Case Study - Barings Bank and Nick Leeson

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Case Study: Nick Leeson and Barings Bank

Perhaps romanticized through its foreign intrigue positions, waiting for the market turnaround that
and visions of a rogue trader fleeing to would more quickly return his trades to
international waters on his yacht, the case of profitability.
Nick Leeson and Barings is simply one of a
system that failed to align corporate risk taking Leeson was able to hide his losses, because he
goals with incented and implicitly “approved” controlled and cheated the reporting system from
behavior. his office. To keep his secret from management,
he created a fictional trading account #88888 in
Leeson had escalating risks and hidden losses which he could place offsetting trades that
(over US$1.3 billion) that took down the oldest seemed profitable. The losses became so large
bank in England. The demise ultimately came that he had to resort to taking activities
from excessive trading positions, which came “underground”.
about from a sense of ‘approval’ of his trading
activity that came about because of the lack of Ultimately, while he was able to beat internal
management discovery about his initial losses systems, when he reached the real-world
and that in the middle of the mounting real liquidity constraints from his counterparties, he
losses, the Barings Board discussed what steps faced an end to the game and so too did his
they might take to protect Leeson’s market share employer.
from their competitors, not how they might
provide better oversight to his office. Barings was shut and Leeson went to jail.

Humans have been demonstrated to show an

extraordinary tendency towards loss avoidance.
We don’t want to realize losses, so we tend to let About Us
them build. It is a widely known oddity of
probability theory that in a fair game, if you keep Ductilibility is private advisory service. We
doubling your bets, you will always come out provide benchmarking research through our
ahead. Yet, unlike trading houses and banks, this Research Circles. We design risk education
mathematics game is not constrained by liquidity and risk-awareness-building programs. We
or capital. review and analyze compensation and
incentive structures for alignment with
As losses on previous trades mounted, Mr. corporate objectives.
Leeson kept increasing the size of his trading

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