Chapter 1 Solutions Modern Physics 4th Edition

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Some of the key concepts discussed regarding relativity include the principles of relativity, time dilation, length contraction, and simultaneity.

Time dilation means that time passes slower for objects in motion relative to an observer. Clocks that are moving relative to an observer will be measured to tick slower than identical clocks that are at rest in the observer's frame of reference.

According to relativity, objects in motion experience length contraction - their dimensions along the direction of motion are shortened. This effect is due to the fact that it takes longer for light signals to traverse the length of a moving object as measured in a frame where the object is at rest.

Chapter 1 !

Relativity I
1-1. Once airborne, the planes motion is relative to still air. In 10 min the air mass has moved toward the east. The north and up coordinates relative to the ground (and perpendicular to the wind direction) are unaffected. The 25 km point has moved 10.8 km east and is, after 10 min, at west of where the plane left the ground

(0, 0, 0) after 10 min the plane is at (14.2 km, 16 km, 0.5 km).



(b) From Equation 1-7 the correction

(c) From experimental measurements

No, the relativistic correction of order 10!8 is three orders of magnitude smaller than the experimental uncertainty.



(a) This is an exact analog of Example 1-3 with L = 12.5 m, c = 130 mph, and v = 20 mph. Calling the plane flying perpendicular to the wind #1 and the one flying 1

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-4 continued) parallel to the wind #2, #1 will win by )t where

(b) Pilot #1 must use a heading

relative to his course on both legs.

Pilot #2 must use a heading of 0 relative to the course on both legs.


(a) In this case, the situation is analogous to Example 1-3 with L =


, and

. If the flash occurs at t = 0, the interior is dark until t = 2 s at which time a bright circle of light reflected from the circumference of the great circle plane perpendicular to the direction of motion reaches the center, the circle splits in two, one moving toward the front and the other toward the rear, their radii decreasing to just a point when they reach the axis 10!8 s after arrival of the first reflected light ring. Then the interior is again dark. (b) In the frame of the seated observer, the spherical wave expands outward at c in all directions. The interior is dark until t = 2s, at which time the spherical wave (that reflected from the inner surface at t = 1s) returns to the center showing the entire inner surface of the sphere in reflected light, following which the interior is again dark.


Yes, you will see your image and it will look as it does now. The reason is the second postulate: All observers have the same light speed. In particular, you and the mirror are in the same frame. Light reflects from you to the mirror at speed c relative to you and the mirror and reflects from the mirror back to you also at speed c, independent of your motion.


(Equation 1-12) Where

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-7 continued)


(a) No. Result depends on the relative motion of the frames. (b) No. Results will depend on the speed of the proton relative to the frames. (This answer anticipates a discussion in Chapter 2. If by "mass," the "rest mass" is implied, then the answer is "yes," because that is a fundamental property of protons.) (c) Yes. This is guaranteed by the 2nd postulate. (d) No. The result depends on the relative motion of the frames. (e) No. The result depends on the speeds involved. (f) Yes. Result is independent of motion. (g) Yes. The charge is an intrinsic property of the electron, a fundamental constant.


The wave from the front travels 500 m at speed travels at rear.

and the wave from the rear

. As seen in Figure 1-15, the travel time is longer for the wave from the

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I


While the wavefront is expanding to the position shown, the original positions of A), B), and C) have moved to *-marks, according to the observer in S. (a) According to an S) observer, the wavefronts arrive simultaneously at A) and B). (b) According to an S observer, the wavefronts do not arrive at A) and C) simultaneously. (c) The wavefront arrives at A) first, according to the S observer, an amount )t before arrival at C), where


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.85 0.90 0.925 0.950 0.975 0.985 0.990 0.995 1 1.0206 1.0911 1.2500 1.6667 1.8983 2.2942 2.6318 3.2026 4.5004 5.7953 7.0888 10.0125

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I



(b) The quantities


in Equation 1-21 are each equal to

, but x1 and x2 in Equation 1-20

are different and unknown. 1-13. (a)

(b) (difference is due to rounding of (, x), and t).

1-14. To show that )t = 0 (refer to Figure 1-9 and Example 1-3).

t2, because length parallel to motion is shortened, is given by:

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-14 continued)


and no fringe shift is expected.



Let frame S be the rest frame of Earth and frame S) be the spaceship moving at speed v to the right relative to Earth. The other spaceship moving to the left relative to Earth at speed u is the particle. Then and .

(b) Calculating as above with



(Equation 1-24)


(Equation 1-20)

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-16 continued)


(Equation 1-24)

is found in the same manner and is given by: 7

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-16 continued)

1-17. (a) As seen from the diagram, when the observer in the rocket (S)) system sees rockets clock, only 0.6 c@s have ticked by on the laboratory clock.
4 _

tick by on the

ct' x'

3 _

2 _

1 _ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

(b) When 10 seconds have passed on the rockets clock, only 6 seconds have passed on the laboratory clock.

1-18. (a)

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-18 continued)

(Equation 1-25)


1-19. By analogy with Equation 1-25, (a)


1-20. (a)

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-20 continued) (b)



1-22. (a)


elapses on the pilots clock also. The pilots clock loses:


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-22 continued)

1-23. (a)


(c) The projection The length on the x axis is L. on the ct axis yields t.

1-24. (a)



Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-24 continued) (c) (d)

1-25. From Equation 1-30, where L = 85m and Lp = 100m

1-26. (a)

t = distance to Alpha Centauri'spaceship speed =

(b) For a passenger on the spaceship, the distance is:


1-27. Using Equation 1-30, with

equal to the proper lengths of A and B and LA =

length of A measured by B and LB = length of B measured by A.


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

1-28. In S) : Where In S:


1-29. (a) In S : Both a) and c) have components in the x) direction. and


(in z direction) is unchanged, so

2 (between c and xy-plane) = N (between a and yz-plane) =

V = (area of ay face) @ b (see part [b])


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-29 continued) (b)


Solving for v/c,

. For yellow

Similarly, for green

and for blue


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I


1-32. Because the shift is a blue shift, the star is moving toward Earth.



Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

1-34. (a) Time to star: Time of visit = 10 y Time to return to Earth: Total time away = (b) Distance to star: Time till star "arrives": Time of visit = 10 y Time till Earth "arrives" = 0.671 y Total time away = 11.34 y

1-35. Distance to moon = Angular velocity T needed for v = c:

Information could only be transmitted by modulating the beams frequency or intensity, but the modulation could move along the beam only at speed c, thus arriving at the moon only at that rate.

1-36. (a) Using Equation 1-28 and Problem 1-20(b),



Time lost by satellite clock =


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-36 continued)



(Equation 1-43)

where F A

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-38 continued) (b) . Using the same substitution as in (a), and the circumference of Earth , and , or , so,

Where v is the relative speed of the planes flying opposite directions. The speed of each plane was .

1-39. Simplifying the interval to and

, we substitute the Lorentz transformation:

1-40. (a) Alpha Centauri is 4 c@ y away, so the traveler went

in 6 y, or


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-40 continued) (b) older than the other traveler.

10 _ ct

return trip

8 _ 6_ 4_ 2_ 0 0

| 2

| 4

| 6

| 8

| 10



Alpha Centauri

1-41. Orbit circumference Satellite speed


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

1-42. (a)

(Equation 1-22)

For events to be simultaneous in S),

(b) Yes. (c) Note: B is on the x) axis, i.e., where ct) = 0, as is A. For any x) slope greater than 0.4 the order of B and A is reversed.


1-43. (a) (b) (c) (Equation 1-31)


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-43 continued) Where L is the distance in the pion system. At 0.92c, the time to cover 19.6m is: . So for lab, (d) Ignoringrelativity,thetimerequiredtocover50mat0.92cis andNwouldthenbe: pions initially, at the end of 50m in the


(See Problem 1-20)

For Lp = 11 m and

1-45. (a)

(b) Slope of ct) axis = 2.08 = 1'$, so $ = 0.48 and (c) For (d)


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

1-46. (a) (b)

(c) (d) As viewed from Earth, the ships pass in the time required for one ship to move its own contracted length.


1-47. In Doppler radar, the frequency received at the (approaching) aircraft is shifted by approximately . Another frequency shift in the same direction occurs at the receiver, so the total shift .


(Equation 1-37)

Which is Equation 1-38.


(Equation 1-22)

(a) 22

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-49 continued) Thus, (b) Using the first event to calculate t) (because t) is the same for both events), in the !x direction.

(c) (d) The interval is spacelike. (e)

1-50. (a)

Because events are simultaneous in S), line between 1 and 2 is parallel to x) axis. Its slope is

(b) From diagram t) = 1.7 y.


(1) (2) Where Dividing (1) by (2) and inserting the values,


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-51 continued)

in +x direction.


with respect to the +x) axis.

1-53. This is easier to do in the xy and x) y) planes. Let the center of the meterstick, which is parallel to the x axis and moves upward with speed vy in S, at with those in S. In S) the components of the sticks velocity are: because uy = vy and ux = 0 at . The right

hand end of the stick, e.g., will not be at t) = 0 in S) because the clocks in S) are not synchronized

because ux = 0 24

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-53 continued) When the center of the stick is located as noted above, the right end in S) will be at: because t = 0. The S) clock there will read: because t = 0. Therefore, when t) = 0 at the center, the right end is at x) y) given by:



1-55. The solution to this problem is essentially the same as Problem 1-53, with the manhole taking the place of the meterstick and with the addition of the meterstick moving to the right along the x-axis. Following from Problem 1-53, the manhole is tilted up on the right and so the meterstick passes through it; there is no collision.


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

1-56. (a)


(b) For simultaneity in S), is also <1 or (c) If D < cT, then because (d) Assume . Thus, with

, or

. Because

. For T > 0 this is always positive is always positive. . Then

This changes sign at than c)

which is still smaller than 1. For any larger v (still smaller or


(a) The clock in S reads

when the S) clock reads 60 min and the first signal . The

from S) is sent. At that time, the S) observer is at

signal travels for 45 min to reach the S observer and arrives at 75 min + 45 min = 120 min on the S clock.

(b) The observer in S sends his first signal at 60 min and its subsequent wavefront is found at . The S) observer is at x positions coincide, i.e., when and receives the wavefront when these

The confirmation signal sent by the S) observer is sent at that time and place, taking 90 min to reach the observer in S. It arrives at 150 min + 90 min = 240 min. 26

Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-57 continued) (c) Observer in S: Sends first signal Receives first signal Receives confirmation The S) observer makes identical observations. 60 min 120 min 240 min

1-58. Clock at r moves with speed

, so time dilation at that clocks location is:

Or, for



(a) For vBA :

. So,


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

(Problem 1-59 continued)

(b) For vAB :

. So,

(c) The situations are not symmetric. B viewed from A moves in the +y direction, and A viewed from B moves in the !y direction, so tan which requires vA = vB = 0. = !tan = 45 only if vA = vB and ,



Chapter 1 ! Relativity I

1-61. (a) Apparent time

and apparent time

where tA = light travel time from point A to Earth and tB = light travel time from point B to Earth.

(b) Star will appear at A and B simultaneously when or when the period is:

1-62. The angle of uN with the xN axis is:


Chapter 1 ! Relativity I


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