MicroCap Review Winter/Spring 2017
MicroCap Review Winter/Spring 2017
MicroCap Review Winter/Spring 2017
wiNter/spriNg 2017 The Official Magazine of the MicroCap Stock Market Since 2006
GoviEx Uranium Inc. TSX-V: GXU, OTCPink: GVXXF First Mining Finance Corp. TSX-V: FF, OTCQX: FFMGF
22 14
Page Daniel Major, CEO Page Keith Neumeyer, Chairman and Founder
www.goviex.com www.firstminingfinance.com
BioLargo, Inc. OTCQB: BLGO Orion Energy Systems, Inc. NasdaqCM: OESX
28 18
Page Dennis Calvert, CEO John Scribante, CEO
Page Facebook MySpace StumbleUpon Digg
www. biolargo.com www.orionlighting.com
Page 24
www.droneusainc.com | [email protected]
In Loving Memory of Our Precious Daughter, f you have been around the MicroCap pening right now! You should keep reading
and Sister, Sammi Kane Kraft
stock market for as many years as I have because our expert writers will give you their
Published Since 2006 or even if you are new to microcaps, opinions.
it will be hard to forget 2016. The market In this issue we have profiled the following
www.stocknewsnow.com rocketed, stock prices soared, investors got companies:
Follow us: @StockNewsNow fat, fund managers earned their keep and First Mining Financial Corp. TSX-V:
although healthcare and resources had some FF, OTCQX: FFMGF, GoviEx Uranium Inc.
SNN Inc.
5839 Green Valley Circle spikes and dips and shaky moments most TSX-V: GXU, OTC PINK: GVXXF, Bio
Suite 205 are hanging in there and the strong have Largo, Inc. OTCQB: BLGO, Orion Energy
Culver City, Ca. 90230 gotten stronger. From Brexit to the surging Systems, Inc. NasdaqCM: OESX, Drone
dollar, from worldwide instability issues to USA, Inc. OTC PINK: DRUS, IsoRay, Inc.
PUBLISHER full scale abandonment of fixed income, the NYSE MKT: ISR, Strategic Metals Ltd. TSX-
Shelly Kraft perfect storm was created to own U.S. securi- V: SMD, OTC PINK: SMDZF, Neo Lithium
SNN Chairman/Founder/CEO
ties and global capital poured into the U.S. Corp. TSX-V: NLC, OTC PINK: NTTHF,
[email protected]
Donald J. Trump is now the President of Amplitech Group, Inc. OTCQB: AMPG,
Lynda Lou Lulu Kraft the United States! Historically Presidential Charles & Colvard Ltd. NasdaqGS: CTHR.
SNN President
election years usually wreak havoc on the Writers include Drew Bernstein, CPA,
EXECUTIVE EDITOR markets with volatility causing surges, dips, Alan Brochstein, Mike Modeski, Greg Avert,
Robert Kane Kraft and gyrations from minute to minute from Eric Hellige, Esq. Francesca Djerejian, Esq.
SNN Chief Operating Officer
rumors, reports of vital security hacks and David Alsup, Lou A. Bevilaqua, Esq., Kevin
[email protected]
information leaks but the 2016 Presidential (Qixiang) Sun, Esq. David Stein, MSc.,
Wesley Ramjeet Race will be long remembered indelibly as a CFA, Mark Shore, Leslie Richardson, David
SNN Chief Financial Officer
raucous, rough, tweeted, social media frenzy Morgan, Frederick Sheer, Jim Collins, CFA,
[email protected]
and the year end Trump Rally taking equities John Lowy, Esq., Karl Douglas, Robert Kraft,
ASIAN PACIFIC CORRESPONDENT to new record highs. Margaret Rosenfeld, Esq., Corey Fischer,
Leslie Richardson
As Microcap investors, we have been CPA, Michael J. Corbett, Joe Mazumdar,
SNN COMPLIANCE AND DUE DILIGENCE observing record breaking market highs Brent Cook, Thomas Butler, Ramses
ADMINISTRATION and wondering, are these new market highs Erdtmann, Rick Rule, Sara Hanks, Esq.
Jack Leslie
affecting microcap stocks? When do the Steven M Shelton CFP(r), CLU, ChFC, TEP,
CHAIRMAN OF SNN ADVISORY BOARD microcaps begin to participate? When will CIMA(r), CMT, and Shelly Kraft.
Dr. Leonard Makowka the trickle down to microcaps begin? We Thank you to the many who have contrib-
used to say that when the market was on a uted to this issue and to all our loyal sub-
[email protected] bullish run you could throw a dart and land scribers, readers and follow-
424-227-9018 on a winner! Have we seen the top? Which ers. We wish you all a Happy,
sector is undervalued? Should we cost aver- Healthy, Safe and Prosperous
Unitron Media Corp age up and keep buying? Is the stock we own 2017!
[email protected] getting ahead of itself? Is it time to sell? Just
maybe the microcap bull market is hap- Shelly Kraft, Publisher n
[email protected]
This publication and its contents are not to be construed, under any circumstances, as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or effect transactions in any securities. No investment advice is provided or
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Micro-Cap Review is owned and operated by SNN Inc. mentioned in this publication. Investment in securities generally, and many of the companies and securities mentioned in this publication from time to time, are speculative and carry a high degree of risk.
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SINCE 1912
Smith Anderson brings a real confidence and calmness to a transaction and are strategically
excellent. They walked us through the process really well and the work they did was flawless.
Client quotation from CHAMBERS USA 2016 Americas Leading Lawyers for Business
8 MicroCap Guru By Jim Collins, CFA 56 Investing Alongside Private Equity Tips and
Pitfalls By David Stein, MSc. CFA
24 The Russell Microcap Index - A Current View
By Steven M. Shelton, MS, MBA, CFP, CLU, CHFC, 66 Coming to America By Margaret Rosenfeld, Esq.
72 Perritt Capital Management History of Small
32 Raising Capital in the MicroCap Market By Karl Douglas Company Stocks
By Michael J. Corbett
36 Interview with Rick Rule By Shelly Kraft
74 Planet MicroCap Podcast 2016
40 High-Powered Gold and Silver are Ready to Shine in Highlights and Looking Ahead at 2017
2017! By David Morgan By Robert Kraft
46 Five Keys to Attracting Chinese Financing 76 Where Have All the Market Makers Gone?
By Drew Bernstein, CPA By Shelly Kraft with Mike Modeski- OTCMarkets &
Greg Averyt BMA Securities
50 Chinese Dj Vu
By Louis A. Bevilacqua, Esq. and Kevin (Qixiang) Sun, Esq. 86 Cannabis Sector Sentiment Strong Despite
Uncertainty of Federal Policy
52 Is a Public Company Eligible to Do a Reg A+ Offering? By Alan Brochstein
By John Lowy, Esq.
91 Looking Beyond Lithium By Nick Hodge
54 Regulation ASo Far By Sara Hanks, Esq.
MicroCap Guru
A s the markets whoosh upwards in the Trump Jump, its
important to remember the old Wall Street adage: Its a
market of stocks, not a stock market.
That axiom has come under attack in a We were all conditioned to believe a kets is a flashing red signal to me. I believe
top-down ETF-driven world. There are still Trump Victory would be the worst thing people are too happy, and that extends to
a few of us out there, however, who believe for the markets, but a funny thing happened microcaps as well as the blue chips.
that individual stocks can produce returns on the way to the Crash. This Trump Jump The Russell 2000s volatility index, RVX,
far in excess of the market. A good threshold has been a lightning move driven by gains has been just as deflated since the election
would be to double the markets returns in in financials and energy. It has rendered the as its cousin, the VIX, which follows moves
a given time period, and so far in the brief fears of most pundits as moot as the opinion in option pricing for the megacap S&P 500.
history of the Microcap Guru, we have had polls, which were once again wrong in call- RVX stands at 17.68 as I write this, down
two such winners, Navios Maritime and ing the election. But is it real? sharply from the 25 level that stood in the
Evolution Petroleum. So, thats when The Guru hits the road and days leading up to the election. So RVX has
starts doing the most fundamental part of collapsed as the VIX has, and actually tested
equity research: management due diligence. a 2016 low of 16 in early December before
Id love to have time to fly all over Creation recovering somewhat in later December.
and visit every corporate headquarters and But microcaps inherently are riskier than
manufacturing facility in the world, but Apple, J&J, JPMorgan and Exxon. Every
thats not feasible. investor at LD Micro knows that, and virtu-
So, investment conferences are the next ally every management team does as well.
best thing, and the Granddaddy of Them All Its the managements that dont understand
to me, LD Micro, happened recently in Los that, have the worst presentations, and I tune
Angeles. With 240 companies presenting, them out immediately. Its always good to
LD is a Microcap-palooza (or something have a few minutes to check e-mails or fan-
like that.) tasy football scores.
When I started out at Lehman Brothers But dont forget to make your macro
in 1992 we had a terrific industrials analyst, decision before you start picking stocks.
Bob Cornell. Bob referred to the job of equi- Valuations in the Russell 2000 have increased
ty analyst as professional cynic and I think sharply in the last month, just as they have
in these bull runs the analyst community in the S&P 500, especially the XLF. So dont
forgets that job description. let FOMO--Fear Of Missing Out--drive you
So, when management teams are exuber- into a buy-high scenario. n
ant, as many, but of course not all, were at
For more information and to subscribe to the MicroCap
LD Micro, I immediately ask myself if it Guru Newsletter, please visit: www.MicroCapGuru.com.
is time to take the other side of the trade.
Exuberance is healthy; irrational exuberance
is expensive.
The striking lack of volatility in the mar-
Stock Picks
Each monthly newsletter will contain actionable
recommendations on undervalued, underfollowed
and undiscovered MicroCap companies.
well and when I see my patients at two or three months follow up,
they are almost always back to their baseline and have essentially
forgotten that they did it.
In April 2015, FMF was listed on the TSX benefited from similar market conditions
Venture Exchange with the goal of taking when he founded First Majestic Silver Corp.
advantage of the bear market and the com- and First Quantum Minerals Ltd., which,
pany aggressively embarked on its strategy of under his leadership, became multibillion
acquiring financially distressed junior min- dollar companies. During his time at First
ing equities which held high-quality min- Quantum, Mr. Neumeyer assembled the cur-
eral assets. According to Patrick Donnelly, rent management team and together they
President of FMF, The market was so bro- acquired greatly undervalued yet excellent
ken that it was cheaper to buy a million quality copper assets in southern Africa.
ounces of gold than it was to drill a million First Quantum was one of the first North
ounces. American mining companies to invest in
Mr. Keith Neumeyer, the Chairman, southern Africa and today its one of the
founder and visionary behind FMF, has a largest publicly-listed base-metal companies
track record of identifying the bottom of in the world. When Mr. Neumeyer created
mining cycles. In the past, Mr. Neumeyer First Majestic Silver in 2003, precious metal
Science in Mining Engineering, a Master around the world. The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
An SNNLive Newscast is a high-quality video Engage with investors, enrich your news,
interview that enriches your news release or
and enhance your visibility
quarterly report. At SNN, we have the tools to
enhance your companys market awareness and
Video brings your text to life and gets more
investor visibility by providing an engaging,
views than traditional articles
in-depth, quality video interview that allows
investors to discover you, stay current, add
Increase access to your company profile
to their watchlists/portfolios, and most
importantly, see management.
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One (1) edited and produced video interview with Post on SNNs YouTube Channel and available to post on
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Many of the companys trade secrets and years were challenged by financial instability,
nearly 100 granted and pending patents fragmented product strategy, a major drop
relate to lighting systems that provide excep- in market demand for its legacy linear fluo-
tional optical and thermal performance, rescent product offering, and replacement of
driving financial, environmental, and work- its original founder and CEO. This put the
space benefits for a wide variety of custom- company on the brink of collapse.
ers. In September 2012, Orions Board appoint-
CEO John Scribante explains, My vision ed John Scribante CEO. Mr. Scribante was
is to build a company that uses digital light- previously the Division President credited
ing to solve the major business problems for a significant portion of the companys
companies face. Today, the digital ceiling early revenue generation including custom-
has become some of the most valuable cor- ers such as Coca-Cola and SYSCO. Scribante
porate real estate and Orion has developed knew a turnaround would require decisive,
the capability to bring convergence between deliberate action and rose to the challenge.
multiple building systems and solid state Historically, Orions core products consisted
LED lighting. We can eliminate the labor of fluorescent high bay lighting for facto-
cost and equipment needed for virtually all ries and warehouses. The product line was
access control, asset tracking, space utiliza- severely outdated and cash was tight.
John Scribante, CEO tion, security, fire, and safety systems and Recognizing the urgency of Orions pre-
build all of these capabilities into an intel- dicament, Scribante acted quickly to improve
ligent lighting system. working capital and generate cash flow. In his
Once considered a Darling of Wall Street, first nine months, he shored up the cash bal-
Orion enjoyed a period of positive media ances and acquired Harris Manufacturing.
and investor interest soon after its public This move provided Orion with a new solid
offering in 2007. However, the honeymoon state LED lighting platform, a seasoned and
period quickly passed and the next few talented management and sales team, and
tifying market needs and developing prod- Orions financial performance is back on
ucts to meet them gives Orion a key time to the rise. Gross margins are showing mean-
G oviEx Uranium Inc. (GXU.V and GVXXF), since it acquired uranium licences
in Niger in 2007, the Company has completed over 600,000 metres of
exploration and resource development drilling, completed its pre-feasibility
studies (PFS) and had its environmental impact assessment (EIA) approved and
its first mining license granted by the Niger Government.
In June 2016, GoviEx acquired the African demand could grow by over 48% to as high In 2012, as the company transitioned
projects of Denison Mines (DML.TO) in as 266.8 million pounds U3O8 by 2030 from from exploration to development, Govind
exchange for GoviEx common shares, and an estimated 179.3 million pounds of U3O8 appointed Daniel Major as CEO. Mr. Major
now has a portfolio including four projects in in 2015. Over the same period uranium is a mining engineer who graduated from
four African countries: Niger, Zambia, Mali supply is forecast to decline 4%. As a result, the Camborne School of Mines in the UK.
and Namibia. With this acquisition, GoviEx many market analysts are forecasting ura- Daniels career spans over 30 years in the
obtained its second mining permitted project nium supply to go into deficit by 2020. mining industry with a solid track record
at the Mutanga in Zambia. According to a Fasken Martineau paper that includes: production and planning at Rio
The looming uranium supply deficit is the (a leading international law firm founded in Tintos Rossing Uranium Mine in Namibia
key higher prices in the uranium market. Canada), the permitting of Canadian ura- and chief planning engineer for the develop-
Global nuclear power capacities are project- nium projects has historically taken 7 - 23 ment of Amplats Mogalakwena mine. Other
ed to increase by 44%, from 376.6 gigawatts years to complete, causing a long backlog of leadership roles include Chief Executive
in 2015 to 540.6 gigawatts in 2030. Uranium Canadian projects that will not have their and later Non-Executive Chairman of Basic
development permits in time for the upswing Element Mining and Resource Division in
in uranium price that analysts are forecasting. Russia, responsible for 8% of global ferro-
GoviEx was founded by Govind Friedland, molybdenum production, and leadership
son of mining magnate Robert Friedland, positions in several Canadian-listed mining
whose family background and qualification companies with exploration and production
in geology from the Colorado School of assets in Canada, Russia and South America.
Mines enabled him to identify the oppor- GoviEx has built a strong shareholder base
tunity to acquire some of the most prospec- including some major players in the uranium
tive exploration ground in Niger, adjacent mining and nuclear energy industry. In 2008,
to Arevas mines (producing approximately Cameco, the worlds largest publicly traded
7% of global uranium supply for almost 50 uranium company became a shareholder,
years). From 2002 to 2011, Mr. Friedland investing US$28 million and is currently
was based in Beijing adding to his multicul- a 6% shareholder. In 2014, when GoviEx
tural background having lived much of his became a publicly traded company Toshiba
life in Asia immersed in the mineral explo- converted their US$60 million loan to equity.
ration industry, providing him a unique Toshiba, parent company of Westinghouse,
insight into Chinas requirement of clean is one of the worlds leading suppliers of
Daniel Major, CEO energy. nuclear technology, and represents about
iN brief 2016 low would confirm the long since the 80s and has yet to bottom; an
term trend to down event characterized by personal and corpo-
Russell Microcap Index has enjoyed a peri- To well establish these takeaways, the report will rate bankruptcies, debt write-downs, severe
od of over performance to the S&P 500. comment on the economic and general mar- economic contraction and so on that purg-
However, various technical indicators and ket outlook, monthly, weekly and daily charts, es the global economies, governments and
cycles are warning that a probable top is Russell Microcap index, Indexs performance, commerce of over indebtedness and excess
expected in 1st quarter 2017, if not sooner. technical analysis, as well as a conclusion. capacity.
This major crest will likely lead to a final NOTE The bottoms for the Long Wave
volatile ratcheting trend down to a lasting eCoNomiC aND marKet Cycle and Debt/Credit cycle are approxi-
long term bottom. CommeNtary mately due 2020+-2 years. This naturally
The exciting news is that once the antici- occurring cleansing process creates the
pated low occurs, it will be one of the most From an economic perspective the equity foundation for the next long term upward
exciting times in modern financial history markets, such as the DJIA, are reflecting the trend.
to buy equities, especially microcap equi- cresting, a long term topping process, of a Looking back over the years, I believe a
ties, a virtual fire sale to take advantage of! 250 year cycle. recession tends to occur after every 8 year
It began in the 1700s around the time of presidential incumbent leaves office. If true
Given this technical outlook, the T-Report the American Revolution and the French again, that would fit nicely with an expected
contains these major takeaways: Revolution, a time of great change that major 1st quarter top and a return to an
Index is in a topping process that has somewhat the look and feel of today. economic and equity market decline. Such
takes time to complete, unlike a bot- Currently we are witnessing an ongoing a decline should be the end of a secular bear
tom which is an event revolution in many parts of the world: market that began in 2000 and has yet to
The Preferred Scenario has Index *a revolution at the ballot box (BREXIT, crest, over 16 years and counting. Remember
approaching a major top, ideally Trump, Dec. 4 Italian referendum, etc.) and that the 1966 to 1983 secular bear market
mid to late 1st quarter or per the *a familiar cyclical revolution from glo- lasted approximately 16 years but that was
Alternative Scenario, mid/late - balism to nationalism with an increasing not a 250 year cycle crest. Please note the
December to early 1st quarter disdain for the so called elites. following charts and accompanying analysis.
As for the final low, it is expected Truly this is an era that has moved from NOTETherefore, one would expect
2020+-2 Years social optimism, which likely peaked at the time this final trend down to start in the 1st
Until more index market action takes of the European Unions creation. We now have quarter of 2017 and should take longer
place to allow a more definitive market moved in a ratcheting trend toward increasing with a more significant decline to a lasting
top call, a move under the February negative social mood, as reflected in the dis- low. PLUS, the trend down is expected to be
sonance within the Eurozone and among voters accompanied with high volatility!
globally who feel disenfranchised.
Other shorter term cycles impacting russell miCroCap iNDex
economies and markets include: moNtHly CHart
*the Economic Long Wave that entered
its economic winter season in 2000 and is The monthly chart is most clear as it
characterized by deflation lacks all the noise of the daily chart
*the Debt/Credit Cycle that peaked in the Clearly the Index has been in an
hyperinflationary 1980s. This cycle, which uptrend since March 2009, with only
n BY STEVEN M. SHELTON is closely associated with the Economic one short downward penetration of
MS, MBA, CFP , CLU, Long Wave cycle, has been declining ever the trend in 2016, the footprint of an
biolargo, inc.
biolargos advanced oxidation
system (aos) poised to impact
$862 billion global water market
otCqb: blgo
cost challenges effectively. That intersection and after clearing the usual lengthy hurdles
of service is likely where our new relationship involved with becoming a vendor for large
with CB&I will shine the brightest and we corporate and government accounts, man-
look forward to working with the exceptional agement believes that sales will grow with
team at CB&I to serve industry. national supplier contracts.
In January of 2016, BioLargo announced
biolargo proDuCts for that its Clyra Medical subsidiary closed
CleaN air aND aDvaNCeD a $5.75 million financing package for its
wouND Care also fiNDiNg Advanced Wound Care products. Cash of
CommerCial patH $750,000 was earmarked for Clyra to com-
plete its product development work, testing,
Since the first sale in May of 2016, BioLargo labeling and ultimately its FDA application
has focused on marketing its CupriDyne and approval which, due to the successful
SHOULD THE RIGHT CFO? www.ppmtgroup.com
trategic Metals Ltd. (TSX-V: SMD) is a
highly successful, uncommonly well-
funded generator of mineral projects.
The Company is the largest claim holder in
Canadas Yukon Territory, a politically stable,
mining friendly jurisdiction with world class
mineral potential.
Strategics basic business model is simple.
It acquires mineral projects at low cost dur-
ing times of market weakness, advances
them with early stage work and then, during
robust markets, sells, options or spins-out
projects to other parties. The Company
maintains exposure to projects via work-
ing interests, share payments and/or royal-
ties. Strategic utilizes excess capital to make
investments, providing exposure to promis-
ing exploration projects owned by other
companies, often in other jurisdictions. to hold equity interests of 8.3% and 41.4%,
Share sales are made at times when pricing respectively. Other shareholdings include:
and liquidity are attractive. Royalties are held a 33.4% interest in Precipitate Gold Corp.
or sold when metal prices are peaking. that resulted from a property transaction
Although the majority of the Companys at IPO and subsequent investments made
130 property interests target gold and sil- following discoveries in the Dominican
ver metals Yukon is famous for the Republic; a 16.5% interest in Silver Range
Territorys unique geology allows for diverse Resources Ltd., which was a 2011 spin-
deposit types. Strategics projects also host out from Strategic that is now focused on
base metals such as zinc, copper, and lead, as generating gold projects in NWT, Nunavut up many years of assessment credits on its
well as specialty metals including molybde- and Nevada; and, a 100% interest in Terra most advanced projects. To minimize regu-
num, tungsten, tin, and vanadium. CO2 Technologies Ltd., which is developing latory delays and reduce risk for incoming
Strategics President and CEO, Doug Eaton, processes and equipment relating to carbon partners, Strategic often conducts environ-
has diligently explored the Yukon since 1971, sequestration and mine remediation, based mental and heritage studies and secures explo-
and has contributed to the discovery or on a concept conceived by Mr. Eaton. ration permits, before vending the projects.
advancement of a long list of Yukon deposits. The Company is able to minimize its explo- The Company currently holds permits that
Recent major discoveries that Strategic has ration risk by seeking partners for projects approve 3,000 drill holes, totaling over 500,000
participated in include Carlin-type mineral- prior to conducting large-scale drill programs. m of drilling on various projects. With mod-
ization at ATAC Resources Ltd.s Rackla Gold This has allowed Strategic to maintain a tight est exploration budgets, Strategic continues to
Project, and high-grade epithermal mineral- share structure over many metal cycles. The make new discoveries year after year, which
ization at Rockhaven Resources Ltd.s Klaza Company has extremely low holding costs speaks to the quality of people on the ground
Deposit. Strategic financed early exploration because none of its projects are subject to and the underexplored nature of the Yukon. n
at both of these discoveries and continues option or royalty payments, and it has built The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
y December 2015, the four year a share. Subscribers had almost two weeks Money from the Coming Gold and Silver
cyclical bear market within the larg- to establish a position in the .45-55 cents Shock-Wave.
er and longer secular BULL RUN zone before it took off and ran to $3.60, for a An Exclusive Trade for You? This is a
for the metals and miners gave compelling potential 700% profit. Not bad for a quick trade where risk is balanced by an exceed-
evidence of ending. The Morgan Report trade we saw coming. Demonstrating the ingly high potential reward - in fact one of
Members were notified early and knew big longer-term potential for this profitable sil- the highest reward-to-risk profiles weve seen
things were in store for theresource sector. ver trader is the fact that it had a 2011 high of in over four decades of analysis. Will it work
On January 19, 2016 the Bears last gasp over $16.00 per share. Currently it has over out? At this point we cant say, but if you
failed, causing mining stocks, gold and silver $90m in the bank, and pays a dividend! Now approach it from a good knowledge base, a
to make a six month rocket launch, con- that its trading at around $2.00, it might successful outcome could make a significant
founding the public and most of the experts. make sense to stake out a position for the difference in your lifestyle. It might end up
Technician James Flanagan analyzing initial next upside run! TMR members have ongo- becoming the investment story youll be tell-
bull run legs going back decades, concluded: ing access to our thinking on upcoming high ing others about for years to come.
The 175% Advance in Gold Stocks in 5 reward- to-risk power plays just like this one. This patent-pending, environmentally-safe
Months, 22 Days Now Places Us As the 11th Your Second Chance: For almost two process shows great promise in its ability to
Greatest 1st Leg Up in Any Bull Market in Any years now, weve made resource company safely and reliably extract free-state gold without
of the Tangible Assets During the Past 150 Years. site visits and written about a story we call using mercury or cyanide, from very low to
A month before this historic run became a potential game-changer in our new book high grade ore. Simplified on site processing
obvious to the investing public, The Morgan Second Chance: How to Make and Keep Big promises dramatically lowered production cost.
Report stated to subscribers - Get ready
the bottom is in! We anticipate significant
upside for a couple of months or more; well
keep you posted with our premium video
service. As we are market-driven, an exit
point was established for all to offset with
partial profits during the summer peak.
We also sent out word in early February,
2016, via our exclusive POP-UP Alert
System, recommending a Canadian silver
producer with properties in China, which at
the time was trading for less than $US0.50
A look at the future?
Our team is confident that the 3Q Project has the potential to be a large high
grade discovery the brine found in an open reservoir has the right chemistry
for low cost evaporation process, contains potash as a valuable by-product and
lithium grades that are equal or superior to all other known development stage
projects and producing mines.
Waldo Perez, Ph.D., P. Geo.
President & CEO
for final lithium production. Hot springs on Neo Lithiums 3Q Project is the right
the property with elevated lithium content asset in the right location at the right time.
are part of the recharge system of the salar Neo Lithium holds the entire salar complex;
complex. The technical team that recently has discovered a new high grade and low
discovered this unique salar complex is one impurities lithium reservoir in the Lithium
of the most experienced in the modern era in Triangle, and is headed up by a quality
lithium salars, having discovered and led the team of seasoned experts in the lithium sec-
technical work, including resource definition tor. With its strong cash position and fully
and full feasibility study that established the financed through exploration to Lithium
Neo Lithium Corp. is quickly becoming Cauchari lithium salar as the third largest Carbonate PEA report, Neo Lithium is
one of the foremost new names in lithi- lithium brine resource in the world. poised for long term gains.
um brine exploration, rapidly advancing The atmosphere in Argentina is favour- Neo Lithium trades in Canada on the TSX
its newly discovered Tres Quebradas (3Q) able for a lithium boom with the recently Venture Exchange under the symbol NLC.
Lithium Project - a unique high-grade lithi- elected, pro-business President Mauricio www.neolithium.ca n
um brine reservoir and salar complex in the Macri implementing changes to promote
Lithium Triangle, located in the Province of economic growth in the country. Lithium The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
Catamarca, the largest lithium producer in is emerging as one of the most prized com-
Argentina. modities on earth as prices have tripled since
The 3Q Project covers approximately 2003 and continue to remain strong with
35,000 ha and the salar complex within this lithium demand expected to double by 2020.
area is approximately 160 km2. A high grade This is encouraging data that coincides with
northern target was identified extending Goldman Sachs dubbing lithium as the new
over 14x3 km including a salar and a res- gasoline in a special research series entitled
ervoir. The northern target has high grade What if I told you which explores emerging
lithium with very low key impurities (mag- trends that will change our everyday lives.
nesium and sulphate) - a significant factor in Changes like the long-awaited electric car
traditional low cost evaporation techniques revolution.
4 OUT OF 5 98.7%
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China Based Companies Look Again to U.S. Capital Markets
Is a Public Company
Eligible to Do a Reg A+
S o-called Regulation A+ has generated a lot of interest, and well over
100 companies have filed with the SEC to raise capital via Reg A+.
In my previous article in MicroCap Review, Yes, privately-owned companies and non-
I stated that Reg A+ is an excellent way reporting public companies (which usu-
for a company to raise up to $50,000,000, ally trade on OTC Markets Pink Sheets as
especially if it sells its products to individual non-reporting issuers), are eligible to raise
consumers. up to $50,000,000 in a Tier 2 Regulation
The SECs commentary to the Regulation A+ offering, if they have audited financial
A amendments states that their mandate statements). Or, these non-reporting but
is to review these amendments after two publicly traded companies can raise up to
years. The rule changes were promulgated $20,000,000 in a tier 1 Reg A+ offering, with-
on March 25, 2015the two year peri- out having audited financials.
od is approaching an end, so its a good However, although US and Canadian
time to review and reflect on certain of the companies have always been eligible to use
Regulation A amendments that were made, Regulation A+, since the inception of Reg
and some that I believe should have been A, most SEC-reporting issuers, explained
made. below, have been ineligible to use Regulation
A question often asked about Reg A+ A. Why? Probably because when the
eligibility is, Is a company that is already Regulation was announced, it was thought
public eligible to raise capital through a that a $300,000 maximum would differenti-
Regulation A+ offering? And the answer, ate it from registered public offerings using
which is a common reply to many questions Form S-1, which hadand still hasno
about SEC laws and regulations, is Yes, and ceiling.
no. Probably the most artificial eligibil-
Do reservatioNs meaN
cated converts into investments.
Investing Alongside
Private Equity
Tips and Pitfalls
P rivate equity (PE) investment in mining has grabbed headlines over
the last several years and has become a significant market participant
and alternative source of funding to the capital-hungry metals industry.
While mining-specialist PE funds in some ket was reached in 2011 and the impact of
form or another have been involved in the PE funds in the space is still as confusing as
sector since the late 1990s, the business ever. But unlike other more mature sectors,
seemed to blossom around 2012 as approxi- mining PE is extremely active, paradoxically,
mately $10 billion was raised over the fol- in the public equity markets, in part due to
lowing few years to take advantage of the the culture and risk structure of the sector,
downturn. Its been more than five years so for the smaller investor, being able to
since the last peak of the junior mining mar- swim alongside these behemoths is becom-
n BY DAVID STEIN, MSc. CFA TMAC Resources major PE backer increased its position on the IPO a great signal
and the listing has been a big success, tripling in price since trading began in 2015.
access to due diligence and funding avail- than you, be very wary when they are layer-
Commodities in Review
S ummary: Utilizing a European volatility index for Pan-European volatility
(The full paper can be found at the Eurex Table 2: Correlation matrix of daily spot returns of VSTOXX, EURO STOXX 50
Exchange)1 Index, CAC 40 index, FTSE 100 index, DAX index and STOXX Europe 600 index
from 2 Jan 2007 to 30 Sept 2016 (in EUR).
In past articles, Ive discussed the negative
correlation between the VSTOXX Volatility
index and the EURO STOXX 50 Index and Index 600
VSTOXX 1.00 -0.77 -0.76 -0.67 -0.74 -0.76
how the volatility index tends to rally when
EURO STOXX 50 Index 1.00 0.98 0.85 0.95 0.96
equities decline (downside volatility). CAC 40 1.00 0.87 0.93 0.97
The recent passing of the Brexit vote on 23 FTSE 100 1.00 0.82 0.94
DAX 1.00 0.93
June 2016 introduced immediate uncertainty STOXX Europe 600 1.00
and downside volatility to the global capital Source: Bloomberg data
2008 Financial Crisis Greek Debt Crisis European debt crisis Brexit
Price of European Equity Indices (in EUR)
Price of VSTOXX
0 0
EURO STOXX 50 CAC 40 FTSE 100 Dax Index VSTOXX STOXX Europe 600
Source: Bloomberg data
-20% (Endnotes)
VSTOXX DAX 1 http://bit.ly/2eWxAGf
-40% STOXX Europe 600 CAC 40
EURO STOXX 50 2 ht t p s : / / w w w. b l o o m b e r g . c o m / n e w s / a r t i -
-60% cles/2016-07-31/europe-elections-2016-17-the-
A new cross border stock link between the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
and neighboring Shenzhen Exchange made its historic debut on
December 5, 2016, marking another milestone as China moves towards
opening its capital markets.
With less than 1.6 percent foreign investors with a market capitalization of $3.4 trillion.
as of early 2016, the Shenzhen stock market Individual investors make up the majority
represents the largest untapped investment of traders in Shenzhen owning as much as
opportunity in the world. For the first time 59 percent of the equities compared to 34
foreign investors have the ability to invest percent of Shanghai equities. Trading almost
in hundreds of Chinas fast-growing com- nine times a year with monthly turnover of
panies often attributed to the New China. more than $1 trillion, it is also Asias busiest
The Shenzhen Exchange is Chinas second exchange, according to the World Federation
largest stock exchange, behind Shanghai, of Exchanges data. Shenzhens high turnover
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Moissanite: The Worlds Most Brilliant Gem
oissanite, also known as silicon carbide, is a rare, We are passionate about moissanite and our vision to ensure
naturally occurring mineral discovered in 1893 by Dr. a world where socially responsible gemstones are at the
Henri Moissan in a meteorite crater. Decades later, forefront of the marketplace.
through innovation and tirelessly refining our process, weve
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rivals any earthly gemstone for fire and brilliance. Moissanites developing better techniques to enhance the stunning
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worlds most brilliant gem.
As the original creator of lab-created moissanite, Charles & Our Team of Experts.
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introduced Forever One to the market. Forever One is the industry from manufacturing to distribution and the retail
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Our master technicians and gemcutters analyze, polish and serves to bolster the success of our omni-channel,
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ensuring each of our gemstones are both sustainable and of a
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Were more committed than ever to making our presence felt
Charles & Colvard is driven by an and getting our gemstones and finished jewelry in front of the
ethical promise: create the worlds right audiences.
most brilliant gem, while leading
the way for environmentally The market is ready. The gemstone is here.
and socially responsible choices
in the jewelry industry at a Millennials are the largest and fastest growing generation,
revolutionary value. and their buying power continues to increase.1 By the end of
this decade, they will account for a third of all retail sales.2
Millennials are not impulse buyers. They are nontraditional,
environmentally aware, cost-conscious digital natives. The
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possessions its about the spiritual, intellectual and cultural
SUZANNE MIGLUCCI values the item invokes.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Coming to America
What You Need to Know About Accessing Public U.S. Markets
Monthly New Formations chart showing the number & types of firms admitted
19 27 9 21
23 17 14 17 4 4 14 11 17 24 11 9
1 2 2 10
1 2 5 6 3 2 4 2 3 6
0 4 2
2 4 3 5 5 4 5 11 0 6 2
2 1 17 3 6
8 9 9 8 8 12 12 8 7 9 10 7 10
6 2
2 5
33 31 27 31 17 41 43 32 29 37 26 30 15 34 34 31 24
4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 4Q16
Monthly BDW Chart showing the number & types of firms that are closing
16 18 25
13 10 12 5 9
6 9 7 11 11 13
7 8 6 3 12 4
10 9 10 20 3 8 3
5 9 63 5 7
5 4 5 2 14 14
10 10 6
43 40 36 45 9 46 39 42 42 42 34
26 32 24
20 18 21 19 19
79 46 63 63 77 42 41 53 90 55 39 53 82 39 63 43
1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 4Q16
As of November 30, 2016, there are 3963 FINRA Member firm CRD Numbers. (Note: There are some
bankrupt firms still carried in CRD, such as Lehman Bros, & Stanford.)
The above data has been sourced from regulatory agencies publications' and statistics, along with some independent third parties. While it is believed to be
reliable there can be no guarantee of the accuracy of the data. The numbers have been cross-checked for accuracy, and they should be within plus/minus two
percent. For example, there may be as many as 15 firms NOT included in these statistics and NOT reported that filed for a BDW prior to Nov, 2016.
David Alsup 949-468-0111 [email protected] A Detailed analysis (or Customized data) is available by Subscription
70 MicroCap Review Magazine www.stocknewsnow.com
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of any company.
nvestors should undertake their own due diligence and carefully evaluate companies before investing. 2017 OTC Markets Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
y all measures, 2016 was a historic an unknown, Attorney General Jeff Sessions. cripple marijuana-related businesses, not to
year for Cannabis. With the possible To say Sessions is a strong opponent of the mention eliminate a tremendous source of
exception of 1996, when California legalization of Marijuana would be an under- tax revenues for the states. Also, given the
became the first state to legalize (medical) statement. During his confirmation hearings, new administrations focus on repealing and
marijuana, and 2012, when Colorado and he stressed he will enforce federal law when replacing the Affordable Care Act, immigra-
Washington legalized recreational marijua- asked about marijuana, after noting that mar- tion reform, building a wall, criminal justice
na, 2016 was probably the best year for mari- ijuana is illegal under federal law. However, reform, and jobs, will it also want to tackle
juana. Following the 2016 elections, eight he was sitting in a confirmation hearing, and this complicated and controversial issue?
states (including Washington, D.C.) have any answer other than I will enforce federal Clearly time will tell, but it seems to me that
legalized recreational marijuana, doubling law would probably be disqualifying. After we have, or at least we should have, reached
the number from the prior year, includ- all, the job of the United States Attorney the tipping point and not go backwards. n
ing California, the 8th largest economy in General is to ENFORCE federal law.
Marc J. Ross is a founding partner of Sichenzia Ross
the world. And, five additional states have The immediate question on everyones mind
Ference Kesner LLP, formerly known as Sichenzia
legalized medical marijuana, increasing that is now what? The appointment of Jeff Sessions Ross Friedman Ference LLP, a firm he started in 1998
number from 23 to 28, with more than half has struck fear in pro-marijuana groups and which specializes in corporate, securities, litigation
and regulatory matters.
the states in the U.S. having legal access to shaken the stock market for cannabis compa- In the securities and corporate area, Mr. Ross
marijuana. Now the question on everyones nies. But what can we expect will really happen? advises companies with their 1934 Act reporting
requirements as well as their NASDAQ, AMEX and
mind is, what impact will be felt by Donald On the one hand, the Trump administra-
NYSE and other exchange listing and compliance
Trumps election as the next President? tion can rip up the Cole Memorandum, which matters. In addition, Mr. Ross assists companies going
According to Forbes, legal sales recorded was issued during the Obama administration public, whether through a reverse merger (RTO), ini-
tial public offering (IPO), or company offering (DPO).
for 2016 were $6.7 billion, up 30% from and provides that, given the federal govern- He also advises clients on investment and capital
2015, and some analaysts are projecting sales ments limited resources, if a state complies raising transactions, including private investments in
public equities (PIPEs), initial public offerings (IPOs),
of $20-25 billion in 2020, which would repre- with eight enumerated points, the federal
registered direct offerings (RDs), and shelf offerings.
sent compound annual growth of 35% over government will not interfere, and enforce In the litigation and regulatory area, Mr. Ross rep-
the next five years. Suffice to say, the indus- federal law. After all, the Rohrabacher- resents clients in commercial/securities matters from
arbitrations before FINRA, the AAA, and JAMS,
try is booming, as everyone predicted, and Farr Amendment, which codified the Cole to court cases nationwide. Mr. Ross also counsels
perception among the public has also dra- Memorandum, and formally prevents the clients in civil regulatory and possible criminal inves-
tigations before self-regulatory organizations, state
matically changed in the last 20 years60% federal government from enforcing federal
agencies, or federal agencies, and he regularly appears
of the public want to see marijuana legalized law, is set to expire on April 28, 2017. before the SEC, FINRA, and state securities agencies
nationally, that number stood at about 25% On the other hand, the Trump admin- in connections with their investigations.
Mr. Ross also specializes in advising marijuana
20 years ago, and 84% of Americans want to istration can continue to enforce the Cole and marijuana-related companies. In particular, he
see medical marijuana legalized nationwide. Memorandum and seek, once again, to is very knowledgeable in, and often speaks on, the
legal issues associated with marijuana and marijuana-
However, with all the growth that mari- extend the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment.
related businesses, including the interplay between
juana saw in 2016, the industry now faces This would allow more jobs to be created, state laws which legalize recreational and/or medical
a central theme extolled by Donald Trump, marijuana uses, and federal laws which bar such uses.
Mr. Ross teaches the first law school course on
as the industry continues to grow. It will marijuana at Hofstra University School of Law, titled
also allow the states to decide matters for Business and Law of Marijuana. In his course, Mr.
Ross introduces students to the rapidly-developing legal
themselves, which Donald Trump and others
questions encountered in the operation of marijuana-
likely to serve in his cabinet, including Jeff related businesses. The course uses a fictional business,
Sessions, appear to support. Cannabis Inc., to explore (1) the interplay between
state laws legalizing recreational and/or medical mari-
While it is impossible to predict the future, juana uses and the Federal Controlled Substances Act;
given the new administrations emphasis on (2) enforcement and application of other regulatory
regimes governing the operation of marijuana-related
jobs and growth, it may be too tempting for
n BY MARC J. ROSS, Esq. businesses, such as banking and securities laws; and (3)
them to enforce federal law, which would the ethical considerations for an attorney advising a cli-
ent engaged in a marijuana-related business.
S o long to the days of finding a new use for an old generic in a small patient popu-
lation and charging a 600% premium, or commercializing drugs with little to no
efficacy (or running over-powered clinical trials in order to achieve statistical signifi-
cance for that matter).
The days of holding on to aging pipelines of drug development policy is the Hatch-
and enjoying hefty annual net-price increas- Waxman Act, which gives drug manufactur-
es are also over. But why is that a bad thing? ers 14 years of exclusivity for their marketed
When did novel drug discovery become drug. The kicker here is the clock starts
pass? When did R&D departments turn when the drug is approved so long as you
from innovation generator to business devel- can prove that you conducted the appropri-
opment validator? Drug discovery and drug ate clinical trials continuously, with a few
development was founded on the notion exceptions. This is ample time to recoup
that through rigorous scientific research and any development costs associated with the
clinical experimentation, we could solve the R&D efforts as well as build a very profitable
worlds deadliest diseases. And the newly business to support future research. The
discovered solutions to such diseases are problem is, biopharmaceutical firms have
meant to have a profound impact on society, used various patent prosecution techniques
not just in the United States, but around the to extend the patent life beyond the 14 years.
world. Not only does this extend the amount of
Every time I see a Hilary Clinton, a Bernie time the drug is listed at a higher price, it
Sanders, or now a Donald Trump tweet also disincentives Pharma from pursuing
about drug pricing my response is dramati- innovation. Why would anyone engage in
cally different than what is exhibited across the 8-year clinical drug development jour-
the pharma and biotech market. I see a ney, spending hundreds of millions of dollars
changing political landscape as a road back on clinical trials, with only a 12% chance of
to supporting true innovation. Lets not focus approval (from IND filing to FDA approval)
primarily on profit maximization but on the when you could essentially do nothing, just
survival of mankind and the resolution of expand your legal team, and sit on your
human suffering, the real goals that motivate currently approved products, growing the
us scientists and the rest of the workforce in business by at least 6-8% per year through
the biopharmaceutical industry. price increases? No brainer, right?! Well,
Today, we have most of the necessary that needs to end, drug exclusivity is limited
framework already in place. We just need for a good reason, now we just need proper
a few minor adjustments and some actual enforcement.
n BY THOMAS BUTLER, MSC, MBA enforcement of existing policies that are cur- Despite the current environment of profit
AND RAMSES ERDTMANN rently being over-stepped. The corner stone maximization, biopharmaceutical innova-
cannabis. An extreme view would be that $10mm. Most of these are ancillary com-
it could be shut down, but a more likely panies that dont grow, process or sell can-
outcome is regulation that could limit it to nabis, and a few of these have moved to cash
some degree. The genie is out of the bottle, flow breakeven, reducing their reliance upon
though, and trying to roll back legalization external financing.
in four states (soon to be eight) is extremely Cannabis stocks remain highly specula-
unpractical. An alternative extreme view is tive. Despite the concerns about how the
that the Republicans will look to Canada and federal government will proceed, the legal
see the light! How the federal government cannabis industry is performing well, but
will deal with the issue is likely to be the big- the stocks, for the most part, dont really
gest driver of cannabis stocks in 2017. reflect the underlying industry. A milestone
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90 MicroCap Review Magazine www.stocknewsnow.com
Looking Beyond
Lithium was one of the best-performing commodities of 2016,
with spot prices more than doubling from below $10,000 per
tonne of lithium carbonate to over $20,000.
The obvious driver is the market for lithium supply woes ahead. Many small and micro- rushing in and staking claims or consolidat-
for batteries. Deutsche Bank has forecast cap graphite companies are out there. When ing assets wherever they can for lithium,
global lithium battery manufacturing capac- evaluating them, make sure they can eco- cobalt, graphite, and all of a sudden theres 50
ity to quadruple by 2020. Everybody has a nomically get to spherical graphite produc- companies traded on the TSXV with lithium
smartphone in their pocket nowadays. And tion, which is needed for batteries. Most of in the name.
electric vehicle sales are forecast to pick up them cant. Thats the nature of the mining sector, the
in a dramatic way, so we need an increase in Theres also more cobalt in a lithium bat- ebbs and flows. It comes in cycles. It may be
supply of lithium to make all these batteries. tery than there is lithium. Its the main ingre- a different metal, but the storys the same.
But theres a host of metals and minerals dient in the cathode. Its cobalt that gives the But the gains are always real. Investors who
that go along with that beyond lithium alone. lithium-ion battery the high energy density can identify microcap companies early that
Theres more graphite in a lithium battery that allows it to power cell phones and lap have the management prowess, dealmaking
than there is lithium, since graphite is the tops for long times. Like weve already seen ability, and capital market experience to get
main ingredient in battery anodes. Hitachi with lithium and graphite, look for new it done will be handsomely rewarded.
recently announced that it is quadrupling cobalt companies popping up this year look- I dont think this is going to play out
its lithium battery anode material produc- ing to ride this trend. overnight. New mineral supply doesnt come
tion capacity by 2020. And China, which And lets not forget about rare earths, online imminently. There is permitting,
produces most of the worlds graphite, has either, which are also needed for todays environmental tests, engineering, mine con-
announced that it is starting to build a hi-tech electronics. That supply is still domi- struction, and many more steps that come
stockpile that will equate to a 20% increase nated by China and new supply will eventu- between listing a company on an exchange
in graphite demand a sure sign they see ally need to come online. and extracting metal from the ground.
We saw a lot of companies run up last year Find the companies that are aggressively
in the initial lithium mania. Some of them pursuing a path to bring new lithium, graph-
were up several thousand percent. ite, cobalt, and rare earth supply online not
These equity gains are being made pos- just a path to market a stock in a hot sector. n
sible by the price disparity in these strategic
Founder and President of The Outsider Club, and
metals right now. The lithium price is run-
Investment Director of Early Advantage, Nick Hodge
ning up because a supply gap is emerging, has been in the investment publishing business since
and so the commodity price is rising so graduating Loyola University in 2006.
Known for a call it like you see it approach to
producers are incentivized to bring more money and policy, his insights have led to numerous
online. You have a situation being created appearances on television and in various outlets on
n NICK HODGE the Web, including the Business News Network and
now where dozens of companies are now
Yahoo!s Daily Ticker.
Were Listening
FitzGerald Yap Kreditor LLP provides high-level expertise, guidance, and legal representation to clients
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