Treatment of Ulcer by Acupuncture
Treatment of Ulcer by Acupuncture
Treatment of Ulcer by Acupuncture
Treatment principle: Spread the LIV-Qi, Harmonise the ST. Points: Neiguan P-6 Zhongwan REN-12 Zusanli ST-36 Qimen LIV-14 Yanglingquan GB-34 Taichong LIV-3 Explanation of points: Neiguan P-6 moves stagnation of Qi from the epigastrium. Zhongwan REN-12 and Zusanli ST-36 dredge and clear ST-Qi, raise the clear and lower the turbid. Taichong LIV-3 relaxes the LIV and relieves stasis. Qimen LIV-14 and Yanglingquan GB-34 calm the rebellion of LIV and GB. Needling: Qimen LIV-14: slanted insertion 0.5 cun using only rotation method. Other points: needle 1-2 cun using Xiefa (reducing method), rotating and lifting and thrusting method. 2. Congealed Blood pattern Clinical manifestations: - stabbing pain of the epigastrium, fixed in location - pain worse on pressure and eating - may vomit blood - black stool Tongue: purple, dark, may have purple spots Pulse: Wiry, Choppy Treatment principle: Transform stasis, harmonise the ST. Points: Neiguan P-6 Zhongwan REN-12 Zusanli ST-36
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Geshu BL-17 Gongsun SP-4 Taichong LIV-3 Points explanation: Neiguan P-6 belongs to Jue Yin Xin Bao Mai and opens Yin Wei Mai - for diseases of the ST, HE and chest. To relax the chest and relieve stagnation. Zhongwan REN-12 and Zusanli ST-36 regulate ST- Qi. Combined with Neiguan P-6 to treat all ST diseases. Geshu BL-17 is the Hui point of blood. Gongsun SP-4 is the Luo point of the SP and opens Chong Mai, the Sea of Blood. Gongsun SP-4 and Geshu BL-17 have the function of regulating blood and transforming stasis. Taichong LIV-3 not only may relieve the stagnant and congealed Qi of the LIV, but combined with the above points will invigorate blood and transform stasis. Needling: Use Xie Fa (reducing technique) with lifting, thrusting and rotating manipulation. 3. Deficient Cold pattern Clinical manifestations: - indistinct, faint epigastric pain - likes pressure - vomits clear fluid - spirit tired - limbs cold - loose stool Tongue: pale, thin coating Pulse: Deep, Slow Treatment principle: Warm the centre, dispel cold. Points: Neiguan P-6 Zhongwan REN-12 Zusanli ST-36 Pishu BL-20 Weishu BL-21 Zhangmen LIV-13
Points explanation: In chronic Xu pattern, the Back-Shu and Front- Mu points are chosen as the main points. The above points warm and move the centre, invigorate the SP and support the ST. Needling: Use Bufa (reinforcing method) with rotation. With the exception of Neiguan P-6 moxa can be used after needling the points. 4. ST-Heat pattern Clinical manifestations: - pain is sudden and powerful - epigastrium scorching hot - thirst with preference for cold drinks - sour regurgitation - nausea - mouth 'dirty' - constipation Tongue: red, yellow coating Pulse: Wiry, Rapid Treatment principle Clear heat and harmonise the ST. Points: Neiguan P-6 Gongsun SP-4 Zhongwan REN-12 Zusanli ST-36 Jianshi REN-11 Tianshu ST-25 Li-Neiting (Extra) or Neiting ST-44 Points explanation: Neiguan P-6 and Gongsun SP-4 are opening points of the Chong and Yin Wei Extra channels and are important to treat epigastric pain. Jianshi REN-11 relaxes the centre, harmonises the ST and has the function of strengthening digestion. Tianshu ST-25 is the Front-Mu point of the L.I., relaxes the ST and intestines and aids digestion. Li-Neiting is an effective point to treat stagnation when due to injury by food.
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Neiting ST-44 clears and releases heat from Yangming. Needling: For all points use Xiefa (reducing method) with lifting and thrusting and rotating. Needle Li-Neiting with straight insertion to the border of the periosteum, using only rotating method. With this point it is prohibited to use lifting and thrusting. 5. Deficiency of ST-Yin Clinical manifestations: - indistinct pain of epigastrium - preference for pressure - skin 'scorching' - 'Xin Fan' (see note above) - tongue and mouth dry - urine red - difficult stool Tongue: red, dry, peeled coating Pulse: Thin, Rapid Treatment principle: Nourish yin, harmonise the ST. Points: Neiguan P-6 Zhongwan REN-12 Zusanli ST-36 Weishu BL-21 Pishu BL-20 Neiting ST-44 Sanyinjiao SP-6 Points explanation: Pishu BL-20 and Weishu BL-21 form the foundation of post-Heaven, thus supporting the source of production and transformation. Sanyinjiao SP-6 nourishes and reinforces the 3 yin channels of SP, LIV and KID, nourishing the yin and harmonising the ST. Needling: Use Bufa (reinforcing method) with rotation, lifting and thrusting.
6. Phlegm-Damp pattern Clinical manifestations: - distending pain of the epigastrium - frothy saliva - dizziness - palpitations - abdominal distention and fullness - feeling of lumps in the chest and abdomen Tongue: white greasy coating Pulse: Deep, Wiry, Slippery Treatment principle: Dispel Damp, transform phlegm. Points: Neiguan P-6 Zusanli ST-36 Zhongwan REN-12 Fenglong ST-40 Yinlingquan SP-9 Sanyinjiao SP-6 Points explanation: Fenglong ST-40 regulates SP and ST, promotes Yun Hua, harmonises the ST and transforms phlegm. Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Yinlingquan SP-9 invigorate the SP and benefit damp. Needling: Zhongwan REN-12: reducing method. Other points: even method Moxibustion may be combined with needling. Footnote: As with all the conditions treated with acupuncture, the final prescription of points varies slightly from one college or hospital to another, as does the configuration of symptoms. An interesting variation for the treatment of ulcer due to LIV and ST Qi Depressed advises using: Taichong LIV-3
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Liangqiu ST-34 Neiguan P-6 Ganshu BL-18 as the main points, and adding: Yanglingquan GB-34 if there is flank pain Geshu BL-17 if there is stagnant blood. As can be seen from some of the symptoms of this pattern, this particular condition implies that here the Qi stagnation has now produced heat in the ST: LIV and ST-Qi Depressed Clinical manifestations: - epigastric pain is severe, may reach flanks - fondness for cold, aversion to heat - anxious spirit, impatience - headache - belching - sour regurgitation - constipation - stool may be black (occult blood) - may vomit blood Tongue: red, thin yellow coating Pulse: Wiry