Astrological Combinations For Arranged Marriage
Astrological Combinations For Arranged Marriage
Astrological Combinations For Arranged Marriage
Every human being needs a married life at a specific age to live and to grow. Without this, no one can imagine the continuity of life. Therefore, everyone is curious to know whether he or she will have an arranged marriage or a love-marriage. This depends upon the planetary position of the native in his Janma Kundali. The kind and success of marriage depends upon the strength and position of planets in the Janma Kundali of the native. In this article, we will discuss planetary combinations of the Kundli which cause an arranged marriage in a persons life. The 7th house is considered the house of marriage. The quality of the married life depends on the strength of the 7th house and the placement or relationships of the planets with it. The quality of a marriage depends on the strength of the 7th house for the native. If the lord of house of marriage is in 3rd house, 6th house, 10th house, 11th house or ascendant, then an arranged marriage takes place. If the lord of 7th house is in 8th house, 10th house, 11th house or 12th house while the lord of ascendant is in 3rd house, 6th house, 8th house, 10th house, 11th house or 12th house then an arranged marriage takes place. Generally, an arranged marriage happens while the lord of ascendant does not combine or form aspect with the lord of house of marriage or the 7th house or when lord of 7th house does not form any combination with the lord of the ascendant then the probability of an arranged marriage is high. When the lord of the ascendant is in 9th house, lord of 9th house is in 10th house with 10th lord and the 7th lord in 11th house then also an arranged marriage takes place. If lord of the ascendant is in 6th house in an exalted state and the lord of 6th house is in ascendant with the lord of 10th house then also an arranged marriage takes place for the native. Also for an arranged marriage, ascendant or the lord of the ascendant and marriage house or lord of the house of marriage house should not form a combination together in any house and should not aspect each other while the lord of house of luck is in strong house with exalted condition. Maximum arranged marriages happen due to the presence of a planet in the right side of a Kundali. In other words the 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th lord are the houses that have most significant role to play in an arranged marriage.