This document provides guidelines on proper punctuation for communicating in the HR way. It discusses the use of periods, commas, colons, semicolons, dashes, parentheses, brackets, ellipses, exclamation points and question marks. Key points include using commas to separate items in a list, placing commas before coordinating conjunctions joining two independent clauses, and using semicolons to join two closely related independent clauses. The document also provides examples and exceptions to the rules.
This document provides guidelines on proper punctuation for communicating in the HR way. It discusses the use of periods, commas, colons, semicolons, dashes, parentheses, brackets, ellipses, exclamation points and question marks. Key points include using commas to separate items in a list, placing commas before coordinating conjunctions joining two independent clauses, and using semicolons to join two closely related independent clauses. The document also provides examples and exceptions to the rules.
This document provides guidelines on proper punctuation for communicating in the HR way. It discusses the use of periods, commas, colons, semicolons, dashes, parentheses, brackets, ellipses, exclamation points and question marks. Key points include using commas to separate items in a list, placing commas before coordinating conjunctions joining two independent clauses, and using semicolons to join two closely related independent clauses. The document also provides examples and exceptions to the rules.
This document provides guidelines on proper punctuation for communicating in the HR way. It discusses the use of periods, commas, colons, semicolons, dashes, parentheses, brackets, ellipses, exclamation points and question marks. Key points include using commas to separate items in a list, placing commas before coordinating conjunctions joining two independent clauses, and using semicolons to join two closely related independent clauses. The document also provides examples and exceptions to the rules.
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CONSULTATION-WORKSHOP ON PMS-OPES AND HRD PROGRAMS FOR DOLE HRMOS 2:00 P.M.,15 SEPTEMBER 2010 BAYVIEW PARK HOTEL, ROAS BOULEVARD MANILA Punctuation A. P!"#$%, $" &'(( )*$+ , . - B. C$../ , , - C. C$($0 , : - D. S!.#-1$($0 , ; - E. D/)23H4+2!0: !0 %/)2 , - -5 !. %/)2 , -5 /0% 6-!. %/)2, , ------- - F. B"/17!*)3P/"!0*2!)#) ,"$'0% 8"/17!*) ( )5 8"/1! 8"/17!*) { }5 /09(! 8"/17!*) < >5 ):'/"! 8"/17!*) [ ] - G. A+$)*"$+2! , - H. S(/0* L#0!, $" S$(#%'), $" D#/9$0/( S*"$7!, $" S(/)2 , / - I. ;'!)*#$0 M/"7 , ? - <. ;'$*/*#$0 M/"7) , = > - K. E((#+)#) , . . . - L. E?1(/./*#$0 P$#0* , ! - A. Period or u!! "to# $o end a %entence or %tate&ent. This is mine. Come and get me. $o &ar' &o%t a((re)iation%. Etc. (for etcetera) Dr. Love (for Doctor) Prof. Cruz (for Professor) *ut not u%ed in acron+&% and initia!% u%ed in #!ace o, #er%ona! na&e%. ILO DOLE RDB (for Rosainda Dima!iis" Badoz deci&a! nu&(er% and a&ount% o, &one+. 1 | P a g e #.$ !ercent P%$.#$ &'()#.** *. /o&&a 0. $o %e#arate ite&% in a !i%t or %erie%. 1n a !i%t or %erie% o, t.ree or &ore ite&% 2it. a %in3!e con4unction, u%e a co&&a a,ter eac. ite& e5ce#t t.e !a%t. $.i% i% ca!!ed t.e 6%eria! or 675,ord co&&a, a!%o o,ten ca!!ed t.e 6nece%%ar+ co&&a. The PE'O em+em,s coors are red, -hite, and +ue. .od, siver, or co!!er -ere the chid a+orers, !roduction /uota. 0e o!ened the +o1, unoaded its contents, and made an inventor2 ist. 8ece%%ar+: cod3 -et3 and -ind2 da2 informa -or4ers3 accredited trade unions3 and ca!itaists 7#tiona!: a -or4ahoic3 -ise and 4ind secretar2 -ateress3 hot and dust2 summer 9. $o enc!o%e #arent.etic e5#re%%ion%. The +est -a2 to earn to -rite3 if that is what you want3 is to read. The DOLE,s accredited socia !artner3 the non-government organization Visayan Forum3 is into anti"human tra5c4ing. :ate% u%ua!!+ contain #arent.etic 2ord or ;3ure%. Punctuate a% ,o!!o2%: 6e+ruar2 to July, 7*8* 9!ri 1, 7*8* Wed., November 10, 7*8* A na&e in direct addre%% i% #arent.etic. :e3 ed-!rb "uiz, e1!ain no-. If3 #hairman $uis, 2ou refuse3 I -i commit suicide. $.e a((re)iation% et%., i.e., and e.g., t.e a((re)iation% ,or acade&ic de3ree%, and tit!e% ,o!!o2 a na&e are #arent.etic and %.ou!d (e #unctuated accordin3!+. Re!orts3 -or4!ans3 et%., shoud go into that +o1 Ponciano Ligutom3 #&'( V, !anned the meeting. The Reverend Tomas 9su!re, '.J. 2 | P a g e 8o co&&a %.ou!d %e#arate a noun ,ro& a re%tricti)e ter& o, identi;cation. The O6: 'antino 'antian The 2ounger 9+ad <. P!ace a co&&a (e,ore a con4unction introducin3 an inde#endent c!au%e . The ear2 records of the a+or ins!ection have disa!!eared, and the stor2 of the esta+ishments, vioations can no onger +e reconstructed. The a+or situation is !erious, +ut there is sti ho!e industria harmon2 -i !revai. $2o-#art %entence% o, 2.ic. t.e %econd &e&(er i% introduced (+ as (in t.e %en%e o, =(ecau%e>), for, or, nor, or while (in t.e %en%e o, =and at t.e %a&e ti&e>) !i'e2i%e re?uire a co&&a (e,ore t.e con4unction. The a+or situation is !erious, +ut if -e are !re!ared to act !rom!t2, there is sti ho!e industria !eace -i !revai. -.en t.e %u(4ect i% t.e %a&e ,or (ot. c!au%e% and i% e5#re%%ed on!+ once, a co&&a i% u%e,u! i, t.e connecti)e i% but. -.en t.e connecti)e i% and, t.e co&&a %.ou!d (e o&itted i, t.e re!ation (et2een t.e t2o %tate&ent% i% c!o%e or i&&ediate. I have heard the union,s arguments, +ut am sti unconvinced. 0e has had severa 2ears, e1!erience and is thorough2 com!etent. @. :o not 4oin inde#endent c!au%e% (+ a co&&a. 1, t2o or &ore c!au%e% 3ra&&atica!!+ co&#!ete and not 4oined (+ a con4unction are to ,or& a %in3!e co&#ound %entence, t.e #ro#er &ar' o, #unctuation i% a %e&ico!on. The -or4 of a -efare o5cer is chaenging; it is fu of drama. It is near2 haf !ast <ve; -e cannot reach an agreement +efore the2 mount a stri4e. 1t i%, o, cour%e, e?ua!!+ correct to 2rite eac. o, t.e%e a% t2o %entence%, re#!acin3 t.e %e&ico!on% 2it. #eriod%. The -or4 of a -efare o5cer is chaenging. It is fu of drama. It is near2 haf !ast <ve. :e cannot reach an agreement +efore the2 mount a stri4e. 3 | P a g e 1, a con4unction i% in%erted, t.e #ro#er &ar' i% a co&&a. The -or4 of a -efare o5cer is chaenging3 +ecause it is fu of drama. It is near2 haf !ast <ve3 2et -e cannot reach an agreement +efore the2 mount a stri4e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o!on $o introduce e5#!anation%, ?uote%, or !i%t%. The decision -as in the hands of one o5cia= Rosainda Dima!iis"Badoz The committee oo4ed into the causes of the stri4e= union +usting3 CB9 vioations3 and unfair a+or !ractices. 0ere,s -hat he said= >It,s a good da2 to die.? A%e a co!on a,ter an inde#endent c!au%e to introduce a !i%t o, #articu!ar%, an a##o%iti)e, an a&#!i;cation, or an i!!u%trati)e ?uotation. A 1$($0 *!(() *2! "!/%!" *2/* A2/* &$(($A) #) 1($)!(4 "!(/*!% *$ *2! +"!1!%#09 1(/')!. T2! 1$($0 2/) .$"! !C!1* *2/0 *2! 1$../, (!)) +$A!" *$ )!+/"/*! *2/0 *2! )!.#1$($0, /0% .$"! &$"./(#*4 *2/0 *2! %/)2. I* ')'/((4 &$(($A) /0 #0%!+!0%!0* 1(/')! /0% )2$'(% 0$* )!+/"/*! / @!"8 &"$. #*) 1$.+(!.!0* $" / +"!+$)#*#$0 &"$. #*) $8D!1*. T2! !?/.+(!) #0 *2! (!&*-2/0% 1$('.0, 8!($A, /"! A"$095 *2!4 )2$'(% 8! "!A"#**!0 /) #0 *2! "#92*-2/0% 1$('.0. Wrong) @our conciiation eAort re/uires) !atience3 em!ath23 and sincerit2. O6: care and !rotection is that mandate of the O::9 evoved from) /uait2 !u+ic service3 ca!a+e staA3 and #orre%t) @our conciiation eAort re/uires a ot of !atience3 em!ath23 and sincerit2.
O6: care and !rotection is that mandate of the O::9 evoved from /uait2 !u+ic service3 ca!a+e staA3 and 4 | P a g e sincere o5cias. sincere o5cias. Boin t2o inde#endent c!au%e% 2it. a co!on i, t.e %econd inter#ret% or a&#!i;e% t.e ;r%t. But even so3 there -as directness and dis!atch a+out setting the dis!ute= there -as no et"u! in the BCCB,s conciiation and mediation eAorts3 no dea2 in negotiations or see!ing on the Do+. A co!on &a+ introduce a ?uotation %u##ort% or contri(ute% to t.e #recedin3 c!au%e. The unru2 situation of the -or4ers on the streets reminded the La+or o5cia of the admonition of 'ecretar2 Badoz= >:e -ere a in our air" conditioned o5ces3 so -e a faied to antici!ate this action.? $.e co!on a!%o .a% certain ,unction% o, ,or&: to ,o!!o2 t.e %a!utation o, a ,or&a! !etter, to %e#arate .our ,ro& &inute in a notation o, ti&e, and to %e#arate t.e tit!e o, a 2or' ,ro& it% %u(tit!e o, a *i(!e c.a#ter ,ro& a )er%e. Dear 'ecretar2 Badoz= Practica Cediation= 9n Introduction to 'ta+e Industria Peace 9rrives at 88=%E 9.C. Behemiah 88=# 1t i% a!%o u%ed in (i(!io3ra#.ica! notation, to %e#arate t.e #!ace o, #u(!ication ,ro& t.e na&e o, t.e #u(! Be- @or4= Random 0ouse3 Inc. Cania= 9nvi Pu+ishing3 Inc.
:. "e&i-/o!on $o %e#arate #art o, a %entence%uc. a% inde#endent c!au%e%, ite&% in a %erie%, and e5#!anation% or %u&&arie%. 5 | P a g e The union stro4e; it -as the ast shattering +o-. I made severa attem!ts to ca 2ou; not a singe ca has +een returned. -.en %e#arate inde#endent c!au%e% are 4oined (+ a con4uncti)e ad)er( %uc. a% however, nevertheless, a%%ordingly, otherwise, hen%e, indeed, instead, nonetheless, still, besides, then, therefore, or thus, u%e t.e %e&ico!on. The -or4 of a -efare o5cer is chaenging; +esides3 it is fu of drama. It is near2 haf !ast <ve; thus3 I am afraid3 -e cannot reach an agreement +efore the2 mount a stri4e. An e5ce#tion to t.e %e&ico!on ru!e i% 2ort. notin3 .ere. A co&&a i% #re,era(!e 2.en t.e c!au%e% are )er+ %.ort and a!i'e in ,or&, or 2.en t.e tone o, t.e %entence i% ea%+ and con)er%ationa!. The regiona o5ce !ro!oses3 the DOLE secretar2 dis!oses. The union stro4e3 the negotiations +ogged do-n3 the 'ecretar2 assumed Durisdiction. 0ere toda23 gone tomorro-. $o %e#arate !on3 or #o%%i(!+ a&(i3uou% ite&% in a %erie%, e%#ecia!!+ 2.en t.o%e ite&% a!read+ inc!ude co&&a%. In the ne1t 2ear3 the DOLE !ans to o!en o5ces in Rosaes3 Pangasinan; Pani/ui3 Tarac; and Bustos3 Buacan. A%ed (e,ore i.e., e.g., et%. 2.en t.e ne5t #art o, t.e %entence i% a co&#!ete c!au%e. On the advice of his a-2er3 he chose to go to the BLRC; i.e.3 he <ed a case. 'he -or4s e5cient2; for e1am!e3 she never eaves a <e unattended. C. :a%. 0. :a%. $o %.o2 %udden c.an3e% in t.ou3.t or to %et oD certain %entence e!e&ent%. 0e setted the stri4eF+ut I am getting ahead of the stor2. The regiona director tod meFdoes he rea2 mean itGFthat he -i transfer the erring em!o2ee. $o %et oD a##o%iti)e% 2.en a co&&a &a+ %o2 con,u%ion. 6 | P a g e The 'ecretar2,s !romise of reformFfast case resoution and higher -ages Fa!!eaed to the -or4ers. $o add e&#.a%i% to a #arent.etica! &ateria! or &ar' an e&#.atic %e#aration (et2een t.e &ateria! and t.e re%t o, t.e %entence. The DOLE !rogram he -as im!ementingFan unem!o2ment"+uster schemeF-as ado!ted +2 the BED9. 0is inHuenceFhe is a !o-erfu <gure in the unionF-as a deterrent to a stri4e. $o indicate a .a!tin3 or .e%itant or interru#ted %#eec.. >'ir3 !ease don,tF.? It -as too ate. >:e3 it,sFerFit,s hard to e1!ain. 0e is rea2Fin a -a2Fe1treme2 nervous. $o re#!ace an oDen%i)e 2ord or #art o, one. :here,s that son of a +FG This -or4 is fu of sFtI 9. E+#.en $o %#e!! out nu&(er% and ,raction% Thirt2"t-o t-ent2"<ve <ft2"one t-o"thirds $o indicate ran3e% The 8J8E"8J78 :ar !ages %$)"%)$ $o #re)ent a&(i3uit+ co"res!ondent re"form ong"standing $o indicate .e%itation and %ta&&erin3 I reached for the !"!"!"!"i"c4et ine. $o indicate a 2ord i% un;ni%.ed and continue% on t.e ne5t !ine Pains" 7 | P a g e ta4ing $o a)oid an un#!ea%ant !in3ui%tic co!!i%ion Deice (to de"ice) shei4e (to she"i4e) Fe?uired in certain #re;5e% &n"6ii!ino anti"hero !ro"9merican $o %#e!! out certain 2ord% P"0"I"L"I"P"P"I"B"E"' A%ed to ?ua!i,+ a noun (+ a noun #.ra%e, to !in' noun% 2it. noun%, and ad4ecti)e% 2it. ad4ecti)e% corrugated"iron roof stainess"stee 4itchen -ooden"Hoored saa 6ii!ino"9merican Da2 Divisoria"Cu+ao ine To42o"Osa4a rai . *rac'et%/Parent.e%e% 0. Found (rac'et% $o #ro)ide e5tra in,or&ation, %uc. a% 2.ere to !oo', e?ui)a!ent &ea%ure%, and re,erence%. 'tri4es have -aned over the ast three 2ears (see BCCB 7**J 9nnua Re!ort). The -or4ers in the &' factor2 setted for &'(7 miion (P%$ miion). The ne-s on the anti"chid a+or eAort (The Cania Times3 >9nti"chid a+or eAorts go high gear?3 *% 'e!tem+er 7*8*)3 -as a -ecome one. $o e5#!ain acron+&% and a((re)iation% and #ro)ide (rie, e5#!anation%. The DOLE (De!artment of La+or and Em!o2ment) is the si1th de!artment in terms of having the east annua +udget. 0omo!hones (-ords that sound the same +ut have diAerent meanings) are common in Engish. $o indicate a!ternati)e% or o#tion%. 9n2 candidate(s) for the !osition of President and Kice President must +e forma2 eected. 8 | P a g e -.en #oint% in a %entence are .i3.!i3.ted (+ &ar'in3 t.e& oD 2it. nu&(er% or !etter%, t.e nu&(er% or !etter% are o,ten enc!o%ed in round (rac'et%. The PE'O o5ce must +e (8) ade/uate2 funded; (7) su5cient2 manned; and (L) fu2 furnished. 9. "?uare (rac'et% $o c!ari,+ t.e &eanin3 o, a direct ?uote 2it.out c.an3in3 an+ o, t.e 2ord%. The editor had used it MNose RizaO for some time no-. Go%t co&&on!+ u%ed around t.e 2ord si%, &eanin3 4u%t a%, to e5#!ain t.e %tatu% o, an a##arent &i%ta'e. 'he as4ed >for a cu! of sugarcane MsicO vinegar?. $o enc!o%e co&&ent% &ade in a )er(ati& tran%cri#t. 'ecretar2 Badoz= The stead2 rise in the !rices of goods and services necessitate a commensurate increase in -ages. M9!!auseO $o %u(%titute ,or round (rac'et% 2it. &ateria! a!read+ enc!o%ed in round (rac'et%. 'ee >Nose Riza? (9m+eth Ocam!o3 <$)! R#E/( W#*2$'* *2! O@!"1$/* MCania3 8JJ8O). <. *race (rac'et% are u%ed in &at.e&atic%. 1P Q1"2R S QzTaR @. An3!e (rac'et% are u%ed in #a!eo3ra#.+, !in3ui%tic%, and tec.nica! %#ecia!i%&%. U circa 7* BC3 in mounds of god V H. A#o%tro#.e 1t i% u%ed to ,or& t.e #o%%e%%i)e o, %in3u!ar o, noun% (+ addin3 %. o!!o2 t.i% ru!e 2.ate)er t.e ;na! con%onant. Bicon*s etter Burns*s !oems the Phii!!ines*s <rst astronaut 9 | P a g e E1ce!tions= ancient !ro!er names ending in +es and +is) Coses* a-3 Isis, tem!e; in Nesus* name /0% )'12 &$".) /) for %ons%ien%e* sa,e3 for righteousness* sa,e Prono&ina! #o%%e%%i)e% (#o%%e%%i)e #ronoun%) mine, his, hers, its, theirs, yours and ours .a)e no a#o%tro#.e, (ut inde;nite #ronoun%, %.o2in3 #o%%e%%ion, .a)e: one*s rights some+od2 ese*s note+oo4 $o %.o2 !etter% are &i%%in3 or o&itted ,ro& a 2ord, e%#ecia!!+ in contraction% 2.en t2o %e#arate 2ord% .a)e (een turned into one: Cont*d (for continued) don*t (do not) it*s (it is) $o indicate o&itted ;3ure% in date% The summer of ,)E Cusic of the WE*s $o indicate t.e #!ura!% o, !etter% and 2ord% 0o- man2 f,s are there in 6ameronagG Pease cross 2our t,s and dot 2our i,s. :hat are the do,s and don,t,sG E. "!ant Iine, or "o!idu%, or :ia3ona! "tro'e, or "!a%. $o #re%ent a!ternati)e% 0eTshe is came -ithout himTher. TeaTcoAee -i +e served. PassTfai $o indicate a #eriod o, ti&e, e%#ecia!!+ in t.e acade&ic conte5t I -as in the DOLE in the 2ears 8J)%T)$ $o !in' ite&% e%#ecia!!+ in a route or itinerar+ The BacaranTCu+aoT6airvie- +us -as ate. $o indicate an a((re)iation in certain %#eci;c conte5t The ar+iter,s mai shoud +e addressed to the BLRC cTo the chairman. (for care of) 10 | P a g e Charge this to his aTc. (for account) .race is the o5cer iTc for the month. (for in"charge) $o e5#re%% rate% or ratio% in &ea%ure&ent% and ,raction% 8** 4mThr t-o ta+sTda2 7TL 1. Jue%tion Gar' $o indicate direct ?ue%tion% Is he comingG :hat is 2our carG :hat da2 -as 2esterda2G $o dra2 attention to %o&et.in3 %u%#iciou% or uncertain. 1n %uc. in%tance, t.e ?ue%tion &ar' i% enc!o%ed in (rac'et%. 0e gave his name as Bino2 9/uino (G) and he as4ed for -or4. B. Juotation Gar'% $o enc!o%e direct %#eec. >Pease come in3? he said. >0e!I? he shouted. 0e as4ed3 >:h2 notG? Henera! Fu!e: 1, t.e #unctuation i% #art o, t.e ?uotation t.en it 3oe% in%ide t.e ?uotation &ar'%; i, not, t.en it 3oe% out%ide t.e &ar'%. -nside the mar,s) >I can,t sa2 for sure3? he said3 >at east unti I see her in !erson.? (utside the mar,s) >I can,t sa2 for sure?3 he said3 >-hether I, go or not?3 and -ent on to !revaricate some more to Wconvince the !eo!e around him,. $o enc!o%e tit!e% o, e%%a+%, %.ort %torie%, artic!e%, %on3%, #oe&%, te!e)i%ion and radio #ro3ra&% 0e -as singing >Loving 9rms? again. Car4 -rote >The 9natom2 of Deceit?. $o %.o2 a 2ord or #.ra%e i% (ein3 u%ed in an unu%ua! or ironic 2a+ These >unions? are nothing of the sort= the2 are mo+ grou!s. 11 | P a g e Henera! Fu!e: -.en t.e end o, a #a%%a3e o, a ?uoted direct %#eec. coincide% 2it. t.e end o, a %entence, it i% o,ten correct to in%ert on!+ one #unctuation &ar' and %i&#!+ to ta'e t.e one ,or 3ranted: I thin4 he said3 >I, +e there soon.? BOT I thin4 he said3 I, +e there soon.?. I said to her3 >I +eg 2our !ardonG? BOT I said to her3 >I +eg 2our !ardonG?. The +o2 shouted3 >Loo4 out for that carI? BOT The +o2 shouted3 >Loo4 out for that carI?. K. C!!i#%i% ./o indi%ate that some words were omitted within a 0uotation >9 union vote . . . is not com!eted unti the resuts are a 4no-n. $o indicate (rea'% in t.ou3.t in ?uoted %#eec. >I don,t 4no- -here he is . . . .? I. C5c!a&ation Point $o end a %entence, c!au%e, #.ra%e, or %in3!e 2ord e5#re%%e% %tron3 e&otion, %uc. a% %ur#ri%e, co&&and, or ad&iration. .o a-a2I :hat a -ee4 it has +eenI 0atI 12 | P a g e