Band One - SMK Mutiara
Band One - SMK Mutiara
Band One - SMK Mutiara
Band 1 Know fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. B1 DL1: Able to identify consonant clusters and homophones B1 DL1 1 Able to identify consonant clusters and homophones $age % &!'
(ame : )lass : Date : *ead the poem aloud with the correct pronounciation
Leisure by William Henry What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like stars at night. No time to turn at Beauty s glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can !nrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this is if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
B1DL1 1
Below are words from the poem. *ead them aloud. +hen put them under the correct sound enrich broad
stand mouth
beneath stare
"omophones : : -ords that ha!e the same pronunciation, but different spelling and different meanings *ead the words aloud. +here +heir +hey/re -ear -here Knows (ose Bee Be +o +wo +oo
)hoose the correct answer. 1. .r and .rs #mith like to work in &there, they/re, their' garden. 0. Alice is going to &wear, where' his work boots today. 1. )an 2 go to the party &to, too, two'3 4. (obody &knows, nose' what you are thinking. 5. 2 want to & be, bee' an astronaut when 2 grow up.
B1 Know fundamental skills in listening ,speaking,reading and writing B1 DB1 1: *eading and following se6uence of ideas B1 DL1 1: Able to read and reorganise ideas in chronological order
"#$: +opic
B1DB1 1
8ill in the blanks to indicate the places where these e!ents occurred. +hen, rearrange the e!ents in the correct order. +he train was attacked by outlaws with guns. $lace : (ear 8ort K9999,America $assepartout was hit on the head in restaurant. $hileas and Aouda missed the steamer. $lace :"9999K9999.
$hileas made a wager that he could tra!el around the world in %7 days. $lace : +he *99.)lub,L9999 ngland
$assepartout reali:ed that they were in fact a day early. $hileas rushed to the *eform )lub and won the wager $lace : L9999.., ngland
$hileas ,$assepartout and #ir 8rancis *escued Aoda from bandits. $lace : ;n the way to )9992ndia
$hileas 8ogg hired a new butler named =ean $assepartout. $lace : (o >#9999*ow,L99 ngland
8i? met $hileas and suspected that he was the bank robber. $lace : #99.., gypt
$assepartout performed as a Long (ose and was reunited with $hileas and Aoda $lace : <9999.,=apan
$assepartout entered a temple and was attacked by three angry men $lace : B9999,2ndia
$hileas arri!ed back in ngland and was arrested by 8i?. "e was later released $lace : L999.., ngland
Answer 1. $hileas 8ogg hired a new butler named =ean $assepartout. $lace : (o >#a!ile *ow ,London , ngland. 0. $hileas made a wager that he could tra!el around the world in %7 days. +he *eform )lub,London, ngland 1. 8i? met $hileas and suspected that he was the bank robber $lace : #ue:, gypt 4. $assepartout entered a temple and was attacked by by three angry men . $lace : Bombay,2ndia 5. $hileas, $assepartout and #ir 8rancis rescued Aoda from bandits. $lace : ;n the way to )alcutta 2ndia @. $assepartout was hit on the head in the restaurant. $hileas and Aoda missed the steamer $lace : "ong Kong >. $assepartout performed as a Long (ose and was reunited with $hileas and Aoda $lace : <okohama,=apan %. +he train was attacked by outlaws with guns. $lace : Li!erpool, ngland A. $hileas arri!ed back in ngland and was arrested by 8i?. "e was later released. $lace : Li!erpool, ngland 17. $assepartout reali:ed that they were a day early. $hileas rushed to the *eform )lub and won the wager $lace : London, ngland
B1 Know fundamental skills in listening ,speaking,reading and writing B1 D+1 1: -riting out itineraries B1 D+1 1: Able to write out the itinerary for a trip
"#$: +opic
B1D+1 1
)omplete the itinerary of $hileas 8ogg/s tra!el by referring closely to the no!el, B Around the -orld in %7 daysC.
#tarted from London,-ednesday,%.45 p.m ,;ctober 0, 1%@> +rain to DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD #ailed to DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD +rain to 2 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,passing through the towns of +urin and Brandisi
#teamer to the #DDDDDDDDDDDDDD)DDDDDDDDDDD, gypt +rain to BDDDDDDDDDDD,2ndia lephant ride to )DDDDDDDDDDDD, 2ndia +rain to BDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD #teamer to "DDDDDDDDDDKDDDDDDDDDDDDD $ass by #DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Boat to <okohama , =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Detour to #DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,)hina #teamer to #DDDDDDDDDDDD8DDDDDDDDDD,Amerika +rain to (DDDDDDDDDDD<DDDDDDDDDDD)ity Amerika #teamer to LDDDDDDDDDDDDD, ngland +rain to London, ngland *eturned on 8riday ,%.57 p.m, December 07,1%@>
B1D+1 1
)omplete the itinerary of $hileas 8ogg/s tra!el by referring closely to the no!el, B Around the -orld in %7 daysC.
#tarted from London,-ednesday,%.45 p.m ,;ctober 0, 1%@> +rain to DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD #ailed to DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD +rain to 2 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,passing through the towns of +urin and Brandisi Do!er $aris 2taly
#teamer to the #DDDDDDDDDDDDDD)DDDDDDDDDDD, gypt +rain to BDDDDDDDDDDD,2ndia lephant ride to )DDDDDDDDDDDD, 2ndia +rain to BDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD #teamer to "DDDDDDDDDDKDDDDDDDDDDDDD $ass by #DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Boat to <okohama , =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Detour to #DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,)hina #teamer to #DDDDDDDDDDDD8DDDDDDDDDD,Amerika +rain to (DDDDDDDDDDD<DDDDDDDDDDD)ity Amerika #teamer to LDDDDDDDDDDDDD, ngland +rain to London, ngland *eturned on 8riday ,%.57 p.m, December 07,1%@>
#ue: )anal
Bombay )alcutta Benares "ong Kong #ingapore =apan #hanghai #an 8rancisco (ew <ork