The Department of Tourism (DOT) will lead the organization of the Hot Air Balloon Fest 2014 in Clark, Pampanga. DOT will work with local government agencies and private organizations to organize the unique ballooning event from April 13-14. The festival is expected to draw over 300,000 spectators from Metro Manila and nearby areas, generating an estimated PHP 150 million in revenues. While tourism faced challenges from natural disasters in 2014, DOT remains optimistic and aims to still receive close to 5 million foreign visitors by year's end.
The Department of Tourism (DOT) will lead the organization of the Hot Air Balloon Fest 2014 in Clark, Pampanga. DOT will work with local government agencies and private organizations to organize the unique ballooning event from April 13-14. The festival is expected to draw over 300,000 spectators from Metro Manila and nearby areas, generating an estimated PHP 150 million in revenues. While tourism faced challenges from natural disasters in 2014, DOT remains optimistic and aims to still receive close to 5 million foreign visitors by year's end.
The Department of Tourism (DOT) will lead the organization of the Hot Air Balloon Fest 2014 in Clark, Pampanga. DOT will work with local government agencies and private organizations to organize the unique ballooning event from April 13-14. The festival is expected to draw over 300,000 spectators from Metro Manila and nearby areas, generating an estimated PHP 150 million in revenues. While tourism faced challenges from natural disasters in 2014, DOT remains optimistic and aims to still receive close to 5 million foreign visitors by year's end.
The Department of Tourism (DOT) will lead the organization of the Hot Air Balloon Fest 2014 in Clark, Pampanga. DOT will work with local government agencies and private organizations to organize the unique ballooning event from April 13-14. The festival is expected to draw over 300,000 spectators from Metro Manila and nearby areas, generating an estimated PHP 150 million in revenues. While tourism faced challenges from natural disasters in 2014, DOT remains optimistic and aims to still receive close to 5 million foreign visitors by year's end.
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DOT takes the lead in hosting Hot Air Balloon fest 2014
MANILA, Dec 25 (PNA) -- The Dept. of Tourism (DOT) is now set to
t!e chr"e in or"ni#in" the $ot-Air %&&oon 'iest nnu&&( he&) in *&r!, Pmpn". DOT si) it wi&& wor! in tn)em with *&r! De+e&opment *orportion, *&r! Interntion& Airport *orportion n) PA' Air Di+ision (,--th Air %se .in") in or"ni#in" the uni/ue 0&&oonin" e+ent. The hot 1ir 0&&oon 2est, the DOT si), is sche)u&e) to 0e he&) on Apri& 3- unti& 34 t the *&r! 'reeport 5one, Pmpn". Tourism 6ecretr( 7mon 8imene# 8r. si) in sttement tht since the e+ent hs 90ecome so hu"e n) wi)e: it ws ;ust 0out time it 0e supporte) 0( 0oth the "o+ernment n) the pri+te sector. %se) on pre+ious (ers< recor), the on&( ir-sportin" e+ent in the countr( )rws to *&r! more thn 3--,--- specttors from Pmpn" n) ner0( towns inc&u)in" Metro Mni&. =ch specttor, the DOT note), is estimte) to spen) )i&( +er"e of P2,5-- for ccommo)tion, trnsporttion, foo) n) sou+enir items or n e/ui+&ent of P5-- mi&&ion in &ost re+enues. It wi&& 0e rec&&e) tht the 0&&oonin" e+ent, which is si) to 0e the 2rst of its !in) mon" 6outh =st Asin ntions (A6=AN), ws 2rst initite) 0( the DOT in 3>>?. The DOT note) tht support from L@As wi&& &so 0e re/ueste) to contri0ute to cu&tur& performers n) street )ncin" contin"ents for wht m( 0e c&&e) the 'esti+& of 6trs. It si) tht st"e) performnces from poo& of &oc& n) ntion& 0n)s wi&& &so 0e feture) s sponsore) 0( 6n Mi"ue& *orp. Lst&(, )i&( 2rewor!s )isp&( wi&& hi"h&i"ht the ni"ht cp inc&u)in" coo!-oB competition courtes( of hote&s n) resturnts in the pro+ince of Pmpn" n) *&r!, the DOT stte). Prt of the procee)s from the e+ent wi&& 0e )onte) to +rious chrities &i!e the reconstruction n) reh0i&ittion of Le(te n) 6mr, it ))e). The e+ent wi&& 0e oBere) free entr( to the "ener& u)ience, eCc&u)in" pr!in" fee, which wi&& 0e pe""e) t P5- for crs n) P3-- for 0uses. (PNA) 'PDEANP 6OA7*=F"o+.phEin)eC.phpG i)nH,Isi)HIni)H,Iri)H5>>JKJ Fun but erratic year for tourism Mni&, Phi&ippines 1 The Deprtment of Tourism (DOT) !ic!e) oB 2-34 on hi"h note 0( nnouncin" tht 2-32 (eren) +isitor rri+&s crosse) the four-mi&&ion mr! with tot& of ?,2J2,K33 forei"n +isitors 1 2rst in Phi&ippine tourism histor(. In 8nur(, Tourism 6ecretr( 7mon 7. 8imene# hum0&( si) tht it<s "oin" to 0e incresin"&( ch&&en"in" to meet future tr"ets. %ut the tourism chief<s con2)ence in the 'i&ipinos s stewr)s of DOT<s hi"h&(-successfu& s&o"n, 9It<s more fun in the Phi&ippines,: cese) to wi+er n) he inten)e) to 0ui&) on these positi+e ener"ies, &on" with strte"ic mr!et )e+e&opment, to cross the 5-mi&&ion +isitor rri+& mi&estone in 2-34. 8imene# si) the thrust of DOT<s mr!etin" in 2-34 is mr!et )e+e&opment, which enti&s eCpn)in" the potenti& mr!et for new users n) new uses. 9.e wi&& &oo! into se"ments tht we h+e not thorou"h&( eCp&ore). .e wi&& eCp&ore more creti+e eCecutions "ere) towr)s sustinin" the fun we h+e strte). .e hope to h+e stron"er representtion n) 0e prt of the future of tourism in Asi,: he si). 'st-forwr) to Decem0er L in spite its 0u&&ish performnce from 8nur( to 6eptem0er with 4,5->,-3J forei"n +isitors n) the count&ess cco&)es the Phi&ippine )estintions repe) in +rious tr+e& e+ents, m"#ines, n) on&ine tr+e& sites L the tourism sector cme to stn)sti&& when J.2 m"nitu)e erth/u!e n) 6uper T(phoon Mo&n) pr&(#e) tourism tr)e n) cti+ities in *entr& Dis(s, Le(te, =stern 6mr, s we&& s few res in P&wn. An) whi&e the prospect of rechin" the 2+e-mi&&ion tr"et hs now 0ecome 0&e!, 8imene# is sti&& optimistic tht the Phi&ippines wi&& c&ose the (er s si"ni2cnt p&(er in 6outhest Asi. In recent inter+iew with Mni& %u&&etin<s 6tu)ent n) *mpuses (6*%), 8imene# re+e&e) tht Phi&ippine tourism now ccounts c&ose to ,.K percent of @DP (@ross Domestic Pro)uct) L fet in itse&f "i+en the recent circumstnces. 9.e re stru""&in" )espite e+er(thin", to 0re! throu"h. I )on<t thin! we<&& rech the 5.5-mi&&ion tr"et 0ecuse e+er(thin" (ou cou&) thin! of hppene) this (er. %ut we wi&& ne+er "o 0c! 0e&ow three mi&&ion. The stn)r) is tht we recei+e n +er"e of ?--,--- forei"n +isitors month. Tht is unher) of. If we<re &uc!(, we wi&& sti&& push throu"h c&ose to 2+e mi&&ion this (er,: 8imene# to&) 6*%. Moreo+er, 2-34 pro+e) to 0e fun &0eit errtic (er for tourism. Mni& %u&&etin roun)e) up the top 2+e stories tht m)e si"ni2cnt impct on the tr+e& in)ustr( n) tr+e&-&o+in" Pino(sF O!"D#$ B%$T This (er, the Phi&ippines ws on winnin" stre! in the "&o0& tourism st"e, pro+in" tht more n) more stis2e) tr+e&ers re prou)&( spre)in" the wor) 0out the countr(. The Phi&ippines ws wr)e) s one of the 0est tourist )estintions for the *hinese 0( the Orient& Mornin" Post, whi&e the 6hn"hi Mornin" Post cite) it s The Most 7omntic Destintion. The 'rm t 6n %enito in %tn"s ws );u)"e) the %est Me)ic& .e&&ness 7esort wor&)wi)e t the Interntion& Tourismus %orse (IT%) he&) er&( Mrch in %er&in, @ermn(. =& Ni)o 7esorts in P&wn recei+e) the *ommunit( %ene2t Awr) )urin" the .or&) Tr+e& n) Tourism *ounci&<s (.TT*<s) Tourism for Tomorrow Awr)s ceremon( he&) in A0u Dh0i. The fmous .hite %ech of %orc( toppe) the &ist of TripA)<s %est %eches in Asi 2-34. An) P&wn, AN=6*O 0iosphere reser+e in the Phi&ippines, hs 0een nme) the .or&)<s %est Is&n) 0( the New Mor!-0se) Tr+e& N Leisure m"#ine. !%&'O(A" )OO*%!AT'O( In this (er<s A6=AN Tourism 'orum (AT') he&) in Dientine, Lo PD7, tourism &e)ers "ree) to cce&erte the imp&ementtion of the A6=AN Tourism 6trte"ic P&n (AT6P) towr)s 0ui&)in" n A6=AN =conomic *ommunit( 0( 2-35. The forum 0rou"ht to"ether o+er 3,K-- )e&e"tes inc&u)in" tourism oOci&s from A6=AN n) its )i&o"ue prtners (*hin, 8pn, 6outh Pore, In)i, n) 7ussi), 0u(ers, se&&ers, n) me)i representti+es from roun) the wor&). The &test up)tes on the AT6P s reporte) )urin" the ministeri& meetin"s &iste) )own the fo&&owin" !e( strte"iesF the time&( imp&ementtion of the A6=AN connecti+it( wor! p&n to spur sem&ess ccess within n) 0e(on) A6=ANQ the Mutu& 7eco"nition A"reement (M7A) to fci&itte mo0i&it( of tourism profession&sQ the "en) on ensurin" the /u&it( of tourism throu"h impro+e) ser+ices, est0&ishment of securit( n) sfet( of on&ine resources, stn)r)i#tion, n) wor!shopsQ imp&ementtion of the A6=AN Tourism Mr!etin" 6trte"( n) 9A6=AN for A6=AN cti+ities:Q n) the )e+e&opment of n A6=AN =cotourism 6trte"ic P&n. %+,+ BA( "'FT%D .ith the =uropen Anion (=A) &iftin" its +ition sfet( 0n on the Phi&ippines which now &&ows Phi&ippine Air&ines (PAL) to operte Ri"hts to the 2K-ntion 0&oc. DOT si) source mr!ets from this re"ion re eCpecte) to (ie&) hi"her +o&umes s PAL &re)( resume) its Ri"hts to Lon)on. The )eprtment &so eCpects "reter mo+ements from the =A s the *i+i& Aeronutics %or) mo+es to strt ne"otitions for new ir ser+ice "reements with other =uropen countries. The &iftin" of the =A 0n cme on the hee&s of the Interntion& *i+i& A+ition Or"ni#tion (I*AO)<s recent &iftin" of si"ni2cnt sfet( concerns in the Phi&ippine +ition s(stem n) the rtion&i#tion of the *ommon *rrier TC, which re 0oth eCpecte) to he&p re"in the con2)ence of forei"n crriers to reinst&& )irect ser+ices in the countr(. -.+1/ ADB0 )'DA &!A(T DOT recei+e) SJ.3 mi&&ion technic& ssistnce "rnt inten)e) to he&p 0oost in)ustr( competiti+eness from 2-34 to 2-3, from the @o+ernment of *n), throu"h the *n)in Interntion& De+e&opment A"enc( (*IDA), with the Asin De+e&opment %n! (AD%) s the )ministerin" "enc(. Amon" the pro;ects propose) un)er the "rnt re s!i&&s trinin" pro"rms for the pri+te sector, &oc& "o+ernment units, ci+i& societ(, n) DOT "encies. A&so inc&u)e) is the pi&ot imp&ementtion of the new s(stem of ccre)ittion n) the )e+e&opment of stn)r)s for ser+ice /u&it(. The technic& ssistnce wi&& 0e pi&ote) in *e0u, %oho&, P&wn, n) D+o. The AD%-*IDA pro"rm ws en+isione) to crete more emp&o(ment opportunities n) )+ncement for the &oc& wor!force, s we&& s pro+i)e &oc& "o+ernment units with 0etter cpcit( to impro+e their re"u&tions in ttrctin" more in+estments n) tourism cti+ities. BOHO" BO,()%$ BA)1 The %oho&nos stoun)e) the ntion n) the who&e wor&) when mere&( two wee!s fter J.2 erth/u!e roc!e) the is&n) n) other pro+inces in *entr& Dis(s, tourism ws 0c! in 0usiness most not0&( the fmous Lo0oc 7i+er *ruise n) the *hoco&te $i&&s A)+enture Pr!. Menwhi&e, Anite) 6ttes A"enc( for Interntion& De+e&opment (A6AID) *ountr( Mission Director @&ori D. 6tee&e committe) A6AID<s support 0( eCten)in" technic& ssistnce to DOT n) %oho& st!eho&)ers in the preprtion of reco+er( p&n for the *e0u-%oho& Tourism De+e&opment Ares (TDAs). A A6AID-ssiste) pro"rm ws &so presente) to the =Cecuti+e *ommittee of the Pro+inci& Tourism *ounci&, OOce of the @o+ernor, n) &oc& "o+ernment units (L@As). The reco+er( p&n inc&u)es communiction strte"( to 0rin" 0c! the con2)ence of )omestic n) interntion& tr+e&&ers n) of the communitiesQ the ssessment of tourism infrstructure n) ssets to 0e prioriti#e) for reh0i&ittion 0( "encies concerne), interntion& )onors, )e+e&opment prtners, ntion& n) &oc& "o+ernment "encies, n) pri+te sector. It &so inc&u)es pro)uct )e+e&opment for new tourism circuits, "o+ernnce pro"rms, n) &on"-term inititi+es to sustin "rowth, miti"te ris!s of crises, n) increse prepre)ness of tourism )estintions. SOURCE: by 2acky "ynne A+ Oiga December 24, 2013 &en$an air3ort 3uts u3 tourism desk @=N.6ANTO6 *ITM, Phi&ippines - The irport here hs 2n&&( put up tourism informtion )es! to ssist e+er( pssen"er comin" to *entr& Min)no throu"h this cit(, the "tew( to the re"ion. The tourism )es! ws &unche) 0( &oc& oOci&s n) thethe Deprtment of Tourism in 7e"ion 32 &st Mon)(, ccor)in" to Ne&&( Di&&er, re"ion& tourism )irector. The e+ent ws cppe) 0( cu&tur& )nce performnces of the *entr& Min)no<s $inu"(w )nce troupe. The irport tourism )es! wi&& 0e mnne) 0( stu)ents of the @o&)en 6tte *o&&e"e (@6*) here, n) emp&o(ees of DOT-32 n) &oc& personne& of the *i+i& A+ition 6ecurit( Authorit( of the Phi&ippines. Di&&er si) @6*<s tourism stu)ents wi&& he&p o+ersee the tourism )es! s prt of their 2e&) eCposure, 0se) on memorn)um of "reement for"e) 0( DOT-32 n) the schoo& )ministrtion. 9=+er( pssen"er who &i"hts from ech p&ne tht wi&& &n) on @en. 6ntos *it( Airport sh&& 0e trete) s +er( importnt "uest 0( this ser+ice )es!,: Di&&er si). The )es! wi&& &so pro+i)e tourists with informtion on the eco- tourism sites of *entr& Min)no, s prt of the eBort to showcse the re"ion n) its in+estment potenti&s, ccor)in" to Di&&er. @en. 6ntos is now consi)ere) s the min "tew( to *entr& Min)no, owin" to the )rmtic rise in its 0usiness n) tourism sttures in recent (ers. - 2ohn ,nson $O,!)%4 htt3455666+3hilstar+com5nation52017512528512.19285ge nsan:air3ort:3uts:tourism:desk (phi& T Ap)te) Decem0er 25, 2-34 - 33F4Jm Did you kno64 2an+:$e3t+ tourist arri;als There were roun) 4.5 mi&&ion tourists in the Phi&ippines from 8nur( to 6eptem0er this (er, or 0out 33.? percent hi"her thn the 4.3 mi&&ion poste) &st (er for the sme perio), ccor)in" to the Deprtment of Tourism. Of the tot&, more thn >--,--- were +isitors were from 6outh Pore, the countr( tht ho&)s the &r"est shre of interntion& tourist trOc in the countr(.LMarielle Medina, Inquirer Research 6OA7*=F>?J3E)i)-(ou-!now-;n- sept-tourist-rri+&s Phi&ippine Di&( In/uirer 4F22 m T 'ri)(, Decem0er 2-th, 2-34 Tra;eling to the *hili33ines< Here#s a guide to disaster:hit tourist sites The )ust h) hr)&( sett&e) from the )estructi+e erth/u!e in %oho& &st Octo0er when super t(phoon Mo&n) struc! the fo&&owin" month, cuttin" wi)e swthe of )e+sttion from 6mr to northern P&wn. .ith the twin )issters && o+er the forei"n me)i, it<s un)erstn)0&e tht mn(+isitors h+e cnce&e) their sche)u&e) trips to the Phi&ippines. Their fers re most&( unfoun)e), howe+er, s mn( of the tourist ttrctions in popu&r )estintions were hr)&( touche) whi&e others h+e reopene) for 0usiness. $ere<s roun)up of tr+e& hotspots, with up)tes on how the(Ure )oin" this ho&i)( seson. *ala6an Mo&n), or T(phoon $i(n s it<s !nown o+erses, r+"e) the northern prt of this mini-rchipe&"o of 3,J-- is&n)s 0ut &eft much of the min&n) unscthe). This mens tht +isitors re sti&& rri+in" in )ro+es t the Puerto Princes An)er"roun) 7i+er, &octe) in the centr& section of the min&n). The pr! on&( eCperience) )rop in tourist rri+&s on the )( Mo&n) hit the Phi&ippines, when mn( tourists cnce&e) their trips. Airports n) seports in the entire pro+ince re opertion&, Vuichon si). 6uper t(phoon Mo&n) cuse) mssi+e power out"es in the pro+ince, which "ets its e&ectricit( from Le(te, 0ut ener"( hs since 0een restore), %oho& @o+. =)"r *htto to&) me)i )e&e"tion &st wee!. A %n"on Tour inititi+e wi&& 0e hi"h&i"htin" some of the restortion eBorts in ruine) churches, Pro;ect Pisme he) 8oe& A&)or to&) @MA News On&ine. 9The re0ui&)in" of the churches cn &so 0e m)e tourist ttrction in n) of itse&f, s the re0ui&)in" m( t!e three to 2+e (ers,: he si). As for the popu&r wi)e-e(e) mscot of %oho&, Pro"rm Mn"er 8onnie Mr( *0i&&o of the Phi&ippine Trsier 'oun)tion si) in teCt mess"e to @MA News On&ineF 9The t(phoon ws not +er( stron" in *ore&&. %ut we h) tremen)ous )rop in +isitor count ri"ht fter the storm. Thn!fu&&(, the foun)tionUs opertions re 0c! to norm&, so we hope 00&i! n" m" 0isit.: 9N0ot nmin po (un" >-- peop&e crr(in" cpcit( rw- rw,: pr! superinten)ent %eth Mc&n" si) in phone inter+iew. Pro+inci& Tourism OOcer Mri0e& %uWi &so to&) @MA News On&ine, 9$in)i nmn n"sr (un" irport n) seports s P&wn, m&i0n s *oron, n n"-c&ose for two )(s fter Mo&n) t opertion& n u&it noon" No+em0er 33.: Disitors to *oron, the ur0n center in %usun" is&n), wou&) nee) to chec! the sttus of the hote&s where the( m)e 0oo!in", s mn( suBere) eCtensi+e t(phoon )m"e n) re runnin" on "enertor power. In terms of ttrctions, howe+er, the "oo) news is tht popu&r &!es n) 0eches in *oron h+e reopene). The hi"h-en) Amnpu&o 7esort in Pm&icn is&n), &so in northern P&wn, suBere) )irect hit n) h) to c&ose )own fter Mo&n) struc! &st No+em0er K. %ut it hs since reopene), n) poste) this sttement on its we0siteF 9Amnpu&o wi&& re-open on Decem0er 35th with && its fci&ities, inc&u)in" the %ech *&u0, fu&&( opertion&. .e were +er( fortunte in tht the propert( sustine) minim& )m"e. 9Our "retest ch&&en"e hs 0een restorin" &n)&ines, internet n) mo0i&e reception to the sme &e+e& s prior to the t(phoon. .e )o not h+e )e2nite )te when this wi&& resume, n) therefore h+e inst&&e) ste&&ite 0ro)0n).: Another upsc&e chin, =& Ni)o 7esorts, &so reporte) minim& )m"e. Their 0i""est ch&&en"e ws c&enin" the )e0ris fter the powerfu& storm, which fortunte&( &eft the &"oons, white sn) 0eches, n) &imestone c&iBs unhrme). )ebu Northern *e0u suBere) the 0runt of t(phoon Mo&n), especi&&( the is&n)s of %nt(n n) M&pscu where mn( of the resorts suBere) eCtensi+e )m"e. %ut ccor)in" to post on tr+e& "enc( 6cu0 Tr+e&Us 'ce0oo! p"e, M&pscu =Cotic Is&n) Di+e 7esortUs opertions re 0c! to norm&, n) the thresher shr!s h+e returne). The re is fmous for the shr!s, s seen in this &0um. In n e-mi& inter+iew with @MA News On&ine, the resortUs 6&es n) Mr!etin" Mn"er $ro&) 'e&icino si), 9As of the moment we re rushin" the reconstruction of the )m"e we h) )urin" the t(phoon ... At the resort we re sti&& opertin" e+en fter the t(phoon n) we h+e 2? hours e&ectricit(. 9.e &ost K-X of our 0oo!in"s for this month n) 8nur( fter our c&ients sw how terri0&e the sitution ws, 0ut we wou&) &i!e to t!e this opportunit( to te&& the wor&) tht M&pscu is sti&& here n) if the( wou&) &i!e to he&p the is&n), the( cn come n) p( us +isit.: $e si) K- per cent of their stB re &oc& is&n)ers who h+e to meet the nee)s of their fmi&( fter the stron" t(phoon. 9If there re no +isitors, there wi&& 0e no wor! for the &oc&s s we&&,: he ))e). 9*e0u, s )estintion, is &so Becte) 0( the eBects of im"es of )estruction current&( )epicte) of the Phi&ippines,: 6enior Tourism OOcer for 7e"ion J 8u)i&(n Vuichon con2rme) in n e- mi& inter+iew with @MA News On&ine. Bohol Pn"&o Is&n), the min 0ech )estintion in the pro+ince, ws hr)&( Becte) 0( the Octo0er 35 erth/u!e tht )estro(e) mn( 6pnish-er churches. A&& ccre)ite) est0&ishments re open for 0usiness, Vuichon reporte). 9A hn)fu& of *hoco&te $i&&s sustine) crc!s or erosion from the erth/u!e. The *hoco&te $i&&s *omp&eC +iew )ec! sti&& nee)s to 0e reh0i&itte), 0ut nother +iew)ec! is +i&0&eLthe *hoco&te $i&&s A)+enture Pr! (*$AP),: she continue). $amar Popu&r sur2n" )estintion @uiun, where the super t(phoon 2rst m)e &n)f&& &st No+. K, is stru""&in" to re"in its reputtion s tourist-frien)&( town on the e)"e of the Pci2c Ocen. Anfortunte&(, Mo&n) )m"e) mn( of the resorts, inc&u)in" the +enue of n interntion& sur2n" competition to 0e he&) neCt (er tht hs now 0een postpone). Other Becte) res re the )i+in" spot Per& Is&n), se+er& historic cthe)r&s, n) the *&icon 6urf *mp tht si) on its we0site the resort is current&( un)er construction. Mr!etin" =Cecuti+e 7ichr) O&&i of L Lun %ech resort &so si) in teCt mess"e to @MA News On&ineF 9.& n n" L Lun, s) to s( wshe) out n.: $owe+er, he ))e) tht the( wou&) strt re0ui&)in" the resort in two months. 96o0rn" m&!i t&" n" nw& s min,: si) @uin municip& tourism oOcer Auror )e&os 7e(es in report on @MA NewsU 92? Ors.: 9Ns ts n n" !mi, 0i"& !min" &um"p!.: OOci&s cou&) not s( when the reh0i&ittion of )m"e) cu&tur& sites n) tourist )estintions wou&) 0e comp&ete). 9P&non" ""win (humin"i n") tu&on" from ntion& "o+ernment to restore historic& sites,: si) =stern 6mr 7ep. %en =+r)one. 'loilo Mrio L#rito, &icense) tour "ui)e from the Deprtment of TourismUs I&oi&o oOce, to&) @MA News On&ine in phone inter+iew tht tours )roppe) the wee! fter Mo&n) 0ut much of the pro+ince hs re0oun)e). 9ItUs 0usiness s usu& in I&oi&o *it( n) other res, eCcept for Northern I&oi&o, which too! month to "et 0c! on its feet,: he shre). 6m&&er est0&ishments re s&ow&( "oin" 0c! to 0usiness, he note). Is& )e @i"ntes, "roup of is&ets oB the cost of *r&es n) =stnci n) mrine 0io)i+ersit( hotspot, is seein" the return of 0oth &oc& n) forei"n tourists. $umnitrin wor!ers re st(in" in the re, n) resort opertors h+e reporte) tht +er( few "uests cnce&&e) their reser+tions. Boracay A&thou"h the popu&r 0ech )estintion ws not )irect&( hit 0( the super t(phoon, &oss of e&ectricit( n) internet fci&ities )isrupte) tourist ser+ices, resort owner Nennette @rf si) in n inter+iew with @MA News On&ine. Im"es of the )e+sttion fter the t(phoon &so prompte) some forei"n +isitors to cnce& their trips, 0ut tourism is strtin" to pic! up from No+em0er<s )e+sttion, she ))e). 9Lst No+em0er, YtourismZ in %orc( )roppe) 0( 2- percent compre) to &st (er,: she si). 9'or Decem0er cnce&&tions Yof forei"nersZ were 0out 3- to 35 percent, pero m( pump&it nmn. .& nmn" n"0"o s )omestic.: The *tic&n 8ett( Port is opertion&, n) ir&ines h+e resume) re"u&r Ri"hts. (egros island 9Dum"uete wsnUt touche) t &&, fortunte&(. I thin! initi&&( it ws in the pth of the t(phoon, n) peop&e were prepre)Lthe( &erne) &ot from P0&o n) 6en)on"L0ut somehow it +eere) w(,: si) 6usn Lr, writer n) )irector of the 6i&&imn Ani+ersit( Ntion& .riters .or!shop. In %co&o) *it(, the storm h) 9no 0i" eBect: in the &oc&it( fmous for its o&) houses, si) 6n)r 6(cip, who hn)&es the sttistics reports for the tourism oOce. In 6i/ui;or, tourism oOce stB =&0ie %oron"n note) tht &thou"h there ws not much )m"e in the is&n), the( sti&& eCperience) )rop in tourist rri+&s fter the storm. 9N"-report (un" m" resorts n m)min" n"-cnce&,: eCp&ine) %oron"n. 9At m( pro0&em )in s trnsporttion 1 [(un" Ocen 8ets n) fst crft nmin ( "in"mit s Tc&o0n.: Bicol In n e-mi&, Le"#pi *it( Dice M(or Dittorio 7oces n) wife M(&ene note) tht, 9If n(thin" weU+e recei+e) more peop&e here fter Mo&n) since Le"#pi hs the c&osest irport to Mtno", the port to Dis(s. .eU+e seen numerous truc!s crr(in" re&ief "oo)s pss throu"h Le"#pi.: The( si) there were no reports of ne"ti+e impct on tourism in the cit(, which is fmous for the M(on Do&cno. 9An) since the 0utn)in"s re 0c!, more peop&e h+e 0een comin" throu"h Le"#pi to "et to 6orso"on,: the( ))e). If the Le"#pi *it( 'ce0oo! p"eUs Rurr( of cti+it( promotin" ce&e0rtions n) ntur& ttrctions is n( in)iction, it seems tht tourism there is showin" no si"ns of s&owin" )own. In fct, the 2rst interntion& inu"ur& Ri"ht from \imen, *hin, is sti&& sche)u&e) for rri+& on 8nur( 4-. - 6ith a re3ort from !ouchelle Dinglasan5=A0 &/A (e6s $O,!)%4 httpFEEwww."mnetwor!.comEnewsEstor(E4?33J>E&ifest(&eEtr+e&Etr +e&in"-to-the-phi&ippines-here-s--"ui)e-to-)isster-hit-tourist- sites %( DIDA *7A5, @MA NewsDecem0er 2?, 2-34 JF-5pm Total =uletide e>3erience at (ayong *ili3ino in )lark MANILA, Phi&ippines - .here in the wor&) cn one 2n) p&ce to eCperience the ho&i)(s t their 0est n) fu&&estG The nswer cn 0e foun) in the *&r! 'reeport tht hosts the Phi&ippines< on&( cu&tur& pr! L N(on" Pi&ipino, which &ures roun) 4--,--- +isitors (er&(. 'rom the orchi)rium, &r"e "o&)en ti&pi 0ree)in" pon)s n) nture-inspire) picnic "ro+es to the pr! )]cor, *hristms &i"hts, historic& structures, sou+enir shops, eChi0its, festi+&s n) fmous cu&tur& repertoire, N(on" Pi&ipino cptures the spirit of *hristms in its tot&it( for mu&ti-sensor( n) memor0&e eCperience. 9The NP'<s orchi)rium &so ))s nture-inspire) )imension to the *hristms tmosphere in N(on" Pi&ipino, which oBers Mu&eti)e eCperience t its 2nest n) fu&&est,: si) NP' eCecuti+e )irector Apo&onio Anot 8r. 9The orchi)rium &one is showcse of the wor&)<s on&( orchi) +rieties 0re) n) prop"te) 0( the NP' to en"u&f +isitors in && the "&or( n) m"ni2cence of 0&oomin" Ror& en+ironment,: Anot si). 9Met, these re ;ust the 2rst four NP'-crete) orchi)s L Ph&enopsis N(on" Pi&ipino I n) II, n) Den)ro0ium III n) IDL which re one of its !in) n) cn 0e seen on&( in *&r!. These were )e+e&ope) 0( N(on" Pi&ipino throu"h (ers of )i&i"ent cross-po&&intion n) prop"tion,: Anot si). Nonethe&ess, there re &so the ctt&e( n) +n) +rieties. Their spectcu&r 0eut( re mtche) on&( 0( the e/u&&( uni/ue n) co&orfu& music& eCtr+"n# of the N(on" Pi&ipino Dnce Troupe n) 7on)&& who wi&& perform the Pstores 6uite, set of 'i&ipino )nces with *hristms theme. There wi&& 0e speci& shows on Dec. 25 n) 8n. 3, 0oth t 33 .m. Di0rnt tri0& )nce performnces tht "o with me&o)ious Phi&ippine music &so m!e the N(on" Pi&ipino Performin" Arts mon" the countr(<s most &i+e&(. The performers wer ctu& ethnic costumes n) perform uthentic 'i&ipino )nces. The performnces re he&) e+er( .e)nes)( to 6un)(, t > .m., 33 .m. n) 2 p.m. There re &so nnu& cu&tur& festi+ities such s the 6ntcru#n feturin" pr)e of Phi&ippine 0eut( /ueens n) the '&ores )e M(o showcsin" m&e n) fem&e mo)e&s n) the fshion cretions of fmous 'i&ipino )esi"ners. 8ust s co&orfu& n) uni/ue re the "ifts t the sou+enir shops, with such hr)-to-2n) items s in)i"enous we+es, woo)cr+in"s n) pintin"s rr(e) in surprisin" 0un)nce. An) s if the +isitors h+e not seen enou"h of the Mu&eti)e seson, the( "et trete) to 0ri&&int *hristms )ecors hi"h&i"hte) 0( the 90e&en: or Nti+it( 6cene m)e with in)i"enous mteri&s n) spectcu&r&( her&)in" the cu&tur& )i+ersit( of the &oc& *hristen)om. 6ti&&, the re&Cin" (et historic&&( fithfu& n) hn)some&( &n)scpe) fci&ities t the pr! m!e it the perfect +enue for *hristms prties n) (u&eti)e we))in"s, mon" others. Another ttrction is the 9trm+i,: which t!es the "uests on ri)e 0c! to histor(. The trm+i once )ominte) the streets for mss trnsport. On&( few of these remin, n) N(on" Pi&ipino hs one for 0oth ri)e n) eChi0it. The pr! &so hs Reet of ;eepne(s in their ori"in& )esi"ns. The ri)e co+ers the siC-hectre sprw& of &n)scpe) picnic "roun)s n) "reener( )otte) 0( wi)e rr( of wor&)-renowne) Phi&ippine scener( n) historic& &n)mr!s L from north to south n) from the pre-co&oni& pst to the &i0ertion er. The historic& tour &so 0rin"s +isitors to the eChi0its of P&in" we+es n) music& instruments, Ifu"o woo)cr+in"s n) )(- to-)( imp&ements && the w( to the fmous wor!s of ntion& hero Dr. 8ose 7i#&, mon" others. The 0i""est of such tri0& eChi0its re the houses of the Ifu"os n) the P&in"s themse&+es, which re 0ui&t without ni&s n) resistnt to erth/u!es n) t(phoons. The structures withstoo) T(phoon 6nti. The +isitors m( &so 0on) with nture 0( fee)in" the "o&)en ti&pi, of which N(on" Pi&ipino is one of the &r"est 0ree)ers. After && the m#in" si"hts n) soun)s come the scent n) tste of one of the countr(<s most-toute) cu&inr( )e&i"hts, the Ppmpn"n cuisine, in the pr!<s foo) hu0. The N(on" Pi&ipino is &octe) t the *entenni& 7o), *&r! 'reeport 5one, Pmpn". Disitors comin" from the NL=\ m( t!e the Du eCit n) turn &eft to McArthur $i"hw(, then turn ri"ht to the *&r! min "te. The pr! is open from K .m. to 5 p.m. )i&(. Tic!et rtes re P3-- for )u&ts n) P5- for chi&)ren. 6OA7*=F httpFEEwww.phi&str.comEtr+e&-n)- tourismE2-34E32E2JE32J23>JEtot&-(u&eti)e-eCperience-n(on"- pi&ipino-c&r! (The Phi&ippine 6tr) T Ap)te) Decem0er 2J, 2-34 - 32F--m