there may be large amount of mucus in the feces but no blood
1. demonstration of trophozoites and cysts in the feces
1. Atabrin, quinacrine 2. Chloroquin 3. Camoquin 4. Metromidazole
General Characteristics:
1-4 flagella with pseudopodia
Genus Histomonas
Histomonas meleagridis
• Occurs in the liver and ceca of turkeys, chickens, quail, pheasant peafowl, partridge
• A serious disease of turkeys causing a disease known as “histomoniasis”, enterohepatitis or “black head”
1. pleomorhic 7. cysts are not formed
2. 8-15μin diameter 8. reproduce by binary fission
3. one nucleus 9. in the lumen of the ceca, it has 1-4 flagella
4. large endosome 10. in the liver and cecal tissue, they are actively amoeboid with blunt rounded
5. no axostyle pseudopods (no flagella)
6. no undulating membrane 11. may occur singly or in cluster
• Infection is either direct by ingestion of infected feces or indirectly through ingestion of infected Heterakis eggs or infected
earthworms. (Heterakis are cecal worms, Histomonas are attracted by the developing heterakis ova, becomes enclosed by the egg
shell. Earthworms can transmit Heterakis eggs with Histomonas)
• Chickens are important reservoirs • Earthworms may harbor Heterakis eggs with Histomonas
• May carry the organisms without showing signs for long period
• Infected Heterakis eggs may survive in soil for 1-2 years
1. combs and wattles may become cyanotic (black head) 3. vent smeared with sulfur yellow feces
2. sulfur-yellow droppings 4. droopiness, ruffled feathers, loss of appetite
• In the liver, characteristics are circular, depressed, yellowish • It is more of a disease of young turkeys 3 to 12 weeks of age
areas of necrosis (the various sizes of a 50 centavo coin) one • Chickens are resistant
to three cm. occur • Losses 50-100%
• These are the pathognomonic lesions: the ceca ulceration
and neorosis of the cecal wall which become thickened,
containing yellowish caseous exudate.
1. Clinical signs, sulfur-yellow droppings is very suggestive 3. Histologic examination of liver and cecal section and
2. Pathological lesions, necrotic lesions of the liver and finding organisms
1. furazoline 3. carbasone 5. dimetridazole, ronidazole
2. enheptin 4. nithiazide
1. do not raise turkeys with the 3. pasture rotation at regular 6. raise turkeys on wire floorings
chickens intervals 7. continuous medication with the
2. remove droppings regularly 4. elevated waterers and feeders feed with the above therapeutic
5. phenothiazine with the feed agents
Phylum Apicomplexia
Class: Sporozoa
• no organ of locomotion except in the gamete stage a. asexually by binary fission or multiple fission
• produces oocysts, spores and sporozoites (Schizogony)
• reproduced: b. sexually by gametogony/syngamy and
Subclass: Coccidia
• parasites of the epithelium of the digestive tract and related organs chiefly of vertebrates
Schizogonic, gametogonic and syngamy take place in one and the same host. Sporogony occurs outside the host. No intermediate host.
A macro and microgametocyte develop independently. One macrogametocyte develops into one macrogamete while one
microgametocyte develops into several microgametes.
A zygote is formed by the union of one macrogamete and one microgamete. The zygote secretes membrane (cyst wall) around itself
and becomes an oocyst. By a process known as sporogony, a variable number of spores or sporocysts are formed. Sporozoites are
produced in each spore/sporocyst. The different gene5ra of the Family Eimeriidae are differentiated by the number of spores or
sporocysts and sporozoites in each sporulated oocysts.
Some merozoites invade other tissue cells and repeat the process of schizogony producing second generation schizonts. This
process may be repeated several times.
As a possible response to developing immunological reaction, some merozoites become differentiated into male and female
forms and the sexual phase of the life-cycle is initiated. The sexual forms are known as gamonts or gametocytes. The male form
(microgametocyte), divides into several motile microgametes while the female form (macrogametocyte) develops into a single
macrogamete. One microgamete fertilizes a macrogamete to form a zygote. The latter secretes a cyst wall and becomes oocyst. The
oocyst is extruded from the host tissue and pass to the outside with the feces. This is the resistant stage in the life cycle.
In the ground, the oocyst sporulates (sporogy) to form sporoblast which latter develops into sporocyst or spore. Sporozoites
are formed inside each sporocyst. In Eimeria, 4 sporocysts or spore develop, each with 2 sporozoites. In Isospora, 2 sporocysts each
with 4 sporozoites are formed.
Sporulated oocysts are infective. Infection is through the ingestion of sporulated oocyst with contaminated feed and water or
feces. In the intestinal tract, the oocyst exists and the sporozoites are released. Sporozoites enter epithelial cells (host cell) and the
schizogonic process is repeated.
Depends on:
• number of Schizogonic generations • number of merozoites • type of host cell affected
• size of infective dose • host resistance
Specific resitance to reinfection is characteristic of Coccidiosis. In chickens, resistance to further infection begins to develop sometime
after exposure. In layers, mild gradual exposure to Coccidia is necessary to produce immunity.
In general, adults are resitant to Coccidiosis, young stock are highly susceptible. Infective (sporulated) oocysts are resistant and can
survive long period of time. Transmission is thru water and feed contamination. Mechanical vectors are flies, beetles, rodents, man and
1. Clinical manifestations 2. finding large number of oocysts in the feces 3. pathognomonic lesions on autopsy
1. coccidiostats with feed/water amprol pul; clopidol, 3. regular removal of droppings (daily/twice a week)
robenicdine 4. maintain cleanliness
2. avoid overcrowding 5. mild exposure to produce immunity
coccidiosis – a clinical disease condition cause by coccidian (eimeria, isospura, etc.) and treatment is needed
coccidiasis – the presence of oocyst in the intestinal tract without producing clinical manifestation (subclinical infection). Treatment is
not necessary
Coccidia of mammals
In general, coccidial infection in mammals is not a problem. It usually occurs as mild infection. Many animals harbor oocysts
without showing clinical signs (coccidiasis).
Clinical signs
1. Calves below one year – usually infected 2. Watery diarrhea with mucus and blood
3. Tail and hind quarters soiled with feces 5. Loss of appetite, dehydration, loss of weight, death
4. Abdominal pain and straining during defecation
1. finding oocysts in the feces 3. smears from the mucosal scarpings on
2. clinical signs ost mortem
1. Sulfonamides 2. Amprolium
Clinical Signs
Clinical coccidiosis is confined only to young animals (Kids and lambs). Significant sign is diarrhea. Mortality rate with E. arloingi.
May reach 10%.
Coccidia of swine
Usually occur in low grade infection (Coccidiasis). Generally not pathogenic
1. Eimeria debliecki – most common 3. Eimeria scabra
2. Eimeria spinosa 4. Isospora suis
Clinical Signs
Profuse Diarrhea, may occur concurrently with colibacillosis/scouring in piglets
Coccidia of Horses
Occurs in low grade infection
1. Eimeria leuckarti 3. Eimeria uniungulati
2. Eimeria solipedum 4. Klossiella equi
In Isospora felis and Isospora rivolta extra-intestinal tissue forms (zoites) are seen in the liver, brain, spleen, lymph nodes of
cats, puppies and even in rats and mice. This peculiarity is also exhibited by Toxoplasma normally and therefore interfere with correct
Clinical signs
1. bloody diarrhea 2. weakness 3. anorexia 4. emaciation and death
Coccidia of rabbits
Pathogenic species
1. Eimeria perforans 4. Eimeria intestinalis
2. Eimeria media – G.I. tract causing diarrhea 5. E. stiedai – liver (bile ducts)
3. Eimeria magna, Irresidua C.S.I
1. Eimeria separata, E. nieschultzi
1. Eimeria falciformis
2. Cryptosporidium muris, C. parvum
G. Pig
1. E. cavial colon
2. Cryptosporidium wrairi
Klossiella kobayae – kidney
1. Eimeria aurata – gold fish 2. E. carpelli – carp 3. E. cyprinid – carp 4. E. truttae –
Coccidia of Chickens
Coccidiosis of chickens is of great economic importance. Heavy mortality occurs in severe infection.
Subclinical infection – common, no mortality but causes poor feed conversion, poor weight gain and low egg production. More or
less organ specific
1. Eimeria tenella – most common and most pathogenic species causing “cecal” coccidiosis. Usually affects chicken 3-5 weeks
of age. Mortality may range from 80-90% in severe untreated cases
Clinical signs:
• Bloody droppings • Anemia • Dehydration
(most significant sign • Weakness • Death
1. Hemorrhagic ceca – the most significant lesion. Severe
hemorrhages occur 5-6 days post-infection. If the bird 2. Eimeria necatrix – next to tenella in pathogenicity.
survives 48 hours following hemorrhage, “cheesy necrotic Causes distention of the middle intestine (ballooning). 2-3
core” (accumulation of clotted blood, tissue debris and times the normal diameter. Filled with unclotted blood.
oocysts in the ceca persist. Occysts are produced and seen Affects even older birds/layers may die of severe
more abundantly on feca. Examination 9-11 days after infection. 8-12 weeks or older, induce poor immune
infection. Mortality is highest between the 4th and 6th day response.
post infection. Continues mild exposure induce strong
Other species:
• Eimeria acervulina – duodenum, characterize by • Eimeria mivati – duodenum; middle intestine
numerous gray or whitish transverse pathes. • Eimeria maxima – S.I. qualification necrosis/ sloughing
• Eimeria praecox – duodenum of the mucosa
• Eimeria hagani – duodenum; less pathogenic • Eimeria mitis – S.I., cecum less pathogenic
1. finding large number of oocysts b. Distended or ballooned middle intestine – E.
2. clinical manifestations necatrix
3. post-mortem exam of some birds: c. Hemorrhagic duodenum – E. acervulina
a. Hemorrhagic ceca – E. tenella d. Sloughing of mucosa – E. brunette
• Sulfonamides e. Sulfanonomethoxine
a. Sufamonomethozine (Daimeton soda) f. Belmet – sulfanerazine, sulfadiazine,
b. Sufamethazine sulfamethazine
c. Sulfaquinoxaline g. ESB power (sulfachloropyrazine)
d. Sulmet – sodium sulfamethylpyrimedine h. Sulquin 6-50 solution
i. Abizet
Medication – 3-2-3 program (3 day treatment 2 days non-medication and 3 days medication)
1. continuous medication with the feed using coccidiostats 2. all-in, all-out system of management – through cleaning
(inhibitory) coccidiocidal (kills) and disinfection in between batches (at least 2 weeks
a. coopidol vacant)
b. cycostat 3. elevated waterers, raise birds on-slated floor/wire
c. monensin 4. in cases where drug resistance occur change coccidiostats.
d. salinomycin Regular switching of coccidiostats
e. amprolium 5. frequent removal of litter if possible
Coccidia of Turkeys
• Eimeria adenoides – lower SI and LI most pathognenic Pigeon
bloody droppings and mortality of up to 100% • Eimeria columbae – SI non-pathogenic
• E. gallopavovis – lower SI, ceca, rectum • E. lasseana – SI pathogenic to squabs
• E. meleagritis – 1-90% mortality; bloody diarrhea; o Blood tinged diarrhead
necrotic entritis • E. tropicalis – pathogenic to squabs
Causes of ballooning of Small Intestine – hemorrhagic enteritis of ducklings 2-3 weeks of age
Cyptosporidium sp. – oocysts produced on mucosa or surface epithelium of digestive and respiratory tracts causing respiratory
symptom emerging disease of and high mortality can be mistaken for chronic respiratory disease (CRD), coryza, etc.
Cryptosporidium tyzzeri – chicken cecum (extracellularly or the microvilli)
Cryptosporidium melagridis – turkey, diarrhea and some mortality
Wenyonella anatis – ducks
Wenyonella philiplevinei – ducks
Wenyonella gallinae – chickens
Tyzzeria perniciosa – ducks S.I.
Tyzzeria anseris – Geese S.I.
Reproduction occurs in two hosts. Part of the subclass coccidian intermediate and final hosts are vertebrae
• Intermediate Host – asexual reproduction takes place
• Final Host – sexual reproduction takes place
• Oocysts are reduced
GENUS Toxoplasma
Occurs in 3 forms:
1. Trophozoite – banana shaped, reproduced by binary 3. Oocysts – produced after schizogony, gametogony and
fission, endodyogeny and endopolygeny in tissue cells of syngamy in the intestinal epithelium of cats and other
various vertebrate IH. These are also known as animals of the feline family only (which are the F.H.)
tachyzoites, the rapidly multiplying forms sporulation takes place in the ground. Sporulated oocyst
2. Pseudocysts or cyst – contains many zoites or bradyzoites has two sporocysts, each with 4 sporozoites (similar to
(slow multiplying form) – found in the brain, lungs, liver Isospora)
and other organs of vertebrae I.H.
Life cycle:
When other trophozoites (tachyzoites) pseudocysts (bradyzoites) or sporulated oocyts (sporozoites) are ingested by cats (F.H.).
the zoites invade the epithelial cells of the small intestine and undergo schizogony and gametogony oocysts is voided out with the
feces and sporogony occurs in the ground in 3-4 days. The cycle is repeated when the sporulated oocysts are again ingested by cats.
If animals other than the cat family like cattle, goat, pig, dog, man, etc. which serve as initial hosts ingest the zoites
(spurozoited, tachyzoites and bradyzoites) the organisms invade tissue cells of various organs brain, spinal cord, liver, lungs, spleen,
lymph node etc. where they multiply asexually by binary fission, endodyogeny or endopolygeny or form pseudocyst where they
produce various clinical signs.
Prepatent period
1. 3-5 days if tachyzoites an bradyzoites are ingested 2. 20-25 days if sporozoites are ingested
1. Asymptomatic in most cases 2. organisms invade fetus causing abortion and stillbirth
Acute forms – similar to hog cholera, petechial hemorrhages on the skin, high fever, weakness of hindlegs, anorexia, conjunctivitis
1. Serological tests • CFT (Compliment Fixation Test)
• Skin test
• IFAT (Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test)
• IHAT (Indirect Hemagglutination – Agglutination Test)
2. demonstration of organisms in tissue smears, impression, 3. mouse inoculation/passages
blood smears
1. Pyrimethamine 4. sulfadiazine pyrimethamine
2. Sulfamonomethoxine • reduces oocysts output
3. sulfamonomethoxine plus pyrimethamine combination 5. clindamycin (Antibiotic)
1. Thorough cooking of meat 2. cats should not be fed raw meat 3. strict sanitation 4. control of rodents
Note: Not all cats carry T. gondii
Genus Sarcocystis
General Characteristics
1. Zoites are elongate 5. cysts are microscopic to macroscopic in size
2. cysts are septate, filled with spores or rainey’s corpuscles 6. sporulated oocyst/sporocysts produced in the intestinal
or bradyzoites wall of vertebrate F.H. (carnivores: dogs and cats/man
3. both IH and FH are vertebrate animals voided out with the feces
4. cyst (Sarcocyst, Miescher’s tube) found in the muscle of 7. high incidence in the Philippines
vertebrate IH
• Sarcocystis fusiformis • Sarcocystis tenella • S. bertrami
F.H. – dogs and cat F.H. – cat F.H. – dog
I. H. – carabaos (cattle) F.I. – sheep, goats I.H. - equines
• Sarcocystis cruzi • Sarcocystis ovicanis • S. miescheriana
F.H. – Dogs F.H. –dog F.H. – dog
I.H. – Carabao, cattle I.H. - sheep I.H - pig
• Sarcocystis bovicanis • S. hominis or bovi hominis • Sarcocystis porcifelis
F.H. – Dog F.H. – man F.H. – cat
I.H. – cattle I.H. – cattle I.H. - pig
• Sarcocystis levinet • Sarcocystis muris
F.H. – dog F.H. – cat
I.H. – Carabao, cattle I.H. – rats
Life Cycle:
Sporulated oocysts which are voided out with the feces or F.H., contains 2 sporocyst, each with 4 sporozoites. Oocyst wall is
delicate, usually ruptures and sprorocysts are also seen in fresh feces.
If sporulated oocysts/sporocyts containing sporozoites are ingested by suitable F.H. the sporozoites are released in the small
intestine and undergo gametogony (no schizogony and syngany). Oocyts are formed and sporulate in the epithelium of the small
intestine of dog, cat, man etc. Prepatent period is 1-3 weeks.
If infective materials (Sarcocyst, sporulated oocyst) are ingested by the I-I-, the zoites invade many tissues and undergo
schizogony in endothelial cells of blood vessels in most organs. The resulting merozoites migrate to the muscles via the blood stream
where they grow and form cyst or sarcocyst. Inside the sarcocyst, the spores (Bradyzoites) reproduce by binary fission or by
Transmission or mode of infection: Ingestion of sporulated oocyst, sporocysts containing sporozoites or meat with sarcocyst
(containing spores or bradyzoites)
1. Asymptomatic in most cases 3. abortion
a. In acute cases – reduced milk yield 4. anemia, diarrhea, loss of weight
2. severe infection – muscular weakness, extreme 5. death in severe infection
submuscular emaciation, submuscular edema, toxin =
sarcocystin fever
1. finding sarcocyst in the muscle tissue (macro and micro) 3. finding sporulated oocyst/sporocyst in the feces of
in carabaos may reach an inch long carnivores
2. finding trophozoites/spores in ground muscle
Treatment: None
Dogs and cats should not be given raw meat since they serve as F.H. and dissimilar or sporulated oocyst /sporocyst in nature
Genus Besnoitia
1. tachyzoites in tissues of I.H. 3. Oocyst in interior tract of carnivores (F.H.)
2. oocyst in connective tissue of I.H.
Besnoitia besnoiti
F.H. – rats
I.H. – cattle
Clinical signs
• thickened and wrinkled skin • emaciation • abortion • edema, diarrhea
• hairs fall off like in mange • some mortality below • sterility in bull • enlarged lymph nodes
but without pruritus 10% • acute fever – anorexia • rapid respiration
1. Ingestion of trophozoites and cyst with bradyzoites from tissues
2. ingestion of sporulates oocyst from the ground
Genus Hammondia
Hammondia hammondi
F.H. – Cats
I.H. – rodents
• Cyst in skeletal muscles, brain
• Tachyzoites multiply in lamina propria of intestine and muscle
Genus Frenkelia
Frenkelia microti – I.H. – mice, wolves
• Cyst in brain and spinal cord
Reproduction takes place in two hosts: schizogony (asexual) and gametogony occur in vertebrate host (secondary) while
syngamy (sexual) and sporogony take place in invertebrate host (Final or Primary host)
1. Plasmodium 2. Haemoproteus 3. Leucocytozoon
Genus Plasmodium
Schizogony occurs in the RBC and endothelial cells of solid organs (bone marrow, liver, lungs, etc. of vertebrate host syngamy
and sporogony occur in mosquito vectors pigment granules (hemozoin) present.
Merozoites from exoerythrocytic schitionts invade RBC and initiate further erythrocytic schizogony
Macrogametocytes and microgametocytes are ingested by culicine mosquitoes and in the gut, macrogametocyte matures into
one macrogamete while microgametocyte matures and a number of microgametes (6-8 flagella-like) are formed and extended out
from the parent cell by exflagellation process.
Once macrogamete is fertilized by a single microgamete (syngamy) forming a motile zygote, the ookinete. The ookinete
penetrates themidgut wall and lie on the other surface of the stomach, forming oocyst sporogeny then takes place forming several
sporozoites. Oocyst ruptures and sporozoites are released, migrate to the salivary gland – proboscis and finally transmitted to birds
when the mosquito bites to suck blood. Mosquitoes are infected throughout the entire life span.
P. gallinaceum – occurs in chickens endemic in India, Pakistan and other neighboring countries not a problem in the Philippines.
Vectors are Culex and Aedes mosquitoes causes a disease condition known as “Avian malaria gallinaceum”. Gametocystes are big,
round or irregular with pigment granules. Schizonts in RBC round to irregular in shape; 6-30 merozoites. Displaces host cell nucleus.
Host cell distorted
• spleen and liver are enlarged • pale muscle and mucous membrane
Gametocytes are usually elongate – pyriform, may be round; schizonts small with 3-7 merozoites, usually in contact with the are
nucleus. Host cell not distorted, nucleus not displaced. Parasitemia usually low – 3-5% or less. Rarely higher
Diagnosis: Blood smear and examination and finding schizonts and gametocytes in RBC
• Paludrine 7.5 MG/KGM • Sulfamonomethoxine – pyrimethamine combination
• Chloroquin – 5 MG/KGM • Trimethroprim S.Q. combination
• Plasmochin – 5MG/KGM
Genus Haemoproteus
Schizogony in endothelial cells of blood vessels especially the lungs and not in RBC. (no erythrocyctic schizogony) only
gametocytes occur in RBC. Found in blood sucking insects Hippoboscid flies and Culicoides sp of some cases. Pigment granules
present in gametocytes. Host cell not usually distorted.
H. columbae in pigeons causing “pigeon malaria” prevalent in the Philippines. Also affect doves and wild birds. Only sausage
shape gametocytes are found in RBC. Pigment granules present. Most cells usually not distorted.
Vectors are pigeon louse fly – Pseudolynchia (maura) canariensis
Life cycle:
Sporozoites introduced by pigeon lousefly endothelial cells of blood vessels schizonts cytomeres merozoites
either repeat schizogony or undergo gametogony gametocytes in RBC (micro and macro) syngamy zygote
ookinete oocyst sporozoites proboscis.
Many pigeons harbor the organism without showing signs. Heavy mortality may occur among squabs. Frequent signs are
anemia and emaciation, on post-mortem, liver and spleen are enlarged.
Diagnosis is by blood examination and finding of gametocytes in RBC
no satisfactory treatment
quinacrine may affect gametocytes but not schizonts
Other species:
Haemoproteus meleagridis – turkey; gametocytes – sausage shape. Vector – unknown
H. nettionis – ducks and geese; gametocytes – susage shape. Vector – Culicoides sp
H. sacharovi – pigeons and doves; gametocytes – irregular or round. Vector – Pseudolynchia sp and Culicoides sp.
GENUS Leucocytozoon
Schizogony in endothelial and parenchymal cells of liver, lungs, spleen, testes, ovary, intestine etc. gametocytes in
erythocytes or leukocytes. Depending on the species. Pigment granules absent. Syngamy and sporogony in blood sucking insects.
Most prevalent blood parasite of chickens in the Philippines also present in many countries of the far-east Japan, Burma,
Taiwan, Malaya, Thailand etc.
Life cycle: basically the same as H. columbae except that:
1. schizogony occurs on the endothelia and parenchymal cells 3. primary host are Culicoides sp
of solid organs – liver, lungs, spleen, testes, ovary, intestine 4. secondary host are chicken
etc. 5. self limiting – after one developmental cycle, the chicken
2. gametocytes – are round and RBC are distorted and becomes free of parasite and recover.
– anemia, hemoptysis – greenish diarrhea – morbidity 30-50%
– depressions, dullness – ruffled feathers – mortality 0-20%
– weakness – poor apetite
1. liver and spleen enlarged 4. blood clot maybe present in the abdominal cavity
2. gall bladder suspended with bile 5. muscle very pale
3. hemorrhagic spots (petechiae) in the combs, liver, muscles and
other organs, may be absent.
1. blood examination 2. ring forms 3. mature gametocytes 4. developing gametocytes
Diagnosis: blood smear examination and finding spindle-shaped host cell with gametocytes
Treatment: Clopidol in feeds
1. control of Simuliun sp.
2. raise duckling away from carrier adults.
L. smithi turkeys caused “turkey malaria” or turkey leucocytozoonosis in US gametocytes in elongated spindle shaped WBC
Vectors – Simulium spp
Pathogenesis: Strongly pathogenic to young turkeys. Mortality may reach up to 90%
Clinical signs: Anorexia, emaciation, leg weakness, incoordination
Diagnosis: blood smear examination and finding gametocytes
1. sulfaquinoxaline (treatment) 2. clopidol (prevention) 3. control of black flies
Babesia or piroplasma – piroplasmosis or babesiosis (a disease primarily of older animals) pyriform, amoeboid intracellular,
multiply in the RBC into two or more nonpigmented pearshaped organisms. Lie charactistically at an angle with narrow ends in
Babesia are divided into two groups:
I. large forms – more than 3u
II. small forms – less than 3u
Development does not occur unless ticks are replete with blood otherwise the organism dies or retarted. In the tick gut epithelium, the
parasites undergo multiplication process similar to schizogony producing “fission bodies” (schizonts) containing club-shaped forms
called “vermicules” similar to merozoites.
Mature fission bodies rupture and the vermicules are released into the gut lumen. Vermicules penetrate the gut wall into the
hemonymph to enter the ovary and finally the developing eggs. When the egg hatches into larvae, the organism undergoes
multiplication (schizogony) in the gut epithelium. Vermicles enter salivary gland when the larvae molts into nymph, the vermicules
invade the salivary glands where large schizonts are again formed producing infective vermicules.
Transtadial transmission or stage to stage – Babesis ingested into larval or nymphal ticks is transmitted by the succeeding stage
(nymph or adult) occurs in 2 or 5 host ticks.
Example: B. canis in R. sanguineus
Phagocytes just beneath the hypodermis in the body cavity undergoes schizogony forms containing club shaped forms (vermicules)
club shaped forms are liberated and invade the tick. Muscle cells divide into large number of small ovoid forms. When adult emerges
from the nymph and feeds the organism migrate to the salivary glands and further reproduce by repeated binary fission into large
number of small ovoid infective dorms. Schizogony occurs in the salivary glands of nymph and adults but most transmission is by
Babesia of cattle
Babasia bigemina
B. bovis – Argentina
B. divergens
B. bigemina - CATTLE
1. Worldwide in distribution in the tropics and subtropics. 5. Pyriform in pairs, round, oval, Irregular
2. Philippines 6. Vectors are principally Boophilus sp.
3. Morphology: large piroplasm (2X4-50) 7. Intra-Uterine transmission possible
4. Round forms are 2-3U in diameter
Causes disease known as “Texas Fever”, Red water, Cattle tick fever, Bovine Malaria or piroplasmosis, Bovine Babesiosis.
1. Calves below 1yr. are resistant, frequently asymptomatic. 6. Mortality- As high as 30-90% in untreated outbreaks.
2. Incubation period 1-2 weeks. Death occurring within a week onset.
3. 1st. sign-high fever(106-1080F OR 41-420C) severe 7. Animals that survive acute phase go into chronic phase
anemia develops up to 75% or RBC being destroyed, for several weeks duration. Characteristics intermittent
mucous membrane becomes pale , ecteric and increase in fever(40-40.5%) emaciation, diarrhea or constipation but
heart and respiratory rates. usually without marked hemoglobinuria.
4. Hemoglobinuria-usually present (coffee-colored urine) 8. Cerebral form is characterize by sudden onset high fever,
5. Initially- Profuse diarrhea followed by marked incoordination followed by posterior paralysis or
constipation, anorexia, depression, weakness, cessation or convulsions, coma and death.
rumination and drop in milk yield.
POST MORTEM: Anemia, Icterus, Subcutaneous and intramuscular edema splenomegaly (maybe 6 times the normal size),
Hepatomegaly distended gall bladder with thick dark blue bile,red urine or dark brown in color.
1. Their is inverse age resistant . Calves resistance. stress (parturition,starvation etc.) if the parasite disappears
Asymptomatic and have very low parasitemia. Adults the animal becomes fully susceptible again.
very susceptible. Clinical signs marked. 3. Spleen plays important role in maintaining immune
2. Accquired immunity a premunition. Immunity to status. Splenectomy is often followed by severe or fatal
reinfection is due to continuing low grade infection. Life released in the “premunized animals. Splenectomized
long immunity for B. bigemina but may be overcome by animals are also more susceptible to infection and much
more seriously affected.
1. Clinical signs- high fever, anemia and hemoglobinuria are 3. Animal inoculation 50-100ml of suspected blood I.V. or
suggestive of babesiosis. SC to splenomectomized calves.
2. Demonstration of organism in the peripheral blood smear 4. SEROLOGICAL HEMAGLUTINATION I-F-A-T
especially during period of high fever.
B. bovis
Argentina cattle of temperate countries present in the B. divergens-cattle of N. Europe.
Philippines (small piroplasm (2.4-1.5u) sygnet ring forms Smallest Bebasia sp. Of cattle (1.5X.40). Usually paired and
particularly common. Also pyriform or irregular. widely diverged lying superficially in RBC.
vectors: Ixodes sp. Boophilus sp.Rhicephalus spp. Disease vectors: Ixodes ricinus
similar to but more severe than B. bigemina premunition does
not last 2 years.
DIAGNOSIS: - Smears from heart, kidney, brain, and peripheral blood obtained from tail tip.
1. Babesia of sheep and goats 2. B.motasi-in Europe, Asia and America
SIGNIFICANT SIGNS: Fever, anemia, Haemaglobinimia
Babesia of Horses, Donkeys, Mules
Babesia caballi, B. Equi
Babesia caballi
Resembles B.begemina 2.5-4u longs.
Vectors: Dermacentor spp. Rhicephalus spp. and Hyalomma spp.
1. Anemia icterus but Hemaglobinuria is rare and not 3. Inverted age resistance. Recoverd horses are
characteristic. premune for 1 to 2 years.
2. Paralysis common.
Clinical signs
1. Demonstration of organisms
2. Serological test Compliment Fixation Test, Flourescent Antibody Test
B. equi
Morphology:smaller than B. caballi 2u long and characteristically divides into 4 daughter cells which frequently form a “maltese”
cross appearance.
Vectors: Dermacentor , Rhicephalus, Hyalomma spp
Pathogenesis: More pathogenic than B. caballi. Significant signs are fever anemia, icterus, Hemoglobinuria and Edema. Paralysis
(common in caballi) is not usually seen in B. equi.
Mortality: 10-50% if not treated.
Atypical cases
1. respiratory type – bronchitis, pneumonia. SC, edema, ascites 3. gastrointestinal type – gastritis
2. nervous type – dist, locomotion epileptiform. Fits paresis, 4. ocular type – keratitis, iritis
Clinical signs
1. animal inoculation – 10ml of 2. B. gibsoni – produces more 3. B. vogeli similar to B. canis but
blood to splenectomized dogs chronic disease than B. canis no cross immunity
Babesia of cat
Babesia felis – small (1.5 – 2u long) round, oval forms, divides into four: organism forming “maltese cross” arrangement. Important
signs are anemia, icterus and emaciation
Zoonotic Babesia
Babesia bovis Babesia microti B. divergens
Family Theileriidae
Organism are round, ovoid, comma shaped, rod like ring or irregular form found in erythrocytes and lymphocytes of cattle,
buffaloes, sheep and goats. Produce macro schizonts (agamont) and micro-schizonts (gamonts). Pigment granules absent. Transmitted
by ticks, disease condition produced is called “theileriasis”. Not reported in Philippine Islands
Life cycle
1. Sporozoites are inoculated by ticks in vertebrate host.
2. Schizonts are formed in the lymphocytes and endothelial cells.
Micromerozoites attack RBC. (Mostly rod shaped). Infected RBC are ingested by ticks (especially R. appendiculatus) in the tick –
ookinete—sporozoites are produced which are infective.
Symptoms: higher fever. Up to 90% of RBC may be parasitized at the height of the fever. Dry hemorrhagic feces. Marked emotion,
weakness. Enlarged superficial lymph nodes.
Mortality up to 100%
Post mortem: Enlarge spleen and liver. Petechial hemorrhages on serous membranes. Swollen lymph nodes.
Normally by ticks. Inoculation of emulsified spleen and lymph nodes (T.parva, is not transmissible by blood transfusion/inoculation.
1. Clinical signs - Absence of anemia 2. Demonstration of schizonts from 3. Demonstration of forms in RBC
and icterus aid in differentiating “east the lymph nodes and spleen puncture (sometimes difficult)
coast fever” from piroplasmosis. (biopsy).
Family Haemogregarinidae
Genus Hepatozoon
Schizogony in the endothelial cells of the liver. Gametocytes in the leucocytes and erythrocytes depending on the species.
Hepatozoon canis- dog, cat (Present in the Philippines)
Schizonts in the endothelial cells of the spleen, bone marrow and liver. Gamonts/gametocytes occurring in leucocytes forming
rectangular bodies measuring 3x12 microns by 3-6 microns surrounded by delicate capsule, stain pale blue with reddish purple
Developmental cycle
The dog is infected through ingestion of infected tick (R. sanguineus) which contains sporozoites in the body cavity.
Sporozoites penetrate intestinal walls of dog. Spleen Liver bone marrow and become schizonts merozoites invade leucocytes
become gametocytes/gamonts. Upon ingestion gametocytes leaves leucocytes in the alimentary canal of tick gamete male and
female gametes unite (fertilization) zygote ookinete penetrate intestinal wall of tick haemocoele sporoblast sporocyst
with sporozoites. On the ingestion of ticks oocyst and sporocyst are ruptured to release the sporozoites.
Clinical signs- irregular fever, anemia, progressive emaciation with the enlargement of spleen, Lumbar paralysis may occur.
Diagnosis: demonstration of gametocyte in stained blood smear or schizonts in spleen and bone marrow.
Treatment: no known effective treatment but tetracycline and imidocarbs give best results.
Hepatozoon muris - Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Hepatozoon musculi - mouse
Hepatozoon cuniculi - rabbit
Morphology: small spherical bodies, red to dark red in the color found in the RBC.
Transmission- mechanical tick, Tabanids, Stableflies, mosquitoes, dehorning, mass vaccination or castration.
Symptoms: fever, anorexia, weakness recumbency, dehydration. Loss of weight, pale mucous membrane (anemia). Marked icterus.
Slow labored breathing, constipation. Parasitemia 30-50%. Mortality usually 10% but may reach as high as 80%.
1. Tetracyclines injection
2. Imodocarb injections with supportive treatment either- blood transfusion, dextrose administration, I.V large amount of water
through s. tube mild laxative. Avoid rough handling.
1. Control of ticks and blood sucking flies 4. preimunization- 5ml. of blood from cattle. Eperythrozoon
2. Proper precaution in surgical operations Minute ring or coccoid shaped granular bodies in the RBC.
3. Antibiotic administration with the feed at 2-3 weeks interval
in the enzootic areas.
May produce anemia and jaundice “icteroanemia” or “yellow belly” in pigs- Eperythrozoon suis is not pathogenic. May cause high
morbidity in suckling pigs.
Treatment: tetracyclines injections
Haemobartonella - round, oval bodies of the RBC ,or coccoid forms in chain
1. blood transfusion 2. Tetracycline 3. Chloramphenicol 4. Thiacetarsamide
Genus Balantidium
Balantidium coli- causes “balantidial dysentery”. In pigs and man. Most prevalent protozoon parasite in swine macronucleus is bean-
shaped. Micronucleus lies in a notch of macronucleus body covered with cilia. Cyst are ovoid or spherical.
Pathogenesis: causes mild to severe enteritis resulting to watery diarrhea and dehydration and dehydration particularly among the
weanling pigs. May cause superficial or deep ulceration of the intestines.
Diagnosis: fecal examination and finding of vegetative motile Trophozoites and cysts.