Meridian Limpa

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 Meridian limpa berpangkal pada bagian dalam
ibu jari kaki, naik melalui kulit kaki bagian
dalam dan paha. Menyeberang di bagian depan
tulang tumit. Dari situ naik melalui bagian depan
kaki dan pertengahan dari lutut dan paha
memasuki abdomen bawah terus masuk ke limpa
yang berhubungan dengan lambung. Aliran
utama lewat di permukaan kulit abdomen, naik
menuju dada yang kembali masuk untuk
mengikuti aliran tenggorokan sampai akar lidah,
untuk menyebarkan chi dan darah. Cabang lain
yang di dalam meninggalkan lambung ke atas
melalui diafragma, masuk ke jantung dan
berhubungan dengan meridian jantung (HT).
SP 1 - Yinbai


On the medial side of the big toe .1 cun posterior to

the corner of the nail


Hematuria, Menorrhagia, Abdominal distention, Stop

bleeding, regulasi Limpa
SP 2 - Dadu

• On the great toe, in the depression distal
to the first metatarsophalangeal joint, at
the border between the red and white
• Konstipasi, Nyeri perut, demam tanpa
keringat, mengeluarkan panas, regulasi
Limpa, mengusir Lembab panas
SP 3 - Taibai

Proximal and inferior to the head of the
1st metatarsalphalangeal joint in a
depression at the junction of the red and
white skin.
SP Qi and Yang Deficiency, especially
those with excess pathologies - abdominal
a/or epigastric pain, digestive issues, heart
pain. Muscle atrophy in the lower legs,
heaviness in the body.

SP 4 - Gongsun

 Location
In a depression distal and inferior to the base of the
1st metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and
white skin.
 Indikasi
Excess pathologies of the ST and Intestines -
severe abdominal a/or epigastric pain, dysentery,
food poisoning. Gynecological and Abdominal
issues due to stagnation of Qi and Blood - masses,
fibroids, cysts, irregular menstruation
SP 5 - Acupuncture Point - Shangqiu


In a depression distal and inferior to the medial

malleolus midway between the tuberosity of the
navicular bone and the tip of the medial malleolus.


Tonifies the spleen and resolves dampness -

lethargy, desire to lie down, abdominal distention.
Calms the spirit - manic depression, anxiety,
excessive thinking.Speech disorders, stiffness at
root of tongue
SP 6 - Sanyinjiao
 Location
3 cun directly above the tip of the medial
malleoulus on the posterior border of the tibia.
 Indikasi
Tonify Yin and Blood, all Spleen disorders. Digestive
disorders, sinking/prolapse. Gynecological issues,
male sexual issues, difficult labor (expel fetus).
Menstrual issues (irregular, amenorrhea,
dysmenorrhea). Bleeding disorders, uterine
bleeding, cool blood in hot skin diseases. Insomnia,
palpitations, and other anxiety related emotions.
Dizziness, hypertension
SP 7 - - Lougu

 Location

6 cun above the tip of the medial

malleolus on line connecting SP 9 and the
tip of the medial malleolus on the posterior
border of the tibia (3 cun above SP 6).
 Indikasi
Continued muscle atrophy in the presence
of adequate nutrition. Promotes urination -
difficult urination. Resolves dampness -
lower body swelling, ankle, knee
SP 8 - Diji
 Location

3 cun below SP 9 on line connecting SP 9

and the tip of the medial malleolus.
 Indikasi

Acute and painful menstrual issues due to

Blood stagnation - clotting, fibroids,
dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation. Male
infertility - seminal emission, depleted
SP 9 - Yinlingquan
 Location
On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia in
the depression posterior and inferior to the medial
condyle of the tibia. (or) On the lower border of the
medial condyle of the tibia on level with the tuberosity of
the tibia. (or) Between the posterior border of the tibia
and gastrocnemius muscle.
 Indikasi
Damp Bi, Medial Knee Pain. Issues involving damp-heat
in the GB - hepatitis, jaundice. Tong Ren
/Tam Healing System: Any water issue in the body
(bloating, swelling, urinary issues, dry mouth, etc.).
SP 10 - Xuehai
 Location
With knee flexed, 2 cun above the superior medial
border of the patella on the bulge of the medial
portion of quadriceps femoris (vastus medialis).
 Indikasi
Any Gynecological issues originating from Blood,
Heat, Stasis a/or Deficiency - irregular menstruation,
dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cramping, lin disorders,
PMS, uterine bleeding. Skin problems from damp-
heat or hot Blood - eczema, painful/hot sores.
Genital issues - pain/swelling/itching of the
SP 11 - Jimen

 Location
6 cun above SP 10 on the line
connecting SP 12 to SP 10.
 Indikasi
Used for a variety of urinary issues
related to a collection of
dampness/damp-heat - difficult
urination/obstruction, retention of
urine. Swelling in the groin,
pain/itching of the external genitalia
SP 12 - Chongmen
 Location
Superior to the lateral end of the inguinal
groove lateral to the pulsating external iliac
artery (joins femoral artery) level with the
symphysis pubis 3.5 cun lateral to CV 2.
 Indikasi
Used for a variety of urinary disorders
(retention, painful) due to it's functions of
draining dampness, clearing heat and
regulating urination. Abdominal pain,
hernia, hemorrhoids by regulating qi and
invigorating blood.
SP 13 - Fushe

 Location

1 cun laterosuperior to SP 12 and 4

cun lateral to the anterior midline
(between CV 2 and CV 3).
 Indikasi

Abdominal pain, abdominal masses

(fibroids, cysts, etc.), hernia, thigh
pain - regulates the liver, qi, and
alleviates pain.
SP 14 - Fujie

 Location
1.5 cun below SP 15 and 4 cun lateral to
the anterior midline on the lateral side of
rectus abdominus.
 Indikasi
Warms the middle warmer and dissipates
cold for lower abdominal pain, diarrhea
(from cold), abdominal pain,
constipation. Resolves counterflow qi -
can be used to subdue fright (i.e. panic
attacks) from counterflow qi disrupting
the heart and/or cough from counterflow
qi disrupting the lung.
SP 15 - Daheng

 Location
4 cun lateral to the center of the
umbilicus (CV 8) lateral to rectus
 Indikasi
 Regulate the Qi of the Intestines
- constipation, diarrhea (ST 25
better for diarrhea), abdominal
pain and distention.
SP 16 - Fuai

 Location
 3 cun above SP 15 and 4 cun lateral to
the anterior midline (CV 11).
 Indikasi
 Aids intestinal issues by clearing heat
in the intestines and resolving
dampness - as well as generally
moving the intestines. Noted for
undigested food in the stool.
Abdominal pain, dysentery, blood in
the stool.
SP 17 - Shidou
 Location
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline in
the 5th inter-costal space.
 Indikasi
 Promotes smooth spleen qi (digestion),
moves water stagnation - fullness of
the chest and/or lateral costal region,
abdominal distention perhaps with
water swelling, belching, vomiting
after eating, boborygmus.
SP 18 - Tianxi

 Location
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline in the
4th inter costal space.
 Indikasi
Descends qi - chest oppression,
shortness of breath, cough, hiccup,
running piglet disorder. Opens the chest
and circulation in the breasts - breast
pain, insufficient lactation.
SP 19 - Xiongxiang

 Location

6 cun lateral to the anterior midline

in the 3rd inter-costal space.
 Location

Aids the descent of lung qi - cough.

Regulate lung qi - shortness of
breath, chest oppression.
SP 20 - Acupuncture Point - Zhourong
 Location

6 cun lateral to the anterior

midline in the 2nd inter-costal
 Indikasi

Aids the descent of lung qi -

cough, shortness of breath,
chest oppression. Noted for
difficulty in ingesting foods.
SP 21 - Acupuncture Point - Dabao

 Location
On lateral side of the chest and on the
mid-axillary line in the 6th inter-costal
space. (or) 6 cun below the axilla
midway between the axilla and the free
end of the 11th rib on mid axillary.
 Indikasi
Mentioned classically that when this
point is deficient, all the joints are
flaccid, and when excess, pain all over
the body. Pain of the thoracic region.

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