Role of Mars in Predictive Astrology

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Role of mars in predictive astrology

We know the planets are vitalizing centers in each nativity. there is a special influence of each planet and nature of its vibration changes in each sign and house. As every soul is a divine fragment with a long past history behind it, souls come forth into manifestation, to gain experience, to grow in wisdom, in love and in power and they can do it by only coming into practical touch with world around them. Astrologically two universes, outer and inner are classified in terms of planets and signs. When we talk of mars, we are horrified by its negativity and paapatva. let us understand mars in a wider perspective. -Mars in outer world signifies soldiers, sergeons, chemists, sharp tools, iron and steel, fire, mortuaries, sports and everything related with strength. -Mars in consciousness stands for courage, bravery, enterprise, self reliance, dignity, desire, passion, anger and impulses, combativeness. -Mars in body rules the head (externally), nose, smell, generative system, gall bladder, blood and high temperature etc. Owing to monitoring of mars over vital matters it holds importance as a planet for energy and also for logic and intellect. In natural zodiac, mars rules ARIES sign which is always bubbling with qualities of cosmic current that determine the will and desire for sexual pleasures. if we understand the kaalapurusha horoscope we should be able to surmise that mars stands for vital force in a human being. As 1st house is represented by MARS as ruler for sign aries this ascendant is pivotal

point in a horoscope stands for PURUSHA which is to represent the energy and life force in a human being. . When first house represents PURUSHA SHAKTI or vital force and 7th house

stands for PRAKRITI and is for dissipation of same energy . hindu philosophy says Manifestation of ethereal soul into material body is through interaction between purusha and prakriti. Purusha is ARIES lord MARS AND PRAKRITI is represented by LIBRA. Libra sign is seat of MULADHAR CHAKRA which is first to be activated for KUNDALINI AWAKENING. SCORPIO being next to libra becomes the accumulated strength of KUNDALINI to sustain this energy in the acts of manifestation. The scintillating dynamic and vibrant energy of kundalini lie dormant in the

spinal cord and same can be activated through joint application of MANAS SHAKTI and KAAMA SHAKTHI (ARIES AND SCORPIO) having common lordship of MARS. In Vedas it is named as ANGARAKA perhaps because it looks in the dome of sky like a lamp of blazing coal and is also said to be rajo guni and a source of strength ,power, activity, ambition and force. In one of the slokas on mars, it is treated as something keeping a ball of fire in its mouth. AGNIMURDHA DIVAH KAKUT PATI PRUTHIVYAHAM APAM RETASI JINAVASI

AGNIMURDHA is with a head made of fire. Fire here symbolizes three types of fires when we talk about human beings. -JATHARAGNI----fire due to hunger. -KRODHAGNIfire of anger -KAAMAGNIfire in sexual acts In the context of above said sloka It is male in character. It germinates and fertilizes ( jinavasi ) the ovum ( apam ) of women for the purpose of intercourse ( retasi). Hence it is clear that role of mars in procreation is vital . Varaha mihira in BRIHATA JATAKA and Kalyan verma in SARAVALI hold Mars responsible for menstruation in women. With connection between male mars representing hot blood and female moon make women capable for copulation and conception. JATAKA PARIJATA terms mars as male, sexy energetic and lustful in the following sloka KAAMI TAMOGUNARATASTU DHARAKUMARAH -SARVARTH CHINTAMANIdescribes mars as planet of prowess given to sexual pleasures as in sloka BHOWMAH PRATAAPI RATIKILOLAHA

further if we understand the role of mars in context with the life as a whole we infer that vital force is needed to live life in its completeness besides the sexuality part. As mars being 1st house lord in kaalpurusha horoscope and is exalted in 10 th house the house of our actions and activities in life, of profession and status (karma kshetra). from 10th house of Capricorn mars aspects Jupiter which is exalted in 4th house cancer sign and Jupiter in kaalpurusha horoscope is lord of 9th house the house of dharma . thus mars aspecting Jupiter the dharmadhipati gives us a clue that lifes actions are worth if these are the righteous ones and well intentioned. Further from 10 th house mars aspects 1 st house aries giving man the zest ,desire and force to perform his actions in life. Furthermore mars placed in 10th house in Capricorn aspects 5th house indicating that knowledge and wisdom have to be there in every action to make it a worth while effort. The 5th is house of purva punya or sanchit karmas of previous birth and our actions of this birth have to do a lot with that of our previous birth as this time we will have to pay the balance account of our past karmas through our actions. All these factors make mars an extremely vital planet in human life span as it will decide the course of present life and the quality and content of our actions. Therefore it can be rightly surmised that strength of mars has to be watched carefully in the horoscope to make judgements about a person in totality of his/her actions. First of all mars if well placed and well aspected in a horoscope gives the native the genuine energy and drive and passion to do something in life which is accentuated further if mars is also linked with the lagna , lagna lord and moon, or moon sign lord which form the base of any horoscope. Mars linked positively with

these prime factors can give a native much of inner vitality and force and personalized effort to rise in life. The stronger and benefic position of mars in a horoscope the finer the lifes activities will be and status shall be improved considerably . Thus we can conclude, well disposed mars pulls wishes and ambitions to its apogee, where as an ill disposed mars can make one a criminal too. Making complete judgement about mars by its sign/house position,

dispositorship, shadbala ,lordship in basic as well as navamsa and other divisional charts, yoga formation etc. makes us very concrete in understanding any individual and his/her approach towards life and measuring his/her steps on the ladder of success as well.

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