3 Branches Notes
3 Branches Notes
3 Branches Notes
-you cannot prohibit something that is not well- -there was an issue as to the
defined (as to political dynasty) constitutionality of the creation of the
province; court ruled Unconstitutional
-the operationalization has been left by the Consti.
to Congress (RA 6735) -if you create a province, necessarily, a
legislative seat is also created.
-Santiago v. COMELEC – RA 6735 cannot be used to ii. Proportional representation based on
amend the Constitution through People’s Initiative the number of inhabitants:
-the act failed to give details as to the system of City = pop’n at least 250K
initiative on amendments to the Consti. Province = atleast 1,
-in the case at bar, there were moves to amend the irrespective of the number
term of office of the sitting president (to bar the of inhabitants
succession of ERAP)
Term v. Tenure -RA 11259 – act on dividing Palawan;
Term – the time during which the officer may claim
to hold the office as of right and fixes the interval iii. Each legislative district shall comprise,
after which the several incumbents shall succeed as far as practicable, contiguous, compact,
one another and adjacent territory.
Tenure – the term during which the incumbent iv. Re-apportionment by Congress w/in 3
actually holds office years after the return of each census