Advanced Control Solved Problems

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BEE003 Advanced Control System

Unit -I


1. Why is negative feedback preferred in a control systems?

The negative feedback results in better stability in steady state and rejects
any disturbance signals. It’s also has low sensitivity to parameter variations.
Hence negative feedback is preferred in closed loop systems.

2. What is time variant and time invariant system?

A system is said to be time invariant if its input output characteristics do
not change with time. A linear time invariant system can be represented by
constant coefficient differential equations.

3. What is transfer function?

The Transfer function of a system is defined as the ratio of the Laplace
transform of output to Laplace transform of input with zero initial
conditions. It’s also defined as the Laplace Transform of the impulse
response of system with zero initial conditions.

4. What is centroid? How the centroid is calculated ?

The meeting point of the asymptotes with the real axis is called centroid.
The centroid is given by
Centroid = (sum of poles – sum of zeros) / (n-m)

5. What are break away and break in points?

At break away point the root locus breaks from the real axis to enter into
the complex plane. At break in point the root locus enters the real axis
from the complex plane. To find the break away or break in points, form a
equation for K from the characteristic equation and differentiate the
equation of K with respect to s. Then find the roots of the equation dK/dS =
0. The roots of dK/dS = 0 are break away or break in points provided for
this value of root the gain K should be positive and real.

6. What do you mean by pole and zero of a transfer function?

The pole of a function F(S) is the value at which the function F(S) becomes
The zero of a function F(S) is the value at which the function F(S) becomes
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I

7. What is Nyquist stability criterion?

If the Nyquist plot of the open loop transfer function G(s) corresponding to
the nyquist contour in the S- plane encircles the critical point –1+j0 in the
contour in clockwise direction as many times as the number of right half S-
plane poles of G(s),the closed loop system is stable.

8. Define bandwidth of a system.

The bandwidth is the range of frequencies for which the system gain is
more than -3 db. The bandwidth is a measure of the ability of a feedback
system to reproduce the input signal, noise rejection characteristics and rise

9. What is frequency response?

A frequency response is a steady state output of the system, when the
input to the system is a sinusoidal signal.

10. What is resonant Peak (µr)?

The maximum value of the magnitude of closed loop transfer function is
called resonant peak.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I

1. Derive the transfer function from state model.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I

2. Derive the frequency domain specification bandwidth.

3. What is the effect of addition of poles & zeros on root locus.

4. What are the properties of transfer function and its limitations?

Properties Of Transfer Function.
 Zero initial condition
 It is same as Laplace Transform of its Impulse Response
 Replacing “s” by d/dt in the Transfer Function, the differential equation
can be obtained.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I
 Poles and Zeros can be obtained from the Transfer Function.
 Stability can be known.
 Can be applicable to Linear System only.


5. Discuss the correlation between frequency response and time response.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I
1. Derive Resonant peak and Resonant frequency.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I

2. Determine the Transfer Function for the given system.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I

3. = +
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I

4. Explain the procedure to draw Nyquist plot for stability analysis.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I

5. Consider the system described by the state model = AX and Y = CX

where ,
A= ,C= Design a full order state observer the desired
Eigen values for the observer matrix are = -5 , = -5
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -I
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II

1. What is state and state variable?

The state is the condition of a system at any instant ,t. A set of variable which
describes the state of the system at any time instant are called state variables.

2. What is State transition matrix?

The matrix exponential eAt is called state transition matrix.

3. Write the properties of state transition matrix.

The following are the properties of state transition matrix
1. Φ (0) = eA(0) = I Unit Matrix.
2. Φ (t) = eAt = (e-At)-1 = [Φ(-t)]-1.
3. Φ (t1+t2) = eA(t1+t2) = Φ(t1) Φ(t2) = Φ(t2) Φ(t1).

4. What is resolvant matrix ?

The laplace transform of State transition matrix is called resolvant matrix.

5. What is controllability and observability?

A system is said to be completely state controllable if it is possible to transfer
the system state from any initial state X(t0) at any other desired state X(t), in
specified finite time by a control vector U(t).
A system is said to be completely observable if every state X(t) can be
completely identified by measurements of the output Y(t) over a finite time

6. What is free response and forced response of a system ?

Free response : It is the response of the system for zero input .
Forced response : Response of the system with excitate is called forced

7. Draw the block diagram representation of state model .

A block diagram of a system is a pictorial representation of the functions
performed by each component of the system and shows the flow of signals. The
basic elements of block diagram are block, branch point and summing point.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II

8. Name the test signals used in control system

The commonly used test input signals in control system are impulse, step, ramp,
acceleration and sinusoidal signals.

9. How the system is classified depending on the value of damping?

Depending on the value of damping, the system can be classified into the
following four cases
Case 1 : Undamped system, τ = 0
Case 2 : Underdamped system, 0 < τ < 1
Case 3 : Critically damped system, τ = 1
Case 4 : Over damped system, τ > 1.

10. What are the three constants associated with a steady state error?
The Kp, Kv and Ka are called static error constants. These constants are
associated with steady state error in a particular type of system and for a standard
• Positional error constant
• Velocity error constant
• Acceleration error constant.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II

1. A = compute state transition matrix.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II
2. Discuss the properties of state transition matrix.

3. Explain in detail about the design of state observer for continuous time

4. What is state & state variable? What is the need of state space analysis and
state its advantages?

5. Derive the solution of homogenous state equations for free response.

1. Determine the solution of state equation
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II

2. = +

Y= Check for controllability for kalman’s test.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II

3. = +


Check for observability for kalman’s test

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II
4. Determine the state model of the system determined by the differential

5. Obtain the state model and output for the transfer function by cascading.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -II
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

1. What is compensation?
The compensation is the design procedure in which the system behaviour is altered
to meet the desired specifications by introducing additional device called

2. What is a lag compensator? Give an example?

A compensator having the characteristics of lag network is called lag
compensator. If a sinusoidal signal is applied to a lag compensator, then in steady
state the output will have a phase lag and lead with respect to input.
An electrical lag compensator can be realised by an R-C network. The R-C
network shown in the figure is an example of electrical lag compensator.

3. What is lead compensator? Give an example.

A compensator having the characteristic of a lead network is called a lead
compensator. If a sinusoidal signal is applied to a lead compensator, then in
steady state the output will have a phase lead with respect to input. An electrical
lead compensator can be realised by a RC network. The R-C network shown in
the figure is an example of electrical lead compensator.

4. What is state estimator?

A device that estimates i.e. observes the state variables is called state estimator.

5 . What are the uses of lag compensator?

The lag compensator improves the steady state performance, reduces the
bandwidth and increases the rise time. The increase in rise time results in slower
transient response. If the pole introduced by the compensator is not cancelled by
the zero in the system, then lag compensator increases the order of the system by

6 . What are the uses of lead compensator?

The lead compensator increases the bandwidth and improves the speed of
response. It also reduces the peak overshoot. If the pole introduced by the
compensator is not cancelled by the zero in the system, then lead compensation
increases the order of the system by one. When the given system is stable/
unstable and requires improvement in transient state response then lead
compensation is employed.

7. Why compensation is necessary in feedback control system?

In feedback control systems compensation is required in the following Situations:
When the system is absolutely unstable, then compensation is required to stabilize
the system and also to meet the desired performance.
When the system is stable, compensation is provided to obtain the desired
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

8. What are the factors to be considered or choosing compensation ?

 Nature of signals
 Power levels at various points
 Components available

9. Discuss the effect of adding a pole to open loop transfer function of a system.
The addition of a pole to open loop transfer function of a system will reduce the
steady state error. The closer the pole to origin lesser will be the steady-state
error. Thus the steady- state performance of the system is improved. Also the
addition of pole will increase the order of the system, which in turn makes the
system less stable than the Original system.

10. Discuss the effect of adding a zero to open loop transfer function of a system.
The addition of a zero to open loop transfer function of a system will improve the
transient response. The addition of zero reduces the rise time. If the zero is
introduced close to origin then the peak overshoot will be larger. If the zero is
introduced far away from the origin in the left half of s-plane then the effect of
zero on the transient response will be negligible.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
1. What is pole placement via state feedback? Give the necessary conditions
for design using state feedback.

2. Compare led network and lag network.

S.No. Lead Network Lag Network
i. Phase lead network act as a Phase lag network act as a integrator
ii. It acts as a high pass filter. It acts as a low pass filter.
iii. Phase lead network act as a pre Phase lag network act as a dc circuit.
emphasis circuit.
iv. In Bode plot exist between corner In Bode plot to, exist between frequencies.
v. In lead network design, zero exist In lag network design, pole exist net the
near the origin, hence zero is the origin, hence pole is the predominant factor.
predominant factor.
vi. In this network, settling In this network settling time rises.
time decreases.
vii. In lead network, rise In this network, rise time increases
time decreases.
viii. Bandwidth of the system Bandwidth of the system dean through rise
increases through rise time t, time 1, increases tie. speed is slow (or) this
decreases and thus the system network dear-e rates the time response.
becomes fast.
ix. Signal to noise ratio is poor as it Signal to noise ratio is higher as at s
is a differentiator. integrator.
x. Gain of the system increases. Gain of the system decreases.
xi. Lead network improves the Lag network improves the steady response.
transient response.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

3. What is PI controller? What are its effects on system performance?

4. Discuss briefly about lag-lead compensation.

5. Why compensation is required for a system? When feedback compensation

is required for a system?
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III


1. Explain the steps for the design of lag compensation using bode plot.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

2. = + and composite matrix Qc =

Design a feedback controller with state feedback so that the closed loop
poles are placed at -2, -1±j1
Check for Controllability
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

3. Explain the steps for the design of lead compensation using bode plot.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

4. A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function .

Determine the poles and zeros for lag compensator, so that phase margin is
and steady state error for ramp input is less than or equal to 0.2.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

5. Design a phase lead compensator for the unity feedback system

to satisfy the following specifications.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III

Lead compensator Lag compensator

oHigh pass oLow pass
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -III
oApproximates derivative plus oApproximates integral plus proportional
proportional control control

oContributes phase lead oAttenuation at high


oIncreases the gain crossover oMoves the gain-crossover frequency

frequency lower

oIncreases bandwidth oReduces bandwidth

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV

1. How nonlinearities are classified ?

They are
 Incidental
 Intentional
The incidental nonlinearities are those which are inherently present in the
system. Eg. Saturation, dead-zone, couloumb friction, stiction, backlash,
The intentional nonlinearities are those which are deliberately inserted in
the system to modify the system characteristics. Eg. Relay.

2. What are the linear and nonlinear systems ?

The linear systems are system in which obeys the principles of superposition.
The system which does not satisfy superposition principle is called nonlinear
Linear systems are those where principle of superposition ( if the two
inputs are applied simultaneously, then output will be the sum of two outputs)
is applicable but in case of highly non linear system we cannot apply
principle of superposition

3. What are limit cycles ?

The limit cycles are oscillations of the response ( or output) of nonlinear
systems with fixed amplitude and frequency. If these oscillations or limit
cycles exists when there is no input then they are called zero input limit

4. What is saturation?
In saturation non linearity, the output is proportional to input for a limited
range of input signals. When input exceeds this range, the output tends to
become nearly constant.
Eg. Output of electronic, rotating and flow amplifiers

5. What is dead zone?

A dead-zone is a kind of non linearity in which the system doesn't respond to
the given input until the input reaches a particular level. The dead-zone is the
region in which the output is zero for a given input. When the input is
increased beyond this dead-zone value, the output will be linear.

6. What is hysteresis and backlash ?

The hysteresis is a phenomenon in which the output follows a different path

for increasing and decreasing values of input.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV
The backlash nonlinearity is a type of hysteresis in mechanical gear trains
and linkages.

Input-Output characteristics of relay with hysteresis

Input-Output characteristics of backlash nonlinearity

7. What is describing function ?

When the input, x to the nonlinearity is a sinusoidal signal [i.e. x= X sin t], the
describing function of the nonlinearity is defined as,

Describing function, K (X, ) =

Where , Y = Amplitude of the functional harmonic component of the

O = Phase shift of the functional harmonic component of the
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV
With respect to the input.
X = Maximum value of input signal
= Angular frequency of input signal

8. What is phase plane ?

The coordinate plane with the state variables x and x as two axes is
called the phase plane [ i.e. in phase plane x is represented in x-axis,
and x in y-axis].

9. What is phase trajectory ?

The locus of the state point [x , x ] in phase plane with time as

running parameter is called phase trajectory.

10. What is root locus technique ?

Root locus technique in control system used for determining the stability of the given
system. Root locus is a graphical representation of the closed-loop poles as a system
parameter is varied .It can be used to describe qualitatively the performance of a
system as various parameters are changed It gives graphic representation of a system’s
transient response and also stability We can see the range of stability, instability, and
the conditions that cause a system to break into oscillation

1. Discuss the characteristics of non linear system.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV
2. Write the describing function of backlash nonlinearity and its characteristics.

3. How the stability of nonlinear system is determined using describing function.

4. Determine the describing function for the non-linearity system shown in figure
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV

5. Write the describing function of relay with dead zone and relay with hysteresis.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV


1. Discuss about saturation and dead zone.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV

2. Explain how to replace nonlinearity can be replaced by describing function with

block diagram.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV

3. Discuss the procedure for the construction of phase trajectory using isoclines
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV

4. Explain delta method to draw the phase trajectories.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV

5. A linear second order servo is described by the equation + 2ξ + e=0

where ξ = 0.15 , , e(0) = 1.5 , (0) = 0Determine the singular
points and slope.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -IV
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V

1. What is absolute stability?

If a system output is stable for all variations of its parameters, then the system is
called absolute stability.

2. What is BIBO Stability?

The requirement of the BIBO stability is that the absolute integral of the
impulse response of the system should take only the finite value.

3. Define Asymptotic Stability.

A system is asymptotically stable, if in the absence of input , the output tends
towards zero irrespective of intial conditions.

4. What is Routh stability criterion?

Routh criterion states that the necessary and sufficient condition for stability is
that all of the elements in the first column of the routh array is positive. If this
condition is not met, the system is unstable and the number of sign changes in
the elements of the first column of routh array corresponds to the number
of roots of characteristic equation in the right half of the S-plane.

5. What is the principle of Lyapunov Stability Theorem.

A scalar function V(x) which for some real numbers  >0 satisfying the following
properties for all x in the region.
||X|| < :-
a) V(x) > 0; x  0 ie; V(x) is Positive defined function
b) V(0) = 0
c) V(x) has continuous partial derivative with respect to all components
of x
(i) Stable: If the deroivative dv/dt 0, dv is a negative semidefinite

6. List the time domain specifications.

The time domain specifications are:
i.Delay time
ii. Rise time
iii. Peak time
iv. Peak overshoot
v. Settling time

7. What is an order of a system?

The order of the system is given by the order of the differential equation
governing the system. It is also given by the maximum power of s in the
denominator polynomial of transfer function. The maximum power of s also
gives the number of poles of the system and so the order of the system is also
given by number of poles of the transfer function.
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V
8. Define Relative stability.
Relative stability is the degree of closeness of the system; it is an indication of
strength or degree of stability.

9. What is necessary and sufficient condition for stability by using R-H

The necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that all of the elements
in the first column of the routh array is positive.

10. What is limitedly stable system?

For a bounded input signal, if the output has constant amplitude oscillations ,
then the system may be stable or unstable under some limited constraints. Such
a system is called limitedly stable system.


1. Determine the stability of the system.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V

2. Examine the stability of the system described by the equation.

3. Explain the direct method of lyapunov?

4. What is BIBO stability and asymptotic stability?

The requirement of the BIBO stability is that the absolute integral of the
impulse response of the system should take only the finite value.

A system is asymptotically stable, if in the absence of input, the output tends

towards zero irrespective of initial conditions.

5. The system is given by


Investigate the system by Lyapunov’s method using V =

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V


1. Explain variable gradient method to form Lyapunov function.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V

2. Consider the non – linear system of equations.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V

3. Construct Routh – Hurwitz array and determine the stability of the system
whose characteristic equation is + + 8 + 12 + 20 + 16S +16 = 0?
BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V

4. Consider a non- linear system described by the equation

=- - - Investigate the stability of equilibrium state.

5. Discuss Krasovskii’s Method for stability analysis of non-linear system.

BEE003 Advanced Control System
Unit -V

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