Evil Into Good, Good Into Evil - 2014-08-31
Evil Into Good, Good Into Evil - 2014-08-31
Evil Into Good, Good Into Evil - 2014-08-31
>o" have een readin$ a messa$e presented at Trinit% ?nited Methodist *h"rch on the date noted at the top o& the &irst
pa$e. Rev. /ohn 8artrid$e is the pastor at Trinit% o& 8err% hei$hts in Massillon, Ohio. <"plication o& this messa$e is a part
o& o"r Media ministr%, i& %o" have received a lessin$ in this #a%, #e #o"ld love to hear &rom %o". ;etters and donations
in s"pport o& the Media ministr% or an% o& o"r other pro-ects ma% e sent to Trinit% ?nited Methodist *h"rch, ,@5@ ;incoln
1a% 7., Massillon, Ohio ((A(A. These messa$es are availale to an% interested persons re$ardless o& memership. >o"
ma% s"scrie to these messa$es, in print % #ritin$ to the address noted, or % contactin$ "s at
s"scrieBtrinit%perr%hei$hts.or$. To s"scrie to the electronic version si$n "p at http=CCeep"rl.comCvAl>n. These
messa$es can also e &o"nd online at http=CC###.scrid.comC8astor /ohn 8artrid$e. All Script"re re&erences are &rom the
Ne# 'nternational Dersion "nless other#ise noted.