CHAP. 3) Work and Heat
CHAP. 3) Work and Heat
CHAP. 3) Work and Heat
boundary moves. The infinitesimal work which the system (the gas) does on the surroundings (the
piston) is then the force multiplied by the distance:
W = PA ds ð3:2Þ
The symbol W will be discussed shortly. The quantity Ads is simply dV , the differential volume,
allowing (3.2) to be written in the form
W = P dV ð3:3Þ
As the piston moves from some position s1 to another position s2 , the above expression can be integrated
to give
Z V2
W1−2 = P dV ð3:4Þ
where we assume the pressure is known for each position as the piston moves from volume V1 to volume V2 .
Typical pressure-volume diagrams are shown in Fig. 3-4. The work W1−2 is the crosshatched area under the
P-V curve.
Consideration of the integration process highlights two very important features in (3.4). First, as
we proceed from state 1 to state 2, the area representing the work is very dependent on the path that we
follow. That is, states 1 and 2 in Fig. 3-4(a) and (b) are identical, yet the areas under the P-V curves are
very different; in addition to being dependent on the end points, work depends on the actual path that
connects the two end points. Thus, work is a path function, as contrasted to a point function, which is
dependent only on the end points. The differential of a path function is called an inexact differential,
whereas the differential of a point function is an exact differential. An inexact differential will be
denoted with the symbol . The integral of W is W1−2 , where the subscript emphasizes that the
work is associated with the path as the process passes from state 1 to state 2; the subscript may be
omitted, however, and work done written simply as W. We would never write W1 or W2 , since work is not
associated with a state but with a process. Work is not a property. The integral of an exact differential,
for example dT , would be
Z T2
dT = T2 − T1 ð3:5Þ
EXAMPLE 3.1 One kg of steam with a quality of 20 percent is heated at a constant pressure of 200 kPa until
the temperature reaches 400 C. Calculate the work done by the steam.
Solution: The work is given by
W = P dV = PðV2 − V1 Þ = mPðv2 − v1 Þ
To evaluate the work we must determine v1 and v2 . Using Table C-2 we find
v1 = vf + xðvg − vf Þ = 0:001061 + ð0:2Þð0:8857 − 0:001061Þ = 0:1780 m3 =kg
From the superheat table we locate state 2 at T2 = 400 C and P2 = 0.2 MPa:
v2 = 1:549 m3=kg
The work is then
W = ð1Þð200Þð1:549 − 0:1780Þ = 274:2 kJ
Note: With the pressure having units of kPa, the result is in kJ.
EXAMPLE 3.2 A 110-mm-diameter cylinder contains 100 cm3 of water at 60 C. A 50-kg piston sits on top of
the water. If heat is added until the temperature is 200 C, find the work done.
Solution: The pressure in the cylinder is due to the weight of the piston and remains constant. Assuming a
frictionless seal (this is always done unless information is given to the contrary), a force balance provides
mg = PA − Patm A ð50Þð9:81Þ = ðP − 100 000Þ ∴ P = 151 600 Pa
The atmospheric pressure is included so that absolute pressure results. The volume at the initial state 1 is
given as
V1 = 100 10 − 6 = 10 − 4 m3
EXAMPLE 3.3 Energy is added to a piston-cylinder arrangement, and the piston is withdrawn in such a way
that the quantity PV remains constant. The initial pressure and volume are 200 kPa and 2 m3 , respectively. If
the final pressure is 100 kPa, calculate the work done by the gas on the piston.
Solution: The work is found from (3.4) to be
Z V2 Z V2
W1−2 = P dV = dV
2 2 V
where we have used PV = C. To calculate the work we must find C and V2 . The constant C is found from
C = P1 V1 = ð200Þð2Þ = 400 kJ
To find V2 we use P2 V2 = P1 V1 , which is, of course, the equation that would result from an isothermal process
(constant temperature) involving an ideal gas. This can be written as
P1 V1 ð200Þð2Þ
V2 = = = 4 m3
P2 100
Z 4
400 4
W1−2 = dV = 400 ln = 277 kJ
2 V 2
This is positive, since work is done during the expansion process by the system (the gas contained in the
EXAMPLE 3.4 Determine the horsepower required to overcome the wind drag on a modern car traveling 90 km/h
if the drag coefficient CD is 0.2. The drag force is given by FD = 12 V 2 ACD , where A is the projected area of the car
and V is the velocity. The density of air is 1.23 kg/m3 . Use A = 2:3 m2 .
Solution: To find the drag force on a car we must express the velocity in m/s: V = ð90Þð1000=3600Þ = 25 m/s.
The drag force is then
1 1
FD = V ACD =
ð1:23Þð252 Þð2:3Þð0:2Þ = 177 N
2 2
To move this drag force at 25 m/s the engine must do work at the rate
W = FD V = ð177Þð25Þ = 4425 W
The horsepower is then
4425 W
Hp = = 5:93 hp
746 W=hp
EXAMPLE 3.5 A 100-kg mass drops 3 m, resulting in an increased volume in the cylinder of 0.002 m3 (Fig. 3-6).
The weight and the piston maintain a constant gage pressure of 100 kPa. Determine the net work done by the gas
on the surroundings. Neglect all friction.
Solution: The paddle wheel does work on the system, the gas, due to the 100-kg mass dropping 3 m. That
work is negative and is
W = − ðFÞðdÞ = − ð100Þð9:81Þð3Þ = − 2940 J
The work done by the system on this frictionless piston is positive since the system is doing the work. It is
W = ðPAÞðhÞ = PV = ð200 000Þð0:002Þ = 400 J
where absolute pressure has been used. The net work done is thus
Wnet = − 2940 + 400 = − 2540 J
Fig. 3-6
where R is the radius of the shaft. The torque T is found from the shearing stresses by integrating over
the area:
T= r dF = 2 r2 dr ð3:8Þ
A 0