Maths Quiz

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Some key takeaways from the passages include problem solving techniques like logical reasoning and using available information to deduce unknowns.

The longest line of people you can have is thirteen, with the last person taking all the remaining chocolates.

There are 62 photos in the family photograph album, including photos of 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents and 32 great-great-great-grandparents.


Find a 10-digit number where the first digit is how many zeros in the number, the second digit is how many 1s in the number etc. until the tenth digit which is how many 9s in the number



When as ed about his birthday, a man said! "#he day before yesterday $ was only 2% and ne&t year $ will turn 2'." #his is true only one day in a year - when was he born(

)e was born on *ecember +1st and s,o e about it on -anuary 1st.


.sing ' e&actly eight times to ma e a 1000. /ou can use any mathematical symbols

''' 0 '' 0 ' 0 ' 0 ' 1'1'1'0'2-1'0'23'22-' ''''3'.''' 1'''-'2 0 '41'0'2 - ' 11'41'0'22-11'0'0'23'225' 1'011'0'23'22611'0'0'23'2 1'011'0'23'22611''3'2-'2 11'41'0'22-11''3'2-'224' 1''''-'''23' '1'4'0'4'2-'-'-'


#here were 100 chocolates in a bo&. #he bo& was ,assed down along a row of ,eo,le. #he first ,erson too one chocolate. 8ach ,erson down the row too more chocolates than the ,erson before, until the bo& was em,ty. What is the largest number of ,eo,le that could ha9e been in the row(

#he longest line of ,eo,le you can ha9e is thirteen, with the last ,erson ta ing all the remaining chocolates. #here are not enough chocolates for a fourteenth ,erson, because they would ha9e to ta e 17 chocolates 1after the ,re9ious ,erson had ta en 1+2 and there would be only 9 left.


: teacher says! "I am thinking of two natural numbers bigger than 1. Try to guess what they are." #he first student nows their ,roduct and the other one nows their sum. First! "I do not know the sum." ;econd! "I knew that. The sum is less than 14." First! "I knew that. However, now I already know the numbers." ;econd! "And so do I." What were the numbers(

#he numbers were 2 and 9. Why( #ry to thin about it.


)ungry )orace was loo ing through the family ,hotogra,h album, which has a ,hoto of each of his ,arent, each of his grand,arents, all the way u, to each of his great-great-great-grand,arents. )ow many ,hotos is that(

2 ,arents 7 grand,arents ' great-grand,arents 16 great-great-grand,arents +2 great-great-great-grand,arents 2 0 7 0 ' 0 16 0 +2 < 62 ,hotos in all.


#hree days ago, yesterday was the day before ;unday. What day will it be tomorrow(

#hree days ago, yesterday was the day before ;unday, so three days ago was itself ;unday. #hat means today is Wednesday, so tomorrow is #hursday


.sing three straight lines, di9ide the cabbage ,atch u, into si& sections with two cabbages in each section.

)ere is one way!


: man is stranded on an island co9ered in forest. >ne day, when the wind is blowing from the west, lightning stri es the west end of the island and sets fire to the forest. #he fire is 9ery 9iolent, burning e9erything in its ,ath, and without inter9ention the fire will burn the whole island, illing the man in the ,rocess. #here are cliffs around the island, so he cannot ?um, off. )ow can the man sur9i9e the fire( 1#here are no buc ets or any other means to ,ut out the fire2

#he man ,ic s u, a ,iece of wood and lights it from the fire on the west end of the island. )e then @uic ly carries it near the east end of he island and starts a new fire. #he wind will cause that fire to burn out the eastern end and he can then shelter in the burnt area. #he man sur9i9es the fire, but dies of star9ation, with all the food in the forest burnt. 10. #his mathematician is best nown for his wor of combining a,,lications of algebra to geometry. )e has a ,lane named after him. Aene *escartes. *escartes entered college at the age of 'B )e stayed there for ' years. Cest nown for Dartesian geometry and the Dartesian Elane.

11. Erobably one of the most famous mathematician3,hysicists of our time, this man is confined to a wheel chair because he suffers from amyotro,hic lateral sclerosis. )e is nown for the boo ": Crief )istory of #ime".

;te,hen )aw ing :n amazing manB Aead his boo ": Crief )istory of #ime". )e wor ed on singularities in the theory of general relati9ity de9ising new mathematical techni@ues to study this area of cosmology. )e also ,ro9ed that blac holes emit radiation.

12. #his mathematician has a triangle named after him in which each number in the triangle is the sum of the two numbers abo9e it. Claise Eascal $n corres,ondence with Fermat, Eascal laid the foundation for the #heory of Erobability

1+. #his mathematician is without doubt the originator of the conce,ts behind the ,resent day com,uter. #he com,utation of logarithms had made him aware of the inaccuracy of human calculation around 1'12. Dharles Cabbage #he construction of modern com,uters, logically similar to CabbageFs design, ha9e changed the whole of mathematics and it is not an e&aggeration to say that they ha9e changed the whole world . 17. #he father of geometry, he is most famous for his wor "#he 8lements". 8uclid 8uclidFs most famous wor is his treatise on mathematics "#he 8lements". #he boo was a com,ilation of nowledge that became the center of mathematical teaching for 2,000 years.

15. A number that is smaller in absolute value than any positive real number is called an infinitesimal.
Dorrect :nswer! #rue 16. : triangle whose sides all ha9e different lengths is called a! Dorrect :nswer! ;calene triangle 1=. $n mathematics, one of the in,uts of an o,erator is called an! Dorrect :nswer! >,erand 1'. one of the following is refle&i9e angle Dorrect :nswer! 220 19. . W):# *>8; C$*G:; ;#:H* F>A( Dorrect :nswer! CA:DI8#;, $H*$D8;,*$J$;>H,G.K#$EK$D:#$>H,:**$#$>H,;.C#A:D#$>H.

20. /ou are at an unmar ed intersection ... one way is the Dity of Kies and another way is the Dity of #ruth. Ditizens of the Dity of Kies always lie. Ditizens of the Dity of #ruth always tell the truth. : citizen of one of those cities 1you donFt now which2 is at the intersection. What @uestion could you as to them to find the way to the Dity of #ruth(

/ou as "$n which of those two directions do you li9e(" : Ditizens of the Dity of Kies will ,oint to the Dity of #ruth : Ditizens of the Dity of #ruth will ,oint to the Dity of #ruth

21. : man is caught on the IingFs ,ro,erty. )e is brought before the Iing to be ,unished. #he Iing says, "/ou must gi9e me a statement. $f it is true, you will illed by lions. $f it is false, you will be illed by tram,ling of wild buffalo." Cut in the end, the Iing has to let the man go. What was the manFs statement( "$ will be illed by tram,ling of wild buffalo." $f you thin about it carefully! the Iing canFt say it is true, because if so the man should be illed by the lions. Cut if he is illed by the lions, then his statement would be false, and so should ha9e been tram,led by buffalo. ;o the Iing canFt tell if it is a lie or truth, so decides to ?ust let him go.

22. /ou are about to lea9e for holiday, but you forgot soc sB /ou race bac to your room, but all the lights are off, so you canFt see the color of the soc s. He9er mind, because you remember that in your drawer there are ten ,airs of white soc s, ten ,airs of blac soc s, and ele9en ,airs of blue soc s, but they are all mi&ed u,. )ow many of your soc s do you need to ta e before you can be sure to ha9e at least one matching ,air( #he answer is four. :lthough there are many soc s in the drawer, there are only three colors, so if you ta e four soc s then you are guaranteed to ha9e at least one matching ,air.

2+. : man on a ,ar bench is loo ing at a small ,ortrait. /ou as him, "Who is that in the ,icture(" #he man says, "Crothers and sisters, $ ha9e none, but that manFs father, is my fatherFs son." Dan you tell what ,erson is in the ,icture( #he ,icture is of his son.

27. Famous Gathematicians @uiz!-


;he hid candles in her shoes so she could study math at night. L ;onya Io9ale9s y L 8uclid L $saac Hewton L ;o,hie Mermain 1correct answer, your res,onse2

2. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


)e was a Mree mathematician whose school got burned down. L Malileo L Eythagoras 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L :rchimedes L 8uclid

+. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


)e was a Mree mathematician nown for shouting N8ure aBO in his bathtub. L Malileo L Eythagoras L :rchimedes 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L 8uclid

7. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


)er bedroom wall was co9ered with calculus notes. L ;onya Io9ale9s y 1correct answer, your res,onse2

L 8uclid L $saac Hewton L ;o,hie Mermain %. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


#his Merman mathematician was a smart child who went to college at age 17. L $saac Hewton L -ohann Darl Mauss 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L ;onya Io9ale9s y L 8uclid

6. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


)e was an 8nglish mathematician who was born on Dhristmas *ay. L $saac Hewton 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L -ohann Darl Mauss L ;onya Io9ale9s y L 8uclid

=. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


)e dro,,ed different weight balls from the #ower of Eisa to show that they would hit the ground at the same time. L $saac Hewton L Malileo 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L Eythagoras L 8uclid

'. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


)e is nown as the NFather of Meometry.O L $saac Hewton L Malileo L Eythagoras

L 8uclid 1correct answer, your res,onse2 9. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1


#his mathematician died of cancer at age %%. L Eythagoras L :rchimedes L ;o,hie Mermain 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L ;onya Io9ale9s y

10. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1

10. )e wor ed for Iing )ieron. )e conducted e&,eriments to figure out if the ingFs crown had gold and sil9er in it. L Eythagoras L :rchimedes 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L 8uclid L -ohann Darl Mauss 11. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1

11. #his mathematician is famous for e&,eriments in9ol9ing light, ,risms, and the eye. L :rchimedes L $saac Hewton 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L -ohann Darl Mauss L ;onya Io9ale9s y 12. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1

12. )e was illed in a bean field in %00 C.D. L -ohann Darl Mauss L 8uclid 1your res,onse2 L $saac Hewton L Eythagoras 1correct answer2

1+. Eoints earned! 0 out of 1

1+. #his mathematician had to get married in order to lea9e Aussia to study math. L ;o,hie Mermain L ;onya Io9ale9s y 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L Malileo L -ohann Darl Mauss 17. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1

17. #his NErince of GathematiciansO once @uic ly sol9ed a ,roblem where he was as ed to add the first 100 numbers together. L -ohann Darl Mauss 1correct answer, your res,onse2 L 8uclid L $saac Hewton L Malileo 1%. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1

1%. #his $talian mathematician made telesco,es and introduced the scientific method. L -ohann Darl Mauss L $saac Hewton L Eythagoras L Malileo 1correct answer, your res,onse2 16. Eoints earned! 1 out of 1

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