Prepared by
Constituted by
WMer is II bask need. The provision of safe and adequate drinking water to the
burgeoning urban population continues to be one of the major d1aUenging tasks. Lack of
safe drinking water could undermiae the health and well b~ing of the people, partkuiariy,
Treatment in March, 1991 with a view to provide valuable guidelines to the Public Health
standards and latest developments in this field. Subsequent to the publication of the said
m~rmf.a.,,turers for revising and updating certain aspects, such as water quality, p~r capita
A two member Expert Committee was set up b:y this Ministry in Novembe,', 1997 to look
further revisi[tg and updating the M:umal1 which l am sure would be of considerable help to
The 3rd edition of the Manual was brought out by the CPHEI ~O in
March, 1991 for the benefit of Public I. Iealth L~:nginecrs, Consultants, \Vater
Supply Departments/Boards, I .ocal Bodies, Educational I nstirutions.
However, subsequent to the publication of the said Manual, a few suggestions,
observations and comments have been received from various product
manufacturers, field engineers, consultants, etc. for revising and updating
certain aspects, such as, water quality guidelines, per-capita water supply norms,
water conservation measures, metering, availability of various pipes, selection
of pipes under different field conditions, etc
Accordingly, a two member Expert Committee, compnsmg Dr. 1.C.
Agarwal, Director, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology,
jhansi, Uttar Pradesh and Dr. D.M . Mohan, Retired Director (Technical),
lJ J.~ t l ·~A·U J\:1{'ff'rf'}0]1'!·H•
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.v~i. t \V!a· et!' .J.1V
~,1\,.,.J<. >....1 ,.;ll,, ~Sewerage
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·-·~> ,SC<~L 'un
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· in F , 1998 with definite terms of reference to update certain
chapters by including latest developments in the field of water supply,
treatment and distribution.
Both the F:xpert Cornrruttee Members had completed their job to the
,sansracuon oif ,.i.., 1' r. , · •· ·
1.LC, 1.v1UUSti-Y,
.. , .~ · c,, ,. .t· · · 'T', 1ne, dor,1 f't
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· tron, " · d iscusse
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thoroughly in the Chief Engineers' Conference held in November, 1998 at
Chandigarh. The Expert Committee had reviewed the suggestions made by the
Chief Engineers' Conference and modified the draft Manual accordingly so as
to make it comprehensive and more useful to the user a.gcncic~; dealing with
water supply sector. The contribution made by Shri \l R Rama Prasad, Shri R.
Sethuraman, Shri B.B. Uppal, Deputy Advisers, Shri .M. Sankaranarayanan,
Shri M. Dhinadhayalan, Shri. N. N. Hotchandani, Assistant Advisers and
Shri Sukanta Kar, Scientific Officer, for successful completion of the task is
d u1 y appreciate
. d . Th c services . exten d· c d· 1:iy D .,1r. I .C.. ., 1·\ ganvaJ,I T''1)1rector, .
Dr. Rajiv Srivastava, Shri Pankai Rana and other staff of Bunddkhand Institute
of L~n~~necring & 'Technology, Jhans1, for computerising the said manual is duly
acknowledg ed.
Last but not the least, the wholehearted cooperation of the Ministry in
completing this exercise is greatly acknowledged,
2.2. l Water Quality And Quantity 4
2.2.1. l Water Conservation 5 Increasing The Water Availability And Supply & Demand Management 5
\ 'i''
2.2.2 Plant S1ting 6
2.2.3 Mechanization 6
2.2.4 Service Building 6
22.5 Other Utilities 6
2.2.6 Desi5111 Period 6
2.2.7 Population Forecast 7
2.2. 7. '1 General Considerations 7 Final Forecast 9
2.2.8 PER CA PITA SUPPLY 9 Basic Needs 9 Factors Affecting Consumption 10 Recommendations 10
2.2. 9 Quality Standards 13
3.1 GENERAL 19
3.1. J Project Reports 19
3.3.1 Contents 22 Executive Summary 22
3.3. l.2 Introduction 22 The Project Area And The Need For The Project 23 Long Term Plan For Water Supply 26
water, upp1 y preject
.....1 ),. J)reposed \VY
3 ·3 . s 28
3..3. 1.6 Conclusions And Recommendations 30
3.4 FE/\S!BJLHY RJ:'..PORT 32
'.~.4.1 Contents 31
~ ti
J • ·•l B.<ack around
. ·'t,,~I.., 32
7 ).4. 1.2 'f'he Proposer! Project
4.1 POl N rs ()F !\f!::i\SURF.l\IJ::.N·r 37
4.2 \lFi\SUH Ei\{EN'f lN l)PEl\ Cl tANNE!,S 38
') l ' {......
T" (.· ()i · Ji··,Hlrlt
· ,. l·· · l ye. ,) t t ·11... ct ·· UH·'
i · .. <.:· • ·' .38
4 2.1.1. Notches 38
-L2. l. 2 \X' cirs ·H)
5.2 ASSESSf'vfEJ'<T OF TlTE. YlF.]J) AND DEVT;'..LOPfvn:~l'J'f ()F 'Illr': SOt)RCE 52
l c eneral 52
5.2.2 Factors In Estimation Of Yield 52
5.2.3 I\fETlIODS F'C)R /\SSESSi\fCN'T ()F· :,UHJ;i\CE FLO\VS 52
5.2.3. l Computation Of Minimum And Maximum Discharges 52
i2.3.2 Use ()f Maximum And Minimum Discharge Figures-\fac:.s Diagram 54
S.2.4 Assessment of Ground\Vater Resource Potential 54
:.).2 A.1 Rock Types 5(;
S. 2A.2 Occurencc Of Groundwater In Rocks 57
S.2.4.3 57
S.2.5 Hydraulics Of c;ruundwater flow 62
.5.2.6 Development ()f Subsurface Sources 69
5.2.(,. l Classification Of \\/dls 69 Infiltration Galleries 78
81 Filter Basins 83
,;r .•').. ().)
.c:wp lion
. . '',,Xit:~
'.· 11. s
6.2.1 Formulae 104
6.2.2 Coefficient Of Roughness 106
6.2.3 Hazen-Williams Formula 11 "1 Discussion On Various Formulae For Estimation Of Frictional Resistance 11 l
6.2.4 Modified Hazen-·Williams Formula 112
6.2.5 Effect of Temperature on Coefficient of Roughness 113
6.2.6 Experimental Estimation of CR Values l 13
6.2. 7 Reduction in Carrying Capacity of Pipes with Age 113
6.2.8 Design Recommendations for use of Modified Hazen-Williams Formula l 14
6.2. 9 Resistance due to Specials and Appurtenances· 115
6.2.10 Guidelines for cost effective design of pipelines 116
6.3.1 Choice Of Pipe Materials 117
I /)YINT("' 1, JOINrI'
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6.4. 1 General 123
6.4.2 Laying And Jointing 124
6.4.2. 1 Excavation And Preparation Of Trench 124 lfandling Of Pipes :124
6.4. 2.3 Detection Of Cracks In Pipes 124
6. 4.2.4 Lowering 0 f Pipes And Fittings 125 Cleaning Of Pipes And Fittings 125
6.4.3 Joints 125 Categories Of Joints 125
6.4.4 Testing of the Pipeline 126
6A.4. l General 126 Testing Of Pressure Pipes 126 Testing Of Non .. Pressure Conduits 128
6.5.1 General 128
65.2 Protection Against Corrosion 128
6.5.3.Laying1\ndJointing 128
6.6.1 General 129
6.6.2 Ductile Iron Fittings 130
6.6.3 Joints 130
6.6.4 Laying And Jointing 130
6.6.S Testing Of Ductile Iron Pipelines 130
6.7. l General 130
6.7.2 Handling 131
6.7.2.J Laying And Jointing 131
6. 7 .3 Pipe joints 131
6.7.4 Pressure Testing 132
6.8.1 General 132
6.8.2 Laying and jointing 133
6.8.3 Pressure 'fest 134
6.9.l General 134
6.9.2 Laying And Jointing 136
6.9.3 Pressure Testing 136
6.9.4 Bar Wrapped Steel Cylinder Concrete Pressure Pipes 136 General 136 Manufacture 136
.'1·., • ornts 136
6.10 PLAS'n.c PIPES 137
6.10.1 General 137
6.10.2 PVC Pipes 137
6.10.3 Precautions in Handling and Storage 138
6, 10.4 Laying and jointing Procedures 138
6. 10.4, l Trench Preparation 138
6J0.4.2 Laying And Jointing 138
6, 10.4.3 Pre-Fabricated Connections 139
6. I 0. 4. 4 Standard Threaded Connections 140
6.11 P()L)'E'TTTYJ .l:'.N E'. PIP.ES
6. 11. l Medium Density P1)l vcth ylene ( \) 'Pipes
s :" ,,.., 141
6.12 (~LJ\SS RhlNFC)RCFJ) PLAS'f'IC PlJ)f·'.S ()R G.R.P. Pf P.F,~S 141
6.12.1 r:RP Pipe Installation 142
6.13 ST'Rl:::t-Jc;·rl l ()F PTPr,:s 143
6.13.1 Structural Requirements 144
6.13.2 Temperature Induced Expansion and Contraction 145
6. 13.3 Cross Section 145
6.1 )A Depth Of Cover 146
6.14 ECO\!OMfC Si/.E OF CONVE'r'lNC \IAIN 146
6. 14.1 Ci. ncral Considerations
6.14 . .?. Lvaluation Of Comparable Factors 147
6.14.3 Scopt· or S1nking Fund H8
().14.·! Pipe1\nc Cor;;t I: rider [)ifferent 148
6.14.5 Recurring Charges-Design Period Vs. Perpetuity 149
(J.H.(1 C1pir·\lisatiuo v/s /\nnuitv methods 149
' I
6.16.8 Pressure-Reducing Valves 157
6.16.9 Pressure Sustaining Valves 157
6.16.10 Ball V alves Or Ball Float Valves 157
6.16.11 Automatic Shut-Off Valves 157
6.16.12 Automatic Burst Control 157
6.16. l 3 Venturimeters 158 ,:~:
2962 UA&E/97-2A
7.2.2 Aeration Process 188
, ... ...J 'Types ot-: Aerators
A 191
7.3. I. l Solution Tanks 194
7.3. 1.2 Dissolvingc., Travs
Or Box.es 194
29132 UA&E197·-·28
7. 5.1 Types of Suspended Solids 220
7.S.2 Settling Velocity of Discrete Particles 220
I Removal Efficiencies of Discrete and Flocculent Suspensions 221
(xiv) Preparation Of Filter Sand 246 Filter Bottoms And Strainer Systems 247 ' Filter Grave 249 Wash Water Gutters 249
7 .6.3.12 High Rate Backwash 250 Surface Wash 250 Operation Of Filters 251 Hydraulics Of Filtration 252 Hydraulics Of Backwashing 253 Optimum Backwashing 255 Appurtenances 256 Pipe Gallery 258
7 .6.3.20 Limitations Of Rapid Sand Filters 258
7.6.4 Rapid Gravity Dual Media Filters 259
7.6.4. l Constructional Features 259 Filtration Media 259 Of Media Depth And Media Sizes 260 Filtration Rates And Filtrate Quality 261
7.6.5 Multimedia Filters 261
7 .6.6.1 General 261 Disadvantages 262
7 .6.8 Additional Modifications of Conventional Rapid Gravity Filters 263 Constant And Declining Rate Filtration 263
7.6.9 UP-Flow Filters 265
7.6.10 Grid Or Immedium Type Filters 265
7.6.11 Bi-flow Filters 266
7.6.12 Submerged Filters 266
7. 6.13 Radial flow Filters 266
7.6.14 Automatic Valveless Gravity Filters 266
7.8.1 Slow Sand Filters 267
7.8.2 Rapid Sand Filters 268
8.4.1Type, Condition and Concentration of Organisms to be Destroyed 270
8.4.2 Type and Concentration of Disinfectant 271
8.4.3 Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Water to be Treated 271
8.4.4 Time of Contact Available for Disinfection · 271
8.4.5 Temperature of the Water 271
8.S.1 Contact Time 272
8.5.2. Concentration of Disinfectant 272
8.5.3 Temperature Of Water 273
8.6.1 Chlorine and its Properties 273
8.6.2. Chlorine-Water-Reactions 274 Free Available Chlorine 273 Combined Available <;hlorine 274 Chlorine Demand 275 Estimation Of Chlorine 275
8.6.3 Chlorination Practices 277 Free Residual And Combined Residual Chlorination 277
8.6.4 Chlorine Residual 280
8.7.1 Safe Hand.ling Practices 281
8. 7 .1.1 Storing Shipping Containers 281
8. 7 .1.2 Emptyping Containers 281 Connecting ~nd Disconnecting Containers 282
8.7.2 Chlorinators 282
8.7.2J Types Of Feeders 282
8. 7 .3 Engineering Control of Hazards 283
~UJ.1 Piping Systems 286
8. 7.3.2 Number Of Cylinders Or Containers 288
fU.3.3 Maintenance 288
8.7.4 Chlorine Housing
8.7.5 Chlorine Evaporators 290
8. 7.6 Ancillary E.quipments 292 \Veighing Machines 292
92.2.6 Temperature Effects 305
9.2.3 Remedial Measures 305 Preventive Measures 305 Control Measures-Algicidal Treatment 305 Relative Merits Of Chlorine And Copper Sulphate Treatment 311
9.3.1 General 312
9. Control ofTaste and Odour 313 Preventive Measures 313 Corrective Measures 313
9.4 RErvf()V AL OF COLOlJR 314
9A 1 Causes of Colour 314
9A.2 Colour Removal :·>15
9.4.2.l Colour Due To Iron And Manganese 315 Colour Due To Algae 31.5
9A·.2.3 Colour Due To Colloidal Marter 315 Colour Due To Industrial .315 Oxidation Of Colour 315 Treatment By Activated Carbon 3'!6
9.5 SOFTENLNG 31()
9.6.4 Iron Removal for Large Communities 329
9.7.1 Removal Methods 332
9,7J.1 Fluoride Exchangers '332 Anion Exchangers 332
9. 7 .1.3 Activated Carbon 332
9.7. 1.4 Magnesium Salts 333 Aluminium Salts 333
9.7.2 Simple Method of De fluoridation 334 Mechanism Of Defluoridation By Nalgonda Technique 339 Water Supply Using Precipitation, Settling, Filtration Scheme Of Nalgonda
Technique-Continuous Operation 339
9.8. 1 Distillation ~)41 Solar Stills 343
9.8. L2 Singlt··Effect Distillation 343
9.8. 1.3 Multiple-Effect Evaporation 343
9 8
•.• ·1
£..,. Freezinz
J. ' ,, ... 'l,")
J '.34-5
9.8J Solvent Extraction 345
9.8.4 Osmosis 345
9.8.5 Jon· Exchange Process 346
9.8.6 Performance of RD and ED plants 347
9.9.1 Mechanism of Corrosion 348
9.9.2 Types of Corrosion 349 Galvanic Corrosion 349 Concentration Cell Corrosion 350 Stray Current Corrosion 351
9.9.2.tl Stress Corrosion 351
9. 9. 2. 5 Bacterial (Biochemical)
' .
Corrosion 351
9.9 3 Physical and Chemical Factors of \\later Affecting Corrosion 352
9.9.·t Soil Nature and Corrosion 352
().'.).S Corrosion Testing 353
9.().(1 Corrosion control 354
9.9.(i. l Cathodic Protection 354
(xix) Protection By Sacrificial Anode 355 Control Of Internal Corrosion 356
10.1 GENERAL 359
HU.3.2 Formulation Of'I11e Constraints 374 Analysis 375 Constructing /\ Starting
HU 5 Constructing A Penalty Function 376
l0.7.3.6 Sequential Random Search Procedure 376
l0.9 l·!OUSF·'. SERVICE C()Nt\J'EC'T'I()t'<S 378
l0.9.1 General 378
10.9.2 System of Supply 378
10.9.3 Downtakc Supply System
10.9.4 Materials for House Service Connections
1.0.:!0 PRF'.:V.F::N'ITVE f\L'\INTENANCE :381
10.10. l General 381
10.l0.2 \vaste Assessment and Detection
HU0.3 Cleaning of Pipes .386
10.1L1. Horizontal Separation 388
l 0.11.2 Vertical Separation 388
10. l i.: Unusual Conditions 388
HU2 [)R(rn~:c·rroN AGAINST' FREEZING .388
11. l REQUTREi'vLENTS '.)91
11. I. l Selection of Pumps 392
11. l.2 Types and Constructions of Pumps 392 Pump Types Based On The Underlying Operating Principle 392
1 Ll.2.2 Pump Types Based On 'The Type Of E\nert:w Input 392 Pump Types Based ()n 'The 'Method ()f Coupling 'The Drive' 39.3 Pump Types Based Ou The Position Of The Pump Axis 393
1L1.2.5 Pumps Types Based On Constructional Features 393
11. l.3 Criteria for Pump Selection
J i .1.4 Considerations of the Parameters Head, Discharge and Speed in the Selection of a
Pump 394
1 i. 1. 5 Consideration of the Suction Lift Capacity In Pump Selection 394 The Meaning Of NPSIIr 394
1 l. l.5.2 Vapour Pressure And 396
! 1. l.5.3 Calculating NPSHa 397
u. l. 5.4 uidelines On N PS11r 397
1 'l . 'l ..>.t'. ,,:> ("'
.Jenera. l \Ol '
.. nservauons 397
11. 1.6 Considerations of the System Head Curve in Pump Selection 399
'J I. 1.7 Summary View of Applicarion Parameters and Suitability of Pump 401
l L l.8 Defining the Operating Point or the Operating Range of a Pump 402
l l • -~t l
J 1..,,;')•.;\T'"
t~4 \.., n o
''t'1·:\.1, "'.('.:;i
.t\..(.l, 404
11. LlO Stability of Pump Characteristics 404
11.1. 11 Considerations while Selectmg Pumps for Series or Parallel Operation 405
1l.1.12 Considerations the Size the and the Number of Pumps to be Provided
1'1.1.13 Considerations Regarding Probable Variations of Actual Duties from the Rated
Duties 408 A ffinity La\.VS 408
1l.·1.13.2 Scope For Adjusting The Actual Characteristics 409
11.1.1. 4 Pump Testing 409
t 1.1.14. l Testing At Site 41'1
11 IN''I' l)I•:s1c; 411
11.2.1 The Objectives of Intake Design 411
11. Guidelines for intake Design 412
1l.3.1 Suction Piping 415
1l Discharge Piping 415
l l.3.3 Valves 415
l 1.3,3.1 Suction Valves 415
l 1,3.3.2 Delivery Valves 416
'l'l .3.3. 3 Air Valves 416
j 'J. Supports 416
11.3.5 Surge Protection Devices 416
11.6 COMJ\flSSIONTN(; 420
11.7 OPERA'I'ION OF TlIE PU?vfPS 420
11.8.1 Periodic inspection and Test 421
11.8.2 Daily Observations 421
11.8.3 Semi Annual Inspection 421
11.8.4 Annual Inspection 422
11.8.5 Facilities for Maintenance and Repairs 423
11.8.5. 1 Consumables And Lubricants 423 Replacement Spares 423 Repair Work-Shop 423
11.10.1 General 429
11.10.2 Selection Criteria 429 Constructional Features Of Induction Motors 429 Method Of Starting 429 Voltage Ratings 429 Type Of Enclosures (fable 11.11) 430 Class Of Duty 430 Insulation 431 Selection Of Motor Rating 431
11.11 STARTERS 431
11.11.1 'TYPES 431
11.11.2 STARTERS FOR SQUIRREL CAGE MOTORS 431 Selection Of The Tapping Of Auto Transformer Type Starter 432
11.12 PANELS 432
11.12.1 Regulations 432
11.12.2 Various Functions 432
11.12.3 Improvement of Power Factor 433 Selection Of Capacitors 433 Installation Of Capacitors 433
1t12.3.3 Operation And Maintenance Of Capacitors 437
11.13 CABLES 4.17
11.14.1 Essential Features 438
11.14.2 Duplicate transformer may Be provided, where installation so demands 439
11. 15.1 Consumables 4;39
11.15. 2 Replacement Spares 439
11.15.3 Tools and Test Equipments 439
1 l.15.4 Preventive maintenance 439 Daily 439 Monthly 439 Quarterly 440 Semi-Annual 440 Annual 441 Bi-Annual 441
11.16. l Motor gets Overheated 441
11.16.2 Motor gets Over loaded: (drawing more than the rated current at the rated voltage)
11.16.3 Starter/Breaker trips 442
11.16.4 Vibration in Motor 442
11.16.5 Cables Get Over-heated 442
12.2.1 Instruments & Control Systems 443
12. 3 .1 Mechanical 444
12.3.2 Pneumatic 444
12.3.3 Electric 444
12.3.4 Electropneumatic 444
12.3.5 Hydropneumatic 444
12.3.6 Method of Control 445 Manual 445 Semi Automatic 445 Automatic 445
12.5.1 Essential instruments 446
12.6.1 Flow Measurement Jn Closed Systems 449
l2.7 FILTER FLO'Xf CON~ll\OL 451
12. 7. 1 Filter Flow Control Valve 452
12. 8 Ri\ ·r E oF FJ.,0\X:1 ()F C l·lEl\fI C :\ LS 455
12.9 PRI~:ssuR.E iVLEASURElvfENT 458
·1 z..
•1 i ('.) w1 .1~'\ ··1· ·1::
iv -· ·11\. C) r 1 j'\ ~_J1
., ·0 r··r-. -·"l.-' 459
l 2. 11. l Level 459
12. 11.2 r;·low 460
12. l J .3 Pressure Switch Applications ·l60
12.1 L4 Filter Console 461
12. 11. 5 Clarifier Des Judging 461
12. J 1.6 \\iater Quality 461
12.12 TNS'f'RUMEN'f.-CUI'vf---CC)N'l'R()L Pr\t"J 462
12.13 CONCLUSlON 462
l3.3.1 Availability of Detailed Plans, Drawings and Operation and
Maintenance Manuals 464
l 3.3.2 Schedule of Daily Operations 464
13.3.3 Schedule of Inspection of Machinery 464
l3.3.4 Records 464
13J.5 Records of Quality of \X:'atcr 464
!3.3.6 Records of Kev Activities of 0 /
13.3.7 Staff Position 464
13.3.8 Inventory of Stores ·165
13.4 FE.J\'T'URES OF ()PI·~R.A'T'TON ANCE or; lNDlVl[)UAL
l 3.4.1 Source and Intake \Xlorks 465
l 3.4. 2 Maintenance of Dams 465
13.4.3 Maintenance of Intakes 466
13.4.4 Maintenance of Pumps &. Pumping Machinery 466
13. 45 Maintenance of Transmission Systems 4 66
13.5.l Problems 467
13.5.2 Requirements 467
135.3 Raw Water 468
13.SA Flow Measuring Devices 468
13.5.S Chemical Feeding Unit 468
l 3.5. 6 Rapid Mixer 469
13.5.7 Slow Mixer 469
B 5.8 Clarifier or Sedimentation Tank 469
D.5.9 Rapid Gravity Filters 469
13.S. l 0 Slow Sand r:ilteff 472
11 Chlorinators 472
B.:).12 Clear \Vat.er Sump & Reservoir 472
Lt5. l.3 Treated \i:/atcr 473
13.6 AERATORS 473
1.3.8 I)lS'fRJ lJU'l'ION S'lS'1'EJV1 474
._./ '- · ' ~"' ' .) !·-·-" 1\..,)1:;·
l .}') ' ()· ('C)N''l'D("' . ('''lL\' .. ! \Y''V1 ;i\··1··1.·::1)
·< , , . 1 1..~I'!"\/(')[,'
' I .,.,.J,, \, 47.5
13.10 TJ\Sll·: & ODOUR CONTROL 476
13.1 l ST /\FF PATTERN 476
'14.1 Ll·'.VF.LS or l'vL/\NA(;E!VfEN'f 477
14. L 1 (; ovcrnmcnt off ndia (C; .0. f.) Level 477
1-L 1.2 State Government level 4T1
1··1. l 3 Local Body Level 478
14?) CENER.i\L ADi\HNISTRAf!()N 478
l·L3. 1 utics and Responsibilities 479
J. . .J..)J.2 eneral Adrninistration at Operating Level 480
14 .. 3 ..3 Personnel AdJ\HN lstration 481
1-t.4 lNVEN"I'ORY CON'fROL 481
15.1 GENERAL 485
15.3 SAMPLING 486
15.3.1 Sampling for Physical and Chemical Analysis 486
15.3.2 Sampling for Bacteriological Analysis 487 Sampling Bottles 487 Dechlorination 487 Sample Collection 487
l (a) Sampling from Taps 487
j (b) Sampling Direct from a Source 488
: j
J Size Of The Sample 488
·. l Preservation And Storage 489
' 15.3.3 Sampling for Biological Analysis 489
15.3.4 Frequency of sampling 489
15.4.1 Physical Examination 490
15.4.2 Chemical Examination 490
15.4.3 Bacteriological Examination 491
15.4.4 Schedule of Tests 491
15.5.1 Reporting of Results 491
15.6.1 Recommended Minimum Tests and Equipment 492
15.6.2 Facilities 493
15.6.3 Equipment 493
15.7 RECORDS 493
16.1 GENERAL 495
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l.:~;.r,:>r:'>1 .~~=:-r
16.2.1 Concept 495
16.4.l Rapid Mix. Unit 497
'16.4.2 Slow Mix (Flocculation Unit) 498
16.4. 3 Sedimentation Unit 500
16.4.4 Rapid Sand Filtration 501
16.4.5 Disinfection 503
16.5 COST MODELS 503
17 .1.1 Scope 508
l 7 .3.1 Authority Responsible. 510
17.3.2 The Relative Merits .of the Various Methods 511
17 .4'1 Water Tax 511
17.4.2 Water Rates
17.5.1 Scope 513
17 .5.2 Tasks 513
1 7 ~ 6 l:;·r·N,
J ...1\N'('J -\l j \11JJ>J>
J. ..~ ""' J
' \...~"). .... "Al... C)I:; \X:' ~\·1···1.:;1) s ( 'Pl)J'
J -· J, ,,,J. " ~.. .,./ ····'
.I 1">}')\. (·~. ),Jfl·. :.,,;'( "".rs
.. , 514
1.7. 6.1 Introduction 514
17 .6 . .2 Project Cycle 515
17.6.3 Financial Appraisal 517
17.6.4 Financial Analysis Statements 520
17.8 CONCLUSlON 522
18.1 GENERAL 526
2\l62 UA&E/97··-3A
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1. .••... ~
•Y - ~ .. 526
18.2. I Riparian Rights System 526 Natural Flow Doctrine 527 Reasonable Use Doctrine 527
18.2. l.3 Loss Of Riparian Rights 528
18.2.2 Prior Appropriation System 528
18.2.2. l Elernenrs Of An Appropriation 528 Beneficial Uses 529 Quantity Of Water 529 Place Of Use 529
18. 2. 2. 5 Preferences 529 Changes In Appropriation 530 Transfers Of Appropriation 530 l .oss ()f Appropriation 530
18.2.3 Sys tern of Administrative Disposition of \'Cu:er 530
18.3 SURFACE \\'ATER 531
18. 3.1 Po\VCT of I .egislation Regarding \\later 531
18.3.2 National \'C<iter Policy 531
!8.·l c;R()U\lL) \V.:\''l'F:.R
18.5 PRE\'f~:NT10N r\i\D CONTROT. OF POLLUTION 533
5000 GPH MAXIMUM) 692
ANNUALLY 1988) f·''OR 0. & M. OF WATER\VORKS 697
. PLES 700
."X' ... ,n··N
g_,, I<'\J.V!
Ji F\''I. 'l.\..
.-)N 704
OF WATER 709 \ ,
Il'tflr VCTION
Water constitutes one of the important physical environments of man and has a direct
bearing on his health. There is no gainsaying that contamination of water leads to hea~th
hazards. Water is precious to man and therefore WHO refers to "control of Water Supplies
to ensure that they are pure and wholesome as one of the primary objectives of
environmental sanitation". Water may be polluted by physical, chemical and bacterial agents.
Therefore, protected water supply is a sine qua non of public health of a community.
The population of India is likely to be around a thousand million by the end of the
century. The urban population would be around four hundred million by that time. This
means a very large demand on the civic amenities including water supply for domestic
purposes and in addition more water would be needed for purposes such as irrigation,
industry, etc., which have to keep pace with the increasing demands of rising population.
Therefore, identification of sources of water supply, their conservation and optimal
utilization is of utmost importance. Even the present scale of water supply to urban and rural
population is grossly inadequate and not all communities are provided with safe water
supply, let alone piped water system; hardly any metropolitan city has a continuous water
supply; and very few cities could boast of providing adequate water supply to meet their
growing demands at adequate pressure.
Many facets are involved in tackling the problem of providing protected water supply to
all communities at the minimum cost and in the shortest possible time. Emphasis has to be
laid on both the aspects of the system namely, planning and management technical and
financial. At present a number of decisions, both at policy and technical levels, are being
based on empirical considerations and divergent practices are in vogue in the country in so
far as designing the system itself is concerned. The Manual would have to attempt at the
unification of these practices and help to inculcate rationale to policy and managerial
decisions apart from giving guidance to the public health engineers in achieving the target of
providing safe water to all communities economically and expeditiously.
Obviously, it would be in the interest of public health engineers to have a standard
manual in public health engineering and a code of practice which could serve as a guide in
their day to day practice. This Manual would discuss the basic principles such as planning,
identification of source of supply, development and transmission, water treatment,
distribution system, testing and other related administrative aspects and also explain in detail
the proper approach to each problem.
This Revised Manual has taken into account the recent technical advances and trends in
the development of protected water supply systems, some of the major changes and
additions as highlighted in the following areas:
• Ground water potential and its development in hard rock regions;
+ Measurement of flow;
• Minimum requirements for domestic, non-domestic, institutional, fire fighting and industrial
+ Advances in filtration;
+ Operation and maintenance problems in various unit operations involved in water supply,
from source development to the actual supply;
+ Legal aspects;
+ Laboratory tests and procedures with special reference to the classification of the water
works laboratories.
In keeping with the changeover to the metric system, the various units of measurements,
operational parameters and design criteria have all been confined to the metric system only,
with deliberate omission of equivalents in the British System generally furnished alongside.
This has been felt nect:ssary, since there is, still an apathy on the part of the field engineer to
break away from the conventional, in which he feels at home, since tradition dies hard.
However, a table of conversion factors has been appended to facilitate the verification of
any of the parameters by conversion to the units he is accustomed to.
This Manual also contains a set of appendices furnishing useful information helpful in
solving day to day problems which the practicing engineer is likely to encounter. Model
problems have been worked out which have a relevance in design. Useful references of the
Bureau of Indian Standards, are also listed in a separate appendix. Charts for Hazen \Villiams
formula as well as Manning's formula, which are frequently used, are presented in the metric
system in separate appendices.
A companion Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment has been brought out by the
erstwhile Union Ministry of Wor.ks and Housing (Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organization) which has been revised and published in 1993. The
recommendations of this Manual and the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act> 1974 should be followed wherever applicable.
CflAPTE.R. 2
objective of a public protected water supply system is to supply safe and dean water
in adequate quantity, conveniently and as economically as possible. The planning may be
required at national level for the country as a whole, or fot the state or region or community.
Though the responsibility of the various organizations incharge of planning of water supply
in each of these cases is different, thev, still have to function within the priorities
the national state governments,
taking into consideration, the areas to be
provided with water supply and the most economical way of doing it, keeping in view the
overall requirements of the entire region.
The water supply projects formulated by the various state authorities and local bodies at
present do not contain all the essential elements for appraisal and when projects are assessed
for their cost benefit ratio and for institutional or other funding, they are not amenable for
comparative and appraisal. Also, different guidelines and norms are adopted by the
central and state agencies; for example, assumptions regarding per capita water supply, design
period, population forecast, measurement of flow, water treatment, specifications of
materials, etc. Therefore, there is a need to specify appropriate standards, planning, and
design criteria to avoid empirical approach.
Engineering decisions are required to specify the area and population to be served, the
design period, the per capita rate of water supply, other water needs in the area, the nature
and location of facilities to be provided, the utilization of centralized or multiple points of
treatment facilities and points of water supply intake and waste water disposal. Projects have
to be identified and prepared in adequate detail in order to enable timely and proper
implementation. Optimization rnay call for planning for a number of phases relating to plant
capacity and the degree of treatment to be provided by determining the capacities for several
units, working out capital cost required, interest charges, period of repayment of loan, water
tax and water rate. Uncertainties in such studies are many, such as the difficulties in
anticipating new technology and changes in the investment pattern, the latter being
characterized by increasing financing costs.
The waters to be handled may vary both in quantity and quality and in the degree of
treatment required, seasonally, monthly, daily and sometimes even hourly. The public health
engineer may use his ingenuity to mitigate the variations in quantity by provision of storage;
which may be drawn upon during peak demand. Variations in quality can be managed by
provision for the introduction of suitable process adjustments in the water treatment plant.
depending on the size of the project. The thirty year period may however be modified in
regar.d to certain components of the project depending on their useful life or the facility for
carrying out extensions when required and rate of interest: so that expenditure far ahead of
utility is avoided. Necessary land for future expansion/ duplication of components should be
acquired in the beginning itself. \Vhere expensive tunnels and large aqueducts are involved
entailing large capital outlay for duplication, they may be designed for ultimate project
requirements. Where failure such as collapse of steel pipes under vacuum put the pipe line
out of commission for a long time or the pipe location presents special hazards such as
floods, ice, and mining etc., duplicate lines may be necessary.
Project components may be designed to meet the requirements of the following design
fs~·-~·-~---~-------- Items ··---·----··l-nesignpe~od in --~rr
i !
~ : , : _ - -- - - ----
~~-.1.~~.~·~~~--1~ ~~~~--~~~~~:~-~-~~~-·- · ·
- =- ~ -·······-·-···:30···-·······- .. )
[__ 8. Distribution system _l __, 30_. J
a) Demographic Method of Population Projection
Population change can occur only In three ways (i) by births (population gain) (ii) .by
deaths (population loss) or (iii) migration (population loss or gain depending on whether
movement out or movement in occurs in excess). Annexation of an area may be considered
as a special form of migration. Population forecasts are frequently obtained by preparing and
summing up of separate but related projections of natural increases and of net migration and
is expressed as below.
The net effect of births and deaths cm population is termed natural increase (natural
decrease, if deaths exceed births).
Migration also affects the number of births and deaths in an area and so, projections of
net migration are prepared before projections for natural increase.
This method thus takes into account the prevailing and anticipated birth rates and death
rates of the region or city for the period under consideration. An estimate is also made of
the emigration from and immigration to the city, grcnvth of city area wise, and the 'net
increase of population is calculated accordingly considering all these factors, by arithmetical
b) Arithmetical Increase Method
'This method is generally applicable to large and old cities. In this method the average
increase of population per decade is calculated from the past records and added to the
present population to find out population in the next decade. This method gives a low value
and is suitable for well-settled and established communities.
c) Incremental Increase Method
In this method the increment in arithmetical increase is determined from the past decades
and the average of that increment is added to the average increase. 'This method increases
the figures obtained by the arithmetical increase method.
ti) Geometrical increase Method
In this method percentage increase is assumed to be the rate of growth and the average of
the percentage increases is used to find out future increment in population. This method
gives much higher value and mostly applicable for wowing towns and cities having vast
scope for expansion.
e) Decreasing Rate Of Growth Method
In this method it is assumed that rate of percentage increase decreases and the average
decrease in the rate of growth is calculated. Then the percentage increase is modified by
deducting the decrease in rate of growth. This method is applicable only in such cases where
the rate of growth of population shows a downward trend.
J) Graphical Method
In this approach there are two methods. In one, only the city in question is considered
and in the second, other similar cities are also taken into account
(i) Graphical Method Based On Single City
f n this method the population curve of the city (i.e. the Population vs. Past Decades) is
smoothly extended for getting future value. This extension has to be done carefully and it
requires vast experience and good judgement. The line of best fit may be obtained by the
method of least squares.
(ii) Graphical Method Based On Cities With Similar Growth Pattern
In this method the city in question is compared with other cities which have already
undergone the same phases of development which the city in question is likely to undergo
and based on this comparison, a graph between population and decades is plotted.
g) Logistic Method
The 'S, shaped logistic curve for any city gives complete trend of gro\vth of the city right
from beginning to saturation limit of population of the city.
h) A1ethod of Densitu
In this approach, trend in rate of density increase of population for each sector of a city is
found out and population forecast is done for each sector based on above approach.
Addition of sector-wise population gives the population of the city,
,. .-----· ~
'\ Recommendations
The Environmental Hygiene Committee suggested certain optimum service levels for
communities based on population groups. ln the Code of Basic Requirements of Water
Supply, Drainage and Sanitation (IS: 1172 1983) as well as the National Building Code> a
minimum of 135 lpcd has been recommended for all residences provided with full flushing
system for excreta disposal. Though the Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
recommends a supply of 150 lpcd wherever sewerage is existing/contemplated, with a view
to conserve water, a minimum of 135 lpcd is now recommended,
It is well recognised that the minimum water requirements for domestic and other
essential beneficial uses should be met through public water supply. Other needs for water
including industries etc. may have to be supplemented from other systems depending upon
the constraints imposed by the availability of capital finances and the proximity of water
sources having adequate quantities of acceptable quality which can be economically utilised
for public water supplies.
Based on the objectives of full coverage of urban communities with easy access to
potable drinking water in quantities recommended to meet the domestic and other essential
non-domestic needs, the following recommendations are made:
a) Domestic and non-domestic needs
The recommended values for domestic and non-domestic purposes are i~ven in Table 2.1
1· SL. ·r··. -·---ci~ssifi~;fi~;; o{~'.~~;7~itie-;----.- . -- ..1-·R;~~~~1~~;~d~~il\i1a;;~~~;;;·. --1
~~o. ;~~~:sp:vid~:;-;;~te~-,;~l~~~:~t:'.:_-~
I ·~-
without sewerage system
(.=ities pro'~~ded- with p~ped water :UP;i;---
I ---;s-------1
..,., ; ,. , >.-L
No. of , beds
,,.,,, ,
exceeding· 100
_.,,,,..,,, ,.. ,., .. , ,.,,,,., • , , .. ,.,.,,,,.,
6. Restaurants
7. Air 70
291?2 Uf'.&Er97·· AA
!SI.No-:-t - -·, · -- . ,., ·--·· .·-----I~~~~turl~ns·---·,· ., 1·----~i~~~~-;~r-~~~~-;~~-~;-· -··-·1
I "
Jt~ctio-n Stations and inte~ediate s-tahons 1 70 - -
l ! where mail or express stoppage (both i
~-----· · · -J . ~~~:v~l~- an~--~~~-~-~ati':?_~~l_~_E!_~yi<l:'::~L....----~---·---·----------··-·----·------
9. J I erminal stations I 45
~r~~~/~~~~~~~~=f : ~~-§~f::~:~-
l.. ·-·-·-----1 . · · -··-· __ --·-·--·-·-· -·-·· . . -- - _l-...!!:~~~~£()-9!.~~~!~__£!ovige<D _
14. Cinema, concert halls and theatre j 15
l 1
............................... ..J,, .•..•••.. , .• , --------· .. ··--·-····--·· ---··--·-······-·-·--···---·····-·······-··· -·- ·-· -·-····------···-··--···-----······ --··---· _ _, ,., ....... - •.
2962 \Ji\8,Ei97---48
l Industry \ Unit of production .w·~~~er ~~quire;;-;~
·--·-+---~- ~;~:~~:;~~
F!'.: :rtilizcr
j Tonne . l _ 80--200 . ,
!-···· ~~-t.~1..<:E · -·t··--···---!00_ }Sg_(t!1_~~~~~d) ··· ··-· f---···----·· ·--···-~·-··· .. ·- ··-······ ·--·· ·····_]
~--!~~P~!····-·-·--·-··--··--1-····-·-··----------·~!:.~~:::: ---·--····--L---··-----·· ·--·_?.~~fL_'!O(~---·-·-·-· --·-·· · ···~
f~;:ry~~;__J __ ~;:;----~
Petroleum l
--·-·-·-·-:---·------···-···-~ ..--·--·- ..--..-·--:;------.·-· ······- --·-··-·-·"-''""'"'''" --------··--·-···-- ---·- --------·-·--·····--·""
1 onne( crude) 1. -2
Refinery I ·-----.--·------- -·------.----------
__§.~_!___. . · ·-· '.fo~neJ~a,;f2~-~-'.::11.~iL.... _.~· · --- .. --·-···· ·--J_~ J
Textile 100 Kg (goods) ! 8-14 !
L .. ----·---··--·· .. -····--···.....1.- .• - .. ·-···-,,·-·--- -·---·----·- ,,- --.~----.....l--···---·-· . ·----·------·--·····----'
e) Pressure Requirements
Piped water supplies should be designed on continuous 24 hours basis to distribute water
to consumers at adequate pressure at all points. Intermittent supplies are neither desirable
from the public health point of view nor economical. For towns where one-storeyed
buildings are common and for supply to the ground level storage tanks in rnulti-storeyed
buildings, the minimum residual pressure at ferrule point should be 7m for direct supply.
Where two-storeyed buildings are common, it may be 12m and where rhree-storeyed
buildings are prevalent 17 m or as stipulated by local byelaws. The pressure required for fire
fighting would have to be boosted by the fire engines.
The objective of \Xlater Works Management is to ensure that the war-er supplied is free
from pathogenic organisms, dear, palatable and free from undesirable taste and odour, of
reasonable temperature, neither corrosive nor scale forming and free from minerals which f'
could produce undesirable physiological effects. The establishment of minimum standards f
of quality for public water supply is of fundamental importance in achieving this objective. f
Standards of quality form the yardstick within which the (1uality control of any public water ~·
distribution When the inspections are properly carried out at
of safe drinking water.
appropriate regular intervals and where the inspect-or has the knowledge necessary to detect
problems and suggest technical solutions, the production of good quality water is ensured.
The evolution of standards for the quality control of public water supplies has to take
into account the limitations imposed by local factors in the several regions of the country.
The Environrnentai Hygiene Committee (1949) recommended that the objective of a public
water supply should be to supply water "that ts c..bsolutely free from risks of transmitting
diseases, is pleasing to the senses and is suitable for culinary and laundering purposes" and
added that "freedom from risks is comparatively more important than physical appearance or
hardness" and that safety is an obligatory standard and physical and chemical qualities are
optional within a range. These observations are relevant in the development of a coun-
try-wide programs of protected water supply systems for communities big and small, making
use of the available water resources in the different regions, with a wide variation in their
physical, chemical and aesthetic qualities, that can be achieved by communities in due course
within the Emits of their financial resources. The immediate need is for minimum standards,
consistent with the safety of public water supplies. Considering the standards prescribed in
the earlier Manual and further development in the international standardization and the
conditions in the country, the following guidelines are recommended.
a) Physical And Chemical Quality Of Drinking Wtrter
The physical. and chemical quality of drinking water should be in accordance with the
recommended gu1ddines presented in Table 2.2.
St Characteristics
--·-~· ---·---··
**Cause for
No.~----~·····-----~ --~··--·----~---~----~~-
.............. - --~-----···--~~j~~!i.~~---·--·---
J1. Turbidity (t'\J'TI.J) 1 10
./ 2. Colour (Units on Platinum 5 25
Cobalt scale)
../ 3. Taste and Odom Unobjectionable Objectionable
~" 4. plI 7. 0 to 8.5 <6.5 or> 9.2
5. Total dissolved solids (mg/l) 500 2000
6. ·1~. orn.! !uruness
J (
t..a C·' O \
200 600
1as 1)
\. .>'
The figures indicated under the column 'Acceptable' are the lirrurs upto which
water is generally acceptable to the consumers.
Figures in excess of those mentioned under 'Acceptable' render the water not
acceptable, but still may be tolerated in the absence of an alternative and better
source but upto the limits indicated under column "Cause for Rejection" above
which the sources will have to be rejected.
+ It is possible that some mine and spring waters may exceed these radio activity
limits and in such cases it is necessary to analyze the individual radio-nuclides in
order to assess the acceptability or otherwise for public consumption.
b) Bacteriological Guidelines
The recommended guidelines for bacteriological quality are given in Table 2.3.
distribution system
E.coli or thermotolerant coliform Must not be detectable in any 100-ml
bacteria" sample
Total coliform bacteria Must not be detectable in any 100-ml
Treated water in the distribution
sys tern
E.coli or thcrmotolerant coliforrn
Must not be detectable in any 100-ml
bacteria'' sample
'Total coliform bacteria Must not be detectable in any 100-ml
sample. In case of large supplies,
where sufficient samples are examined,
must not be present in 95°1t1 of
samples taken throughout any 12
------------- -·----------'---------------
month period.
Source : \Xll() guidelines for Drinking Water Quahty Vol.1 ..... 1993.
J mrnediate investigative action must be taken if either E.coli or total coliform bacteria
are detected. The minimum action in the case of total coliform bacteria is repeat sampling; if
these bacteria are detected in the repeat sample, the cause must be determined by immediate
farther investigation.
b i\J.though Ec{l/i is the more precise indicator of faecal pollution, the count of
therrnotolerant coliform bacteria is an acceptable alternative. Jf necessary, proper
confirmatory test must be carried out. Tota! coliform bacteria are not acceptable indicators
of the sanitary quality of rural water supplies, particularly in tropical areas where many
bacteria of no sanitary significance occur in almost all untreated supplies.
c lt is recognized that, in the great majority of rural water supplies in developing
countries, faecal contamination is widespread. Under these conditions, the national
surveillance agency should set medium term targets for progressive improvement of water
supplies, as recommended in volume 3 of W.H. 0. <guidelinesfor drinking-1vater quali(y1993.
c) Yirologicai Quality
Drinking water must essentially be free of human cnteroviruses to ensure negligible risk
of transmitting viral infection. Any drinking-water supply subject to faecal contamination
presents a risk of a viral disease to consumers. Two approaches can be used to ensure that
the risk of viral infection is kept to a minimum: providing drinking water from a source
verified free of faecal contamination, or adequately treating faecally contaminated water to
reduce enteroviruses to a negligible level.
Virological studies have shown that drinking water treatment can considerably reduce the
levels of viruses but may not eliminate them completely from very large volumes of water.
Virological, epidemiological, and risk analysis are providing important information, although
it is still insufficient for deriving quantitative and direct virological criteria. Such criteria can
not be recommended for routine use because of the cost, complexity, and lengthy nature of
virological analysis, and the fact that they can-not detect the most relevant viruses.
The guideline criteria shown in Table 2.4 are based upon the likely viral content of source
waters and the degree of treatment necessary to ensure that even very large volumes of
drinking water have negligible risk of containing viruses.
Ground water obtained from a protected source and documented to be free from faecal
contamination from its zone of influence, the well, pumps, and delivery system can be
assumed to be virus-free. However, when such water is distributed, it is desirable that it is
disinfected; and that a residual level of disinfectant is maintained in the distribution system
to guard against contamination.
Ground water
Protected, deep wells; essentiallv Disinfection"
free of faecal contamination '
Unprotected, shallow wells; faecally Filtration and disinfection
Surface water
Protected, impounded upland water; Disinfection
essentially free of faecal
Unprotected impounded water or filtration and disirfection
upland river; faecal contamination
Type of Source Recommended Treatment
....... TJt1f.)l-(:;1:s:z:t:~n()wfan(friver·;TaecaJ·
s ---·- ·p~:~:a1s1V,fecti<.)n or s t()ragl:~;-T:ITtrat:ic)U:--
con tammanon disinfection
Unprotected watershed; heavy Pre-disinfection or storage, filtration,
faecal contarrunation additional treatment anddisinfection
l) nprotecred watershed; gross Not recommended for drinking
iaccal contammatton water supply ·
For all sources, the median value of turbidity before terminal disinfection must not
exceed l nephelometric turbidity unir/N'I'U) and must not exceed 5 NTlJ in single sample.
Terminal disinfection must produce a residual concentration of free chlorine of ?::0.5
rng/litt'f' after aileast .30 minutes of contact in water at pl l < 8.0, or must be shown to be an
equivalent disinfection process in terms of the degree of enterovirus inactivation(>·99.99%i).
Filtration must be either slow sand filtration or rapid filtration (sand, dual, or mixed
media) preceded by adequate coagulation .. flocculation (with sedimentation or floatation).
Diatornaccous earth filtration or filtration process demonstrated to be equivalent for virus
reduction can also be used. The degree of virus reduction must be >90%.
Additional treatment may consist. of slow sand filtration, ozonation with granular
activated carbon . adsorption, or any other proces:; demonstrated to achieve '> 99%
enterovrrus reduction.
h Disinfection should be used if monitorinz has shown the presence of E coli or thermo-
tolerant coliform bacteria. '-'
---- ..--·- ----------~--
i ---~-...--
G,B~Pt1$,IR. -3
r '. 1" ·
-----..-.----·-, ., . . .-x.~--,. ., .,_. . ., . ···•·'~--
. . . . _ . _"'" "---·-" -. . ,. . . . . . ,._ -. . .·-~-- · -· ·--------·..~-·~·-J
All projects have to follow distinct stages between the period they are conceived and
completed These vanous stages are:
+ Pre- Investment Planning
o Identification of a project
e Preparation of project
+ Appraisal and sanction
+ Construction of facilities and carrying out support activities
+ Operation and Maintenance
+ Monitoring and feed back
Project report5 deal with all the aspects of pre-investment planning and establishes the
need as well as the feasibility of projects technically, financially, socially, culturally,
environmentally, legally and institutionally. For big projects economical feasibility tnay also
have to be examined. Project reports should be prepared in three stages viz. (i) identification
report; (ii) pre feasibility report and (iii) feasibility repott. Projects for small towns or those
formmg parts of a programme may not require preparation of feasibility reports. Detailed
engineering, and preparation of technical specifications and tender documents are not
necessary for taking investment decisions, since these activities can be carried out during the
implementation phase of projects. Fo~ small projects, however, it may be convenient to
include detailed engineering in the project report, if standard design and drawings can be
Since project preparation is quite expensive and time consuming, all projects should
normally proceed through three stages; and at the end of each stage a decision should be
taken whether to proceed to the next planning stage, and commit the necessary manpower
and financial resources for the next stage. Report at the end of each stage should include a
time table and cost estimate for undertaking the next stage activity, and a realistic schedule
for all future stages of project development, taking into consideration time required for
review and approval of the report, providing funding for the next stage, mobilising personnel
or fixing agency (for the next stage of project preparation), data gathering, physical surveys,
site investigations etc.
The basic design ·of a project is influenced by the authorities/organizations who an:
involved in approving, implementing and operating and maintaining the project. Therefore,
the institutional arrangements through which a project will be brought into operation, must
be considered at the project preparation stage. Similarly responsibility for project preparation
rnay change at various stages. Arrangements in this respect should be finalized for each stage
of project preparation. Sometimes more than one organisation may have a role to play in the
various stages of preparation of a project It 1-;) therefore, necessary to identify a single entity
to be responsible for overall rnanagement and coordination ·of each stage of project
preparation. It is desirable that the implementing authority and those responsible for
operation of a project are consulted at the project preparation stage.
Identification report is basically a "desk study", to be carried out relying primarily on the
existing information. ft can be prepared reasonably quickly by those who are familiar with
the project area and needs of project components. 'This report is essentially meant for
establishing the need for a project, indicating likelv alternatives, which would meet the
requirements. It also provides an idea of the magnitude of cost estimates of a project to
facilitate bringing the project in the planning and budgetary cycle, and makes our a case for
obtaining sanction to incur expenditure for carrying out the next stages of project
preparation. The report should be brief and include the following information:
+ Identification of project area and its physical environment
+ Commercial, industrial, educational, cultural and religious importance and activities
i.n and around the project area (also point out special activities or establishment like
defence or others of national importance)
+ Exist1ng population, its physical distribution and socio-economic analysis
+ Present water supply arrangements and quality of service in the project area, pointing
out deficiencies, if any, in quality, quantity and delivery system
• Population projection for the planning period, according to existing and future land
use plans, or master plans, if any
+ \Vater requirements during planning period for domestic, industrial, commercial and
any other uses
t Establish the need for taking up a project m the light of existing and future
deficiencies in water supply services, pointing out adverse impacts of
non-implementation of the project, on a time scale
~ Bring out, how the project would fit in with the national/regional/sectoral strategies
and with the general overall development in the project area
+ Identify a strategic plan for long term development of water supply services in the
project area, in the context of existing regional development plans, water resources
studies and such other reports, indicating phases of development
+ State the objectives of the short term project under consideration, in terms of
population to be served, other consumers, if any, service standard to be provided,
and the impact of the project after completion; clearly indicate the design period
+ Identify project components, with alternatives if any; both physical facilities and
supporting acnvitres
• Preliminary estimates of costs (componentwise) of construction of physical facilities
and supporting activities, cost of operation and maintenance, identify source for
financing capital works, and operation and maintenance, work out annual burden
(debt servicing+ operational expenditure)
+ Indicate institutions responsible for project approval, financing, implementation,
operation and maintenance (e.g, National Government, State Government, Zilla
Parishad, Local Body, \X/ater Supply Boards)
+ Indicate organisation responsible for preparing the project (pre-feasibility report,
feasibility report), cost estimates for preparing project report, and sources of funds
to finance preparation of project reports
+ Indicate time table for carrying out all future stages of the project, and the earliest
date by which the project might be operational
+ Indicate personnel strength required for implementation of the project, indicate if
any particular/peculiar difficulties of policy or other nature are likely to be
encountered for implementing the project and how these could be resolved
+ Recommend actions to be taken to proceed further.
The following plans may be enclosed with the report:
(a) An index plan to a scale of 1 cm =· 2 km showing the project area, existing works,
proposed works, location of community / township or institution to be served.
(b) A schematic diagram showing the salient levels of project components.
After clearance is received, on the basis of identification report from the concerned
authority and/ or owner of the project, and commitments are made to finance further studies,
the work of preparation of pre-feasibility report should be undertaken by an appropriate
agency, which may be a central planning and designing cell of a Water Supply Department/
Board, Local Body, or professional consultants working in the water
supply-sanitation-environmental areas. In the latter case, terms of references for the study
and its scope should be carefully set out. Pre-feasibility study may be a separate and discrete
stage of project preparation or it may be the first stage of a comprehensive feasibility study.
In either case it is necessary that it proceeds with taking up of a feasibility study because the
pre-feasibility study is essentially carried out for screening and ranking of ail project
alternatives,-and to select an appropriate, alternative for carrying out detailed feasibility study.
The pre-feasibility study helps in selecting a short-term project which will fit in the long term
strategy for improving services in the context of overall perspective plan for development of
the project area.
A pre-feasibility report can be taken to be a preliminary Project Report, the structure and
component of which are as follows:
• Executive summary
+ Introduction
• 'The project area and the need for a project
't Long term plan for water supply Introduction
This section explains the origin and concept of the project, how it was prepared and the
scope and status of the repm.t. These sub-sections rnay be detailed as under :
(a) Project Genesis
+ Describe how the idea of the project originated, agency responsible for promoting
the project, list and explain previous studies and reports on the project, including the
project identification report; and agenci.:::s which prepared them,
+ Describe how the project fits in the regional development plan, long term. sector
plan, land use plan, public health care, and water resources development etc
(b) How Was The Study Organised
+ Explain how the study was carried out, agencies responsible for carrying out
the various elements of work, and their role in preparing the study,
+ Explain if the pre· feasibility report is intended to be used for obtaining approval for
the proposed project. The Project Area And The Need For The Project
This section establishes the need for the project. It should cover. the following :
(a) Project A.rea
• (;ive gcowaphical description of the project area with reference to nrnp / inaps,
describe special features such as topography, climate, culture, religion, migration, etc.
\X/hich may affect project design, implementation and operation
+ Map showing administrative and political iurisdiction
+ Describe, if any, ethnic, cultural or religious aspects of the communities which may
have a bearing on the project proposal.
(b) Pollution Pattern
+ Estimate population in the project area, mdicating the source of data or the basis for
the estimate
.ft Review previous population data, historic growth rates and causes
• Estimate future population growth with different methods and indicate the most
probable growth rates and compare with past population growth trends
+ Compare growth trends within the project area, with those for the region, state and
the entire country
+ Discuss factors likely to affect population growth rates
t Estimate probable densities of population in different parts of the project area at
future intervals of time e.g. ftve, ten, and twenty years ahead
+ Discuss patterns of seasonal migration, if any, within the area
+ Indicate implication of the estimated growth pattern on housing and other local
(c) Economic and Social Conditions
-t Describe present living conditions of the people of different socio-economic and
ethnic groups
+ Identify locations according to mcorne levels or other indications of socio-economic
+ Show on the project area 1nap locationwise density of population; poverty groups
and ethnic concentrations, and the present and future land uses (as per development
+ Information on housing conditions and relative proportions of owners and tenants
+ Provide data on education, literacy and unemployment by age and SC)(
+ Provide data and make projection on housing standards, and average household
occupancy in various parts of the project area
+ Describe public health status within the project area, with particular attention to
diseases related to water and sanitary conditions; provide data on crude maternal and
infant mortality rates, and life expectancy
+ Discuss the status of health care prograrnmes in the area, as well as other projects
which have bearing on improvements in environmental sanitation.
(d) Sector Institutions
+ Identify the institutions (Government, Semi-Government) Non-Government) which
are involved in any of the stages of water supply and sanitation project development
in the area, (planning, preparing projects, financing, implementation, operation and
maintenance, and evaluation).
-t Comment on roles, responsibilities and limitation (territorial or others) of all the
identified institutions, in relation to water supply and sanitation (This rnay also be
indicated on a diagram).
(e) Available l'Vater Resources
+ Summarise the quantity and quality of surface and ground water resources, actual
and potential, in the project area and vicinity (give sources of information)
• Indicate studies carried out or being carried out concerning development of poten-
tial sources, and their findings
+ Mention the existing patterns of water use by all sectors (irrigation, industrial energy>
domestic etc.), comment on supply surplus or deficiency and possible conflicts over
the use of water, at present and in future
+ Comment 0:1 pollution problems, if any, which rnight affect available surface and
ground water resources.
+ Mention the role of agencies/authorities responsible for managing water resources;
their allocation and quality control.
(f) Existing Water Supply Systems and Population served
+ Describe each of the existing-water supply systems in the project area, indicating the
details as under
<~ Source of water, quantity and quality available in various seasons, components of the
system such as head works, transmission mains, pumping stations, treatment works,
balancing/service reservoirs, distribution system, reliability of supply in all seasons
Areas supplied, hours of supply, water pressures, operating problems, bulk meters,
metered supplies, un-rnetered supplies, supply for commercial use, industrial use,
lI domestic use
+ Private water supply services such as, wells, bores, water vendors etc
+ Number of people served according to water supply systems of the following
• Unprotected sources like shallow wells, rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.
lll Protected private sources like wells, bores, rain water storage tanks etc., Piped
water system
+ Number of house connections, number of stand pipes
+ Consumers opinion about stand-pipe supply, (e.g. Distance, hours of supply, waiting
time erc.)
if How many people obtain water from more than one source, note these sources, and
how their waters are used, e.g., Drinking, bathing, washing ere. and reasons for their
+ Explain un accounted for water, probable causes and trends and efforts. made to
reduce losses
<$· Comment on engineering and social problems of existing systems and possible
measures to resolve these problems and the expected improvement
(gi Existing Sanitation Systems and Population served
Even if the proposed project may be for providing a single service i.e. water supply and
not sanitation, the existing sanitation arrangements should be described, giving details of the
existing sanitation and waste disposal systems in the project area, and the number of people
served by each system. Comment on the impact of existing system on drinking water quality
and environment.
(11) Drainage and Solid Wastes
Briefly" describe existing, svstems
~ of storm water drainaze
v and solid waste collection and
disposal This discussion should be focussed in terms of their impact on water supply and
en vrronrnent.
(i) Need for a Profect
Comment as to why the existmg system cannot satisfy the ex1stmg and projected
demands for services with reference to population tu be served and the desired service
standards, other demands like commercial and industrial. Describe the consec1uences of not
taking up a project (which rnay include rehabilitation/augmentation of the existing system
and/or developing a new system), indicate priorities to improvement of existing system,
expansion of system, construction of new system, supply for domestic use, industrial and
commercial use; assessment of the need for consumer education in hygiene; and comments
on urgency of project preparation and implementation. · c.,
3.3.l.4 tong Tenn Plan for Water Supply
(a) Improvement in water supply services has to he planned as a phased development
program and any near-term project should be such as would fit in the long term
strategy. Such a long term plan or the strategic plan should be consistent with the
I future overall development plans for the areas. J\ long term plan may be prepared
I for a period of 25 to .30 years, and alternative development sequences may be
identified to provide target service coverage and standards at affordable costs.
From these alternative development seguences, a priority project to be
implemented in near-term can he selected. It is this project which then becomes
the subject of a comprehensive feasibility study.
(b) Alternative development sequences should be identified in the light. of the service
coverages to be achieved during the planning period in phases. This calls for
definition of the following:
$> Population
, to be covered with irrmroved
}. I f ., facility..
water suoolv
+ Other consumers to be covered (industrial, commercial, government,
institutions, etc.)
• Service standards to be provided for various section of population (e.g. House
connections, yard-taps, public stand post and point sources)
~ Target dates by which the above mentioned service coverage would be
extended within the planning period, in suitable phases
(c) ft must be noted that service standards can be upgraded over a period of time.
Therefore, various options can be considered for different areas. \Vhile selecting
service standard, community preferences and affordability should be ascertained
through dialogue with intended beneficiaries. Only those projects which are
affordable to the people they serve, must be selected. 'TI1is calls for careful analysis
of the existing tariff policies and practices, cost to the users for various service
standards and income of various groups of people in the project area.
(d) Having determined the service coverage in stages over a planned period,
requirements of water can be worked out for each year (or in suitable stages),
adopting different standards; at different stages. Tc) this may be added the demand
for industrial, commercial and institutional users. Thus, water for the projected
needs throughout the planned period can be quantified, (duly considering realistic
allowances for unaccounted for water and the daily and seasonal peaking factors)
for alternative service standards, and service coverage. These demands form the
basis for planning and providing system requirements.
The annual water requirements should also take into consideration water
demands for upgrading sanitation facilities, if proposals to that effect are
under consideration. Consistency a.nd coordination bas to be maintained
between projections for both water supply and sanitation services.
(e) It must be noted that availability of funds is one of the prime factors which will
ultimately decide the scope and scale of a feasible project.
(f) Selection of a Strategic Plan
Each of the alternative development sequences, which can overcome the existing
deficiencies and meet the present and future needs, consists of a series of improvements and
expansions to be implemented over the planned period. Since all needs cannot be satisfied in
immediate future, it is necessary to carefully determine priorities of target groups for
improvement in services and stages of development and thus restrict the number of
(g) Planning For System Requirement Includes Consideration Of The Following
+ Possibilities of rehabilitating and/ or de-bottlenecking the existing systems
+ Reduction in water losses which can be justified economically, by deferring
development of new sources
+ Alternative water sources, surface and ground water with particular emphasis on
maximising the use of all existing water sources
+ Alternative transmission and treatment systems and pumping schemes
+ Distribution system including pumping station and balancing reservoirs
+ Providing alternative service standards in future, including upgrading of existing
facilities and system expansion
(h) Need Assessment For Supporting Activities
It may also be necessary to ascertain if supporting activities like health education, staff
training and institutional improvements etc. are necessary to be included as essential
components of the project. All the physical and supporting input need to be carefully costed
(capital and operating) after preparing preliminary designs of all facilities identified for each
of the alternative development sequences. These alternatives may then be evaluated for least
cost solution by net present value method; which involves
+ Expressing all costs (capital and operating) for each year in economic terms;
• Discounting future costs to present value;
+ Selecting the sequence with the lowest present value.
(i) Costings And Their Expressions
As stated above, costs are 'to be expressed in economic terms and not in terms of their
financial costs. This is because the various alternatives should reflect resource cost to the
economy as a whole at different future dates. Costing of the selected project may however,
be done in terms of financial costs, duly considering inflation during project implementation.
2962 UA&E/97--SA Proposed Water Supply Project
(a) Details Of The Project
The project to be selected are those components of the least cost alternative of
development sequence, which can be implemented during the next 3-4 years. Components of
the selected project may be as follows:
+ Rehabilitation and de-bottlenecking of the existing facilities
+ Construction of new facilities for improvement and expansion of existing systems
+ Support activities like training, consumer education, public motivation etc
Equipment and other measures necessary for operation and maintenance of the
existing and expanded systems
+ Consultancy services needed (if any) for conducting feasibility study, detailed
engineering, construction supervision, socio-economic studies, studies for reducing
water losses, tariff-studies, studies for improving accounts support activities
(b) Support Documents Required
AU project components should be thoroughly described, duly supported by docurr-ents
such as:
+ Location maps
• Technical information for each physical component, and economic analysis where
~'JC2 UA&E197···-5ft
(f) Institutional Responsibilities
The pre-feasibility report should identify the various organisations/ departments/
agencies who would be responsible for further planning and project preparation, approval,
sanction, funding, implementation and operation and maintenance of the project and
indicate also the strength of personnel needed to implement and later operate and maintain
the project. It should also discuss special problems likely to be encountered during operation
and maintenance, in respect of availability of skilled and technical staff, funds, transport,
chemicals, communication, pmv~f; s~~t'€ parts etc. Quantitative estimates of all these
resources should be made and included in the ptt'l'jt¥~t report
(g) Financial Aspects
The capital cost of a project is a sum of all expenditure required to be incurred to
complete design and detailed engineering of the project, construction of all its components
including support activities and conducting special studies. After estimating component-wise
costs, they may also be worked out on annual basis, theoughour the implementation period,
taking into consideration construction schedule and allowances for physical contingencies
and inflation. Basic item costs to be adopt'.ld should be of the current year. Annual cost
should be suitably increased to cover escalation costs during the construction period. Total
of such escalated annual costs determines the final cost estimate of the project. Financing
plan for the project should then be prepared, identifying all the sources from which funds
can be obtained, and likely annual contribution from each source, until the project is
completed. The possible sources of funds include:
+ Cash reserves available with the project authority
+ Cash generated by the project ttut:hority from sale of water from the existing facilities
+ Grant-in-aid from government
+ Loans from government
+ Loans from financing institutions Hke Life Insurance Corporation, Banks, HUDCO
+ Open market borrowings
The annual financial burden imposed by a project comprises the annual recurring cost
and payment towards loan and interest (debt servicing). This has to be met from the
operational revenue, which can be realised from sale of water. The present and future tariff
for sale of water should be identified and a statement showing annual revenue for ten years
period, beginning with the year when the project will be operational, should be prepared. if
this statement indicates that the project authority can generate enough revenue to meet all
the operational expenditure as well as repayment of loan and interest, the lending institution
can be persuaded to sanction loans for the project.
G) Every State Government and the Government of India have programmes for
financing water supply scheme in the urban and rural areas, and definite allocations
are normally made for the national plan periods. It will be necessary at this stage to
ascertain if and how much finance can be made available for the project under
consideration, and to estimate annual availability of funds for the project till its
completion. This exercise has to be done in consultation with the concerned
department of the Government and the lending institutions, who would see whether
the project fits in the sector policies and strategies, and can be brought in an annual
planning and budgetory cycle taking into consideration the commitments already
made in the sector and the overall financial resources position. The project may be
finally sanctioned for implementation if the financing plan is firmed up.
The administrative difficulties likely to be met with and risks involved during
implementation of the project should also be commented upon. These may pertain to
boundary question for the project area, availability of water, sharing of water sources with
other users, availability· of land for constructing project facilities, coordination with the
various agencies, acceptance of service standards by the beneficiaries, tenancy problems,
acceptance of recommended future tariff, shortage of construction materials, implementation
of support activities involving peoples' participation, supply of power, timely availability of
funds for implementation of the project and problems of operation and maintenance of the
(b) Recommendations
(i) This should include all actions required to be taken to complete project
preparation and implementation, identifying the agencies responsible for taking
these actions. A detailed time table for actions to be taken should be presented. if
found necessary and feasible, taking up of works for rehabilitating and/ or
de-bottlenecking the existing system should be recommended as an immediate
action. Such works may be identified and costed so that detailed proposals can be
developed for implementation.
(ii) It may also be indicated if the project authority can go ahead with taking up
detailed investigations, data collection and operational studies, pending undertaking
feasibility study formally.
(iii) In respect of smaller and medium size projects, the pre-feasibility report can be
considered sufficient for obtaining investment decision for the project if:
+ The results of the pre-feasibility study are based on adequate and reliable data/
+ Analysis of the data and situation is carried out fairly intensively
+ No major environmental and social problems are likely to crop up that might
jeopardise project implementation
+ No major technical and engineering problems are envisaged during
construction and operation of the facilities
(iv) In that case the pre-feasibility study with suitable concluding report, should be
processed for obtaining investment decision for the project. The feasibility study,
can then be taken up at the beginning of the implementation phase and results of
the study if noticed to be at variance with the earlier ones, suitable modification
may be introduced during implementation.
(v) In respect of major projects however, and particularly those for which assistance of
bilateral or international funding agencies is sought for, comprehensive feasibility
study may have to be taken up before an investment decision can be taken.
Feasibility study examines the project selected in the pre-feasibility study as a nearterm
project, in much greater details, to see if it is feasible technically, financially, economically,
socially, legally, environmentally and institutionally. Enough additional data/ information
may have to be collected to examine the above mentioned aspects, though the details
necessary for construction of project components may be collected during execution of
It is a good practice to keep the authority responsible for talcing investment decision,
informed of the stage and salient features of the project. if there are good prospects of the
project being funded immediately after the feasibility study is completed, detailed engineering
of priority components may be planned simultaneously.
The feasibility report may have the lowing sections :
+ Background
+ The proposed project
+ Institutional and financial aspects
+ Conclusion and recommendations Background
Jn this section describe the history of project preparation, how this report is related to
other reports and studies carried out earlier and in particular its setting in the context of a
pre-feasibility report. It should also bring out if the data/information and assumption made
in the pre-feasibility report are valid, and if not, changes in this respect should be highlighted.
References to all previous reports and studies should be made.
In respect of the project area, need for a project and strategic plan for water supply, only
a brief summary of the information covered in pre-feasibility report, should be presented,
highlighting such additional data/ information, if any, collected for this report. The summary
information should include planning period, project objectives, service coverage, service
standards considered and selected for long-term planning and for the project, community
preferences and affordability, quantification of future demands for services, alternative
strategic plans, their screening and ranking, recommended strategic plan and cost of its
(a) Objectives
Project objectives may be described in terms of gencr-aJ development objectives such as
health improvements, ease in obtaining water by consumers, improved living standards, staff
development and institutional improvements; and also terms of specific objectives such as
service coverage and standards of service to be provided to various target groups.
(b) Project Users
Define number of people by location and institutions who will benefit and/ or not benefit
from the project area and reasons for the same, and users involvemenr during preparation,
implementation and operation of the project
(c) Rehabilitation and De-bottlenecking of the Existing Water Supply Systems
In fact rehabilitation, improvements and de-bottlenecking works, if necessary, should be
planned for execution prior to that of the proposed project. If so these activities should be
mentioned in the feasibility report. if, however, these works are proposed as components of the
proposed project, necessity of undertaking the rehabilitation/improvement/ de-bottlenecking
works should be explained.
(d) Project Description
This may cover the following items in brief:
+ Definition of the project in the context of the recommended development
alternative (strategic plan) and explanation for the priority of the project
+ Brief description of each component of the project, with maps and drawings
+ Functions) location) design criteria and capacity of each component
+ ·1 'cchnical specification (dimension, material) and performance specifications
+ Stage of preparation of designs and drawings of each component
• Method of financing and constructing in-house facilities, like plumbing and service
connection etc.
(e) Support Activities
Need for and description of components such as staff training, improving bi.lling and
accounting, consumer education, health education, community involvement etc. and timing
of undertaking these components and the agencies involved.
(f) Integration Of The Proposed Project With The Existing ,<\11d Future Sys tents
Describe how the various components of the proposed project w: )tdd be integrated with
the existing and future works.
(g) Agencies Inuolued In Project Implementation And Relevant Aspects
+ Designate the lead agency
+ Identify other agencies including government agencies who would be involved in
project implementation, describing their role, such as wanting administrative approval,
technical sanction, approval to annual budget provision, sanction of loans, construction
of facilities, procurement of materials and equipment etc.
+ Outline of arrangements to coordinate the working of all agencies
+ Designate the operating agency and its role during implementation stage
+ Role of consultants, if necessary, scope of their work, and terms of reference
+ Reguiations and procedures for procuring key materials and equipment, power, and
transport problems, if any,
+ Estimate number and type of workers and their availability
+ Procedures for fixing agencies for works and supplies and the normal time it takes to
award contracts
+ List of imported materials, if required, procedure to be followed for importing them
and estimation of delivery period
+ Outline ar1y legislative and administrative approvals required to implement the project,
such as those pertaining to riparian rights, water quality criteria, acquisition of lands,
permission to construct across or along roads and railways, high-tension power lines, in
forest area and defence or other such restricted areas
+ Comments on the capabilities of contractors and quality of material and equipment
available indigenously
(h) Cost Estimates
+ Outline basic assumption made for unit prices, physical contingencies, pnce-
contingencies and escalation
+ Summary of estimated cost of each component for each year till its completion and
work out total annual costs, to know annual cash flow requirements
+ Estimate foreign exchange cost if required to be incurred
• \"Vork out per capita cost of the project on the basis of design population, cost per unit
of water produced and distributed and compare these with norms, if any, laid down by
t,)"()vernment or with those for similar projects
(i) Implementation Schedule
Prepare a detailed and realistic implementation schedule for all project components, taking
into consideration stage of preparation of detailed design and drawings, additional field
investigations required, if any, time required for preparing tender documents, notice period,
processing of tenders, award of works/ supply contract, actual construction period, period
required for procurement of material and equipment, testing, trials of individual component and
commissioning of the facilities etc.
If consultants' services are required, the period required for completion of their work should
also be estimated.
A detailed PI'.RT diagram (ref. Appendix 3.1) showing implementation schedule for the
whole project, as well as those for each component should be prepared, showing linkages and
mter-dependence of various activities.
Implementation schedule should also be prepared for supporr-acnvmes such as training,
consumers' education etc. and their linkages with completion of physical components and
commissioning of the project should be established.
(j) Operation And Maintenance Of The Project
Estimate annual operating costs, considering staff, chemicals, energy, transport, routine
maintenance of civil works, maintenance of electrical/mechanical equipment, including normal
cost of replacement of parts and supervision charges. Annual cost estimates should be prepared
for a period of 10 years from the probable year of commissioning the project, taking into
consideration expected out-put levels and escalation.
Proposal for monitoring and evaluating the project performance with reference to project
objectives should be indicated.
(k) Environmental Impact
Brief description of the adverse and beneficial impacts of the project may be given covering
the following aspects:
!Si E~;~-;nJ co;;~enience in obtaining water··161Rtsk -;;y·· .pr-;;moti~g-- mosq~it~ bre~di.:i:g,
by the consumers effect of with-drawing surface/ ground
I water
r5' Improvement in public reuse of water in I 01 Effect of disposal of backwash water and
I household premises or by water sludge from water treatment plant.
I authority.
ge::~~=- ----·--- . __
the stream, the reservoir bed etc. and effects
L_ L_on:~-o-logy_. .
~· :
+ Public relations in general and consumer relations in particular, extension services available
to sell new services, facilities for conducting consumer education programme, and settling
• Systems for budgeting for capital and recurring expenditure and revenue, accounting of
expenditure and revenue, internal and external audit arrangements, inventory management
+ Present positions and actual staff, comments on number and quality of staff in each
category, ratio of staff proposed for maintenance and operation of the project to the
number of people served, salary ranges of the staff and their comparison with those of
other public sector employees
+ Staff requirement (category wise) for operating the project immediately, after
commissioning, future requirements, policies regarding staff training, facilities available for
• Actual tariffs for the last 5 years, present tariff, tariff proposed after the project is
commissioned, its structures, internal and external subsidies, procedure required to be
followed to adopt, new- tariff, expected tariff and revenues in future years, proposal to
meet shortage in revenue accruals
+ Prepare annual financial statements (income statements, balance sheets and cash flows) for
the project operating agency, for three years after the project is commissioned, explain all
basic assumptions for the financial forecast and the terms and conditions of tapping
financial sources, demonstrate ability to cover all operating and maintenance expenditure
and loan repayment, workout rate of return on net fixed assets and the internal financial
rate of return of the project
(b) Financing Plan
Identify all sources of funds for implementation. of the project, indicating year by-year
requirements from these sources, to meet expenditure as planned for completing the project as per
schedule; state how interest during construction will be paid, or whether it will be capitalised and
provided for in the loan; explain the procedures involved in obtaining funds from the various
Issues which are likely to adversely affect project implementation and operation should be
outlined and ways of tackling the same shoi . ild be suggested. Effect of changes in the assumptions
made for developing the project, on project implementation period, benefits, tariff, costs and
demand etc. should be mentioned.
Definite recommendations should be made regarding time-bound actions to be taken by the
various agencies, including advance action which may be taken by the lead agency pending approval
and financing of the project.
C·.·. ·11 <•A:P·
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Several types of hydraulic structures like notches, weirs, flumes and drops are in use for
measurement of flow in open channels.
4.21.1. Notches
These are cut from thin metal plates, the general forms being either triangular or
(a) Triangular Notches
90° triangular notches are used for measuring small quantities of flows upto about l .25
(i) Installation Requirements
The approach channel should be reasonably smooth, free from disturbances and straight
for a length equal to at least 10 times the width. The structures in which the notch is fixed
shall be rigid and water-tight and the upstream face vertical. The downstream level should be
always at least 5 cm below the bottom-most portion of the notch (inverted apex) ensuring
free flow.
(ii) Specificationfor Materials
The plate should be smooth and made of rust-proof and corrosion-resistant material. The
thickness should not exceed 2 mm, with the downstream edge chamfered at an angle of not
less than 45° with the crest surface.
(iii) Measurement of Head Causing the W~ter Flow
The head causing flow over the notch shall be measured by standard hook gauge
upstream at a distance of 3 to 4 times the maximum depth of flow over the notch.
(iv) Discharge Equation
The discharge Q (in m3 /sec) for V-Notch is given by the expression :
effective discharge coefficient
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.806 m/ s2)
e = angle of the notch at the centre
h measured head causing flow in m,
For 90° V-Notch which is generally used, the discharge is given by the expression
Q = 2.362 C, h2·5 (4. 2)
Ce values vary from 0.603 to 0.686 for values of head varying from 0.060 to 0.377m.
(v) Limitations
The triangular notches should be used only when the head is more than 60 mm.
(vi) Accuracy
The values obtained by the equation for triangular notches would vary from 97 to 103%
of the true discharge for discharges from 0.008 to 1.2.5 rrr'/ s.
(b) Rectangular Notches
The installation requirements, specifications, head measurements, head limits and
accuracy will be the same as for triangular notches. The width of notch should be at least 150
There are two types of rectangular notches viz. (i) with end contractions and (ii) without
end contractions.
(i) wu» End Contractions
The contraction from either side of the channel to the side of the notch should be greater
than 0.1 m.
The discharge (m3/s) through a rectangular notch with end contractions is given by the
effective width =
actual width of the notch + k (value of k being 2.5 mm,
3 mm and 4 mm for b/B ranges of upto 0.4, 0.4 to 0.6 and 0.6 to 0.8
= ratio of the width of the notch to the width of the channel;
H = effective head= actual head measured (h) + 1 mm;
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.806 m/s~; and
C,, varies from 0.58 to 0.70 for values of b/B from 0 to 0.8.
(ii) Without End Contractions
The discharge (m3 / s) through a rectangular notch without end contractions is given by
the following expression:
Q = 32 c, e ..;2gbH
r;:;-:: l 5 (4.4)
b = width of the notch (m)
.H = effective head= actual /measured head (h) + 1.2 mm
C" = 0.602 + 0.075 h/p
p = height of the bottom of the notch from the bed of the channel
(c) Trapezoidal Notches (Cipoletti
The main advantage in a trapezoidal or Cipolerti notch is that as the flow passes over the weir,
the end contractions are either eliminated or considerably reduced. The sides of the notch
should have a slope of 1 : 4 such that the top width of discharge is equal to the bottom width
of the notch 0.)) + half the head of water over the sill of the notch (1/2 h). Thus the loss of
discharge due to end contractions is made good. Discharge equation Q z: l .859 bfrV2 where
bis bottom width of notch and his the head over the sill,
\) ·weirs
These are similar to rectangular notches but the thickness in the direction of flow is
considerable and therefore coefficient of discharge will be less. The installation conditions
will be the same as for the notches.
(a) Without End Contractions (Suppressed Weirs)
The discharge equation to be used is:
C, varies from 0.864 to 1.0 depending upon the h/p (ratio of measured head to length of
weir in the direction of flow) value from 0.4 to 1.6; for h/p values lower than 0.4, C,, may be
taken as 0.864.
(b) With End Contractions
Same equation 4. .5 is to be used replacing the 'b' by '(b-0.1 nh)' where n is the number of
(c) Limitations
The weirs should be used only when the head is more than 60 mm. Minimum width of
the weir should be 300 mm.
(d) Accuracy
The discharge values obtained by weir measurements would vary from 95 to 105% of the
true discharge.
• Venturi flumes
The installation conditions will be the same as for the notches.
(a) Standing Wave Flumes
(i) Discharge equation The discharge equation for standing wave fumes ts
given by:
Q discharge in m1/s
cf . _ coefficient of friction having the following values
0.97 for Q : :-: 0.05 to 0.3 m3 /s
0.98 for Q = 0.3 to l.5 m3/S
0.99 for Q::::: 1.5 to 15 m3/s
1.UO for Q = 15m /sand
3 above
Bn = overall throat width including piers
rn = number of piers
b thickness of each pier
Cr =Coefficient of contraction, having a value of (}045 for piers with round nose and
0.040 for piers with pointed nose and If D1 + h, = =
upstream head over sill corrected for
velocity of approach
H :::: D1 + _g__
15 2
(ii) Limitations
Standing wave flumes should be used only when the head is more than 60 mm. Ratio of
D:/1 \ (Depth downstream above sill of throat/ depth upstream over sill of throat) should
always be greater than 0 . .5 for the application of standing wave flumes. If this ratio is less
than U.5, drop may be adopted.
Minimum width of the flumes should be 90 mm.
(iii) Accuracy
The discharge values obtained by measurements with standing wave flumes would vary
from 95 to 105% of the true discharge.
Parshall Flume is a type of standing wave flume widely used. However, its use requires
application of different equations, based on the throat size, if accuracy in results similar to
other types of flumes is expected.
The approximate equation applicable for the entire range of its usage, namely, discharges
varying from 0.001 m3 / s to 100 m3/ s (i.e. throat widths varying from 7 5 to 15,000 mm) is
given by:
Q = 2.42 W h2·58
Q = discharge in m3/ s
W = throat width in m and
h = upstream gauged depth in m,
The numerical factors 2.42 and 2.58 are subject to 4% variation in extreme cases (less in
case of smaller widths).
The minimum head and accuracy will be the same as for standing wave flumes.
(b) Venturi Flumes
(i) Discharge equation
The discharge equation is given by
Q = 0.5445CvCe,jibhI.S (4.8)
C, is the coefficient of velocity which varies from 1.04 to 1.15.
Ce is the effective coefficient of discharge varying from 0.885 to 0. 99 depending upon h/l
varying from 0.05 to 0. 70 where '1' is the length of throat in the direction of flow.
(ii) Limitations
Venturi flumes should be used only when head available is between 50 and 1800 mm.
Minimum width of the flume should be 90 mm.
(iii) Accuracy
The discharge values obtained by measurement with venturi volumes would vary from 95
to 105% of the true discharge. Drops
(i) Discharge Equation
When the flow falls freely from a channel or conduit to a lower level (ground),
measurement can be conveniently made at the point of drop which offers a rough estimate
of the discharge. There should be a minimum straight length of 20 times the end depth in the
approach channel. The ratio of the end depth to the critical depth in horizontal and mildly
sloped channels has a value of 0.70. The discharge may be calculated from
Q =- d~ $.fib (4.9)
dr z: critical depth (m)
b ::: width of channel (m)
(ii) Limitations
\'\/idth of channel should be a rrunirnum of 300 mm. Critical depth de should be a
minimum of 50 mm.
(iii) Accuracy
The discharge values obtained by measurements made at drops would vary from 90 to
110% of the true discharge.
:L(a vi) 1
i ~-d
Where a, is area of the individual section and v ' is the averag·e velocity, in that section.
The velocities arc usually obtained by current meter. For floats, the surface velocities arc
found and the average velocity is computed approximately as ll.87 of surface velocity.
Normally the discharge measurements arc 95 to H)Sr~<r of the true discharges,
\,\/hen an electro-magnetic probe is imme in f1mving water, a voltage 1s ere at
around the probe. 'Thrs voltage, sensed by elect rodes irnbcdded in the probe is rransmirred
through the cable ro the meter box. '1 he voltage created by water flowing through the
rnagn;:tic field is proportional to the velocity of flow of water. These small voltages are
electronically processed and displayed nn the panel merer. Accuracies of :.t arc attainable
over a velocity range from 1.5 cm/s to 3.0 m /s.
~111 • ':'.I
..,.}.,, 1 D•r:1···1.:D
i.I l 11..1i\J
_,,Jl"t,.Li:.~:N·r·~· ,, , I-Jn1:·
f\lL 5 ,"·unt:.:
;~:,-, J\..K.~. ·or:·v1(·1:{'
L ~ ,,.( .. \.,
The venturi meters, orifice plates and nozzles are used specifically for dosed conduits.
They shall have minimum straight kngrh of SD on upstream side and 2D on the
downstream side of the device (where Dis the diameter of upstream pipe)
cu 1)
d diameter of the orifice or nozzle, in m.
p differential pressure in kgf/m:' and
P densrty of water (kg/m3).
' t r;
and (X vanes trorn U.6 to .. 1 )) t•or ormce
' ' . . () . •.• pates
. .., (, r t: "\ l ., ' ,.
rut: hows wnn 1.1:yno cl s number trom
5x103 to I x H( Similarl y a. varies frorn (), 1)9 ro Ll f) for nozzles for flows with Revnoid's
numbers from 2x l 04 to 1x106. Both give 98 to 'J 02° 0 of true discharge.
V Velocity of flow, mps at the point
K Instrument coefficient
g = gravirationaJ head in m of water between the impact and static (or trailing) orifices
l l = Differential head in meters of water between the impact and static (or trailing)
The coefficient has a value of about 0.99.
Pitor tubes would offer hindrance to flow and hence may be restricted to pipes larger
than 300 mm dia. The values obtained with pi tot tubes would vary from 98 to 1021?/o of the
true discharge for l 000 mm cha or larger pipes. For smaller diameters, the variation would be
c. depending~") upon the obstruction caused .
(1) They involve a high head loss and hence consumers an; likely to bye pass the
(ii) The minimum flow that can be registered is as high as 40 litres per hour.
(iii) Deposition of silt and fr)rcign particles dogs the meter and hence the meter goes
out of order.
(iv) Since the scaling is not fully water tight, the metallic gears get rusted and the plastic
gears deteriorate due to which the meter goes out of order frequently.
(v) ! n the absence of hermetically sealed dials, there is an ingress of moisture on to the
face of dial and hence the meter becomes unreadable.
(vi) Merer- with pointers can be tampered by changing the position of pointer needles.
/\s rcr the amended fS 779 -- 1994 (TSO 4U64) for the domestic consumer meters, the
meters arc rnagnctically driven and hermetically scaled. l t is preferable to use only magnetic
meters l~() 4064
Salient features or these meters arc (i) there is no contact of the meter mechanism with
water, (ii) ihe meter starts registration at very small flows (minimum flow of 10 litres) with
minimum head Joss, (iii) the totaliser chamber remaining completely dry, (iv) the gears are
self lubricating and readings can be directly read and are clearly visible in any weather.
Some of the advantages of these meters arc:
(i) The inferential meters are magnetically driven. Since there is no contact of the
meter mechanism with water, there is no friction. Hence the meter starts
registration at very small quantities of flow (at 10 litres per hour) and involves a
head loss of about 1.5 m.
(ii) The hermetically sealed meters cannot be tampered and the readings can be read
directly. Further, in the absence of ingress of moisture, the dial is clearly visible.
(iii) Since the dial is hermetically sealed, the gear train is fully dry, is above the water
and is self lubricating.
(iv) Since there is no change in direction of flow, the head loss through the meter is
(b) Bulk Meters
For use on distribution mains the bulk meters of Vane \\/heel type with sizes of 50 to 300
mm or Helical type with sizes of SO to 300 mm conforming to IS 2373 ·· 1981 arc in use.
These meters also suffer from the same deficiencies stated in previous section (a) for
domestic meters.
The IS 2373 is being revised (fourth revision) to incorporate the following modifications
which are likely to address some of the deficiencies;
(i) Indicating devices to include pointers, digital and combination of the two
(ii) Class A and Class B meters are to be introduced and performance requirements are
to be more stringent
(iii) Pressure loss requirement is to be more stringent
(iv) Removable type helical meters to be introduced in addition to fixed type
(v) Sizes of 65 mm, 600 mm and 800 mm are to be added.
4.4.1 GENERAi.
There are several special methods. The dilution techniques and the pulse-velocity
methods are applicable to both open channels as well as closed conduits. The trajectory
measurements and bend or centrifugal head meters are applicable to dosed conduits only.
'The more common method of dilution techniques is described below.
Q +q .,
............. """"'" ~~·;:
(4 14)
C" q
if y is very small relative to (i,
then () :. c
<{ __.:.. (4.15)
...,, ( -,"~
narrow n.·~u.:h are desirable. 'l reach should long enough for complete rni to occur.
t formulae arc available in arrivinz at the rnixttH!" lenzrh. The sarnnlcs
arc taken
r. .. ) (.::J
upstream from rhc injection point, from the concentrated solution at the poinr of injection and
frnrn (\VO or th rec points :H the sarnpling section.
(i.i) Integration (Sudden injection) Method
This is 'ftrrcd for flow measurements in natural stream, i\ known volume q of
chemical tr-:tcc'r solution of concentration C:1 is introduced into the stream a~; quickly as possible.
Samplmg of water i-; carried out at a point sufficiently far downstream cnswing complete lateral
rnixmp;, for a period Jurir.g which the tracer pas-;es (which includes the complete injection cycle).
The stream discharge () is gin~n by the expression
•\ ... q. C (t. l6)
( /
~· T ('.
\'Chere T 1s the total samphng time and C2 is the average concentration of tracer in water
removed at the s::impling point during the s:impling period.
Tlm; expression holds when the tracer is not naturally present in rhe stream. Jn this method
constant ra in1cction is not required and the procedure is simple, Ne; calibration is
1wcdt·cl H is not to measure rhe dimensions of the test section. method can
be used with radioactive tracers.
._ ........... . - ........ _.., _... ....,
(a) General
Rain water percolating into the ground and reaching permeable layers (aquifers) in the
zone of saturation constitutes groundwater source. Groundwater is norrnallv' bevond , the
reach of vegetation except certain species of plants called phreatophytes, and is usually free
from evaporation losses. Groundwater resources are less severely affected by vagaries of
rainfall than surface water resources.
The water as it seeps down, comes in contact with organic and inorganic substances
during its passage through the ground and acquires chemical characteristics representative of
the strata it passes through.
Generally, groundwaters are dear and colorless but are harder than the surface waters of
the region in which they occur. T n limestone formations, f,TtOundwaters are very hard, tend to
form deposits in pipes and are relatively non-corrosive. In granite formations they are soft,
low in dissolved minerals, relatively high in free carbon dioxide and are actively corrosive.
Bacterially, groundwaters are much better than surface waters except where subsurface
pollution exists. Groundwaters are generally of uniform quality although changes may occur
in the quality because of water logging, over-draft from areas adjoining saline water sources
and recycling of water applied for irrigation and pollution.
\Vhile some of the chemical substances like fluorides and those causing brackishness are
readily soluble in water, others such as those causing alkalinity and hardness, are soluble in
water containing carbon dioxide absorbed from the air or from decomposing organic matter
in the soil. Such decomposing matter also removes the dissolved oxygen from the water
percolating through. \)\/ater deficient in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide dissolves iron and
manganese compounds in the soil, Hydrogen Sulphide also occurs sometimes in
groundwater and is associated with the absence of oxygen) the decomposition of org,mic
matter or the reduction of sulphates. Percolation into the sub-soil also results in the filtering
out of bacteria and other livi.ng organisms. in fissured and creviced rock formations such as
limestone, however, surface pollution can be carried long distances without material change.
(b) Spring
Springs are due to the emergence of groundwater to the surface. 'Till it issues out on the
surface as a spring, the groundwater carries minerals acquired from the subsoil layers, which
may supply the nutrients to microorganisms collected f:y spring if it flows as a surface stream.
Spring waters (rom shallow strata are more likely to be affected by surface pollutions than
deep-seated waters. Springs m.ay be either perennial or intermittent. The discharge of a spring
depends on the nature and size of catchment, recharge and leakage through the sub-surface.
Their usefulness as sources of water supply depends on the discharge and its variability
during the year.
Groundwater in coastal aquifers overlies the denser saline water. Everv metre rise of the
water table above the sea level corresponds to a depth of 41 metres of fresh water lens
floating over the saline water. ln such cases the pumping from wells has to be carefully
controlled or a fresh water barrier created to avoid the salt water tongue entering the well
and contaminating the same.
discharges Iikelv once in a ;,1 year period may :>tatistically arrrvccl at and adopted. /\ [(JU
vear period may be used, if the data available is for a minimum of 25 years.
(lJ) Other Methods
\'( 'ht:n such Jam 1s lacking, the f<>ilowing methods rnay be adopted in the order of
(1) t 'nit hydrograph method based on ramfall runo studies;
(ii) Frequency analysis based on rainfall;
! .nvclopc curves based on observed )Ods in similar catchments; and
(iv) ! .rnprrical formulae based on catchment characteristics.
(i) Unit hydrograph method
l t 1F: a hydrograph (discharge along Y axis and time along X axis) of rainfall-runoff at a
given point that will result from an isolated event of rainfall excess (the p11rt1on of rainfall .[I
that enters a stream channel as storm runoff) occurring within a unit of time and spread in an
awragt~ pattern over rhe contributing drainage area. This is idcntifted by the unit nrnc and
volume the excess rainfall, c,g., l hour l cm unit graph.
'!11c assumptions are:
(a) The effects of all physical
' ~
characteristics of a g<:vcn
basin arc reflected
in the :d1apc of the hydrognph for that basm;
(b) At a giYt:n point on a stream, discharge ordinates of Jiffrrcnt unit graph7' of ihc
same unrt tune of rain ~::-:c:c:-.s ~m.· mutually propouiona! tn respective
volumes; and
,\ hydrograph of storm discharge that would result from a scric~; ()f bursts of
excess min or from continuous excess mm \)f variable mtcnsitv may be
constructed frorn a series of (JYcrlapping graphs each resulting from a
single increment of excess min of unit duration.
The limitations are:
(a) The drainage basin should be more than 25 krn2 but less than snn1 l krn";
l .argc number of rain gaugcs should be located to rdlcct the time \\TightcJ
rainfa.ll of the catchment; and
(c) The proportion of the snow in the precipitation should be very small.
(ii) Frequency analysis based on rainfall
This method involves the stafr;t!Cal ;inah . .;is of obscryr,·d data of ;i fairh· lorn~ (M leas!. 25 ~ t I ~
i\ purely statistical approach when applied !D derive design floocb f(lr !m11.~ rvcurrcncr
intervals several rimes larger than rhc data has many limuauons and hence 1his method has to
be used with caution.
(iii) Envelope Curves
n I hi:; rncihod, maxim urn fl()( 1~:
j ::1i1wd from dw em·dopc curve o ( all ! he observed
maximum floods for a number nC catchments in a hom()gt·ncnus mctcorolot.~c1! region
plotted agamst the drainage area. Tht~ nwthml., ;,1lthough useful for gcnL:rali1.ing'lhc limits of
floods actually experienced in the region under consideration, can not be relied upon for
c:-tima! ing maximum probable flo1 L'Xccpi. a-. an aid to JtH.lgcrncnt.
The probable minimum flow as computed from the methods described above could be
used for assessing the dependable yield from the source and for determining the maximum
period of storage called for with the aid of a mass diagram drawn up for the purpose as
detailed in Appendix-Si l .
\'(/hile the computed figures for surface run-off from catchments contributing to the
stream flow represents the total inflow into the river as surface flow from its catchment area,
the stream discharge may be supplemented by the subsurface flow from the catchment basin,
emerging into the stream through the subsoil, depending on the geological formations and
hydrological conditions in the river valley. The subsurface seepage contributing to the river
flow can not usually be computed by the use of any formula as such because of the several
indefinite factors involved. Continuous river gaugings at any point however, would be the
total discharge at the point, contributed both by the surface and subsurface flows which join
the stream.
In assessing the dependable yield from natural lakes and ponds, the computations must
be reckoned largely on the capacity of the basin, 'With reference to the total catchment area
and the computable run-off available therefrom. lTere again, supplemental quantities
received by the basin through any subsurface flow from the catchment area is usually not a
computable factor and usually not taken into account in assessing the total quantity available
for the project. In all computations on the reservoir storage and capacity, probable losses due
to seepage and evaporation should be given due consideration.
Prior to the year 1979 for the assessment o freplenishable groundwater resource potential,
various methodologies were being adopted by the States and the Central Groundwater Board
(CG\VB). However, with a view to project a unified view and assessing the resource on
1 scientific lines, a committee known as "Over Exploitation Committee" was constituted with
,! th~ the~ Cha.if·rm1an, Cendt:ral Groundw~t1er Bdoar1d as t111e (d]1airrnahnto sugge~t mdethc1)dolot,7for1.
'..I estimation o · t re groun fwater potenna an a so to · ay own t e norms ror . eve opment o
,~ various types of structures and areas. The methodology suggested by the committee has
been adopted by the Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation (A.RDC). The
Committee had further recommended that the methodology may be further revised to make
it more scientific as and. when data from the work carried out by the Central Groundwater
Board was available.
The National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) approached the
Covcrnment of India to contribute material for inclusion in its approach for availing \Vorld
Bank Assistance under NABARD .1 project which was of two years duratiun-1984 and
1985. 'The Central Groundwater Board, to whom the matter was referred, examined the
methodology suggested by the Over Exploitation Committee in great detail and felt that
there was enough room for improvement of the methodologies for estimation of the
resource potential under various conditions. lt circulated a paper suggesting a revised
'The Groundwater Estimation Committee (C.E.C.) which submitted its report to
Government of India in 1984, considering the norms to he followed in evaluation of
ground'),'ater resources recommended that the grounc!water recharge should be estimated
based on groundwater level fluctuation method. The water table fluctuation in an aquifer
corresponds to the rainfall of the year of observation. The rainfall recharge estimated should
be corrected to the long term normal rainfall for the area as t,riven by Indian Meteorological
Department (TMD). To estimate the effects of drought or surplus rainfall, the recharge
during monsoon may be estimated for a period of 3 to .5 years and an average taken.
from winter rainfall mav• also be estimated on the same lines.
Total groundwater resources for water table aquifers is the sum of annual recharge and
potential recharge in shallow water table and water logged areas. It also recommended that
1.5 percent· of total groundwater resources be kept for drinking and industrial purposes, for
committed base f1ow and to account for the unrecoverable losses. ln case the committed
base flow and the domestic and industrial loss is more than 15r~1(1 of the total groundwater
resource, the utilizable resource for irrigation in these areas may be decreased accordingly.
The quantum of ground\vater available for development is usually restricted to long term
aYeragc recharge of the aquifer and is lO(J'~'o dependable source of supply,
Groundwater being a dynamic and replenishable resource has to be esrimared primarily
based on normal annual recharge which could be developed by means of suitable
groundwater abstraction structures and judiciously harnessed frn various purposes. The
mean annual groundwater recharge largely depends on the climatic and hydrogeological
conditions. The physiogeographical setting of J ndia paradoxically presents the heaviest
rainfall in the north eastern part of the country and almost along the same latitude, the
existence of a desert on western part with very low rainfall (less than l 8U mm). Similarly a
long stretch of semi-arid belt which gets a rainfall of 600-800 mm, runs almost north-south
of the west central part of peninsular India. The average rainfall of the country being of the
order of 1,190 mm and distributed unevenly over the country during the north-east and
south-west monsoon and melting of snow from the Himalayas and contribution tu the river
~ in north, more or less define the availability~- of water resources in the countrv. The
hydrogcological conditions and grounchvater availability and quality is well described in the
second edition-(1988) of Hydrogeological \bp of India published by Central Cr,)tmdwater
Board, Government of India which may be referred to for more details.
/\ scientific assessment of the groundwater potential of the country has been made
tentatively on the basis of recommendations of Groundwater l'.stimation Committee (1984)
and data being generated by Central Groundwater Board. Total annual rcplenishable
Groundwater Resources is 45.23 million hectare metre. A part of it (6.93 lvl.ha m) is kept
reserved for the drinking, industrial and other uses. The urilizable groundwater resources for
b ts l l\Lha. m. The present net yearly, ft for irrization is 10.68 \\fha. meters Ll
1 Rock Types
Groundwater is obtained through aquifers which rnay be composed of" consolidated (held
firmly together by compaction, cementation and other processes forming granite, sandstone
and limestone) or unconsolidated 0(1ose
material such as clav,... sand and gravel)
.._) J .. ,,,,' •1 ~-~• also..J ,.,1·
''j"('' (.;i.,, ,) ..... c - 11.. ·.,. J
•1 ~.J ~()"I ,... j .. , <'/'<:'1")""(''1,V"'l\.'
.:) .. I,. t''( .)\.,,,[\_.) ~-.,_.,,~ .. '>..,. .L. ~.. ~-" '['l,,, .,
ll'l.... t"('')("·l·
.. ,,. \ "l"l''l''"'r·i··ll'' f)'1'('S1'
~ (.~I.," ,(, ,') .l.,_
- J.)"'
~. \,.•
Sedin1cntary Wl'k·; arc the deposits of material derived from the weathering and erosion
<if other n 1cb Tf·i< 1ugh ccm!;tituting about 5 p<:r cent of the earth's crust, they contain
m estimated (JS per rent of the available gnnmdwatcr. S('dirncntary rocks be
consolidated or unconsolidated dqwnding upnn a number of factors such as the of
pJ.rcnt rock, mode of weathering, means of rmnsport, mode of deposition and the extent to
which pack mg, compaction, and ccmcnrari. .n h;:n c been taking place. Sand, gravel and
mixtures of s:md and vcl arc among the unconsolidated sedimentary rocks that form
aquifers. ( .ranular and unconsolidated, they vary in particle size and in the degree of sorting
and rounding (if the particles. Consequently, their wateryielding capabilities vary
considerably. ! lowcvcr, they consururc the best water bearing formations. They are widely
distributed t lUtth out t world and 1·mJChlcc· vt, St!.)nificant nror>ortions of the water used
~ ) 1,) i
in rn:m: c()untri{'s. l.' ncon-olidatcd sedimcruary :H.iuifrrs include marine deposits, alluvial or
xt rcarn JcrtJ:.;its (includinj; dcltaic deposits and alluvial fans), glacial drifts and wind blown
dcpm1ts such a~·; dune sand and locss (very fim· silry deposits). \Vith greater degree of
crHnp'.K!t{)n and Iithificarion, dw unconsolidarcd deposits grade mto consolidated ones when
< ,nginal p( 1n1:·;i tr is lost and secondary pnrtY·~itv fractures a:' in sand stones and ution
channels a;; in lime stories, is introduced. Creal variations in the water yielding capabilities of
iJH'SC forrnatinns can be expected
lgncmi:: rocb. arc those resulu from the C(inling and <:olidification of hot, molten
rnatcriah called rnagrna which originate at great depths within earth. solidification
takes place at considerable depth, the rocks arc referred to as intrusive or plutonir. \X/hile
thoo,c solidifying at or near the grnund surface arc called extrusive or volcanic Pluroruc rocks
;1s gr arc coarse-textured and non porous ;n1d arc not considered to be
:l.l.p.:iCcrs. i lmvcvcr, w11tcr ha:> usual! bc('n found in crevices and fractures and in the upper,
\\ carhcrcd poruon-, of thc";c rock..;, Volcanic rncks, lx-causc of the rcL;tivcly rapid cooling
taking pbcc at th<: surface, arc usualiy fine textured and gbs<>} in appc~1r:rnce. Basalt or imp
l'>C:k, t)TH: of th,: chief rrn:J;:.; of 1h1:; type, can be highl;· p(ffOth ;i.nd permeable as a result of
interconnected openings called vesicles formed by the development of gas bubbles as the
lava (n-ial.
, t.•
nna flcw1m1: at or near the surface) cools. However, the vesicles rnav be filled bv
(-l I ' ,} T
secondary minerals resulting in reduction in porosity and permeability. Basaltic aquifers may
also contain water in crevices and broken up or brecciated tops and bottoms of successive
Metamorphic rock is the name given to rocks of aH types, igneous or sedimentary, which
have been altered by heat and pressur.e. Examples of these are quartzite or metamorphosed
sandstone, slate and mica schist from shale and gneiss from granite. Generally, these form
prior aquifers with water obtained only from cracks and fractures. Marble, a metamorphosed
limestone, can be a good aquifer when fractured and containina solution channels.
l fl sornc sediment ary basins (like the c;anga sedimentary basin) un- . insolidated sediments
are saru tn depths of thousand metres or more and contain permeable horizons at
intervals throughow the depth. :~;urnc or· rhc coarser types like sand and g;ravcl have effective
porositv of lO tu 20 percent of the volume of the material and hence can store and yield
large (.1uantir.i1 . ·s (Jf water The- consulidatcd sedimentary rocks, on the other hand, store and
vield less water. Cavernous limestones pt·kl C(>pious supplies bur st'riking them in wells in a
matter of chance.
I'he search for groundwatt'r i.e. the watci beneath the land surface enclosed in pores of
the suil, rcgollth or bedrocks in greatly aided by remote sensing techniques. The due tu
grnund\1. mer search is the fact that sub-surface geolo~~c clements fnnning aquifers have
almost invariably surface expressions which can be discerned by remote: sensing techniques
l t should be understood at the beginning rhat remote sensing techniques complement and
supplement the existing techniques of hydrogeological and geophysical techniques and are
not a replacement for these techniques.
for convenience, we can divide the aquifers into two groups: (i)Aquifers in alluvia] areas,
and (ii) Aquifers in hard rock areas.
(i) Aquifers In Alluvial A.reas
Most well sorted sands and gravels are fluvial deposits, either in the form of stream
channel deposits and valley fills or as alluvial fans. The remainder are cheniers, beach ridges,
beaches, and some well-deposited dunes. 'Table S.1 lists the keys to detection of such aquifers
on the satellite imagery. Although hydrogeologically significant landforms etc. can be
delineated easily on landsat images, more details are visible on aerial photographs. In
favorable cases landsat images can be used to select locations for test wells. In other areas
locales can be marked for more detailed ground surveys or examination of aerial
...,__. ..._..,,,,_" ........,.,........,.,""-""''................ ., __ , ,_ ..... _
SL No.
SJ:--:I: APE 0 R. F<:.> R:tv.l
1. Stream valleys; particularly wide, meandering (low gradient) streams with a large meander
wavelength and with broad and only slightly incised valleys
2. Underfit valleys represented by topographically low, elongate areas with impounded
drainage or with a stream meander wavelength smaller than that of the floodplain or
3. Natural levees (levees themselves may be fine .. grained materials)
4. Meander loops showing location and relative thickness of point bars
5. Meander Scars in lowland; oxbowlakes arcuate dissection of upland areas
6. Braided drainage channel scars
7. Drainage line offsets; change in drainage pattern; or change in size or frequency of
meanders (may be caused by faults and cuestas as well as by changes in lithology)
l J. Aligned oblong areas of different natural vegetation representing landlocked bars, spits,
dissected beaches, or other coarse and well-drained materials.
1. Drainage patterns imply lithology and dq."'1Tt' of structural control; dramagc dcnsitv (I Iurnid
regions) and drainage texture (and regions) imply f,'1:am size, compaction and permcabiliry.
2. Snowmelt; if every thing else is equal, anomalous early melting snow and greening of
vegetation show areas of ground . water discharge; ice free areas on rivers and lakes.
3. Distinctive types of native ,·cgctation commonly show upstream extensions of drainage
patterns, areas of high soil moisture, and landform outlines (I Iumid regions); abrupt changes
in land cover type or land use imply landforms that may be hydrologically significant but do
not have a characteristic shape.
-k Elongate lakes, sinuous lakes, and aligned lakes and ponds representing rernanents of a
former stream valley.
). Parallel and star dunes.
6. Spliya of parallel linear patterns representing, old alluvial fans or landlocked chenier
l. Soil type; fine grained soils commonly are darker than coarse-grained soils.
3. 'Type and species of native vegetation; vegetation is well adapted to t}1X~ and thickness of
soil, drainage characteristics, and seasonal period of saturation of root zone.
4. Land use and laud cover: for example, percent bare soil may correlate with drainage density;
also for example, native vegetation in lowlands and drainage density; and agriculture on
uplands may indicate periodic flooding.
5. Anomalous early or late seasonal growth of vegetation m areas of high soil moisture, as
where water table is dose to land surface.
1. Uniform or mixed types of native vegetation; some species and vegetation associations are
indicators of wet versus dry sites, thick versus thin soils, or particular mineral compositions
of soils.
2. Contrast between sparse vegetation on topographic highs and denser vegetation in low
(wetter) areas.
3. Texture contrasts at boundaries of grass, bush and forest cover types; possible boundaries of
soil rypes or moisture conditions.
2962 UA&E/97-?A
enlargement by groundwater may be represented on the land surface by topographic
depression, a different soil tone, or a vegetation anomaly at land surface.
Many fractures are vertical, in this case, lmeaments may represent favourable locations for
water wells. Other fractures may be oblique.
_._ ..._..
, , _
SI.No. Description
1. Landforms; topographic relief
1. Cuestas and hogbacks; asymmetric ridges and valleys; flatirons on dip slope and irregular
topography on back slope; uniform distribution of vegetation on dip slope and vegetation
banding parallel to ridge crest on back slope; bajada on dip slope and separate alluvial fans on
back slope.
2. Banded outcrop patterns not related to topography; dosed to arcuate patterns; U-shaped to
Vsshaped map patterns of ridges; sedimentary rock patterns with an igneous core
3. Trellis, radial, annular, and centripetal drainage patterns, partly developed patterns of these
types superimposed on drainage patterns' of other types.
4. Major deflections in stream channels; changes in meander wavelength or changes from
meandering to straight or braided patterns.
5. Asymmetric drainage; channels not centered between drainage divides,
2962 UA&E/97-78
1. Continous and linear stream channels, valleys, and ridges, discontinous but straight
and aligned valleys, draws, swags and gaps.
2. Elongate or aligned lakes, large sinkholes and volcanoes
3. Identical or opposite deflections (such as doglegs) in adjacent stream channels, valleys,
or ridges; alignment of nearby tributaries and tributary junctions.
4. Elongate or aligned patterns of native vegetation; thin strips of relatively open (may be
rights of way) or dense vegetation.
5. Alignment of dark or light soil tones.
(iii} Limitation
Though remote sensing is a versatile tool, the presence of important indicators of
groundwater occurrence can-not always be recognised as such on satellite images especially
where morphological expressions of geologic structures are relatively small. The tone
differences between rock types are indistinct and variation in the inclination of rock · ·
formations minimal.
The limitations of remote sensing in groundwater exploration are:
1. No quantitative estimates of expected yield of wells can be g1ven from remotely
sensed data.
2. No depth estimation of aquifers can be made. It may, however, be noted that
empirical observations show that length of a lineament (fracture zone) is related to the
depth of the lineament.
3. Assessment of quality of water is also not possible. Although the type and vigour of
vegetation present on the land surface does provide a due to the quality of water
4. In high-relief areas, satellite imagery may not be adequate to locate groundwater
controls. Aerial photography may also have to be used.
5. Lateral extent of only those aquifers which are directly exposed or manifest through
land covered e.g. shallow aquifers (vegetation), valley fills etc. can be delineated.
(b) Geophysical
Geophysical methods play an important role in any groundwater exploration work
Geophysical methods detect differences or anarnolies of physical properties within the
earth's crust. Density, magnetism, elasticity and electrical resistivity are the properties most
commonly measured. Experience and research have enabled difference in these properties to
be interpreted in terms of geologic-structures, rock type and porosity, water content and
water quality.
All the four major geophysical methods viz; electric, magnetic, seismic and gravimetic
find their use in groundwater exploration in addition to the method of electrical logging
which is used extensively to study the physical character, especially porosity and permeability
of aquifers penetrated by bore holes. Of the four major methods, electrical and seismic
refraction generally find the maximum use in that order.
In unconsolidated and consolidated sediments, the problem from the geophysical point
of view may more often be not specifically of locating ground\vater as such, but
determination of water table and delineation of saline aquifers from potable water zones. On
the other hand, in igneous and metamorphic rocks where t,:rround'.vater generally occurs in
fissures and shattered zones or in basins of decomposition, the problem is mainly to locate
such structural features which constitute the possible location of the aquifers yielding
sufficient quantities of water.
(i) The Electrical Resistivity Method
'The electrical resistivity of a rock formation limits the amount of current passing through
the formation when an electrical potential is applied. It may be defined as the resistance in
ohms between opposite faces of a unit cube of the material. If a material of resistance R has
a cross-sectional area l\ and a length J ,, then its resistivity can be expressed as
I ·: :. !~1-L (5. l)
In the metric system, units of resistivity are ohms-rrr' /m or simply ohm-rn.
Resistivities of rock formations vary over a wide range, depending upon the material,
density, porosity, pore size and shape, water content, quality and temperature.
(ii) Seismic Refraction Method
This method involves the creation of a small shock at the earth's surface either by the
impact of a heavy instrument or by exploding a small dynamite charge and measuring the
time required for the resulting sound, or shock wave to travel known distances.
Electric logging and other related geophysical tools, such as gamma my, neutron logging,
help to determine where the aquifers are located to reduce the number of failures. Besides,
surface operated equipment, such as the seismograph (non-explosive type) are necessary
adjuncts for maximum groundwater exploitation.
(a) General Hudrologic Equation
Hydrological equilibrium is expressed by the following equation:
IR summation of flows due to hydrological factors of recharge
ID Summation of flows due to hydro logical factors of discharii
More specifically the recharge (LR) is composed of the following:
1. Natural infiltration derived from rainfall and snow melt;
3. Underflow;
4. Leakage through confining layers, or w~ter displaced from them by compression; and
5. Water derived from diffusion, charging and water spreading operations.
Conversely, the discharge includes:
1. Evaporation and transpiration;
2. Seepage into surface bodies of water;
3. Underflow;
4. Leakage through confining layers or absorbed by them by reduction of compression;
5. \\'ater withdrawal through wells and infiltration galleries.
The associated change in storage volumes, L\S, depends on the properties of soil or rock
particularly, the porosity or void ratio, size, shape and compaction of the formation which
are all reflected in the specific yield of the formation. L\S increases with the specific yield.
(b) Rate Of Grounduiaier Flow
The flow of groundwater through aquifers under the hydraulic conditions uf non--
turbulent or straight line flow is governed by Darcy's Law which states that head loss due to
friction varies directly as velocity of flow and is expressed as:
V =:Kl (5 .. 1)
V velocitv of flow in metres per day
l slope of hydraulic grade line, i.c, slope of the groundwater table or
piezometric surface
K Coeff of permeability or proportionality constant for water of a !-,r:tvcn
temperature flowing through a t~\'cn material in metres/day
Q:::: ApV (5.4)
(2 ( iroundwarcr flow in m 1 per day
i\ cross .. section of aquifer in rn2
p porosity of water-bearing medium, it being assumed that the product 'Ap'
represents the areas of the channels through which flow is taking place.
This should not be used for flows having Reynolds number greater than 10. This limit is
generally reached as water approaches face of wells in coarse-grained sandy soils. In practice
no lower limit has been observed even at small hydraulic gradients.
Since 'I' is dimensionless ratio, 'K' has the dimension of velocity and in fact is the velocity
of flow under a hydraulic gradient of unity"
(c) Conditions Of Grounduiater Flour
The groundwater is obtained from aquifers through a "gravity well" or "pressure well" or
an "infiltration gallery".
In the "gravity well" the surface of the water outside of and surrounding the well is at
atmospheric pressure. •
In a "pressure well" the aquifer holds water under pressure greater than atmospheric.
An "infiltration gallery" is a horizontal tunnel or open ditch constructed through the
aquifer in a direction nearly normal to the direction of groundwater flow. The tunnel type of
galle~-y is sometimes called a horizontal well.
If a gravity or pressure well is pumped at a constant rate, the drawdown in the well
around the area of influence will continue to increase until the rate of replenishment is equal
to the rate of pumping i.e. until the equilibrium has been established. The flow into the well
until this equilibrium is established is under "Non-equilibrium" conditions. The flow into the
well after the equilibrium has been established will be under "Equilibrium" conditions and
the flow will be called steady. The steady flow may be "unconfined" or "confined". The flow
in a gravity well is "unconfined" and in a pressure well is "confined".
(d)- Formulae For Floui Under Equilibrium Conditions
+ Direction of the flow of groundwater is horizontal;
+ The flow is at a constant rate and it} a radial direction towards the centre of the
well; and
• The well penetrates to the bottom of the aquifer and is in equilibrium condition
unless it is specified to the contrary.
(i) Flow Into A Gravity Well Under Equilibrium Conditions (Refer Fig 5.1)
The t1ow into a gravity well under equilibrium conditions is given by the formula:
Q = l .36K(H2 -- h2}
Log (R)
Q :::: Rate of flow into well in rn3/d
K Permeability constant in m/ d
H Depth of the water in the well before pumping in m
f-tc--R- · -·-,.. •.
. . ~
. .
* • "
. .
. ..
. ~ . .
. .
. '
' '
• •
. . . .
. . .
. .
.. .
-· - -
...._._....._ ...........
............. ~---
-- - -=--=- -
------------------·· ----··------~----""
_____.... ..........
~ ~
Q = 2.72K.m(H -h)
(R) (5.6)
Log- . ·--
Where, r
• •
. ..· ... ·· :
• f
• •
t ••
•' • •
• If
f t
t ~ II
I • .. I ·•
: : : : •: f .: r: /.,'•: ..· .. •,•a '• ...... f : ./.,/• • ,,,.•
."'. . :.... ·. =·.. z·.. r-: . '·:· .··,·~·· .. :-.; ... ..
.,. •• t • 1
-!· •. ·::· .. •
: ·. : ,·.' .'. ' . : :
: • f • f tt f • ~
.. a •f I • • : .. _
.· ... · ·-:,•
•• : ", : .
•• ' •
. ., ~ . ·· ....
.':... • ~ ·" • , • , "'.:
' '
- - ------
- - -- - - ------
:; '-<.
- -==--
-.:_--= =--=--- - - - =..-=-
......... - - -
- -= =:
R radius of influence in m
r radius of well in m.
(iii) Flow Into An Infiltration Gallery Under Equilibrium Conditions (Refer Fig 5.3)
The expression for the rate of flmv into an infiltration gallery is given by the formula:
. H2 -h"
()::;KL-~- (5.7)
- 2R
rate of flow in m3 Id
K permeability constant in m/ d
L length of the gallery in m
11 initial depth of water level in m
OFF ........_
~ ---"- ACTUAL H
h FLOW <4i--
l PATTERN -4:-
L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~
. I.36K{i-12
() :::: ---
- h2 \ - rl Ir~--7rp
_J p l + 7 ;-- cos -
J] (S.8)
-- L og R L
\ 'i Hi
R = radius of influence in m
r ::: radius of well in m
7tp/2 = angular perimeter in radians
(e) Flow Into Wells Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions Or Unsteady Flow Conditions
The rate of flow under non-equilibrium conditions is given by the expression:
l l4.60Q
p = ~-:- F(u)
250S x2
u=--- (5 .10)
T t
F(u) = well function of u whose values could be found out from the Table at
Appx 5.4 or the type curve at Appendi.x-5.5 for different values of u
Q uniform rate of pumping in lpm
S storage coefficient
t time during which the well has been pumped (expressed in days)
T = coefficient of transmissibility in lpd per metre width
x - distance from the well in m
p draw-down in rn.
Q) Sand Tare considered to be constant
Then, Qxll4.6 _c --
= C, are also constants
T - ·1
250S -
The equations (5. 9) and (5.10) above be written as:
logC, = log- ·- log(u) (5.12)
- t
The values of C1 and C1can be found out from the field observations. Drawdowns in the
observation wells (x metres away from the central well) are observed at different intervals;
when the central well is pumped out at uniform rate.
The measured values of 'p' are plotted as ordinates against measured values of x2 /t as
abscissae on a log-log paper and a curve drawn as at Appendix-5.5
Because of the similarity of expressions (5.11) and (5.12) and the methods of plotting this
curve and the type curve (plotted with values of F(u) as ordinates against values of u as
abscissae on a log-log paper) there is a corresponding point on the type curve which is
displaced vertically by a fixed distance representing Jog C1 and horizontally by a fixed amount
representing log C2. Therefore, a fixed amount of vertical and horizontal shift will bring the
two curves into coincidence.
If transparent paper is used for the plot of the observed data and it is placed over the type
curve, to be shifted horizontally and vertically until a best fit of the plotted points to the type
curve is obtained, then any matching point will identify the values of F (u) and u that
correspond to the values of p and x2/t by which equations (5.9) and (5.10) can be solved for
Tand S.
Though these equations apply rigidly only \Vhen (i) the aquifer is homogenous; (it) the
aquifer is infinite in areal extent; (iii) the well penetrates the entire thickness of the aquifer
(iv) the coefficients of transmissibility and storage are constant at all times and places; and (v)
water is released from storage as soon as the cone of depression develops, they could be
used in the field conditions generally encountered.
This method is very useful for long term prediction of groundwater yield and regional
planning of groundwater extraction (Appendix-5.6)
The subsurface sources include springs, wells and galleries. The wells may be shallow or
deep. Shallow wells may .be of the dug well type, sunk or built, of the bored type or of the
driven type. They are of utility in abstracting limited quantity of water from shallow pervious
layers, overlying the first impermeable layer.
Deep wells are wells taken into pervious layers below the first impermeable stratum. They
can be of the sunk well type or the bored or drilled type. They are of utility in abstracting
comparatively larger supplies from different pervious layers below the first impervious layer.
Because of the longer.· travel of groundwater to reach pervious layers below the top
impermeable layers, deep wells yield a safer supply than shallow wells.
The bottom of the well should be at a level sufficiently below the lowest probable
summer water table allowing also for an optimum drawdown when water is drawn from the
well. Adequate provision should also be made to take care of interference by other pumping
wells. To facilitate infiltration into the well, either the steining is constructed in dry masonary
or, weepholes are left in the steining at suitable intervals. It is usual to insert cut lengths of
pipes in the steining with the outer end covered with a wire gauze and shrouded with gravel
to arrest ingress of fine material..
The large well has an advantage over the small well in its storage capacity and facility for
placement of purnp sets economically. Trouble may often be experienced in the small wells
I through clogging and the entrance of fine sand. This is largely avoided in the large well as the
'I entrance velocity of the water is correspondingly small. Opportunity is also given for the
) settling of fine material.
\XielJs for water supply arc constructed of diameters normally ranging from 3 m and
above. As the cost of a well increases with increase in diameter, more rapidly than does the
. yield, any large diameter should be adopted after a careful consideration.
~"... \,'I'
.l, (ii) Construction Methods
The minimum depth of a well is determined by the depth necessary to reach and
,, ' penetrate, for an optimum distance, the water bearing stratum allowing a maq ..,rin for dry
seasons for storage and for such draw-down as rn:ay be necessary to secure the required yield.
The method of construction employed depends on the size and depth of the well,
characteristics of material to be excavated and quantity of water to be encountered. The
procedure generally adopted is to have open excavation upto the sub-soil water table and
thereafter to commence sinking the steining built in convenient heights, over a wooden or
R.C.C. curb with a cutting edge at the bottom, the curb projecting about 4 ems beyond the
outside face of the steining to facilitate easy sinking. Mild steel holding down rods arc run
from the bottom of the curb through the steining spaced about 2 metres circumferentially,
with horizontal ties in steel or of concrete rings, spaced about 2 metres vertically. The
material from inside the well is dredged· and removed either mechanically or by manual
labour using divers with diving equipment.
(iii) Measures to Increase Yield
Dcwatering the well to an optimum extent is resorted to, during the sinking operations.
'The constructions supervision should ensure uniform vertical sinking of the steining. Entry
for the infiltration water into the well is usually at the bottom below the curb. In order to
reduce the velocity of entry and to abstract a larn;er vield for the same draw-down, weepholes
in the steining at .suitable intervals, horizonta1l/and vertically, would be useful. These could
be of cut length of pipes 75 or 100 mm dia, built into the steining, with wire gauze at the
outer end, which will be kept flush with the outside face of the steining. Such weepholes
would draw water from the pervious layers extending over the depth of the steining, apart
from the influx at the bottom. In the initial stages of pumping and during the training of the
yield, the fines from water bearing strata round each weephole would be drawn out
facilitating a larger influx through each weephole under normal pumping.
Radial strainer pipes arc driven horizontally from the interior of sunk wells into the water
bearing pcrvious strata as a measure of increasing the yield for the same draw down. The
arrangement in effect enlarges the zone of influence of the well. lurthcr details arc given
under Radial Collector \Vclls in
The shallow tube well, also called a driven well, is sunk in various ways depending upon
its size, depth of well and nature of material encountered. The closed end of a driven well
comprises a tube of 40 to 100 mm in diameter, closed and pointed at one end and perforated
for some distance therefrom, The tube thus prepared is driven into the ground by a wooden
block until it penetrates the water bearing stratum, The upper end is then connected to a
pump and the well is complete. \Vhcre the material penetrated is sand, the perforated portion
is covered with wire gauze of suitable size depending upon the fineness of the sand. To
prevent injury to the gauze and closing of the perforations, the head of the shoe is usually
made larger than the tube or the gauze may be covered by a perforated jacket.
Such a driven well is adopted for use in soft ground or sand upto a depth of about 25 m
and in places where the water is thinly distributed. On account of the ease with which it can
be driven, pulled up and redriven, it is especially useful in prospecting at shallow depths and
for temporary supplies. It is useful as a community water standpost in rural area.
(ii) Protection Measures
Special care is necessary during construction to avoid surface pollution reaching the ·
sub-soil water level directly, through any passage between the pipe and the soil. The usual
precaution is to have the perforations confined to the lower depths of the aquifer with the
plain tubing extending over the top few metres of the soil. In addition, a water-tight concrete
platform with a drain should be provided above ground level, in order to deflect any surface
pollution away from the pipe.
(d) .Bored Wells
(i) General
Bored wells are tubular wells drilled into permeable layers to facilitate abstraction of
groundwater through suitable strainers inserted into the well extending over the required
range or ranges of the-water bearing strata. There are a variety of methods for drilling such
wells through different soils and for providing suitable strainers with a gravel shrouding
where necessary.
Bored wells useful for obtaining water from shallow as well as deep aquifers are
constructed employing open end tubes, which are sunk by removing the material from the
interior, by different methods. The deeper strata are usually more uniform and extensive than
strata near the surface, so that in regions already explored, deep wells can be sunk with far
more certainty of success than is usually the case with shallow wells. Methods of sinking
deep wells are in many respects different from those already described and matters of
spacing, pipe friction, arrangement of connections, etc., are much more important than in
the shallow wells.
For bored wells, the hydraulic rotary method and the percussion method of drilling such
wells through hard soils are popular. For soft soils, the hydraulic jet method, the reverse
rotary recirculation method and the sludger method are commonly used.
(ii) Direct Rotary Method
With the hydraulic direct rotary method, drilling is accomplished by rotating suitable tools
that cut, chip and abrade the rock formations into small particles. The equipment used
consists of a derrick, suitable cables and reels for handling the tools and lowering the casing
into the hole, a rotary table for rotating the drill pipe and bit, pumps for handling mud laden
fluid and a suitable source of power. As the drill bit attached to the lower end of the drill
pipe is rotated, circulating mud is pumped down the drill pipe, out through opening in the bit
and up the surface through the space between the drill pipe and the walls of the hole. The
mudladen fluid removes the drill cuttings from the hole and also prevents caving by
plastering and supporting the formations that have been penetrated. For soft and moderately
hard materials a drilling tool shaped like the tail of a fish, the 'fishtail bit' is used. In hard rock
a 'rock bit' or 'roller bit' is substituted. This bit has a series of toothed cutting wheels that
revolve as the drill pipe is rotated.
\Vater wells drilled by the hydraulic rotary method generally are cased after reaching the
required depth, the complete string of casing being set in one continuous operation. If the
water-bearing formation lies so deep that it probably cannot be reached by a hole of uniform
diameter, the hole is started one or more sizes larger than the size desired through the
water-bearing formation. Separate strings of casing are used as required through the separate
sections of the hole. If the formation is so well consolidated that the hole will remain open
without casing, a well may be finished with one string of casing and a well screen.
This method is most suitable for drilling deep holes in unconsolidated formations. It is
unsuitable for drilling in boulders and hard rocks due to slow progress and high cost of bits.
It is also unsuitable for drilling in slanted and fissured formations and serious lost circulation
zones. Mud drilling is harmful in low pressure formations due to mud invasion. The
hydraulic rotary drilling generally requires large quantity of water which may have to be
brought from long distances, if not locally available. Because of adding large quantities of
water and sand or day to the drill cuttings, the hydraulic rotary method is less suitable for
obtaining accurate logs of the strata encountered.
A recent advance is the use of organic drilling fluids instead of inorganic and permanently
gelatinous days such as bentonite. The organics are almost completely self-destructive within
a period of few days which means no drilling muds are left in the pores of the aquifer and,
therefore, almost always higher yields are obtained with accompanying lesser development
expenditures. In addition to higher specific capacities, cleaner holes (more cuttings settle on
the surface equipment) and faster drilling rates also result.
(iii) Percussion Method
In the percussion method of drilling, the hole is bored by the percussion and cutting
action of a drilling bit that is alternately raised and dropped. The drill bit, a clublike, chisel-
edge tool, breaks the formation into small fragment; and the reciprocating motion of the
drilling tools mixes the loosened material into a sludge that is removed from the hole at
intervals by a bailer or a sand pump. The drilling tools are operated by suitable machinery;
which is usually of the portable type mounted on a truck or a trailer so that it can be moved
readily from job to job. This method is best suited for drilling on boulders, slanted and
fissured formations and lost circulation zones. Rate of drilling in alluvial formations,
particularly those having clay or sticky shale strata, is much lower as compared to direct or
reverse rotary methods. Percussion drilling in hard rock is a slow process and is being
gradually replaced by pneumatic rotary drilling because of economy and speed of completion
regardless of the higher initial cost.
'Pneumatic Drilling'
Pneumatic drilling with top-hammer and eccentric bit and pneumatic drilling with down
the-hole hammer are the two principal methods available for drilling in consolidated (hard
rock) formations:
(a) Top Hammer and Eccentric Bit
This rapidly expanding drilling method is most valuable when drilling in hard rocks
covered with difficult over-burden. The overburden, even if it is of the collapsible type,
presents no problem as the method is based on the simultaneous drilling and inserting of
casing tubes down to and even into the bed rock. The principle of the drilling method is as
/\ compressed air powered rock drill with a separate rotation coupled to it, works at the
top of a drill string. r\t the bottom of the string is a tungsten carbide set drill bit, the pilot bit,
to which the impact and rotation is transmitted. Immediately above this bit is a reamer with
a tungsten carbide set cutting edge. With normal rotation to the left, the reamer will swing
out eccentrically and cut a hole which is of larger diameter than the pilot bit, allowing the.
casing tubes which enclose the drill string to enter into the hole at the same pace as the
drilling proceeds. Since no external obstructions can be tolerated on the string of casing
tubes, they will have to be flush-jointed with male and female threads or, preferably, by
welding. 'The cuttings are flushed up between the drill string and the casing tubes. 'To make
this effective and also prevent the formation of large amounts of dust, foam-producing
chemicals are introduced into the flushing air.
(b) Down-the-Hole Hammer
This drilling method, called DTI-·-f for short; permits rapid and effective drilling in rock
and through over-burden which is not susceptible to collapse. In this method the impact
mechanism blows directly on the drill bit and accompanies it down into the hole.
Compressed air for the impact mechanism is supplied through drill tubes which are jointed
as required as the drilling advances. The same air is, after it has passed the hammer, made use
of for flushing. 'The necessary rotation is supplied from a rotation unit connected to the
upper drill tube.
As the drill tubes are not required to transmit the violent impact energy of the hammer,
they can be manufactured with large diameter and stiH be relatively thin walled. This gives the
method better flushing characteristics than conventional top hammer drilling. Theoretically,
the rate of penetration is independent of the hole depth with the DTH method no water is
required during drilling. The equipment is also cheaper and lighter as a much smaller
compression is required than for top hammer drilling.
(iv) Hydraulic Jet Method
This is the best and most efficient method for small diameter bores in soft soils. Water is
pumped into the boring pipe fitted with a cutter at the bottom and escapes out through the
annular space between the pipe and the bored hole. The pipe is rotated manually with the aid
of pipe wrenches with a steady downward pressure. The soil under the cutter gets softened
and loose by the action of the jet of water and is washed with it as the cutter proceeds, down
with the weight of the pipe. Additional lengths of pipe are added till the required depth is
reached. The wash water emanating from the annular space indicates the type of soil that is
being encountered by the cutter. When the desired depth is reached, the pipes are withdrawn
and the well tube with the strainer is lowered by the same process using a plug cutter with
the plug removed instead of the ordinary steel cutter. \Vhen the pipe is in position, the plug
is dropped down to seal the bottom. Then the tube well is deaned by forcing water through
a 20 mm pipe lowered right to the bottom the tube well. Then it is withdrawn and the
pump fitted on top.
For bigger diameter tube wells, casing pipes arc used and mechanically driven pump set is
used for jetting. The tube well pipe with the strainer is lowered into the casing pipe and the
outer casing withdrawn. Generally compressed air is used for developing the well. To
economise the use of water during the operation, the wash water carrying from the bore is
led to a sump wherefrom the water is again drawn for being forced into the bore.
After the required depth is the with the cutter is taken out of the bore and
the well pipe with the strainer is then lowered into the hole. The annular space between the
bore and the well screen is then shrouded gravel.
2962 UA&E/9'7-·-·8B
The total area of the openings in a screen should be such as to maintain an entrance
velocity less than necessary to carry the finest particle of sand that is to be excluded by the
screen. 1 n general, it should be less than about 4 to 6 cm/ s. with gravel shrouding. It is
generally desirable that the length of the screen is slightly less than the thickness of the
aquifer penetrated and placed centrally in respect of the aquifer. The length, diameter and
total area are inter-dependent dimensions that must be adjusted to give the desired entrance
velocity. Son1e margin of safety in screen size is desirable to allow for incrustation and
clo&;,....jngand to prolong the life of the screen.
\\/here the water bearing sand stratum contains little or no gravel, it is very advantageous
to insert. a layer of fine gravel between the strainer and the sand strata, thus permitting the
use of larger orifices in the strainer and greatly decreasing ground friction. The gravel wall so
provided vary in the thickness to suit size and depth of the boring. 1 t rnay vary from
10 cm to 25 cm, but it is usually 10 cm. The size of the gravel to be provided would be
decided by the particle size distribution in the layer penetrated and the slot size in the -well
screens proposed to be adopted. Since screen sizes can now be custom-tailored to fit any
grading of desired gravel, there is a shift from the former multiple (concentrically placed)
or1vel packs
c»t " t. '\... to
,, ~.. s1.
'· n. o.
C>le. ones
" . ._ .
\\/ell effectiveness and performance rnay be adversely affected if the gravel pack ratio,
that is, the mean size of gravel divided by mean size of formation material, exceeds 5.
Beyond this limit, wclb may require longer time for development or, if the ratio is excessive,
they rnay tum out to be sand pumpers ultimately resulting in failure. The gravel size should
be related to the srzc of the formation materials in the finest section of the aquifer materials
against which screen is provided.
Jn gravel packed wells the screen size should be rt'lm~d to the gravel in about the same
manner as il is related to the aquifer materials in a non-gravel pack (for natural pack) well, i.e.
it should correspond to the size that separates C)() per cent of coarser fractions of gravel.
(a) Bimetal Strainers
For small driven tube wells generally of 3 cm to S cm dia, the strainers are generally of
birnetal .. sometimes called jacketed strainers. It consists of a galvanised iron pipe with about
300 rectangular slots of l cm x 1 1 /2 ctn in a standard length of pipe of 1.8 m, having an
area of opening of about 17°/o covered with a brass wircmesh of 24 or 32 mesh which again
is enveloped by a perforated brass metal sheer of 26 gauge, having about 2 to 3 holes of 3
mm dia per cm' or an area of clpcning o about 1 f:lS~/r>. The effective area of opening
resulting ts roughly 5 to 7°~n, These are available upto '] 50 mm dia. Gravel shrouding is not
essential for this type of strainer.
(b) Monometal strainers
The monorneral tvpe is of a single metal with diameters in the range 30 mm to 300 mm
usually Etbricatcd from brass sheet;; 2 or ~~ mm thick. These have Vsl;apcd slots of varying
sizes to permit a proper selection of strainer to suit the sand size in the aquifer. Slots 2.5 mm
wide and JO nun lorwc• arc usual.
!\ thin grnvel shroud (SU to 75 mm) is also provided in some cases.
Sometimes the brass monornetal strainer is strengthened with an inner GJ. slotted pipe
for greater rigidity and longer service.
(c) Slotted Pipe Strainers
Galvanised iron or brass pipes having big.,ger slots about 3 mm in width and 750 mm in
length are provided in-conjunction with pea gravel shroud, 100 mm to 250 mrn thick. The
slots are Vvshaped ·with the smaller opening on the outside. The gravel shroud makes it
possible to use strainers with large sized slots and abstract a larger yield than is otherwise
possible. The slots are preferably to be kept horizontal with unslotted strips left between
successive rows or columns of slots.
The advantage with this type of strainer over the others is that there is less damage by
galvanic action or chockage due to incrustation.
(d) Neto Type of Strainers
Strainers of different makes are marketed claiming specific advantage for each. One such
is a slotted mild steel pipe core, coated with special anti-corrosive plastic paint and provided
with an enveloping graded sand shroud bonded with heat resistant, water repellant plastic.
Strainers made of special alloys such as stainless steel (types 3(.)4 and 316), monel metal,
red brass etc., are also used where indicated and if available..
High density polythene or P.VC. and metal combined strainers are gaining popularity in
view of their non-choking, non-corroding and non-incrusting properties which give long and
uninterrupted service.
4th laver
.. Coarse sand passing through a sieve of 3.35 mm size and retained on
a sieve 1. 70 mm size.
5th layer Fine sand retained on 70 micron sieve and passing through l.7U mm
In the older practice, the pipe was surrounded on three sides by two or three layers of the
coarse media, while the finer layers of the coarse media and sand formed further horizontal
layers on the top alone. This is not quite rational, as the entry into the g"<lllery is also through
the sides and a repetition of all the layers of the enveloping media on both sides of the
collecting pipes is also necessary.
The particle size distribution between each successive layer should preferably be based on
a multiple of four. Precast perforated concrete barrels arc also used as collecting pipes with
the enveloping media on the three sides.
Filter media round the gallery pipe-line may be said to function like graded plugs to
infiltration wel] bottoms. In the latter case, the plug has to be designed to suit the actual
particle sizes of the sub-soil layers on which the well is founded, in order to arrest the entry
of fine particles into the well under continuous pumping operation and to induce a greater
head of depression than is otherwise possible without the plug. I t eventually serves to train
the yield into the well and increase it to an optimum quantity under actual pumping
operations. Likewise, the enveloping media round the gallery pipe line is best dcsig11ed to suit
the actual layers of the sub-soil which will immediately surround the gallery media.
Preliminary boring operations and sieve analysis of samples could help to decide on the
different variations in such sub-soils, so that· if a gallery system was on an extensive scale, the
gallery media could be designed suitably for the different reaches, in order to obtain
maximum yield under optimum heads of depression.
(d) Constructional Features
The constructional features during the execution of such galleries are of importance.
Trenches are dug with adequate shoring or piling facilities right down to the required level
decided upon for the invert of the gallery, which would normally be placed several metres
below the sub-soil water level, a g1·eater depth indicating a greater potential for the yield from
the gallery. The gallery can be laid under water, if dewatering the trench completely for the
purpose is not feasible or economical. Manholes should be provided at intervals of about 75
rn for inspection. These are sunk into the bed before the gallery is laid and the floor of these
wells are taken a little below the invert level of the gallery pipe. The pipes are covered with
RC.C. slab with water-tight manhole frame and cover.
/\ practical limit on the yield potential of the gallery is set by the diminishing effect of the
depression head, if the f,rallery is unduly extended from. a single point of pumping. For
maximum effects to be realised, the r>umptng operations are best located centrally with
reference to the gallery grid, with manhole wells located at the junction of all gallery arms as
also at the blind end of each gallery arm. The arrangcrncnt could be duplicated with a second
pumping point, if the grid system necessary to abstract the required quantity of supply,
should be too extensive and unwieldy for a single pumping point. The limiting factor for rhe
total length of gallery under any ~;ing!e arrangcrnent is t ratio between the total quantity
abstracted and the total sub-surface flow in the river past the gallery section. So long as the
flow abstracted is less than the total flow past the area, additional t,:ra11ery systems could be
inserted in the same area, with one or more pumping points, in order to draw out the
maximum quantity. \X/hen the maximum quantity possible has been abstracted through a
gallery system at a single location, the potentiality of the source at that point will have been
fully exploited. In such a case, any augmentation of the supply from the same river as the
source wiII have to be attempted at a new point either upstream or downstream, with a
distance left in between, such as would bring into the stream course adequate supplies from
the catchment, which could be tapped, without affecting the yield from the gallery already in
\X'hen infiltration gallery systems are inserted in aquifers with confined groundwater, the
rate of abstraction from the gallery must bear a practical relation to the replenishable capacity
of the sub surface area which comes within the influence of the gallery under pumping.
Under certain conditions, the provision ()fa sub-soil barrage or check dam across a river
just downstream of a gallery system, helps in inundating the river-bed area over the gallery
and providing permanent saturation of the sub- soil layers contributing to the yield through
the gallery The barrage is usually keyed into the river-bed on an impermeable layer and into
the banks for it to function successfully. Incidentally, it would also save the gallery system
against damages by scour during floods.
'l 'hcsc steel pipes arc driven horizontally into the aquifer by means of suitable twin jacks
placed in the well and crossing the steining of the well, through the special openings or port
holes. !\t the same time, desanding operation is carried out through the head of the drain
pipes. This operation is very important and results in the removal of all the fine particles in
the alluvium thus increasing the draw-off
This process ensures formation of big sheath around the steel drain, composed of the
coarser particles in the alluvium; this sheath itself forms a drain of large section of a reverse
filter. During the course of desanding, the quantities of sand removed are measured carefully
which enables one to estimate the diameter of the sheath thus formed around the drain.
(b) Advantages
:I (i) The surface of draw-off of collector well is many times greater than that in the case
of an ordinary or traditional well. J t also ensures a very low velocity of flow with a
·I high total yield.
(ii) The danger of clogging is eliminated by the process of desanding which removes
all fine particles around the drains and creates a high sheath through which a large
yield with low velocity is obtained.
(iii) The collector well uses 90% of the head available from the water table whereas
ordinary well under water table conditions can use only 66°/o.
(iv) The collector well is able to obtain high yields varying from 500-2500 m:1 /hr
depending upon the strata and depth of submergence.
(v) The draw-off from a collector well is regulated by valves controlling each radial
pipe. The valves have shafts extending to the top of the well, which make control
and regulation of the supply easy. This also enables the well to be easily cleaned by
closing the valves, if cleaning is ever necessary. 'The facility of cleaning by repeating
the dcsanding process, if at all there is any clogging and resulting falling off in the
yield, ensures a much longer life for the installation, while deaning of infiltration
gallery is difficult and expensive.
(vi) In coarse and saturated river beds, installation of radial collector well system is
cheaper both in capital and operation costs than any conventional method.
(c) Limitations
Q - steady rate of pumping;
t\ area of section of well;
In the above equation, Q, i\ and lit arc known, lib is observed, h is measured and K can
be calculated for each set of observation.
The selection of the pump capacity should be such that a desirable depression is obtained
finally. The time interval lit should be such that the depressions during the time interval are
neither too great nor too small.
\\/hen the water level is maintained constantly after a particular drawdown, the equation
Q = Kh, i.e., the rate of pumping equals the yield for that particular drawdown and sp. cap.
:;::; ()/h
;\ practical way to confidently predict and drawdowns for larger dia gravel packed
permanent production wells is to construct two 65 mm dia test-wells, 0.6 m apart, pumping
one well with a centrifugal pump (about 30 J<J ,/ min capacity) and measuring the drawdown
in the other, The resulting discharge divided b.y the drawdown in the well 0.6 m away is the
expected specific capacity of 1.2 m gravel packed well to be drilled at the site.
and if the well extends half or twothird thn>Ugh the porous stratum, the added resistance will
be but a small proportion. \Vhere the water bearing formation is made up of layers of
different degrees of porosity and the resistance to flow from the stratum to another is great,
the yield will be largdr influenced by the depth the well.
(b) Rate of Draui awl replenishment
l n the case of shallow grounJwatcr supplies, conditions elf equilibrium between flow of
gn.Jl.m(hvatcr and draft- from wells are established and the yield of a collecting system will
continue frorn year to year with little variation except that due to rainfall. In the case of deep
and artesian supplies of large capacity, however, this is generally not true. The effect of the
immense reservoir of stored water commonly present in such cases is such that equilibrium
of slope of pressure is established very slowly and the pressure head or ground"\vater level is
likely to continue to decrease for many vears. l t would be necessary in this case to widen the
area of the well system constantly to increase t depth of pumping.
(c) Yield from Fissures
\Xlhere groundwater flow takes place through fissures and not through the interstices of a
porous material, the effect is greatly to increase the capacity of the material and at the same
time to modify the law of flow. The resistance to flow through large fissures will vary
approximately as the sguarc of velocity instead the first power. As a result, the yield of a
well supplied through fissured sources will not increase at the same rate as the lowering of
the water in the-well, but much more slowly.
! f two or more wells penetrating to the same stratum are placed near together and are
simultaneously operated, the total yield will be relatively much less than the sum of -their
individual yields when pumped independently to the same level. This mutual interference in
wells depends upon the size and spacing of the wells, the radius of the circle of influence of
the wells when operated singly and upon the drawdown. The amount of the interference is
expressed as the percentage of reduction in yield per well below that of a single well
unin flucnccd bv others .
The economical spacing for deep wells will be much greater than for shallow wells and
likewise the economical draw-down and yield per well will be much greater. Questions of the
size and spacing also depend upon the economy of different types of pumps and a correct
solution requires a careful study of all relevant factors governing local conditions.
State Groundwater Departments and Central Groundwater Board have a good network
of observation stations to monitor the water levels and water quality. Some reports on
specific studies are also available which may be consulted.
Flushing can be done either by (i) surging including washing and agitating or by (ii)
pumping and back washing with an air lift
(i) Surging
l f the development operation is to be effective, it must cause reversal of flow through the
screen opening of the formation immediately around the well. This is necessary to avoid the
bridging of openings by groups of particles as can occur when flow is continuously in one
direction. Reversals of flow are caused by forcing the water out of the well through the
screen and into the water bearing formation and removing the force to allow flow to
take place from the formation through the screen and back into the well. This process is
known as surging. The outflow (with respect to the well) portion of the surge cycle breaks
down any bridging of openings that may occur while the inflow portion moves the fine
material towards and through the screen into the well from which it is later removed: Surging
is done by raising and lowering a plunger which on the downstroke forces water outwards
through the screen, the plunger being of either solid plunger or valve t"ype.
between wooden discs, all assembled over a pipe nipple with steel plates serving as washers
under the end couplings, the leather or the rubber discs forming a reasonably close fit in the
well casing.
Before surging, the well should be washed with a jet of water and bailed or pumped to
remove some of the mud cake on the face of the bore hole and anv, sand that mav•. have
settled in the screen. This ensures that a sufficiently free flow of water will take place from
the aquifer mro the well to permit the plunger to run smoothly and freely. The surge plunger
is then lowered into a well to a depth of 3 to S m under the water but above the top of the
screen. i\ spudding motion is then applied, repeatedly raising and dropping the plunger
through a distance of U.5 to 1 rn. T f a cable tool drilling rig is used, it should be operated on
the long stroke spudding motion. l L is imporrarn that enough weight be attached to the surge
plunger to make it drop readily on the down -srroke. i\ drill stem or heavy string of pipes is
usually found adequate for this purpose.
Surging should be started slowly, gradually increasing the speed but keeping within the
limit at which the plunger
. will rise and fall smoothly.. Surging... is,, done for several minutes, the
speed, stroke and time for this initial operation being noted. Then the plunger is withdrawn
and the bailer or sand pump lowered into the well and the sand accumulation in the screen
bailed out and measured. 'lhc surging and bailing operations arc repeated until little or no
sand is pulled into the well. The time should be increased for each successive period of
surging as the rate of entry of sand into the well decreases. The sandpump type of bailer is
generally favoured f<Jr removing sand during development work.
(b) Valne type plunger
The valve type surge plunger differs from the solid type surge plunger: in that rhe former
carries a number of small port holes through the plunger which are covered by sofr valve
Valve type surge plungers are operated in a similar manner to solid plungers. 'They pull
water from the aquifer into the well on the upstroke and by allowing some of the water in
the well to press upward through rhe valves on the down-stroke to produce a smaller reverse
flow in the aquifer. This creation of a greater in rush of water to the well than the Out rush
during the surging operation is the principal and most important feature of this type of
plunger. 'The valve type surge plunger, because of this feature, is particularly suited to use in
developing wells in formations with low permeabilities, since it ensures a net flow of water
into the well rather than out of it. i\ net outward flow can result in rhe water moving
upwards to wash around the outside of the casing since the low permeability of the aquifer
will not permit flow readily into it. Washing around the outside of the casing could cause
caving of the upper formations and thus create very difficult problems. 1\n incidental benefit
gained from the use of this type of plunger ts the accumulation of water above the plunger
with the eventual discharge of some water, silt and sand over the top of the well. The valves
in effect produce a sort of pumping action in addition to the surging of the well and thus
reduce the number of times it is necessary to remove the plunger to bail sand out of the well
Surge plungers can also be operated within the screen. This may be desirable in
developing wells with long screens. By operating a plunger within the screen, the surging
action can be concentrated at chosen levels until the well is fully developed throughout the
entire length of the screen. The surge plungers should, for much use, be sized to pass freely
through the screen and its fittings and not form a close fit in them, as is the case when
operating within the well casing. Special care must be exercised when surging within the
screen to prevent the plunger from becoming sandlockcd by settling of s(i1d above it. For
this reason the use of plunger within the screens should only be attempted by experienced
drillers. Care must also be exercised when using surge plungers to develop wells in aquifers
containing many day streaks or clay balls. The action of the plunger can, under such
conditions, cause the clay to plaster over the screen surface with a consequent reduction
rather than increase in yield. l n addition, surging of the partly or wholly plugged screen can
produce high differential pressures, with a possiblity of collapse of the screen.
(ii) Pumping and Backwashing
(a) High uelocitu jetting
High velocity jetting or back washing of an aquifer with high velocity jets or· water
directed horizontally through the screen opening is generally the most effective method of
well development. The principal items of equipment required are a simple jetting tool, a high
pressure pump, the necessary hose, piping, swivel and water tank or other source of safe
water supply.
The procedure is to lower the tool on the jetting pipe to a point near the bottom of the
screen. The upper end of the pipe is connected through a swivel and hose to the discharge
and of a high pressure pump such as the mud pump used for hydraulic rotary drilling. The
pump should be capable of operating al a pressure of atleast 7 kg/ cm2 and preferably _at
about 10. 5 kg/ cm" while delivering 40 to 45 liters per minute for each 5 mm nozzle. While
pumping water through the nozzles and screen into the formation, the jetting tool is slowly
rot-v-d, thus washing and developing the formation near the bottom of the well screen. The
jetting tool is then raised at intervals of a few centimetres and the process repeated until the
entire length of the screen has been back washed and fully developed. It has been found that
about 10 to 15°/o more water should be removed from the well than jetted into it, creating a
cone of depression and ensuring that the undesirable fines loosened by jetting are purged
from the well. Often air lift or centrifuga.l pumps are used, the major portion of the water
being recirculated through a settling tank to be used to supply the high pressure pump for
the jetting. Simultaneous pumping and jetting provides the means for measuring the progress
of the work If both are terminated for a few minutes until water levels return to static, the
pumping aldle can be commenced with periodic water level measurements to determine the
specific capacity with time of p,~mping. Such measurements provide the theoretical expected
specific capacity, the actual specific capacity (and therefore instantaneous efficiency
measurement) and whether or not improvements are being made with increased
development activity can be ascertained.
The high velocity ierting method is more effective in wells constructed with continuous
slot type w;,;j screens. The greater percentage of open area of this type of screen permits a
more effective use of the energy of the jet in disturbing and loosening formation material
rather than in being dissipated by merely impinging upon the solid areas of the slotted pipe.
J(:tting is the most effective of development methods because the energy of the jets is
concentrated over small areas at any particular tune and every part of the screen can be
selectively treated. Thus uniform and complete development is achieved throughout the
length of the screen. This method is also relatively simple to apply and not likely to cause
trouble as a result of over apphcaticin.
(b) Pumping
Development of gravel packed wells ts aimed at removing the thin skin of relatively
impervious material which is plastered on the wall of the hole and sandwiched between the
natural water bearing formation and the anificially placed gm\ cl. The presence of grnn+
envelope creates some difficulty in accon1plishing the job. Success depends upon the grndtng
of the gravel, the method of development and the avoidance of an excess thickness of gr<n·el
pack. The jetting method, because of its concentration of energy over small areas, ts usuallv
. 90
more effective than the other methods in developing gravel packed wells. 'The thinner the
gravel pack, the more likely is the removal of all the undesirable material, including any fine
sand and silt.
The use of dispersing agents such as polyphosphates at about 6 kg per kiloliter of
washwater effectively assist in loosening and removing snt and day from the aquifer as well
as the face of the drilled hole. Flushing is stopped when the presence of fine sand in the
discharging water is insigniftrant. During development, the discharge should correspond to
the depression of 50 per cent higher than the normal depression at which the rubewell is
later pumped on continuous duty. \X/herc a depression of SU per cent higher than the normal
depression can not be arranged, the rubewell may be over developed so as to yield a
discharge 20 per cent in excess of the rated discharge.
(c) "Testing
/\ tubev . .·ell out of alignment and containing kinks or bends should be rejected because
such deviations cause severe wear on the pu.mp· shaft, bearings and discharge casing and, in a
severe case, might make it impossible to get a pump in or out. If a deep well turbine pump is
to be installed in a tubcwell, the housing should be true to line within permissible limits of
deviation from its top to a point just below the maximum depth at which it is proposed to
set the pump. If an air lift or suction pump is used for pumping, the alignment is not so
important and the same claim has been advanced for the submersible type of pump.· It is
suggested, however, that even if it is intended to install a type of pumping equipment that
will function satisfactorily in an out of line well, the requirements of these specifications
should be en forced.
Tubcwclls arc to be tested for plumbness and alif,tt1ment normally after completion of
dnlling but immediately after the housing pipes arc installed but prior to commencing the
gravel fi1lmg in the case ')f gravel-shrouded tubewells.
In the case of gravcl·shrouded rubewclls, if the pipe assembly is found inclined in a slant
I" 1s1tion before filling the gravels, the assembly should be pulled in a desired direction by
.1pplying force through jacks or by other means with a view to rectifying the slantness and
brin~!;1ng the pipe assembly within the permissible limits of verticality. The gravel operation
shoulJ he undertaken immediately after the vcrticalitv has been tested and rectified. ff
necessary, remedial measures should be adopted in between by means of jacks or any other
mcan-, to bring the pipe assembly w: thin the permissible limits uf verticality.
I :m wells encased with pipes less than 351 l mm diameter, the verticality of tht: tubcwell
:J1all have a deviation not exceeding lO cm per :)() m of depth of the rubcwell and the
dcviari: .n shall be in one direction and in one plane only. The deviation of the rubewell shall
be ddcrmincd accordinv- to the method as recommended in {S: 28UU· 1964.
After the rubcwcll 1s completed, step drawdown rests and recuperation tests arc clone to
dc1crrninc the well characteristics such as specific capacity and coefficients of transmissibilitv
and permeability of the aquifer to select suitable size anJ type of pumps to be installed in the
tube\\ ells as also well spacing.
The water is also collected during aquifer performance test and analysed chemically for
the different constituents depending up(m the use to which the rubcwcll water is to be pur.
2962 UJV:'.E/97--9.A.
(tl) Equipping
A recent innovation is to use airtight packers or seals between pump columns and well
casings to (i) produce less than atmospheric pressurC'i beneath them which enables more
drawdown (a maximum additional of about fan) and concomitant additional yield to be
produced from a well and (ii) prevent oxygen from entering the lower portion of the well and
thus inhibiting the growth of aerobic iron bacteria.
through continued operation, it is actually increased owing probably tu the gradual removal
of the fine material immcdiatelv' surroundinz,, well.
(a) Sur:"Jing
The principal purpose of surging a well is as described in 5.2.(). '1 O(a) (i), to dislodge
dogging and mcrusting material from the screen. Immediately after a well has been surged, it
should bl· ::.trnngly and continuously pumped until all dislodged material has been removed,
Otherwise, the improvement resulting from surging will be only reinporary. Sui:t,~ng is not
always successful and occasionallvI it mavJ cause foermanent damaae.i:.,J
l n surging with a plunger, r he drop pipe is removed from the well and a solid plunger
fitting the welts of the casing is lowered the water in the well. The plunger is
attached tc, a well is moved violently up and down as in spudding, causing water to
into and out of the well through the screen. By placing a check valve in the plunger,
water can be forced through the screen in one direction only. l f the top of the well casing is
sealed, compressed air can be discharged into it to force water violently back through the
screen, If air is permitted lo flow through the aquifer, it may cause "air logging" or clogging
of the aquifer with pockets of air.
2962 UA&E19'7--9f'
(b) Use of Dry lee
Dry ice or solidified carbon dioxide when dropped into a well quickly turns to a ga:;,
generating a strong pressure if the 5ras is confined. The charge is suddently released to fall
into the well and vaporise, generating pressure. The method has its own dangers such as
freezing the hands and suffocation of the operators due to fumes of carbon dioxide and
rupture or lifting of the casing or collapse of the screen. The method is also not to be
advocated because of its practical limitations in operation and utility.
(c) Chemical Treatment
Chemicals such as acids, chlorine and sodium hcxarnctaphospharc may be added to a well
for the purpose of dissolving or dislodging clogging rnetcrial or incrustation on the screen or
in the sand surrounding the screen.
(i) Acids
Acid treatment may be resorted to only where the metal of the screen will not be
seriously attacked by them. They should be introduced in sufficiently high concentrations,
that the acid concentration will reach at least 25 per cent near the screen, by means of a wide
mouthed funnel and 25 mm or smaller dia black iron or plastic pipe. Wh .-n used in long
screens, acid should be added in quantities to fill l .S m of the screen and the conductor pipe
raised 1.5 m after pouring each instalment. 'I 'he acid solution in the wcl] should be agitated
by means of a surge plunger or other suitable means for 1 to 2 hours following \vhich the
well should be bailed until the water is relatively clear and the operation repeated twice or
thrice as necessary. l f acid is added in granular form, the quantity added should be based on
the total volume of water standing in the well, and not on that in 1 he screen only. i\ number
of precautions must be exercised like, all person:. handlmg the acid W('aring go:.~e,h:s ;tnd
water proof gloves, pouring the acid slowly into the water to prcrarc the solution, provision
of adequate ventilation in pump houses or other confined space; around treated wells and
disallowance of personnel to stand in a pit: or a depression around the well during treatment
(as the heavier toxic gases lend to settle in the lowest areas) After :1 well has Ix-en treated, it
should be pumped to waste to ensure the complete removal of all ac1J before it is rurncd ro
normal supply.
(ii) Chlorine
Chlorine treatment (100 to 200 mg/l of available chlorine is needed) wirh usually calcium
or sodium hypochloritc being used as source of chlorine, with proper ag!tarion by the use of
high velocity jetting or Surging with a surge plunger is found to be more dfrctivc than acid
treatment, particularly in loosening bacterial grmvths and slime deposits which often
accompany the deposition of iron oxide. The recirculation provided with the use 11f the
)etting technique greatly improves the effectiveness of rlu- rrcarmcnt The treatment should
be repeated 3 or 4 times to reach every part of the formation that may be affected and it rnay
also be alternated with acid treatment, the latter bc1ng performed first.
(iii) Polyphosphates
Polyphosphates effectively disperse sill<>, clays and the oxides and hydroxides of iron and
manganese and the dispersed materials can be easily removed by pumping. l n addit ion !hey
arc safe to handle and, therefore, find considerable application in the chemical treatment of
For effective treatment, 12.5 to 25 kg of polyphosphates are needed for every kilolitre of
water in the well. !\ solution is usually made by suspending a wire basket or gunn;· bag
containing the polyphosphate in a tank of water. About a kg. of calcium hypochlorite should
be added for every kilolitre of water in the well in order to facilitate the removal of iron
bacteria and their slimes and also for disinfection pui ;1oses. After pouring this polyphosphate
and hypochlorite solution into the well, a surge plunger or the more effective high velocity
jetting technique is used to agitate the water in the well. Two or more successive treatments
mav be used for better results.
No single treatment is suitable for all tubewells. But with proper diagnosing of the well
sickness and taking appropriate steps as discussed above the best and cost effective method
can be selected. Table 5.3 gives well dogging problem and suggested treatment and Table 5.4
gives application of various well rehabilitation methods on different types of formations.
(iv) Disinfection
The procedure to be adopted for disinfection of new or renovated wells etc. is presented
in Appendix 5.8.
?"-"· Chemical clogging Hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid with inhibitor are
added to the well. The dosage can be kept as in the case of
sodium hcxametaphosphare,
3.Bacterial clogging
Chlorine has been found tn be effective in loosening this
type of clogging. Ir not only kills the bacteria but it oxidises
the material, so that it is dissolved. Calcium hypochlorite
should be used to form solution of 20(lmg/litre which is
introduced in well through small polythene pipe. \'(/(' need
280 grn of hypochlorite at 70°·'u concentration for ·1 ,000
litres in water to give a solution o f 2CH l mg/litres for the
killing of bacteria. The well is agitated through surging
method, then left for 10 hrs for removal of slimes by
hailing/ surging or air jening or air lifting
. . . ,.,.,_., ~-
SL Method Employed Unconsolidated Consolidated Consolidated
no. (a) Sand Stone Lime Stone
Dry ice (compressed) Same as Rarely used Not effective
carbon dioxide gas) compressed air
8. Caustic soda Removes oil scum Same as under Same as under (a)
left by oil (a)
lubricated pump Intakes
1\ water works intake is a device or structure
placed in a surface water source to permit
the withdrawal of water from the source. Thev are used to draw water from lakes, reservoirs
or rivers in which there is either a wide fluctuation in water level or when it is proposed to
draw water at the most desirable depth.
(a) Types of Intakes
(i) Wet intakes;
(ii) Dry intakes;
(iii) Submerged intakes; and
(iv) Moveable and floatinz intakes.
(b) Location
The following factors should be considered for locating the intake:
(i) The location where the best quality of water is available
(ii) Absence of currents that will threaten the safety of the intake
(iii) Absence of ice float etc
(iv) Formation of shoal and bars should be avoided
(v) Navigation channels should be avoided as far as possible
(vi) Fetch of wind and other conditions affecting the waves
(vii) Ice storms
(viii) Floods
(ix) Availability of power and its reliability
(x) Accessibility
(xi) Distance from pumping station
(xii) Possibilities of damage by moving objects and other hazards.
Conditions affecting the quality of water will include currents due to wind, temperature
and seasonal turnover and other causes that will bring water of unsuitable quality at the
intake. Channels with high velocity currents carrying floating debris and ice are hazardous to
the safety of the structure. Navigation channels add to the danger of pollution from toilets
and other refuse discharged from ships. Ice floes are hazardous because of its impact on the
structure and closing of the ports even 1U metres below the water surface. \'.\/aves are
hazardous to the superstructure of an intake; also they stir up mud and silt from the bottom
in such quantity as to affect the quality of the water.
l\ studv of the currents in a lake or river should be made before the location of an intake
is selected in order to ensure water of the best quality and the avoidance of polluted water.
An intake in an impounding reservoir should be placed in the deepest part of the
reservoir, which is ordinarily near the dam, to take full advantage of the reservoir capacity
available. Provision for ports at different depths to take advantage of better water quality
should be made.
(c) Design Considerations
The intake structures design should provide for withdrawal of water from more than one
level ro cope up with seasonal variations of depth of water. Undersluices should be provided
for rd ease of less desirable water held in storaze.
In the: design of intake a generous factor of safety must be allowed as forces to be resisted
by intakes are known only approximately. The intake in or near navigable channels should be
protected by dusters of piles or. other devices, aga1nst blows from moving objects.
Undermining of foundations due to water currents or overturning pressures, due to deposits
of silt against one side of an intake structure, are to be avoided.
The entrance of large objects into the intake pipe is prevented by coarse screen or by
obstructions offered by small openings in the crib work placed around the intake pipe. Fine
screens for the exclusion of small fish and other small objects should be placed at an
accessible point The area of the openings in the intake crib should be sufficient to prevent
an entrance velocity greater than about 8 metres per minute ro avoid carrying settlable matter
into the intake pipe. Submerged ports should be designed and controlled to prevent air from
entering the suction pipe. by keeping a depth of water over the port of at least three
diameters of the port opening.
The conduit for conveying water from the intake should lead to a suction well in or near
the pumping station. For conduits laid under water, standard cast iron pipe rnay be used.
Larger conch ,\ts may be of steel or concrete. A runnel, although more expensive, makes the
safest conduit
The capacity of the conduit and the depth of the suction well should be such that the
intake ports to the suction pipes of pumps will not draw air. A velocity of 60 to 90 ctn/ s in
the intake conduit with a lower velocity through the ports will g1ve satisfactory performance.
The horizontal cross-sectional area of the suction well should be three to five times the
vertical cross- sectional area of the intake conduit.
The intake conduit should be laid on a continuously nsmg or falling grade t,> avoid
accumulation of air or gas pockets of which would otherwise restrict the capacity of the
conduit. Impounding Reservoirs
Impounding reservoir is a basin constructed in the valley of a stream to store water
during excess stream flow and to supply water when the flow of the stream is insufficient to
meet the demand for water. For water supply purposes the reservoir should be full when the
rate of stream flow begins to become less than the rate of demand for water.
(a) Choice of Reserooir Site
The suitability of a site must be judged from the following stand points:
(1) Quantity of water available.
(1D Quality of source.
(iii)Possibility of the construction of a reasonably water tight reservoir.
(iv)Distance of the source from the consumer.
(v) Elevation of the supply.
(vi)Possibility of biological troubles in the case of a shallow reservoir.
(b) Physical Considerations
The estimation of the quantity of water which any impounding works will yield is the first
consideration in any scheme. This consists essentially of relating the capacity of the reservoir
(and therefore the height of the dam) to the distribution of run-off from the catchment area
(i.e. the variations in a steam flow) dtiring a period. F~ach catchment area should receive
consideration on its merits as it may prove economical to construct sufficient storage to
provide the increased yield from the driest five or more consecutive years.
1 n the preliminary choice of the site for a dam to impound the required quantity of water,
the first study will be the topography of the valley under consideration. From an examination
of contour maps, alternative sites wil] probably present themselves as worth} of
investigation. A natural construction in the valley will suggest a possible site for a dam,
prelimnary calculations of the potential capacity of reservoirs which rnighr be so formc.I, will
indicate whether such a site could be developed to yidd the quantity requited.
Any scheme designed to develop a particular source only partially should, if possible,
conceived so as to be capable of Further expansion. l lowever, if an earthwork darn is to
built, it should be for the full development the source. F'.ven with the present
of the behaviour and design of earth struc there is an element of fornlitv m
construction of an earth darn which makes it d1 icult to raise its heil?",hr afterwards to
g.rreat extent.
From topographical considerations the alternati vc sites can be resolved m
such terms as, the length of dam required, its height, the value of the land and properly to be
submerged, the effect of its loss on agriculnmd production, the length of roads 10 be
diverted around or over the new reservoir, the proximity and the elevation of the supply. 1\
careful comparison of all these factors will determine which site is to be preferred.
(c) Geological Considerations
The decision as to the practicability of dam construction on a particularly favoured site is
one which rests larzelv on ozeoloaical
(.,.,... o·
considerations; these fall into three categories, viz, the
geology of the catchment area, of the reservoir area and of the dam site itself.
The geological maps should be used to study the nature of the catchment area, the
reservoir area and the dam site. Jn addition, the latter demands a particularly detailed and
exhaustive geological exploration. 'The gcolog.ical features and sequence of the strata in a
catchment may have a profound effect on the distribution of the nm off. 'The presence· of
permeable strata may account for high percolation losses, particularly tf the general direction
of the dip is away from the valley. Permeable strata dipping into a catchment area from a
neighbouring valley may result in increased run-off and a higher dry-weather flow, since the
tendency will be for ·he water stored underground to issue from the strata as springs.
(ti) Site Exploration
The geological investigation should not stop at the determination of a suitable stratum
into which a 'Nater-tight cut-off can be made, but it should extend to the exploration of the
foundations to determine their ability to carry the structure. This will involve the sinking of
numerous trial holes or borings in addition to those sunk along the centre line of the dam.
Preliminary exploration work should also include an examination of the valley slopes
above the dam in order to discover whether the ground in the vicinity of the dam has been
subject to disturbances in the past and whether further movement may occur to endanger
the safety of the dam and its ancillary works.
In general, therefore, the preliminary geological investigations should be as complete and
exhaustive as possible and the expense of such work (often considerable) will be well
justified. Inadequate examination may prove calamitous.
(e) Computation of Storage
To determine the required capacity of a storage reservoir, the first step is to prepare a
table showing the amount. of rain fall by months for as long a period in the past as possible.
Rain records of the Meteorological Department for the locality under consideration are best
If they are not available, the best possible data should be obtained from places at which
conditions correspond as closely as possible to those at the place under consideration. The
required storage is then based 011 the drought year expected once in 30 years. In exceptional
cases, the figures for the drought year expected once in 20 years may be adopted and during
the drought years worse than anticipated once in 20 years, rationing of supplies and more
rational use of water will have to be enforced.
The second step is to obtain and study run off records, if there are any, to determine for
each month of the year the percentage of rainfall available as run off Usually such data. are
very limited and it may be necessary to use known data from an area having similar
The third step is to establish and tabulate monthly evaporation losses. These are based on
reservoir area, which is not known before hand but generally ranges from 3 to 10 per cent of
the water shed area. A table is then prepared to show the expected draft or consumption for
each month of the year. The amount of stream flow for each month is determined from
runoff records or multiplying the rainfall by the percentage of runoff The required quantity
of water is found by adding the consumption and the estimated losses from evaporation,
percolation and leakage.
These data will show the difference between supply and demand for each month. The
required storage capacity will be the greatest total deficiency during any succession of
months when the stream flow is less than the draft on the reservoir.
A mass diagram can be drawn to determine the required storage. The deficit value
occurring one in 30 years may be statistically worked out and used.
Other information furnished by the mass diagram includes; (1) date that the reservoir is
full and stops overflowing; (2) dates that the reservoir is full and starts overflowing; (3) the
dates that the reservoir is empty; (4) the dates that the level of the surface of the water in the
reservoir stops falling and starts to rise, the reservoir not being completely empty; and (5)
whether the flow of stream is sufficient or insufficient to fill the reservoir.
The volume of water that can be held in the impounding reservoir can be determined
approximately by multiplying average surface areas between contours by contour interval or
the prisrnoidal formula may be used.
h (5.15)
V = 6 (Ai+ A2 + A3)
V :::: Volume between contours, corresponding to surface areas t\ and Ay
A1, 1\2• & A3 ;;::: Respective areas enclosed within lower, medium and upper contour, where
contour interval is h.
(f) Biological Considerations
The catchment area should be prepared so that water from the collecting grounds can
flow quickly into the reservoir instead of collecting in pools and swamps where it can pick up
organic matter. The area to be submerged should be prepared by cutting all the trees and
bushes close to the ground and burning out the vegetation. Roots that may be exposed to
wave action should also be removed. Buildings, barnyards, manure heaps and such sources
of pollution should also be carefully removed from the area to be flooded. The margins of
the reservoir should be dressed to avoid irregularities where the water may collect in stai:,"'iUlnt
pools and favour the growth of weeds. Plants can be removed physically from margins or in
reservoirs which mav, be tedious and ff1ay not be very, efficient. Caution has to be exercised in
the use of herbicides, as it can impart oily or musty odour to water and can be toxic to fish.
Channels should be cut to pockets within the reservoir bottom to promote self-draining
when the level is lowered. The reservoirs should be made as deep as practicable. They should
consist of at least two compartments for reasons explained in cQ) (i) (dd). 'The intake
should permit water to be drawn off at different depths so that the operator can change the
depth of draft to exclude the algae laden water,
(g) Reserooir Management
(i) Silting
Loss of capacity due to the deposition of silt in a reservoir may impair, if not destroy, the
use fullness of the reservoir in a few years. l t may be minimised by proper site selection,
erosion control, reservoir operation and desilring works. The reservoir site may preferably be
chosen on a non-silt bearing stream, or the reservoir may be located in a basin off the main
channel so that heavily silt-laden waters may be by-passed around the basin. Reservoirs
should be located on the smallest drainage area possible. The rate of silting (hectare metres
per year per sq. kilometre ) under Indian conditions varies from 0.1 to 0.2
After silt has been deposited in a reservoir, there is no practicable method, widely
applicable, for removing it other than to operate gates in the darn to flush out the silt to
some extent at times of high stream flow. Dredging is expensive and the disposal of the
dredged material presents a serious problem
Soil erosion and control are closely related to the silting of reservoirs since without
erosion there would be no silting. Erosion prevention methods recommended for soil
conservation include proper crop rotation, ploughing on contours, terracing, strip cropping,
protected drainage channels, check darns, reforestation, fire control and grazin!~ control.
Hence it is necessary to provide for silting capacity for all impounding reservoirs, based
on studies or data pertaining to similar catchments.
(ii) Evaporation
By evaporation, a process by which water passes from the liquid state to the vapour state,
water is lost from water surface and moist earth surfaces. Hence it is of importance in
determining the storage requirements and estimating losses from impounding reservoirs, and
other open reservoirs. Evaporation from water surface is influenced by temperature,
barometric pressure, mean wind velocity, vapour pressure of saturated vapour and vapour
pressure of saturated air and dissolved salt content of water. The evaporation loss in storage
tanks in India amounts to 2-2.5 m/year. It is essential that the available surface storage is
adequately protected from evaporation as losses upto 30°/1) can be reduced economically.
A. number of liquid and solid organic compounds have the property of spreading on the
water surface and forming a thin film. Ir is possible to select organic: compounds which give
monomolecular films and are capable of expansion and contracton by wave action thus
being undamaged under field conditions. Such a monomolecular film offers resistance to the
evaporating water particles as a result of which the rate of evaporation is reduced.
Hexadecanol or Cetyl alcohol and Octadecanol or Stearyl alcohol or a mixture of these
two chemicals is commonly used for suppressing evaporation from lakes and reservoirs.
NOlGEN-·101, which is mixture of Cetyl and Stearyl alcohols and indigenously available
may be used for suppressing evaporation from lakes and reservoirs by spraying on water
surface so as to cover the entire surface with this film. The chemical can be used in solution,
i.11 pO\VOer form or as an emulsion. Sprayi11g m powder form is the simplest and most widely
used process. i\ dose of 1.2 kg/hectare/ day is adequate for wind velocities below 8 kmph.
(iii) Seepage
Seepage occurs wherever the sides and bottom of the reservoir are sufficiently permeable
to permit entrance of water and its discharge through the ground beneath the surrounding
hills. Apart from making them impermeable to the extent possible economically, erosion
control measures such as proper crop rotation, contour ploughing, terracing, strip cropping,
reforestation or afforestation, cultivation of pcrrnanent pastures and the prevention of f:.11.1Uy
formation though the construction of checkdarns could also be useful on a Jong term basis.
(iv) Algal Problems
Reservoir management is also of value in reducing the algal problems. Small inflows of
water rich in organic matter should be bypassed wherever possible instead of allowing them
to infect the main body of the water. 'The water weeds in the reservoir should be controlled
by suitable methods such as dra&~ing ·and under-water cutting. Algicidal measures as
described in chapter 9 may be adopted to control algae in reservoirs.
CHAPTEi:R.·· 6
Water supply system broadly involves transmission of water from the sources to the area
of consumption, through free flow channels or conduits or pressure mains. Depending on
topography and local conditions, conveyance may be in free flow and/ or pressure conduits.
Transmission of water accounts for an appreciable part of the capital outlay and hence
careful consideration of the economics is called for, before deciding on the best mode of
conveyance. \Vh1le water is being conveyed, it is necessary to ensure that there is no
possibility of pollution from surrounding areas.
Economical sections for open channels are generally trapezoidal while rectangular
sections prove economical when rock cutting is involved. Uniform flow occurs in channels
where the dimensions of the cross-section, the slope and the nature of the surface are the
same throughout the length of the channel and when the slope is just equal to that requirer!
to overcome the friction and 01J1er losses at the velocity at which the water is flowing
Open channels have restricted use in water works practice in view of the losses due to
percolation and evaporation as also the possibility of pollution and misuse of water. Also
they need to be taken along the gradient and therefore the initial cost and maintenance cost
may be high. \v'hile open channels and canals are not recommended to be adopted for
conveyance of treated water, they may be adopted for conveying raw water. Sometimes
diversion channels meant for carrying floodwaters from other catchments are also used to
augment the yield from the reservoirs.
Aqueducts and tunnels are designed such that they flow three quarter full at required
capacity of supply in most circumstances. For structural and not hydraulic reasons, gravity
tunnels are generally horseshoe shaped.
Gravity flow tunnels are built to shorten the route, conserve the head and to reduce the
cost of aqueducts, traversing uneven terrain. 'They are usually lined to conserve head and
reduce seepage but they may be left unlined when they are constructed by blasting through
stable rock.
Mean velocities, which will not erode channels after ageing, range from 0.30 to 0.60 rnps
for unlined canals and l to 2 metres per second for lined canals.
They are ordinarily circular in section. In the case of pressure tunnels, the weight of
overburden is relied upon to resist internal pressure. \Xlhen there is not enough
counter-balance to the internal pressure, steel cylinders or other reinforcing structure, for
example, provide necessary tightness and strength.
Pipelines normally follow the profile of the ground surface quite closely. Gravity pipelines
have to be laid below the hydraulic gradient Pipes are of cast iron, ductile iron, mild steel)
prestresscd concrete, reinforced cement concrete, GRP, asbestos cement, plastic etc..
The design of supply conduits is dependent on resistance to flow, available pressure or
head, allowable velocities of flow, scour, sediment transport, quality of water and relative
6.2.1 FORMUL.t\E
There are a number of formulae available for use in calculating the velocity of flow.
l Iow ever, Hazen-Williams formula for pressure conduits and Manning's formula for free
flow conduits have been popularly used.
(tl) Hezen-williams Formula
The Hazen-Williams formula is expressed as:
V ::.:: 0.849 C r0·63 S054 (6.1)
For circular conduits, the expression becomes
v :;:: 4.567 x 1 o' c d0·63 s0·54 (6.2)
Q - discharge in cubic metre per hour
d ··- diameter of pipe in mm
V velocity in mps
r - hydraulic radius in rn
S tz: slope of hydraulic gradeline and
C Hazen- Williams coefficient
A chart for the Hazen-Williams formula is given in \ppcndix 6.1.
1 [( k ) 2.51 ]
J7=::.-2log10 - 3.7d +Reif
f Darcy's Friction Coefficient
Re - Reynold's Number = Velocity x Diameter/Viscosity
cl Diameter of pipe ; k :::: Roughness projection
For more details of the Colebrook-White formula, reference may be made to any
standard reference book on Fluid Mechanics. Recommended Design Values of roughness (k)
for pipe materials are shown below.
I 1·--N~;-·-·-1 D~si~
diameter) and relative roughness (d/k). For Reynolds number greater than 107, the friction
factor "f ' (and hence the C value) is relatively independent of diameter and velocity.
However, for normal ranges of Reynolds number of 4DOO to 106 the friction factor cf' (and
hence the C value) do depend on Diameter, Velocity and relative roughness.
PVC, Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) and other plastic pipes are inherently more smooth
compared to Asbestos Cement (AC), Concrete and cement mortar/epoxylined metallic
pipes. Depending on quality of workmanship during manufacture and the manufacturing
process, the .AC, Concrete and cement mortar/ epoxylined metallic pipes tend to be as
smooth as PVC) GRP and other plastic pipes.
The metallic pipes lined with cement mortar or epoxy and Concrete pipes behave as
smooth pipes and have shown C values ranging from 140 to 145 depending on diameter and
velocity. Reference may be made to « Manual of Water Supply Practices", AWWA/M9
published by American Water \Vorks Association (A\VWA), second edition 1995.
With a view to reduce corrosion, increase smoothness, and prolong the life of pipe
materials, the metallic pipes are being provided with durable smooth internal linings. AC,
Concrete and cement mortar/ epoxylined metallic pipes, PVC, GRP and other plastic pipes
rnay not show any significant reduction in their carrying capacity with age and therefore the
roughness coefficient values (C values) should not be substantially different from
those adopted for new pipes.
However, pipes carrying raw water are susceptible to deposition of silt and development
of organic growth resulting in reduction of carrpng capacity of such pipes. In case of buildup
of substantial growth /buildup of deposits in such pipes, they can be removed by scraping
and pigging the pipelines. Reference may be made to Chapter 10 section 10.3 of this manual
('Preventive maintenance- deaning of pipes').
Unlined metallic pipes under several field conditions such as carrying waters having
tendency for incrustation and corrosion, low flow velocity and stagnant water and alternate
wet and dry conditions (resulting from intermittent operations), undergo substantial
reduction in their carrying capacity with . Therefore lower 'C" values have been
recommended for design of unlined metallic: pipes As such, use of unlined metallic pipes
should be discouraced. C.1
The values of the Hazen-Williams coefficient 'C' for new conduit materials and the values
to be adopted for design purposes are shown in Table 6. L
2962 UMA:'.iS?··-101\
Presrressed Concrete
@ Tbe C zialuesfor nen. pipes indt1ded in the 'J~ible 6. ! arefor detennini1~g tbe acceptahifi(y
of sutface finish of new pipelines. The user agenry may speti[y that flow test JJJ{!y be
conducted for determining the C ualues qf laid pipelines.
# Tbe q11a!iry ef,ga!vanizjng should he in accordance with the relevant standards to ensto»
resistance to corrosion through out its desi;_gn life.
* For pipes ef diameter 500 mm and above; the range of C vaft1es mqy befro» 90 to 125
for pipes less than 500mm ..
** In the absence ef specific data, this value is recommended. H oneier; i11 case mtthenlicfield
data is avail.able, higher values 1tpto 130 mttY be adopted
The coefficient of roughness for use in Manning's formula for different materials as
presented in Table 6.2 m.ay be adopted generally for design purposes unless local
experimental results or other considerations warrant the adoption of any other lower
value for the coefficient. For general design purposes, however, the value for all sizes may
be taken as 0.013 for plastic pipes and 0.015 for other pipes.
--·----------------· --·--------------
Type of lining Condition n
Type of lining Condition n
_ _,.,., ·--
(d) In poor condition 0.035
(e) Partially obstructed with debris or weeds 0.050
Steel (a) Welded 0.013
(b) Riveted 0.017
(c) Slightly tuberculated 0.020
(d) Cement Mortar lined 0.011
Cast Iron & (a) Unlined 0.013
Ductile Iron (b) Cement mortar lined 0.011
Asbestos Cement 0.012
Plastic (smooth) 0.011
Note : Valuesof n mqy be taken as 0.01 Sfar unlined metallicpipes and 0.011 far phsticand other
The friction factor values in practice for commonly used pipe materials are given in Table 6.3.
I ! I -~ __
SI. No Pipe M~1teri;i_--!Dia~et~(mm) __!'._~~~on Factor --~
f__ 1_~
-=- -~~:.~E.~~~~~==~~,·~- 1-~~- --~)o~- --~().01 to 0.02 11 0.01
to . 0.021
metallic pipes
(Cast I rem, Ductile
j Iron, Steel)
[~-~-~~--]---~--~~~~--:-. .- -. -=--. .-.- 15--J=.2-~~ 0. 014- to 0.03 0.0315 to 0.06
(Reference may be made to I.S. 2951 for calculation of Head Loss due to friction according
to Darcy-Weisbach formula) .
Recommended 'k' values for use in Colebrook-White formula are shown in 6.21 (d).
(ii) If there is a choice for use of pipe friction formulae, Darcy-Wiesbach yields
accurate results but involves extra computational effort and therefore Hazen-.
V/i:lliams (ll\Xl) formula is commonly used. The Modified Hazen Williams
(MI-I\X0 formula being an improvement was suggested for use in lieu of Fl:\'~1
formula. 'The MH\V formula shown in Para 6.2.4 is derived from Darcy-
Weisbach (DW) and Colebrook- \X'hite equations. Since the friction coefficient
depends on relative roughness of pipe and Reynolds number; CR values also have
to be varied for various diameter and velocity combinations to give correct
estimation of the frictional resistance which also results in extra computational
efforts. Average CR values are given in Table 6.4 for use in the Modified Hazen
Williams formula which will estimate fr<-:•;,·naJ resistance within ±5% accuracy as
per Table 6.4. Darcy-Weisbach formula coupled with Colebrook-White equation
gives most accurate results followed by modified Hazen-Williams formula and
Hazen-Williams formula.
(iiD It is significant to note that irrespective of the formula used for estimation of
frictional resistance, it is necessary to adopt different roughness coefficient values
for the various velocity-diameter combinations if the frictional resistance is to be
accurately estimated involving changing the C values, k or "F or CR values for the
same pipe material. In design, various velocity-diameter combinations are required,
V = viscosity of liquid
For circular conduits, VX>0c for water= 10.6m2/s andg = 9.81 m/s2
The Modified Hazen \Villiams formula derived as
v = 143.534 CR ro.6575 S0.5525 (6.9)
h= [L(Q/CR)L81]/994.62D4·81 (6.10)
in which,
V velocity of flow in rn /s;
CR pipe roughness coefficient; (1 for smooth pipes; <1 for rough pipes);
r hydraulic radius in m;
s friction slope;
D internal diameter of pipe in m;
h friction head loss in rn;
percent in carrying capacity of pipes with age. Studies have revealed that chemical and
bacteriological quality of water and velocity of flow affect the carrying capacity of pipes with age.
The data on existing systems in some cities have been analyzed along with the experimental
information gathered during the study to bring out a rational approach to the reduction in carrying
capacity of pipes with age.
The Ct<. values obtained in such studies have shown that, except in the case of er and steel pipes
while carrying corrosive water, the current practice of arbitrary reduction in 'C' values as per Sec.
6.2.2 results in under utilization of ptpe material to the extent of 38 to 71 percent for Cl pipes for
non-corrosive water; 46 to 93 percent for RCC pipes and 25 to 64 percent for i\C and JIT)PE pipes.
(1i) design period of 30 years, no reduction in CR needs to be effected for RCC, AC,
PVC and I IDPE p1pes irrespective of the quality of water. However, care must be
taken to ensure self-cleansing velocity to prevent formation of slimes and consequent
reduction in carrying capacity of these pipes with age.
(iii) For design period of 30 years, 15 perccn t reduction is required for unlined CI and DI
pipes if non-corrosive water is to be transported. 'The design must also ensure self-
cleansing velocity.
(iv) While carrying corrosive waters, unlined CI, DI, and steel pipes will loose 47 and 27
percent of their capacity respectively over a design period of 30 years. Hence, a cost
trade-off analysis must be carried out between chemical and bio-chernical correction of
water quality, provision of a protective lining to the pipe interiors and design at reduced
CR value for ascertaining the utility of Cl, DI and steel pipe material in the
transmission of corrosive waters.
Recommended CR values are presented Table 6.4. The use of the recommended values in
conjunction with Modified Hazen-Williams formula or the nomograph will permit fuller utilization
of pipe materials,
Pipe Material
Diameter{mm) Velocity{m/s) CR Value CR Value For
When Design Period
New of 30 Years
/ I ~~ ...-T~ ~ j_::~om To j j
1.- ~~- '- RCC . I 100 I 200~ T 0.3 1.8 1.00 I 1.00 I
[ - :· ....Ii~~--·--------·~·--.-~--~00 _Qoo I 0.3 2.0 1.00 I 1.00 J
-··---1-------Trurune;e,<mm3Tr~i;;-ci,Y(ffi1~·---···-· ---· -· · -·-··-----
13-.- HI5~ff;7t~:ri·>,.rc···----·--r-26--··T·--·-·1 c)(').... -r. {i3T·-1~s-1---1:oci-·-----1-- --1·.(5(5·--· ·· ··-1
~1 ~;;,o;.,e:wi;~100
positive Langelier's I
-1000.f o.3- u-r-1 ~m-i-- o.85;:---···--
: unr index)
cF-~r waters -i--10T1o"oof013
1.a ··-1-1J)()
I ·--·--···
with negative
Langelier's index)
Metallic pipes lined
with cement mortar
~-~·- · - 1
0.3 2.1
LOO 1.00
Type of Fitting j
. ·--··-·--··--·-···~· HTTINGS
Value of K
,_I _s-~u_d_d_e_n_c_o_. o.s- - (_.l._s __,I
r_::;nm ~guiv~~fpipe
~1~1-- -- ~ ~-- - t ~ +-- : ~ ---~-
F~CF--~-;----1--:!!l - ----~-~-----~
· The cost of transmission and distribution system constitutes
- -=
a major portion of the
project cost. It is desirable to adopt the following guidelines:
~(i) The design velocity should not be less than 0.6 m/s in order to avoid depositions
and consequent loss of carrying capacity.
/(ii) 1n design of distribution systems, the design velocity should not be less than 0,6
m/s to avoid low velocity conditions which may encourage deposition and/or
corrosion resulting in deterioration in quality. However, where inevitable due to
minimum pipe diameter criteria or other hydraulic constraints, lower velocities
may be adopted with adequate provision for scouring.
(iii) In all hydraulic calculations, the actual internal diameter of the pipe shall be
adopted after accounting for the thickness of lining, if any, instead of the
nominal diameter or outside diameters (OD).
(iv) In providing for head loss due to fittings, specials and other appurtenances,
actual head loss calculations based on consideration included in subsection (i.2.9
should be done instead of making an arbitrary provision.
external loads.
(c) The life and durability of pipe as determined by the resistance of cast iron and steel
pipe to corrosion; of concrete and A.C. pipe to erosion and disintegration and
plastic pipe to cracking and disintegration.
(d) The ease or difficulty of transportation, handling and laying and jointing under
different conditions of topography, geology and other prevailing local conditions.
(e) The safety, economy and availability of manufactured sizes of pipes and specials.
The life and durability of the pipe depends on several factors including inherent strength of
the pipe material> the manufacturing process along with quality control, handling, transportation,
la.yi.ng and jointing of the pipeline, surrounding soil conditions and quality of water. Normally,
the design period of pipelines is considered as 30 years. Where the pipelines have been
manufactured properly as per specifications, designed and installed with adequate quality control
and strict supervision, some of them have lasted more than the designed life provided the quality
of water is non-corrosive. However, pipeline failures for various pipe materials even before the
e.xpiry of the designed life have been reported probably due to lack of rigid quality control
during manufacture and installation, improper desi&rn, presence of corrosive waters, corrosive
soil environment, improper bedding and other relevant factors.
Lined metallic pipelines are expected to last beyond the normal design life of 30 years.
However, the relative age of such pipes depends on the thickness and quality of lining available
for corrosion. The cost of the pipe material and its durability or desit:,m life are the two major
governing factors in the selection of the pipe material. '{he .£ipeline may have ve~y.J.:?ng life bt!t
rnay also be relatively expensive in terms of capital and recurring costs and, therefore, it J.LY.£.!l
..,:..------ - ' ·---~··-----~-----
nece~~:I ..£~?-~~rryout a -~etailed ~C?.:1~~.aJysts~efore selecting a pipe mat~ial.
The metallic pipes are being provided with internal lining either with cement mortar or epoxy
so as to reduce corrosion, increase smoothness and prolong the life.
Underground metallic pipelines may require protection against external corrosion depending
on the soil environment and corrosive ground water, Protection at,r,iinst external corrosion is
provided with cement mortar guiniting or hot applied coal-tar asphaltic enamel reinforced with
fibreglass fabric yarn.
The determination of the suitability in all respects of the pipeline for any work is a matter of
decision by the engineer concerned on the basis of the requirements for the scheme. A
checklist in Table 6.7 for selection of pipe material has been provided to facilitate the decision
makers in selecting the economical and reliable pipe material for the given conditions.
j SNo I Attribute j . Type of Pipes I Remarks
if any
11 J Hydraulic smoothness ( C V aJue ) I I I l I I ! i I l
12 j Structural strength for external loads I I I I I I I I
13 I Strength to sustain internal pressure I I I I I i !~, I
14 I FJ.ase in handling, transportationand storage I ! I
'I I I i !
I ! I I I
] 5 J-Capac1ty to withstand damage in handling and maintenance
I l ' '
I6 j Resistance to internal corrosion . I I j
I7 I Resistance to external corrosion I I I
I8 I Resistance to heat/sunlight ~ I j I
j 9 I Resistance to rodent attack I I ·-·r---,.----r-----;.------T---~---~!
j 10 I Sustainabilty in Black Cotton Soil I ! I I
11 I Reliabilty and effective joints
I I . I
,.__~_._~f--+l~-+----r---J~. --.....-;-~--ir----~r----r----+-~~~~j ]
3 ! Ease in maintenance and repairs
jfT4~T,-U-se_e_xp_e_ri-en_c_e ~·-----;-l! ---;------riI -_,,_l
! ~---r---r--~--;-~~-----;---;-----r---~------i1
I. ---i
I I Recommended size range for I I
I I ! I I I
I I l
I I Rising Main I I' I I I I I I
I I Gravity Main '!
! I I I I I I
! I I
I Distribution Main '
Note Weight.age 0 to 10 numbers m relation to the significance of the attributes (10 stands for highest quality) may be considered.
Use of this checklist is strongly recommended for large and medium projects (more than
15 Mld). The checklist can be filled up based on the merits and demerits of relevant pipe
materials. It is necessary that a quantitative and qualitative assessment is made to arrive at
the most economical and reliable pipe material.
The project report should include provisions for addressing the less favourable attributes
along with the cost estimates for the same. Risk factors should be identified and stated
clearly in the project report. Risk analysis should be carried out to arrive at the correct
decision in selecting the pipe material.
\X/ater utilities often procure pipes from one manufacturer/supplier under one contract,
procure the valves and fittings from another manufacturer.' supplier under another contract
and have them installed under another contract rather than entrusting the entire work of
Manufacture, Supply, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of pipelines to a single
agency. 'This procedure is resorted to on the plea that it results in economy and saves time.
ft is seen that wherever single contracts are not awarded for the entire work of
Manufacture, Supply, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of pipelines to a single
agency, the responsibility for performance of the pipelines could not be assigned to any
particular agency. Time delays if any, in procurement of fittings and valves will also affect
the completion of the contract and also results in cost overruns: Quite often, at the time of
commissioning, deficiencies are noticed which might be due to failure at the manufacturing
stage or due to transportation handling, or laying/jointing defects or failure of fittings and
Hence it is desirable that all pipeline contracts are awarded. on a single contract
responsibility so that quality assurance at various stages of manufacture, supply, delivery,
laying, jointing and testing is taken care of by a single agency and the timely completion also
rests with a single agency; this may result in receipt of competitive offers and hence results in
economy. Further, the water utility's time and resources which otherwise are spent in
monitoring the performance of several small contracts can be better utilised for quality
management of the contract. This may ensure economy by timely completion and quality
However it is necessary that the specifications for single contract responsibility have to he
comprehensive and provide for penalty in delays so that the time and cost over runs can be
avoided There will be several site specific conditions and circumstances for the pipeline
installations which vary to such an extent that it is very difficult to recommend a simple/
single all inclusive set of specifications for the pipeline contracts. A check list for drafting
specifications for Manufacture, Supply, Laying, Jointing, Testing and commissioning of
pipelines for procurement through a single agency is furnished. Judicious selection of items
which cover cross country or city installations is required.
Section 1 - General
1.1 Scope of work
1.2 Definitions of client, contractor, engineer etc.
l.3 Drawings and documents referred to
1.4 Reference Standards
1.5 Penal clauses for failure to meet the time schedule & performance standards and
'l.6 Basis for Prices; to include all pipes, fittings, valves, jointing materials, including
labour, cost of factory testing, lining, coating, marking and all other incidental
expenses for manufacture, transportation, insurance and delivery at site. (any
exclusions/inclusions may be clearly specified)
Section 2 - Detailed Requirements - Pipes
2.l Material for pipes (standards for materials), manufacturing operations, testing and
2.2 Diameter of pipe
2.3 \Vall thickness/other dimensions of the pipe
2.4 Class of pipe
2.5 Laying length
2.6 Pipe ends-flanged-socket/spigot/plain ·
2. 7 Special pipe lengths and special fittings
2.8 \\forking Pressures
2.9 Pipe lining and coating both for buried and exposed pipes
Section 3 - Transportation and delivery at site
3.1 Type of trucks used for transportation-length/weight
3.2 .Handling equipment for loading and unloading
Section 4 - Field Joints for Pipes
4.1 Requirements for machined couplings/ ends
4.2 Flanged/joints, pitch circle, blots type, gasket quality
4.3 \Veldedjoints-rnns-thickness
Section 1 - Instruction to Bidders
1.1 Procedure for invitation of bids
1.2 Instructions to bidders
1.3 Bidders proposal to include plan/ progrnrnme for construction
1A Agreement and performance bonds
Section 2 - General Specifications
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Scope of Work
2.3 Payment conditions
2.4 Statutory Requirements- Payment of wages-Policy-Environment control-safety
2.5 Personnel
Section 3 ~ Detailed Specifications
3.1 Time Schedule
3.2 Construction facilities R.ight of \vay - storage space interference with other
3.3 \Vork and materials
3.4 Concrete
3.5 Excavation - Bracing of excavation ·· Safety to public Disposal of excess material
from excavation
3.6 Maintenance, removal and reconstruction of other interfering facilities
3. 7 Safeguarding of excavations and protection of property
3.8 Backfill
3.9 Resurfacing of roads within city and outside
Section 4 - Pipes
4.1 Approval of drawings for laying
4.2 Distribution along trench
4.3 Preparation of bedding
4.4 Lowering and laying
4.5 Jointing
4.6 Inspection and tests
4. 7 Bends, manholes, outlets
4.8 Joints- Flanged, bolting materials and gasket- machined ends - welded joints
4. 9 Field touch up of site joints.
Most of the old Cast Iron pipes were cast vertically but this type has been largely
superceded by centrifugally spun cast iron type manufactured upto a diameter of 1050
mm(IS- 1536-1989). Though the vertically cast iron pipe is heavy in weight, low in tensile
strength, and liable to defects of inner surface, it is widely used because of its good lasting
qualities. There are many examples of cast iron mains in this country which continue to give
satisfactory service even after a century of use.
Cast Iron pipes and fittings are being manufactured in this country for several years. Due to
its strength and corrosion resistance, C. L pipes can be used in corrosive soils and for waters of
slightly aggressive character. They are well suited for pressure mains and laterals where tapings
are made for house connections. It is preferable to have coating inside and outside of the pipe.
Vertically cast iron pipes shall conform to T.S. 1537-1976. The pipes are manufactured by
vertical casting in sand moulds. The metal used for the manufacture of this pipe is not less than
grade 15. The pipes shall be stripped with all precautions necessary to avoid wrapping or
shrinking defects. The pipes shall be such that they could be cut, drilled or machined.
Cast Iron flanged pipes and fittings are usually cast in the larger diameters. Smaller sizes have
loose flanges screwed on the ends of double spigot-spun pipe.
The method of Cast Iron pipe production used universally today is to form pipes by spinning
or centrifugal action. Compared with vertical casting in sand moulds, the spun process results in
faster production, longer pipes with vastly improved metal qualities, smoother inner surface and
reduced thickness and consequent lightweight(l S. 1536 -1989).
Centrifugally cast iron pipes are available in diameters from 80mm to 1050mm and are
covered with protective coatings. Pipes are supplied in 3.66m and 5.Sm lengths and a variety of
joints are available including socket and spigot and flanged joints.
The pipes have been classified as LA, A and B according to their thicknesses. Class LA pipes
have been taken as the basis for evolving the series of pipes. Class A allows a 10°/<i increase in
thickness over class LA. Class B allows a 20°1<> increase in thickness over class LA.
2962 UA&Ei97-11A
The pipes are spigot and socket type. When the pipes are to be used for conveying potable
water, the inside coating shall not contain any constituent soluble in water or any ingredient
which could impart any taste or odour whatsoever to the potable water, after sterilization and
suitable washing of the main.
Experiments in centrifugal casting of iron pipes were started in 1914 by a French Engineer
which ultimately resulted in commercial production of spun pipes. Spun pipes are about 3 I 4 of
the weight of vertically cast pipes of the same class. The greater tensile strength of the spun iron
is due to close grain allowing use of thinner wall than for that of a vertically Cast Iron pipe of
equal length. It is possible by this process to increase the length of the pipe whilst a further
advantage hes in the smoothness of the inner surface.
Before laying the pipes, the detailed map of the area showing the alignment, sluice valves,
scour valves, air valves and fire hydrants along with the existing intercepting sewers)
telephone and electric cables and gas pipes will have to be studied. Care should be taken to
avoid damage to the existing sewer, telephone and electric cables and gas pipes. 'The pipeline
may be laid on the side of the street where the population is dense. Pipes are laid
underground with a minimum cover of 1 metre on the top of the pipe.
Laying of cast iron pipes for water supply purposes has been generally govemed by the
regulations laid down by the various municipalities and corporations. These regulations are
intended to ensure proper laying of pipes giving due consideration to economy and safety of
workers engaged in laying.
2962 UA&E/97-·-11B
the location of cracks. If doubt persists further confirmation may be obtained by pouring a
little kerosene on the inside of the pipe at the suspected spot. If a crack is present the
kerosene seeps through and shows on the outer surface. Any pipe found unsuitable after
inspection before laying shall be rejected. Lowering Of Pipes And Fittings
All pipes, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench by means
of derrick, ropes or other suitable tools and equipment to prevent damage to pipe materials
and protective coatings and linings. Pipes over 300nun dia shall be handled and lowered into
trenches with the help of chain pulley blocks. Cleaning Of Pipes And Fittings
All lumps, blisters and excess coating material shall be removed from socket and spigot
end of each pipe and outside of the spigot and inside of the socket shall be wire-brushed and
wiped clean and dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid.
After placing a length of pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the socket
and the pipe forced home and aligned to gradient. The pipe shall be secured in place with
approved back fill material packed on both sides except at socket.
The socket end should face the upstream while laying the pipeline on level ground; when
the pipeline runs uphill, the socket ends should face the up gradient. \'V'hen the pipes run
beneath the heavy loads, suitable size of casing pipes or culverts may be provided to protect
the casing of pipe. High pressure mains need anchorage at dead ends and bends as
appreciable thrust occurs which tend to cause draw and even "blow out" joints. Where thrust
is appreciable concrete blocks should be installed at all points where movement may occur.
Anchorages are necessary to resist the tendency of the pipes to pull apart at bends or other
points of unbalanced pressure, or when they are laid on steep gradients and the resistance of
their joints to longitudinal or shear stresses is either exceeded or inadequate. They are also
used to restrain or direct the expansion and contraction of rigidly joined pipes under the
influence of temperature changes. Anchor or thrust blocks shall be designed in accordance
with I.S. 5330-1984.
6.4.3 JOINTS
Several types of joints such as rubber gasket joint known as Tyton joint, mechanical joint
known as Screw Gland joint, and conventional joint known as Lead joint are used. Categories Of Joints
Joints are classified into the following three categories depending upon their capacity for
(a) Rigid joints
Rigid joints are those which admit no movement at all and comprise of flanged, welded
and turned and bored joints. Flanged joints require perfect alignment and close fittings are
frequently used where a longitudinal thrust must be taken such as at the valves and meters.
The gaskets used between flanges of pipes shall be of compressed fibre board or natural or
synthetic rubber. \l/dded joints produce a continuous line of pipes with the advantage that
interior and exterior coatings can be made properly and are not subsequently disrupted by
the movement of joints.
(b) Semi Rigid joints
Semi rigid joint is represented by the spigot and socket with caulked lead joint. A semi
rigid joint allows partial movement due to vibration etc The socketed end of the pipe should
be kept against the flow of water and the spigot end of the other pipe is inserted into this
socket. A twisted spun yam is filled into this gap and it is adjusted by the yarning tool and is
then caulked well. A rope is then placed at the outer end of the socket and is made tight fit
by applying wet day, leaving two holes for the escape of the entrapped air inside. The rope is
taken out and molten lead is poured into the annular space by means of a funnel. The day is
then removed and the lead is caulked with a caulking tool. Lead wool may be used in wet
conditions. Lead covered yam is of great use in repair work, since the leaded yam caulked
into place will keep back water under very low pressure while the joint is being made.
(c) Flexiblejoints
Flexible joints are used where rigidity is undesirable such as with filling of granular
medium and when two sections cannot be welded. They comprise mainly mechanical and
rubber ring joints or tyton joints which permit some degree of deflection at each joint and
are therefore able to stand vibration and movement. ln rubber jointing special type of rubber
gaskets are used to connect cast iron pipe which are cast with a special type of spigot and
socket in the groove, the spigot end being lubricated with grease and slipped into the socket
by means of a jack used on the other end. The workmg conditions of absence of light,
presence of water and relatively cool uniform temperature are all conducive to the
preservation of rubber and consequently this type of joint is expected to last as long as the
pipes. Hence, rubber jointing is to be preferred to lead jointing. General
After laying and jointing, the pipeline must be pressure tested to ensure that pipes and
ioints are sound enough to withstand the maximum pressure likely to be developed under
working conditions.
(c) Sum of the maximurn sustained operating pressure and the maximum surge
(d) Sum of the maximum pipeline static pressure and the maximum surgf pressure,
subject to a maximum equal to the work test pressure for any pipe fittings
The field test pressure should wherever possible be not less than 2/3 work test pressure
appropriate to the class of pipe except in the case of spun iron pipes and should be applied
and maintained for atleast four hours. If the visual inspection satisfies that there is no
leakage, the test can be passed.
Where the field test pressure is less than 2/3 the work test pressure. the period of test
should be increased to atleast 24 hours. The test pressure shall be gradually raised at the rate
of 1 kg/cm2/min. Jf the pressure measurements are not made at the lowest point of the
section, an allowance should be made for the difference in static head between the lowest
point and the point of measurement to ensure that the maximum pressure is not exceeded at
the lowest point. lf a drop in pressure occurs, the quantity of water added in order to
re-establish the test pressure should be carefully measured. This should not exceed 0.1 litre
per mm of pipe diameter per KM of pipeline per day for each 30 metre head of pressure
In case of gravity pipes, maximum working pressure shall be 2/3 work test pressure.
The hydrostatic test pressure at works and at field after installation and the working j(
pressure for different classes of pipes are given in Appendix. 6.4.
The allowable leakage during the maintenance stage of pipes carefully laid and well tested
during construction, however should not exceed;
·£- ND.fi>
q - 115
qL Allowable leakage in cm3 /hour
N No of joints in the length of pipe line
D Diameter in mm
P 111e average test pressure during the leakage test in kg/cm"
where any test of pipe laid indicates leakage greater than that specified as per the above
formula, the defective pipe(s) or joint(s) shall be repaired/ replaced until the leakage is within
the specified allowance.
The above is applicable to spigot and socket Cast 1 ron pipes and A. C. pressure pipes,
whereas, twice this figure may be taken for steel and prestressed concrete pipes.
127 Testing Of Non-Pressure Conduits
In case of testing of non-pressure conduits, the pipeline shall be subject to a test for of
2.5 meters head of water at the highest point of t'te section under test for 10 minutes. The
leakage or quantity of water to be supplied to maintain the test pressure during the period of
10 minutes shall not exceed 0.2 litres/mm dia of pipes per kilometer length per day.
Steel pipes of smaller diameter can be made from solid bar sections by hot or cold
drawing processes and these tubes are referred to as seamless. But the larger sizes are made
by welding together the edges of suitably curved plates, the sockets being formed later in a
press(IS:3589). The thickness of steel used is often controlled by the need to make the pipe
stiff enough to keep its circular shape during storage, transportation and laying as also to
prevent excessive deflection under the load of trench back filling, The thickness of a steel
pipe is however always considerably less than the thickness of the corresponding vertically
cast or spun iron pipe. Owing to the higher tensile strength of the steel, it is possible to make
steel pipe of lower wall thickness and lower weight. Specials of all kinds can be fabricated
without di. fficulty to suit the differe.· nt site conditions. Due to their elasticity, steel pipes adopt
themselves to changes in relative f,T!Ound level without failure and hence are very suitable for
laying in ground liable to subsidence. If the pipes are joined by a form of flexible joint, it
provides an additional safeguard against failure. Steel pipes being flexible are best suited for .
high dynamic loading.
It must be borne in mind, however, that steel mains need protection from corrosion
internally and externally. Against internal corrosion, steel pipes are given epoxy lining or hot
applied coal tar/ asphalt lining or rich cement mortar lining at works or in the field by the
centrifugal process. The outer coating for under ground pipeline may be in cement-sand
guiniting or hot applied coal-tar asphaltic enamel reinforced with fibreglass fabric yarn.
Small size mild steel pipes have got threaded ends with one socket. They are lowered
down in the trenches and laid to alignment and gradient. The jointing materials for this type
of pipes are white lead and spun yam. 'I11e white lead is applied on the threaded end with
spun yarn and inserted into socket of another pipe. The pipe is then turned to tighten it.
When these pipes are used in the construction of tube wells, the socketed ends after
positioning without any jointing material are welded and lowered down. Lining and out-
coating is done by different methods to protect steel pipes. While laying, the pipes already
stocked along the trenches are lowered down into the trenches with the help of chain pulley
block The formation of bed should be uniform. The pipes are laid true to the alignment and
gradient before jointing. The ends of these pipes are butted against each other, welded and a
coat of rich cement mortar is applied after welding. Steel pipes may be joined with flexible
joints or by welding but lead or other filler joints, hot or cold, are not recommended. The
welded joint is to be preferred. In areas prone to subsidence this joint is satisfactory but
flexible joints must be provided to isolate valves and branches.
When welding is adopted, plain-ended pipes may be jointed by butt welds or sleeved
pipes by means of fillet welds. For laying long straight lengths of pipelines, butt joint
technique may be employed. The steel pipes used for water supply include hydraulic lap
welded, electric fusion welded, submerged arc welded and spiral welded pipes. The latter are
being made from steel strip. For laying of welded steel pipe LS. 5822-1986 may be referred
For moredetails on different types of steel pipes used, reference may be made to the ISI
codes indicated in Appendix 'C'.
For hydraulic testing of steel pipelines, the procedure described for cast iron spun pipes
and ductile iron pipes may be followed.
Ductile iron pipes are lined with cement mortar in the factory by centrifugal process and
unlined ductile iron pipes are also available. For more details reference may be made to IS
8329 - 1994 for Ductile Iron Pipes.
The ductile iron fittings are manufactured conforming to IS 9523-1980 for Ductile Iron
6.6.3 JOINTS
The joints for ductile iron pipes are suitable for use of rubber gaskets conforming to IS
Reference may be made to para 6.4.2 (laying and jointing of cast iron pipes).
The Ductile Iron pipelines are tested as per para 6.4.4 (testing of the pipeline) The test
pressures shall be as per IS 8329 - 1994.
Asbestos cement pipes are made of a mixture of asbestos paste and cement compressed
by steel rollers to form a laminated material of great strength and density. Its carrying
capacity remains substantially constant as when first laid, irrespective of the quality of water.
It can be drilled and tapped for connecting but does not have the same strength or suitability
for threading as iron and any leakage at the thread· will become worse as time passes.
However, this difficulty can be over come by screwing the ferrules through malleable iron
saddles fixed at the point of service connections as is the general practice. These pipes are
not suitable for use in sulphate soils. Due to expansion and contraction of black cotton soil,
usage of these pipes may be avoided as far as possible in Black Cotton soils, except where
the depth of B.C. soil is clearly Jess than 0.9 metre below ground level.
The available safety against bursting under pressure and against failure in longitudinal
bending, though less than that for spun iron pipes, is nevertheless adequate and increases as
the pipe ages. In most cases, good bedding of the pipes and the use of flexible joints are of
greater importance in preventing failure by bending, than the strength of pipe itself. Flexible
joints are used at regular intervals to provide for repairing of pipes, if necessary.
AC pipes are manufactured from classes 5 to 25 and nominal diameters of 80mm to
600mm with the test pressure of 5 to 25 Kg/cm2.
AC pipe can meet the general requirements of water supply undertakings for rising main
as well as distribution main. It is classified as class 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25, which have test
pressures 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 Kg/ cm2 respectively. Working pressures shall not be greater
than 50°;(1 of test pressure for pumping mains and 67<~10 for gravity mains.
For further details, refer to IS 1592-1989.
Utmost care must be taken while loading, transportation, unloading, stacking and
retransporting to the site to avoid damage to the pipes.
6.7.2.l Laying And Jointing
The width of the trench should be uniform throughout the length and greater than the
outside diameter of the pipe by 300mm on either side of the pipe. The depth of the trench is
usually kept 1 meter above the top of the pipe. For heavy traffic, a cover of atleast 1.25 meter
is provided on the top of the pipe.
The AC pipes to be laid are stacked along the trenches on the side or opposite to the
spoils. Each pipe should be examined for any defects such as cracks, chipped ends, crusting
of the sides etc. The defective pipes should be removed forthwith from the site as otherwise
they are likely to be mixed up with the good pipes. Before use the inside of the pipes wilJ
have to be deaned. The lighter pipes weighing less than 80Kg can be lowered in the trench
by hand. If the sides of the trench slope too much, ropes must be used. The pipes of
medium weight upto 200Kg are lowered by means of ropes looped around both the ends.
One end of the rope is fastened to a wooden or steel stack driven into the ground and the
other end of the rope is held by men and is slowly released to lower the pipe into the trench.
After their being lowered into the trench they are aligned for jointing. The bed of the trench
should be uniform,
+ AC coupling joint.
(a) Cast Iron Detachable Joints
This consists of two cast iron flanges, a cast iron central collar and two rubber rings along
with a set of nuts and bolts for the particular joint For this joint, the AC pipes should have
flush ends. For jointing a flange, a rubber ring and a collar are slipped to the first pipe in that
order; a flange and a rubber ring being introduced from the jointing of the next pipe. Both
the pipes are now aligned and the collar centralized and the joints of the flanges tightened
with nuts and bolts.
(b) A.C. Coupling Joint
This consists of an AC Coupling and three special rubber rings. The pipes for these
joints have chamfered ends. These rubber rings are positioned in the grooves inside the
coupling, then grease is applied on the chamfered end and the pipe and coupling is pushed
with the help of a jack against the pipe. The mouth of the pipe is then placed in the mouth of
the coupling end and then pushed so as to bring the two chamfered ends close to each other.
"Wherever necessary, change over from cast iron pipe to AC pipes or vice-versa should be
done with the help of suitable adapters. I.S. 6530 ·· 1972 may be followed for laying AC
The procedure for the test as adopted is as follows:
(a) At a time one section of the pipeline between two sluice valves is taken up for
testing. The section usually taken is about 500 meters long.
(b) One of the valves is closed and the water is admitted into the pipe through the
other, manipulating air valves suitably.
(If there are no sluice valves in between the section, the end of the section can be
sealed temporarily with an end cap having an outlet which can serve as an air
relief vent or for filling the fine as may be required. The pipeline after it is filled,
should be allowed to stand for 24 hours before pressure testing).
(c) After filling) the sluice valve is dosed and the pipe section is isolated.
(d) Pressure gauges are fitted at suitable intervals on the crown into the holes meant
for the purpose.
(e) The pipe section is then connected to the delivery side of a pump through a
small valve.
(f) The pump is then operated till the pressure inside reaches the designed value
which can be read from the pressure gauges fixed,
(g) After the required pressure has been attained, the valve is dosed and the pump
(h) The pipe is then kept under the desired pressure during inspection for any
defect, i.e. leakages at the joints etc. The test pressures will be generally as
specified in 6.7.1 and Appendix 6.4. The water will then be emptied through
scour valves and defects observed in the test will be rectified.
Reinforced concrete pipes used in water supplies are classified as Pl, P2 anci P3 with test
pressures of 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 Kg/ cm2 respectively. For use as gravity mains, the working
pressure should not exceed 2/3 of the test pressure. For use as pumping mains, the working
pressure should not exceed half of the test pressure.
Generally concrete pipes have corrosion resistant properties similar to those of
prestressed concrete pipes although they have their own features which significantly affect
corrosion performance. Concrete pipes are made by centrifugal spinning of vibratory
process. Centrifugally spun pipes are subjected to high rotational forces during manufacture
with improved corrosion resistance properties. The line of development most likely to bring
concrete pressure pipes into more general acceptance is the use of P.S.C. pipes which are
widely used to replace reinforced concrete pipes.
The number of pipes that shall be jacked together at a time depends upon the dia of the
pipe and the bearing capacity of soil. For srnall pipe upto 250mm dia, six pipes can be jacked
together at a time. Before and during jacking, care should be taken to see that there is no
offset at the joint. Loose collar shall be set up over the joint so as to have an even caulking
space a1l round and into this caulking space shall be rammed a I : 1.5 mixture of cement and
sand just sufficiently moistened to hold together in the form of a clod when compressed in
the hand. The caulking shall be so firm that it shall be di.ricult to drive the point of a
penknife into it. The caulking shall be employed at both the ends in a slope of 1:1. In the
case of non·pressure pipes the recess at the end of the pipes shall be filled with cement
mortar 1: 2 instead of jute braiding soaked in bitumen. J t shall be kept wet for 10 days for
When testing the pipeline hydraulically, the line shall be kept filled completely with water
for a week. The pressure shall then be increased gradually to full test pressure as indicated in and maintained at this pressure during the period of test with the permissible
allowance indicated therein. For further details, reference may be made to LS. 458-1971.
\'\/hile RCC pipes can cater to the needs where pressures are upto 6.0 kg/cm2 and Cl and
steel pipes cater to the needs of higher pressures around 24 kg/cm2, the Prestressed
Concrete (PSC) pipes cater to intermediate pressure range, while RCC pipes would not be
The strength of a PSC pipe is achieved by helically binding high tensile steel wire under
tension around a concrete core thereby putting the core into compression. When the pipe is
pressurized the stresses induced relieve the compressive stress but they are not sufficient to
subject the core to tensile stresses. The prestressing wire is protected against corrosion by a
surround of cernentatious cover coat giving atleast 2Smm thick cover.
The PSC pipes are suited for water supply mains where pressures in the range of 6
kg/ cm'' to 20 kg/ crn'' are encountered.
Two types of P.S.C. pipes are in use today:
(i) Cylinder type: Consists of a concrete lined steel cylinder with steel joint rings
welded to its ends wrapped with a helix of highly stressed wire and coated with
dense cement mortar or concrete.
Recommended specifications for above pipe are covered by Indian and foreign
codes IS: 784-1978 A\VWA C-301 EN-639 and EN.642.
(a) Steel Cylinder Prestressed Concrete Pipes are used in America and Europe
Confirming to A\VWA C-301 and in Europe EN - 642.
Prestressed Concrete Cylinder pipe has the following two general types of
construction : (1) a steel cylinder lined with a concrete core or (2.) a steel cylinder
embedded in a concrete core. In either type of construction, manufacturing begins
with a full length welded steel cylinder. Joint rings are attached to each end and the
pipe is hydrostatically tested to ensure water-tightness. A concrete core with a
minimum thickness of one-sixteenth times the pipe diameter is placed either by the
centrifugal process, radial compaction, or by vertical casting. After the core is
cured, the pipe is helically wrapped with high strength, hard drawn wire using a
stress of 75 percent of the minimum specified tensile strength. The wrapping stress
ranges between 150,000 and 189,000 psi (1034 and 1303 Mpa)depending on the
wire size and class. 'The wire spacing is accurately controlled to produce a
predetermined residual compression in the concrete core. The wire is embedded in
a thick cement slurry and coated with a dense mortar that is rich in cement
Size Range : ;\ \VWA C-301 covers pres tressed concrete cylinder pipe 16 in.
(410 nun) in inside diameter and larger. Lined cylinder pipe is commonly available
in inside diameters rang-ing from 16 to 48 in. (410 to 1,220 mm). Sizes upto 60 in.
are available from some manufacturers. Embedded cylinder pipe has been
manufactured larger than 250 in. (6,.350 mm) in diameter and is commonly
available in inside diameters of 48 in. (1,220 mm) and larger. Lengths are generally
16 - 24 ft (4.9-7.3 m), although longer units can be furnished.
The technology for manufacture of these pipes is now available with some of the
Indian manufacturers.
(ii) Non cylinder type: Consists of a concrete core which is pre-compressed both in
longitudinal and circumferential directions by a highly stressed wire. The wire
wrapping is protected by a coat of cement mortar or concrete.
Physical behaviour of PSC pipes under internal and external load is superior to RCC
pipes. The PSC pipe wall is always in a state of compression which is the most favourable
factor for impermeability. These pipes can resist high external loads. The protective cover of
cement and mortar which covers the tensioned wire wrapping by its ability to create and
maintain alkaline environment around the steel inhibits corrosion. PSC pipes are jointed with
flexible rubber rings.
The deflection possible during laying of main is relatively small and the pipes cannot be
cut to size to dose gaps: in the pipeline, Special closure units (consisting of a short double
spigot piece and a plain ended concrete lined steel tube with a follower-ring assembled at
each end) are manufactured for this purpose. The closure unit (minimum length 1.27m) must
be ordered specially to the exact length.
Specials such as bends, bevel pipes, flanged tees, tapers and adapters to flange the
couplings are generally fabricated as mild steel fittings lined and coated with concrete.
It is worth while when designing the pipeline to make provision for as many branches as
are likely to be required in the future and then to install sluice valves or blank flanges on
these branches. It is possible to make connections to the installed pipeline by emptying,
breaking out and using a special closure unit but this is a costly item.
PSC pressure pipes are provided with flexible joints, the joints being made by the use of
rubber gasket. They have socket spigot ends to suit the rubber ring joint. The rubber gasket
is intended to keep the joint water tight under all normal conditions of service including
expansion, contraction and normal earth settlement. The quality of rubber used for the
gasket should be waterproof, flexible and should have a low permanent set Refer to IS 784
--1978, for laying of PSC pipes.
Testing of PSC pipe is the same as given in the para
However the quantity of water added in order to re-establish the test pressure should not
exceed 3 litres (instead.of 0.1 litres) per mm dia, per km per 24 hours per 30m head for non-
absorbent pipes as per the IS 783 (para 15. 5 . .3 pages 28 & 29).
normally grouted and the intemal'joint space may or may not be pointed with mortar. The
A\V\VA C-303 provides for use of elastomeric sealing ring (rubber joint), and EN 641
provides both elastorneric sealing ring and steel end rings welded together on site. At
present the pipes available in India use steel end rings welded at site.
• Resistance to corrosion
+ Light weight
+ Toughness
+ Rigidity
+ Ease of fabrication
The PVC pipes are much lighter than conventional pipe materials. Because of their
lightweight, PVC pipes are easy to handle, transport, and install. Solvent cementing technique
for jointing PVC pipe lengths is cheaper, more efficient and far simpler. PVC pipes do not
become pitted or tuberculated and are unaffected by fungi and bacteria and are resistant to a
wide range of chemicals. They are immune to galvanic and electrolytic attack, a problem
frequently encountered in metal pipes, especially when burried in corrosive soils or near
brackish waters. PVC pipes have elastic properties and their resistance to deformation
resulting from earth movements is superior compared to conventional pipe materials
specially AC. Thermal conductivity of PVC is very low compared to metals. Consequently
water transported in these pipes remain at a more uniform temperature.
Rigid PVC pipes weigh only 1 /5th of conventional steel pipes of comparable sizes. PVC
pipes are available in sizes of outer dia, 20, 25, 32, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 140, 160, 250, 290, and
31 Smm at working pressures of 2,\4,6, 10 Kg/ cm2 as per IS 4985 - 1988.
Since deterioration and decomposition of plastics are accelerated by ultraviolet light and
frequent changes in temperature which are particularly severe in India, it is not advisable to
use PVC pipes above ground. The deterioration starts with discolouration, surface cracking
and ultimately ends with brittleness, and the life of the pipe may be reduced to 15-20 years.
The trench bottom should be carefully examined for the presence of hard objects such as
flints, rock, projections or tree roots. In uniform, relatively soft fine grained soils found to be
free of such objects and where the trench bottom can readily be brought to an even finish
providing a uniform support for the pipes over their lengths, the pipes may normally be laid
directly on the trench bottom. In other cases, the trench should be cut correspondingly
deeper and the pipes hid on a prepared under-bedding, which may be drawn from the
excavated material if suitable. Laying And Jointing
As a rule, trenching should not be carried out too far ahead of pipe laying. The .rench
should be as narrow as practicable. This may be kept from 0.30m over the outside diameter
of pipe and depth may be kept at 0.60 -1.0m depending upon traffic conditions. Pipe lengths
are placed end to end along the trench. The glued spigot and socket jointing technique as
mentioned later is adopted. The jointed lengths are then lowered in the trench and when
sufficient length has been laid, the trench is filled.
If trucks, lorries, or other heavy traffic will pass across the pipeline, concrete tiles 600 x
600mm of suitable thickness and reinforcement should be laid about 2m above the pipe to
distribute the load. If the pipeline crosses a river, the pipe should be buried at least 2m below
bed level to protect the pipe.
For bending, the deaned pipe is filled with sand and compacted by tapping with wooden
stick and pipe ends plugged. The pipe section is heated with flame and the portion bent as
required. The bend is then cooled with water, the plug removed, the sand poured out and the
pipe (bend) cooled again. Heating in hot air over hot oil bath, hot gas or other heating .t
devices are also practiced. Joints may be heat welded, or flamed or with rubber gaskets or
made with solvent cement. Threaded joints are also feasible but arc not recommended
Jointing of PVC pipes can be made in following ways:
i) Solvent cement
ii) Rubber ring joint
iii) Flanged joint
iv) Threaded joint
For further details on laying & jointing of PVC pipes, reference can be made to IS 4985
-· 1988, IS 7634 - Part 1-3.
Socket and spigot joint is usually preferred for all PVC pipes upto l 50rnm in dia. The
socket length should at least be .one and half times the outer dia for sizes upto 1 OOmm dia
and equal to the outer dia for larger sizes.
For pipe installation, solvent gluing is preferable to welding. The glued spigot socket
connection has greater strength than can ever he achieved by welding. The surfaces to be
glued are thoroughly scoured with dry doth and preferably chamfered to 3U0 If the pipes
have become heavily contaminated by grease or oil, methylene cement is applied with a
brush evenly to the outside surface of the spigot on one pipe and to the inside of the socket
on the other. The spigot is then inserted immediately in the socket upto the shoulder and
thereafter a quarter (90~ turn is given to evenly distribute the cement over the treated
surface. The excess cement which is pushed out of the socket must: be removed at once with
a dean doth. Jointing must be carried out in minimum possible time, time of making
complete joint not being more than one minute. joints should not be disturbed for at least S
minutes. Half strength is attained in 30 minutes and full in 24 hours. Gluing should be
.avoided in rainy or foggy weather, as the colour of glu(;: will turn cloudy and milky as a result
of water contamination.
6.10.4 . .3 Pre-Fabricated Connections
In laying, long lengths of pipe, prefabricated double socketed connections arc frequentlv
used to join successive pipe lengths of either the same or one size different. The socket in
this case must be formed over a steel mandrel. A short length of pipe is flared at both ends
and used as the socket connection. The mandrel used is sized such that the internal dia of the
flared socket m.. arches the outer dia of the spigot to be connected. By proper sizing of the
two ends of a connector, it is possible to achieve reduction (or expansion) of pipe size across
the connector. Standard Threaded
Normally PVC pipes should not For the connections of PVC pipes to metal
pipes, a piece of a special thick wall tube threaded at one end is used. The
other end is connected to the normal means of a glued spigot and socket joint
Before installation, the condition of the should be carefully examined for cracks and
Glue can be used for making · · and other materials generally used
with metal pipe and fittings should not c;cnernUy, it is advisable to use PVC as the
spigot portion of the 1oint
6.10.5 PRESSlJRE
'The which is commonly in use ts filling the pipe with water, taking care to
evacuate air and slowly system to appropriate test pressure. The
pressure testing may be followed as in 6.4.
After specified test time elapsed, usually one hour, a measured quantity of water is
pumped into line to bring it to the original test pressure, if there has been loss of
pressure during test. The pipe shall be judged to have passed the test satisfactorily if the
quantity of water required to restore the test pressure of 30rn for 24 hours does not exceed
1. 5 litres oer 10 mm of nominal bore ~ of l Kin.
a length
~ 1·1.
6"' rot vrrrm
.tf " .. i ••
r·N·E·~ ·.ln.. 1J..rl)E''
l~1, JCl ,{ l ...i!~~ · ·.
!(\. ..~
Rigid PVC and ,high--densi!T polyethylene pipes have been used for water distribution
systems mostly ranging from 15 --150mrn dia and occasionally upto 350mm.
Arnong the recent developments is the use of High-Density Polyethylene pipes. These
pipes are not brittle and as such a hard fall at the time of loading and unloading etc. may not
do any harm to it. HDP.E pipes as per IS 4984 - 1987 can be joined with detachable joints
and can be detached at the time of shifting the pipeline from one place to another. Though
for a11 practical purposes HDPE pipes are rigid and tough, at the same time they are resilient
and conform to the topography of land when laid over ground or in trenches. They are
coilable, easily be bent in installation, eliminating the use of specials like bends, elbows etc.,
there by reducing fitting and installation costs. HDPE pipes are easy to carty and install.
They are lighter in weight and can be carried to heights as on hills. They can withstand
movement of heavy traffic. This would not cause damage to the pipes because of their
flexural strength, HDPE has excellent free flowing properties. 'They have non-adherent
surface which reject (not attract) any foreign materials which would impede the flow. lIDPE~
i pipes are anti-corrosive, have smooth inner surface so that there is less friction and pressure
loss is comparatively less.
HDPE pipes can be jointed by welding.
For further details of PVC and HDPE pipes refer to:
IS 7834 ·· 1975 Parts l .. 8
IS 8008 - 1976 Parts 1-7
IS 3076 - 1985
IS 4984 ·· 198'7
lengths can also be made. The specials arc made out r)f the same pipe material i.e. Class
fibre Reinforced Plastic (CRP).
The pipes arc iointed as per the techniques; Double bell coupling (GRP) for GRP to
GRP; Flange Joint (GR.P) for GRP to valves, CI pipes or flanged pipes.
Mechanical Coupling (Steel) for (;RP to (;JUJ / steel pipe and Butt - strap joint (GRP)
for cau) to c~ R l,,
C RP pipes are corrosion resistant, have smooth surface and high strength to weight ratio.
It is lighter in weight compared to metallic and concrete pipes. Longer lengths and hence
minimum joints enable faster installation.
(dt P. pipes are widely used in other countries where corrosion resistant pipes are
required at reasonable costs. (~RP can he used as a lining material for conventional pipes,
which are subject to corrosion. These pipes can resist external and internal corrosion
whether the corrosion mechanism is galvanic or chemical in nature.
(vi) Push the coupling onto the · by using levers. For large dia pipe, the coupling
may be pushed mechanically \Vith even force on the coupling ring.
(vii) Apply a thin film of lubricant over the pipe to be pushed into the coupling just
assembled until the stTip{:s on the pipe arc al.igned between the edge of the
[ hus pqx's arc coupled together and the rubber gasket acts as a seal making the joint
leak ·proof. J oint types are normally adhesive bonded, however reinforced overlay and
mechanical types such as flanged, threaded, compressed couplings or commercial/
proprietary joints are available.
derived from underground sources the variation is relatively small, but if it is obtained from
surface sources and is filtered through slow sand filters, the variation may be as much as
2.0°C during the year. Furthermore, the temperature changes may take place fairly quickly and
for these and other reasons, long lengths of rigid mains are to be avoided. Provision of
expansion joints to take care of these stresses is necessary. Thrust and anchor blocks are
provided to keep the pipe curve in position. In small mains, i.e, the mains with spigot and
socket lead joints, the joints themselves allow sufficient movement, although some
recaulking may be occasionally necessary. On large steel pipelines with welded joints
expansion can be allowed to give a longitudinal stress in the pipes, when first laid. In about
four years or so, the ground normally consolidates sufficiently around the pipe so that the
stress ·is transferred to the ground. Valves require to be bridged by steel or reinforced
concrete blocks so that the valve bodies are not stressed, as this could affect their water
In case of PVC pipelines, it should be noted that the coefficient of expansion of PVC is
eight times greater than steel and considerable movement can take place in long lengths of
tif~cHy jointed pipelines.
(a) Internal pressure equal to the full head of water to which the conduit can be
subjected (see Appendix 6.4).
(b) Unbalanced pressures at bends, contractions, and closures which have been
discussed in 6.16. 18.
(c) \\later hammer or increased internal pressure caused by sudden reduction in the
velocity of the water; by the rapid dosing of a gate or shut down of a pump, for
example> which has been discussed in 6.17.
(d) External loads in the from backfill, traffic> and their O\Vn \veight
external supports (piers or hangers). A reference may be made to the Manual on
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment.
Internal pressure> including water hammer, creates transverse stress or hoop tension.
Bends and closures at dead ends or gates produce unbalanced pressures and longitudinal
stress. \Vhen conduits are not permitted to change length, variations in temperature likewise
create longitudinal stress. External loads and foundation reactions (manner of support),
including the weight of the full conduit, and atmospheric pressure (when the conduit is
under vacuum) produce flexural stress.
\)Vben the conduits are not permitted to change length due to variations in temperature,
longitudinal stresses are created m the conduits, which is calculated as shown below:
for pipeline \Vith fixed ends, and E :~ Modulus of Elasticity, 2,10,000 N/ for
steel, 1,00,000 NI mZ for cast iron, and 1400 - 40,000 NI m2 for concrete.
'The selection of the optimum cross section of a transmission main depends upon both
hydraulic performance and structural behaviour because hydraulic capacny is a direct
function of the hydraulic radius, full circles or half circles posses the highest hydraulic
capacity, by virtue of their largest hydraulic radius or smallest frictional surface for a given
area. Hence circular cross sections are preferred for dosed conduits and the semicircular
ones for open conduits whenever structural conditions permit. The cross sections preferred
next are those in which circles or semicircles can be inscribed. The following cross sections
arc generally used:
(b) Rectangles with widths equal to twice the depths for canals in rock and flumes of
masonry or wood,
purnpsets are designed to serve a period of 15 years.
Every alternative, when analyzed on the above lines, could be evaluated in terms of cost
figures on a common comparable basis by:
(i) Capital cost of the most suitable pipe material as laid and jointed and ready for
service. including cost of valves and fittings and all ancillaries to the pipeline.
(ii) (a) Capital cost, as installed, of the necessary pump sets corresponding to the
pipeline size in (i) above.
(b) The amount which should be invested at present such as would yield with
compound interest, the amount necessary to replace the pumpsets in (ii) (a)
at the end of their useful life with bigger pumpsets for once or often to
cater to the requirements during the design period or the loan repayment
(iii) Energy charges; if the pum.pset:s in (ii) (a) are designed to serve for) say 15 years,
the daily pumpagc will vary from the initial requirements to the intermediate
demand after 15 years. The energy charges will be based on the average of these
two daily pumpagesi leading to an average annual expenditure on enert,ry charges
on such basis.
The replacing of pumps under (ii) (b) will, likewise, involve annual recurring energy
charges for the average of the demands during the subsequent. 15 years period for the project
design or the loan repayment period whichever is greater.
The two annual recurring costs should be capitalized for inclusion as a part of the present
investment. For this our1)osc it is necessarv' to derive:
(a) The amount of the present investment which would yield an annuity for 15
years equal to the annual energy charges on the initial pump sets, and
(b) The amount of present investment: which would commence to yield} over
the subsequent 15 years period, the annual energy charges for the replaced
pumpsets in (ii) (b),
(c) Apart from the enerf..,,Y charges, the other recurring annual charges
comprising the cost of operation and maintenance staff, ordinary repairs
and miscellaneous consumable stores.
The present investment which would yid<l an annuity equal to such annual recurring
charges throughout the design period, or loan repayment period (if it exceeds the former),
would represent the capitalized cost) for inclusion as part of the total investment now
(iv) The addition of the present investment figures as worked out under (i), (ii), (a),
(ii) (b), (iii) and (iv) would represent: the total capital investment called for in
respect of each alternative involving a specific pipeline size and the
corresponding purnpsets. A comparison of the total investment so required in
respect of the several alternatives examined would indicate the most economical
x. r
size to be adopted anv~ oarticular
In all the computations, the rate of interest plays an important role and for
proper comparison, it rnay be taken as the rate demanded for the loan
Annual recurring charges on energy and operatmn and maintenance are perpetuity,
irrespective of the design period or the lift of the pipeline. Their capitalized value is restricted
to the design period or the Joan repayment period whichever is greater, as reflecting the
commitment involved relevant to such period Ior a pmper comparison between alternatives.
Otherwise a possible method may be to consider an initial investment which would yield an
interest to meet such recurring in perpetuity. rt is, however, more rational to
consider capitalization. of the recurring charges over the or loan repayment
The method suggested in 6. 14.2 would give a comparative idea of the total capital
investment involved whereas the method suggested in 6.14.6 would indicate the annuities
involved as between the alternatives. A better concept is perhaps afforded by the former
The most economical size a main can be by evaluating the capital and
maintenance cost (capitalized value) for different Mathematical solution is also
possible. The objective (cost) function is formulated to ensure desired system performance,
Several optimization techniques a.re available for minimizing the objective fynction. One of
the simpler methods is one in which its (objective function) first partial derivatives with
respect to the several decision variables are set equal to zero. The resulting system of
equations is solved exactly or approximately and the principal minors of the determinant of
second partial
derivatives are investigated
to ascertain whether a maximum or minimum is
involved (see Appendix 6.5).
While determining the type of the pipe material to be used, alternative alignments, cost of
cross drainage works, cost of valves, specials and other appurtenances, should all be
considered to determine the most economical size for the conveying main.
Causes of corrosion and the protective and preventive measures have been discussed in
To isolate and drain pipe sections for test, installation, deaning and repairs, a number of
appurtenances or auxiliaries are generally installed in the line.
damaged by 5't'it.For low pressure~resilient or gunmetal scaling faces may be used. For high
pressure, stainless steel seals are preferred.
Sluice valves are not intended to be used for continuous throttling, as erosion of the seats
and body cavitation may occur. ff small flows are required the bypass, valve is more suitable
for this duty.
Despite sluice valve's simplicity and positive action, they are sometimes troublesome to
operate. They need a big force to unseat them against high unbalanced pressure and large
valves take many minutes to tum open or dosed, for which power operated or manual
operated actuators are also used. Some of these problems can be over come by installing a
val ve with a smaller bore than the pipeline diameter.
In special situations variations of sluice valves suited to the needs are used; needle valves
are preferred for fine control of flow, butterfly valves for ease of operation and cone valves
for regulating the time of closure and controlling water hammer, Butterfly Valves
Butterfly valves are used to regulate and stop the flow especially in large size conduits.
They are sometimes cheaper than sluice valves for larger sizes and occupy less space.
Butterfly valves with no sliding parts have the advantages of ease of operation, compact size,
reduced chamber or valve house and improved dosing and retarding characteristics.
These would involve slightly higher head loss than sluice valves and also arc not suitable
for continuous throttling. The sealing is sometimes nor as effective as for sluice valves
especially at high pressures. They also offer a fairly high resistance to flow even in fully open
state, because the thickness of the disc obstructs the flow even when it is rotated to fully
open position. Butterfly valves as well as sluice valves are not suited for operation in partly
open positions as the gates and searings would erode rapidly. Both types require high torques
to open them against high pressure, they often have geared hand wheels or power driven
Butterfly Valves with loose sealing ring are sometimes not effective, especially at higher
pressures. Butterfly valves with fixed liner can overcome this shortcoming, further the
butterfly valves with fixed liner needs no frequent maintenance for replacement of sealing
ring as in the case of butterfly valves with loose scaling ring. The fixed liner design butterfly
valves are now available in India suitable for working pressures up to 16 kgs/ sq cm.
Presently there is no IS for the fixed liner Butterfly valves. Globe Valves
Globe valves have a circular seal connected axially to a vertical spindle and hand wheel.
The seating is a ring perpendicular to the pipe axis. The flow changes direction through 90°
twice thus resulting in high head losses. These valves are normally used in small bore pipe
work and as taps, although a variation is used as a control valve.
151 Needle Aud Cone Valves
Needle valves are more expensive than sluice and butterfly valves but are well suited for
throttling flow. They have a gradual throttling action as they close, whereas sluice valves and
butterfly valves offer little flow resistance until practically shut and may suffer cavitation
damage. Needle valves may be used with counter balance weights, springs, or actuators to
maintain constant pressure conditions either upstream or downstream of the valve or to
maintain a constant flow. They are resistant to wear even at high flow velocities. The method
of sealing is to push an axial needle or spear shaped cone into a seat. There is often a pilot
needle which operates first to balance the heads before opening. The cone valve is a
variation of the needle valve but the cone rotates away from the pipe axis instead of
being.c: withdrawn axially.
The needle and co..e valves are not commonly used in water supply but are occasionally
used as water hammer release valves when coupled to an electric or hydraulic actuator.
Jn pressure conduits, small gate off-take known as blow-off or scour valves are provided
at low points above line valves situated in the line on a slope such that each section of the
line between valves can be emptied and drained completely, They discharge into natural
drainage channel or empty into a sump from which water can be pumped to waste.
The exact location of scour valves is influenced by opportunities to dispose off
the water. \X/hcre a main crosses a stream or drainage structure, there will usually be a low
point in the line, but if the main goes under the stream or drain, it cannot be completely
drained into the channel. In such a situation it is better to locate a scour connection at the
lowest point that will drain by gravity and provide for pumping out the part below the drain
There should be no direct connection to sewers or polluted watercourses except through
a specially designed trap chamber or pit For safety, two blow off valves are placed in series.
The outlet into the channel should be above the hizh water line. If the outlet must be below
6.16.3 Arn.VALVES
When a pipeline is filled, air could be trapped at peaks along the profile thereby increasing
head losses and reducing the capacity of the pipeline. It is also undesirable to have air
pockets in the pipe as they may cause water pressure fluctuations during operation
of the Other problems due lo air include corrosion, reduced pump efficiency,
malfunctioning of valves or vibrations, Air valves are fitted to release the air automatically
when a pipeline is being filled also to permit air to enter the pipeline when it is ·
emptied .. Additionally air valves also to release any entrained air, which might
accumulated at high points in the pipeline during normal operations.
Without air valves, vacuum may occur at peaks and the pipe could collapse or it may not
be possible to drain the pipeline completely.
valves care in and even more care in s1 and it is good practice to
plan pipeline alignment to avoid air troubles altogether. A special study of the possible air
problems is necessary at the design stage itself and provision should be made for suitable
corrective measures rather than positioning arbitrary air valves at pipdine peaks,
Locations of air valves can at both sides of gates at the downstream side
other and in f.~:t'adc to steeper
~.I ! in sections of line not otherwise orotected
by air valves,
The valve usuallv" takes the form of a ri1:n,:d c..
vulcanite ot rubber-covered ball
seated on a rubber or metal ting. sealing i.e., the ball is slated an opcnmg
at the of the when the · is fuil and the opening. \X/hen pressut·c inside
the pipe falls below external pressure, the ball drops thereby permitting air to be drawn into
the pipe. The valves are. mainly available in two forms, either single-ball or double hall. The
single ball type can have either a large orifice or a small orifice, the former being only suitable
for emptying and filling of pipdincs and latter discharging small quantities entrained
air. air valves are available which can classified as dual purpose with a large orifice
and small orifice in one unit, with a common connection to the main. For large aqueduct
pipelines, a triple orifice air valve is available with two large orifices and one small. For high
pressures, stainless steel floats are used instead of the vulcanite-covered balls.
Special designs air valves are also available which operate satisfactorily with
high-velocity air discharges. If normal ail: valves are used under these conditions, there is a
danger that the ball might be carried on to its seat by the air stream before the accumulated
air has been fuUy released.
Air valves can be provided an integral valve or alternatively preferably, a
standard sluice valve can be bolted to the inlet which must be of adequate size for its
... maintenance checks on atleast an annual basis should be carried out to ensure
that the balls are free to move and that the seats do not leak, If an air valve is isolated for any
reason in very cold weather, the body should be drained to prevent frost damage; a plug cock
can be fated at the of the body this 'frapped chamber drainage is essential
to prevent any possibility of stagnant or polluted water or air entering the pipeline.
Automatic air valves in urban streets present a serious contamination risk, since they must
have air vents that could, in some circumstances, admit polluted surface water. Constructing
an air valve chamber as water tight as possible and fitting a ball interceptor as on outlet
to a storm water sewer is a nractice
t to obviate this possibility.
~ Usina manuallv operated
of :;,.,) I. )
valves in the streets, it being the routine duty of a turncock in the area to air the main, to
minimize the risk of serious contamination, is yet another practice.
The following ratios of air valves to conduit diameter provide common but rough
estimates of needed sizes:
An analysis of air-inlet valves for steel pipelines, Parmakian takes the compressibility of
air into account and combines equations for safe differential pressures of cylindrical steel
pipe, pipeflow, and air flow, in the following approximate relationships:
for P2 .:5 0.53 P1, because air flow cannot increase beyond a critical differential of 0.488
In these equations, da and d are respectively the diameter of the air orifice and pipe, 1:3.V is
the difference in the velocities of flow on each side of the inlet valve, C is the coefficient of
discharge of the valve, and P2and P1, are the pressures inside and outside the pipe
respectively, with P 1 -P 2 not exceeding one half the collapsing pressure as a matter of safety.
The equations apply strictly only to elevations of 304.8m above mean sea level at 40
degrees latitude ( g = 9.81 mps) temperatures of 25.32°C, 20°/o humidity, an adiabatic
expansion for which pv11 = pvL40, the air occupying a volume of 0.87 cum/Kg.
average 2% of the volume of water (at atmospheric pressure).
The small orifice release valves are sealed by a floating ball, or needle which is attached to
a float. \X/hen a certain amount of air has accumulated in the connection on top of the pipe,
the ball will drop or the needle valve will open and release the air. Small orifice release valves
are often combined with large orifice air vent valves on a common connection on top of the
pipe. The arrangement is called a double air valve. An isolating sluice valve is normally fitted
between the pipe and the air valves.
Double air valves should be installed at peaks in the pipdine, both with respect to the
horizontal and the maximum hydraulic gradient. They should also be installed at the ends
and intermediate points along a length of pipeline which is parallel to the hydraulic grade
line. It should be borne in mind that air may be dragged along in the direction of flow in the
pipeline and may even accumulate in sections falling slowly in relation to the hydraulic
gradient. Double air valves should be fitted every 1/2 to 1 KM along descending sections,
especially at points where the pipe dips steeply.
Air release valves should also be installed all along ascending lengths of pipeline where air
is likely to be released from solution due to the lowering of the pressure, again especially at
points of decrease in. gradient. Other places where air valves are required are on the discharge
side of pumps and at high points on large mains and upstream of orifice plates and reducing
Air-Relief towers are provided at the first summit of the line to remove air that is
mechanically entrained as water is drawn into the entrance of the pipeline. Air Inlet Valves
In the design and operation of large steel pipelines, where gravity flow occurs,
considerations must be given to the possibility of collapse in case the internal pressure is
reduced below that of atmosphere. Should a break occur in the line at the lower end of a
slope, a vaccum will in all probability be formed at some point upstream from the break due
to the sudden rush of water from the line. To prevent the pipe from collapsing, air inlet
(vaccum breaking) valves are used at critical points.
These valves, normally held shut by water pressure, automatically open when this
pressure is reduced to slightly below atmosphere, permitting large quantities of air to enter
the pipe, thus effectively preventing the formation of any vaccum. In addition to offering
positive protection against extensive damage to large pipelines, by prevention of vacuum,
they also facilitate the initial filling of the line by the expulsion of air wherever the valves are
Air inlet valves should be installed at peaks in the pipeline, both relative to the horizontal
and relative to the hydraulic gradient. Various possible hydraulic gradients; including reverse
gradients during scouring, should be considered. They are normally fitted in combination
with an air release valve.
2962 UA&E/97--· DA
Often air re e.ise valves are used in conjunction with them, h<: puq:. .se Jf ...he: he1 'b, tr
1,<,n t ~:''
au accu' . , .•. Lu.ich
+"! l, .....1ons
' • tha
s,,..•. m.ay ,.>cc\h
r "• r at
.. the •"• • ·~1·-<• .,~after
..r.1: . .t--J<..,..K., . _,.,, the
.i .., lin t.'·' '"·'·'
},,_,,, . been• out ·'·'"' ooeration
r-·' ifi>,-, t'"'<• ·" .
refer to 6.17.3 also for more information.
Check valves . also called non-return valves or reflux valves, automatically prevent reversal
flow in a pipeline. They an: particularly in purriping mains when positioned near
pumping stations to prevent backflow, when pmnps shut The of the
should be such that it will not set up excessive shock conditions within the system. The
remedial measures are discussed in 6.17.4.. For more details of swing check reflux valves,
reference rnay made to TS 53 l 2 . . Pt J .. J. 984 &. Pt I I . . J 986.
Dual plate (heck valves employ two spring loaded plates hinged on a central hinge pin.
\~111en the flow decreases, the plates dose by torsion spring action without requiring reverse
flow. i\s compared to conventional swing check valve which operates on mass movement,
the Dual plate valve are provided accurately designed and tested torsion springs
to suit the v'.1rvin? flow The plate check 11s{; of non ,'.\:;;.n·iming
and arrest 1he te;·,1l(:1·1c·"r.' of reversal
~ ~~ of
I, flow
, \- . Presentlv
f ,\:.,l.J. } •.
i. ..... '- ..,,, ;,. no
r... 1-:.::
1.1.~J .~ .· .fJot.. 11·... Li ,e
,.. , ...t.w f\•')i ·1·J1.·'
.a 1.. '··"'·'
.,. ...~ , ..i!.d.1 •" Check
'~·· ~, ,,, ,, \.
These are used to automatically maintain a reduced pressure within reasonable limits in
the downstream side of the pipeline: 111is type of valve is always in movement and requires
scheduled maintenance on a regular basis. This work is facilitated if the valve is fitted on a
bypass with isolating valves to permit work to proceed without taking the main out of
service. If the pressure reducing valve is fitted on the main pipeline, a bypass can be provided
for emerg(~ncy use. Needle type valves which can be hydraulically controlled or motor
operated with a pressure regulator are used for large aqueduct mains.
bypass valve alongside the main valve and provision of automatic control arrangements for
the main valve to dose first at a fairly rapid rate, followed by the smaller bypass valve at a
much lower speed.
These are used to measure the flow in line and are discussed in
rubber gaskets or rings and of rubber covered sections of pipe if they are sufficiently long to
introduce appreciable resistance.
Anchorages are necessary to resist the tendency of the pipes to pull apart at bends or
other points of unbalanced pressure) or when they are laid on steep gradients and the resis-
tance of their joints to longitudinal (shearing) stresses is either exceeded or inadequate. They
are also used to restrain or direct the expansion and contraction of rigidly joined pipes under
the influence of temperature changes. The unbalanced static pressure at ends computed by
the expression 1 /2 7t d2 p sin a./2 with the two component pressures in the direction of each
pipe leg being 1/4 7td2 a p (where d = dia of pipe, a = degree of bend and p the water
pressure in the pipeline) is compared with the magnitude of the resistance of the pipe joint
(which is 14.06 Kg/cm2 for lead joint). and anchorages are designed to resist the balance
force. Horizontal thrust F at Bend = 2 A B sin a/2, where p = internal pressure in Kg/ cm2,
A area of pipe in sq ems, and a is angle of deviation of pipe in degrees.
Anchorages take many forms. For bends, both horizontal and vertical they may be
designed as concrete buttresses or 'Kick blocks' that resist the unbalanced pressure by their
weight) in much the same manner as a gravity dam resists the pressure of the water that it
impounds. The resistance offered by the pipe joints themselves, by the friction of the pipe
exterior and by the bearing value of the soil in which the block is buried may be taken into
consideration if the cost of the block is to be a minimum. Steel straps attached to heavy
boulders or to bedrock are used in place of buttresses where it is possible and convenient to
do so.
The lateral resistance of soil against the thrust block
This maximum possible resistance will only be developed if the thrust block is able to
move into the soil mass slightly. The corresponding maximum soil pressure is termed the
passive pressure. The minimum pressure which may occur on the thrust block is the active
pressure, which may develop if the thrust block were free to yield away from the soil mass.
(C =
0 for gravel and sand, ().007 for silt, 0.035 for dense day, and 0.15
for soft saturated day),
height of thrust block in m,
the length of thrust block in m,
The active pressure is considerably less than the passive pressure and \vm only be
developed if the force on which it is acting is to move away from the soil exerting the
A thrust block should be designed so that the line of action of the resultant of the
resisting forces coincides with the line of thrust the pipe. This will prevent overturning or
unbalanced stresses. 111is tnay best be done ,graphically or by taking moments about the
centre of the pipe. Anchor blocks for expansion joints can also be designed on the basis of
Thrust blocks are needed not only at changes in vertical or horizontal alignment of the
pipeline, but also, at fittings that may not be able to transmit longitudinal forces such as
flexible couplings.
When laying a pipe parallel to an existing pipe, the trench excavation for a bend would
deprive the existing pipe of the needed support. The simplest solution is to stop the flow in
the original pipe while the work is carried out and a new thrust block is constructed, but
where this is not possible, om: alternative is to anchor the thrust block of the orig:ina.l pipe to an
anchor block of concrete by means of steel bars. Another method is to provide additional
support by piling ou the outside of the bend before excavation commences. 1 t is advisable to
avoid sharp bends above 45c• and in soft ground it is better not to put two bends together but to
separate them by atleasr a length of straight pipe. Cast iron pipes and fittings can be cast with
lugs through which rods are passed when it is desired to prevent movement of the pipe.
\Y/here steel welded joints are h.tU anchorage is not generally necessary, since the
longitud.i.naJ of the pipe is distributing into the grnund, ff the
pressures are high enough to merit it joints are the joints on bends
and on two pipes either side of thern should be fully welded inside and outside and
refilled with concrete to 1 S.Om.m above these pipes and bends . About half the thrust will be
taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the pipes. In
order to restrain the motion of steel pipes or force it to take place at expansion joints that have
been inserted for that purpose, the pipe may be anchored in much the same way as described for
bends. Due attention must be paid to bounding of the pipe to the anchors. Pipes laid on
steep be anchored by blocks or precautions taken to prevent
Lt' ... n.t')t..· and t•1.)"''"'
1.:r..,...... 1.. surcs • overcome
t..\c .• ,~ y '-'J'
ii.... . '\;.< ,, ~ .t~ ••
In the absence of expansion joints, steel pipes must be anchored at each side of g.ites and
meters in order to prevent their destruction. \\\/here gate chambers are used, they may be so
designed> of steel and concrete, that they hold the two ends of the steel line rigidly in place. In
the absence of anchors, flanged gates are sometimes bolted on one side and the other side to a
cast iron nipple that is connected to the pipe by means of a sleeve or expansion joint. See f;igure
6.1 for Block and Appendix 6.6 for a worked out example .
6J.'i"J 0CCUllENCE
If the vdocit~' of water flowi.ng in a pip.e is !.l:I.~Q.~}.~~!~JI
. S~:t.!1.];~!'.:i.S..bc<.1the.': t:·nugy g1 ven u.p . .the )
water will be divided between compressmg the water itself, stretching rhe p walls and
frictional resistance to wave propagation. This pressure rise or water hammer rs manifest as a
series of shocks, sounding like hammer blows, which ma.y have sufficient magnitude to rupture
the pipe or damage connected equipment.
h may by the neatly instantaneous or too rapid dosing of .a valve in the line, or by
a.n of flow would rake lace the sudden failure of electricity
supply to a rnotor driven puinp. pressure is not concentrated to and if
rupture occurs, it rnay take place near valve simply it acts there The
pressure wave due to water hammer travels back upstream to the inlet end of the pipe, where it
reverses and surges back and forth through the pipe, getting weaker on each successive reversal.
The velocity of the wave is that of acoustic .wave in an elastic medium, the elasticity of the
medium in this case being a. compm~~1een that of the liquid and the pipe. The excess
pr~:.~~!~:...s!::::~- to _;;~·.<.~l<'.!..h.~1£Lis3d,fuiy:~u;1Lth~...!1Q£mf!!~-~£~_tati~:J~~s~-·~!!!~~ and
(iep~Kls_~he_tle~sLJ2!.QP..£.rties of th~_Jisfilid . ~.Pd £ips:_.!lliLQ1Lths~ m:<t[il~ttH!e ~_:1d _~i.2i!I.-5?.l
, . Complete of flow is not to produce water hammer, as any
'·"·'·'';;c.c.,.1n velocity will create it to a greater or depending on conditions
mentioned above.
1 (i'l
Maximum water hammer pressure (which occur at the critical time of closure T,: or any
time less than Tc) is given by the expression,
Hm!l.X :::: maximum pres.."1.ire rise in the dosed mndui.t~':!J!le .E£._~ pressure 1n ~ J
C velocity of pressure wave travel in m/ s,
g acceleration due to gravity in m/s~
V0 normal velocity in the pipeline, before sudden closure in m/ s
Table 6.7 gives values of E that may be adopted for different materials:
Material E (Kg/m
Polyethylene - soft 1.2x1o7--
Polyethylene - hard 9 x107
PVC 3 x108
1 f the actual 'T is t»c.·11.·re:ater than
mer is reduced in proportion to T
"I1H~ internal design pressure for any section ot a pipeline should not be less than the
maximum operating pressure or the pipehne static pressure obtaining at the lowest portion
of the pipeline considered including a:ny allowance required for. surge pressure. The
maximum should he calculated and the following allowances made.
(a) maximum r···r· d·,·<> ,,.,.,,,,~,., ...,1··n oioeli
,.,1 , , 1~,.. &·· _t-J\'., .. u•.,,,, st..·,11.·. 1:(.'..
• il l.o:;iLAAJ 3 .~'\.= .,t , i1.;.,, "
(cl, In no case the sum of the maximum operating pressure and the calculated surge
pressure should exceed the field hydrostatic test pressure.
Depending upon the layout of the plant, the profile and the length of the pipeline, surging
m p~pe!JHes can counteracted in two fundamentally different ·w2tys ('1) by checking the
formation nf reduced pressure wave f by means of flywheels (which lengthen
the time of the pump) and air (which continues to feed water into the
pipeline pressure wave pump) and (2.)
reflected wave from the reservoir by installing in the pipdincs, sonic
are automatically controlled quick dosing valves, automatically controlled
pressure relief valves. To obtain greatest effectiveness, the relief valve or other
suppressor should be located as dose as possible to the source of disturbance.
Since the maximum water hammer pressure in metres is about 125 times the velocity of
flow in rnps and the time of closure of gate valves varies inversely with the size of the main,
water hammer is held within bounds in small pipelines by operating them at moderate ve-
locities of 1 to 2 rnps. In larger mains, the pressure is held down by dumging velocities at
sufficiently rate so that the relief valve returns to position of control before excessive
If this is not practicable, relief or surge valves are For
mams 1.75m, which operate at relatively high
mps and'-~~:1.
:t.:li·.,- cannot
,.i x . ""··' .• ..._, desizned
Iv" 1- ,,,._"') to withstand wa ter
(.") .. . " without prohibitive
.. ~. ,.'""-· I.; , . • \ ,.J 'f..,
is dissipated slowly by employing surge tanks. In simplest form, a surge tank is standpipe
placed at the end of the line next to the point of velocity control. If this control is a gate, the
surge tank accepts water and builds up backpressure when velocities arc regulated
downward. When the demand on the line increases, the sutge tank affords an immediate
supply of water and, in so doing, gcner.ates excess hydraulic gradient needed to accelerate
the flow through the conduit following a change in the discharge rate. 'The water level in a
surge tank oscillates slowly rill the excess ene.rgy is dissipated by hydraulic friction through
the system,
rapid closure of valves (2) sudden shut off or unexpected failure of power supply to
centrifugal pumps and (3) pulsation problems due to hydraulic nuns and reciprocating
6.17.3.:2 Rapid Closure Of Valves
Gate valves arc to be preferred to stop valves. The valve closure period should
down to take longer than the critical time of closure. The first 80G/o of valve travel can be
executed as quickly as convenient, but last 20°/o (which is effective in shutting off
approximately 80%1 of the flow) should be done as deliberately as possible. 'This not
tends to minimize water hammer but is expedient owing to the greater resistance to closure
offered as. shut-off is approached. \X/here power driven · devices ate similar
precautions should be taken. For geared gate valves, closure may have to be considerably
slower in the initial period than in the case of valves without gears; the mechanical advantage
available is of vzreat assistance in effectinz0 last 20(Yo of closure, particularly
I ,
with large
valves at high rates of flow. Similar measures have to be adopted for prevention of rapid
opening valves. By passes are help in dosing or opening of large valves and should be
dosed last Care should also be taken to avoid setting up excessive water hammer th.i:ough
too rapid operation of fire hydrants. ·
In some cases a surge relief is called for, at or near the outlet end of the line. Depending on
the size of the line and the pressures involved, this rnay be an air chamber, a relief valve, or an
open overflow which fob the oncoming water spill out of the pipeline above some
pre-determined elevation, Although provision for surge at the outlet end of the line will not
necessarily preve:nt· all reversal of it tend to cushion shock there and at the same time
decreases the magnitude of the reversal that is thrown back toward the pump.
Two devices can be provided cushioning shock in the discharge line at a pum.p. 1:11e first
concerns the check or other form of non-return valve at the pump. The ordinary swing-check
valve tends to salrn shut on reversal of How, thus causing unnecessarily severe shock pressure.
This trouble; can be reduced by using a non-slam filling-disc check-valve, or some form of
powe.r operated valve which is controlled by a rela y actuated from the power circuit or discharge
pressure at the pump. Immediately on power interruption, the relay acts to start dosing the
valve whose operating mechanism can be timed to complete closure before reversal of flow can
take place. J 11 some cases a. spring dosing device can be used successfully on a swing-check valve
to ensure having....... the tap· dose before back suroe
t~) can start,
Although the aforesaid devices obviate the slamming to be expected with an ordinary swing
check, they cannot prevent a considerable rise in pressure when reveral of flow is stopped at the
dosed valve. Hence, a sound device in the nature of a. supplement is required which rnay take
the form of an air chamber or a relief valve of ample size. Air chambers sometimes perform
more effectively when damped with orifices or check-valves in the connecting pipe.
The necessity of replenishing the air in air chambers should be recognized in considering
their use as water hammer suppressors. In some cases, restricting the passages between die
pipeline and the air chambers increases the effectiveness of a given size of air chamber.
Suppressors as a general rule, do not eliminate shock entirely but will reduce it by 100/oto 40%,
which often is sufficient to remove the clanking sound.
A pressure vessel with air cushion can serve as an automatic water accumulator. The
effective volume that can be taken from the vessel depends on the switching on and
switching-off pressures. Owing to the fact that water absorbs some of the compressed air that
forms the aircushion, fresh air has to be introduced into the vessel from time to time. This can
be done by means of a small compressor or; in the case of small units, a self-priming pump
which is capable of dealing with water and air, the latter entering through a small adjustable
intake in the pump suction branch.
The effective capacity of a pressure reservoir necessary for an automatic pumping plant is
governed by the permissible switching frequency of the electric equipment and by the pump
capacity. As a rule, the pump capacity must be such as to cover, by itself, the highest
consumption expected.
Pumps with steep head/ flow characteristic often induce high starting pressures when the
power is switched on. This 'is because the flow is small (or zero) when the pump is switched on,
so a wave with a head equal to the dosed valve head is generated.
By partly dosing the pump delivery valves during starting, the starting pressures can be
1 f the pumps supplying an unprotected pipeline are stopped flow will also
If the pipeline profile is relatively dose to the hydraulic grade line, the sudden deceleration of
the water column may cause the pressure to drop to a value less than atmospheric pressure. The
lowest value to which pressure could drop is vapour pressure. Vaporization or even water
column separation may thus occur at peaks along the pipeline. When the prei~su-re wave is
returned as a positive wave the water colnmns wiU rejoin giving rise to water hammer over
Unless some method of water hammer protection is installed, a pumping pipeline system
normally have to be designed for a water hammer head, This is often done with high pressure
lines where water hammer heads may be small i:n comparison with the purnping head. For shore
lines this m.a.y be an economic solution. Suitable locations for various water hammer protection
devices are shown in :Fig.6.2.
The philosophy behind the design of most methods of protection warer hammer J.S
similar, The ohiectiy~e in most_.f:as(.:~ is._1Q_f~~du~!hLS!2.~..!:.. surg:~in_J:~r:._:~~~~-~-~-~!. J.:y
the pumns
........1£;~--· -·~
. The upsurge
~- '(..,_.
w!U then be correspondingly
t ., )
reduced~ or mav even be ennrelv
'&' )
eliminated The most common method foniting the downsurge is to water into the pipe
as soon as the pressure tends to drop.
The sudden momentum change of the water column beyond the tank is prevented so the
elastic water hammer phenomenon is converted to a slow morion phenomenon.
the original kinetic energy of the water column is converted into potential energy
elastic energy. The water column gradually decelerates under the effect of the difference in heads
between the ends. If it is allowed to decelerate water column would momentum 111
reverse direction and impact a.g<tinst the pump to cause water hammer overpressures. If
however, the water column is arrested at its point of maximum potential wh1ch coincides
with the point of minimum kinetic energy~ there will no sudden change in momentum and
consequently no water hammer overpressure. The reverse flow may be stopped bv installing '.ii
reflux valve or throttling device at the entrance to the discharge tank or a1r vessel) or in the
pipeline. .A small orifice bypass to the reflux would then allow on either side
to gradually equalize.
Charts are available for the design of air vessels and fo:r investigation the purnp inertia
effects} S() that a water hammer ..,ttnalys1s is P'"ot normallv nece~s~g'. R1,gid water column theory
may be employed for the analysis of surge tank action, and in some cases, discharge tanks.
If the pipeline system incorporates in line reflux valves or a pump pass valve, an elastic
water hammer analysis is usually necessary. The analysis rnay be done ge1ph1rnHy 01\ if a number
of solutions of similar systems are envisaged, a computer program could be developed.
Normally the location, size and discharge characteristics of a protective device such as a
discharge tank have to be determined by trial and error. The size of· or bypilSS
reflux valves may similarly have to be determined trial. In instances a computer
progr:,tffl is usually the most economical method of solution, as a general progra.i.n could be
developed and by varying the design par.1:meters rnethodrcally, an optimum solution · at,
r i ~1~
__ J .IH!l
r------ \i
If the inertia parameter I MN2 /\X/ ALI102 exceeds (J.01, the pump inertia may reduce the
down surge by at least l(YYo. Here Mis the moment of inertia of the pump, N is the speed in
rprn a.nd AI_, is the volume of water in the pipe.
Some installarions have a flywheel fitted to the pump to increase the moment of inertia.
In most cases the flywheel would have to be impracticably heavy, also it should be borne in
mind that starting currents may thereby be increased. The effect of pump inertia can be
and the numos
r ~ assumed to stop. instantaneouslv,•
(i) Pump Bypass Reflux Valve
One of the simplest arrangements for protecting a pumping main against water hammer
is a reflux valve installed in parallel with the pump (Fig. (6.3)). The reflux or non-return valve
would discharge only in the same direction as rhe pumps, Under normal pumping conditions
the pumping head would be higher than the suction head and the pressure difference would
maintain the reflux valve in. a dosed position. On stopping the pumps, the head in the
delivery pipe would tend to drop below the suction head, in which case water would be
drawn through the bypass valve. The pressure would therefore only drop to the suction
pressure less any friction loss in the bypass. The return wave over pressure would be reduced
correspondingly. Fig. 6.4. gives the maximum and minimum head at pump after power failure.
This method of water hammer protection cannot be used in all cases, as the delivery pressure
will often never drop blow the suction pressure. In other cases there may still be an appreciable
water hammer overpressure (equal in value to the initial drop in pressure). This method is used
only when the pumping head is considerably less than cvo/ g. In addition, the initial drop in
pressure along the entire pipeline length should be tolerable. 'The suction reservoir level should
also be relatively high or there may still be column separation in the delivery line.
Normally the intake pipes draw directly from a constant head reservoir. However, there may
be cases where the intake pipe is fairly long and water hammer could be a. problem in it too. In
these cases a bypass reflux valve would, in a similar way to that described above) prevent the
suction pressure exceeding the delivery pressure.
Water may also be drawn through the pump during the period that the delivery head is below
the suction head, especially if the machine was designed for high specific speeds, as is the case
with through flow pumps. In some cases the bypass reflux valve could even be omitted,
although there is normally a fairly high head loss through a stationary pump. A constant bleeder
line led off to the suction reservoir with a. smaller diameter pipeline can also be connected to the
pump outlet after the sluice valve to reduce the water hammer effects. This may result in
wastage of energy.
The water surface in a surge tank is exposed to atmospheric pressure, while, the bottom of
the tank 1.s open to the pipeline. The tank acts as a balancing tank for the flow variations that
tnay occur, discharg1ng in case of a head drop in the pipe, or filling in case of a head rise. Surge
tanks arc used principally at the head of turbine penstocks, although there are cases where they
can be applied in pumping systems. 1 t is seldom that the hydraulic grade line of a pumping line is
low enough to enable an open tank to be used. It may be possible to construct a surge tank at a
peak in the pipeline profile and protect the pipeline between the pumps and the tank against
water hammer by some other means. If the surge tank is relatively large} it could he treated as
the discharge end of the intermediate pipeline length and this section could be treated as an
independent pipeline shorter in length than the original pipeline.
The fluctuations of the water surface level in a surge tank fol.lowing power failure may be
studied analytically. The fluctuations in tank level may be dampened with a throttling orifice. In
this case the pressure variations in the line may be more extreme than for the unrestricted
orifice. The maximum heads at pump after power failure is presented in Fig. 6.4. A differential
surge tank includes a small diameter riser in the middle of the tank. The tank may have a. varying
cross section or multiple shafts. Such variations are more applicable to hydropowcr plant than
pumping systems as they are useful for dampening the surges in cases of rapid load variation on
©r---·--r~t-ir-T'"""9111l~~---~r---,...--..........,.- ....... ~_.,.-.-.i--
0.2 0.5 1 5 10 ~o
FM N2 c
J= T85w._A_L_V1-,g Ho
1..uJ.uum wm\;u couiu cause water nam.mer over pressures by mstalhng a retlux valve in the line.
A discharge tank will only operate if the water surface is above the lowest level to which the
head in the pipeline would otherwise drop following pump stoppage. For very long pipelines
with a number of successively higher peaks, more than one discharge tank may be installed along
the line. The tanks should be installed at the peaks where water column separation is most likely.
The lowest head which will occur at any point beyond a tank as the down surge travels along the
line is that of the water surface elevation of the preceding tank
'TI1e best position for discharge tanks and inline reflux valves is selected by trial and error and
experience. In a case with many peaks or major pipelines with large friction heads, a complete
analysis should be carried out, either graphically or by computer. In particular, a final check
should be done for flows less than the maximum design capacity of the pipeline.
Even though a number of tanks may be installed along a pipeline, vaporization is always
possible along rising sections between the tanks. Provided there are no local peaks, and the line
rises fairly steeply between tanks, this limited vaporization should not lead to water hammer
o verpressures.
If the profile of a pipeline is not high enough to use a surge tank or discharge tank to protect
the line, it may be possible to force water into the pipe behind the low-pressure wave by means
of compressed air in a vessel. The pressure in the vesse1 will gradually decrease as water is
released until the pressure in the vessel equals that in the adjacent line. At this stage the
decelerating water column will tend' to reverse. However, whereas the outlet of the air vessel
should be unrestricted, the inlet should be throttled. A suitable arrangement is to have the water
discharge out through a reflux valve that shuts when the water column reverses. A small orifice
open bypass would allow the vessel to refill slowly. (Fig 6.6)
. l 2C0 C
Arr vesse parameter= p--·--
~ L (6.23)
Kc :::: Coefficient of Head Loss such that Kc Ho is the total head loss for a flow of Qo into
air vessel. (Ref. to Fig. 6. 7 to 6. 10) C is water hammer wave velocity, Vo is initial velocity and
Ho is absolute head (including atmospheric head), Co is the volume of Air, L is the length of
COMPRESSOR ...,..·==:::t AIR
WATER LEVEL {]UPPER ... ~ __ ........__ ·--
Vo .,...
O. .G
o.a ~
0 - "'
o. 1
0. 2
2 3 4
The requisite effective capacity of the vessel is also calculated from the expression.
\/0 z: 1200 to 1500 Q/Zp (6.24)
V0 = effective volume in litres.
Q discharge of pumps in lps and
Zp ·- permissible number of switching operation per hour for three-phase
( 10-15 for squirrel-cage motors direct in line,
6~· 1 O for squirrel-cage motors with star delta starter,
6-10 for motors with rotor starter,
Permissible number of starts for motors as per IS 325 is 3.
A worked out example is at Appendix 6.7)
\ ·~.l .... ,~'""'"""~ - ..,.,
o.s ... ~ -- --' v · -'""""· _,M<'~\ \ ~' ....... ~
'' -~ ·- \
' ,.
o.s - ~
_u, ' '-'l, ~ \
.,, \
'\ ,
a, 0 ' ~h"'- - ~ n v= '( [""i.t
:r.: o.~
I" ' ~\ . ' 'II"' -.,
~ 0.3 ~
' ~,~" r-,
' '"""~~
i"' . ~
~ ~
............ '
~ ~
0 -· -~M
o. 1
, ____ -- ..
·~ 0.2 ,_,.... ~
z ~ ~ ~
,,~ ,,,,
~ ~ ~
~ ~ _J
0.3 .JA
( .:.- ~ ,,.., r ~~ ~ ,c~ 14"' ... ~
- ~ ~
.... ~ _ __,,,
~ 0. ~....,, t.; v ~ . . v-
""" /tr
.... ~ /
/" v ~
# -
2 3 4 5 6 7 8~10 20 30 40 60 80
A small diameter bypass to the reflux valve should be installed to permit slow refilling of
the vapour pocket otherwise over pressures may occur on restarting the pumps. The
diameter of the bypass should be of the order of one-tenth of the pipeline diameter. An air
release valve should be installed in the pipeline at the peak to release air which would come
out of solution during the period of low pressure.
It is common practice to install reflux valves immediately downstream of the pumps.
Such reflux valves would not prevent water hammer pressures in the pipeline. They merely
prevent return flow through the pump and prevent water hammer pressure reaching the
Normally a reflux valve installed on its own in pipe-line will not reduce water hammer
pressures, although it may limit the lateral extent of the shock In fact, in some situations
indiscriminate positioning of reflux valves in a line could be detrimental to water hammer
pressures. For instance if a pressure relief valve was installed upstream of the reflux valve the
reflux valve would counteract the effect of the other valve. It may also amplify reflections
from branch pipes or collapse of vapour pockets.
In some pumps installations, automatically closing control valves, instead of reflux valves,
are installed on the pump delivery side. Release Valves
There are a number of sophisticated water hammer release valves (often referred to as surge
relief valve or surger suppressors) available commercially, These valves have hydraulic actuators
which automatically open, then gradually close after pumps tripping. The valves are normally the
needle type, which discharge into a pipe leading to the suction reservoir, or else sleeve valves,
mounted in the suction reservoir, The valves must have a gradual throttling effect over the
complete range of closure. Needle and sleeve valves are suitably designed to minimize cavitation
and corrosion associated with the high discharge velocities which occur during the throttling
The valves are usually installed on the delivery side of the pump reflux valves and discharge
directly to the suction reservoir. They should not discharge into the suction pipe as they
invariably draw air through the throat, and this could reach the pumps.
The valves may be actuated by an electrical fault or by a pressure sensor. The valve should
open fully before the negative pressm:e wave returns to the pumps as a positive pressure wave.
As the pressure on the top of the piston increases again the valve gradually closes, maintaining
the pressure within desired limits. The dosing rate may be adjusted by a pilot valve in the
hydraulic circuit.
If no over pressure higher than the operating head is tolerable, the valve would be sized to
discharge the full flow at a head equal to the operating head, where reliability is of importance,
and if water hammer is likely to be a problem during a partial shutdown of the pumps, two or
more release valves may be installed in parallel. They could be set to operate at successively
lower delivery heads.
0.9 ........,ft
0.8 ... - ~
~ , (l'ill'tlli::\
0.7 __
~-~ -- ·- ~
~ ·-
~ ...
-~ ...
o.6 -- ' 'L. l " '-f~
... ~
o.s ' ~-
'-'·~"- . -.- ~- ........ ~
' i'rrl ' ~----
n, 0 ·"
~ :r: 0.4 ~ rJO
~ ,~
~, " ~~ rrv: ~
0.2 ~-( hi.
~ ...
-~ ~
" ·-".,
~T' _: ~--' ' -,.,,
~ ~
~ i.,,_
~~ ..... WI
.,._,~ ..
0.2 ~ ... i.-- ·-~-~ ~- ,,.. -- . ..-
,_ I--·-· ~· ~
~ -
~- l.~
. .......
..,.. !_..,,; ~
3! ~
,,... ~
Q.3 ,,.
l . ....i -"'*
0 J.!l ~ ~
0 % ~ l~ 4~
0 w: ~,,... ·-/ ....
0.4 ~' .~.1;17 ,,,- ~~
~v . ·' ~ Kz~
)( F"""' ~
~ ~ .JJI
:s: o.s
o.6 ~
2 3 ' 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 40 so 80
o .8 ~~-+-it--~
UJ 0.6
:> o.s
:) -£ 0.4
ct f
:2£ I
(!) 0.2
0 :R O.J
)( o.1.
20 3· 40 EO 80
could be disengaged to prevent their operation.
The types of control valves available as release valves for pumping lines normally cannot
open in less than about five seconds. Their use is therefore limited to pipelines over two
kilometers in length. This method of water hammer protection is normally most economical
for cases when the pumping head greatly exceeds cv 0/ g, since the larger the pumping head,
the smaller the valve needed.
A less sophisticated valve than the control valves described above, which has been used
on small pumps installation, is the spring-loaded release valve. The valve is set to open when
the pressure reaches a prefixed maximum. Some over pressure is necessary to open the valve
and to force water out.
·where a relief valve is power operated and actuated by a relay so as to open before
reversal of flow takes place, over pressures can be held down so as not to rise more than 10
to 2m 1) above normal operating pressure, although there may be an initial drop in pressure at
the pump down to atmosphere or below. \¥/ith the surge relief valve open, however, all
succeeding reversals are dissipated through the open valve. The pipeline then assumes a
penstock condition and the surge relief valve must be closed very slowly to prevent penstock
surge. With large diameter lines for low pressure water service the economic justification for
rather elaborate protective devices is obvious since without them the lines would have to be
designed for shock pressures considerably in excess of the normal working pressure. This is
particularly true in the case of concrete pipes, or of thin-walled steel pipes. With thin-walled
steel pipes where the pressure may fall below atmospheric under shock conditions, it may be
necessary to provide vacuum breakers to prevent collapsing of the pipe.
Another pump-suction problem involving surge on a large. scale is encountered in water
works intakes where the pumps may be fed through a conduit extending for several
kilometers from some lake or reservoir in the mountains. In order to look after surge in the
case of a sudden power interruption, it may be necessary to provide ample relief valves of
gravity overflow, discharging to a receiving basin of generous proportions.
The principle behind the design of this valve is to arrest the forward moving water
column at zero momentum i.e. when its velocity is zero and before any return velocity is
The valve fitted in the pipeline consists of an outer shell and an inner fixed dome leaving
a streamlined annular passage for water. A closing disc is mounted on central and peripheral
guide rods and is held in the dosed position by one or more springs when there is no flow of
water. A bypass connects the upstream and downstream sides of the disc. The springs are so
designed that the disc remains in fully open position for velocity of water equal to 25% of
the designed maximum velocity in the pipeline.
With sudden stoppage of pumps the forward velocity of water column goes on
decreasing due to friction and gravity. When the forward velocity becomes less than 25% of
the maximum,the flap starts closing at the same rate as the velocity of water. The flap comes
to the fully dosed position when forward velocity approaches zero magnitude, water column
on the upstream side of the valve is thus prevented from acquiring a reversed velocity and
taking part in creating surge pressures. The bypass valve maintains balanced pressures on the
disc and also avoids vacuum on the downstream side of valve if that column experiences
'I11e main advantages of zero velocity valves arc:
(~ Controlled dosing characteristics, and
(ii) Low loss of head due to streamlined design.
The principle of this valve is to allow large quantities of air in the pumping main during
separation, entrap the air) compress it with returning air column and expel the air under
controlled pn:ssure so as to dissipate the energy of the returning water column. An effective
air cushion is thus provided.
The valve is mounted on 'TEE-joint on the rising main at locations where water column
separation is likely. The valve has a spring loaded air inlet port, an outlet normally dosed by a
float, a spring loaded outlet poppet valve and an adjustable needle valve control orifice.
When there is sudden stoppage of pump due to power failure, partial vacuum is created
in the main. \Vith differential pressure, the spring loaded port opens and admits outside air
into the main. \'C'ben the pressure in the main becomes near atmospheric, the inlet valve
doses under spring pressure. The entrapped air is then compressed by the returning water
column till the poppet valve opens. W/ith float in dropped position, the air is expelled
through poppet valve and controlled orifice under predetermined pressure thus dissipating
the energy of the returning water column.
As the name implies> the valve has two poppets of slightly different areas mounted on the
same stem. The actual load on the stern is thus the difference in loads on the two poppets
and is thus light A weak spring is therefore, able to keep the valve dosed under normal
working pressure. 1 f pressure in the water main increases beyond a certain limit, the increase
in differential pressure overcomes the holding ptessure of the spring, opens the valve and
allows water to discharge through both the poppets.
On account of the light spring, the valve is to open quickly and thus reduce the peak
surge pressure to the desired limit.
Every valve has a different function to perform for limiting water surge after power
failure. Locations of the valves have therefore to be based 011 the results of the analysis of
water column separation, Air cushion valves are located where separation of water column is
indicated. Zero velocity valves ate so placed that the entire length of water column is suitably
divided in spite of differing gradients and undulations. More than one valve may be required
in such cases.
Opposed Poppet pressure relief valves are generally placed near the air cushion valves or
on the upstream side of the Zero Velocity Valves, if further limiting of peak mrge pressure is
required for the safety of the pipeline.
The best method of water hammer protection for a pumping line wil] depend on the
hydraulic and physical characteristics of the system. The accompanying Table 6.8 summarizes
the ranges over which various devices are suitable. 111e most influential parameter in
selecting the method of protection is the pipeline parameter p ::: cvo/ gl-10. \X,11en the pipeline
parameter is much greater than 1., a reflux valve by passing the pumps may suffice, For
successively smaller values of pit becomes necessary to use a surge tank, a discharge tank in
combination with an inline reflux valve, an air vessel, or a release valve. The protective
devices listed in 'Table 6.8 arc arranged in approximate order of increasing cost. Thus, to
select the most suitable device, one checks down the Table until the variables are within the
required range.
It may be possible to use two or more protective devices on the same line. '111is possibility
should not be ignored as the most economical arrangement often involves more than one
method of protection. In particular the rotational inertia of the pump often has a slight effect
in reducing the required capacity of a or air vessel. A comprehensive water hammer
analysis would be necessary if a. series of protection devices in combination is envisaged.
Method of protection Required of Remarks
(In approximate order Variables
of increasing cost)
·-11~1~:~t·i;··z;f pun~p··--··- . --(MN l.\v:A"i~i~i )2
2 0 > ·c.)J)1---A-pp~oxim;;---,,~--. --
Pump bypass reflux valve (cv, / gl·l0 )2 >> 1 Some water may also be
drawn through pump
The example in App. 6.7 gives the methods of analysis and calculations for water column
separation and computation of Air Vessel size.
M Moment of Inertia of rotating parts of purnp, motor and entrained water
(mass x radius of gyration")
N - Pump speed in rpm
w Wt. of water per unit volume
A = Pipe cross section Area
L Pipeline length
Ho = Pumping head
h Pressure head
c ·- \XTater hammer wave velocity
Vo = Initial velocity
J Pump parameter,
f Pump rated efficiency
(expressed as a fraction).
~--------·----------.-. -----···---·- .. ------·-----·---·-·---·--·--···--··-·--
W~fE - T Kfl\1F~NT
disinfection by chlorination is adopted before supply as shown in F'ig: 7 l (a) and 0)).
\X/herc ground water contains excessive iron, dissolved carbon dioxide and odorous gases,
aeration followed by flocculation (rapid and slow mixing) and sedimentation, rapid gravity or
pressure filtration and disinfection may be necessary as in Fig. 7. 1 (c). In case it contains only
carbon dioxide or odorous brases, aeration followed by disinfection may be sufficient. Jn
• surface waters with turbidities not exceeding SU NTU and where sufficient area is available,
plain sedimentation followed by slow sand filtration and disinfection are practised.
Conventional trcatrn ...nt including prcchlorination, aeration, flocculation (rapid and slow
mixing) and sedimentation, rapid gravity filtration and post chlorination are adopted for
highly polluted surface waters laden with algae or other microorganisms.
Sometimes, unconventional flow sheets m.ay be adopted for waters of low turbidity i v
(below 10 to l 5 N'T'U) and containing low concentration of suspended matter (less than'.)( I
mg/I) as in f;'ig 7. 1. (f). Such raw waters are applied to the rapid filters with alum
addition which may or may not be accompanied by slow mi-1ing for a short period (HI
Slow sand filters can also be used to polish the filtrate from rapid sand filtration plant.
Watei: with excessive hardness needs softening as in Fig. 7.1 (g). For removal of dissolved
l 87
solids, demineralisation by ion-exchange may form a part of the domestic or industrial
water treatment units as in Fig. 7.1 (h).
Aeration is necessary to promote the exchange of gases between the water and the
atmosphere. In water treatment, aeration is practised for three purposes:
a) To add oxygen to water for imparting freshness e.g:- water from underground
sources devoid of or deficient in oxygen.
b) Expulsion of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and other volatile substances
causing taste and odour e.g. water from deeper layers of an impounding reservoir;
c) To precipitate impurities like iron and manganese in certain forms e.g. water from
some underground sources.
2962 UA&El9'1 · - \ 513
(Gas absorption)
(Gas release)
.1 \Xt'here,
! c t actual concentration of the gas in the water after a given period 't';
The gas saturation values of H2S and C02 are generally 0 and 0.5 mg/I when exposed to
normal atmosphere having partial pressures of the gases of 0 and 0.03 percent respectively.
Because of the low saturation values, removal of F[2S and C()2 by aeration is practicable.
If the initial concentration of the gas to be removed from water is much above the
saturation limit, sizeable reduction in the concentration nf the gas by aeration is possible.
There are two main types of aerators depending upon the mechanics of aeration:
a) those forming drops or thin sheets of water exposed to the atmosphere i.e. water is
exposed to come in contact with the ambient air; and
b) those forming small bubbles of air which rise in the water i.e. air is brought in
contact with the water.
Spray, water-fall or multiple tray, cascade and mechanical aerators can be considered
under type (a), while diffusion aerators fall under type Q)).
Nozzles usually have diameters varying from 10 to 40 mm spaced in the pipe at intervals
of 0.5 to 1 m or more. Special (patented) types of corrosion resistant nozzles and sometimes
plain openings in pipes, serving as orifices, are used. The pressure required at the nozzle head
is usually 7 m of water but practice varies from 2 to 9 m and the discharge ratings per nozzle
vary from 18 to 36 m3/hr. Usually aerator area of 0.03 to 0.09 rn2/m3/hr of design flow is
The time of exposure of the droplets, the head required and the flow from each nozzle
can be calculated from the following formulae:
Cd =- Coefficient of discharge;
p Power required in KW;
Absolute inlet pressure in atm. (normally 1 atm);
Absolute outlet pressure in atm.;
Gas constant (8.314 J/mole, 0K);
w Aii: mass flow in Kg/s;
c Efficiency of the machine, (usually 0. 7 to 0.8); and
TI Inlet temperature in degrees °K
The chemicals are introduced into the water for the purposes of coaguranon and
flocculation, disinfection, softening, corrosion control, algae control and fluoridation, In
general, chemicals are added as solutions or dilute suspensions. As the treatment is a
continuous process, the flow of chemicals is regulated and measured continuously through
chemical feeders which can be either solution feed type or the dry feed type. The installation
of chemical feeders obviously promotes the uniform distribution of chemicals and eliminates
wastage. Every chemical feeder should be arranged and positioned in such a way that
checking of dosing rate can be made at regular intervals to verify the discharge rate.
The solution tank may be constructed either of masonry, plain or reinforced cement
concrete. Coating with bituminous paint may he adequate for alum tanks while for tanks for
handling other corrosive chemicals, suitable lining of rubber, PVC or Epoxy resin may be
necessary to resist corrosion.
The chemical solution tanks should be located in or as near the chemical storage godown
as possible to avoid unnecessary lifting and handling of chemicals. These tanks should
preferably be located at a suitable elevation, to facilitate gravity feed of the chemical solution.
f\ lifting tackle for lifting the chemicals to the elevated tanks should be provided. Each
tank should have a platform which should be at least 0.75 m wide to allow the workers
sufficient space for handling the chemicals and preparing the solution; wherever necessary,
the platforms should have railings upto a minimum height of 0.75 m. The platforms should
be located at an elevation to have dear headroom of 2,0 m from the ceiling. The top of the
solution tank should not be higher than 1.0 m from the floor of the platforms,
Since the flow of water can fluctuate, it is necessary to maintain the flow of chemical in a
fixed proportion to the flow of water for which a proportional feed device is necessary.
Measurement of the water can be done in a number of ways, the simplest possibly being the
tipping bucket or a pump with positive meter which provides a positive method of
measurement but is applicable to the smaller installations only. The more common
measuring device is a weir, venturi tube or orifice plate described in Chapter 4.
Another method is based on the actuation of a flow regulator directly or through a relay
from the primary measuring unit. This usually involves the empirical calibration of some link
in the system and care must always be taken to see that such arrangements arc properly
adjusted for they do not depend on a state of equilibrium.
The most satisfactory method of control is one that depends upon the matching of two
factors, one of which is associated with the primary measuring unit (control) and the other
with the flow of chemical. For example, a venturi tube will produce a differential pressure
bearing known relationship to the flow of water through it. If it is desired to control the flow
of a chemical solution, then some similar measurement associated with the flow of a
chemical solution must be compared with the differential pressure and means provided for
adjusting the flow of chemical so that the two factors so compared are mutually in
equilibrium. Such a system is basically stable.
The pot type chemical feeder is a simple type of equipment for feeding alum or alkali into
water. The chemical, in large crystal or lump form, is charged into the feeding pot. A special
orifice fitting, placed in the raw water line, contains an orifice plate which creates a pressure
differential in pipes which connect the chemical pot into the orifice fitting.
This pressure differential causes a small stream of water to flow from the high pressure
side of the orifice plate through a pipe and a regulating valve, into the bottom of the
chemical feeding pot and this forms an equivalent stream of the chemical solution, formed in
the pot, to flow out of the top of the pot into the raw water line on the low pressure side of
the orifice plate.
Since the same pressure differential acts across the regulating valve as across the orifice,
the flow through the regulating valve, at any setting, is a definite fraction of the flow through
the orifice. Consequently, the rates of flow of the small stream of chemical fed to the raw
water arc directly proportional to the rates of flow of the raw water. These find use in small
plants because they do not permit a uniform feed rate and the feed rate cannot be also
checked. Sediment tanks are usually employed with these feeding lines.
(b) Pressure Solution chemical Feeders
Pressure solution chemical feeders are more accurate than the pot type chemical
feeders. In these a chemical solution of a definite strength is made by dissolving a weighed
amount of chemical in a specified volume of water in the chemical solution tank. This batch
of chemical solution, when required, is charged into the displacement tank through the
bottom. As the specific gravity of the chemical solution is higher than that of water, the
water in the displacement tank is displaced upwardly to waste through a valve.
A sight glass at the side of the feed tank has in it a glass float, which is so constructed that
it floats in the heavy chemical solution but sinks in water. This float indicates, at all times, the
level of the chemical solution thus notifying the operator when recharging is necessary.
A special orifice fitting, placed in the raw water line, contains an orifice plate which
creates a pressure differential in the pipes connecting the displacement feed tank to the
orifice fitting. This pressure differential causes a small stream of water to flow from one side
of the orifice plate. The greater pact of this stream flows through a secondary orifice and the
smaller through an adjustable needle valve into top of the displacement feed tank, where
it displaces downwardly an equivalent stream of the heavier chemical solution.
This small stream of chemical solution is diluted when it discharges on the other side of
the secondary orifice into the water flowing through this orifice and this diluted chemical
solution is fed into the raw water line on the other side of primary orifice. This dilution
serves to make the density of the effluent column approach the density of the influent
column thus assuring a greater degree of accuracy, at varying flow rates, than is possible with
a single orifice control.
Since the same pressure differential acts across the primary orifice as across the needle
valve, the flow through the needle valve at each setting, is a constant fraction of the flow
through the primary orifice. As the rates of flow of the chemical solution are directly
proportional to the rates of flow of the raw water, this type of feed is applicable to water
supplies of varying flow rates and pressure. Sediment tanks arc usually employed with
pressure sloution chemical feeders to keep sediment out of the feeding line. 1 n cases, where
corrosive chemicals are handled, special pressure solution chemical feeders are employed.
(c) Electro-chemical Feeders
The water flows through an integrating raw water meter causing an electrical circuit to
start the feed control unit through a time switch. The feed control unit is a mechanism
designed to lower the sw1ng drnwoff pipe at a rate which is proportional to the rate of flow
of raw water. It consists of a motor, a speed reducing mechanism, two drums on which
separate tapes are wound, a manual rewinding mechanism, a switch for operating an alarm
for stopping the feed at low level in the solution tank and a dial for indicating directly the
depth of solution removed from the tank.
(ii) Grm1ity Orifice chemical feeders
The t-,:rravity orifice chemical feeder is limited in application to those cases where the
flow rate of the water being treated is constant. 'The solution from the chemical solution tank
flows by gravity, through a strainer and through a float valve, into the orifice box.
I'he float: valve keeps the chemical solution in the orifice box always at the same level so
that the adjustable orifice operates under constant head. By gravity, the chemical solution
flows from the orifice box through the adjustable orifice to the point of application.
'To stop and start the chemical and water simultaneously, a float switch may be used in
the settling basin to operate a solenoid -operated valve on the orifice box discharge and an
electrically controlled valve on the raw water line. Thus the flows of raw water and chemical
solution are stopped whenever the level of the water in the basin has reached a certain
height \\/hen the level has fallen a certain distance, the float switch doses an electric circuit
thus starting simultaneously the flows of raw water and chemical solution.
Instead of being connected to an electrically controlled valve in the raw water line, the
float switch may be connected so as to start or stop a raw water pump simultaneously with
the starting or stopping of the chemical feeder.
The amount of chemical solution fed to the raw water may be varied over a wide range by
means of the adjustable orifice located in the orifice box.
Instead of the chemical solution flowing by grav1ty to the point of application, it may be
discharged in to a pump suction box from which it is pumped to the point of application.
(e) Reciprocating Pump chemical Feeders
This method of feeding chemical employs a motor-driven reciprocating chemical pump.
The pump withdraws a chemical solution, or suspension of suitable strength, from a tank
and discharges the solution or suspension to the point of application under any desired
pressure. The feeding pump may be designed to treat either a variable or a constant flow of
111e chemicals to be fed are prepared in solution tanks. If the chemical to be fed is
relaively insoluble, a high speed motor . driven agitater maintains uniform suspension through
out the full depth of the tank. ff the chemical forms a dear solution, a dissolving basket is
furnished and the mechanical agitator is omitted.
CO Variable rate proportionalfeeders
If the rate of flow of water being treated varies, proportional feeding of chemicals is
necessary. This is carried out by accurately measuring the amount of chemical fed by the
pump. This pump is a proportioning and metering device which delivers a definite volume of
chemical with each stroke. A water meter with an electrical contactor is placed in the raw
water line. The contactor closes a circuit every time a given volume of water flows through
the meter. The dosing of the circuit energizes the motor of the reciprocating pump, which
then operates to deliver a given volume of chemical until an electric time switch breaks the
circuit, thereby stopping the pump. The repeats itself approximately every thirty
seconds, at maximum flow, with the pump operating for approximately twenty seconds after
each contact. The amount of chemical fed is thus accurately proportioned to the flow of
water regardless of variations in the rate of flow) because both the volume of water treated
between meter contacts and the volume of chemical added to treat the water are accurately
measured. However this suffers from the disadvantage that, particularly when used with alum
solutions, the water is subject to an overdose and no-dose seguence. It is better to have the
chemical pump run continously and to modulate the stroke of the pump either manually or
with a mechanical device.
For a number of chemicals fed simulataneously, one meter control serves to operate any
number of pumps.
(2) Constant rate f eeding for uniformflou:
If the flow of water being treated is constant, the chemical pump operates continuously at
the set dosage. When the flow of water ceases, the chemical pump is stopped automatically
so as to shut off the flow of chemicals. When the flow of water begins again, the chemical
feeding is automatically resumed.
(3) Adjustment of feeding rates
Two methods are available for adjusting the rate of chemical feeding. Firstly, the length of
the pump stroke can be changed to vary the rate of feeding of a given strength of solution
over a wide range. Secondly, the strength of the chemical solution or suspension in the
chemical tank can be changed when a new chemical charge is made up so as to provide a
different chemical dosage for the same setting of the chemical pump.
The method of adjustment of the chemical feeding rate varies with the type of
proportioning pump used. The single feed pump varies the feeding rate by a simple screw
adjustment, which changes the length of the plunger stroke. The duplex pump varies its
feeding rate by screwing the adjusting coupling toward the liquid end of the pump to
increase the capacity or away from the end to decrease the capacity.
The reciprocating chemical pumps can be provided with ball check valves on both
suction and discharge, thus assuring maximum efficiency of displacement, non--dogging and
selfdeaning features, elimination of air binding and the minimising of wire drawing of valve
seats. The check valves are readily opened, to inspect the ball checks and seats, without ·
disconnecting either suction or discharge piping.
Chemicals such as chlorine > ferric chloride, sodium hydroxide, sulphuric acid,
ammonium chloride, ammonia, suplhur dioxide and sodium bisulphite should be handled by
equipment, specially designed to reduce the hazards in their handling to a minimum, Care
should be taken to prevent the dropping or bumping of the containers of these chemicals.
For safe lifting, cranes should be preferred to ropes.
Sufficient space with access should be provided for handling bulk storages allowing for
negotiating of vehicles and cranes likely to be used.
Chlorine, ammonia and sulphur dioxide are toxic gases when present even in small
concentrations in the air. Hence special care must be exercised in their handling. Sodium
bisulphate may &rive off sulphur dioxide and may cause corrosion when spilled. Ferrous
sulphate mixed with lime is likely to generate enough heat to start combustion. \\-11en such
chemicals are used, special care needs to be given to ventilation arrangements (IS:
3103~1965). In the case of chlorination rooms, ventilation is specially necessary at the bottom
and should be provided by exhaust fans.
'Flocculation' is the second stage of the formation of settleable particles (or floes) from
destabilised colloidal sized particles and is achieved by gentle and prolonged mixing.
Both these states in flocculation are greatly influenced by physical and chemical forces
such as electrical charges on particles, exchange capacity, particle size and concentration, pH
water temperature, electrolyte concentrations and mixing.
Finely divided clay, fuller's earth, bentonites and activated carbon arc the most commonly
used materials as nuclei to floe formation, The particles may become negatively charged
making them subject to attraction by the positively charged aluminium ion.
Activated silica, i.e, sodium silicate activated with aluminium sulphate, sulphuric acid,
carbon dioxide or chlorine, when applied to water, produces a stable solution having a high
negative charge which unites with the positively charged alum or other floe to make it denser
and tougher. lt is especially useful for clear water that do not coagulate well with the usual
processes. It has a wider range of use in water softening.
Polyelectrolytes which are polymers containing ionisable units have been used
successfully as both coagulant aids and coagulants but care should be taken to guard against
their toxicity. They are soluble in water, conduct electricity and are affected by the
electrostatic forces between their charges. Cationic, anionic and ampholytic polyelectrolytes
have been used; the cationic being able to serve as both a coagulant and coagulant aid while
the other two as coagulant aids primarily. Polyelectrolytes create extraordinarily slippery
surfaces when spilled on floor and are difficult to dean up.
I ;.1.(vol)
G Temporal mean Velocity gradient, s·1;
p = Total input of power in water, watts;
u Absolute viscosity of water, N.s/m2; and
Vol _.. Volume of water to which power is applied, m:1•
Where head loss through the plant is to be conserved as much as possible and where the
flow exceeds 300 rrr' /hr, mechanical mixing also known as flash mixing, is desirable. Multiple
units may be provided for large plants. Normally a detention time of 30 to 60 seconds is
adopted in the flash mixer. Head loss of 0.2 to 0.6 m of water, which is approximately
equivalent to 1 to 3 watts per m3 of flow per hour is usually required for efficient flash
mixing, Gravitational or hydraulic devices are simple but not flexible, while mechanical or
pneumatic devices are flexible, but require external power.
In the field, it has been observed that the detention time reduces much faster with
increase in the value of G. Hence the G.t value instead of remaining constant reduces with
increase in G value. Equation 7.8 is based on this field experience. Variation in the value of
G could be from 300 s' to 5000 s'.
II s s 1
watts/rn' of i
wartsy'rn of i
i I l
f==f===j~::_-+-~- ==~ t~-:==rr ~:1:-~ I
--·-. ·1---- ~i62
Ts···... . . . . . .
·· · · · ·--·· ··-----··30-·· ··-·--·······-·-1--··· · ····· . · ·····---··-6-66
---·········-·····--·----·------ . ·-···-- . - -----r················---··· . ·······----·······;·"'·---··--
-·--· ··--··· ~-- -
-r---- - ·- -- 2_4------1
r···· . · ·- ·--········--···· ---..---- - - - -.- -· ;
·03:6· ·- · :. =:
j 25 I 720 i 415 i
c==:~~~-- ~Ii==~:~~=J=~~~- :~·=--- <soa-··: : ·==~:r~=:·: ·:· ·- -· -64s ~···1··
Note: Power calculations are based on water temperature of 30°C (~t =·0.8x10 ·1 N.S./m2)
I f
t"\ (\
t t t t
I I I ~
t I f
in which Q= flow rate, m3 /s; Vol= Volume of pipe oflength Lin rrr', and he:::: headless
· pipe
· · o fl engt hl ; h = flv2
Where v =Velociry, rn/s; f::: friction factor for the pipe; d =diameter of pipe, in m,
(2) Mechanical Type flocculator
Paddle flocculators are widely used in practice. Fig. 7.6 shows two types of mechanical
type flocculator with paddles. The design criteria are: depth of tank = 3 to 4.5 m; detention
time) t = 10 to 40 min. normally 30 min; velocity of flow =
0.2-0.8 m/s normally OA m/s;
total area of paddles :::: 10 to z5<yo of the cross-sectional area of the tank; range of peripheral
velocity of blades = 0.2-0.6 m/s; 0.3-0.4 m/s is recommended; range of velocity gradient, G
= 10 to 75 s 1, range of dimensionless factor Gt =
104 -105 and power consumption; 10.0 to
36.0 kw/rnld, outlet velocity to settling tank where water has to flow through pipe or channel
= 0.15 to 0.25 m/ s to prevent settling or breaking of floes. For paddle flocculator, the
velocity gradient is t-~ven by
In which Cn coefficient of drag (0.8 to 1.9), A,,= area of paddle (rn"), Vol > volume of
water in the flocculator (m'), Vp = velocity of the tip of paddle (m/s), Vw Velocity of the =
water adjacent to the tip of paddle (m/s).
The optimum value of G can be calculated
(7.1 l)
G2·8.tc = 44x 105
In which G = optimum velocity gradient, s t = time of flocculation, rnin.; and c = alum
concentration (mg/1).
__ __
700 mm
, , , ,
(7. 12)
In which
hf Head loss across the bed (m);
a = Porosity of bed;
A Area of flocculator (m~; and
L Length of the bed (m)
The main advantage of the pebble bed flocculator is that it requires no mechanical
devices and electrical power. The operation and maintenance cost is also low. The drawback
of this flocculator is that there is gradual build up of the head loss across the pebble bed and
therefore needs periodical deaning by simultaneous draining and hosing.
(4) fluidized Bed Plocculator
In a fluidized flocculator the sand bed is in the fluidized form. Even a 10% expansion of
the sand bed is enough to create the required turbulence without chocking the media. The
sand size is between 0. 2 to 0. 6 mm and depth of sand bed is between 0.3 to 0.6 m, The flow
of water is upwards. This flocculator also docs not require any mechanical equipment or
electrical power. Further, there is no build up of the head loss across the bed.
(5) Pneumatic Flocculator
1 n a pneumatic flocculator, air bubbles are allowed to rise through a suspension. This
creates velocity gradient useful for flocculation. 'The velocity t,rradient can be calculated from
G c;: 0.236¥_Dp.[Vol1_]2
fl Vol
In which
D diameter of air bubbles (m); and (Vol A/Vol)= volume of air supplied per
unit water volume.
The flocculator needs air compressor and the problem of dogging of diffuser is quite
common. lt is less efficient than the paddle -flocculator and therefore not commonly used.
(6) Surface Contact Elocculator
The surface contact flocculator was studied experimentally in India to overcome the
inherent problem of choking, which increases the head loss over a period of time in pebble
bed flocculators,
'The surface contact flocculators consist of studded plates, placed in a zigzag form along
the direction of flow. An experimental flocculator, shown in Fig. 7, 7, comprised of 55 mild
steel plates, 140 mm x 60 mm in size, arranged in 11 rows of 5 plates each. These plates were
fixed at 45° to a base plate in zigzag fashion. The flocculator was tested in a contmuous
·-------·-·------·----, RWL
[ .. ~
(;tf Cl.l!.A.R WATm'l
downflow system with velocity of flow ranging from 5 rn/h to 25 1n/h and turbidity ranging
from 50 to i 600 NTU. Further work in this direction is necessary.
Another type of surface contact flocculator is made of PVC Pipes. These pipes either
square or circular in cross-section are cut longitudinally in two equal pieces, length of each
piece being l m. These pieces are then tied with copper wire in perpendicular directions in
alternate layers. Suitable gaps are provided between the pieces. The whole assembly of the
pipes can be called as floe module, 'I11e depth of the module can be between 2.0 to 2.5 m to
provide about 15 to 20 minutes of detention time. The modules are housed in a square or
rectangular chamber with hopper bottoms. The top of the module is about 200 to 300 mm
below the water level in the chamber. The modules can be supported by mild steel grating
fabricated from 50 mm x 50 mm. mild steel flats welded in vertical positions to mild steel
angle frame of 55 mm x 50 mm. x 5 mm size angles. The grating can be placed 200 mm
above the top of hopper level The settled sludge can be periodically removed from the
(7) Inline Flocculator
/\n lnline static flocculator, or an inline static nuxer is a relatively recent device. it is
housed in a gravity main and is static. The head loss in an inline flocculator is comparatively
less and the maintenance cost is also almost negligibk Only occassional flushing is necessary
smce deposition of some floes takes place. The capitalized cost of typical inline flocculator is
one-third of the capitalized cost of conventional mixing impellers. Laboratory experiments
show that twisted aluminium plates as static mixer in the pipeline give better performance
compared to the semicircular plates or the inclined plane plates.
(8) Sludge Blanket Clarifier
A. sludge Blanket clarifier includes both flocculation and clarification. Flocculators arc
generally independent of the settling tanks that follow. They can also be installed such that
both the functions are performed in a single unit, though in different zones. In the case of
rectangular tanks, the bottom portion can be used for flocculation and the top for
sedimentation. Jn circular tanks, flocculators are at the centre and the flow is vertical.
TI1e more common form of the combination unit is the up-flow clarifier which combines
one of flocculation or solids contact unit of either a. sludge blanket filtration (also called
contact filtration) or a slurry recirculation type with sedimentation. Though there are
differences a.rnongst them, all of them seek to take advantage of the mass action effect of
floe formation in the presence of previously formed masses of floe. In such basins which are
usually deep, vertical flow is induced from the bottom and the decanted water is skimmed
out from the top. For floe build-up, inlet and sludge zones are in dose contact and the
flocculation zone is occupied in part or as a whole by a blanket of floes. Rising floes come
into contact with both the settling floes and the stationary blanket of Boes which is in
equilibrium with the hydraulic environment, i\gglomerntion of floes thus takes place by
direct contact.
The bottom section is devoted to mixing of incoming water with chemicals. In the sludge
blanket type,
chemicals are directlv fed into the blanket. AU chemical reactions occur in the
blanket so that the newly formed insoluble salts precipitate directly on the sludge particles
already present. In this manner a completely flocculated system is constantly maintained and
a type of sludge is produced which settles very rapidly and results in completely "cracked"
water. At the same time, the filtering action of the blanket traps the finer particles.
The clarfication zone extends from the top of the sludge blanket to the surface of the
liquid. Upon emergence from the sludge blanket, the water passes through this clarification
zone and is collected for use. ·
From time to time the excess sludge is withdrawn either by gravity or by pumping. For
larger tanks, it is advisable to provide mechanical scrapers for removal of the settled solids.
Several designs of the "Solids Contact Units" are available/and they are fundamentally
similar in design in that they combine solids contact mix,jng, flocculation, solids liquid
separation and continuous removal of sludge in a single basin. The general design features
i) Rapid and complete mechanical mixing of chemicals, raw water and suspension of
ii) Provision of mechanical means for constant circulation of large volumes of liquid
containing the solids being used for contact This is achieved either inside the tank
by an impeller in the inner compartment or in the outer compartment used for
settlement. In other types, the solids from the clarification zone are removed and
mixed with the raw water in a chamber located outside. Rapid sludge recirculation
ensures quick mixing with incoming water; and
iii) Operation at higher than conventional flow rates.
As the efficiency of this type depends on the formation of a sludge blanket, skilled and
delicate operation for control is needed. The turbidity of raw water that can be applied to the
Solids Contact Unit is limited to 700 to 1000 N'I'U. These are not advisable for the high
algae laden water. A typical sketch of the plant is shown in Fig. 7.8 (a). The different
problems involved in the conventional clarifier are in connection with the dosing and mixing)
desludging and the stability of the blanket An attempt was made in India to overcome these
inherent defects, through a modified sludge blanket clarifier, shown in Fig. 7.8 (b).
The velocity gradient of the sludge blanket can be calculated from
pg . Vof j2
G:: :. --(S -1X1 -- a)hl ·~-· (7.14)
[ s 0 j
µ ''"' ,
Finely Jividcd solids and coUcidaJ particles, which can1101· be removed by plain sedimentation
\1:i1·h1r1 'nrrunnnl\' nc,ri1 detention •")('r;,
•• ...... .. , .. ·-· -.-., ,.,J
'°'-·'..,rk . . , ) f~,",,.,,. hours
.\ ._ \.~ ...
•. ,__ - -· are converted into .c···
·...... ~,. :,c.~.,t ... t·\1"~,1.
-•..• ~ - -~ ,1,, i:j.pc'•.:
~1 · t ... ) 1./i..... ••• ~_] •• ~ '" ~ ,.,~,_, _ \t,, ..• ,.,.(JO.J,.Jt~. ·''h .•
al / or flocculcnt'i of
-·-•-~> .,,, i,. '--I J, i,...\/,,.
..!<"). (Ll, '~1·1,j
~ ~· •.. (.>... -~....!.
·il . '·sn•'"';f;
l" ~ .. '\.. ),, , t ..L {:")ri·rc vih:l.) 1.:;. . .{,,,,,
·i "'! oarticle
. \l.'1:·th ["
1.\1 ... size
t. ..... •\.,. ·- . } > 'I.1 ;:;_ti)
... -· ~ r·{ •;,·1 µ11·'
~· . ' <>o..r-1...·
<'..!,. ~ •• a, J .. {o··
.. wever c: ,. due"'""" t() absorption
~l of· I ""\' 1i
'""' I unto , ..... ;:::.r ,,, ..o, the soccific
.. , . .)r" .. , .. ::··, vrwitv l reduc e
... t,, '· l• ...•,..., 1? and formation
.~.· , , <.. iC ''·' ..1.. of cluster
.• , ,, ·'···' \. ')f .rvstals
C ,y:. .. c ··'
of Cl 1 rnrn
Suspended particles rnay settle t'tthcr as discrete or flocculant particles. Discrete particles
do not drnnge their size, shape or weight during settling, The settling velocity of discrete
\'. . an c(·11·"'1~·,,,,.,
'• ,,, ,.:1
~ }··' -,.. il,(,\_.i lt,,,.
..f/ \vt·
·..... l1,.~ .. l...,·1-"'1'
..,••, ~1'1,l'''··l
<\~,~ ..-< re1'.ft,.,
.. ,-.. ,,)! f)''.. ,, '"'
(."I,,) ribe .. ·J
·i..... \,.>, ;., . 1 S''"'t1'n1·
x.t • ,, ~.. 1
Ii,,,, ...
, .. onrrarv.
t...} C\(__ ("'('''),,,,.,:t
•. t,tJ? J,. , n•>•'!j·
r·'d.~ ..... ,.. Ies '·l.~,,,\...
r·r,··j ti' '.l··ttuJr)1'Y'I')' ra te fo. 1·•·,·1·1·1·"'b
1 '<:r ,\....• lusters
1•.l.t>...,ll~ .,~ ,.c d1'j~f'ere1~t
:'.> U1 -
i.. ,,-,._,, -..1 ,~ ..._ -\,; ~ J.l. .. 1
siz~, shape .10J weight. Though rhe density of these floe dusters decreases due to entrap·
• . • ' ., \ . I '
rnent anl., j at)S(H'ption ot' \Vatcr, thev settle ouc lo rncrcasco size.
T'l·c· fol1-·.,,.:n,,,
~ .J / 1 ~
l ' "' ). i \ . ~ .~:··1 rnay used 1n a1nv1n.g ';cttling ve.!ocity of discrete spherical
r~~quation ~
Reynolds Particle
Number, size HJ mm
NR for specific
\.,) .r of
2.65 and
temp. of
St·· 'J ·"' )c 1 c: (I •Hr• ina !.\
~,. \,, \,... 't, ...."i \_ _,.(~A.J,1.,.1. ,,Hl ) Upro
5 .1000 u 1 .. 1.0
l iewron ' s r•··"
t,_ l ur burenr)
' ' Greater
l I . \ 105
than 1
:.' 3 3 ,1..·~·;1;.
L \
e ld :
)I _i,'
v ')
i· 0.34 . l S)
Revnolds number . ...
Absolute or dynamic visosi of water (I.....A1 l,
s.t.r )
7.5.3 Rl-l\10V
~. . .. T.. "C°y;'!C'rc11'NCirs
hu l:'..:.i:•, .... c u·:...... o···
.!-• D' .~ "·•nE1·r.r.\A N'i)L
. . IS(.I'I.::\
t •••
1'.'.'w ")"''(
!'l .. (.1... ~f)"l rN·r.. ;, S'~
.. \. ,.,i,',, rcnr·~ .. l(;".l•'iNS
'" ""'~H·x::.J·~ . H\...l ...
'The removal efficiency of a unisizc discrete suspension settling in an ideal settling tank is
given by the ratio of settling velocity of the particles, v., and the surface overflow rare (S()P,)
which ts nu.mcri.cally equal to flow div;.dcd by the plan area the basin .. For an ideal
sedimentation tank, SOR represents the velocity of settling of those particles which covers the
depth of the basin in time equal to the theoretical detention period or the settling velocity of the
slowest ~wtthng particles which are 100 percent removed.
\'\!hen water contains discrete particles of difforent sizes and densities, the overall removal, R,
of suspended particles is ·
\'("here in portion of with a settling velocity .:5: Vo .• the surface overflow rate.
Flocculent particles during settling increasing the mass particles settle
faster. The degree of flocculation depends cm the contact opportunities which in turn are
affected by the surface overflow rate) the depth of the basin, the concentration of the particles,
the range of particle sizes and the velocity gradients in the system. To determine the removal
efficiency of <'L flocculent suspension, no adequate mathematical equation exists and settling
column analyses are lo be performed.
Settling analyses of suspens1om; are performed tn at least nun tn
diameter and having depth equal to that of proposed basin. The column usually has at 0.6
m interval for withdrawal of samples. The flocculent suspension for which the settling
characteristics are to be determined ts introduced into the column in such a wav that a uniform ;
distribution of particle size occurs from top to bottom. The settling is allowed to occur under
quiescent conditions and at constant temperature to eliminate convection currents. Samples are
withdrawn at various selected intervals different depths analysed to determine the
suspended solids concentrations. The percen removals of solids are at
different times and depths and the percentage removal is plotted as a number against rime and
depth. The iso-percent removal curves are drawn in a similar manner as contours are drawn
from spot levels.
A generalized plot is in Fig. 7.9. The percentage removal for a given time, t, can be
computed the
where, R1, ll:~, R:i, R.1 and. Rs are percent removals and R1 is the percent removal at time t and
at 1
The curves can also be to determine detention depth and surface overflow
rate required to obtain a grven percentage removal of flocculent particles.
()·--·-- Pt)INTS
lO 40
'ilME, MIN
Vertical flow tanks normally combine sedimentation with flocculation. These tanks are
square or circular in plan and may hopper bottoms. The influent enters at the bottom
the unit where flocculation takes place as particles cojoin into aggregates. 'The upflow
velocity decreases with increassed cross sectional area of the tank. There is a formation of
blanker of floe through which the rising floe must pass. Because of this phenomenon, these
tanks are also called as upflow blanket clarifier, The clarified water is withdrawn
< ..
circumferential or central weir.
'These tanks have no moving parts and except for a few valves, reqU1re no mechanical
equipment. They are compact units requiring less land area.
Clariflocculators are widely used in the country in water and wastewater treatment. The
coagulation and sedimentation processes arc effectively incorporated in a single unit in the
All these units consist of .2 or 4 flocculating paddles placed equidistantly. These paddles
rotate on their vertical axis. The flocculating paddles may be of rotor-stator type rotating in
opposite direction around this vertical axis. The clarification unit outside the flocculation
compartment is served by inwardly rotating blades. The water mixed with chemicals is
in the flocculation cornpartment fitted with paddles rotating at slow speeds.
The flocculated water passes out from the bottom of the flocculation tank to the
clarifying zone through a wide opening, the area of the opening being large enough to
maintain a low velocity . Under · conditions in the annular settling zone the floe
embedding suspended particles settle to the bottom and the dear effluent overflows into
the peripheral launder.
The diameter of the circular tank is governed by the structural requirement of the trusses
that carry the scraping mechanism. Circular tanks upto 60 min diameter are in use but are
generally upto m to reduce wind effects, Square tanks a.re gem~rally smaller usually with
sides upto 20 m, Square tanks with hopper bottoms having vertical flow have sides generally
less than 10 m to avoid large depths.
The depth of the settling basin depends on the character of sludge handled, storage
capacity required and cost In warm and where the sludge is likely to contain
considerable organic matter, it is not advisable to store sludge for long periods; otherwise>
the decomposition of the sludge adversely affects the settling process. Depths commonly
used in practice very from 2.5 to 5 m with 3.0 m being a preferred value. Bottom slopes may
range from 1 °/o in rectangular tanks to about 8% in circular tanks. slopes of sludge
hoppers range from 1.2: 1 to 2: 1 (vertical: horizontal).
design 1
l. ~;~~~{~~;~f~~~
- .--. _l_ __ ~-------·---~--so _J
at average flow
~-~---~1~~ .. --- -~~-cculer~-~ ___
comparison to the head available at the . r f hi ,.l;
..,,h~.~ I",,, £'L,s :~.A «'(ti"'
~ ~')....,,
'.\ • •\.JI ,·I ,.,
~"- l 't.,
first inlet from point of supply i.n a settling the head and
discharge at the nth inlet opening, farthest from the folio•ving
relationship holds
... ,., -··
) ·- a ·1
\ ',\
If the discharge ill nt\ inlet is held to mqi where rrr< 1, the head at the first inlet can also
be expressed in terms of head lost between the first n1h , hp
training or dispersion wall perforated by holes or slots. The velocity of flow through such
slots should be about 0,2 to 0.3 m/s and head loss is estimated as l.7 times the velocity head,
The diameter of the hole should not be than thickness the will
Outlet or effluent structure comprises of weir, notches or orifices; effluent trough or
launder and outlet pipe. V-notches attached to one or both sides of single or multiple
troughs are normally preferred as they provide uniform distribution at low 'The
'\7_,.,( . itches ,.,.,. "' o,,..., .. ,.e-.: 11lv placed l SO.'H)i) 1 ....1U\~
H•. .v., -~ .. ,,. -!:-!.."!..,_,
,,., . , e .. ,,., . itre 1'() ,... entre
{:':l""'.1,~(. ... 1,(~,).,} ·,3.(.~.~..._,,,
.:\ l'·1ffl
~-, Ji.. \,.,• is
.... ... ni···-. ...-;,.i,,.
,\ ... >.,,,.\.,~~
.1'1....h.,-.....f 1·..,.., l~\ ..
·1." ..,,,)(,, ,J,'lr,,,, ,fi-.. .•
.:Ii ~i- .,
the weir to stop the floati.ng matter from escaping into effluent.
Effluent troughs act as lateral spillway and can be designed on similar lines to of
wash water trougbs in rapid gravity filt<:rs. The used equation the of
effluent trough is
( ·;,, '! {)\·)
which was originally developed for flumes with level inverts and parallel sides; channel
friction is neglected and the drawdown curve is assumed parabolic.
Y1 ::: water depth at upstream end oflaunder, m
Y2 z: water in at a distance L from upstream end, m
q discharge per unit length of the weir, nr~ /s.m
b width of launder, m
N ·- number sides '\•.:;/',,,."';,,_ receives
,,,.\,.\_. • \,.. ; the flow
i,,,,. L '·" ' (one
\ .. '"' or
Jn the absence of any control device, it is reasonable and customary to assume critical
flow at the lower end of the channel and hence Y2 at lower end of channel of length .L. is,
'There is a growing trend towards the use of effluent launders or troughs covering a
part of the surface of the settling basins. These are at a distance one rank
between the troughs. The use of feasible weir length in the tank from the outlet
towards the inlets assists greatly in controlling density currents. Weirs, however, suffer from
the difficulty in levelling which is not faced with perforated pipe launder. Perforated
launders, with ports commonly submerged 30 to 600 mm below the surface are useful. in
varying the water level in the basin during operation prevent floating matter passing to
the filters.
sludge is to be withdrawn continuously or continuously from the bottom of the basin
by gravity without mechanical. equipment, hopper bottoms have to be used with slope of not
less than 55° to the horizontal.
Reclamation of water from the sludge removed from the settling basin should be
encouraged. various methods include disposal sludge on land or on sludge drying
Efficiency of removal of suspended particles
n Coefficient that identifies basin performance
V0 Surface over flow rate for ideal settling basin
Q/ A z: Required surface overflow rate for real basin to achieve an efficiency of
Y /Y0 for given basin performance.
The values of n are assumed 0 for best possible performance, 1 /8 for very good
performance, 1/4 for good performance, 1/2 for average performance 1 for very poor
performance. Mathematical analysis of longitudinal mixing in settling tanks indicates that the
value of n can be approximated by the ratio of the differences between the mean and modal
flow-through periods to the mean flow-through period.
The short-circuiting characteristics of tanks are usually measured by addition of a slug of
dye, electrolyte or tracer and observing the emergence of this tracer substance with passage
of time. A frequency distribution plot of the concentration with respect to time is plotted.
Modal, median and mean flow-through periods identify the central tendency of the
time-concentration distribution and percentiles reflect its variance. The ratio of the median
time to the mean time or the ratio of the difference between the mean and the modal (or
mean and median) to the mean indicate the stability or efficiency of the basin. The lower the
first value is from unity or the higher the second value, the lesser the efficiency and the more
the shortcircuiting, A well designed tank should be capable of having a volumetric efficiency
of at least 70%.
To achieve better clarification, the flow regime in settling basin should be as close as
possible to ideal plug flow. A narrow and long rectangular tank approximates plug flow
conditions better than wide shallow rectangular tank, peripheral feed circular tank and centre
feed radial flow tank.
Setcl.i.n.g tanks should be capable of giving settled water having turbidity not exceeding 20
and preferably less than 10 NTU.
•"'''" warer
-.,,,.1 . from
.i:.C rivers and streams lA~>-'\''"
... exhibit wide flucutations and
~.::~(I/ -~;~·,!.\, I. ,,/,(lo!,.,.- ...... ) (.<..i\\,, ... )~.t·\.,.,OJ.., ,;, (),,J \.,i\. - ~..• .,. ·\,. ·- .·-...~· t...••. ;:, l
values exceeding a few thousand NTU are not uncommon during high flow season. The
sediment lo-ad of the river during floods chiefly derives from soi.! erosion consists
~~ , of coarse susoended
i. solids Removal of larg·e·- sized and rapidly
~ .. settleable silt
and other materials can be accomplished by presedimentation and storage before the raw
water reaches the treatment plant. Presedimcntation and storage have for both
highly turbid waters and waters of relatively low turbidity.
'\VJ11-··n ,.,,._ . vr . ,v·:•1
·! 'l\.,, .. , ,.-n~·•·<;:·"· '"·vi r'.i.~'fPi
'i,<.,,,;t.1!~.'1\.,.o' /'·j·J1·' settline
;.-t.i 71.,,,, 1',,
.. ~·1· in orescdimenration
<(Al.,,,"i,,,,J;.~ll../Ol\,,1>. 1 1·] ,j.,_,,,L .•. ~!,~~'i. ,) ,,~.·~, ,kJ 2°'),,.,'),,,~. ,~,.. -~-io..:.0.. .. )
detention periods of 0. 5 to 3 hours and h.igher surface loading of 20 to 80 rn3 / m2/cl have
been recommended. These plain sedimentation tanks can be constructed with wooden
piles or out of the slop--[ng sides besides being 01 of conventional
materials like masonry or concrete . The storage basins or reservoirs, unlike presertling basins,
are designed fot very large detention periods ranging from about week to a months.
\i\lhi!e storage is considered for waters of extremely high turbidity, big storage basins
have also been constructed for waters of low initial turbidity.
provide excellent: clarification with detention times of equal. to or less than 10 minutes. Tube
configurations can be horizontal or steeply inclined. In inclined tubes ( about 60°)
continuous gravity · of the · can achieved. i\t anp)c'.': greater than
40{', the units lose efficiency rapidly whereas with angles less t.11a11 60°, sludge '-dl not slide
down the floors. Under such situations) hosing down the sediments may have to reso
to. \Xiit:h horizontal tubes (normally inclined at 5°) auxiliary scouring of settled solids is
11ecessaty. Wbile tube . . settlers have been used for improving the performance of ex.isting
basins, they have also been successfully in a number of installations as a s(:tthng
unit, It has been found that if one .. fifth of the outlet end of a basin is covered with tube or
plate settlers, the effective surface loading on the tank is neatly halved or the flow through
the basin can be doubled without irnoairement of effluent quality.
·' '
The tubes may be square, circular, hexagonal, diamond shaped ., triangular, rectangular or
hevr ,t.., ed '~ \\me}
-idelv us,,,,.J. (.:i matena... _, .. . ,.:~1 tl·. JC.H
,'. cons ""\' tru •. · .... is· . "!·1·., . ,.-,j,,,. ,..,,... ~:l·- ..,,_.,. \.111 .. i::.J nunn)
c evron sn,1p .. t1 .. c1 . UCdO!\ L nn l-'-c'-"'''"' ..• icet -.
black i.11 colour, though plastic and asbestos cement pipes have also been used. There are
. 1- (J;f propne , ~. t·.o.yi· ., d·· ev
. '·,,
ices'-' ., ,.. rucn
. ._1 «. ..~' T. . .emena
.,,.,·np-!l •: {'"]'; ··.'j:~.r-'
232 Analysis Of Tube Settlers
The performance of the tube settlers is normally evaluated by a parameter, S, defined as
v .
:.,.§.. (";f.'j L cos',,tiL~).
.. :c:,
_,_:)!. l.J
{.; ~.. . ..., "-
. (7
, ~'2")
oll'ml •
,.. 0 '
n·v\1···1 ·1ere,
amount L' to account for transition zone near inlet to change to fi.1Hy developed laminar
L' =:: 0.058 (7.23)
7.6.1. GENEH.1~L
Filtration a for separating suspended and colloidal impurities from water
passage through a porous medium or porous media. Filtration, with or without pretreatment,
has been employed fin treatment of water to effectively remove turbidity (e.g., silt and day),
colour, microorganisms, precipitated hardness from chemically softened waters and
precipitated iron and manganese from aerated waters. Removal of turbidity is essential not
only from the requirement of aesthetic acceptability but also frn · disinfection which
is difficult in the presence of suspended and colloidal impurities that serve as hideouts for
the microorganisms.
Filters can be classified according to (1) the direction of How (2) types of media and
beds (3) the driving force (4) the method of flow rate control and (5) the filtration rate.
Depending upon the direction of flow through filters, these are designated as down flow,
upflow, biflow, radial flow and horizontal flow filters. Based on filter media and beds, filters
have been categorized into (a) granular medium filters and (b) fabric and mat filters and
micro-strainers. The granular medium filters include single-medium, dual-media and multi media
(usually tri-rnedia) filters, Sand, coal, crushed coconut shell, diatornaceous earth and powdered
or granular activated carbon have been used as filter media but: sand filters have been most
widely used as sand is widely available, cheap and effective in removing impurities. The deriving
force to overcome the fractional resistance encountered by the flowing water can be either the
force of gravity or applied p1·essure force. The filters are accordingly referred to as gravity filters
and pressure filters. In the fourth category are constant rate and declining or variable rate filters.
Lastly dependent upon the flow rates, the filters are classified as slow or rapid sand filters.
Filtration of municipal water supplies normally is accomplished using
(a) slow sand filters, or
(b). rapid sand filters
Both of these types of filters are down flow, gra:nular-medium(Single·-medium) grav1ty filters.
The rapid sand filters have been conventionally operated at constant rate of filtration. General
Slow sand filters can provide a single step treatment for polluted surface waters of low
turbidity (< 20 NTU) when land, labour and filter sand are readily available at low cost,
chemicals and equipments are difficult to procure and skilled personnel to ope-rate and maintain
are not available locally.
When raw water turbidity is high, simple pre-treatment such as storage, sedimentation or
primary filtration will be necessary to reduce it to within desirable limits. Chemical coagulation
and flocculation have also been successfully tried to effectively pretreat turbid waters without
adverse effect on filtrate quality by slow sand filtration. Description
A slow sand filter consists of an open box about 3.0 m deep rectangular or circular in
shape and made of concrete or masonry (Fig. 7.14). The box contains a supernatant water layer,
a bed of filter medium, an underdrainage system and a set of control valves and appurtenances .
The supernatant provides the driving force for the water to flow through the sand bed and
to overcome frictional resistance in other parts of the system. It can also provide a storage of
several hours to the incoming water before it reaches the sand surface.
The filter bed consists of natural sand with an effective size (E.S.) of 0.25 mm to 0-35 rnrn
and uniformity coefficient (U.C) of 3 to 5. For best efficiency; the thickness of filter bed should
be not less than 0.4 - 0.5 m. As a layer of l0-20 mm sand will be removed every time the filter is
deaned, a new filter should be provided with an initial sand depth of about LO rn. Resa.nd~ng
will then become necessary only once in 2·3 years.
0 ;-~-o-·o--o~
0 0 0 0 0 e
000 o ooo e
o60o0 QO
C,..." n fl VU n 1¥ u,, •f'n(,\n
i I 11 I I 11 :11Il'JI11111, E ~ G TO CLEAR
C ?>C"",.,<-,{
t..::.. _
y rl_'tJ,J_c,lm]lj
--- ..
_~--··----·~~-_ . . . ___.. , ___,. · ·::....:_~WATERRESERVOIR
·-· .... - -· -----,-·---~-
D r
The underdrainage system supports the sand bed and provides unobstructed passage for
filtered water to leave the underside of the filter. The underdrains may be made of unjointed
bricks laid to form channels, perforated pipes or porous tiles laid over drains. Graded gravel
to a depth of 0.2 -0.3 mis placed on the underdrains to prevent the sand from entering the
underdrains and ensure uniform abstraction of filtered water from the entire filter bed.
A system of control valves facilitates regulation of filter rate and adjustment of water level
in the filter at the time of deaning and backfilling when the filter is put back into operation
after cleaning.
2962 UA&E/9l-18A
harmless substances. Considerable portion of inert suspended particles is mechanically
strained out in this layer. During its passage through 0.4 ,, 0.6 m of bed, water
becomes virtually free from suspended solids, colloids, pathogens and complex salts in
solution. The result is a simultaneous improvernent in the physical, chemical and
bacteriological quality of water. Starting with an average quality of raw water, a properly
designed and operated filter can produce a filtrate satisfying normal drinking water standards.
Nevertheless, the filtrate should be disinfected L'I render it safe,
can be inn-cased to gain higher flexibility and reliability. For a given area, the optimum
number and size of filters which will be only 10 percent more expensive than the minimum 2
bed unit are fc~Vcn in Table 7. 2
Area in Number of
Upto 20 2
20-- 249
250- 4
650- 1200 5
1201 .. 2000 6
2913;> UA&E/97--18!3
(d) Filter shape and layout
Rectangular filters offer the: advantage of common wall construction and may be
preferred except for very small installations where circular shape may be economical.
Arranging filters in a row maximizes the number of common walls and facilitates
construction, operation and maintenance. Filters can also be arranged symmetrically on
either side of a central pipe gallery. 'The layout will be determined by local topography and
the placement of pump houses, storage and other facilities.
(e) Depth. of Filter Box
The elements that determine the depth of the filter box and their suggested depths are
free board (0.2 m), supernatant water reservoir (1.0 m), filter sand (1.0 m), supporting gravel
(0.3 m), and under-drainage system (0.2 m) with a total depth of 2. 70 m. The use of proper
depths for these elements can reduce the cost of the filter box considerably without
adversely affecting efficiency.
(f) Filter Sarni and Grauel
Undue care in the selection and grading of sand for slow sand filters is neither desirable
nor necessary. Use of builder grade or locally available sand can keep the cost low. Similarly,
rounded gravel, which is often quite expensive and difficult to obtain, can be replaced by
hard, broken stones to reduce cost.
- ~- -
Q Gl
FI.GU:RE 7.16 : OUTI ..E'l' CHAMBE~R
(c) Outlet
The outlet structure incorporates means for measuring the filter flow and backfilling with
dean water after sand scraping and recommissioning of the filter.
In small filters, the outlet chamber is usually constructed in two parts separated by a
wall with a weir. 'The sill of the weir is fixed above the highest sand level in the filter bed.
This makes filter operation independent of fluctuations in the dear water storage level and
prevents occurrence of negative head in the filter. It also aerates the filtered water thus
raising its oxygen content. To facilitate aeration, a ventilation opening properly screened is
provided in the chamber (Fig. 7.16).
(cl) Scum and ooerflou: outlet
To facilitate drainage of surplus water entering the filter and scum that may accumulate
on the supernatant water, an overflow pipe/ weir should be provided in the filter,
' Operation And Maintenance
(a) Initial Commissioning
\:\ihik commissioning, a newly constructed filter is charged with water from bottom
through the underdrain until it 0, 1 ... 0.15 m above bed. This ensures expulsion
of entrapped air in the filter bed and the underdrainage system. The inlet valve is then
gradually opened and water is admitted to the filter from top. "111e water is allowed to filter at
approximately the normal filtration rate and the effluent is nm to waste till the formation and
'ripening' of filter skin is complete. ripening period is complete when the
bacteriological anal ysi~ indicates that the effluent quality is good and can be put in lo the
distribution svstern.
In an inlet-controlled filter, the rate of filtration is set by the inlet valve. Once the desired
rate is reached, no further manipulation of the valve is required. At first the water level over
the filter will be low but gradually it will rise to compensate for the increasing resistance of
the filter skin. the level reached overflow outlet, the filter to be taken out
for deaning.
Inlet control reduces the amount of work which has to be done on the filter to just dean
it. The rate of filtration will always be constant with this method and the build-up of
resistance in the skin is directly visible. the other hand, the water is not retained for
verv lon0vat the bei:·inninu
..J -!,._, '~·,
of the filter run, which rnavJ reduce the efficiencv/ of treatment
In an outlet-controlled fi}tet> which is more common, the rate of filtration is set with the
outlet valve. Daily or every two days this valve has to be opened a bit to compensate for the
increase in resistance in the skin. The disadvantage of this method is that the outlet
valve also has to be manipulated on a regular basis, causing a slighr variation in the rate of
filtration. Thus, the operator is forced to visit the plant atleast every day, otherwise the
output will fall. The water is retained for five to ten times as long as in the inlet-controlled
filter at the beginning of the filter nm, which may make purification more efficient. Removal
of scum will also much simpler than with inlet-controlled filtration.
In many situations electricity and diesel fuel are not available all the time, so existing slow
sand filter plants sometimes function only for part of the day. Research has shown that this
leads to a serious deterioration in the quality of the out-flowing water and must be avoided.
! f electricity for working purnps is likely to be intermittent, either a raw-water storage
reservoir which can feed water to the filters under: gravity supply can be burlt, or 'declining
rate filtration' should be used. That is, when the raw water is stopped, all valves remain in the
same position and filtration continues at a declining rate as the water level in the plant falls.
When the raw water supply is resorted, the water standing over the sand bed will rise to its
earlier level. Where declining rate filtration is used, a larger filter is needed.
(c) Filter Cleaning
\:~/hen filter: attained the maximum permissible headless, it is taken out of service
for cleaning, The inlet is dosed and the supernatant is drained out or allowed to filter though
so as to expose the sand bed. Experience has shown that filtering through takes a Jong time,
occasionally even one or two days. Hence, lowering the water level by opening the
supernatant dram out valve should be preferred. When the supernatant is drained out, the
water level is lowered 'l 0- 15 cm below the top of the sand bed by opening the scour valve.
\Vithout allowing the bed to dry up, the filter is deaned manually by removing the top layer
of 2-3 cm of sand along with the filter skin. The filter is returned to service by admitting
through bottom filtered water from the adjacent to a level a few centimeters above
the sand bed before allowing raw water from top. The removed sand is washed, dried and
stored for future: use.
(d) Resending
Due to periodic deaning, when the sand depth is reduced to a minimum of 0.4 m, it is
m~ccssary to make up the sand depth to the origmal level. This is done by replenishing with a
fresh lot of sand, taking care to see that the remaining old sand is placed on top of the new
sand. This avoids accumulation dirt in deeper layers of filter bed and helps in guick
ripening after resanding,
7.6,2.7 Cost Aspects
ta) lVfInimum filter cost
The cost a filter excluding and valves is made up of two components: the total
cost for fl.oor, underdrains, s1111d and gravel; and the cost of walls of the filter box.
This cost in general is
c:: : : KAA +KpP
Where, .A is total filter bed area in 1n2 ; P the total wall length in m, KM the cost
per unit area of filter bed, and Kp, the cost per unit length of wall. For rectangular filters with
common walls, the problem is to minimize C subject to:
Where 'n' is the number filters, b is breadth, and 'I' is the filter length.
'The term KAA is constant for any value of 'n' and any filter shape. Hence, the minimum
cost solution is the solution that minimises P, which is
12 ·- 2A
........ ....~~···-~
n+ l
tn + ])/
_.,,...,..,...,..,,,~,..--.~ ....
b ·- (7.27)
The equation for b, when re-arranged, shows that 2 nb :::: (n + 1)1, or the condition for.
minimum filter cost is to have the sum of the length equal to the sum of the breadths. It can
be shown that this is true whether filter units are arranged in a single row or as blocks on
each side of a central gallery. The general expression for the minimum cost is found by
substituting Eqn. 7.26 and 7.27 for E<1n. 7.24
The values of 1<1\and f<p,. can be worked out for any place based on prevailing prices for
construction materials. For Nagpur, India (1983),
C= !<(!\)" (7.30)
\'Chere ':\' is the total area of the filter beds, I< is the cost per unit area of filter bed
construction including walls, and 'a' is the exponent that represents the economy of scale
The cos! data obtained From I ·~'-I· 7.29 for various values of A can be used to determine
the parameters K and 'a' of the function by the method of least squares. The resulting
c(1uat ion for N agrur (19zn) is f~ven by:
I .argc economics of scale arc associated with small values of the exponent Until the
nq11 .ncru decreases to about (Ui or U. 7, there is no economic incentive to overdesign, Thus,
\Try 111 t le sa\·ing is accomplished by increasing the size of the project in order to provide
"en rec O\Tf a long time into the future.
There i;.; a general misconception that slow sand filters, because of their relatively larger
area, arc expensive I lowcver, this is not always true. Comparative cost: analysis for slow and
rapid filters has shown that that slow sand filters are cost effective, especially for rural and
srnal] commuruty water supplies. The economic capacities have to be determined for specific
srruanons usmg local cost data before deciding on the choice between the two types of
fll tcrs.
________ ,Mo, , -·--.-~.,.,.,_,,,,.,""'°_l......_.,...., __ " " " '~" --..."N" " -----~-
Description Recommended Description Recommended
.,_ _,
Desien value
·-···-··-······-··-·-·---·-·-··-··~-'-··-""'"'---..·~-··--··!;2.····-··- .. -~··-- ..·-· - _ .. ,_,._,..,_.,_._._,,,,_...,.,. ..,_,_,
Desizn value
,~·-- ..........,,,, ,_,_~~·--~--'-'"-""'"-'......,.._ ,
Design period 10 years Depth of
Supernatant water l .Om
without excessive head loss and backwashing of filter bed by reversing the flow direction to
clean the entire depth of filter. Pretreatment of filter in fluents should be to achieve
efficient removal of colloidal and suspended solids despite fluctuations in raw water quality.
/\ tyoical sketch for granular medium gravity flow filter is shown in figi.1i:e 7.17.
\\'hen water containing suspended matter J<; applied to the top of filter bed, suspended
and colloidal solids are left behind in the granuJar medium matrix. Accumulation of
suspended particles in the pores and on the surface of filter medium leads to build up
head loss as pon~ volume is reduced greater resistance is offered to Omv of water
simultaneously with the build up of head loss to a predetermined terminal value, the
suspended solids removal efficiency of successive layers of filter medium i-; reduced as solids
accumulate in the pore space and reach an ultimate value of solids concentration as defined
by operating conditions. This results eventually in break through of suspended solids and the
filtrate quality deteriorates. Ideally> a filter nm should be terminated head
reaches a predetermined value simultaneously with the suspended solids m at:tmmng
the preselected level of acceptable quality.
specified by the uniformity coefficient which is the ratio between the sieve size that will pass
60% by weight and the effective size.
Shape, size and quality of filter sand shall satisfy· the following norms:
(a) Sand shall he of hard and resistant quartz or quartzite and free of cla v, fine
particles, soft grains and dirt of description,
(b) Effective size shall be 0.45 to 0. 70 mm.
(c) Uniformity coefficient shall not be more than 1.7 nor less than 1.3.
(d) Ignition loss should not exceed 0. 7 per cent by weight.
(e) Soluble fraction in hydrochloric acid shall not exceed 5JYYo by weight
(f) Silica content should be not less than 90(~1o.
(g) Specific gravity shall be in the range between 2.55 to 2.65.
(h) Wearing loss shall not exceed 3''.'n.
1. _ (Part
·~ 'f) 1()77
, -;; , · 1 d· t-utratron
entitle r···i · '\1 'ie
1 d'·.ta san,d a1101 (''rrave l rnay b· e reierre.
t: .d to for
From the size-cumulative frequency curve, the gram sizes of stock sand corresponding to p4, and
ps arc determined (d4 and ds). The sizes below d4, and above ds will have to be separated out from
the stock sand to bring it to the desired specification. 'This may be done by sieving. 'The finer
portion can also be removed in a sand washer designed to float out the particles of size smaller than
d4, by maintaining velocity m the upward flow washers slightly less than the hydraulic subsidence
value corresponding to da, size, such that all particles less than d4, size are floated out with the
flowing water.
RaW) total area of perforations to the filter area may be about 0.3~~d'be ratio of length
to diameter nf the lateral she. >11ltJ not exce.. ''·'·11 ((l
• " " l.. ·1·1·1"<. "1)a'"1.
, L ·'r ", .....J'l''6 c..)c• laterals
,, . ''·, cl. o.- . ,y '''i Jprox111a,es
· sel · ·r • tl·11e
;;pacing of i .•rificc~ and shall be 300 mm.
The cross scC11ona1 area of the manifold should be preferably 1.5 to 2 times the total area of the
latcrab to minimize frictional losses and to the best distribution. lt is useful to check the design
for uniformity of distribution of wash water in of the under- drains,
The central manifold with lateral twe of underdrainage system is shown in Fig. 7.18.
., -·._. _fAN_~J-
- .. - -·
....... .,~ _,, ,....,..,...,
- -
..... .
,..,,, ,_ ,,,..
,,.._ ,.,..,
7.6.3.'.10 Filten· Gravel
Gravel is placed between the sand and the underdrainage system to prevent sand from
entering the ~nderdrains and to aid uniform distribution of wash water. 111e gravel should
accomplish both purposes without being displaced by the rising wash water. Sizes ()f gravel
from mm at the bottom to 2 to 5 nun at the top with a 0.45 m depth. The faster the
rate of application of water, the larger the gravel size required. Reference may be made to IS:
8419 Par! (I)· 1977 for. filter grnvd.
The depth will vary according to the type of filter bottom and strainer system used,
except in the case of porous bottom where no gravel is required. \\;'heeler bottoms and other
false bottoms n111y subsituted for part of coarser layer of gravel. The filter gravel shall
as spherical as possible, hard, dean and uniform in quality and also shall not contain such
impurities as dirt and day. Size of gravel and depth of gravd fayer shall be determined in
accordance with the following rules:
(a) for strainer or \N''heeler type underdrain system, gravel shall be of 2 mm minimum
size, SU mm maximum size and ().30 to 0.50 m deep; and
frH perforated pipe underdrain system, gravel shall be 2 mm minimum size, 25
mm maximum size and 0. 50 m, in depth.
The filter gntYel shall be classified by sieves into four or more size grades, sieves being
placed with the coarsest on top and the finest at the bottom.
wash-water is introduced or through a piping system placed between the gravel and
the sand layer. 'Though the former results in better washing, the gravel is likely to be
disturbed. \Vith the former procedure, free air of about 36 to 45 m/hr (600 to 900 1pm/m2
of the filter area) at (US kg/ en/ is through the underdrains until the sand is
thoroughly agitated, for a duration of 5 minutes following which, wash water is
introduced through the same under-drains at a rate of 24 to 36 m/hr (400 to 600 lpm/m2 of
area). On the other hand, with the latter procedure, while water is forced through the
under-drains, about the same volume of air is forced simultaneously through a separate
piping. In the practice of backwashing employing conjunctive air and water wash, arr is
usually applied at a rate of 45-50 m/ hr anJ water at ·12-15 m/hr.
For non-sperical grains, sphericity is defined as the surface area of the equivalent volume
sphere to actual surface of non-spherical particles. 'The sphericity, \II assumes values of 1-0
for spherical grains, 0.98 for rounded grains, 0.94 for worn grains, 0.81 for sharp grains, 0.78
for angular grains and 0.70 for crushed grains for sand medium
For stratified beds, as obtainable in rapid sand filters after back washing, the head loss in
a dean bed is the sum of the head losses in successive sand layers. If p,, is the fraction of
medium of sieved size di, the head loss is !~ven by
For unstratified beds e.g. slow sand filter, the head loss becomes
'!_ = !:_.
'-' _p.. _;LyI
. /!_ ..v Q_::~/.~ )·=- .(-~ ~"' (7.35)
I g p I 1.jJ i=l di )
2~)62 UA&E/97--198 Hydraulics Of Backwashing
f·-figh rate granular filters are backwashed to remove the impurities lodged in the medium
matrix. The hydraulics of backwashing concerns with the determination of head loss across
the filter bed during backwashing and to estimate backwash velocity at any required level of
bed expansion and con-cornmitant porosity of expanded bed.
As the water is applied in upflow mode to a granular medium or media, frictional resis-
tance is offered by the filter grains due to skin friction and form drag. The initial effect at low
velocities of flow is to result in reorientation of the particles to minimize frictional resistance.
At low backwash velocities, the filter bed docs not expand and its porosity docs not change.
The head loss or pressure drop is a linear fuction of upward flow velocity at low velocities.
As the water velocity is increased, the frictional resistance also increases till it reaches a value
equal to the gravitational force acting upon the filter grains, Any further increase in the
velocity of water fluidizes the filter bed resulting in bed expansion and increasing porosity of
filter bed.
(a) Head loss across filter bed
The maximum frictional resistance that can be offered by the filter grains in fluidized
state is their submerged weight. The head loss across the filter bed in fluidized condition is
given by the equation:
Iii, :::: headless across filter bed during backwashing, (m)
1,. = height of the expanded bed, (m)
superficial fluid velocity required to initiate fluidization of the bed is computed from the em-
pineal nonhomogcnous equation:
253 i
(7,39 (a))
~) 'Vs d6o)
'' '"' 8.45 Ref (7.42)
t) the Ec0 the expansion coefficient, n is computed using the equation:
n 4. -o 1 for l < suo (7.43)
of expansion coefficient is finally used to compute the required backwash
, Vh, a bed expansion or expanded bed porosity.
The expanded bed porosity, t:., can be determined from the eq. (7.37) for a given bed
The expansion of graded filter sands at different temperatures has predicted tn an
excellent degree by the above calculations. However, the application of this procedure to
graded coal beds has yielded rather poor expansion prediction.
In another approach given in literature the expanded bed porosity of a fluidized bed is
expressed by the equation:
(I' \o.::i
I 'f; I
·i;· )
( 7.•. 4")\
,,_ j
stokes law.
dv' f" gv' dh ']:i
·'" I--~~-- l (7.46)
dt L v dt _i
\X/herc ........ velocity gradient within pores
v' velocity within pores
head loss per unit length
y ::::.µ
( di -d.v'J
combining equations (7.47) and (7.46)
r l. Jt (gv'
r \12
\ --~,-- · di-)_
d..·.{1 (7.48)
l . c
__ fn)l/2
e . (7.S 1)
where K = ]µg Ketp, - p)05]
d.r _
K --1
11-1 ·- t. nJ3'2k• n
. ,~
11-2 fl f
·n··l] = O
Optimization of the equation for shear intensity, by differentiating the equation and
equating to zero yields the following expression for the porosity of maximum hydrodynamic
n- 1
fe "'=--
According to this equation> the maximum hydrodynamic shear occurs in a fluidized bed
at porosities of 0.68 to 0.71 for typically sized filter sands which corresponds to an expansion
of 80 to 100°/i>. However, the curve of the hydrodynamic shear versus porosity is quite flat,
indicating that washing at porosities different from the theoretical optimum does not result
in a major decrease in the efficiency of deaning process. Optimal cleaning has been observed
in some cases at expansion of 16-18% only.
It has been found that there is lack of abrasion during water backwash and therefore a
backwashing with water alone is inherently a weak deaning process. For effective cleaning,
abrasion resulting from collision) between grains is achieved by auxiliary process like surface
wash or air scour (Section Appurtenances
Filter appurtenances include manually, hydraulically or electrically operated sluice valves
on the influent, effluent, drain and wash water lines; measuring devices such as venturi
meters; rate controllers activated by measuring device; loss of head and rate of flow gauges;
sand expansion indicators; wash water controllers and indicators; operating tables and water
sampling devices; and ejectors and sand washers; wash water tanks and pumps.
(a) Rate of Flow Controllers
The primary purpose of rate of flow controllers is to regulate the flows of liquids in the
lines and specifically, in filter plant, to maintain at all times a uniform rate of filtration
through each filter unit. Without these control features in the filter effluent lines, raw water
will pass through the sand bed at different velocities, higher when the sand bed is clean and
lower when coagulated deposit has accur- .ilated on its surface.
Sudden changes of rate of flow also must be avoided if the filter medium is to be
maintained in an unbroken and efficient condition. Any changes in rate must be gradual and
predetermined maximum must not be exceeded. Such unfavourable operating conditions
may be eliminated by the use of rate of flow controllers.
The flow can also be controlled by means of a V-notch or a rectangular weir or a venturi
Rate of flow controller may be either of double beat type or venturi type. The later type
consists of a venturi section, diaphragm chamber arrangement, valve mechanism and casing,
counter-weighted scale beam t,~oup and recovery out-kt section. By virtue of the
arrangement of the parts, straight line flow through the unit is simulated.
Water flowing through the venturi section produces different pressures at the main and
throat, due to the difference of velocities at these points. Since connections from the main
and throat lead to the upper and lower halves, respectively, of the diaphragm chamber, these
differential pressures are reflected directly on the piston, moving it a certain distance,
dependent on the difference between the pressures being exerted. Since downward prcssun;·
on the top of the piston is greater than upward pressure from below, a downward pull that is
balanced by the counter-weight on the long arm of the beam is transmitted to the scale
beam. This balance of counter-weight and piston load regulates the valve opening and limits
the maximum rate of discharge through the controller.
In filter operation, the controller, by virtue of its throttling action, uses up all the head
due to the difference in raw and filtered water which is not required to overcome friction due
to sand, piping, velocity head, etc., and as the loss of head through the sand increases, the
head consumed by the controller diminishes by a corresponding amount. During the entire
operation; therefore, the rate of filtration remains practically constant.
However, it must be emphasized that rate of flow controllers require proper operation
and maintenance to ensure that filtration is done at constant rate. These devices are omitted
where declining rate of filtration is adopted.
(b) .Filter Gauges
Filter gauges are essential to the operation of the modem filter plant in order to measure
accurately the rate of flow through each filter box and to determine the loss of head occuring
at any given time during the filter run. Gauges are available in various combinations of rate
of flow and loss of head, both indicating and recording or as single recording or indicating
These gauges use the float and n1ercury principle for the conversion of differential
pi:essure into measurement of loss of head or rate of flow. The primary pressure differential
producing device required for the rate gauge usually is the venturi section of the effluent rate
controller, connections to the high and low pressure sides of the g·augc cylinder being made
to the main and throat sections of the controller. 'The differential pressure for the gauge is
the difference between the water level in the filter box and the pressure head in the effluent
pipe, pressure connections l>~ing led from these sources to the high and low pressure gauge
cylinder taps.
"'"~ i
Piezometers can also be used for the put1)ose, though they suffer from the disadvantage
that they have to be cleaned from time to time. They are simpler, more positive and much
less expensive than the conventional of instruments.
(d Sand Expansion Gauges
Properly designed sand expansion gat1ge~~ accurately determine the correct percent of
sand expansion and f:Jroper washing cycle fc1r each filter bed. This form of gauge operates
by means of a conical metal float.
The conical float, be1n>~0 counter-weigh~-
red 10 suit the specific ~.p-r;witv
J J ,
of the filter media
moves upward and continually rests upon the surface of the media as it is expanded. The
float is so designed that it w1H Faithfully follow the surface of the media as it rises or falls in
the filter during the washing cycle.
l n St) me plants, expansion of sand is not giv<~n emphasis and the fluidization is
checked by means of probing with a vertical rod during the backwash cycle to see whether
the probe will easily go down to the gravel.
7. 6.. 3. 1'~
. :1 ·p·xp~.:!
. ('.J;,lajI' tery
The influent, effluent, wash and waste \·v::itcr p1pes together with rate controllers and
appurtenances arc i:n the pipe 'alleric~·; should be well det;igncd to provide
adequate space, ventilation drainage and easy accessibility to ail pipe-work and other fittings.
production of higher quantities of filtered water of good quality per filter run compared to
rapid sand filters.
In addition to high grade bituminous coal, crushed coconut shell has been effectively
used as coarse media in dual media filters. The size ranges from 1.0 to 2.0 mm with depths of
()'.) ~ 0.4 m. 'The uniformity coefficient is below 1.5 and specific gravity 1.4. The sand used in
conjunction with crushed coconut shell has effective size varying between 0.44 to 0.55 mm
with uniformity coefficient below 1 .5, The sand depths may very between 0.30 and 0.4 m.
Water treatment plants with capacities ranging between l to 26 mld have been constructed
employing dual media filters using crushed coconut shell and sand.
A. nthracite coal has been extensivelv used in dual media filters. It is recommended that
0.4 -0.75m of anthracite coal of effective size of 1.0 to 1.6 mm (specific gravity 1.45-1.55) be
used above a sand layer, 0.15-0.30 m. The effective size of sand may very between 0.45 to 0.8
mm with 0.45 nun being preferred. The sartd is silica sand with specific gravity of 2.6.5.
The equation can be employed to design the depths of filter. For example, for typical high
rate filters f=0.45,'tf = 0.8 and(}/} 680, A;; 2800 m2. Since the effective size of sand is nor
Where subscripts u and l respectively denote the largest grain within the upper layer (coal)
and the smallest grains within the lower layer (sand). 1 t follows that mixing during settling as
well as during expansion determines the maximum allowable ratio of the grain sizes in the
two layers.
For sharp interface and no intermixing, the ratio of maximum diameter of coal to the
minimum diameter of sand that will ensure both equal expansion and equal settling can be
computed using above mentioned equation. For a density of coal of 1.5 and its sphericity
0. 70 and sphericity and density of sand of 0.85 and 2.65, this ratio is
If partial intermixing is to be achieved the size of the coarsest coal must be more than 2.3
times the minimum diameter of sand for characteristic of coal and sand given. Disadvantages
Pressure filters suffer from the following disadvantages:
(a) The treatment of water under pressure seriously complicates effective feeding,
mixing and flocculation of water to be filtered.
(b) In case of direct supply from pressure filters, it is not possible to provide adequate
contact time for chlorine.
(c) The water under filtration and the sand bed are out of sight and it is not possible
to observe the effectiveness of the back wash or the degree of agitation during
washing process.
(d) Because of the inherent shape of the pressure filters it is difficult to provide wash
water gutters effectively designed so that the material washed from the sand is
discharged to waste and not flushed back to other portions of the sand bed.
(d) ft is difficult to inspect, clean and replace the sand, gravel and underdrains of
(e) Because the water is under pressure at the delivery end> on occasions when the
pressure on the discharge main is released suddenly, the entire sand bed might be
disturbed violently with disastrous results to the filter effluent,
In view of these disadvantages, pressure filters are not recommended for community
water supplies, particularly
for large ones, They mar be used for industrial needs and
swimming pools.
Constant And Declining Rate Filtration
(a) Constant Rate Filtration by Influent Flow Splitting
Jn conventional rapid sand filters, constant rate of flow is maintained by installing a rate
of flow controller on the effluent line. These rate of flow controller can be quite complex
and high in initial and maintenance Costs. Alternative systems have been proposed which are
relatively simple to build, operate and maintain.
One of the simplest methods is rate control by influent flow splitting which is depicted in
Fig. 7.19. The filter influent is divided equally among all the operating filters in series by
means of a weir at each filter inlet. The srze of the filter influent conduit is kept relatively
large so thar the head loss is not significant and the water level does not vary significantly
along the length of the conduit. This helps in maintaining nearly same head on each of the
weir :md Ciltcr influent is equally split arnong all the operating filters. The filtration rate is
controlled jointly for all the filter units by the inflow feeding rate. At the beginning of filter
nm when a backwashed filter is put into service, the level of water in that filter is minimum.
the filtration proceeds and head loss builds up, the water level rises m the filter till it
reaches the maximum permissible level above the filter bed, which rnay be, for example,
c<1ual to the level of influent weir. The filter is then taken out of service for backwashing.
The advantages of this system include elimination of rate controllers and slow and
smooth changes in rates due to t,>-radual rise and fall of water level above filter bed with less
; . H~~ W~TEfi~E~~-L WEIR BOX
LEVEL. .. .,; ~l ~E-A~_':~~,S
WAS~·t t~·,..;...;.......i:::.....---· .. ,,_
of the flow. The filtered water header pressure may be regulated by a throttle valve which
discharges to a filtered water reservoir. Costly rate controllers are replaced with fixed orifices
and, therefore, would make the units economical particularly in large water works involving
batteries of filters. The quality of water produced by the declining rate filters and filters
controlled by conventional rate controllers are reported to be almost the same. For equal
durations of filter runs. the total output per day from a declining rate filter is higher than that
in the conventional one. In a group of filters operating at an average rate of 6 m3 /m2 /hr,
fixed orifice \V1.Jl be so designed that a recently deaned filter will begin operation at 9 n-13 I m:1/
hr while the filter next in line for backwashing will have slowed down to about 3 m' /m2/ hr.
Usually the depths of filter boxes for declining rate filters are more than those for the
conventional ones. These would permit longer filter runs and consequent reduced wash
water requirements. The possibility of "break through" resulting in increased concentration
of suspended solids in the effluent in filters with rate controllers is avoided in dws system.
of fine sand at the top of the bed. 'They operate at the rate of SL12 m3/m2/ hr and deliver
four times the filtered water per nm of down flow filter of the same size. Recent researches
indicate that higher rates of ·15-30 rn''/n//hr could be employed, The operating rate,
however, depends on quality of water to be filtered and the effluent quality desired.
level reaches the top of the loop, usually designed with a 2 meters differential, syphon action
is started and backwashing begins at the required rate of 30 to 42 m'/m2/ hr. W'ash water
flows from the storage tank up through the sand bed and is discharged through the back·
wash pipe. A syphon breaker ends the washcycle. The filter washes itself automatically, at the
proper time at a given loss of head, without any mechanical instrument or operating tables.
There is no maintenance from a mechanical standpoint of view. These filters are useful for
low turbidity waters and for small installations.
Disposal of wastes from the water treatment plants has become increasingly important
with the availability of technology and the need for protection of the environment.
Treatment of waste solids adds to the cost of construction and operation of treatment plants.
\Vastes from water treatment plants comprise of:
(a) sludge from sedimentation of particulate matter in raw water, flocculated and
precipitated material resulting from chemical coagulation, or residuals of excess
cherncial dosage, plankton etc.;
(b) wastes from rinsing and backwashing of filter media containing debris, chemical
precipitates, strainings of organic debris and plankton and residuals of excess
chemical dosage etc.; and
(c) wastes from regeneration processes of ion exchange softening treatment plant
containing cations of calcium, magnesium and unused sodium and anions of
chlorides and sulphates originally present in the regenerant.
2962 UA&E/97-20A
(c) \''/hen the raw water turbidity does not exceed 30 NTC, the filter runs should
normally be not less than 6 to 8 weeks, with the filter head not exceeding 0.6 m.
'l inirial loss of head should not normally exceed 5 cm. A higher head will
indicate that the entire sand bed needs overhauling .
I ii(]~ 1' -t. rm
q 2·") 1.'\..l~l· ll. ('
~/·, \N'l')..,, r··y"
, ~ ! JL,'Tr'O''
1 .\l.:,J.'\~.)
l -or sand filters performance standards may be based on the following criteria:
(11.) The filtrate should be clear with the turbidity of 1 NTIJ or less.
QJ) The filtrate should be free from colour (with 3 or less on the cobalt scale).
(c) '1
J filter runs should normally be not less than 24 hours with a loss of head not
(J) For an efficient filter) the wash water consumption should not exceed 2 per cent of
the Cj\iilntity filtered in between wa1'hing.
.--·-----·--- --~--------....-~.....---------·---.------
CJI:A.PT~~R. 8:
\Vater Treatment processes such as storage, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation,
fili:.rat:ion, aeration and water softening arc specifically designed to produce waters that are
,. '' t'·neet.ic,L
aes . . , JI y ',K,.cp ·r' t·"a...h!'
. c an · ·· d econorrucai
" c l , ., 1 trJ ·use. '''·' , H)ugi
'T'·!· · rh L·l·iese
''" ·' p.1y~1L
·· l · ''. co-clv.. iemrca
.r ' · . · . l processes
· r· · '·' · · ..,..
assist in removal or killing of microorganisms to varying degree, these cannot be relied upon
to provide safe water. For utmost safety of water for drinking purposes, disinfection of water
t1MS' • to ' t1Jt,'.> d one ' ' " I·:·01
.. l' ,1'··1·1' 1ng ' r o' t·~ cisease
..r, .. ·"· ,.. ph)C
'.> -r ·1 ucmb ' )' orgarusrns.
<' • 'r•"' ;". "' ., r3
1.. .acre
~ '' na,
.·, vrruscs
/' ,. -v c- ' ' "' ··l· ....
cysts constitute the three main types of human enteric pathogens and effective disinfection is
aimed at destruction or inactivation of these and other pathogens such as helrninths
responsible for water-borne diseases. The need disinfection in ensuring protection
transmission of water-borne diseases cannot be overemphasized and its inclusion a'.' one of
the water treatment
l~w V'lr t. t '-...
1.,,,, wl,L l; t· . 1·. , . .,. . . , ,) ~~ 1° ("')1'1S1°i!('""'C·l
. 1'J!'('V"PS''C''' 1'
~1 .t. .. ~1 ... t.
l..,., ~ ,.,,,,
r. ... essarv
.1\.,l-"-.,,) ~.,a, J •
1 listoricallv, boiling of water or use of copper and silver vessels for stonng water which
effect some measure of disinfection have been employed in this country and elsewhere.
Broadly, modern disinfection processes include use of:
(i) Physical methods such as thermal treatment and ultrasonic waves.
(1i) Chemicals including oxidizing chemicals such as Chlorine and its compounds,
Bromine, Iodine, Potassium Permanganate, Ozone and metals E:;i!vcr
(iii) Radiation.
Disinfection and sterilization are different processes, \Xfhile disinfection arms at selective
destruction of disease producing organisms, sterilization is employed to completely destroy
or inactivate micro-organisms including bacteria, amoebic cysts, viruses, algae ;md spores
a chemical or an agent to be potentially useful as a. disinfectant in water supplies, it
has to satisfy the following criteria:
Be capable of destroying the pathogenic organisms present, within the contact time
available and not unduly influenced by range of physical chemical
properties of water encountered particularly temperature, pl 1 and mineral
(b) Should not leave products of reaction which render the water toxic or 1mpan
colour or otherwise make it unpotable;
(c) Possess the property of leaving residual concentrations to deal with possible
(d) Be amenable to detection by practical, rapid and simple analytical techniques in the
small concentration ranges to permit the control of disinfection process.
The mechanism of killing the pathogens depends largely on the nature of the disinfectant
and on the type of microorganisms, In general f6ur mechanisms are proposed to explain the
destruction or inactivation of organisms.
Damage to cell wall.
(ii) Alteration of cell permeability.
(iii) Changing the colloidal nature of the cell protoplasm.
(iv) Inactivation. of critical enzyme systems responsible for metabolic activities.
Damage to cell wall leads to cell lysis and death, Alteration of cell permeability refers to
the destruction of selective permeability of cytoplasmic membrane and causes outflow from
the cells of such vital nutrients, as nitrogen and phosphorus. Dcnaturization of cell proteins
by acids and bases leads to destruction of cells. Inactivation of critical enzyme activity vital.
for cell growth and survival is normally brought about by oxidizing chemicals.
Chemical disinfection normally proceeds in at least two steps:
(i) Penetration of the disinfectant through the cell wall and
(ii) R(.:-:H:t·ion with enzvmes within the cell.
The efficiency of chemical disinfection i:-: influenced by the following factors:
fl Type, condition, concentration and distribution of organisms to be destroyed.
. '
(b) Type and concentration of disinfectant.
(c) Chemical and physical characteristics of water to be treated.
(d) Contact time available for disin hon,
Viruses appear to be more resistant than bacteria and require longer period'; of contact as
well as higher concentration of disinfectant. Spores are relatively resistant but fortunately are
not of such significance as pathogens. Cysts are extremely resistant. The condition in which
the organisms occur may also affect the efficiency of disinfection. Thus, when the bacteria
are dumped together, the cell inside the dump may be protected against the action of
disinfectant. The density of the organisms affects the efficiency only when the number is so
high that there is a deficiency of available disinfectant. Such a condition mav occur in
disinfection of sewage but is not usual in water works practice.
The efficiency of disinfection will obviously depend on the nature of the disinfectant. The
added chemical undergoes several transformations so that the disinfecting action is really
exerted by the end products of reaction. The course of these reactions is largely influenced
by the character of the water and its constituents. These reactions that may occur under
different conditions will determine the type proportion of the active disinfectants.
Higher the concentration of a chemical disinfectant, the higher is the destruction of
Organic matter and certain oxidising constituents in water reduce the availability of the
active products for disinfection. Embedded organisms in suspended materials in water rnay
be sheltered from the action of disinfectant.
The destruction of organisms increases with contact time available for disinfection. In
practice, the contact period is limited by the design of the plant and is usually not less than
30 minutes.
Adequate period of contact is available in most plants because the chlorinated water has a
considerable detention in the clear water reservoirs before it is supplied, f. [owever, in small
plants where such storage is not provided, the contact period is determined by the time taken
for the water to flow from the point of application of chlorine to the point of drawal of
water by the first consumer. If the minimum contact time is not available the dose of
disinfectant should be suitably increased.
Rates of chemical reactions are speeded up as the temperature of the reaction is
increased. The higher the temperature, the more rapid is the destruction of organisms.
The kinetics of disinfection is affected by several variables as enunciated in section 8.4.
The effect of some of these disinfection variables can be quantified by empirical
mathematical relationships. Under ideal conditions, three main variables alter the rates of
disinfection, namely (i) the time of contact, (iD the concentration of the disinfectant and (iii)
the temperature of water.
time is an variable the rate of destruction of organisms.
speaking, under id~~a1 conditions and at constant temperature. The r.umber of
(Nt) surviving after a period of time t is related to the initial number (No) by
Chick's law
aiso ·mdiicate
,.l.. -: ·" tnat
J csome
· · '" \,·,.
iruscs '< .ki
c.~.·i-,· _,\ .•..o· v.. sac
· ·· w (··· dt · .1....us· · ,i\ 2 ·are' more ·' .· ··•·: t... tco \,'II'
· " 1· esistan cu 1nbr F!()Cl
than commonly used indicator organisms, l ·>Coli.
The efferr of temperature on rate nf kill is usually expressed by the l loff-Arrhenius
relationship assuming that the rate of disinfect [on is controlled either by the rate of diffusion
of disinfectant. through the cell wall or by rate of chemical reaction with cellular enzymes:
r .. (8 .
t 1,1.2 arc time for given percentage of kill at temperatures T1 and T2 in "K, Eis the
acuvarion energy .!/mo] or cals/ mol) and R is the gas constant to 8.31-4- J/rnol.''.)!<
or 1.99 cab/mot··K Typical values of E at pf i 7.0 for aqueous chlorine and chlorarnines are
:~4,112 and 50,242 J/mol respectively. /\s the pf I increases, value of L also increases. This
type of rclarionship indicates that at lower temperature of water (e.g. in winter season) the
l'irnc required for achieving the same of kill for rhe same concentration of
disinfectant would be higher than those for hwher
t. C)
temperature (c.rt
in summer months). l f t..1
time of contact cannot be changed due to design constraints, doses of disinfectants will have
to be changed to account for changes in tvmpcraturc to achieve same percentage of kilt
( :hlorinc i:~ an clement, having the symbol Cl with an atomic weight of :.35.45, melting
point -101.S and boiling point 5iJC Cascous chlorine is greenish in colour and is
approximately 2.5 times heavier than air. Under pressure, it is a liquid \.vith an amber colour,
oily nature and approximately 15 times as heavy as water. Liquefaction of chlorine gas is
accomplished by drymg, cleaning and compressing the gas to .35 kg/ cm". During this
process, 1 he resultant lt< . .iuid chlorine is separated from noncondcnsable 'The
tcmpcrnturc of the liquid chlorine in the container influences the internal pressure of the
chlorine gas and hence its flow from the container. I .iquid chlorine must be vaporised in
order lo be withdrawn as gas this trmb to reduce its temperature and thereby its vapom
pn:ssuiT. /\l !(,lo high discharge rates, the \Vil! be cooled excessively resulting in the
formation of frost on the outside of the container. \Vhi'le dry chlorine is non corrosive, moisr
chlorine i·; highlv corrosive. ( .hlorinc gas is harmful to human beings since it is a powerful
irritant to lungs eyes. hlLd conccntrauons arc generally avoided as its irritant nature is
rnognisabk al. much lower coriccntrations, t odour threshold b_cing 3. 5 ppm volume.
·the safety limit for a working environment permits the maxrmum allowable concern ration of
c hlorinc in air 0 r 1 ppm by volume for an ex posurc period nf 8 hours.
NCl3 + IlzO
(Trichlorarnine or Nitrogen chloride)
The monochlorarnine (Nl·bCI) and the dichlorarnine (NlICh) have disinfectant properties,
twentv' five times less than that of free chlorine, while the trichlorarnine has no
disinfectant properties at all. The plI of the water generally determines the ratio between the
amount of mono and dichlorarnines formed which have nearly equal bactericidal powers. Below
pH 4A., trichlorarnine is found. Between pH .+A to 5.5, only dichloramine exists and in the
range of 5.5 · 8.4, both mono- and dichloramines prevail in a ratio fixed by the pH. At pII 7.0,
equal quantities of mono and di-compounds and above plJ 8A only rnono-chloramines are
noticed. Chlorine Demand
Chlorine and chlorine compounds by virtue of their oxidizing po\ver can be consumed by a
variety of inorganic and organic materials present in water before any disinfection is achieved. 1 t
is, therefore, essential to provide sufficient time and dose of chlorine to satisfy the various
chemical reactions and leave some amount of unreacted chlorine as residual either in the form
of free or combined chlorine adequate for killi11g the pathogenic org;tnisms.
The difference between the amount of chlorine added to water and the amount of residual
chlorine after a specified contact period is defined as the chlorine demand. The chlorine demand
of any given water varies with the amount of chlorine applied, the time of contact, pl T,
temperatu1·e, and type and quantity of residual desired. Estimation Of Chlorine
The usual tests practised for estimating the residual chlorine in water are the orrhotoulidinc
test (O'T) and orthoroulidine arsenite test (OT'!\), the former used for total residual chlorine
concentration and the latter for free available chlorine. \Vhen orthotoulidinc reagent is added to
water containing chlorine; a greenish yellow colour develops, the intensity of which ts
proportional to the amount of residual chlorine present. Soluble tablets of DPD
(diethylphenylene-diamine) have also been used satisfactorily in place of orthotoulidine reagent.
The orthotoulidine test procedure does not overcome errors caused by the presence of nitrates,
iron and mant,>anese, all of which produce a yellow colour with orthotoulidinc nor is it able to
discriminate between "Free Chlorine" and "Combined Chlorine". The O.T.A. method permits these
differentiations. The principle of the method is that chlorine either free or combined is destroyed on
addition of sodium arsenite whereas the colour produced by the reaction of chlorin~ with
orthotoulidine as well as the interfering agents is unaffected. The reaction of orthotoulidine with
free chlorine is instantaneous while with combined chlorine it is very slow and docs not begin until
about 10 seconds. This property is used for distinguishing free from combined chlorine. The test is
carried out as follows:
a) Take three tubes marked to hold lO ml and label them 'A', 'B' and 'C'
b) To tube 'A' add 0.5 ml. of orthotoulidine solution. Then add 10 ml. of water sample and
mix. Add 0.5 ml or OS'i'o sodium arsenite (NaA~02) immediately. Mix and compare with
standards as rapidly as possible. Record the result (A).
ec ---t-
c) 'To tube 'B' containing 0. 5 ml of arsenite solution, add 10 ml of water sample. Mix
quickly and immediately add U.S ml of orthotoulidine reagent. Mix and cornpare
with colour standards as quickly as possible. Record the reading (Bl). Compare
with colour standards again in exactly 5 minutes and record result (B2). B 1 and B2
are due to interfering substances.
d) To rube 'C' add 0.5 ml of orthotoulidine reagent and then add 10 ml of the sample.
Mix allow to stand for exactly 5 minutes. Compare the colour with standards.
Record reading (C).
c) Compute different values as follows:
+ T oral residual chlorine = (C - B2)
t Free residual chlorine :::: (A B1)
• Combined residual chlorine ·-· (C . B2) ·· ·· B 1)
Sc. )2 + ("'J
c . ; 2 ·t. 2}. I z 0 -·
"""'- ·~
(4) Breakpoint Chlorination:
As already explained in section, the addition of chlorine to ammonia in water
produces chloramines which do not have the same efficiency as free chlorine.If the chlorine
dose in this water is increased, a reduction in the residual chlorine occurs, due to the
destruction of chlorine by the added chlorine. i\ few possible schemes are as below:
escape in emergencies. It is generally desirable to provide atleasr two means of exit, Doors
should open out and lead to outside galleries or platforms, fire esrnp<>s, or other
unobstructed areas.
To withdraw gas from a cylinder or ton container, the liquid chlorine must be vaporized.
The flow rate is a function of the vaporization rate, which, in tum, is dependent on the rate
of heat transfer to the liquid.
29G2 UA&Ei97-2tB
C! _ .....,..... --=:: .. : :J'4 WATER
temperature -prcssure equilibrium indicated on the chlorine vapour pressure curve. It can be
prevented by supplying properly controlled heat or by reducing the pressure. The
temperature of chlorine containers and gas pipeline~.'· should be r than the temperature of
the chlorinator to prevent · if chlorine the chlorine will be
rdiqwficd and result in erratic chlorinator operation. Chlorine pipelines removed from
service for even vcrv · should be closed in a suitable manner to preclude the
entrance of moisture, \vhich \vil! cause serious corrosion problems,
Equipment deaning and repair should be performed under the direction of thoroughly
trained personnel who arc fully familiar with all the hazards and the safeguard necessary for
the safe performance of the work. /\!1 precautions pertaining to education> protective
equipment and health and fire hazards should he reviewed and understood. Repair to
chlorine systems should not be undertaken while the system is in operation and while piping
systems arc in service. Chlorine pipelines and equipment should purged with dry air
as a safeguard t:o health; this is especially important where · or welding operations are
undertaken because iron and steel will ignite in presence chlorine at about 235 °C.
Immediate drying of a chlorine into which water or moisture has been introduced or
which has been opened is essential if corrosion is to prevented.
.: .:.c-·™·-=--·=·. ;;;;;;;;;s ! e::==::.
WAT!':~ OVE!lll''LOW
~- +d. -=~~-~
CHLORINE (;.ii.$ Al CYl.1Ntli::R
E-~J VENT Maintenance
[·'.very chlorinator is supplied with an instruction book that will include specific steps to
follow in servicing. However, following are four areas most often associated with
maintenance requirement and cause of trouble.
(a) Moisture
Moisture in chlorine is corrosive to ferrous and most nonferrous metals. Most
chlorinators use plastic materials in the sections where gas is handled under vacuum. Metal
parts or fittings, which are generally external to the chlorinator, are header valves, header
lines and flexible connections. \Vhen any connection is broken, even for a short time, the
openings should be plugged immediately to exclude moisture. Corrosion is internal and not
evident upon external inspection until failure occurs. A good rule to follow is to exclude
moisture from any part of the equipment that is normally exposed to dry chlorine only.
Corrosion products, primarily ferric chloride, are a major cause of chlorinator
mal functioning.
(b) Impurities in Chlorine
Even trace amount of impurities can cause problems if they accumulate. 'I 'wo compounds
are frequently found in chlorinarors after continuous use. One, ferric chloride, may be
present in the chlorine containers or may result when careless operation allows moisture to
enter the system. This compound is recognizable as a dark brown, syrupy liquid and i,s
soluble in water. After chlorinator parts are washed to remove impurity, they must. be dried
thoroughly before reassembly.
The other material, hexachloroethanc or a similar compound, is classed as a volatile solid.
It tends to deposit in gas lines at points of pressure-temperature drop. This material is not
soluble in water, but can be dissolved in trichloroethane, a common industrial solvent
(c) Flexible Connections
Flexible connection (comprising small diameter metal tubing), used to connect two
cylinders or ton containers, need special attention. Because they arc flexed every time a
cylinder is changed, they arc subject to metal fatit-,tUe. These connections should be changed
once a vear.
Each time a connection is made either to a chlorine container or to the chlorinaror, a new
gasket must be used.
(d) Gaskets
Elastomeric (flexible) materials used for ga.skct and 0-rings generally become brittle in
time. If a gaskctcd joint is not broken, the gasket may last for years. i\ rq.;,"1..ihr programme of
replacement is desirable but guidelines arc difficult. I :,\Try recommended spare parts list
includes spare gaskets. l f swelling or hardening of a gasket is noted, it should be replaced.
Distorted or hardened gaskets cannot be properly scared.
The chlorine cylinders and feeders should be housed in an isolated morn, easily
accessible, close to the point of application and convenient for truck loading and srrf<:
container handling.. The floor should be at least 15 cm above the surroundine around and
{'") ~}
drainage should have at least two exit doors or building should have at least 1\\(\ c:-.:it dnors
for cross ventilation that allows an approximate air change in 10 minutes. lor small
installations, provision of ventilator opening at the bottom, one r)ppnsitv the other i:-,
Separate and reasonably gas tight enclosures opening to the outdoors should lJc prm,idcd
for housing the chlorine feeding equipment in large installations and in buildings occupied by
persons. These enclosures should be vented to the upper atmosphere and cl1uippcd with
positive means of exhaust (near the floor level, at the center of the room or opposit<: to the
entrance) capable of a complete air change wirhin 2 to 4 minutes in an emergency. :\
sausfactorv ventilation scheme involves a combination or fresh air and exhaust system,
consisting fans that force the fresh air into the enclosure through opening" near the ceiling
with exhaust fans to dear away any chlorine contaminated air near floor level.
The Jcsign of the exhaust system should not include the natural ventilation that may be
a vailc. l.
Chlorine vaporizers, better known as evaporators, are needed whenever conditions
require the \Vithdrawal of liquid chlorine from the containers. Typically, this action is
necessary when the daily chlorine requirements exceed !00 to HH)() kg/2.4 hr and would
require the manifolding of an excessive number nf containers. Evaporators provide the heat
neccssarv to vaporize or chance the liourd
' {.J l
chlorine to the zaseous state so that it mar be
l,.1 ,I
handled in the normal fashion by the other components of the chlorination srstem.
/\'; evaporator consists of a chlorine prc<>surc vessel to which heat can be applied under
controlled conditions, the source of beat may be electricity, steam or hot water with several
differcm models and versions available frorn different manufacturers. The most cornrnonlv
used models arc electrically heated and have maximum rated capacities of 150 kg/hr in all
cases rhe source of heat rs thermostatically controlled to maintain constant temperature and
ensure a superheated chlorine gas output'.
The hquid absorbs heat from. the water chamber through the wall of the pressure vessel
until it reaches the vaporization temperature and boils, releasing chlorine gas. \Vith the
chlorination system in operation, gas is withdrawn from the pressure vessel, allowing more
liquid to enter the svstcrn and continue the process. The gas leaving the vessel contacts the
hot upper wall causes the lo be heated to a higher or superheated temperature.
Baffles may be used to assist heat transfer.
As heat is absorbed by the chlorine, the water is cooled until it drops below the control
thermostat setting and causes the electric immersion heater to be actuated. The heater
remains on until the water reaches the upper limit of the thermostat. At this point, the heater
is shut off and this cycle is continued as long as the evaporator is in use. As chlorine is
vaporized, any impurities contained in the liquid are left behind, coating the inside surface of
the pressure vessel. · Fhrs coating acts as an insulator that inhibits heat transfer from the water
to the chlorine and necessitates higher and higher waterbath temperature settings.
l :.vcntual!y, the pressure vessel will require cleaning as the evaporator will be unable to
vaporize the desired amount of chlorine gas at the desired degree of superheat. The
frequency of cleaning will vary from installation ro installation and is a function of chlorine
purity and the chlorine feed rate. The evaporator manufacturer's deaning instructions should
be followed closely for best results.
Typically, evaporators arc supplied with various gauges and controls, in addition to the
control thermostat, to permit simple, safe operation. Taken individually, they include the
* Control thermostat senses water temperature and turns heater on and off to
control water bath temperature,
• \Vater-level gauge is a sight glass that permits the operator to observe the
water-bath level.
411 Chlorine bath-pressure gauge indicates chlorine gas pressure within the pressure
rnay be used to actuate an alarm and turn off power to the electric heater.
• Cathodic protection protects from corrosion all metal surface of the cYaporator in
contact with water.
1\11 Vent alarm. switch actuates whenever gas flow occurs in the vent line and indicates
that the gas pressure-relief valve has opened.
• Liquid chlorine expansion tank protects the liquid chlorine p1pmg system from
damage due to over pressure by offering a chamber into which the liquid can
expand. This tank is strongly recommended for installation in any section of liquid
piping which may be purposely or accidentally isolated by closing valves.
Some or all of the aforementioned controls, j:,rauges and accessories may be supplied with
an evaporator.
and potential health hazards exist wherever toxic compressed gas and
other respiratory irritants are handled, or used. An approved gas mask should be provided
for employee involved with handling rhern. Additionally, suitable protective equipment
emergency use should be available outside rooms where hazardous materials are located
near the entrance, away from areas of likely contamination. Such equipment might be
provided in several locations at larger installations.
Canister masks with a full face piece and specific or all purpose commodity
used only for relatively short exposure periods and only if it has been
that sufficient oxygen is present (not less than 16rYo in air) and that
contamination docs not exceed the allowable level (ii>;) of chlorine). Canister masks might
not be useful in emergencies since these criteria might not be readily ascertained, especially if
suitable fi)rccd ventilation schemes arc not provided. Regular replacement of overage
canisters, even though unused, is recommended.
hing apparatus, with a full face piece and a cylinder of air or oxygen
carried on the or with a canister that produces oxygen chemically, is suitable for high
contaminant concentrations and is the preferred means of respiratory protection. Protection
is provided for a period that varies with the amount of air, oxyg,:n or oxygen producing
chemicals carried.
Respiratory protective equipment should be carefully maintained, inspected and deaned
after each use and at regular intervals. Defective or inoperable equipment is worse than none
at all. i\ll such equipment should be used and maintained in strict accord with the
manufacturer's instructions. No person should enter contaminated areas unless attended by
an observer who can rescue him in the event of respirator failure or other emergencies.
l t is good practice to provide eye-protection devices (or masks with full face pieces) and
other protective clothing for workers exposed to hazardous materials. Emergency showers,
L")T baths or other suitable water-flush systems should be provided in convenient locations
f()r use by accidentally exposed personnel. Installation of an automatic chlorine leak detector
with or without visible or audible alarm, should be considered.
detectors, which are not to be confused with the detectors used for measuring residual
chlorine in water.
Concentrations are expressed as by volume in air, not as parts per million parts by
weight, as the expression is used to concentrations in water. For comparison, 1 ppm
of chlorine by volume in air is to 3 midm3 of air. The threshold of odour
contact with water. These are used for disinfection df small water supplies having capacities
upto 0.5 mld.
(a) Bleaching Potoder
Bleaching powder is a variable mixture of calcium hydroxide, calcium chloride and
calcium hypochloritc. \X;'hen it is mixed with water, the calcium hypochlorite decomposes
into calcium chloride and chlorine. The action exerted by bleaching powder, is therefore,
similar to that of gaseous chlorine in water. Bleaching powder i" characterized by its content
of available chlorine i.c. the chlorine which can be liberated by complete reaction with water.
Commercial brands have an available chlorine of 20 to 30°/o i.e, 20 to 30 parts by weight of
chlorine per 100 parts by weight of bleaching powder.
Bleaching powder is generally made into a thin slurry with the water and the supernatent,
which contains the chlorine in solution, is applied to the water by a suitable feeding
mechanism such as a fl(Jat operated t,l'favity box. In every installations, the solution may be
applied through a dripfccd mechanism. Devices which can give constant feed can be easily
fabricated. In the case of well supplies, bleaching solution may also be introduced at
the suction side of the ptnnp. i\n injector may be fined on a bleed line on the pump
discharge to suck the xolution of the powder in proportion to the flow of water. 1\ very
simple method involving the use of porous earthenware cylinders which can be suspended in
wells has been developed in the country. ·1 'his method offers promise in the chlorination of
rural water supplicc. where cost and technical skill have to be kept at a minimum.
Since bleaching powder contains rmly around 31 available chlorine, its use involves the
extra expense of transporting and storing the inert material. The cost is further increased
because the material is sold in nonreturnable drums which have no salvage value.
lurthcrmo rc, bleaching powder is an unstable compound and loses its available chlorine on
stmagc. All these considerations make it" use uneconomical except in very small installations
or for special cases such as disinfection of mains
(b) Hupochlorites
The chemicals used arc Sodium Hvpochlori«: and Calcium l lypochlorire. Specially
fortified brands of C .alcium Hypochloritc such as Pcrchloron arid l Egh Test J Iypo (1 ITl-I)
can have 60-70 per cent available chlorine. Calcium Hypochlorite can be fed either in the dry
or solution form, while Sodium Hypochloritc is fed as solution. The solution form is usually
preferred. Corrosion resistant materials such as ceramics, glass, plastic or special rubber
should be used while handling hypochloritc solutions. ( icncrally l to 2 ;1 chlorine solutions
with adjustable orifices arc used to dose chlorine solution in the tanks. These can be fed
through chemical proponioning pumps and can be injected under pressure into pressure
pipe lines by vr-nrurt or nri fie<: feeders
(c> Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine dioxide is an unstable (.;1~as. l t is fonncd bv' rcacrine('> a strong.__, solution of chlorine
500 rng/l of Cl, al pH 1.5) with Sodiun\ ( .hloritc.
Cl2 + 2NaClO::. ::!!.:=::=:;;;,:. 2Cl0~ -+ 2NaCl
Theorcticallv ratio of Chlorine to Sodium Chlorite is 1: 2.6 . In practice, however, a large
excess of d1lo;ine is generally applied in order to avoid unreacted chlorite in the treated
water Chlorine dioxide is unstable and subject to explosion in gaseous form but aqueous
solutions of the gas are stable and safe . l t has been reported to be a good bactericide and its
bactericidal efficiency is relatively unaffected by plf between 6 and 10. lt is a good sporicide
a stronzb oxidant It docs not with ammonia and most organic
oxidizing them. The common · dioxide range from 0.2 to 0.3 mg/I.
Although chlorine dioxide is disinfectant, the excess of chlorine used in its
generation, rather than Cl()2 is v counted upon to achieve disinfection. It can be
effectively used for destruction of tastes and odours, particularly those which are by
phenolic substances.
Chlorine and its compounds are most widely used for disinfection because they meet the
requirements of a good disinfectant more fully than any other disinfectant However,
possible formation of carcinogenic byproducts by reaction of chlorine with some organics
and enhancement of tastes and odours due to the reactions of chlorine with some water
constituents have been reported,
Various other azents
e» of disinfection are available and some of them such as ozone and
ultraviolet rays are finding increasing in water treatment practice. Broadly, three main
type~' of disinfectants arc: (1) · including heat, (2) Chemical agents and (3)
Radiations of various types such as rays, Gamma rays and X-rays. Some of these
cfo,infrctants arc discussed in subsequent sections.
8.9.1 HEAT'
Boiling of water will disinfect it This practice, however, cannot he used to disinfect
municipal supplies for economical reasons. Boiling of water is applicable for disinfecting
individual's drinking water in emergencies like accidental contamination of public water
Slipply or during epidemic breakout. The thermal resistance of different microorganisms and
viruses varies sig11ificantly with spores being upto 3,000,000 times more resistant than E.
Colt, Viruses and bacteriophages. As no important water-borne disease is caused by spore
forming bacteria or other heat resistant organisms, boiling of water can render the water safe
for drinking purposes against diseases. (:ontinuous··flow-water-pasteurises with flow rates of
l 000 lph are also available.
( .hemical disinfectants are commonly grouped under following categories:
(i) Oxidizing chemicals including halogens, ozone and other oxidants such as
potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.
(ii) Metal ions.
(iii) Alkalies and Acids.
(iv) Surface active chemicals. Ozone
lt is a faintly blue gas of pungent odour. Being unstable it breaks down to normal oxygen
and nascent oxygen. This nascent oxygen is a powerful oxidizing and germicidal agcni-.
Ozone is produced by the corona discharge of high voltage electricity into dry air. ()mm\
beingt.. unstable, has to be produced
Ozone possesses more superior bactericidal properties than chlorine and 1s highly
effective in removal of tastes, odours, colour, iron and manganese. 1\s ozone reacts with
chemical impurities prior to attacking the microorganisms, it produces essentially no
disinfection unless ozone demand of water has been satisfied but much more rapid kills arc
achieved, once free ozone residuals arc available, Studies have reported 99. 99°~, kill of I:,.( .oli
2962 UA8,E.i97----~!2A
within less than lOU seconds in rhe of onlv llt lnr./1 of free a\ailablc n;~orn.:. ( )z()nc
• I)
is effective in killing some chlorine resisrant pathogens like cysts and certain virus f(;trns.
Ozone, unlike chlorine, does not impart offensive tastes and odours to water, nor docs it
usually produce toxic substances such as chlorinated hydrocarbons. Further the efficiency uf
disin fecrion Ozone is unaffected pl! (1!' temperature of the water over a wide range.
However, despite these disadvantages, ozone been extensively used in Furooe for
disinfection of municipal water supplies.
Disinfection of water is achieved during Lime soda softening process due to increased
pl-l. However, explicit use of acids and alkalies for the sole purpose of disinfecting water is
not: commonly practiced. Changes in p!J rnay have marked effect on the efficiency of
disinfection by certain chemical disinfectants such as chlorine.
8.9.3 RADI.ATlON
Several types of radiations including ultraviolet, garnm.a and X--rays and microwaves arc
cited in literature, for destruction of microorganisms. \X/hile high energy gamma rays of 1.10
and 1.30 million electron volts (Mcv) arc emitted by cobalt .. 60, X-rays are produced by
electron bombardment of a heavy metal target in an evacuated X ·ray tube. The wavelength
of gamma rays corresponding Lo L 10 M.('V is 0.U'UM A0 compared to the wavelengths of
2537 of ultraviolet rays, fflaking garnrna rays one million times as powerful and giving
them great penetrating properties. Gamma mys are highly effective even against: spores and
viruses. Death of cells results from . ionization reactions within cell molecules and secondarv
,, ''• -- ' ' ..;
radiation effects and chemical reactions due to nroduction of unstable atoms,
and other chemical species formed by the mreractions of garnrna rays with organic molecules
present in water. /\ dosage of l UU,000 10 150,000 rads ( [ rad =: 1 UO ergs per gn1) to the
organisms is sufficient with the exception of Bacilh.1s subtilis which is difficult to kill. X-rays
also have been found to be suitable for killing bacteria. However, because the high costs
involved and other unfavourable properties of leaving no residual protection against
recontamination, these have yet to find large scale practical applications in water treatment
Intensity of ultraviolet mys is expressed in terms of germicidal unit which is an intensity
of 100 mw per S(l, cm. at wave length of 2537 1\0. It has been reported that Fscherichia Coli
kills of 99.99,99, and 9(Yl/n can be achieved by ultraviolet rays of 3()0(\ 1 SUO and 750
mW-sec per sq.cm. 'Typically a 30 watt lamp could achieve 99.9°-~i kill for water flows of
approximately 2.5 to 17.0 m3 /hr hr for water depths ranging from 125 to 880 mm
approximately assuming f)()"/o absorption of ultraviolet rays.
The advantages of ultraviolet radiation arc that exposure is for short periods, no foreign
matter is actually introduced and no taste and odour produced. Over exposure does not
result in any harmful effects. The disadvantages arc that no residual effect is available and
there is lack for a rapid field test for assc-.:sing rhc treatment efficiency. Moreover, the
apparatus rn:cJcd is expensive,
L . "- ___ __·--
"_.-.;.. .
\:\later treatment involves physical, chemical and biological changes that transform raw
water into potable water. The treatment process used in any specific instance must depend
on the quality and nature of the raw water. Quality requirements for industrial uses are
frequently more stringent than for domestic supplies. Additional treatment may be required
by the industry like demineralization of boiler feed water to prevent scale deposit.
Water treatment processes may be simple like sedimentation or may involve complex
physico-chemical changes, as with coagulation. The specific treatment processes include
control of algae, control of taste and odour in water, removal of colour, softening, removal
of iron and manganese, de fluoridation of water, demineralization of water and corrosion.
Even a relatively mild algal bloom cm result in accumulation of substantial dccaymg scum
alone the windward shoreline because of the lake's vast surface area. The most devastarinz
~~ C1
aspect of eutrophication is that the process appears to be difficult to retard. ()nee a lake has
become cutrophic it remains so, at any rate for a Yer;- long time, even if nutrients from point
sources arc reduced.
9.2,2.4 SunUgM.
Algae require :;uniight for their life pnJcc:,:<c:s and hence the gn)\vrlh arc profuse !n
seasons of mtcnsc sunliP,ht.
Clear waters favour the 11)·rowth
of ah;ae because rhcv permit the
'>,. ' '
population. Activated carbon (10.5 to 24.5 kg/hectare) reduces algal popubtion by excluding
sunlight but the disappearance of activated carbon in the water rnay ::up port alga! gr< )\\'1 h
c. ' a lirniH . >d extent, rhc environmental conditions for !he vrmnh of al~'ac mav be
t; j ' )
made unfavourable by ptopcr care in the construction and operation of rcservorrs, a;;
exp j amen j
111 s . 2 . .1., ....
• '1 'i)
an d \J!J·
- - -f --~~?£i?.~-~- ?-~_!PI ~~~-~~~i~:~~!-~·!I~;,·~~:;·~~!:gzc1
.l Cyanop
, hvccae
1. /vnabacna 0.12 ~ 0.48
2. Aphanizomcnon 0.12 -- (150
3. Clathrocystis j 0. 12 ···· 0.25
4. Coclosphacriurn ; 0.20 - 0. 33
! 5. Microcystis l 0.20
!~. 6.-------·-~"--- i
Oscillatoria ·------··---t--·----·-·-·-----·-··---- 0.20 - 0.50 ,
..·-········-····-·--···---·-·-,---'-"·-··------•-•----- , ,., _,., ., .. ,.,., .
i I I. { .hlorophyceae i
l. Cladophora i
.. 0.50
2. ( .lostriurn ()_17
J. Coclastrurn 0.05 0.33
4. I )rnpamaldia 0.33
5. I ·'.ntcromorpha 0.50
(>_ Volvox 0.25
7. If ydrodicryon 0.10
8. Microspora 0.40
9. Scencdcsmus l.00
IO_ Spirogyra 0.12
11. Ulorhrix Ii
12. '/.ygncma l
~-·-- ,,,,. . .,. ~__J~-~
. ---- -·--·------·------·- . ·-· ·----------·<·-·-·-ll
I)iatomaccac l
IV flagellates
L Cryptornonas 0.
c: Dinobryon 0.10
.3. Euglena 0.50
4. Mall onion as 0.50
5. Synura 0.12- 0.25
. Miscellaneous
'1. Chara 0.10 -- U.50
2. Nitella 0.lO - 0.18
Tout 0.14
Carp 0.30
Suckers 0.30
Pickerel 0.40
Goldfish (}SO
Perch n.7S
Sunfish 1.20
Bl ark 2.1n
Comparison of these figures with those for t algae shows that lethal doses for algae
arc very near the lethal doses for fish. I lencc very careful control ewer the Jose and the
method of apphcahon is necessary to avoid large scale mortalities of fish.
Despite care, it rrn1y he not be possible to avoid the death of a few fish which may have
got into the regions of heavy !oca.l concentrations \lf coppc:r sulphate. \\"hen a water wbich is
heavily laden with algae is treated with corprr sulphate, the dead and decaymg algae may
reduce the dissolved oxygen in the water to levels at which fish lifo cannot be sustained. The
dead algae may also accumulate on the gi.lls of the fish and smother them. Such death of fish
due to smothe · usuallv occurs on the second or third day folk.lw1i\t:; treatment by coprcr
(d) increase of Organ Matter and Bacteria
a result nf the death and dccaj of the a.!gac, the organic matter m the water is
increased and ample supplies of Food become :n ailablc frJr s<tpri )phytK b;Ktcria which
b(•gin to rnultiplv at a very rapid rate with the consequent uptake of oxygc11 ,\ point is finallr
reached when water cannot support 1his rapid of bacH·ri;1 and then these
grn.duall y get reduced in number.
The decay of the algat' also causes a tcrnporary increase m rhc ndour of the water lor
these reasons it is necessary to dose the supply for several Jays after treatment with copper
sulphate. To permit such closure of supplv., it i; dc:;ir<1bk that c\'cry n'SC1T{lir cotl';ish elf at
least two separate compartments. Gencrallv, the reservoir is ready for service after abuut twn
or rec davs after appl,/rntion of copper :;ulpha1c. (~ood practic1.· rc~1uircs that laboratorv
tests for water quality should be made before the water i:·< allowed to pass < .n to I ht:
consumers Such tests should also include rh(' dctcnnination of corpcr to ensure that it is
within the permissible limits given in T:tblc 2. l .
(e) After Grouiths
The algicidal treatment of a reservoir with copper sulphate may be fdlmvcd by a
secondary grow of algae. This is particularly to expected when conditions F1\ourablc for
algal growth arc present, viz., water rich in algal nutrients and pknty l)f xunshm«. 'j he
secondary gro\vth is generaHv more pro I the first and consist of t\ pco. which an·
more resistant to the action of copper sulphate than the original fonns. l knee it would lie
necessary ~· to rencat
i the treatment: <H intervals and also to employ... hidwr doses of flhticidcs or
1 '} t )
Aphanizornenon 0.85
Cyclotella 1.00
Melosira 2.00
Dinobryon 0.5
U roglenopsis 0.5
(iii) Microstrainer
A special process known as microstraining is being used in some water treatment plants.
The microstrainer is an open drum, The water is passed through a finely woven fabric of
stainless steel. The size of the openings in the mesh determines the size of the plankton
removed from the water.
When chlorination causes an intensification of the algal tastes and odours, application of
heavy doses of chlorine followed by removal the excess usually overcomes the difficulty.
The required dose is influenced by temperature, alkalinity and carbon dioxide content of
Taste odour in water arc subjective phenomena and are difficult to quantify exactly.
The problems of taste and odour (one co-exists with the other) are more intensive and more
frequent in surface water sources as these are more subject to contamination hv natural and
man made wastes. Taste and odour arc caused by. dissolved ~,,.Q;ascs hydrogen
~ b
sulp.. hide,
mcrcaptans, methane, orgarm:: matter derived from certain dead or Jiving micro . organisms
(blue and algae), decomposing organic matter, industrial liquid wastes containing
phenols, crcsols, ammonia, agticultural chemicals, high residual chlorine and chloro-phcnols.
1 ! is possible that some of the dissolved gases may be found in well water also. Odour can be
classified as aromatic, earthy, ~:wampy, septic or chemical,
Biological organisms are one of the most common causes taste and odour in water.
Diatornaceae with Asterionella and Svnedra, actinornycetes and free swimming nematodes
are the principal offenders causing earthy or musty odour. Apart from algae, decomposing
leaves, weeds or grasses also cause odour. Vegetation grow in the low-water areas in the
reservoir subsequently submerged and decompose resulting in odour. Chemical and
refinery effluents have the greatest potential for odour, followed by domestic sewage. Odour
tests indicate that only a few mg/I of these materials are needed to produce a detectable
In short, taste and odour producing materials in warer are chemical compounds of many
varieties with different physical and chemical characteristics, present in water because of
direct pollution or biological activity. Most of these compounds are in solution and some
exist in the form of particulate and colloidal compounds. Those in solution are comparatively
more difficult to remove.
Preventive and corrective treatment of raw and processed water is necessary for control
and elimination of taste and odour problems. \V'herever possible, preventive steps like
control of microorganisms are to he undertaken where the source of raw water supply is
from. rivers, reservoirs or lakes and control of effluent discharges. Special treatment is given
to water in the treatment plant for the removal of odours, by aeration, oxidation
chemicals or adsorption by activated carbon.
For removing dissolved &-..asrs like hydrogen sulphide and volatile matter, aeration can be
oractiscd at the start of water treatment, Free available residual chlorination at
'i " " ' ' ' ' .. . '
prcchlormarion or postchlorination sta~e can bring about complete elimination of taste and
odour. Inadequate chlorination will only intensify the odour of water containing phenolic
compounds and tannin and lignin imparting a medical taste. Even with breakpoint
chlorination it may not he possible to remove taste and odour from water in certain cases.
Such compounds can be removed by super-chlorination. Super-chlorination is normally done
at the lake outlet or the plant inlet in order to bring the maximum chlorine concentration and
the maximum contact time together to effect oxidation. This should invariably be followed
by dechlorination using sulphur dioxide or sodium sulphate to reduce the residual chlorine to
acceptable limits. Using ammonia with chlorine in combined residual chlorination can partly
mask or delay chlorophenol tastes in water.
Chlorine Dioxide which is 2.5 times more powerful than chlorine as an oxidizing agent
has been found extensively efficient and the general dosage values range from 0.2 to 2.0
mg/1. This is a specialized form of chlorine treatment used for taste and odour control where
large doses of chlorine are to be avoided. Chlorine dioxide gas is released in water on site by
the inter-action of a solution of sodium chlorite (N aCK)z) with a strong chlorine solution of
600U-75UU mg/l
. a. oo
2• N . , ... ~ + (''.,.1:.
?(··,·1<.. .)_. +2Na,o_
~ _
Through the theoretical ratio of chlorine to sodium chlorite is 1 : 2.6, values between 1:2
and 1: l are employed in practice. Chlorine dioxide is more expensive and is used for taste
and odour control only. It is applied at the first stages of the treatment plant. Thereafter, the
final desirable residual chlorine may be adjusted by simple chlorination after filtration. Ozone
at dosages of 1.0 mg/l has also produced good results. Chlorarninauon is useful in the
removal of phenol tastes.
Preferred method of treatment for taste and odour removal is activated carbon. Activated
carbon is made from hydrocarbon or carbohydrate sources, the principal requirement being
that the carbon residue left after destructive distillation has a porous structure. Odour
producing substances which cannot be removed by oxidation are physically adsorbed on to
the surface. This treatment is usually applied before filtration. The contact time varies from
·w to 60 minutes. Activated carbon performs well at lower pf I values. ;\ bed of carbon or
suspension kept in circulation could be used, The active surface must be preserved from
coating by other chemicals. Application of carbon can be before sedimentation if taste and
odour is severe and frequent and in certain cases after sedimentation. The approximate
dosage for routine, continuous application as suspension is 2 to 8 mg/I, for crnergcncy
treatment 20 to 100 mg/l. Carbon beds are generally l.S to 3 m deep with the sizes 0.2-0.4
mm with loadings of about: <t8 m>/hr/rn3 of bed. hltration rates range frorn 7.2 to 15
rn3 /m:!/hr with expected efficiencies of about ()OC!1o. 1\s many variables arc involved, pilot
plant tests are indicated. Carbon can also be used as a polishing agent to remove residual
odours after other treatment.
Variables such as pl I, temperature, quantity and type of organic matter in the influent
water and detention time have a marked effect on the efficiency of removal of odorous
9.4.l CA USES OF Col.OUR
Colour in water may be due to natural causes or as a result. of human acrivitv. \\"atcn·:
occurring in peaty soils acquire colour because of the presence of colloidal organic matter.
Colour is also due to mineral matter in solutions, as a colloid or in suspensions as in the case
of ground water in certain areas. Waters containing oxidized iron and mangath.'sc impart
characteristic reddish or black colour. l Ieavy growths of algae may also impart colour to the
water. Discharge of industrial wastes or heavy sewage pollution may also bring in colour.
The appropriate treatment for the removal of colour from a water h;b u;
for each individual case on a consideration of the causative Iactors and nr\ :
micro-straining. Microstrainers arc cylindrical drums J rn diameter x ) rn long w;t h stain ks'··
steel screens having openings of 0 025 nun. The proprietary units h:1.\'C :.i1:c,: Yarying fr( «n
(US m dia x 0.6 m long to '.j rn dia x 3 rn long. The latter size will handle l(J .. 3(1 Iprn of water
with a power consumption of about' 3 k\V. The headless if; only about 1.50 mm wid1 unit
capacities of 7.2 to 12 1w'/hr per m' of strainer, the· capacity dcpcndmg upun the
concentration of microorganisms in the raw water. 'The coatings of microorganisms arc
continuously washed down by ;;1 jet of water, with the volume of wash water Luymg from -!
to 3% of the volume of water strained.
chlorine or by activated carbon. Since removals arc more efficient when the- C()ncvnitatiurb
are high, it is advisable to treat the effluents for colour at the facto1:y ~;itr.: ibclf Cure
discharge into the water bodies.
Bicarbonates, sulphates and chlorides arc the anions associated with the hardness. The
puq)<1sc uf S()ftcning is to remove these salts from the hard water, to reduce the soap
consummg properties and to ensure longer hfc lo washed fabrics, mitigate its scale forming
tendencies, :ind improve palatability.
Normally, the alkalinity measures the carbonate hardness unless it contains sodium
.rlkalinitv. ,. The non carbonate hardness i~~ measured bv the difference between the total
ha and the carbonate hardness. Carbnn·,ttc~ and bicarbonates of sodium are described
us nc12at
in· carlx lnatv hardness.
i\ surnmarv of' the more comrnon <;;t)b and the problems thcv cause m water arc
pn;-.;cn H:d below:
NaN(), i ·cS( ) 1
\\'ater is class: fied with regard to its hardness as follows :
,,,_._,_ ...
}·lard l 50-300
Very hard
,. ,. . _._. . . . . , _, ________
.. -
\'Chen hardness is less than 150 mg/1, softening for domestic purposes is not usually
9.5.2 l\.1ETHOD cir SOFfENlNG
two methods ordinarily used arc lime and lime-soda softening and ion-exchange
"' '\i:...
+ L.I I.-~_n.,• ---~ JI.
r··~(r·)l 1) 2:
.... 1C'1 \ .. ,. I
(Quicklirne Slaking)
. " .. <
· ·) \
..; ... '.!)
Ca .. + CO_\. ~~ CaC(\
Solid (Removal of Calcium hardness)
) i ···
Mg '. + 2mr ~ Mg(OH): (6)
Solid (Removal of tvfagncsium hardness)
Reaction (J), (4) (5) indicate that carbon dioxide, which is present in water, is
converted by hydroxyl ions in lime to coi: which combines with C.a.''' to form relatively
insoluble Cac:o1 The alkalinity present as bicarbonate furnishes the necessary coi: by
reaction with added ()l f (equation 4) for equation (5) to be completed. ~.fagne~iium ions 'vill
have to be removed as Mg(OH)2 , according to equation (6) since !vfgC03 is fairly soluble.
removal of Mg''· is effective around pl I ranges of 10 to 10.5 for which additional Ol-I"
ions in the form of lime have to be made available. No reduction of hardness takes place by
removal of magnesium by the addition of lime since an equivalent amount of Ca'· ion is put
back into the solution from the lime added. \\'hen all the alkalinity is used by ()I I to form
co/ any further CO/ needed, has to be added to the water. This is the case when
non-carbonate hardness is present in the water and the needed co;~-·; can be added in the
form Nal~03 (Soda ash}
lor calculating the theoretical amount of lime and soda required for softening an analysis
of the following constituents is necessary, viz., free f:CU:icarbonatc (u:.ually the total)
alkalinity, total hardness and magnesium. Appendix 9. 1 gives illustrative example to compute
chemical dosage ~ required in water so frcnint1u us int!
v lime soda oroccss.
• ( .hcmical rcquircrncn
. ts
(rnt.t,11) arc computed by the sum of the following factors.
On a 1 OU(l:\) purity basis, the dosage of as Ca() required for softening as obtained
frorn the chemical equations is as follows :
1. For every gram of , to removed
7 for cn~ry gram of CO, hardness as Ca CO,
to be removed (), g
3 . For every grarn of l'vlg as Mg to be removed 2.'.Hg
4. Additional lime required for raising the pl I
to the range of l 0 to Ht5 for
precipitation of Mg (01 f)2 :~() 5() rng/l
5. Soda ash requirements as Na,J . :01 to remove
one gram of non-carbonate hardness as CaC( )\ 1. (}() g
6. Additional soda required to neutralize
every grn of excess lime L 89 g
Plant conditions like temperature, time of detention and aptation influence the
completion of reactions and the dosages of chemicals may have lo be increased to provide
for the inadequacies.
Altcmauvcly caustic soda can be used instead or lime. The reactions arc:
:> t 8
NaOH ~-=r Na"+ OJ!
Ol l + l!CC\
Mg·. + 201·I
Liquid caustic soda can be used since it can be handled and fed casilv. The amount of
calcium carbonate sludge formed in this case is theoretically half that formed by the use of
lime However '\,,,(,'-!,,·
~ ,,_,, ·~.,...austic
.. v.. ~ -~, ;, . 1"n,;;t]ier t·'11::i•" 'C> ·!·' ash ,,,i.1·~11 1·,. more cxnensive
.~t..'I I· .. ~ ··•·-·· .. ,,,, l \,.. /,,, ,\ \..,. than
. ""'-~~1 '-·
'.) _, 1".~ {~ ,;1..,ill1'1·r
·<\ ~l \ .. J. I~'• .. "" ....,._ t 1"
J.\. ·
\Vaters higher in carbonate. than in noncarbonate hardness will require relativelv more
lime than soda ash for their treatment The sludge settling out carries with it a large portion
of the turbidity, iron, rnanganesc, silica, colour producing matter and bacteria in the water.
The softened water may have a higher plf due to neutraliz: . non elf (;()! with lime, thus
reducing its corrosive nature .
. Process Equipment
Lime soda softening plants include chemical feeders) rapid mix, flocculation and
sedimentation basins and rapid sand filter!'. The process <l.esign must ensure the promotion
the chemical reactions necessary to remove the hardness from water by converting them
into insoluble precipitates and settle precipitates and filter the partially clarified
W Chemical Feeders
The solubility of calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) is low being of the order of 1 to
1800 mg/1 in.cold water. It is common practice, therefore, to feed a 5'/'c) slurry of lime so that
unusually large solution ranks arc avoided. Soda ash is added in solution form. Types of
chemical used arc discussed in 7.3.
(ii) Rapid Mix and Flocculating Basins
Rapid mixing ensures a thorough mixing of the> slaked lime (lime slurry) and soda ash
with the water. A mixing period 5 to 10 minutes is necessary due to the low solubility of
lime. Peripheral speeds of paddles for rapid mixing basins should be 45 to 60 cm/ sec with
water velocities of 15 to 30 cm/sec. The addition of Erne and soda ash results in a
supersaturated solution of calcium carbonate and tnagnesium hydroxide after which some
precipitation of the two compounds starts immediately. 'These arc kept in suspension to
further the growth of these precipitates. Some of the settled sludge deposited, from the
settling basin is often recirculated to rhe rapid mix basin for aiding in flocculation. 'This may
ensure promotion of chemical reactions with the previously precipitated solids and the
formation of more readily settlcable precipitates The flocculation basin prnrnotcs
precipitation and floe growth after the chemical reactions have been completed,
The removal of reaction products takes place by precipitation on the surface of the
previously formed particles which enhances the reaction rate. The flocculation time required
varies from 40 to 60 minutes. Mechanical Ilocculators are preferred to baffled ones. 'J apcrcd
fl< ation is gcncrn.lly preferable. The pn:cipitatcs arc formed on the paddles in rapid
mixing and flocculation basins, which m.ay require periodic cleaning.
(iii) Sedimentation Basins
They may be circular or rectangular. and the detention time varies from 2 to 3 hours
depending on the character of the floes. The limiting horizontal velocity is usually about 0.3
rn./rnin. ;\ large volume of sludge is produced since every m.g/l of hardness produces
a11~.f )roxima1clv _, 2 nw/l
of dry, sludce
t > and therefore an extra basin capacity~ must be provided.
( .ontinuous . mechanical
. sludee
. ~ collection
} and removal is almost always
~ used.
Another rypc of softener is the sludge blanket type which is used for flows larger than 2
l\U .l) and where cornpacr.ncss i.-> an essential requirement. The treated water is passed and
~icn·d upward through a suspended sludge blanket composed of previously formed
precipitates. Sotnc of the hydrated lime in suspension may be: carried down by sludge. In this
1:·r)(_·, the upward flow or sieving through the blanket offers full scope for a complete
solution and utilization of the added lime. The intimate contact of the treated water with a
large mass of solids which serve as nuclei pn:n~nts supersaturation and hence overcome
problems of after precipitation. The need for separate fiurarion can also be dispensed with.
The upflow velocity at the sludge blanket zone should be equal to one half the settling
\ThK1t\' of the floe in order to have a f;ood blanket of flees. Overflow rates of 50 to !OU
m1/J/;n2 could be used. Experience has shown that use of precipitated calcium carbonate
granules or other suitable catalysts of();\ to ( U:i mm grain size in these sludge blanket units
could reduce the detention times to one quarter that of the regular units without loss of
(3) Sludge Disposal
The dispma! of sludge 1s usually carri1 . ·d out by lagooning it. Plenty area is
required as the sludge docs not dry up rapidly. I .imc can be reclaimed frorn the sludge and it
h:1s to be free ft(lffl nrnp;ncsiurn if iris to be reused ()nc of' the common methods (f Ioover
Pmn:s:;) is tu nrccinitatc rhc calcium ~h1(fr!t in the first staze
,I E ~ ~-' b
b\~ addirw,· iusr cnouah
(' , "'I chemicals
and then prcciptialmg the rnagrn:.'stutn :,Judge in the second nagc. The ~JuJgc frorn the first
<I , \\·hid1 is (k·yoid of magnesium, is dried and calcined. The resulting calcium oxide is
rn.1,<cd for :-;( )frcning and rhc carbon dio~1dc utilized for rccarboruuion. Another method
kkcn · l ·s1 abrook Process) is to apph the tor al chemicals required for the precipitation of
(! .\
o~- about 1 ,, of the water and pri.:cipitating the calcium. and majmcsium sludge
i" wasted. The water from i·his portion carrying excess chemicals is then mixed with
rest prccipitatmg only calcium sludge which can be calcined and reused. The reclamation
rirncc:.;scs also reduce the quantity of sludge to be handled.
,1) ( r J1l\ u1ti1 nial softening units arc· followed bv rapid sand filter:; but incrustation of
(iltcr "and due to precipitation of supcr-sarurared calcium carbonate has to be
glurdnl agaimt. The application of 1l.5 mg 1 or more of polyphosphate or metal
r~h, •:,pfutc has been found to prevent vffccti\·dy not onlv the sand incrustation but
,tl.-.rJ C( iatinP> of calcium carbonate on the filter walls and wash water trouzhs. Surface
c) , ~
\\J:-.h dnicl'~ :tr1: u:-.cd to remove J<>1>Sl· deposits, .vnorhcr method of checking after
precipitation i;-; to adjust the pH. value of the softened bywater to about 8.3
recarbouation. Carbon Dioxide is applied to the effluent from the settling tank. The
gas can be obtained burning , oil O<' gas in excess of air and then scrubbed to
remove the other gase~:. In small plants, dry ice or liquid can be used. The
carbonation tank must provide 15 to JO minutes retention time with a depth of water
equal to 3 to 4. 5 m and the whole plant should be well ventilated.
Plain lime or lime soda treatment is used when the bulk of hardness is due ro calcium and
magnesium is not significant. l Iowevcr, when the water contains more than 40 mg/! of
rnagncsiurn warranting its removal, excess lime treatment has to be resorted to since
magnesium to be removed as nrngncsiurn hydroxide whose solubility decreases with
increasing p! f values. The water treated thus is caustic and has to be neutralized
following precipitation. This is done either by recarbonation or by split treatment In the
latter case, the total flow is divided into two parts, one part being treated with excess lime
and the settled effluent mixed with unsoftened water. The final residual hardness in the water
will depend upon the percentage How bypassed and the levels of hardness in both the
- .ue::
g A1gZ
1 r•::wth'P'- wirh zeolite thus increases the dissolved solids in the ratio of 46: 40 of the
:' :;., rt'HH )\·cd The reverse equation operates during the regeneration resulting in a
t1un uf calcium and rnagnesiurn salts, which is run to waste.
tw;) c1)rnrnon
and synthetic types. The natural
''· ·:n--· ;,1·1hlt·
1l'r1i1',·1.·. vc cri'"'''''
'· • ,I sand while I
, ., , f , , f , • I ,, ( t, , ' !~'") .... \., I ~. •·' £ •··~ " /,.~ '
is obtained by the reaction of
'· ,i her '.<1dlu1·:·1 11lurninal'c or aluminium sodium silicate which afrer, drying 1:;
EraiJuJ t<J -uirnblc s1;:f~, bv srrcerunz . /\
, !
sand weighs l 6UU kg with a ~ t...•
'·'!J\.i... •r•· ,, ; ... . ,t
l1~ .
') ·1 r< . l ., .1 ~1i ·' 't'l
~--,l.fl..,\~ltor1.. reccncranon
.._'(:)'i...·.~. o u r.J-f. ; ,. rcouircs
·"'-·"'1··· :'Ii;
.<•.• to 7 k,,.
·t.'.> of
~ ·' salt
~. for
" cverv
· ·,,.
.. b, of
J;;,ey (.,,,\ •.• "'· 1,,.• l...-~- 1- •
hardness rc movc.]. The synthetic inorganic zeolne \veights 9lll) to 1100 kg per cubic metre.
'! lu n·icY1.nl cxchZ1ngc capacities and regcncrarH iequircrncnts arc given in (d).
:trc· ligh1cr than the inorganic zeolitcs weighing son lo 8(i(l kg/m1. These consist of
>ulpt1on:1H:d t::;1rbornKcous material and sulphonatcd styrene type resins which have excellent
c,1r1c)r1 c\:chanr:,c properties,
I c.>
for re<rcneration
2~4 k£(..~ of salt for cverv,,; kz of hardness
<. (,I
• \.-'" >•• ·c ~ .\ .. , ri...,,".:t•
\ ~---, ,. ··11·e,~ 1·,.::·<;1."t··,..11
I,, ,,_,, l~(.4.ii , 1\··)
1, ··' attack bv~"f
+.:!.[. ,,,\,..,\. ..,__ ··'.,.,1c1:,1;
\,, solutions ,,,.,,,j hence
L .. t.._. J. ~'f l-~X!-..., , I , can
(} be r·t··g·encrate·1u with
... , ·•
!'l1lT c:;m be used for waters with ;1 wide pl l range. The loss due to attrition is
c co1n[>Jn:d to the synthetic inu1g;,1nic /l'111ilcs.
cap::icnv~' sic adtlv,,, since the rczencranr b cannot remove these coatings. ~ ( hidizirw chemicals like 1 ,.,
chlorine anJ carbon dioxide as well as low pll in the water will have a tendency to attack the
i..·xchangt· material particularly the inorganic types, the effect being more pronounced on die
<ynthcric inurganic zcolires. \Vaters low in silica content are likely to pick up silica from
-.ynthenc inorganic zeolites, which has to be avoided in boiler feed water. The organic
/Culi1c:,, opt:rnting on bnne regeneration cycle Jo not add any silica to the water and
conscoucntlv arc ideall·)' suited for boiler feed 'Nater.
L •
·Jcks.ign criteria fnr a sofrcning upon (i) the required flow rate, (ii) the
water qtJality, (iii) desired , (iv) exchange capacity and hydraulic
''j" r...~(!(•o--t•;I');(•:
,,.,: •..
,,t \.C .o:.i: . . 'l" (\!)
()!:' ··i1<• P<'"l">'H'g~(
,1, ,. ·. .. ,') ', 1;,,, '- ... i;ot..1 v ~ , regenerations~ (vi) type of operation, (vii)
rnnr,iHT 'J' un-;,_, f''C!l1ir "l ('\'iii\I
. ... • . ... • . ' 1. ' ~I" \, ") ' i 1 .......... ) . . . uniformiry and concentration of brine
'<1pplica!;nn, (i·'<) rate and volurnc of rinse ()f rcgenerant:. /\ softening unit is
.11nilar 1u J 1 apid sand (ihc:r uni! rcgard1ng and cquipmcn t
Volume of exchange material to be used in cubic metres (E) is calculated by the formula :
Generally, ion exchange beds are encased in shells, shell diameter and bed depth being
adjusted to maintain a rinse rate of flow in the range of 0.15 to 0.30 m/ min. The vertical units
are 0.2 m to 3 metres in diameter while the horizontal ones arc 3 rn in diameter and 8 to 9 m
long. The ion exchange bed has a depth of 0.6 m usually and is placed over supporting gravel
(size depending upon composition of the exchange material hut with similar specification as
those for rapid gravity sand filters) of 0.30 to 0.45 m deP!:h with an underdrain system at the
bottom for collecting softened water .. After the softening cycle, the softener should be
backwashed for 3 to 5 minutes to loosen the exchange resin and remove particulate matter. The
rate of backwash should ensure atleast 50% bed expansion. Then regeneration of the bed is
carried out with brine solution. The brine distribution manifold is placed immediately above the
softener bed. '
Exchange capacities and the common salt requirements of Cation exchangers are
presented in Table 9A
--Cation Exchange~ -----~ ..Cap~~ity.Kg/m:;-w·-(~~Salt--
........_._ .....
_._.. .......... ,_...~ ~-·kg/kg
... ........
·--·-----·'-. . . . , .
..............., .._
The optimum concentration of brine for restoration of maximum exchange capacity in any
resin is about 10 to 15°/o and the contact time for regeneration varies from 20 to 45 minutes. A
dosage of salt of 15 kg/ min/m3 of resin using HY% brine solution is usually applied at a rate of
about 150 lpm/m.3 of exchanger. For sea water, about 200 to 400 lpru/m? of exchanger is
The total rinse water requirement is 3 to lO m3 / m3 of material and applied at a rate of 9 to
18 m3 /h/ m3 in the slow and 30 m3 /h/ m3 in the fast types. The rinse water is introduced
through the brine distribution network or by simply flooding the unit through a hose.
The or brine tank should provide for a capacity of 24 hours or 3 successive
regenerations, whichever is greater.
The total waste flow from a urut vary depending upon the capacity of the
exchanger and the hardness removed in each cvclc. The waste flow consists of a mixture of
' '
salts of sodium, calcium and magnesium with concentration as high as 9000 to 12,000 mg/L
disposal of spent or brine f'lOSes a problem .. Methods like controlled dilution,
evaporation ponds, disposal at sea or brine wells can be adopted.
For waters which contain a large carbonate hardness, a combination of lime and zcoliie
softening can be practised. lime treatment, which i.s applied first, removes by
precipitation a huge part of the carbonate hardness, simultaneously decreasing the amount of
dissolved solids in the water. After leaving the iime reaction tank, the water is settled
filtered and then passed through so which by base· exchange remove the
residual carbonate hardness and RH the non-carbonate hardness.
The combination of and zeolire offers following advantages :
(a) It gives a water with a lower hardness than can be obtained by lime and soda ash
(b) It reduces the amount of total dissolved solids which the zeolite treatment alone
would not do.
(c) It gives a lower cost of chemicals than with lime and soda ash and possibly lower
than with zeolite alone, depending on the relative costs of salt and lime.
Surveys carried out in other countries have clearly brought out the fact that the benefits
of savings of soap alone [ustify the expenses of softening on municipal scale. There arc other
benefits like good public relations that U) attractiveness of the proposition
practice not, however, caught up with this trend even in those countries. With greater
demands of higher quality water, water softening may have to be carried out on a municipal
scale also. Precipitation
I nm or nunganl'Sc in water in reduced form is converted to soluble ferric and manganic
compounds by oxidation and these arc removed by filtration alone or by sedimentation and
filtration. The reaction period is about 5 minutes or less at a pl l of 7 to 7.5 and 0. 14 of
<>"-;·gen is needed to convert 1 mg ferrous iron 10 ferric hydroxide as indicated below,
4 h·-' 1 ( )2 + Hll l/) :::::> 4Fc(Ol1)2 L 1 Bl 1·
4 x S(i mu 1:c-'·
= 2 x 16 mg 0,
1 mg Fe2' = 0. 14 mg 02
'The rate of oxidation of ferrous iron by aeration is slow under conditions of low pl-I,
increasing 100% for every unit rise of pH. Increased aeration time would be necessary for
stripping the carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide etc, Addition of lime can also remove the
carbon dioxide or in case where there is mineral acidity it can accomplish the raising of pI-I
Rates of precipitation and flocculation are accelerated in practice by contact and catalysis.
Water is allowed to trickle over coke or crushed stone. The deposition of hydrated oxides of
iron and manganese and bacteria on the contact media is believed to act as catalysts which
accelerate the oxidation of iron.
The contact beds for deferrisation are normally 2 to 3 m deep operating at a surface
loading of 40 to 70 mJ / d/m2 with the contact medium of sizes 50 to 150 nun. Accumulation
of iron and mangane.se are flushed out by rapid drainage after filling the bed to near
overflow level. Sedimentation before filtration will be necessary when the iron content
exceeds lO mg/l. A settling period of two to three hours is adequate. The water has to pass
through filters (o/avity or pressure type) with 75 ctn depth of sand or sand and anthracite.
Filter rates are usually of 6 to 9 m' /h/ rn2
Oxidation of iron can be inhibited possibly due to the binding ferrous iron by organic
substances and ammonia which behave in a manner similar to tannic, gallic or ascorbic acids.
All the organic material has to be oxidized before any perceptible oxidation of iron can be
effected. Chlorination of many iron bearing waters can bring about the oxidation of the
organic matter and other reducing agents facilitating the oxidation of ferrous iron. Deeper
filter beds upto 2 to 2.5 m with sand size of 0.6 mm have also been used with good results.
In rnany waters, especially containing organics, prechlorination ahead of coagulation,
sedimentation and, filtration at pl! values between 6. 7 and 8A usually will ensure removal to
acceptable limits.
By addition of lime to raw or pre-aerated waters, carbon dioxide content can be brought
down to zero and the resulting high pH value will promote the flocculation of iron and
manganese. The plants will require washing of filter medium. Necessity of washing is
ascertained as and when there is overflow through the overflow pipe provided in the filter
compartment of the units. The interval between successive washing varies and depends on
the initial turbidity and iron content Experience indicates a closer interval of one week for
turbidity around 40 mg/land 1-2 months for waters with low turbidities (less than 10 mg/I).
\\/ashing of filter medium involves removal of top 5 to 10 ems filter medium and washing it
manually with water to free it from sediment and replace the same in position. The coke
~1edium needs washing/replacement once in 6 to 24 months depending on the iron content
in raw water.
Tron removal is also concomitant at the high pll value reached in municipal softening
plants using lime.
Manganese removal requires a plI adjustment upto 9.4 to 9.6. 0.29 mg of oxygen is
needed to convert I mg manganese
Prechlorination to free residual values upto 0.7 to 1.0 mg/l will effect the oxidation and
precipitation of manganese.
The purpose of contact beds is to facilitate oxidation of iron or manganese through the
catalytic action of previously precipitated oxides of these minerals on the gravel or ore.
Superior results arc claimed for the manganese ore, pyrolusite, which is an oxide of
manganese. Usually upward flow at rates upto 9.6 m/h is preferred, but a lower rate may be
used. Bed depth should be 1.8 m or any greater depth found necessary by pilot-plant studies.
Provision must be made for the rapid draining of the beds, so as to wash excess oxides from
the gravel or ore, and for the use of a hose stream for periodic cleansing of the or ore.
The beds are regenerated by back-washing with potassium permanganate solution when
permanganate is not applied continuously to the raw water.
Contact beds of pyrolusite ore, for manganese removal without lime or potassium
permanganate treatment, must be: in dosed structures to prevent the entrance of air. l lpward
flow, at rates established by pilot-plant tests, should be provided, /\ trial rate of 4.8 m/h with
a bed depth of 1.8 m is suggested giving a contact period of 9 minutes, with a usual void
volume of 400,li.1, The effluent from such beds should be aerated in a downward flow contact
led -aerator constructed to facilitate passage of air. Final filtration is needed as discussed
Chlorine dioxide and potassium permanganate which are strong oxidants an· employed
chiefly for manganese bearing waters. The pl I range at which manganese dioxide is oxidized
rapidly t'l quite broad. Zeorite
The method is applicable if the iron is present in the reduced state and in a soluble form
in the raw water, Such waters are encountered from the bottom strata of deep reservoirs or
ground waters Jt is usual to limit the application of this process to water having not more
than i mg of iron or manganese for every 30 mg of hardness upto a maximum of 10rng/l of
iron or manganese.
'The process consists of percolation of the water through the bed of the zeolite which
lakes up the iron and rnanganese by a process of ton exchange. The base exchanger hiay be
of the siliceous, carbonaceous or synthetic resin type. Air should be excluded from the
system to prevent deposition of colloidal oxides on the ion exchange material. Therefore, air
lifrs, open tanks or pneumatic tanks should not be used preceding the ion exchanger. l f the
water is to be softened also, then the zeolite process offers a very simple method of iron and
manganese removal as it can be carried out under pressure and therefore usually obviates the
necessity for double pumping such as is required in most other processes. In fact, many
zeolite plants have been installed principally for iron and manganese removal, the softening
being of secondary importance. The removal of iron and manganese is almost complete, the
exhausted bed of ion exchange material being regenerated with salt solution.
For small communities in rural areas, where rhe density of population is low, piped
distribution 1s costl 11 and trained personnel the operation and maintenance not available;
a simple and inexpensive treatment unit for the removal of iron is suggested so the
difficulties of operation and maintenance can also be minimized. In a rural water supply
scheme to treat raw water containing free carbon dioxide and dissolved iron, the units
include, hand-pumps, tray . actators, sedimentation · and sand filters.
Where the source is a well or a sump and the water consumption rate is in the order 40
lpcd and where hand pump is used, a tray type aerator with two trays operated at an aeration
rate of 1.26 m3/rn·~/hr are employed and the water aerated. Then the water is settled in a
sedimentation basin having a detention · of J hours and the clarified water passed
through a rapid sand filter having a depth of U.3 m supported gravd rnm in size and
U. l m deep. The effective size of sand is 0.30-0.45 mm and its uniformity coefficient 2-3.
Sand is cleaned by manual scraping. Provision could also be made for adding sodium
carbonate wherever essential. Reference be made to the desizn for iron removal
plant given in 1\ppendix :).2. '' .
When the question of iron removal is under consideration frlr community water , it
is important to decide and cover what other treatment of the water, if ~my, is necessary or
desirable. Considerable free carbon dioxide and toxic substances arc usually present in
ferruginous waters. f Ience, it is not advisable to remove iron alone leaYing the free carbon
dioxide which mav cause corrosions of main" and 111pcs. The means which iron, free
carbon dioxide and other toxic substances are removed from water in community svstcms
consists substantiallv of their oxidation and removal of free carbon dioxide, fof!m~cd bv
precipitation and its' separation sedimentation and/ or fi.ltration. Aeration mav suffice for
the preliminary precipitation but may not' be adequate when concentrations arc high pf I
correction may be required by addition of lime. The community water supply scheme makes
provision to meet these requirement's and comprises raw water storage tank, cascade tray
aerators, chemical dosers, sedimentation basin, filtration and disinfection.
·--~----·-·-·---·--- . ..-------------
B '!>EITLllllG CHAMSE.f.t 90 x 8'0
c F-IL TEI\ CkAM!IE. R 4S II. 70 -• ~~ -~-
~ I)
D f'ilTtR WATl;.R CHAM!HEI\ 4!1 x 10 .-.,,,. Jt ........ ,
L__ _J E PE.l\?QIU'fE.!> PLATE 41!> x s M- ,, -
F PLATE sun.EA H "( «:!
G SP~A'( & AERATIOl-I CtlAM!l!E.l't es )( re - >t ---
I- ALL till•-lflNSIOlll!i ARE IN Cllllll
Tray aerators are commonly used for aerating water. The trays are designed for an
aeration rate of 1.26 m3 / m2 /hr and spaced at intervals of l m. Then the water is settled in a
sedimentation basin having a detention period of 2.5 hours. The clarified water is filtered
through a rapid sand filter having sand of effective size 0.6-0.8 mm and uniformity
coefficient 1.3 with an effective depth of 1.2 m. The head of water above sand is 1.35 m and
the rate of filtration 5 m3 I m1 /h, The minimum backwash rate is 35 m3 / m2 /h and the total
head required for filter wash is 12 m.
Type designs for iron removal plants for 5, 10 and 15 m3 /hr of flow are given in
Appendix 9.3 along with drawings.
The sand is supported over a gra\·el layer of depth 0.39 - 0.62 m, and it is arranged as
size depth
65 - 38 mm 13-20 cm
38--20 mm 8 -·- 13 cm
20-12 mm 8-13 cm
12-5 mm 5 -8cm
5-2mm 5-8 cm
Power shut-downs are frequent and rarely more than two hours supply is available in the
morning and evening in rural areas. Hence raw water pumping hours can be assumed to be 2
hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. During these 4 hours of pumping the total
daily requirements of water are to be pumped to the raw water elevated storage tank. The
treatment plant has therefore to be designed to operate under gravity from the raw water
storage tank taking these facts into account. To avoid extra cost for additional over-head
tank for filtered water, the filtered water from the pump-well could be directly pumped for
the distribution. The distribution of treated water would follow the same time schedule as for
pumping raw water. Backwashing of the sand filter would be carried out by using raw water
from the overhead tank.
Excessive fluorides in drinking water may cause mottling of teeth or dental fluorosis, a
condition resulting in the discoloration of the enamel, with chipping of the teeth in severe
cases, particularly in children. In Indian conditions where the temperatures are high, the
occurrence and severity of mottling increases when the fluoride levels exceed 1.0 mg/I. \.\'ith
higher levels, skeletal or bone fluorosis with its crippling effects arc observed. The chief
sources of fluorides in nature are (i) fluorapatite (phosphate rock), (ii) fluorspar, (iii) cryolire
and (iv) igneous rocks containing fluorosilicates. Fluorides arc present mostly in ground
waters and high concentrations have been found in parts of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat,
Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil
Nadu in the country. \X1hilc majority of values range from LS to 6 mg/I some values as high
as 16 to 18 mg/I and in one solitary instance, even 36 mg/I have been reported.
n62 UA&E!97-24A
The removal of excessive fluorides from public water supplies or individual water
supplies is justifiable solely on public health grounds. This is a problem particularly in rural
areas and hence the accent has to be on simplicity of operation, cheapness and applicability
to small water supplies. The methods use fluoride exchangers like tricalciurn phosphate or
bone meal, anion exchangers, activated carbon, magnesium salts or aluminium salts.
2962 UA&E/97-248 Magnesium Salts
Excess lime treatment for softening effects removal of fluoride due to its adsorption by
the magnesium hydroxide floe. The fluoride reduction is gin·n by the following expression :
r····~······--······--·-··· ·-·----·--·· ······-----·· (9. l)
Fluoride reduction ;~ 7% initial fluoride cone. x .y magnesium removed
Sizeable fluoride removals arc possible only when magnesium is present in large
quantities which may not always be the case and magnesium have to be supplemented in the.
form of salts. The process is suitable only when the water is being softened.
Magnesia and calcinated magnetite have also been used for removal of fluoride from
water. The study established the following empirical relationships for amounts of MgO
which are required to obtain 1 or 2 mg F/I in treated water,
(a) ~vigO required to obtain ·1 mg F/l in treated water (F0 > 2 mg F/l)
"'' l.7 !(13.33) I - _l_ , + 160 x basicity of raw water (me/l) (9.2)
( Fa/
(b) MgO required to obtain 2 mg f/} in treated water (F0 > 3 mg r/l)
F0 represents the fluoride concentration in the raw water. The pH of the treated water
was always beyond 10 and its correction by acidification was essential, adding to the
complexity of operations and control,
Alum treated polystryene cation exchangers and sulphonated coals have also been used
successfully. A cation exchanger prepared from extract of A varam bark and formaldehyde
when soaked in alum solution has been found to have good fluoride removal capacity (800
Calcinated or activated alumina in granular form can be used for fluoride removal and the
spent material regenerated with alkali, acid or by both alternately (removal efficiently 1.2 kg
of fluoride/ rrr'). A dilute solution of aluminium sulphate used as the regenerate for the spent
material makes the alumina four times more efficient
- 5ErTLING l 1-iOUR
the process of precipitation and formation complexes. ,!\ simple method of defluoridation
is employed in the Nalgonda Technique, It involves the use of aluminium salts for the
removal of fluoride. The Nalgonda Technique employs either the sequence of precipitation,
settling and filtration or precipitation, floatation and filtration and can be used for domestic
as well as community water supply schemes.
(i) Domestic Treatment-Precipitation, Settling and Filtration
Treatment can be carried out in a container (bucket) of 40 l capacity with a tap 3-5 cm
above the bottom of the container for the withdrawal of treated water after precipitation and
settling (Fig. 9.2). The raw water taken in the container, is mixed with adequate amount of
lime or sodium carbonate, bleaching powder and aluminium sulphate solution, depending
upon its alkalinity and fluoride content. ] .irne nr sodium carbonate solution is added first and
mixed well with water.
Alum solution is then added and the water stirred slowlv, for W minutes and allowed to
settle for nearly one hour. The supernatant which contains permissible amount of fluoride is
withdrawn through the tap for consumption. The settled sludge is discarded, The amount of
alum in ml to be added in 40 litres of water at various alkalinity and fluoride levels is gin:n in
Table o.s.
o~--. l
: ; - 1 ~ ~~- ~ J - ~
I t
! :- --f ~- r s ~ ~--~~-
r - - t
r-~~i--1-- ---t;-~- ---1-~~; . . . 1-'78-;;--t ;16 - -~;t;;-1
t"---· -·~ 1 -r
-·--1- - I ~s;--+;-;1-;- u~--1
~-10 i---T-t-' __ T -ri-69~---j J ~~8
I,,, , '' L _. , _
J...._ , J . "',.
Note : "To be treated after increasing the alkalinity with lime or sodium carbonate.
_L. J
ca:.Af.t TO GIV( 4 s A-f"'
r~ !!.E.
+- I
so - 13 .,,,,
SO 'm1'11 FLA.TS
SUPPORTEOAT ~~~-~-1-~1
7 mm THICI(
SO ll'lm DIA
UPTO 200 (it), 40 lpcd
* ll.M.S.FLATS ,~~
, .K 150 ~ PIPE
1 , ~~ "' DRY 11\fG 8£DS
~ ~ ~ ...
9.7.21 Mechanism Of Defluoridation by Nalgond a Technique
The chemical reactions involving fluorides and aluminium species arc complex. It is a
combination of polyhydroxy aluminium species complexation with fluoride and their
adsorption on polymeric alumino hydroxides floes. Besides fluorides, turbidity, colour,
odour, pesticides and organics are also removed. The bacterial load is also reduced
significantly. All these occur by adsorption on the floe surface. Lime or sodium carbonate
insures adequate alkalinity for effective hydrolysis of aluminium salts so that residual
aluminium does not remain in the treated water. Simultaneously disinfection is achieved with
bleaching powder and this keeps the systems free from undesirable biological growth.
------·- , .
= -~·_·--. ,.-v_------·----·
RAW W<\TH! ........ · ------· ·,[··-·· --·-···----··--··-----··
- - --·---·-----------···---··----·-···--·--·-··--·--·----··----
.., .
The stzc of all units, viz., overhead tank, channel mixer, pebble bed flocculator,
sedimentation tank, sand filter and underground treated water storage tank arc based on
these design considerations for populations 500, 1000,2000 and 5000. Layout plan and
sectional elevation for treatment plant of Nalgonda Technique are given in Fig. 9.6
N algonJa Technique has several advantages over the fixed bed ion-exchange processes. It
docs not involve regeneration of media and employs chemicals which are readily available
and easy to operate and maintain using local skills. Colour, odour, turbidity, bacteria and
organic contaminants also get removed simultaneously. '1 'he sludge generated is convertible
to alum for use in removal of excess turbidity of surface waters.
Conventional methods of water treatment do not materially change the mineral content
of water. Base exchange softening merely converts the calcium and magnesium salts to the
corresponding sodium salts. Lime softening causes a slight decrease in the contents of total
solids but does not bring about any decrease in the content of sodium chloride or sulphate.
Hence these methods are not effective in converting brackish water into a potable .one. For
providing a potable supply in brackish water area, the least mineralized water source could be
prospected. \Xlnen potable water is unavailable some method of treatment has to be adopted.
Thus ships on the high seas as well as lifeboats are provided with stills for manufacturing
distilled water. Distillation of seawater has also been adopted during the war in isolated atolls
which had to be occupied.
Of the processes of removing water from saline solutions, distillation is the oldest and in
terms of established plants, the most productive. It differs from the other processes by its
passage of water through the vapour phase. The plant design is directed to tapping the most
economic source of heat energy and exploiting the most efficient processes of heat transfer,
\\/h11e relatively small quantities of water are to be distilled, straight or single-effect
distillation is preferred because of the simplicity of operation and the lower capital cost of the
installation. With larger outputs improvement in efficiency acquires much greater importance
because of the much higher rates of evaporation involved and the need for the highly efficient
heat transfer systems. Problems of scale formation also play a significant role.
Performance of an evaporator plant is measured by the specific heat consumption, i.e. the
number of kilocalories required to produce one kilogram of distillate. Distillation plants are
generally better for lower values of specific heat consumption. The introduction of the flash
evaporator has helped in better economics of heat recoveries and more efficient plants can be
built more cheaply. It is only in such situations where natural gas or fuel is available cheaply that
low thermal performance evaporators can be used with the resultant saving in capital cost.
().104'. $\CC SLAB
ROl..Llf«; !iHVTTER
"""1'.? u
TO O. >l. TMll(:~,_..,.,
This process is based on the principle of osmosis through ion-selective membranes which
pass only anions or cations preventing the passage of the other ions. The concentration
gradient between the solutions supplies the potential required to drive the ions through the
ion-selective membranes unlike in the case of reverse osmosis where pressure is applied to
force the water but not the salts through the membranes.
When a salt solution is percolated through a cation exchange resin treated with acids the
effluent contains equivalent amounts of the corresponding acids as shown below:
Where M ++ is Ca H or Mg++ . The same equation can also be written for monovalent ions
like Na+ or K+.
When this acidic effluent is passed through an anion exchange resin which has been
treated with alkali so that it contains replaceable hydroxyl ions, the anions are exchanged for
the hydroxyl ion with the result that the effluent is rendered free from salts as illustrated as
Thus it is possible to remove salts from brackish water by a process requiring no more
technical skill than that involved in the use of percolation columns. The beds could be
regenerated and used repeatedly without appreciable loss in capacity.
High capacity cation exchange materials have been discussed in (b). The anion
exchange materials have been prepared by condensing substituted aromatic amines with
formaldehyde. These ion exchange resins have C(H11e to stay in the field of treatment of water
for industries and especially in the production of make up water for high pressure boilers.
They have also a place in the treatment of brackish water for the production of potable
Based on evaluation studies conducted by NEER! on the working of desalination plants
employing Reverse Osmosis and Electrodialysis principles, following information emerges:
(a) Recurring cost of desalination by Reverse Osmosis (RC)) and Electrodialysis (1.J))
ranges from Rs. 9 to Rs. 31 and Rs. 8 to Rs. 24 respectively per m3 (1987).
Including depreciation and interest on capital, the cost works out as Rs. 40 to Rs.
131 for RO and Rs. 28 to Rs. 85 in case of hD (1987).
(b) Quality of product water in RO is consistent while it is generally not so in f ·'.n
(c) In spite of elaborate pre-treatment, operation and maintenance, the plants could
not yield consistent quality of product water within permissible limits \'\'hcncwr
such consistency in quality was attempted, the product water recovery di:crc1~ul
considerably, thereby raising the cost of treatment of desalinated water. The r•.·wct
water quantity correspondingly increased.
(d) In the RO plants evaluated, rated capacity of product water was rarely achieved. In
the plants Studied by NEE.RI, only one produced at l()(Jl'.·{1 capacity, while others
functioned at 30,50 and 72D/o of the rared capacity, associated with problems Jurmg
(c) Membrane life indicated by various firms for RO plants varied from 1 to 3 y~:trs. /\
membrane life of upto 5 years is claimed for nD. These claims, however, need
validation as all plants evaluated operated 1>n an average for 5-8 hours/day only
and the frequency of membrane changes was higher.
(f) Pressure pumps maintenance pose several problems during operation; non-
availability of spare parts at site can seriously affect their maintenance.
(_iJ Due to frequent deposition of salts on membrane that needed acid-wash more
frequently, the maintenance of ED plants became more difficult.
(h) Scaling is a potential problem and large quantities of acid are used to pn:vcnt its
formation. General practice has been to use the Langelier saturation Index of the
2962 U/l&E/97·-25.:\
concentrate to calculate acid requirements. Stiff and Davis Stability Index is
recommended which results in a significant reduction in acid use.
(i) Energy costs are typically 40-·6CY1/l1 of the total operating costs elf Reverse Osmosis.
The production of 'l m1 of water requires 4-6 k\'i/h of energy, compared with 1218
Kwh for distillation process, However, the requirement can be reduced if energy
recovery turbines are used, wherever feasible. ·
G) Membrane replacements, during the life of an RO plant, are typically estimated to
account for 25-35% of the operating costs. There is plenty of scope for reducing
the frequency of membrane replacements.
There is no one 'best' method of desalination. Generally, Distillation and Reverse
Osmosis are recommended for seawater desalination, \~'h.ilc Reverse Osmosis and
Electrodialysis are used for brackish water desalination. H owever, the selection and use of
these processes should ·be very site specific, they must be selected very carefully, especially in
rural areas.
One of the major considerations in the selection of a desalination process should be its
cost and maintenance. However, despite the substantial costs involved, the availability of
desalinated water in arid-zones can be a boon to that area. Where the water is salty,
alternative water for consumption is often transported over long distances by truck or
animal. When the water is sold, its unit price often exceeds that of desalinated water.
Therefore, the economic conditions to support desalination already exit in many water-short
Corrosion is the phenomenon of the interaction of a material with the environment
(water, soil or air) resulting in its deterioration. In water supply corrosion causes significant
loss in the hydraulic carrying capacity of pipes and fittings, poor quality of water transported
and possible structural failures. Corrosion of metal clue to soil electrolyte and stray currents
are termed as 'underground corrosion' while that due to water flowing or contained in the
pipes or containers is denoted as 'internal corrosion' or underwater corrosion .
When a metal is in contact with an electrolyte it has a tendency to ionize and go into
solution. The driving force for this process is called the solution potential.
~ M. +JJ (1)
The hydrogen ion required for this reaction comes from the ionization of water.
Reaction (3) is quite significant in water supplies since dissolved oxygen is always present.
Reaction (4) requires low pII or a second metal which can serve as an outlet for the
hydrogen (depolarizes). In water supplies such low pII conditions are not possible. Where
contact with another metal is available galvanic corrosion occurs.
The major types of corrosion are galvanic, concentration cell, stress, stray current
electrolysis and bacteria (biochemical).
Magnesium alloys
Aluminium 2S
Aluminium 17ST
Steel or iron
Cast iron
Chromium iron (active
Stainless type 410)
Nickel-Resist cast iron
18-8 Chromium-nickel iron
Decrease in nobility (active) Stainless type
18-·8-3 chromium-nickel
molybdenum-iron (active)
Stainless type 316
Lead-tin solders
Nickel (active)
lnconel nickel-chromium
· . _ · -· - ·- - ._ - .- ., ~---·- ·----1 ~::lloy alloy C (active) 1
Zero Hydrogen
Copper-nickel alloys
Mortel nickel-copper alloy
Silver solder
Nickel (passive)
Inconel nickel-chromium
alloy (passive)
Chromium-iron (passive)
I ncrcase in nobility Stainless type 410
18-8 Chromium-nickel-
mol ybdenum iron
Hastelloy alloy C (passive)
( ;;1lvanizcd iron (zinc-coated) is more serviceable than steel alone, because the iron
exposed at joints is protected at the expense of the zinc.
In wntcr con mining dissolved oxygen, the oxidation of iron from ferrous to ferric state
\\ 1!11subsequent hydrolysis results in the increase of hydrogen ion concentration. The
increase in dw hydrogen ion concentration in contact with hydrogen results in a hydrogen
n in conccntrauon cell at this point thus accelerating the rate of corrosion. Similarly an
m~ygcn concentration cell is established due to the difference in the dissolved oxygen content
near the anode anJ cathode areas. This also increases the rate of corrosion at the anode
where there is little or no oxygen. In the case of buried pipes, the nature of the soil plays an
important role in the availability of oxygen. For example, lime and sandy soils have different
permeability for air penetration to the surface- of the buried pipelines and local cells form
between various parts of the pipeline.
The porous ferric hydroxide deposit acts as a protective coating and retards the
corrosion. The accumulation of hydroxide ions near the cathode which reduces the free
movement of electrons also retards the corrosion reaction.
Corrosion testing can be carried out either in the field or in the laboratory under
controlled environment simulating field conditions. Corrosion testing is done using coupoi,!>
or resistance probes. Coupons are made up of the same material as the structure .ind
normally insulated from the main structure. 'The coupons are cleaned before and after
insertion and the weight loss is expressed as g/cm.2/year which is the measure of corrosion
rate. Resistance probes are metallic rods or plates inserted at elbows using a tee in the
mainstream of water or in a bypass. They operate on the principle that when a thin wire or
foil corrodes its electrical resistance increases due to the decrease of its cross sectional area.
The resistance measurements are converted to corrosion rate. Other field tests use thickness
detectors for measuring the metal remaining in the corroded pipes or visual examination as a
crude method. All these tests are not completely satisfactory by themselves.
Investigation of groundwater level and characteristics of water along with the results of
laboratory or field test can be used to predict the possible corrosivity of the soil in which
pipes are laid. Correlation between the soil resistivity or conductivity and corrosion is given
in Table 9. 7.
Resistivity Corrosion
__ __(ohms /c!!!_)__ ·····-·-··---··-··--· . -·· --···-------- --.--
U pto 500 Very strong
500-1500 Strong
1500-2500 Moderate
above 3000 Feeble or none
Mud, muck, clay, tidal marsh and organic soils in high water tables fall under the category
of strong to very strongly corrosive. Sands, sandy loam, porous and clay loam in low water
tables are moderately corrosive. Even soils with good or feeble corrosion may contain
pockets of low resistivity. 1 t is at the junction of such soils that corrosion is seen maximum.
A pipeline passing from a high resistance soil to a low resistance soil will corrode in the latter
because of difference in pipe to soil potentials of the two area. The current flows from the
pipe through the bad soil to the good soil and then back to the pipe.
. The basic principle is to make the entire surface of the equipment cathodic thus affording
protection since fOrrosion takes place only at the anodic surface. This can be achieved by
connecting it to a D.C. source. In this case, the anode consists of specially earthed electrodes.
The general arrangement in a cathodic protection assembly is shown in the Fig. 9. 7.
The current from the positive pole of the D.C. source flows through the conductor 2 into
the earthed anode 3 and then into the soil. From the soil the current flows to the surface of
the pipe 4 to be protected and flows along the pipe to the drainage junction point 5, the
conductor 6 and back to the negative terminal of the current source. Thus the entire surface
of the underground pipe or equipment becomes cathodic and is protected from corrosion
while the earthed anode gets corroded. The anode is usually a scrap metal e.g. old tubes, rails
etc. Other metals which are resistant to attack by surrounding soil like special alloys or
graphite are also used. The conductivity of the protective coating has a direct influence on
the length of the protected section of the pipe. The required power increased with increasing
conductivity of the coating.
(b) Preliminary Investigations
The existing pipeline has to be inspected to ascertain the sections which require
protection. Other basic information required are :
(1) Plan and details· of the pipelines (showing branch connections, diameter, length
and wall thickness) and
(2) Location plan of the section to be protected along with :
(i) Data on soil resistance along the section to be protected at the intervals of at
least 100 mas well as the earthing points.
(ii) Information on the availability of sources of electricity, amperage, voltage,
AC/DC (phase) in the vicinity and spaces for housing current supply and
(iii) Data on the conductivity or resistivity of the existing protective insulation;
(iv) Condition of the pipeline) if it is already in use.
(c) Power Requirements
With the above data, minimum current density and maximum protection potential can be
worked out. The capacity of the current source for a cathodic protection system depends on
(1) length of the section to be protected (2) type and state of the coating of the pipeline (3)
diameter of the pipe (4) wall thickness of the p1pe (5) conductivity of the soil and (6) design
of anode earthing. The power requirements vary from 0.4 to 10 kilowatts in most cases. The
possible current sources are DC generator, converter-rectifier, storage batteries of dry or acid
type. The pipeline should be at least 0.3 V negative to the soil.
(d) Anodes
The main power loss occurs in the anode earthing. 'The earthing can be carried out by any
metal (pure or scrap) of any shape and also carbon forms like coke or graphite. When tubes
are used the earthing can be either horizontal or vertical. Near the earthing zone, soil
treatment can be done to reduce soil resistance by adding salts like sodium chloride, calcium
chloride or moistening the soil, the former being better and long lasting. Carbon or graphite
electrodes have longer durability than metal electrodes.
(e) Other Facilities
A cathodic protection station should provide space for housing the equipment,
installation of current sources, supply and distribution zones, equipment for check
measurements, construction of earthing structures and facilities for carrying out operational
Excessive residual chlorine may increase the corrosiveness of water. High temperatures
will tend to increase the rate of corrosion while other factors remaining constant. Soft waters
are generally more corrosive than hard waters.
Carbon dioxide acidirv' or mineral aciditv, will increase corrosion of iron or destroy the
protective coatings l !igh pl! will decrease corrosion, but very high pl I levels may be
destructive to galvanized or other protective coatings thereby actually increasing the
(b) Inhibitors
An inhibitor is a chemical which when added to the corrosive environment will effectively
decrease the corrosion rare. It can be considered as the opposite of a catalyst. it retards or
stops the corrosion reaction. Inhibitors may he orbran1c or inorganic in nature. Most of the
inorganic inhibitors such as silicate, chromate, phosphate, borate etc. control the rate of
corrosion by acting on the anode. The use of some of these is not advisable under all
conditions. For example the improper use nf chromate may accelerate the rate of corrosion
rather than inhibiting. If hydrogen polarizauon is present, the addition of chromate or any
other oxidizing agent will cause depolaririltt(!n and thus increase the flow of corrosion
current Again if insufficient amount of inhibitor is used to provide a complete film over the
anode, the small area left exposed will corrode with increased rapidity thereby causing pitting.
Sodium silicate is used as a good inhibitor. Alkaline sodium nitrate alone oi· in conjunction
with other inorganic inhibitors such as phosphate is goc)d inhibitor. Sodium bcnzoate with
sodium nitrate is a good inhibitor for iron.
Organic inhibitors may act in a variety of ways. C)rganic colloids form protective layers by
adsorption. ()rgan1c bases form positive ions containing hydrophobic groups. These positive
cations attach themselves through nitrogen to the cathodic surface. 'Their effectiveness as
inhibitors depend on the size of the hydrocarbon. /\ few parts-per million of tertiary amine
gives almost complete protection. High molecular weight amines derived from rosin are
good inhibitors. The protective action of the inhibitors increase with temperature.
Vapour phase inhibitors (VPI) vaporize readily and form an inh1biting (or) protective
layer. 'These inhibitors are used to protect steel or iron in presence of moisture and S02
Metal parts may be wrapped in papers impregnated with VPI instead of using layers of grease
or oil as rust protective substances. Dicyclohexyl ammonium nitrate and chlorohexyl amine
carbonate are used as good V1Jl.
Some of these inhibitors may not be suitable for corrrmuniry water supply unless they arc
proved to be harmless for consumption. But they arc suitable for industrial water systems.
(i) Deposition of Protective Coatings
A thin film of calcium carbonate can be deposited by the water on the inner surface of
pipes by adjusting pH and alkalinity of the water to keep the Langelier Saturation Index 'I' to
a slightly positive value. Lime or soda ash or both can be used to raise pH and alkalinity.
Small amount of sodium silicate can deposit dense, adherent but slightly permeable ftlm.
.A dose of 12 to 16 mg/l is maintained in the beginning and gradually reduced to 3 to 4 mg/I.
Organic coatings such as enamels, tar or bituminous coating are effective only to the extent
of their coverage and durability. Epoxy coatings hold promise but their toxic effects due to
leaching arc not fully established. For cast iron and steel pipes, cement lining of the interior
surface is satisfactory. Insertion of plastic pipe into an existing partly corroded pipe is also
useful. For controlling corrosion of reinforcing steel and preventing disintegration of
concrete in RC dome covers of overhead tanks, the concrete cover of such domes may be
adequately protected (IS No. 456 : 1978). Protective coating to reinforcement is also
Some polyphosphates are reported to inhibit corrosion by forming protective films on
the cathodic area. They also function as inhibitors for precipitation of calcium, magnesium
and iron. Red water problem has been minimized in certain cases because oxidation and
precipitation of iron is prevented, Sodium hcxametaphosphate (Calgon) is the most widely
used polyphosphate. The effectiveness of polyphosphates is progressively greater at
increasing turbulent velocities and at increasing concentrations. The initial dose may be as
high as to 6 to 12 mg/I and then reduced to 1 to 2 mg/L This can prevent the formation of
rough deposits and remove sharp projections from the existing rough films.
(ii) Treatment of Water
Treatment of water such as adjustment of pH, removal of carbon dioxide, increase in
calcium or carbonate ion concentration or addition of inhibitors can overcome to a large
extent the corrosive nature of water. Chemical treatment can be effective as only a
supplement to other methods like protective coatings and is limited by the cost.
Iron bacteria problems in tubewells can be overcome by treating the well with
concentrated bleaching powder solution dose of 50 mg/I (as chlorine) and a contact period
of 6 hours. It is necessary to periodically flush out the dead ends so that stagnation for more
than a month does not take place. Al'ter flushing, these dead ends have to be disinfected by
chlorine. De-oxygenation -<~tleactivation of water is the essence of reducing corrosive nature
of water and is accomplished by passing over heated scraps of iron or by deoxygenation
under vacuum. These methods, however, are not practised in community water supply
systems because of cost considerations but are eminently suitable for industrial water
The purpose of the distribution system is to convey wholesome water to the consumer at
adequate residual pressure in sufficient quantity at convenient points. Water distribution
usually accounts for 40 to 70% of the capital cost of the water supply project. As such,
proper design and layout of the system is of great importance. Metering is recommended for
all cities as indicated in section 17.4.2.
The requirements for the distribution system may be classified as functional and hydraulic.
The geometrical configuration of pipes, reservoirs and boosters, selection and proper
location of valves, specials, etc., for efficient operation and maintenance and overall
economy in cost constitute some of the functional aspects. Adequate residual pressure at the
maximum demand depends upon the hydraulic characteristics of the system.
In the continuous system of supply, water is made available to consumer all the
twenty-four hours a day, whereas in the intermittent system, the consumer gets supply only
for certain fixed hours (a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening).
The intermittent system suffers from several disadvantages. The distribution system is
usually designed as a continuous system but often operated as an intermittent one. There is
always a constant doubt about the supply in the minds of the consumers. This leads to
limited use of water supplied, which does not promote personal hygiene. The water is stored
during non-supply hours in all sorts of vessels which might contaminate it and once the
supply is resumed, this water is wasted and fresh supply stored. During non-supply hours,
polluted water might reach the water mains through leaky joints and thus could pollute the
protected water. There will be difficulty in finding sufficient water for fire fighting purposes
also during these hours. The taps are always kept open in such system leading to wastage
when supply is resumed. This system does not prnmote hygiene and hence, wherever
possible, intermittent supply should be discouraged.
For efficient and eouitable distribution of water, a grid pattern, where the different mains
are interconnected keeping dead ends to a minimum, is recommended. The system facilitates
any one point being fed at least from two different directions. For small water supplies, the
tree or branch system with smaller mains branching off frorn a single trunk main may be
10.2.3 ZONING
Zoning in the distribution system. ensures equalization of supply of water throughout the
area. The zoning depends upon (a) density of population (b) type of locality (c) topography
and (d): facility for isolating for assessment of waste and leak detection. If there is an average
elevation difference of 15 to 25m between zones, then each zone should be served by a
separate system. The neighboring zones rnay be interconnected to provide emergency
supplies. The valves between the zones, however, should normally be kept dosed and not
partially opened. 'The layout should be such that the difference in pressure between different·
areas of the same zone or same system does not exceed 3 to Sm.
In selecting a source of water supply for a town, the mode of conveyance of water from
the source to the town is a factor for consideration. \X/ater could be conveyed by gravity
alone, or by pumping, or by gravity-cum-pumping. Any of these three modes could be
selected based mainly on the elevation of the source of supply with respect to the town
Efforts should be made to minimize the cost of transmission by considering the various
alternatives and their suitability for the given situation.
The rcr capita rate of water supply indicates only the average consumption of water per
day per pcrsun over a period of one year. In the design of water supply distribution system, it
is to be recognized that consumption varies with the season, month, day and hour. As far as
the design of distribution system is concerned, it is the hourly variation in consumption that
matters. The fluctuation in consumption is accounted for, by considering the peak rate of
consumption (which is equal to average rate multiplied by a peak factor) as rate of flow in the
design of distribution system.
The variation in the demand will be more pronounced in the case of smaller population
and will gradually even out with the increase in population. This is so because in a 1arge
population different habits and customs of several groups tend to minimize the variation in
the demand pattern.
The following peak factors are recommended for various population fib>t1res:
For population less than 50,000 3.0
For a population range of 50,000 to 2,00J)OO 2.5
For population above 2,00,000 2.0
For Small \Vater Supply Schemes
(\lFhere supply is effected through
standposts for only 6 hours) 3.0
10.3.5 LAYOUf
'The distribution lavout should be such as to facilitate hvdraulic isolation
of sections,
metering for assessment and control of leakage and \vastagc.
A suitable combination of pipe sizes and staging height has to be determined for
optimization of the system. The staging height of service reservoirs is normally kept as 15-
For distant localities> boosters may be provided instead of increasing the size of mains or
height of the reservoir unduly for maintaining the required pressure.
For roads wider than 25 meters, the distribution pipes should be provided on both sides
of the road, by running rider mains suitably linked with trunk mains.
10.3.9 VALVES
(a) Sluice Valves
Sluice valves shall be located on at least three sides of every cross-junction and at every
kilometre on long mains. The size of the sluice valve shall be the same as the size of the main
up to 300 mm diameter and at least two-thirds the size of main for larger diameters.
(b) Air Valves
These have been discussed in 6.163.
(c) Scour or Blow Off Val'oes
The scour or blow off valves have been discussed in 6.16.2.
(d) Flow Dividing Valves
These specially devised and constructed valves are used in distribution and other mains at
the branch point to ensure that the assigned flmv in a distribution main is always maintained.
These are based on the principle that the diaphragm or the other arrangement in valves
opens proportionally depending upon the upstream pressure allowing the regulation of flow,
irrespective of the pressure conditions obtained in the distribution main.
(e) Maximum Demand Controllers
The maximum demand controller permits all flows upto a preset value and automatically
assumes control when the flow just exceeds this predetermined rate, thus preventing excess
withdrawals. This form of controller finds considerable use both in municipal and industrial
installations, where two or more users taking water from a common source, arc to be
prevented from consuming more than a set quantity,
The service reservoirs provide a suitable reserve of treated water with rnirumum
interruptions of supply due to failure of mains, pumps etc. They also enable meeting the
widely fluctuating demands when the supply is by intermittent pumping. They are also
helpful in reducing the size of the mains which would otherwise be necessary to meet the
peak rates of demand. They can serve as an alternative to partial duplication of an existing
feeder main as the load on the main increases.
The capacity of the service reservoir to be provided depends upon the better economic
alternatives amon.b:rst various options. A system supplied by pumps with 1 OO'JJo standby will
require less storage capacity than that with less standby provision. Similarly a system divided
into interconnected zones will require less storage capacity for all the zones except for the
zones at higher elevations.
However, the minimum service or balancing capacity depends on the hours and rate of
pumping in a day, the probable variation of demand or consumption over a day, the hours of
supply can be calculated from a mass diagram or by a demand and pumping budget. The
variation of demand in a day for a town which depends on the supply hours may have to be
assumed or known from similar towns or determined based on household survey.
Typical example on estimation of storage capacity is f~ven in Appendix 10.1.
The ground level reservoir is generally preferred as storage reservoir which is circular or
square or rectangular in shape. If it is circular, it is usually constructed of RCC and in the
case of other shapes it is constructed either of RCC or masonry. The elevated reservoirs are
used principally as distributing reservoirs and can have shapes like circular, s1..1uare,
rectangular and conical or may be of Intze type. They are generally made of RCC or
prestrcssed concrete. Small capacity tanks can be fabricated with steel or PVC or 1-lDPE.
Circular shapes are genera11y preferable as the length of the wall for a given capacity is a
minimum and further the wall itself is self-supporting and does not require counterfort.
Reservoirs of one compartment are generally sciuare and those of two or three compartments
may be rectangular with length equal to one and half times the breadth. The economical
water depth for reservoirs with flat bottom upto 1000m3 capacity is between 3 and 5.Sm. The
service reservoirs should be covered to avoid contamination and prevent algal growth~
Suitable provision should be made for manholes, mosquito-proof ventilation, access ladders,
scour and overflow arrangements, water level indicator, and if found necessary, lightning
2962 UAiH:'.i97·-26A
single line. To avoid waste of energy, it is advantageous to form the opening of the outlet
with a cordigurntion identical to the could be achieved by providing a bell
mouth at the ripening of the outlet pipe. The details of the bell mouth for different sizes of
openings are given in Appendix l 0.2.
The tank is said to be "floating on the line" when connected by a single pipe to the source
and the distribution system. \\/hen the rate of supply exceeds the demand, water flows into
the tank. \Vhen demand exceeds supply, water flows through the same pipe from the tank.
The relation between rate of supply, rate of demand and tank capacity is on a study of
the service required as in case of service reservoirs
When the balancing tank floating on the line is designed for the full service storage based
on a study of the hydrograph of demand, location and altitude is governed by the same
conditions as arc applicable to the service reservoir. Where the distribution system is
designed for direct pumping into the system, it is advantageous to provide a balancing tank
at the end ofthe system with a nominal capacity (! or 2 hours) 10 provide pressure relief and
improve the tail end distribution. The balancing reservoir has the advantage of minimum of
pipe work and operational maintenance.
to di&v-ital category. These methods have virtually rcphc:ed other earlier ones largely on
account of their ;1cc1uacy and efficiency. 'The Hardy Cross method ts a relaxation technique,
which, through successive iterations, applies a series of linearly approximated correction tn
either assumed flows or head losses of all the pipes network.
(a) Hardy Cross Method
(i) Balancing lleads
In this method, from the knowledge of system inllO\vs and outflows, the flows in all
pipes of the network arc distribu so as to meet continuity constraints at all nodes.
\v'hen inflows and outflows arc explicitly
r known, this will involve a:;<;i~.~.i-ning as manv, flows as
there are primary loops in the system. The requirement that' the sum of head losses around
a!l primary loops should equal zero give$ rise l!J a s ofas many equations.
the determined system of non linear equations is effected by a systematic relaxation
in the Hardy .. Cross method. In the l lardy Cross method of balancing heads, which is a trial
and error process, the correction factor for assumed flcm r s (necessary formulae arc made
algdiraically consistent arbitrarily assigping pusitivc signs t.o clockwise flows and
associated head losses and negative signs to anti-clockwise flows and associated head losses)
t\Q in a circuit is calculated by the formula:
.,., H
-· -~---·-
each junction of loop arc equal 1.0 flows leaving the junction,
(ii) Assign positive sign to al! clockwise flows and negative sign to all anti-clockwise
(iii) Compute the head loss ! J in each pipe by use of the friction formula with the help
of chart or m()nogram giving the same sign as for the flows,
(iv) Compute
, ......(., '-'"'!! (i ,., alzebraic s•1•·1·1 or t
J, '.'!,,,,, tA.f·)"-'iL l·1•'·•d losses) '0•·0·11·•<.l ea
~(~ •.. 1... 0 •.. l il(><)J')
~.h~. 1·f· this is
,\,},) .•. ,) (1d - .. ~- t, <i_,,l. , .. : l ..) •·'
nearly equal to zero in all loops (within allowable hrnits of'± (!."! 5 m), the assumed
flows arc correct,
A typical problem of balancing head loss by correcting assumed flows by hand
computation is presented in Appendix 10.3.
(ii) Balancing Flows
\\/hen using the method of balancing flows at junctions or nodes of the system, pressures
at nodes are assumed on the basis of given pressure surface elevations at some nodes (e.g.
fixed elevation reservoirs) and the flows in the pipes are estimated.
In the 'method of balancing flows' (modification of original Hardy Cross Method), which
is applicable to junctions and nodes, the flows at each junction are made to balance for the
assumed heads at the junctions and the corresponding head losses in the pipes. The
correction factor for assumed head losses in the pipes (Fl) is calculated using the formula :
(iii) Compute the flows in each pipe by use of the friction formula with the help of chart
or monogram. giving same signs as for the head losses,
(iv) Compute 6Q (i.e. algebraic sum of the flows) at each free junction and if this is
nearly equal to zero at all junctions (within allowable limits of :t 2.(Y'n), the assumed
head losses are correct,
(v) Otherwise, if l:Q is not equal to zero at any junction, compute the error in head loss
The correction factor is of the opposite Slf,'11. Add the correction factor to the
assumed head losses with due regard to the sign of head losses,
(vi) Pipes common to more than one loop receive corrections from each loop.
However, corrections to the companion circuit is of the opposite sign to that of the
first circuit,
(vii) Repeat the cycle till l:Q ~ 0 at each node or junction when the final corrected values
of H are obtained.
/\!though the J fardy Cross fvktbc)d is rational and mathematically correct, drastic
skeletorusing of the network because of the complexity, the time consuming nature and the
tedium of calculations, particularly for the large size networks and the uncertainty of
. . .. . . t !
~~ o f va lues impose
~ serious nmrtanons on method.
ln up a computer prograrn, following guidelines wil] be helpful:
(i) Each junction of the sys tern 1:.:. numbered scriall y, starting from l , except those with
an unknown inflow or take off, where usually a fixed water elevation is specified (i z:
1,2 ... N)
(ii) AH pipes · node i are numbered (i,j),j denoting the pipe number at junction i U
~· ·1 2 1\'
J. ~p! )
......... ' '!t - '''
(iii) .Heads and flows towards the node are considered positive; away from it, negative.
The same applies to correction L\Hi also. II/Q and Q/ H are always positive
each node, i, a test of is then made to sec whether it is zero. 1 f not, the head
correction' !.\l!, to be applied 10 all the head losses I fi,i in p1pes (i.j) meeting at
junction i is calculated from equation
( 1,d,
(' ,_,'))
f Qlj
i= l 1J
and applied. The process is repeated until either
ill· ff 1!I
I\_, . . .I
' '
or i.:... QI, Ji
i/ i
is less than the prescribed limit.
(v) Pipes common to more than one junction receive L\JI correction from both with
due rezard
to sions,
as stated before.
Ir is pointed out that any network balancing problem can be solved by either of the
two methods-head or flow balance. \'<'/here there are two or more reservoirs with fixed water
elevations in the system, synthetic or artificial loops can be introduced between them to
introduce exactly as many additional equations as necessary to make the system exactly
determined. Although, the Hardy-Cross method can be used to solve network problems to
any · degree of accuracy, it is highly time-consuming for large and complicated
networks. More powerful rapidly converging methods are now available.
(b) Neuiton-Raphson Method: Balancing Heads
Network balancing using Newron-Raphson method is again an iterative process but the
method seems to be faster and much more rapid from a reasonably good start.
The principle of this method is explained most simply by reference to solution of a single
equation f (p) = 0. According to Newton's rule, if p is an approximation to a root of f(p),
then (p + Ap) is a better approximation where;
,':, p " -- _L{!!)_ (10.3)
The nature of this result can be recognized from the Taylor series expansion of l\p),
Equations to balance head losses around loops are then framed in terms of corrected
In general, the arranged loop head equations the following form:
(1 o.s.
Where the second summation on the L.H.S extends only for the common pipes of loop i.
The number of equations in the system is the same as the number of primary loops in the
coefficient of AQi, the correction for aH pipes of the loop. The other non-zero terms are of
the form ( __ !~) L\Qk, where L\Qk is the correction for loop k which has a pipe in common
\V1t. l 1 l oop \t, 'I<?ne Jcommon p1pe
I, • •
ts ca.·11 eoJ ("i,J") in
. l oop 1,. am l b y some ot 1ier name 1 ise
·1 (l\''-, l) m
loop k. If loop t has no pipe in common with loop i, the coefficient of ~Qt in the equation
for loop i, will be zero. On the RH.S of the equation, we have the unbalanced head in loop i
with a negative sign, multiplied by the inverse of exponent n in the pipe flow formula
A general Fortran Program for network head balance according to Newton-Rapbson
Method could be written to compute Fl,,1 from input Q,,1 values and set up the coefficient
matrix A for solution for 11J.Q,1s. The set of linear simultaneous equations could be solved by
calling appropriate library subroutines. The computed .0.Q, are applied to all pipes of the
network as explained under Hardy Cross method giving due consideration to common pipes
between loops and the iteration proceeds, The program terminates at the allowable head
tolerance or when iterations exceed a certain prescribed limit.
The success of the Newton-Raphson technique lies in the selection of a good starting
approximation. If the approximation is poor, it can result in the divergence of the solution.
Computer programmes are readily available for the Newton-Raphson technique.
(c) Linear Graph Theory
The analysis of water distribution network requires that the node and loop continuity
equations be satisfied. Linear graph theoretic approach differs from other methods in a
fundamental way. While in other methods, it is customary to change the value of either the
assumed flow or head loss using one set of continuity equations 'and satisfying the other set
as constraints, this method depends on the simultaneous utilisation of both sets of equations
(nude equations and loop equations).
Jn the t,JTaph theory approach, the water supply distribution pipe network is treated as a
linear graph (consisting of points or vertices and lines or edges). By the properties of graph
theory and matrices, the system equations involving the three physical laws of fluid flow, i.e.,
Kirchoff node 1aw, Kirchoff loop law and pipe ·flow formula are combined to form a single
set of non linear equations involving one set of variables i.e., either head loss-variables or
flow variables. These non-linear equations are then solved by iterative methods. After one set
of variables are obtained, the other set of variables are calculated from the pipe flow formula.
! n this approach, by dividing the variables as primary and secondary variables according
to 'tree' and 'co-tree' pipes, the decision variables are confined to only the primary variables.
The application of the Graph theory helps considerably in formulating the hydraulic equation
and also in deriving a good starting approximation to ensure fast convergence.
(d) Linear Theory Method
This method, proposed by Wood and Charles is useful for network balancing through
"balancing heads by correcting assumed flows". This is also an iterative method, said to
converge faster than the Hardy Cross method.
In the methods of balancing described earlier, it is necessary to assume certain values for
the variables to start the iterative procedure. Naturally, therefore, the number of iterations
depend upon the initial t,:rtiess. No such initialization is needed in the linear theory method.
The linear theory transforms the loop head loss non-linear relationships into linear
relationships by approximating the head loss in each pipe by
in which QP is the assumed flow in pipe P: Thus the pipe resistance constant r,, is replaced by
(r\, so that, (r')P ::: (rQ" \,
All the nonlinear loop head loss relationships become linear. These linear equations and
the node flow continuity linear equations are solved simultaneously to obtain ail Qp values.
The solution, however, will not be correct as the obtained Qp values \viH not be the same as
assumed Qp values. However, it is claimed that by repeating the process several times, the
obtained and the assumed values will be found to be identical, thus giving the correct
In the linear theory, for the first iteration, ail Q" values are taken as i giving (r)p :::: rp.
(This amounts to assuming the flow to be laminar for. the first iteration), It will be observed
that this method> if used just as suggested earlier, yields pipe flows which tend to oscillate
about the final solution. To obviate this, \l'ood and Charles have suggested that after two
iterative solutions, for all the iterations thereafter, the initial fknv rates to be used in the
computations should be the average of the flow rates obtained from the past two iterations.
Thus, for the i1h iteration,
Qp:: (i-l)Q +(i-2)Qp (10.7)
in which the subscript i, i-1 and i·-2 denote the i'"', (i~l/', and (i-2Yh iterations respectively.
(e) Use qf Models For Analysis
A model must truly represent the system under consideration so that the pressure drops
and discharges can be measured directly without trial and error procedures. The variables like
head loss, flow and head loss coefficients in a pipe, as also circuits, junctions, and friction
laws that govern the system should be properly represented in the analogous model devices.
Two kinds of models, namely hydraulic models and electric analogue models have been used.
The hydraulic models however have not proved very popular.
(f) Electric Analogue Model
Jn the direct electrical analogue mode which is used for pipe network analysis, the
analogies existing between hydraulic and electric systems are considered. The use of
non-linear resistors in electrical systems has made possible the representative simulation of
the hydraulic system.
The source of supply in the hydraulic system rs represented in the electrical analogue by a
constant voltage generator or battery, take-offs by load resistors or electronically controlled
devices and pipes by non-linear resistors. Camp and Hazen built the first electric analyzer
designed specifically for the hydraulic analysis of water distribution systems ,!vidlroy
continued this approach to network analysis and developed an analyzer that is manufactured
commercially. For each branch of the system, the pipe equation, H =
KQ" is thus replaced
by an electrical equation, V = K,,.I", where V is the voltage drop in the branch, I is the
current and Ke is the non-linear resistor coefficient whose value is suited to the pipe
coefficient 'K.1 for the selected voltage-head loss and the amperage-water flow scale ratios. If
the current inputs and take-offs are made proportional to the water flowing into and out of
the system, the head loss will be proportional to the measured voltage drops.
The most important advantage of the direct electric pipeline network analyser is the
physical feel of the network system experienced by the designer or operator. Once the pipe
network is simulated in the electric network analyser, results can be obtained in a few
minutes for alternative sizes of pipes or alternative flow conditions.
'The analyzers give the pressure losses and flows in pipelines at an instant in time and the
accuracy of the results depends only on the precision of physical elements and measuring
instruments involved and the accuracv, of the data introduced.
The constraints include the hydraulic laws and operational ones such as the minimum
permissible sizes, restriction to commercially available sizes, and mainly, minimum residual
pressure requirements at critical nodes. The total cost of the network is gencra.lly assumed to
include the cost of the pipes, pumps and other components and the present value of the
maintenance and operating costs. Severa! approaches have been suggested for handling this
economic design problem over the years. Some significant attempts arr summarized in the
following sections.
economic ptpe sizmg can be simultaneously obtained therefrom. Using Hazen-William's
formula for pipe flow, a new term L" was introduced which was
\X/here Le is the length of a pipe of standard diameter (8-in) and standard Hazen V/il!iarns
CValue of 100. This pipe is hydraulically equivalent to a pipe whose actual length 1,
diameter D and Hazen \'V1lliams coefficient is C Instead of applying the Kirchoff's loop law
to the sum of the head-losses 1}1 in the loops, the equivalent length method distributes the
available head loss to the several pipes directly meeting the requirements L\H = 0, and
attempts to balance the relative pipe resistances in the form of equivalent lengths, Le in all
the loops of the network i.e,
An iterative procedure similar to the I-lardy Cross method has been used for balancing Le
in this study. Assumed flows in all the pipes of the network are successive! y adjusted to
balance the relative pipe resistances. It is claimed that such a balance leads to a minimum
possible total of all the equivalent lengths and thus to least amount of pipe in a network of
equal-sized pipes. Also, the imposition of the above condition L Le= 0, is reported to
establish a general 'evenness' of flow throughout the system, and <optimum' design for any
set of fixed conditions of topography, pressure requirements, source of supply, draft and
geometric pattern of distribution network. The elimination of the trial and error feature of
the Hardy-Cross method was cited as an advantage of this algorithm.
In the search for better methods of water distribution system design, the balancing of
equivalent lengths' technique would appear to have merit particularly in initial studies
preliminary to a comprehensive systems analysis. However, in networks with multiple
sources and pump-type boundary conditions, the How pattern may not be so obvious and
problems of convergence could arise.
It can be shown that the problem of minimum-cost design of a distribution pipe network
subject to
(i) the provision of required domestic and fire flows at specified draw off junctions)
can be cast as one of non-linear, integer programming. Such a model and a11 engineering
approach to its solution are briefly discussed. More detailed exposition and reference to
earlier works in the topic can also be found in literature.
373 Formulation Of The Objective Function
The principal part of the total cost function of a distribution pipe network is the cost of
pipes. The installed first costs of pipes can be related to their diameter by an empirical
exponential function of the form:
C' Ct.lDr1 (10.10)
W1H:n~ Ct is the cost, l is the length of pipe and D is the diameter, a and Tl are parameters
to be determined locally. Then the total installed cost of all the pipes in the networks is
C = La 1;1 D'1,.;
all i,J
W1H::re the paired subscript (i,j) denotes the jrh pipes in loop i.
In addition to pipe cost, the cost of friction losses in the pipe network constitutes another
important component of the total cost. In pumped systems, it represents the cost of energy
required to overcome pipe friction. In gravity systems, the same is an indirect 'cost' on the
system if we consider that higher pressures are desirable at the draw-off points. As such, the
energy cost of pipe friction losses can be incorporated in the objective function for all
supplies. Rdating this cost to motive power prices (here assumed as electricity), the present
value of costs associated with pipe friction losses in the system can be computed and
incorporated in the objective function to be minimized, Such a total cost function is
W11ere Q;,1 and lli,i stand for the flow and head loss in pipe (i,j) P,. is the present value of
an annuity of 1 Rupee discounted at rate rover the economic ·time horizon T; w is the unit
weight of water; b is a load building factor; E is the unit cost of electricity and G is the
wire-to-water efficiency of pumping.
(a) 1
fl . - 84. 1--1·
l.85 1,J . Dk· l,J .
. 137 IQ . ,0.36] x(,_,,i-
.) - 0. f"or all. pipes
. ' (10.13)
l,J [ 1.J
(c) for all loops (10. J 5)
In the constraints set, (a) is a version of Hazen \X/illiarns formula for flow in pipes, (b) and
(c) are Kirchoff's node and loop laws respectively, (d) assures that all pipes are not smaller
than the prescribed minimum size Dm;,,,(e) specifies that the sizes shall correspond to
commercially available ones (L)1, D2, D,, ... I\), (t) is the equivalent of maintaining minimum
permissible residual pressures at draw off nodes, by requiring that along specified pathways
in the network the sum of head losses shall not exceed preset magnitudes, and (g) guarantees
that the inflow and pressure at pump nodes shall correspond to the specified characteristic
curves of pumps. The quantities qm, Sl> and hk stand for inflow (or outflow) at node m,
unbalanced head at loop i, and maximum pressure difference permissible over path k,
respectively. Analysis
This mathematical model for cost minimization of pipe networks assumes that the layout
and lengths of pipes arc known and, for the moment, that only one demand pattern is
considered. The problem can now be recognized as one of non-linear, constrained
minimization in numerous variables. The constraint set (e) restricts the domain of feasible
diameters to a few specific values, thereby discretizing the objective function and the set of
feasible diameters. 1 n this analysis, it is assumed that P V' b, E, e and C are known,
non-negative parameters and l,, , q111, S1, Drnn' D and hk are given input vectors. The three sets
of variables 1)l~1 , 0'·'1) and l I 1,J , arc treated as decision variables, ' i.e., the solution seeks that set
of feasible D ,,1 , O'<,l, , and H which minimizes the total cost of the pipe
t:.1 r network, For this
non linear, integer programming problem, an iterative, sequential search procedure has been
developed and the same is briefly outlined in the following subsections.
that would be otherwise required. setting of such a diameter vector (Di.i leaves the flows
and head losses to be determined. Solving for Q,1, and l·-Ii.i' with given Di,j from constraint
sets (a), (b) and (c) 1s the familiar problem of hydraulic network balancing.
SHE CT 114 S'I' 11.JHl!'Hi> l)ESION
!SEQUENT t. 0. ·5
COLL£Cft0 1 {Nl
rs TH£ OES!~En H'S
~UMHR Of I 0 '5 """""""}
c~,~----""'I SWEETfN
TO i$t'V!Slli
r.o.s AS iHE CURRENT AE'.AC,.. A. 1. 0.
£ 5Tlf&!AH!IR Cf' SLO&Ml
OPTIMUM Or:'. Hi:/:itMINE fl-If.
IE r resso
IS HE Ht'IPROVfji,j[:NY sr AIHiN!§
l\l~ SUUlN& FROM HN:: OE:Sill'i
IE !H m T. 0 . . t<.t ACCORl:Hl'i!G
(b) Down-take supply system with or without sutnp and pump.
If the pressures near the premises are adequate to supply water for sufficient number of
hours to the water fittings at the highest part of the building, then suitable connections may
be aJlowed to deliver water directly. ln cases, where the pressures in the street mains are not
sufficient to deliver water supply directly, the down-take supply system with t,rround level
storage and boosting is adopted. Direct supply system is recommended under one condition
only when the number of floors in a building is not more than t\VO.
In any case) only one connection is to be granted for the whole building to deliver the
total domestic requirement of the day. If there is, however, a non-domestic requirement in
the building, then a separate connection shall be given.
The supply in any case is controlled usually by a ferrule on the main, which is throttled
sufficiently to deliver the required supply at the pressure contemplated. The supply is also
controlled by a stop cock at the beginning of the service pipe. A meter is to installed
beyond the stop cock for measuring the flow. Any temporary disconnection of the supply is
made by the stop cock and any permanent disconnection is made at the ferrule. The size of
the ferrule should not exceed a quarter of the nominal diametre of the main and also be less
than the size of the communication pipe. If a larger size of connection is required, branch
with the. required number of common service pipe can be used. \Y/here the pipe has to cross
a drain, a suitable sleeve pipe may be provided for prevention of cross connection.
shall be not less than 2l<l, each C.!t r'it:<!nn,:c•. ;H·1d <1(hc1 dt1nKstic purp':>C"' "q>ar:ttely. The
(.l<)W11 take from the master (J\\'1hnJ L-111!-. f;.:cd:-. !Hlti dl(' break pn:·SStlft' lad ..
·,·lc"(,'.'.\,'S';<;n(.·< l,l.·z·
,,..,,_.I · ,.,.11·<.rl. valves J;<>,..h zi>t1'' of <upply should be
··1,1n-,i r \.\,.~.It
.. ,,,, ... -, \'lJ''L'-
< 1 - ...
.... ., •··1''·'"L•fl'
i'~'- '·' ~. >-.,.~ f.tl\.\..,. •"4...., ~ "- ·- •', J .i.,...
-uch as to u1p(· up \'."!fh the peak (.k·rn11nd. Nnrrnallj three p111"t1pr, c 1hc lc;1d p, 1th:
··:'·· l!f'· )l"ll··r1·,,,1··1r·
•"-· ~"-..,,:. ,•·\1 t.~I. 1·)l •r1n l'
1 -!1 .L,,..
It,,.,"'~ cr 1·')•\,~.1·y11·'
1 J .. P'"J
.._, ..l('( ,;\'"'l'.'.'f) arc nrr»
Ii·'-.· J 1 l"'l
L , 1
,\,.>;...~.--L ••. i'l··1(·'~ \.,,,r
~L'.l..,_J.,} oumc
.. h
pr•. ' f(:rnbly diesel drivc-n (t) :1(,'\'\'C \I; hen there 1\ a power failure. Tht hydropncurnaric pressure
vcssc] should be an air tight vex ..scl, cylindrical in <.hapt.: and fo.bricau.:d frurn mild sled platv·
<1\C(1rding to prcs:;urc tank fabrication code .l hc c:.ip;ic;ty should he (.:quivalcni to thru.:
mmuus rvcFm\:rncnts lhc air ir i:-, ncn::i',:iry t\) f'cc:d air into vessel so as ti)
marntam required air water rntJ!J in the vessel, /\s soon as the demand exceeds the
cap;1rny (;f the lead pump, the supplementary pump must. start automaucallj .
fr) tt« Storage
f\iuiti 'iorcn·d buildings above 2.5rn height have tu be provided foe '·T<>ragcs m addition
tr : d-.in1,_sitC needs, adequate to fight a fire a! the rate of 2250 lprn, as a normal fire 1~gh1mg
t ankc-r ( annot cope up with fires beyond an elevation uf 25rn. Thi~, lnnit, huwc\cr, varH:s
frurn phc< lt.\ place depending upon the normal hcighi of ladder d\' \Vith !he En:
bn}.'z,a.ck ~<.r·, JCl' for c:<tinuui~·Jlinv
0 0
Thi: :,id, c:ipa.( ity for fire ->toragc may be nf l(HJ KL, where the :-,uppl) is imcrmHtcnl so
!hat rt b ;idcciu,tt.c lo fight a fire in i-hc prcmi-,c.~-; Jl 1hc r.uc ()f 2250 lpni frn abour 1T1mutes
hy whrch 1in1<' the replcnishrncnt frorn n1rm1:1 \•,.'oukl \ (; c1.11nrncnccd The
11\·vdlmv Crorn the fighting tank ~.l101.1ld fl,,w into the suction tank to rnaintain a
corrnrninu;; ·;::irculation m the static fin: tank anJ aho maintain a reserve storage for fire
lighting purposes.
Thv foe fighting pumps rnay located in basement 1u han. :t !l\'C suction head
and dcs<J!,ncd to deliver 225(! lprn \Vith a !'errninal prcs~,urc of 3l<g/cm· ar the iopmo:;t floor
s1) as to obtain fron1 the hydrant 900 lpm discharge with a jet of about (1 m.
( )n the Grc fighting rising main, hydrant tees elf 60rnrn niay be provided at landing
of each sL,ir' i · 1\ .,;nall ' rapping may J)rovtdcd at. each landing wir.h a 1.vhccl valve
:tnd :tdn1 l·:· k ngrh < ,f h· 1 ~; : • 't fighung small fires due to electrical short circuiting ere.
The pur1"1p set is to be provided with a pressure vessel and automatic pressure switches which
start operating when there is a. pressure fall on the rising main due to the commissioning of
any of the hydrant kc:. for fighting a fire.
To deal with cases when there is a pmver failure the high rise buildings should be provided
with independent electrical circuits, one connected ro the normal external power and the
other to the diesel-run generating scr in the buildings. This generating set should
autornaticallv come into operation in the event of external power failure or fire in the
buiJJ1ng. The independent electric circuit from the grnerar.ing set should be for all purnps
includinz f.) fin·"r pumps
,,_.,Jt - , . ~ cmcrcencv
., ..... t), <::) · t-'>~ lif1.:; ·1•1t1 iJ.;(,t'l'' in stair cases and vards
.} livh•· ."<--~ .._, ··)f.J~ ... ~;.""':"',.. ~ ai1....,:i.~ .... -~;\
The various pipes used for service connections ~.houkl conform to the relevant l ndian
(a) Norrnallv C.1. r:re" arc used for service corinccuons They have the advantage ()f
cost and h;ph "1 rcngth. Tlw~· .:.uffcr from the disadvantage of short life in
"C)r1·0· ivc ,,o;i, csoeciallv ·~'l. t'1F'
...... , ,, ~ ' "' '•'! -,_,, '"C'""'\'•'''t"I :ri\ri•~
I . , , -,. ~,
l+1t. t11·'·11'1·1(.)t'" coveru .. to·
\~ '""',,,{,~, ·, ,; 0 for
,_s_ ,) t'·i i·•·,,.,. ).','
i., '-
1 '" \. \_ " } ' J "' •·'' • • • ·· J. " ,!.,J •,, "'" • j.
inc re as es its lon.m·,·irv. The carrvi.110.(r ca1·lacirr of the pipe mav also be reduced due to
... ,:;> ' ,, • l J
incrustation. Rigid PVC pipes as well as high density polyethylene pipes arc also
corninz into use. ·1 hese pipes arc flexible and Iizhr and the carrvinz capacirv is not
(,, 1 \,) • ~ .. ..
reduced with age due ro incrustation, They, how ever, are liable to be dam.iged easily.
'They also -;often at 1en1pcranHcs above 65'' C and as '.'IXh cannot be used for hot
water ~ystcms
\0) The communication pipe is attached to ferrules or saddles Jrpcnding on the
material of the distribution main in the street. Cun \ktal (Jr bronze ferrules arc
screwed into C. l. mains while special screwed saddles are fixed on cement asbestos
and PVC pipes
(c) Since the minimum residua] nrc-surcs in an area are to be maintained as indKated in I
.38 l
\"Yh,st:age is due to leakage in water mains due to corrosion, fracture, faulty joints. ferrule
connection, service pipes and fittings inside the consumer's premises due to joints, corrosion,
faulty washers on glands in valves and taps; abandoned service pipes and ferrule connections
in mains; and failure to tum off taps in premises willfully or inadvertently. Another
important source of waste noticed in intermittent particularly where metering is not
enforced, is the of the tc) keep the taps open throughout and also
" " water
~ · ~ to., rcolace
, ,. Ji:•~'- .., ~-'l batch
·...- • , ' of
" fresh
1. • •water \X'·t3st··
- l " 1c~c
·. • i:_-:. • .tis
I,(, •· due to leakage
· ' from
reservoirs and treatment plant which cannot be accounted for by the normal metering and
can be as high as 4ff~ 0. Pilot studies in a few cities in the country reveal that wastage in the
any component of a water supply, the information on population, average Jaily flow,
consumption by industry or trade, minimum night flow (in case of continuous supply) or
flow in mains with all stop cocks or taps closed in intermittent supply, transfer of flow
from one zone to the other is required estimation of waste.
t, Preparatory Work
It consists o f:
(i) Delineation of zones and sub-zones of distribution network from field inspection
and plans
(ii) Collection of statistics of population, connections (metered
non-metered) of the selected zones
(iii) Location inspection, testing and repairing of valves, fittings, taps and meters
(iv) Correct aligmnent of pipelines by electronic pipeline locator
(v) Checking and updating of the distribution networks of zones and sub zones; and
(vi) Testing for isolation of zones and sub-zones from others by feeding water through a
single feeder pipe with closure of all boundary of zones except the feed valve.
2. Waste Assessment
The steps involved arc
(i) Estimation of total daily consumption of the sub-zone by computation or by flow
gauging and studying the water consumption pattern of sub-zone for the day;
(ii) 'Flow Test' for measurement of waste through the leaks by isolation of sub-zones
and by means an integrating type water meter or mobile waste water meter; and
(iii) 'Step Test' to assesses and localize the leakage in various parts of the sub-zone by
internal valves.
The daily consumption pattern taken over a period of clays can provide data atTivtng
at the actual average daily consumption of water in the area surveyed. 'These figures can
obtained through house meter readings; or by actual. spot measurements by an integrating
meter installed in the pipe feeding a !,11'.oup of houses in metered or unrnetered areas.
Otherwise, average daily consumption may have to be suitably assumed for the area.
A section or zone of water distribution system is isolated by allowing water to be fed into
the zone through a single feeder pipe controlled by a valve. The zone is usually divided into
workable sub-zones with a viable number of connections of about 150 to 300 in each sub-
zone. Each sub-zone could also be isolated from the rest be fed through a single
pipe controlled by a valve. The boundary valves (i.e. the valves connecting the common
pipes of two zones or sub-zones) are located in such a way that the water does not enter or
flow out of the sub-zone from or to the adjacent ones.
The rate of flow in the zone or sub zone is measured by a pi to meter inserted m the pipe, 1 f
the feeder pipe and the flows are large. Otherwise .. the flows are gauged by a mobile waste
water meter. ~ or integrating
-~ meter ternporarilv
( .[ ,,
installed or bv" Deacon's water merer
permanently installed in the system.
After gauging of the flows, the next step is to narrow down the area under test to localize
the leakage in various parts. This is carried out by the 'step test' by noting the flow into the
pipe system of sub-zone every srepwise reduction in the size of the zone by dosing
internal valves in each step
The internal valves of a sub-zone arc checked for water tightness by sounding over
spindle using the sounding rod under unbalanced pressure conditions created by supplying
water through a single feed to the system with rhe direction of flow of water towards one
face of the valve only. All the stop cocks or Utps in the house service pipes arc checked and if
necessary rectified t(,; ensure water ughtncs:; and complete cut off of the supply to consumers
when stop cocks are dosed.
whole system must, as far as practicable, be brought to a 'tree' system by dosing such
valves in th.; mains in a loop during the test to prevent circulation. Then step wise isolation
of mains in a zone or subzone is feasible and the possible sources and extent of wastage
leaks could be found within a short reach of the main.
Leakage detection survey is confined only to the areas with heavy leakages as arrived at by
the waste assessment survey. The survey consists of:
(ii) Traversing the sub-zone in the night by sounding rod, or electronic leak locator for
pinpointing of leaks in pipes.
Use of 'electronic pipe locator' can expedite location and ahgruncnt of buried pipes
particularly when the records for pipes in distribution maps are not adequate or complete.
Some times, by physical inspection of valves or by occasional opening of trenches and
through information obtained from valve operator or fitters, the ahgmnent of buried ptpes
along streets could be made. Sounding rods alone or along with the electronic leak detector
are traversed over the surface above the centre line of the alignment pipe for detecting noise
generated possible leaks in the mains. These are carried out usually at midnight when
extraneous noise is minimum and the distribution system of the zone is also at a higher
Methods employing radioactive isotopes, nitrous oxide gas and halogens can easily and
exactly pinpoint leaks but arc nor usually practiced in water works svsrern as a routine
measure since they require specialized equipment involving high costs.
Visual indications of leakage in pipes like dampness and stagnant water are noticeable in
cases of leaks, or even small leaks of pipelines located just below rhe surface depending
upon the soil conditions.
The usual way to detect leaks in buried pipes without opening 1 he road surface for visual
inspection is by acoustic methods. The sound generated by the leaks thr< n.tgh the overburden
is picked up by the ear through the conventional sounding stethoscope or the
sophisticated electronic leak detector.
(c) Instruments
underground leaks through pipes, the f1,l!owing instruments are used and any water
under: J'.: should p()::>scS:i some of the simple and a fr''\V of the sophisticated instruments.
J t consists of pirot tube with two orifices irnrnc: in flow of water <ind a differential
manometer with scale along with special type of pitol cock for fating into t11(' pipe. It is
calibrated with rcnce to the p1pc 1;1nglc point velocity measurements arc taken at the
centre line of pipe
:-;pring t ypc prcssurr gauge is used to measure pressures at the inlet and various points on
zone: Recorder permits the coritmuous n..·(:ord nf pressure with time.
Nonna] intu::ratinL(
.( ·' J..,
turbine IYf'iC
n1dcr measures the flo\vs between two hydrants
connected by prcs-,urc hose serving as bypass before feeding into the zone or subzonc.
.rrnall y 2S nun mHJ ~)i 1 nun ckmi<:t re are used.
The inH:grating rate nf flow type meter rhar can be mounted on a trailer h used fill
nH:a:-.uring the was1c flow in a subzone. The rate <1f flow with reference [() time is recorded
rill a drum chart
l'fwsc an· nT1uircd f"m L)ypassing the w:.1tcr in the feed p1pc tn the /nrn: through the
intcgr~l!ing 11r
wast<: meter.
Thi:-; i:; to Ir 1c111 buried 1rn.:1 ;ds underground upto a depth of about 0.25 to 11, 5 m below the
lh mcan-, 1,f d( ctn;m;1gnctic induction anJ wireless signals, the existence and exact
;1Jiumncnt < ,f 1mdvnrmund metallic j)tj>clincs cm be found
\' 'I
It r-. a l . 2 rn h ! 2 mm diameter hollow mild steel rod, flat or pointed at cine end and fixed
\nd1 cup ~h:.lpc brass cip ()f 5tl mm diametre at the other, Baniboo canes can also be' used.
·1 n,d i:-: tct\Tl''.'t:d ()\ c·r the surfon· along the centre line nf pipe and the noises due to
'''<lfvr kakmg an' picku.J up by the human ear thus locating the pnss1ble leaks,
(9) Electronic Leak Detector
It consists of a pickup, amplifier and headphone. The sound vibrations created by water
escaping through leaks in pipes are selected and magnified by a magnetic pickup and
convened to electrical impulses. These are sensitive and can pinpoint the position of the
(10) Road Measurer
This is a single wheeled integrating type mi.let facilitating the measurement of the length
traversed as it moves along the road.
(d) Correctiue Action
After location of the leaks in the pipes prompt repairs to pipes and valves are to be
undertaken and 'Flow 'fest' of the sub-zones run to determine the extent and efficacv of the
corrective measures. lf re-testing proves that there are further leakages, they have to be
attended to, until the losses in the zone are reduced to the minimum. The experience of
waste assessment surveys indicates that a few major leaks in a zone or subzone contribute to
about 75°1(1 of the total loss. Sizeable reduction in v;1asta.ge can be brought about by locating
and remedying promptly all such leaks first. Sometimes, it is prudent in a zone to go in for
the sounding of probable leaks in pipes without being preceded by waste assessment
The leaks are usually noticed at or near ferrule connections and in corroded G.I. house
service pipes or in the joints of mains and house service pipes. The savings in water resulting
from this programme more than offsets the investments. In addition to the favourable direct
c< )'.;t benefit analysis due to saving of water, the secondary benefits accruing out of such
surveys are easy updating of distribution system drawings, maintaining valves, hydrants and
stop cocks, the improved quality of water in system due to prevention of back flow of
pollution into the mains in non-supply hours and above all, the public goodwiU earned due
to the improved supply. Some of these cannot be exactly quantified.
The old cast iron and steel pipes which are deaned can be protected from further
incrustations or corrosion bv cement lining. Insertion of a plastic pipes has also been
practiced with success.
Dixinfcction of the mains has been discussed in Appendix 5.8. This can be done at site
specially for large diameter pipelines.
(a) Flushing
\\ 'ater at high velocity is allowed to flow in the pipe and finally escape through a scour
valve or hydrant. 'The minimum velocity to be induced varies from 90 to 120 cm/s and it is
to be ensured that the flows arc in one direction and the dirty water does not enter the
deaned sections. Flushing can only remove loose deposits of small size and not the slimy
layers, large sized deposits and hard incrustations. Flushing also disentangles microscopic
biological growths which, if left unattended, are likely to grow further and create problems.
The period of flushing is determined by the quality' of outgoing water in hydrants or valves
Usually this amounts to the flushing out of a of water equal to twice the capacity
the pipe length under consideration. About 1 to 300 rn length of pipe can be flushed in
one operanon.
(b) Swabbing
The swab used is made of polyurethene foam cylindrical shape and 30 to (iO crn long
with varying diameters. It is soft and flexible, highly compressible and can retain the orit.,~nal
shape when released from compression. Two varieties arc available) one soft and the other
relatively hard.
This swab is pushed into the pipe by the momentum of the flowing water. /\s the swab
moves, it sweeps out the loose and slimy layer adhering to the inside of the pipelines and the
deposits are carried away by the flowing water. Swabbing is not successful for dealing with
hard deposits.
Swabs are slightly larger in diameter than the pipe to be cleaned. In certain cases with
heavily incrusted pipes, swabs of the same diameter as the pipe arc used initially. For pipe
diameters of 75 to 100 mm, the swab diameter is usually 25 mm larger in size while for larger
diameter pipe it is 50 to 75 mm larger.
For deaning pipelines of 150 mm diametre or less, the following procedure is adopted. l n
distribution systems, where hydrants are connected vertically above a main without a
duck-foot bend, the insertion of swab and its expulsion from the pipe arc carried out at the
hydrants. In situations, where the hydrants are laterally connected to the main, insertion of
the swab has to be either through an existing valve in the line or by pumping water under
pressure through the hydrant. The exit can be through another hydrant or a tee connected to
the other end of the pipe and kept open.
The length of the main to be cleaned is isolated by valves. The swab is dipped in bleaching
powder solution of strength St) mg/1 of chlorine prior to insertion. /\ fter insertion, the
hydrant valve is closed or the valve body is covered. Water is allowed into the pipe by
opening the valve near the hydrant and keq:iing the exit hydrant valve open, while the valve
on the other side of pipe is kept dosed. This ensures water flows in one reach only between
the point of insertion and point of exist of the swab.
The movement of swab depends on the rate of flow or velocity of flush in the pipe which
usually should not be less than 30 cm/ s. If swab gets stuck or blocked in the pipe, water can be
passed from the opposite direction in the pipe to release it.
1\s a permanent measure, tee-branches can be provided near the junction points of the pipe
network preceded by the valves. (Fig. 10.2). These tee connections arc covered by blank flanges.
The tee can be vertical or horizontal and the outlet end with blank flanges can be enclosed in a
chamber. \Vhencver swabbing or flushing is desired, the blank flange can be opened after
closing the downstream valve and allowing the water and swab to escape through the tee.
For large diameter pipclmcs particularly grc:llcr than 3il0 rnrn, dw exi;,t1ng \a ~ h l' c: t('
used for removal of the swab Prclviding a ice- v .nnccuon in important large d1arncu:r rnain- rn:i~
a. problem apart from betng costly. ·1 o rake out swab from such mains while u1cd hr
cleaning, the top half of the valve is opened, and the wafer is allowed to cs•:apc: thwugh a graring
provided. The swab gets stuck at the grr.tt.ing. which can be then taken out com t·nu.:nrk
1\ water rnarn should laid such that there 1~, at least 3 rn separarvm, honzonrally, h:um any
existing or prop< 1S{;d drain or sewer line. U local conditions prevent lhi-; lateral separauon, a
water main may be laid closer to a storm or sanitary sewer, pn:rvidcd that the main is laid m a
separate trench, or on an undisturbed e::i.rdl localed on one the sewer at such an
varion that the bottom of the water mai.:n i\ JJ least P.5 rn above the top of the sewer.
should be at such an c!evat11:)n that the bottom of the water main is O.S m above the t<.ip of
the drain or sewer with the joints as remote from the sewer as possible. This vertical separation
should be ma .intamed for a. distance of :1rn1)n both sides measured normal to the sewer ur
rt crosses.
\v'here conditions pre·, ent the minimum vertical ~-eparauon set forth from
mamtained, or when i1 is necessary the water main to under a sewer or drain, the water
main should be laid with flanged cast iron pipe, with rubber gasket joints for a length on either
side of the crossing to satisfy the lateral separation of 3 m. 1\ vertical separation of 0.5 rn
between the bottom of the water main and the top of the sewer should be maintained, with
I support
. 1 for the larzer
~·.) sized sewer lines, to prevent
, them from settlingc> 011 Of breakingc>
the water main. in makrng such cross1ngs, ir is prefers . bk to have the SC\Ver also of cast iron
flanged pipe with rubber gasket joints and both the water and sewer mains pressure tested to
assure water tightness before back fillmg.
n water main already
laid and where a. new sewer is to be laid, the above
aspects may also be taken into consideration and the water main may be realigned to the extent
necessary, when it is not possible to lay the sewer consistent with the above recommendations.
even m an unprotected welded steel pipe at U0C. \\:'ith lower outside temperatures water is
likely to freeze irrespective of the velocity in long main unless they are laid below the frost
line. In l ndian conditions, frost docs not penetrate more than 2. m even in extreme cold
areas. The cover of 1 to 1.5 m needed from the structural and traffic considerations should
be adequate to take care of freezing also. \\'here water pipes arc exposed to air temperatures
below t t11C, they arc kept at a minimum size of 50 mm diamctre and usually insulated, the
common specification being three layers of standard hairfelt (total nominal thickness 75 rnm)
protected by means of weather proof wrapping of tarred roofing jacket lapped and sealed at
all joints. This specification is suitable where water circulation is maintained continuously or
where circulation is interrupted trir onlv brief periods.
Planning and operation of a pumping station embraces considerations of the following
(i) Selection of the pump/s
(ii) f n take design
(iii) Piping layout
(iv) Providing space, equipment and facilities for
(a) Substation, if needed, for receiving and distributing the power supply
(b) Auxiliary power unit, generally diesel
(c) Control panel
(d) Bays for loading and unloading
(e) Overhauling, repairs and maintenance of pumps and all other equipments
(f) Head room and material handling tackle
(g) Ventilation
01) Lighting
(D Safety from fire
G) Railings, ladders and passages for safe, easy and efficient movement of
Ck) Office and administrative areas, including room for lockers, dress change and
utilities for sanitary and hygienic needs of the working staff.
(v) Installation of pumps
(Yi) Operation of pumps
(vii) Maintenance of pumps
(viii) Trouble shooting of pumps
(ix) Selection of motors
(x) Selection of starters
(xi) Provisions in control panel
lt I
!("J..,,. 1 S''l:;'l
~--- ~;.:,dL.E·
.. % 1'.;+4 or R 1)-lP\'[PS
• • •
Jn ;·~ \'\ c1lCr stq">f1Jy ~:.y!.\tt,rn> rn.JlT1l1in.p~ 11l~h."l1H1(·r: ;'>,~:rYt:"'I ~ lu- f{ 1H1.J\\:ing f'Ufr1( r-:c~.:
lifting wain.· from 1hc ;-.oi.xr(•: ('·.int;1u ; rr gro1.111d) 11 > purii"icat1: m \\, 1 )rk:; 1 r 1 thv
ll~~i~r' <·~ w.ucr
r .. ~l •'1·1, ~-\.. ,,,,,.!,
... ~·~-i,.-, !<·,.p,,1111•
.•. 'l•!!'lI.
, .. ,.,,<'·-~1'\.,.,' -; ·lr'.1inino
.. ,,, •. •lf•·,, ...,,\ i1·J
\\ hile deciding the tYpc of purnp for the specific rcyum::rncnr:.;, 1l 1!-> rn.·c..·-:~atT to :111.ih>v
diffcrcnr type of purnps and their suirability to meet the requinrncrus
There arc various ways of cla::.sifying pump"-
hand an: 11Cnwd1antcallv ' simpler construction ;ind ">i'.'l\T non 1..,1.ds:it1ni:_ '. c1inr11iu'>lb f111\•,.
,:\rrl~:~ .,.1.i.1·.,.,_,,·.
.. ~., \1.!,
._ 1 il,..1 ~-.
.,·,., ;·,
h. ,,
11., ~-··t·)t~ 1L
11\. ;"\f(·
n1.11i1. : 'J,'n, '
tl j J UrI1f):-' !<> 1n.uuucji '
-.;r)11u:-: ' r1nul
St'\\.' nrc rH'{ !··~'h .. 1 t-:c.i' \Vl1
, ! ,..
n access tor tn~pcct ion :-tnUI I
. \
inc l '
C l~>i,tng
3nU' a~{} \\'it
, l-1 t lu,
fnr flu)·1rng and draining. Sul)n1cr.!bk
pr• i\·1·..;ion purnp-:: t·c) handle raw water "h(>uid be with
mechanical :~ea1 ! n this manner, a largt· Yaricn of constructional fr<itUrC"s are provided in
pump..; for di(frrcnt purrosc,;; in Jiffr:reni situations.
Pumps are also made in a variety of materials, to \.l"it.hi;.r:md corrosion, ft''J'il(>r1, abrasion
and f r lorn.i,·er
life under wear and tear
(a) Nature of liquid, may be chemicals or if water, then whether raw or treated
(g) The efficiency of' the pump/sand consequent influence on pO\\ er consumption and
the running costs
(h) Various options possible by perrnuting the parameters of the pumping tern,
including the capacity and number cd' purnp:; including standbves, cnn1bining them
in series or in parallel,
(.l; Options of different modes of installation, their influence on the costs of civil
structural constructions, cm the case of operation and maintenance and nn the
overall economics
These parameters are combined together in the term Specific Speed of a purnp, which is
calculated by the following formula
(11. l)
Specific speed
N The operating speed of the purnp in rpm
Q - The rate of flow in cubic meters per second
H - The rated head per stage of the pump in meters
Most aspects of the performance characteristics of the different types of pumps can be
compared, based on their specific speed. Some useful observations are summarized below.
(a) Positive displacement pumps are prominently used when high pressures high heads
are to be developed or for metering/ dosing duties as also handling sludge
(b) Centrifugal pumps are made with specific speeds above 36. Fig. 11.1 illustrates the
relationships amongst the pump efficiency, the shape of the impeller and the nature of
the curves of Head (H.) versus Discharge (Q), Power versus Q and Efficiency versus
Q as influenced by the specific speed of the pump. The figure also helps in obtaining
estimates of pump efficiency, which are useful in planning a pumping plant.
(c) For high discharges, by which specific speed becomes high the corresponding Net
Positive Suction Head required (NPS! Ir sec 11. l .4. l) also bt.•rotrn:s high, it can be
arranged that the discharge be shared by two impellers or bv rwo sides of an impeller
as in a double suction pump. \Vhilc estimating the attainable efficiency for such
purnps, only half of the total Q should be considered.
(d) Similarly, for high heads, by which the specific speed becomes low, and hence the
attainable efficiency becomes low, it can be arranged that the head be distributed
amongst a number of impellers as in multi stage pumps, thus improving the specific
speed of each stage and consequently the attainable efficiency.
4( ~ ----~-- .l l..._ __ .J
JS SO, 200 JOO 500 I 000
r~ [--~- I
~ HfAD
If the energy of the water at the pump suction would be less than the vapour pressure,
the water would tend to evaporate. Vapour bubbles so formed will travel entrained in the
flow until they collapse. This phenomenon is known as cavitation. In badly devised pumping
systems, cavitation can cause extensive damage due to cavitation erosion or due to the
vibration and noise associated with the collapsing of the vapour bubbles.
2902\JA&t/97-288 Calculating NPSHa
To insure against cavitation, the pumping system has to he so devised that the water at
the pump suction will have adequate energy. Providing for this is called as providing
adequate Net Positive Suction Head available (NPSI-fa). The formula for NPSHa hence
becomes as follows.
NPSlfa = Pressure on the water in the suction sump.
= PS - Hf; - 2-
- zs - VP
ps suction pressure
[ffs = friction losses across the foot valve, piping and pipe fittings
V, = velocity-head at the suction face
Z, the potential energy corresponding to the difference between the levels of
the pump-centre line and of the water in the suction-pump
FIG. 11 -. 5 NPSHr H)R .SJNGi . E SlJCl'.iON, MIXED H.()W AND AXJAL rt.ow
01) hlr v cn ical pumps, mainlv of the vcrucal turbine t)pt' and {;f the bore <vc!I
:·ubrncr~ibk type, suction lif'r has tn be torallr avoided. F.vcn f(,r these pump<;, when
the: di'>t'hargc rc<..1uireJ is high, they have ft) be insralred rrm·iJing the minimum
·1 'he rninimwn :..:ubmcrrrcn~~e
t >
rcqu1red mar at timc-, dc:mdnd
J, ••
suhnicrging more than the first stage c1f' the purnp. It should al,;o b{· rhu:k~,d
wherhc-r the submergence would be adcyuah: fnr vortex free operation (sec Tahk
1 l .1).
(r) Jet centrifugal combination<> can work for lifting from depths upto 71 lm. I luwcn-r,
the cffiocncy uf the pumps is very low.
(d) Positive di:>rbcemt:·nt purnp:. arc normallv sclf.prirnlng f lowov; r thi-, shou!J not be
n,nfl1sed with the !'-JPS! Ir. F\'cn if the ~!>Sf la ic;: t1<•1 adcqu;:w·., the pump may
prim1: 1t<>clf and run, out would cavtta!c.
1• --- -~~
18S.tot)HYVL ·-·~-----·
( b)
Q ·---to-
-- Hf+..l°!
(e) '-----·---
(a) Static Head
This is the difference between the level of the liquid in the suction-sump and the level of
the highest point on the delivery piping, obviously the static head is more at the low water
level (LWL) and less at the high-water level (HWL).
(b) Friction Head
This is sum of the head-losses in the entire length of the piping, from the foot valve to
the final point ·of ddivery piping> also the losses in all the valves i.e. the foot valve, the
non-return (reflux) valve and the isolating (generally, sluice or butterfly) valves, and the losses
in all pipe-fittings such as the bends, tees, elbows, reducers, etc. The friction 'head varies
particularly with the «ate of flow. Details for calculating the friction heads are given in
Chapter 6.
(c) Velocity Head
i\t the final point of delivery, the kinetic energy is lost to the atmosphere. To recover part
of this loss, a bell-mouth is often provided at the final point of delivery. The kinetic energy at
the final point of delivery has also to be a part of the velocity head. Figs. 11.6 (a, b & c) show
typical System Head Curves. As shown in Fig. 1 l .6(b) the System Head Curves for I-IWL and
LWL are parallel to each other.
The system head curve will change by any changes made in the system, such as change in
the length or size of the pipings, change in size and/or number of pipe fittings, changes in
the size, number and type of valves by operating the valves semi-open or fully open. These
changes can cause the System Head Curve to be steep or flat as shown in Fig. 11. 6 (c).
Based on the considerations in 11.1.4 and 11.1.5, a summary view is compiled of the
application-parameters and suitability of pumps of various types and presented in 'Table 11. 3.
However, these arc general guidelines. Specific designs may either not satisfy the limits or
certain designs may exceed the limits.
TABLE 11.3
Pump type Suction-capacity to lift -,-H~ad range I Discharge range J
-,- -ok·r
c'TI)k Ok . l)k
. No I ()k I Ok I Nol I
axial split
No No Okj()k
No No T Ok Ok l
Centrifugal, Ok Ok No No ( !
J-c) [ N'; l
I ()kl01' ~-1
multistage I I - I I 1
jet- When limitations of Ok Ok No
suction lift are to be
Ok l )kl
combinations overcome 1
Centrifugal, when suction lift is to Ok Ok~Ok -1\)k
vertical be a voided I
when suct1.·o~ lift~is
be avoided
to Ok -r0kl')k-T1)k-- --·rQkl 1
~~ I
ming I .imited only by the 1(>k-- ( )k ·----- N-o--·--
displacement pressure which casing Easy adaptation for <losing
pumps can withstand or mctcnng ·--·--------
40 l
/ #"'
Q --··--...-
~FIG. ll.7(A) OPERATING POINl' 0.F rnn '.PtJMP
The opcranng point of a purnp is the point of intersection of the Sysrem-I Iead Curve
with thi.· l I \cr.:;u:; ~:,:. characteristics of the pump. Sec hg. t l.7 (:\). Shifting of the
'·'n" !J J
. lead
~ .•• ~'··· C'1Jt'\
__,_ . (, __, '''j·j11 x cause
\\.. ~ ..... •:r ···1·\•>f",l"0 ..... in ~.r~"-'
i.. ~1'>P o ,..._(·r·
~.. tJ.. . ,, r1t-J<·1g·;.< j')()1°11''
~"'~ 1. 1 ~ r _.
t t t . r ." the.... pump
t. (>t' t "' 'ft. Hence the
ri... , .
) ' 't} 1")(; ·1·1··11·.,,,'\
']Ii, •. t ·1u arc..
a n it1ng;
(a) l (the kn.·l ()f water in the suction sump would dcp!ett during purnpin.g from JJ\VL
tu l X\' i .,' tilt: unct:<itirn?
J. ~ , 1101nt
\ of the 11urn1) would varv.. from a low· hcad-hizh
{.hschargc point tn a high hl'!\d !(1\1· ,Ji'iCharge poin! Sec Fig I L7 (B).
(1)) r
! in. 1\ purnping .'ystcrn, the discharg(: is re circulated to the suction sump, as is often
the ca-.c ai· the tc~tinr, :;(·tups a1 \\~(· manufacturers' works, the throttling of the
&:!iv(;r: val: c from fut! open to dose, shifts the system-head curve from a flat curve,
m1cr';ccting the pump's l 1 (2 curve at high flow initially to a stc<:p system head curve
intcr'>t ciin~~ dw pump's [ l--Q curve at high head. See hg. 1 i 7 (C).
\, ~,.. ~ }·~l·.-.1r)in
r. 1"L) ~ (.t
<· ,f' .< c• l 1•(4~'1 ':'°'- .), ••~ tern
) •. ] i' dcvi:;cd wnh flat ur steep system-head curve.
t\ltcrn:-it1'-.·ch, rhrnitlmc~ 1rH: \ ,.ilvc would shift the svsrcm . head curve from
' '· ·'
The tri,,~,i ;,\'cr,igc water kvd in 1hc :-u.nion "ump and the most average system-head
rnrv« W(Juid deiin<.: the opcrauru; point of the pump. Fur such operating point of the
pump, diL· purnp ,;h,, -uld have its prmH of maximum efficic:ncy at or nearest to it. To
pro\ iJc fr.i rnarginal change" in the npe:r<ning point, e between I I\\'L and L\VL,
1 he nature • 1f the cffi.cit:ncv charactcri-: res of rhc pu1np should be as flat as oossible
in the vicin11·: <11° ihc rnini .of 11~; bcq_ <.:!'Gi.:icnc;., often called as the l)F·J'. '
L ·-··---··-·--- ··-··. --·-·--·· . ----···--··--~·"·"~·······--·----····---·-·-----
0. -·-1!1-
1._ ,,_.,, ~ --····~-------·-··-······ --···-·- -
Q ·-·--··"
t t
\,X/hile selecting a pump, it ought to be checked that the highest head by the intersection
of the system head curve would be less than the shut off head, in the case of pun1ps with
unstable characteristics.
(a) \\,'hen pumps are to run in parallel, to obtain the combined H-Q characteristics, for
different values of head, the values of the flow of individual pumps are to be found
and to be added. See Fig. 11 . 9 (a). The system head curve then intersects the
combined H-Q characteristics at higher head and discharge. Each individual pump
ought to be capable of developing such high head, that too within its zone of
stability. Rather, it is always desirable to put into parallel operation only pumps
having stable H-Q characteristics.
(b) A pumping system is often sought to be modified to meet increasing demand by
commissioning additional pumps in parallel. It must be noted however that
because the system head curve intersects the combined H-Q curve at a point
having the head also higher, an additional pump would not increase the discharge
proportionately, i.e. by making two identical pumps to work in parallel, when one
is previously operative, the discharge would not double.
(c) Conversely, if a system is to run with a number of pumps in parallel, but is
modified to run with only a few of the pumps as in summer, for example, then the
duty flow of each pump becomes more than when all the pumps be running. The
individual pump would demand higher NPSHr at the higher duty flow. If the
·--·-r .
I 1 H :.t{O)
H -·11 -, TH<EE
t I l I
.('_. ,__._j_ __,.L... ---
··-·•"--~·- ..·-"~
_ ,,__,__ ~
Q -·-· ....
I' ,
11 ]Y' j,!,
. )i.,l .\\1).1,c , . t Loc,, ad
rr l 1 l no ", .. '. ,_c, !'..}· K" n , , i,s ,wou
,,ccqLu ', ld cavua
., .. ,· ·•· t c.., '}',o ptcvcnt
.. , " . sue
., --J 1
possibility, individual pumps, which arc to be put into parallel operation, would be
so selected that the duty flow of combined parallel operation would be to left
the B[·P of the individual pump. By this, when only a few pwnps are to run, the
duty flow of the individual pump would shifr to the higher flow nearer to its BEP
Fio·<"::! 1. "i , n, '1)\
(d) Pumps in series are similar to multi stage pumps. Rather, multi stage pumps are
only· a compact construction, where :c,i;.~nc:·: operation 1<; inbuilt obtain the
combined f{-Q characteristics of purnps m series, for various values of discharge,
the values of head from the H--Q characteristics of individual pumps arc to be
noted and added . The system-head curve would intersect the combined !I Q
curve at a point of higher head and discharge. See Fig. 11. 10. The individual pump
in this case ought to be capable of f:~ving the higher discharge.
If the system head curve comprises high static head and a flat curve, the intersection at
higher discharge on the combined H-Q characteristics may be at such discharge where the
NPSllr of the individual pump would be high and the pump/s may cavitate.
Series operation is most appropriate, where the system-head curve is steep.
For the pumps to be put in series operation, each pump should be capable of
withstanding the highest pressure that is likely to be developed in the system.
The head towards the potential difference between the centre-line of one pump and the
suction of the next pump, plus the friction losses in the pipeline between the delivery of one
pump upto the suction of the next pump has to be considered as a part of the total head of
the pump giving the delivery. In a series system, the total head of each pump may have to be
individually calculated, especially when the features contributing to head calculations are
significantly different, as in the case of booster stations along a long conveyance pipeline.·
(a) For small pumping systems, generally of capacity less than 15 mld, two pumps
(One duty and one standby) should be provided. Alternatively, two duty and one
standby, each of 50% capacity may be provided. Although this alternative would
need larger space, it facilitates flexibility in regulating the water supply. Also, in an
emergency of two pumps going out of order simultaneously, the third helps to
maintain at least partial supply.
(b) In the case of medium and large pumping stations, at least two standby should be
In the above formulae, n denotes the speed of the pump, p denotes the power input to
the pump, the superscript " denotes the values at the actual speed and the superscript '
denotes the values at the nominal speed.
Recalculating the pump-performance at the actual speed would reveal the following.
(a) If the actual speed is less than the nominal speed, then the values of the discharge,
head and power required to be input to pump would all be less than the values
from the declared characteristics.
(b) Similarly, if the actual speed is more than the nominal, it should be checked that
the higher power input required would not overload the motor.
(c) When the actual speed is more, because the discharge is also correspondingly
more, the NPSHr would also be more, varying as per the following formula.
NPSHr'' 2
. D" Q"
if ·D;- zz: k ; then Q-; '" k;
n: /)!I
(i) conducting test for NPSHr requires elaborate and often special arrangement on the
test bed and becomes costly and time consuming,
(ii) even on readily available test rigs, actual conducting of the test itself becomes
time consuming and exerting and a cost-element,
(iii) the variations from the declared data are mostly on the safer side.
However, if the site-plan is laden with such constraints that NPSI·Ia cannot have adequate
margins over NPSifr, .then testing for NPSFfr may be stipulated very dearly in the purchase
specifications. Unless stipulated, routine testing of a pump does not comprise in its scope the
test for NPSH r,
The objective of the field test is to serve as a timely caution for preventive maintenance
and not one of obtaining very elaborate details of the pump-characteristics.
During the testing at site, it is often impractical to provide adequate instrumentation of
appropriate class of accuracy. Setting up the instrumentation niay disrupt on-line operation
of the pump. Apart from the disruption, certain temporary modifications may be needed to
introduce flow-measuring devices like the orifice plates, etc. in the line. Field test has to be
scheduled considering when the disruption of the on-line operation can be tolerated.
(b) to obtain uniform distribution of the inflow to all the operating pumps and to
prevent starvation of any pump,
(c) to maintain sufficient depth of water to avoid air entry during draw down.
2962 UA&E/97--298
.....-....PP)(. 0/ 3
MAX.t.. • 1s•
PRHE:RRE:D.t.. .. 10" FIG.11•11 (CJ
15NlAX -
,,... ... , -
. ....··
~1~=Ri~ 1. -.,!:..;..~~~l
I : - --~'
,, ..........
RE-; -;;~-k)~---
" JI
(c) As a general rule the size of the suction pipe should be one or two sizes larger than
the nominal suction size of the pump. Alternatively the suction pipe should be of
such size that the velocity shall be about 2 m/s. \vhere bell-mouth is used, the inlet
of the bell-mouth should be of such size that the velocity at the bell-mouth shall be
about 1.5 rn/s,
(d) Where suction-lift is encountered, no point on the s-v+ion pipe should be higher
than the highest point on the suction part of the pump)
(e) \V'hen a reducer is used, it should be the eccentric type. \Xihen on suction-lift,
the taper side of the reducer should be below the cent~·e line of the pump,
(f) The suction strainer should have net open area, minimum equal to three times the
area of the suction pipe.
(a) The size of the discharge piping may be selected one size higher than the nominal
delivery size of the pump. Alternatively, the delivery pipe should be of such size that
the velocity shall be about 2.5 m/s,
(b) Discharge piping connection to a common manifold or header should be connected
by a radial tee or by 30° or 45° bend,
(c) A dismantling joint must be provided between the pump and the valves. The design of ''
the dismantling joint should be such that no pull or moment is transmitted to the
11.3.3 VALVES
The foot valves are normally available with strainers. The strainer of the foot valve
should provide net area of its openings, to be minimum equal to three times the area
of the suction pipe.
(b) \Vhen there is positive suction head, a sluice or a butterfly valve is provided on the
pump suction, for isolation. The sluice valves should be installed with their axis
horizontal to avoid formation of air-packets in the dome of the sluice valve.
415 Delivery Valves
Near to the pump, a non-return (reflux) valve and a delivery valve (sluice or butterfly
valve) should be provided. The non-return valve should be between the pump and the
delivery valve. The size of the valve should match the size of the piping.
(a) The foundation should be sufficiently substantial to absorb vibrations and to form a
permanent, rigid support for the base-plate. /\ typical foundation is illustrated in Fig.
(b) The capacity of the soil or of the supporting structure should be adequate to
withstand the entire load of the foundation and the dynamic load of the machinery. i\s
mentioned in clauses 6.2..2 and 6.2.3 of !S: 2~174 (Parr iv) .. 1979 the total load of the
pump and the foundation should include the following;
(i) constructional loads
(ii) three times the weight of the pump
(i.ii) two times the total weight of the motor
(iv) weight of water in the column pipe
('") half of the weight of the unsupported pipe connected to the pump flanges.
(c) ff the purnps arc mounted on steel structures, the location
of rhc pump should be
nearest as possible to the main members (i.e. beams or walls). The sections of
strucrurals should have allowance for corrosion also.
(d) J\ curb ring or sole plate wilh machined top should be used as a bearing surface for
the support flange of a vertical wet pit pump. The mounting face should be machined
because the curb ring or sole plate is used to align rhe pun1p. l·ig 11.15 shows typical
arrangement with curb ring and with sole plate,
(e) Pumps kept in storage for a long ume should be thoroughly cleaned before
(£) \Vhen the pumps are to operate in series, they should be started and stopped
sequentially, but with the minimum time lag as possible. Any pump, next in
sequence should be started immediately after the delivery valve of the previous
pump is even partly opened.
Due care should be taken to keep the air vent of the pump next in sequence, open
before starting that pump.
(g) The stuffing box should let a drip of leakage to ensure that no air is passing into
the pump and that the packing is getting adequate water for cooling and
lubrication. When the stuffing box is grease sealed, adequate refil of the grease
should be maintained,
(h) The running of the duty pumps and of the standbys should be so scheduled that all
pumps are in ready-to-run condition.
The maintenance schedule should enlist items to be attended to at different periods, such
as daily, semi- annually, annually, etc.
A log book should be maintained to record the observations, which should cover the
following items.
(i) timings when the pump was run during the previous 24 hours,
(ii) at the time of observation, whether the leakage through the stuffing box is alright,
(iii) bearing temperature.'s,
(iv) whether any undue noise or vibration,
(v) readings of pressure, voltage and current.
(i) free movement of the gland of the stuffing box,
(iD cleaning and oiling of the gland bolts,
(iii) inspection of the packing and repacking, if necessary,
(iv) alignment of the pump and the drive,
(v) cleaning of oil lubricated bearings and replenishing fresh oil. If bearings are grease
lubricated, the condition of the grease should be checked and replaced/replenished
to correct quantity. An antifriction bearing should have its housing so packed with
grease that the void spaces in the bearings and the housing be 1/3 to 1/2 filled
with greases. A fully packed housing will cause the bearing to overheat and will
result in reduced life of the bearing.
(i) cleaning and examination of all bearings for flaws developed, if any.
(ii) examination of shaft sleeves for wear or scour.
(iii) checking clearances.
Clearances at the wearing rings should be within the limits recommended by the
manufacturer. Excessive clearances cause a drop in the efficiency of the pump. If the wear is
only one side, it is indicative of misalignment. Not only that the misalignment should be set
right, but also the causes for the disturbance of the alignment should be investigated. \\'11en
the clearances have to be redeemed to the values recommended by the manufacturers, some
general guidelines detailed in Table 11.6 would come handy.
If the clearance on wear is seen to be 0.2 or 0.25 mm more than the original clearance,
the wearing ring should be renewed or replaced to get the original clearance.
In using the tolerance given in Table 11.6, they are to be used unilaterally. For example,
while machining the i.d, of the wearing ring of basic size, say 175 mm the limits for
machining would be 175.00 minimum and 175.04 maximum. For' the corresponding O.D. at
the hub of the impeller, the basic size will be with a clearance of 0.35, hence 174.65 mm and
the machining limits will be 174.65 maximum and 174.61 minimum.
TABLE 11.6
c1~~::::r~~--r T!1e:~~;;-~:-- I
oo --r-·-----·-· ---0~1----·-r-·-0.04 ·--1
upto 1
1-- 100-1 so I - o.ss -· I o.o4 --1
1·--·-150-200--T·-· --·- ·--6:4··--· --·· ·--T--· -----·-a. 06-··--1
I 200-300 1---C1~----1---· 0.06-------·--1
,-----·- 300-500 --·-··1-()-:-Ss--·----,-- 0.06--··1
I soo.vso --_T (l"ss-··-1---0.06·---1
[-· ?_so:J200 --i---(i69 ---,---0:os--·1
L__. 1200-2000 _L__o~79--T 0.1 ·----]
(iv) Impeller hubs and vane tips should be checked for any pitting or erosion.
(v) End play of the bearings should be checked.
(vi) All instruments and flow meters should be recalibrated.
(vii) Pump should be tested to determine whether proper performance is being obtained.
Jn the case of vertical turbine pumps, the inspection can be bi-annual. Annual
inspection is not advisable, because it involves disturbing the alignment and
Stuffing box leaks 13, 24, 26, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40.
Packing has short life. 12, 13, 24, 26, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
Symptoms Possible cause of trouble
(Each number is defined in the list below)
Pump vibrates or is noisy: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35,
36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47.
Bearings have short life: 24,26,27,28,35,36,41,42,43,44,45,46,47
Pump overheats and seizes. 1, 4. 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 35, 36, 41
1. Pump not primed.
2. Pump or suction pipe not completely filled with liquid.
3. Suction lift too high.
4. Insufficient margin between suction pressure and vapour pressure.
5. Excessive amount of air or gas in liquid.
6. Air pocket in suction line.
7. Air leaks into suction line.
8. Air leaks into pump through stuffing boxes
9. Foot valve too small
10. Foot valve partially.clogged,
11. Inlet of suction pipe insufficently submerged.
12. Water-seal pipe plugged.
13. Seal cage improperly located in stuffing box, preventing sealing fluid from
entering space to form the seal.
14. Speed too low.
15. Speed too high.
16. Wrong direction of rotation.
17. Total head of system higher than design head of pump.
18. Total head of system lower than pump design head.
19. Specific gravity of liquid different from design.
20. Viscosity ofliquid different from that for which designed.
21. Operation at very low capacity.
22. Parallel operation of pumps unsuitable for such operation.
23. Foreign matter in impeller.
24. Misalignment.
39. Excessive clearance at bottom of stuffing box between shaft and casing, causing
packing to be forced into pump interior.
40. Dirt or brrit in sealing liquid leading to scoring of shaft or shaft sleeve.
41. Excessive thrust caused by a mechanical failure inside the pump or by the failure
of the hydraulic balancing device, if any
42. Excessive grease or oil in antifriction bearing housing or lack of cooling, causing
excessive bearing temperature.
1. Not properly primed
2. Suction pipe not submerged.
3. Strainer clogged
4. Leaking foot valve
5. Suction lift too high
6. Air leaks in suction.
7. Suction pipe too small
8. \Vrong direction of rotation.
9. Low speed.
10. Insufficient liquid supply.
11. Excessive pressure.
12. Grit or dirt in liquid.
13. Pump runs dry.
14. Viscosity higher than specified.
15. Obstruction in discharge line.
16. Pump worn.
·17_ Bent drive shaft
18. Coupling out of balance or alignment.
19. Relief valve chatter.
20. Pipe strain on pump casing.
21. Airleak at packing.
22. Relief valve improperly seated.
23. Packing too tight.
24. Corrosion.
TABLE 11.9
Symptoms Possible cause of trouble
(Each number is defined in the list below)
1. Insufficient suction pressure
2. Partial loss of prime.
3. Cavitation.
4. Lift too high
5. Leaking suction at foot valve
6. Acceleration head requirement too high.
2952 UA8,E/97---30A
t ;
8. Poorly supported ptpmg, abrupt turns m pipmg, ptpe size too small, ptpmg
Air in liquid . .
10. Overpressure or overspeed.
IL Dirty liquid.
12. Dirty environment.
1:3. \1/ater hammer
14. D ,.,.)1.,,.~
~.)t.\.f:(.,,.,.J~ or
..,,,,, badlv
..J4-~•"'-'"'') worn
w i., ,,,.J,
15. Packina
~.:) worn.
23. Belts too tight.
24. Driver misaligned.
25 Condensation
26. Worn seals
Oil level too ht{;h. C.,,
30. Corrosion
31. V alve binding .. •. (
I A"IOS!;•
'"''~''' t
cvnne t
l er,,. n~•' H! ~,,,,'<V-('~~~
11.10.1 GENERAL
In water supply systems, mainly three types of motors are used.
i> Induction (AC.) motors.
t Synchronous (A. C.) motors.
4> D.C. motors .
Amongst these, induction motors are the most common.
Synchronous motors merit consideration when large HP, low speed motors are required.
D.C. motors are used occasionally for pumps where only direct current is available as in
ships, railways, etc.
Type of motor has to be selected considering various criteria such as the constructional
features desired, environment conditions, type of duty, etc.
N.B.. \Vhen no minimum is given, very small motors are feasible. When no maximum
is r)ven very large motors are feasible.
TABLE 11.11
Environmenr Code Where
Indoor, dean
(SPDP) (dust .. free)
Totally enclosed iP.44 Indoor, dust-prone
fan cooled (TEFC) areas.
!P Outdoor at of
] . Ieavy rain fall
(i) AH motors should be suitable for continuous duty 1.C. (Jass SI as specified IS:
(u) Additionally, it is recommended that motors should be suitable for minimum 3 equally
spaced starts per hour.
(iii) The motor should also be suitable for atleast one hot restart.
B insulation is
At cooli. olaces
1.. l ... r.~11.. .t ..•.
a.j,.:~- !..1<-:Y
-l!'.."J ambients
f1..,..~A~ ... 1... ··"''·' Ul)''"·1
. 11,,1,, •. "<()'()(·
,J . ~, 1'"n'·
.1l __.\, c·1•'S'
.x , \"J'iJ,
.v \,.I..1 ('~'''"S
..., ~11.•., ••. C?
L.~ . can also be
At hot places having ambients above 40°C, motors with Class F insulation should be
Note: As per the torque speed characteristics of tne motor, the torque of the motor at
the chosen percentage of reduced voltage should be adequate to accelerate the
pump to the frill speed.
Frequency meter, power factor meter, temperature scanners, Indications for state
of relays, indications for levels, indications of positions, if valvc-: arc power
ac t·u;~ ted.
. ''·' ,)scooe
,,., .r·· ,, and extent ofr·p···\,.,,;,,·ns lo be rn·:cci,. nn the oanel would denend
:i;, 11,, . ., •• 'l. .">.~ .• ·t,. . . .,.,
\. .• .. ~\ •.••• .t •. '" ..J .... , 1 •••• ,,,_" .f._ ........ \.
.. -- , -~ l'00'1
"'I 1 the size
_..l , ,
'To haw 11 flexible arrangcmt.·nt for maintaining the power factor within ~>er li.mits would
require....., ,. an ""'.automatic wi;:., factor
, , '-" !:')Ow'~<' corrccti
,.,,. '·J. CI'-\.~ ,_ j' l. f"·~''>''·
... \1 11 momtr
'. '"·'·"'", ".. . '""'i''C'
h ··''·' 'f~,,'l \)•''1"' . •L H•. t . ,),f '"''r ,..... 11'"' ,... '1 r-. - s- c- thr:
. '···,,_,_!<Ji.) , ' . .)l,.t{.:r:.!.·l•·1 r-
.., f)i)'''')'·'f (.:01 '·"1' ' si pn ,..,.,L, Y and appropri •q.·n r;: 11 '···> ·"'!(''\''•' ).'•.•·.'.<,·,".-.!'l"J'',1'·•,·'··..·,'··.~
'' r'-''''··· r-.. ,., ..., .,.
·'''~·"-'·'· ,),.. '"'i., .
, ••
..,_,, '·/r""·'i . "·'·' . .c ,.. > ... i," . '""'"'
1 ..... •~,;. ' -, ..
direct connection induction motors is in · f'11bJe l 1. 13.
(d) To avoid damage to the bushmgs, a cable ghnd should always be and it
should be firmlv·' fixed to cable .. en hole.
(e) canacitor should be earthed ;ir>nt·orH·iatdv at the earrhin« terminal lo
( ~ J • .i ("")
j5 12 !2
! 12.5 i 3.5
4 14 110 J 23 125 I 28
30 38 43
J3 --- I
L12.s 3.5
! 4.5
j 6.5
I'! s , 5
! l 125
! 25
! 27
j 28
II 31
j 40 '46
! 47 -i
141 I !
i 15 4 ls -- !6 !
I 7.5 ! 8.5 9
! 130
I 27 129 32 34 I
I i - ' -· 110 I 43
149 ---,I
p1~s --~~s
[30 -t 5
i 140129 Ii ,..J4 136 I
i 2?-· 5
I .).:)
- ,..
I 6.5
l -r 10
: 12
13 145 i 30
j 32
! 35 37 -ti?
146 1 s2
I s4
g ~
I' 13 14.5 150
I 31
32 l34 I 37
j 36
! 48
! 55
l 27.5 i 6.5 I! 7". :) 19.S i 11.s 114
-"'. 16 I iss 1 1 ! 49 l 56
i3ol7 [s- i 10 ! 12 I 15 ; 160 5 --i---i
-11--3-3--t~-~ J-8 I so 57
-s.·s _J111
Ii16 I' ~i 8 165 ] 34 I 36 I 39 1I 41~ ! 51 59
L__ 1
__ __j_ I
I i
300U I !
r)U 600
' r.p_.,m . ,•-p~- .n1.
: )00
1' r.p -m
: Motor : 3000
... ~. ,l .1,.
l-l.P . l, r.p.m.
bOO ! H)OO
o.m . ,ir ~·P··-'·
r.r·- m
1l r.p. rn•.
.i r.pm
-= .
! 500
.• . 1lrpmjl• - -"
-~Cap~~~;~~~. ~~~:he~~.;~~~.P~.-,~~~-1
I ! I
·=-·---:: 35
, , •. • . . • , •.• i, , . ...... ,
f--;:,-·------ , --------1--------i.
i .>5
. -_-,_--------·-l--~~------~---· - -------+-------·+..
I 8 l 9 l 1 L'.)
j b.j
. . ----·--f--··------------1---------··+·-;·.--·----
! 17 I 19 1 31 ! 40 1 42 ! 53 I {)0
: ~---,:-----+·-----~----t--:------1 --------h--:------j--·~-----+·?-----t-:;--:;-;:-----+----------. ··;;·:-··---··--t-·--; .. --..--·-+·-·-------------+-~--------·+-;----
i r: ; 7. 'J ~8 . .) 19.'
' .:> 1.12 114 :18 1·-0 i.I!'J 136 +• ..18 141 143 /:>4 lo1
' I I
_,,_,.,_,.,..,.,..---<-_,_l~~-,,,.~.--~~,+-,.--,.,.,._. "1 __ ,,
: --··---i------------
' I I
I •
~--~~~•NN,..-~, .. __,__.__,~~ ,,,__,_,_.,~ __ ,,,,.__ ;
flL JU.5 :17 _i'J l24 j26 jLU:> ~41 j46 j48 161 168
-~,--·----r;:,--··-------·-r--------·--:·--;-··-------y----·------T-----------·--·r-:;:.------------1- ........ - ..... ----j
,(,,) '1) !•'+::> ,18 ILO •16 ;?i) '"10 ,11,2 144 ,47 '49 16"! ,r,9 I
i ::.: l_--~----
. -------i_: __~~------ r---::~------- - J_--~---------· __J_: .L~- -~---- ..1_· __ :_ ---t· ----·----··--·L-~................. .1 --....... . ~ :.. --···-- i '~-----·--------~
I 1 s.s ! 62
!_• ----------- ..
! 65 i 14 l 19 ! 21 i z7 I 29 l 21 s ' 42 44 ; 47 I 49 I 70 !
L--·-••'" "'"·-··--J. _ -t-:-:-·-·. -· ! --·-------·--·· I-------··-·· ----l- , _J L--------·-···--L-----·------···-~----·-··-------.l------><-------L------------- ~- J. .. _,
i 48 I
00 00
[!:~~ --=F=-~-=k=F~~'
I 24 l 30 l 34 I 230 7!-=E=Ir -.±-·~==~~~~-:~:=~]~T=-- =~- ·6.5-~~--.:-~ ~ - -l' 73.-~~-.:-. ==1 1
i80 : 17 19 l 22
! vS I 18
! 45 47 50 i
I 2v
l ,,_3
. I-", ~ --- i - , I},
l 35
, do
l 1;----·- r·-.---
! -,0 48 I
! -•
i; ;--
l -::-~-~-- 6v
0_) I 1::__ .._ l·::,--;;----l
! !~
Capacitor rating in 'KVAr when motor speed is Capacitor rating in KV~.\.r when motor speed is
jJV.fotor II 3000 1500 1000 750 l 600 I 500 f ~JouJr i 3000 ' 1500 1000
i r.p.m.
I r.o.rn ..
II ·
II r.p.m.
. I
.I r.p.m. I
,! H"'
· .1·.
l r.p.m. '
I H~1?? I
I r.p.m. l
r.p.trt ! r.p.m. ! [i r.p.rn
$.....~ ' ~ •
The size of the cable should be so selected that the total drop in voltage, when calculated
as the product of current and the resistance of the cable shall not exceed 3%. Values of the
resistance of the arc available from the cable manufacturers.
(i) The current carrying capacity should be appropriate for the lowest voltage, the lowest
factor the worst condition of installation i.e. duct condition.
(ii) 'The cable should also be suitable for carrvins the •' 11:•• ~
circuit current. for duration
of the fault.
(iii) duration
(iv) Appropriate rating factors should be applied when cables are laid in group (parallel)
and/ or laid below ground.
(v) lavinz
•. t,':'} suitable trenches or Sh10UJC
'J provided.
('1') ;,.,"f1t··1;,
1.L .. •L{')"' . ,, .• ,,_,.,.,, .. I"•""'
· .I ,Q,)j,~l:,) (,~/,.i;,t;;,. ,.11,,l,,;7
(ii) Gang operated disconnectors (GOD) are provided in outdoor substation. Jn indoor
substation, circuit breakers are provided. In case of outdoor substations of capacities
1 }(VA above, · breakers should be provided in addition to GOD.
(v) Transformer.
(ix) Earthing .
.Earthing should very comprehensive, CO¥¢tt.m.g every item m the substation and m
accordance with rs: 3043.
11.15.1 CONSUi\1~.AJ.U_,:ES
Adequate stock of lubricating oil and transformer oil should be maintained.
11$15.2 REP'.LACEM.F~NT SPA.R.X1~S
To avoid downtime, stock of fast moving spares and of spares likely to be damaged by
short circuit should be maintained. A set of recommended two of trouble
operation should be ordered alongwith the equipments.
Tools such as crimping tools, soldering, brazing and usual. electrical tools should be
available. Daily
(a) Check bearing temperatures.
(b) Check for any noise or vibration,
(ii) For panel, circuit-breaker, starter;
(a) Check the phase· indicating lamps
(b) Note readings of voltage, current, frequency etc.
(c) Note energy--rnc~ter readings.
(iii) For transformer substation
(a) Note voltage and current readings,
J, Monthly
(i) For motor:- notl1ing special other than the da.ily checks.
(ii) panel, ·
(a) Examine contacts of relay and circuit breaker. Clean, If necessary.
(b) Check setting over-current relay, no volt and t1~pping mechanism and oil in
the dashpot relay.
(iii) transformer substation
(a) Check the level of the transformer oil.
(b) Check that the operation of the GOD is okay.
(c) Check contacts of GOD and of over· current (OC) relay.
(d) Check temperatures of the oil and windings.
(e) Clean radiators to be free of dust and scales.
(t) Pour 3 to 4 buckets of water in each earth-pit Quarterly
(i) For motor:
(a) Blow away dust and any splashing oil or grease.
(b) Check wear of slip ring and. bushes, smoothen contact-faces or replace, if
necessary. Check spring-tension. Check bush-setting for proper contact on the
(c) Check cable connections and terminals and insulation of the cable near the: lug;;,
dean all contacts, if insulation is damaged by overheating investigate and rectify.
AU contacts should be fully tight.
(ii) For panel, circuit-breaker, starter, etc.
Check fixed and moving contacts of the circuit breakers/ switches. Check and
smoothen contacts with fine.glass- paper or file.
Check condition and quantity of oil/liquid in circuit-breaker, auto- transformer
starter and rotor ..controller,
(iii) transformer substation;
(a) Check condition of the H.T. bushing,
Check the condition of the dehydrating breather. and replace the silica-gel charge, if
necessary. Reactivate old charge for reuse.
n, 15.4.4 Semi-Annual
(i) For motor
(a) Check condition of oil or and replace if necessary, While greasing, avoid
exceasive groo1'ing.
(l:i) Test insulation by rnegger.
(ii) p~t)e}~ ere,
Check for corrosion and take remedial measures. Check by megger the insulation-
resistance of switches, busbar, starter- terminals, auto-transformer, etc. for phase- tp-earth
and phase-tp-phase, t'e&i&U\;nce.
(Hi) "' $~1]#~~~ti.on.
(a) Check die-electric strength and oil
(b) Test insulation by m.cg_i?;CL
(c) Check continuity for proper earth connections.
11.lS.4.. 5 Annual
(i) motors;
(a) Examine bearings for flaws, dean and replace if necessary.
(b) Check end .. play of bearings a.nd reset by lock nuts, wherever provided.
(ii) I-;ot: panel,
(a) All indicating meters should be calibrated.
(iii) transformer substation
(a) Check resistance of earth pit/ earth electrode.
(0 Check whether the cable is undersized. Change the cable or provide another cable in
(ii) Check for loose termination or joint Fasten the termination and make proper joint
(iii) Check whether only a few strands of the cable are inserted in the lug. 1 nsert all strand
using a new lug, if necessary.
1 nstrurnentation and control plays an important role in efficient and effective operation
of any water treatment plant Jn order to monitor the quality and quantity of water produced
and to have trouble free operation of water treatment plant, it is desirable to provide proper
instrumentation and control system in the plant. The impact of sudden changes in raw water
quality, peak demands and seasonal variations require quick responses and proper action.
This is possible only if the plant is provided proper instrumentation and control systems.
This chapter covers the general applications of instrumentation and control system in
water treatment plant \Vater treatment plant equipments are generally of a rugged nature
and not prone to much mechanical defects. lr may, therefore, not be desirable to go in for
complex automatic control systems.
2962 UA&Ei97-31A
"ihe instruments and control system have been classified in two categories : Essential and
optional. Sysrerns which are considered essential from the point of view of safety of chemical
dosing, control and operational ease, constitute the essential systems. The essential system
should preferably be incorporated in all the plants. Optional items can be considered
the· owner intends to use them for data collection and information and are used where skilled
manpower is available.
The most commonly used instrument and control systems in water treatment plants are:
(ii) Pneumatic;
(iii) Electric;
(iv) Electropneumatic; and
(v) Hydropneumanc.
Pneumatically operated instrument and control system uses clean, dry and filtered air for
both transmission and power media for activating the control elements. An example if. the
pneumatically operated valves for filter beds. ELECTRIC
The electrically operated system employs electrical signal for transnussion as well as
control s~gnat to 1 he control element. An example for such a system is the motorised valves
for filter beds or for sludge withdrawal from clariflocculator.
12.3.4 El_E(~THOPNEUl\1A.TIC
This system employs an electric transducer (with integral transmitter), electric receiver,
clccrnc set point and electric controller. The controller sends an electric s1gnal to a positioner
\\.itb a pneumatic four valve to activate a pneumatic operator lo final control element. ln this
system the transmission medium is an electric signal and the power medium is air.
Tl11s system is basically identical to pneumatic system except that power medium is oil or
water. The transmission medium is air.
2962 UA&EIBl-31B
'1") .., 6
. 61.u.\..j)" ~
lV.l Al'r1"$ !('. ..ii
1r..~. · 1·~a. or"' ("''r')N.
H) . . ._.'\,, '"'n(·)·r
I'\. .~ i.~
'J common method of control of water treatment plant can be manual, semiauromatic.
or automatic.
The system to be adopted will depend upon location, capacity, skilled man po\ver
availability, spare parts availability etc. 'The adoption of any particular system also depends
t1pon determination of the extent of information required by the operating personnel for
proper operation of the plant.
12.3.6.l Manual
This control involves the use instruments to read plant variables manually. Adjustment
in the processes when required are made manually by turning of a valve, pushing a button or
such simple operation.
12.3Ai3 Automatic
This control involves use of instruments to automatically control and maintain in balance
the process of functions. A dose loop system is used with feed back of operation. \Vhen
there is change in any process variable, the change is sensed and transmitted to a control
instrument that adjusts a device to restore the system to balance,
(i) Mechanical measuring methods: Here mechanical devices are employed such as
flaps, membranes, float operated system, use of static pressures etc.
(ii) Physical measuring methods: Here certain physical characteristics are utilised such
as electrical conductivity of material, use of optical ultrasonic beams etc.
Each chemical tank in the plant should be provided with float operated type local level
indicator except in cases where the line tanks have M.S. cup type ag1tators rotating in the
horizontal plane which lead to fluctuating solution levels. Float and wire rope should be of
corrosion resistant material. The indicator should be either vertical arrow scale type or
horizontal arrow scale type but the graduations should be of such a size that reading can be
viewed dearly from a distance not less than 2. 5 to 3.0 m,
Generally all water treatment plants have an overhead tank which caters to the water
requirements for chemical solution preparation and filter backwashing. The overhead tank is
usually at a higher elevation. It is necessary to have a remote indication of the water level in
overhead tank in the filter house or chemical house or near overhead tank filling pumps in
case the overhead tank is filled by pumps in the treatment plant area. In case of a float
operated level indicator, the float should be S.S. 316 or equivalent and coupled to a two wire
transmitter for ~;ignal for remote indication.
(c) Tanks/Sumps
For safety of the pumps against dry running, each tank/sump where draw-off is by
pumping, should be provided with magnetic type or electronic level switch which will be
actuated by low level in the tanks. ! t is advisable to instal displacer type tank top mounted
magnetic or electronic control switches. It should also be possible to adjust the actuation
level of these switches in field. The auto-stopping of respective pumps should be controlled
through these level switches, Level switch displacer and wire rope should be of SS-316 while
switch assembly can be housed in Al-alloy enclosure, which should be weatherproof
For loss of head across filters, a float operated direct reading meter is used. The pressure
of water beyond the filter outlet valve and the pressure of water above the sand bed are
directly transmitted to float chambers where two different floats correspond to the two
different levels. Separate chain, sprocket and counter weight arrangements on each float
cause the indicator pointer over the engraved dial to rotate in one case and the dial itself in
case of the second level, The dial and the indicator pointer move in the same direction and
the difference between two levels in two float tanks is obtained directly from the gauge
calibrated accordingly. A more simple system is often used where differential is read from a
graduated glass tube manometer.
The floats used for the Loss of head Meter is gcneraHy of G. I. but in cases where the
water proves to be corrosive f-'IU' or any other corrosion resistant material can be used for
longer trouble free life.
Lach system has it!; specific applications. l fir~,f method is used where water ran be
transported by gravity, where as rhc second method is normally used when the flow is under
conversion of potential enetgy. The resulting level difference is suitable for the measurement
of flow rates.
Various systems have been developed using this basic principle for measurement of flow
following types.
Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. the selection has to be.
made on a case to case basis. Generally the types which are quite extensively used at various
units of water treatment plant are the float operated ones which comprise of a float operated
flow indicator operating in conjunction with Parshall flume which acts as a basic How
element Float and wire rope material should be non-corrosive while indicator enclosure
should be weather-proof suitable for outdoor installation. In case a flow transmeter is also
incorporated in the enclosure for remote indication of flow, then the electronic circuit
should be coated with humidity resistant to make it suitable for high humidity
atmosphere, say up to 95c;;) R
The methods incorporating bubble injection and capacitive rneasunng system have
inherent disadvantages and hence their' application is limited.
The system which is becoming very popular for such an application is Echo sounder
device, due ro its freedom of movement, lack of wear, easy installation and simple
transmission of measured devices, accuracy and reliability. A sensor which ts mounted above
the channel transmits a sonic or ultrasonic signal which is reflected frorn the of the
water and returns an echo. travelling time of ::.ignal is a proportion of the water level,
The measuring amplifier generates a linear current which is proportional to the level and
transmits it to a linearizer which converts the current into a signal proportional to flow rate.
Meters, recorders, analogue/ digital converters etc. can be connected to the output of
linearizer. Since the liquid does not come in contact with any par! of the instrument and due
to the absence 0f any moving parts, such systems may require less maintenance.
i.~ 2.\l(!·~'lJ,..A
IC.1 r.<r·
.l"' ~,QIAT
,.,.. ¥\• Mr;
. , <\.r,;Tv rrJE,1'•,4£N'f I· l\.J
IL.~ ..... .,,,. J. "''\ CT
.1'\ ... nc.r.n. Sy~·r·Fi.~c
~''\l . rv1~:11'
,, , ,.1 ..• ,,_. ,..Ji'.QIL,/ 1... .. ~ .... ,
\Vhcre flo10i· measurement is m dosed systems, rotsmeters, turbine flo\v meters, electro
b. Venturi tube
c. Prtor tube
f. .c · .1 '-·ect
[._;. ,,-, .. rorn
'' ,, c•<i s» t..1··"'
1.t,.(.:)t~I,.,.· r- flr·i '"
' (Y rers''
···v' l\,,,·
These operate on the principle that liquid u-nptr1f:,)'.t:ng on the -ptupellt:r IJr turbine will
rotate it: at: a speed proportional to the flow rate. The merer is self contained and requires no
auxiliarv enu·gy. The meter, however, should run £\.ill at all times. The accuracy i:. generally ±
2%1. However, this meter should not be used with liquid containing solids 1n suspension.
This operates on a principle that a fluid flowing through a meter section rhat contains a
convergence and constriction of known shape and area will cause a pressure drop at the
constriction area. The difference in pressure between inlet and the throat pressure is
proportional to the square of the flow. The accuracy is generally around 0.75% of flow rate.
The venturi tube must nm full at all times.
(c) Pitot 'Tubes
Pitot tubes operate on the principle where velocity head is converted to static through a
meter section that contains a convergence and constriction of known shape and area will
cause a pressure drop at constriction area. The difference between inlet and throat pressure is
proportional to the square of the flow. Pitot tube must be calibrated individually. The
accuracy of pitot tubs is around ± 1 O,,'o of actual flow rate. Upstream piping configuration
substantially effect the accuracy of measurement.
The area meter or rotameter operates as the pitot tube with float position a function of
viscous drag that is differential head or pressure. In the variable area meter, the constriction
area varies while maintaining an essentially constant pressure drop.
The meter consists of a plummet or float and an upright tapered tube. This plummet is
lifted to a state of equilibrium due to various forces acting upward and downward. The ~t.
reading scale attached to the tube is essentially linear because of constant differential
This operates on the principle that liquid flow through partially filled and properly graded
pipes when passed through known constriction will produce a hydraulic head at a specific
area of constriction. 'This head is essentially directly proportional to flow provided nozzle has
free discharge. The: accuracy for these nozzles is usually ± 2l1J;i.
This meter has an insulating inner finer and operates on the principle that any conductor,
be it a bar of steel or column of conductive liquid passing through the lines of force of a
fixed magnetic field which generates an electromotive force (d-c voltage) directly
proportional to rate at which the conductor is moving through the field. Each meter requires
calibration and must run full at all times. The system accuracy is :t l 0.io of meter scale for
velocity range of0.9 to 9.1 rn/s, Below this velocity, the system accuracy may fall lo± 2<1/0.
(g) Ultrasonic Flow Meter
During operation of rapid gravity filter, impurities brought up are deposited in the pores
of filter bed, increasing the resistance against downward water movement. \\'/ith the other
factors unchanged, a drop in filtration rate would occur. A similar drop in filtration rate
would take place when raw water level above filter bed goes down or the filtered water level
downstream of the bed goes up, while the reverse movement would result in an increase of
the rate of filtration. \Vith regard to effluent quality, however, the filtration rate should be
kept as constant as possible, while particular sudden fluctuations should be avoided. An
abrupt increase in filtration rate might cause impurities from the raw water to breakthrough
the filter bed, impairing effluent quality, while with negative heads a sudden reduction in the
rate of filtration might release gas bubbles that have accumulated in the filter bed. \X/hen
these gas bubbles travel upward, holes might be produced in the filter bed, through \vhich
the raw water can pass without proper treatment l\. positive control of the rate of filtration
is, therefore, necessary.
Rate control is obtained by inserting an additional loss of head in influent line (upstream
control) or effluent line (downstream control) and adjusting this loss of head in such a way as
to keep the supply of raw water or the abstraction of filtered water constant at the desired
value. Since the rapid change in operating- conditions occur, constant supervision and having
automatic control by mechanical, hydraulic, pneurnatical or electrical means becomes
(. 1· %~ ?J
§i] '
Generally the flow controller is a double beat equilibrium valve controlled by a float
placed in the controller chamber of filler. The flow control valve is designed and works on
the principle of hydraulics. The filtered water from the filter discharges mto a,11 inspection
box and then over a weir built in the wall of the inspection box inro oure water channel at a
lower level. The height of water over we; ... indicates the rate of flow and this rate setter is
U'IC'.d for operating the outlet control valve which consists essentially of a double beat
equilibrium valve controlled by a Iloat ph~ceJ in the control chamber budt within inspection
box but isolated from it. ln the insoecuon is fined, a rate setter, which consists of a
tube, the bottom of \vhich control chamber and into which it> fo:tt::d
another slid ing":> tube""'' the
ef,I,,.~~-, .• ~ i\~~
..... ,l, .... . l'(·'n
"·"r.:·' oflater
!... "' -.1>},.""-·'·· of circular weir,
of water flowing into the drain and when rs a balance of flow between the: water
trickling in and out of the control chamber the level of the float in this chamber remains
constant, the slightest difference in the rate of inflow and outflow will upset this balance and
later rhe level of die float which will automatically adjust the opening cf the control valve
until this balance is restored The trumpets pipe can be raised or lowered to give any desired
flow and a calibrated scale is provided on the rate setter to set the filter to operate at required
rate of filtration, 'This double beat valve is also controlled by a second float in the filter. This
flt1'H closes down the. control valve when the level of the water drops to about '15 cm above
filter.;ng surface where by preventing rer rur. dry. "The controller is also provided
with an automatic slow starting 1 . icvice
? 7 "'··'l Fi·
l...&n . ·~L TER
·+. 1.~{,or
Fl-i OW (''()Nri··T'
f~,1 .. it .•
, .. ,.. .. .
............ -.om~•> ... ,t ... ._,_,,~ ••,, .... ,,.,..,.,_,.._,,~ .. "-
S E C T I 0 N ... 8-8
The other type of controllers such as venturi, etc., work on pressure differential system
which sends a signal to the controller. These differential pressures are reflected directly on
the piston moving at a certain distance depending upon the difference between the pressures
being exerted. The pressure is balanced by counter weights thus regulating the valve opening
and dosing. The controllers compare the actual flows with the set flow control points .
.According to the difference, the controller doses or opens the component, giving the
discharge (butterfly valve, diaphragm, syphon).
The declining rate filter, however, does not require such control arrangement. However,
to control -the excess flow beyond the design capacity of any filter, a restrictor valve is
introduced at the outlet so that filter is not allowed to operate at a filtration rate higher than
assumed design values.
For regulating alum flow or polyelectrolyte flow where used, the chemical solution is fed.
by gravity from solution tanks to a constant head box generally located near the dosing point.
The constant bead box (illustrated in Fig. 12.3.) is fitted with a PVC float operated stainless
steel valve to keep constant level in dosing box. The rate of chemical flow is regulated by a
stainless steel tapered needle valve over a stainless steel orifice in the constant head box .. A
scale gives directly the rate of flow of chemicals corresponding to opening of tapered needle
For regulating lime solution being dosed, generally a V-nonch assembly with adjustable
M.S shutter and a hl'"faduated scale is used. Reg1.dated flow of lime solution as observed by
head over V-notch indicated by graduated scale is allowed to flow by adjusting opening of
M.S. shutter while the excess lime solution over flows back to the chemical tanks. (Fig. 12.4.)
'·" -.
•. //
Pressure is a parameter that is used extensively in testing and monitoring the performance
of various types of pumping eguiprnent, the monitoring of pressure gradients in pressure
conduit and the regulation of pressure within required limits.
The most common types of pressure gauges are:
(1.) Liquid: air and liquid: liquid diaphragm
(2) Bourden tube
(3) Strain guage
(4) Bellows.
The liquid: air diaphragm is a sensor unit using principle of balancing pressure across a
diaphragm with a liquid on the side and air regulated by a nozzle-baffle system on the dry
side. Due to change in liquid pressure the movement of diaphragm is balanced by build up of
air pressure. Liquid system adopts a liquid instead of air.
111e gauges should have minimum 100 mm size dial and should have range 1.5 to 2 times
the normal operating pressure. The gauges are generaHy suitable for pressures up to 2().0
meters of water with accuracy of ±1(~'\J of maximum scale.
In the case of strain gauge, the sensor is used to measure dimensional change within or
on the surface of a specimen when subjected to mechanical, thermal or combination of both
inputs. The electrical type strain gauge is most frequently used and is based on measurement
of capacitance, inductance or resistance change that is proportional to strain.
The Bellows element is a most conventional method of sensing pressure. Ir consists of a ?·,i-;:
rnulticonvolured bellows and its displacement by pressure change drives a mechanical linkage
connected to indicator.
The Bourden tube works on a principle that a curved tube with a cross-sectional area that
is not a circle will tend to uncurl as area tries to become circular. when subjected to
pressure changes. The uncurling motion is calibrated to provide an indication of pressure.
The pressure range for this type are from 0 to 7 and 0 to 350 kg/ cm2 with an accu1"acy of
:1:1%i of full scale. This type is suitable where the liquid handled is noncorrosive type while
for corrosive application, diaphragm type is preferable.
\,\/here:ver the pressure are used in conjunction with reciprocating purnps pulsating
dampener should be incorporated in the gauge. All pressure gauges should have
external zero setting mechanism and safety blow out mechanism. Pressure gauges installed in
upen should be of weather proof construction. Each and every pump and air blower should
have pressure indication as an essential requirement
testing equipment. Reference may be made to Chapter 15 for details regarding recommended
minimum laboratory tests and equipment,
field near filters may be used for this purpose with pressure tapping from after the control
valves and over sand media respectively.
Electronic transmitters should be suitable for high humidity atmosphere upto 95% RH
and should i~ive 4.. 2n .n.a, signal. Remote indicator can he analog or digital. type with facility
for zero and span adjustment.
12.11.2 I'LOW
(a) Remote Indication of .Razo Water Flow
Raw water flow indication at a remote location may also be provided. This will facilitate
operation of inlet valve as also in data-logging. The remote flow indicator may be of analog
or digital type. It is also preferable to have an intergrator to know the cumulative flow to the
plant. This integrator should be hand reset type only and the reset facility should be provided
in such a way that accidental resetting of counter is avoided.
(b) Remote Indication of Rate of Flow Through Filters
Remote indication of rate of flow of individual filters may also be provided. For the
purpose, float operated electronic type two wire transmitter with 4-20 rn.a. output may serve
the. purpose using the filter outlet weir as the basic flow element. /\ differential pressure
transmitter with an orifice in the filter outlet pipeline acting as the basic flow element may
also be used. The remote indicator can be analog or digital type. Integrator similar to one
described in Clause (a) above may also be used to know cumulative flow through the filter.
(c) Wash Water Floto Indicator
Wash water flow to filters mav be measured locallv bv installing a rotameter in the main
) .t I .
wash water header line to filters. 'The rotameter is usually a metal cased bypass rotameter
with stainless steel float, stainless and carrier ring assembly. In cases where
remote indication of wash water flow to is desired, a differential p1·c.ssure transmitter
using a stainless steel orifice in the main header as basic flow element) may be used
with a digital or analog remote indicator placed at a convenient location for the operator.
Repeat indicators of wash water flow may also be installed in individual filter consoles
where such a system is adopted. However, the same need not be kept 'ON' at all times. The
indicator is to facilitate backwashing and as such rnay be switched 'ON' for that period only.
(d) Chemical Floui
For regulating flow of chemicals solution, positive displacement metering pumps with
0-100% capacity mechanical stroke adjustment by means of a micrometer dial screw on the
pump may be used. ·
The stroke adjustment may be manual/ remote by means of an electrical stroke
positioner on the control panel.
In applications, where a minimum fluid pressure is required in a particular pipeline, a
pressure switch rnay be incorporated for annunciation as well as auto trip of the connected
460 :;,
2962 UA&El97---32B
equipment. For example, certain pumps requiring external water supply for cooling of the
bearing should have a pressure switch on cooling water line to pumps.
weather-proof enclosure. .Ab.rm ;:irp·it:nu,~t;on can be pr<.H·i<led 111 case pI-1 of
darificd,/ filtered water is c1utsi1.k a,:cem:ahk
, limits.
(c) R.t>Ji.duaJ' Cblorine
On line chlorine sensor chlorine rwo ww transmin . er can be u~;cd
fot connnuous remote tndh·ai·iori of ,:f1!orirn: afrei chlorination. The t\.VO win:
transmitter should be housed in a weather .. enclosure,
Free residual chlorine can also be cor.rinuouslv ir,dk;~i.ed by an arnperometric chlorine
residual analyser housed near rnam corur: .J p<1rieJ_ Samphng putnps at field are required for
amperornctnc measurement and indication
ln both types alarm annunciation can be provided in case residual chlorine in water is
outside acceptable standards.
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rn(asuring c1e,·ices rnay be of ultrn}·,t')nic tvrc (;r dcctromagnetic typt: to ha.\·z- better ac.:urncy.
'T'anks/smnp5 should be:· provi1.k~d \Vith au:ornatic control for low and high lc'.'~::i ~\vitche:.
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When a water works is taken over for operation and maintenance, it must be ensured that
atleast five to six sets of the detailed drawings, maps of each of the component of the water
works along with all relevant 0 & M Manual are available with the operating authority. One
of the sets ~1ay be preserved as a master set in apex office for reference. The other sets may
be distributed to sub-offices in charge of relevant operation activity. All these sets must be
corrected and updated whenever any additions/ alterations/ deletions are done to any of the
structures and equipment,
For each of the activity where operators are employed, a detailed scheme and schedule of
unit operations should be worked out and a copy of the same should be available with each
operator. This schedule of unit operations may have to be altered to suit changes in
raw-water quality, hours of availability of power, break-downs and up-set conditions etc.
A regular schedule of inspection of machinery, equipment their lubrication and servicing
programme must be prepared and circulated. Appropriate supervisory control should be
exercised to see that these inspections, lubrications and servicing are being regularly carried
13.3.4 RECORDS
For each piece of equipment and machinery a record register should be maintained in
which all records of the equipment such as servicing, lubricating, replacement of parts,
operating hours (including cumulative) and other important data is entered.
Complete records of bacteriological and chemical analysis of water: from source to the
consumers tap should be maintained and reviewed. Charts could also be prepared for the
important characteristics of the water and any changes in these characteristics as compared
to the standards must be taken note of
For planning future augmentations and improvements of a water works in operation, it is
advisable to maintain certain key records such as daily and cumulative supply over the years,
number of connections of various sizes t;'iven
•.. and cumulative number of connections each
month, water treated and the supply billed.
13.3.7 STAFF Posn'ION
Appropriate charts indicating the standard staff for each of the unit of operation and
maintenance and the staff actually in position (by names if possible) shall be maintained at
each office for review.
A reasonable assessment of the stores and spare parts of machinery required over a
period of time say, one year or half a. year can be made and an inventory of the same
prepared. Issues and replacement of store articles could be watched and procurement
procedures laid down and supervised. The aim should be that any material required for
replacement is available at any time for the maintenance.
{a) Sanitary Survt'}I
Sanitary Surveys at regular. intervals at field management levels and inspections at
supervisory management level should be conducted. TI1e catchment area of the source
should be located on the maps. Potential sources of pollution observed in the catchment
should be marked. The type of pollution e.g. industrial/ domestic waste discharges, wastes of
animal origin and agricultural run-offs should be determined.
The quality of such discharges has to be ascertained and its likely effect on water being
drawn at source should be mentioned. Reports of such surveys should be promptly sent to
the Pollution Control Authorities as well as water works authorities to promote corrective
action. Procedure for monitoring of preventive action taken should be laid down and
observed An instant action plan for providing chlorination of raw-water should be available
and brought into effect under such circumstances
(b) Measurement of Flou:
In cases of sources such as springs, rivers, canals, etc., there should be a perrnane:nt
arrangement for recording daily flows near the intake works. Appropriate records in the form
of graphs showing variation of flows in the source for each month in a year and for each year
shall be maintained. Rain gauge stations should be established to record daily rainfall in the
reservoir catchment and appropriate rainfall records should be built up and compared with
discharges/storages available. In cases of reservoirs, the regime tables for filling and
emptying of storages should be maintained for each year.
(a) Pre, during and post monsoon inspection of dams should be undertaken to observe
settlement) longitudinal/transverse cracks in the embankment/masonry structures.
(b) Behaviour of spillways should be observed during floods. Procedures for fool proof
operation of spillway gates should be prescribed and observed.
(c) In case of earthen dams, special. attention should be paid to slipping of slopes,
damages and water seepage. The functioning of sand galleries, drains, relief wells
should be watched carefully. In case of masonry dams, sweating, leakages, leaching
of mortar of appreciable magnitude from masonry should be immediately attended
to. Pointing of damaged faces of masonry should be attended ro promptly.
lhe transmission mains would include r:·1\:V/U:t:-a.ux1 v, ater pumpmg ll'.' well a) gravity
mains from source. co treatment works, treatment works to master balancing reservoirs
(~,.1·.1~ P ). and l,,,
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problems to be attended to for various types of pir·e~ in the svstcm er» . dd be brieflv
summarised as follows:
(a) J\il.S. Pipes Laid Aboi:ie Ground
(i) Pipes should be painted atleasr once. in five yeai·~; 10 prevent corrosion.
(ii) Appurtenances such as sluice val' cs, air valves, cxpam,i1>rt iuint:-i, rollers should
be checked cleaned atleast tw;,.f• a vear ··incl worn t ·<>""!'
. .. ..._.. 1 \. ..... '"' ' .. narts
·""·:·' (. ........ \....•
-t '1'1.1,·
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} ~J. •·-- ,,. ·+-\ ..•.• ~.i.
cleaning and lubrication of rollers should also be done t-:1.'}ce ;-t yrnr, ptefer::il.>ly
pre and post monsoon.
(iii) Expansion joints should be inspected t:vcry month.
(iv) The catch drains provided the porti,)n of water mains Jaj,j in curtmg should
be deaned before onset monsoon so that no \l<a\1, r accumulate, in the
cutting portion, resulting in uplift pressure on pipes.
a» All Pipes
(i) Sufficient stock of spue pipes and specials should be ni.:-1intainrd tor
replacement of damag::d ones.
\ Ll)
leak ,1,1,,;.,
I7'"':n1J,,. !, .•recnon
1. ,~ ...... , t .. -,, ~
.!_ ......;:..,~')\.. ... ~~\,.~ ",JC.1.r.b, should be undertaken particu.larh or
pipes and k-ak., io;.n~·s.
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maintained secrior · w·i1;., . ,v1.1.'"'····'·~)c
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, lrl i..., ., ! .. ,.,;:
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measures t z.,, rqY1i.r/ (:r.Hild be undertaken.
to lli"'I"'~ inC!''i'.1 :ng ',"-
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~t. idance
.A.:) - _ i <-1·
(ll] valves '"' ... 11 ,
scor.r valve.. .;ho1.J . -i be dr::1vTi t..p and tl.e same followed scrupulously. Special
attention ~}·i(· uld oc ~-'""' tol.J air valves
l"\.l,\::.1.-{, .l-~ .. i . ',;. ~- \..... ~\lVt\ <.Y.J. -4 ,_ ~...,
operanon and •:e.:-r\fy them immediately. The other problems which ar~: to be r;1ckk<l ar the
operational ':>Uge are mainly those which arise our of
(a) l-luctuation in the oualirv
' ;
of the w·l.ter:.
tenance should be: carried out in ;;, manner which prevents emergencies and
, .iJ, •
.. ..,I11•1t1 lowns t'~l1 ..,.,11
;i.. \._,,.~ .. , '"·'11'
l.. ·"" • , • .•.•• t' i;,.,,.•(; ... , ['"'1'(l1"'•J'•'·l')1~h.. Skill which
t maimer . ?-'""'C,..-, !"•''l,.,lb"""'~ "\. 0
w . can onlv)
l t~ .i;"- ..... -kil.£.l~J -'-· ~11. t.. ~ \.,\) ~ .. , "" (.;I..,,
be acquired by experience, study and practice. Basically, any maintenance programme should
observe dK'. fC'IHcnving general rules:
(:1) Keep a set of plans giving details of the several units and indicating the layout and
position of all pipelines and appurtenarn::t•s;
rb) •
Estabh.'>h a svstl".:~matic plan of chiilv ooet:Hirms,·
.: ,· .l
(c) Establish a inspection of machinery and lubrication and
maintain records thereof. Instructions for lubrication, the type of lubricant
suggested and the frequency lubrication should be drawn out;
.(d) Main data and record of each piece of equipment giving details. of cleaning and
replacement of worn parts and other data of importance such as unusual incidents
on faulty operating conditions. Details for any special equipment should be
obtained from the manufacturers;
(e) Keep a record of analysis of water collected at various points from the source to
the distribution system and observation on the effect of such quality on the several
units of operation; and
(f) List out safety measures including good house-keeping.
13.5.3 RAvvWA.TER
, The problem will mainly relate to m quality of the raw water due to natural
causes and by inadvertent pollution
In the case of a river source, a of the catchment area should be
underta.ken at regular intervals at significant points where pollution
is likely to take place. The will reveal the degree and nature of
pollution and thus help in measures to check or control the pollution.
If the fluctuations in quality arc should be undertaken at shorter. intervals.
Turbidity is not: a special problem as of the coagulant is adjusted on a daily
routine. On the other hand a sudden rise in chlorides content wil.1 indicate pollution most
probably due to sewage. In such cases, more confirmatory test should be undertaken such as
fin nitrogen in its various forms, dissolved oxygen, oxygen absorbed and chlorine demand to
help the operator to decide whether pollution has taken place and to fix the dose of
prechlorination needed.
In the case of a lake as a source the periodical biological and physical examination of the
samples will indicate if there is any need for control of algae which may lead to taste and
odour problems or dogging of filters. Samples taken at different depths in the lake will
indicate the level at which water should be drawn to get the best quality of the water.
Float sump should be periodically deaned 10 sec that silt does not accumulate which may
affect the proper functioning of the float. and pen recorders should be stocked
adequately. Annual or more frequent these devices is necessary. Annual
servicing and checking of the instruments is irnn.vq·•;,
Alum preparation tank is to by anti-corrosive paint. V-·notch weirs
and floats and floating arrangements be deaned daily. Enough span~s for the mixing
device in the chemical preparation should be stocked. Setting of the V-notch should be
checked periodically,
Sometimes, if the alum dosing equipment is not in order, the alum slabs are just dumped
in the raw water channel. This is bad practice and should not be adopted as it will mean
wastage of alum and imprope dosing alum. Alum should made into a solution and
dispensed until the dosing equipment is rectified. The optimum dosing of alum and
coagulant aids should on a proper and detailed laboratory study including J ar Test.
The chemical feeding rate should be controlled, depending upon the needs from time to
13.5.6 RA.PIO 1\1IXER
Adequate spares should be kept ready in stock for timely replacement when necessary.
Life of the equipment could prolonged by periodical painting with anticorrosive paints.
Slow Mixer should be operated continuously for avoiding sludge build-up. Ail equip-
ment should be painted with anti-corrosive paints every year. Mechanical devices should he
properly lubricated and worn out parts replaced. In non-mechanical type of floccularors like
baffle and tangential flow tanks, desludging atleast once in six months is necessary.
Annual overhauling and repainting of the unit should done a month or two prior to
Sludge lines should be kept free of chokages. The lines should be flushed with high
pressun:~ water if chokages are noticed. The telescopic sludge discharge device, when
provided, should be checked for free vertical movement and O"·rillt,)S replaced when leaky.
The traction wheels should be checked for ahgrnnent and rubber wheels replaced, if
The unit should be worked continuously to protect the mechanical parts from ill -effecrs
of corrosion, malfunctioning etc., as well as problems from sludge build-up. Outlet weirs
should be kept deaned at all times. Algicide or bleaching powder rnay used for controlling
biological growth on weirs.
'The important features in the operation of a clarifier are:
(a) The introduction of water into the tank with a minimum turbulence;
(b) The prevention of short-circuiting between inlet and outlet; and
(c) The removal of the effluent with the minimum of disturbance to avoid settled
material being carried out of the tank
Very often, a basin which is not functioning properly can be modified by making changes
to the inlet and outlet devices by installing stilling baffles so as to improve any or all of the
important features mentioned above. Algal grmvth, if any, should be controlled.
TI1e common problems encountered are:
H me f gai..<ge;; fre<1t11::~ntly get our of order. The operator
st.1-:>t)d cc_,nvt:rs·-un with should u:. handle rmnor
"-.I.,.. c v ···'•""
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c.h.ec•.;c;.! ·vht-'lever d!;';SH.'h.1 by du~ing, th; inlet \a!VT :1n~\ 0l.scrving tJ,f: \:ti1e d1.1tint::; '..,·h ch the
J~:\ d 01 \i/Z1Lr in the filtu: f;.d]s by a 1n.(·:~:;;urcd d.is.t::..nee.
the , -ther tube to the filt<:£ structure abo ·'C. 1' - ·c s,wd l'IK n:htiv ..'. de\ :11·\(;n c·i tl.e 1
l\lfediat on
.xpans1on of sand e
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rn- niewa ' lJ.<tS t<:.' be . r-epierns11eu.
t . t. ! 1"'
ne rnur. bed' sJ·i,,lti' ' lJ 'ut.· ra.r~en.! . l" . '
out. i>.f\d. <1J.cmon~.1..t s
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nii> cd h ..· c: the c"C(iUtn:·d cffrcnve size ;..ind ·u.nifr·rnn1.;: c1:ieffk:-.i;:nt B,:fore sl.;:fftrng the filtc:1,
the ;;,,n;, L<t'• to bf bac t:• strntd".:
bed b'. ·:.s ti·) Jn ctn. 'Then' are ..::h·,~Y·•;.:; of air :)ein2 released![ back v.ra·.;h '·'· •..:.11n:.:• l •.>1..11' 1-.•• 1
1111 di•·,ct
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- '
b m•l!ng . ! l'u 1•. ,.'.'! tri>!'.~rt~rs :ns1c:;1u' CH,. nonaa.J ' 2 nle\crs. '"1 rw,.
per:-,1::,ts, l1055 oi,. nea.us n1ay !.oc lm:1neCl > '
-.vil\ di.scourn.ge <iir bmdin.g and \Vtll en~ure re:'l.sonahle kngth of fltcr runs.
· J'""(·Jl1l,.·,·r1"
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ct:;ated with material iJi;u i:• difficult' l.(' n '.11ovc bv ni:mnaJ 'T'be
washing the filter oc:casionally with ~,od1urr; hydroxide Cl U kg! of bed) or bkachinr:!.~ ~ '
•:c)lids a! , points, in turn, mt·en,,\fi<:> rhc forces cutrq'l·,Ktin~~ . the vand until a dense ~~,
uncou-il~ d\:i~nhunun ol: the wasb -:i. .ster This can be overcome bv,, the use of ha.rid rake or bv
can:h ,.., ,i_ rent ma; lead !:ri "bumping" or "11 nf the
\Vht:i1 5\Vtic on a. minute tn dislodge the sand bed and
r('•:up·irncnding fihr;:uion without gomg through the full backwash cycle i:, adopted. This
pr~i.Z't1ce should he discouraged as the fifrratc qualiry deteriorates considerably.
~ ''("\''0'll'.
.1,~.("")11,,, ,.•!·:,,.l1
'\. .•... c...,\t.\ .~·tt;~.,. :r mud
water ~ \..
..._,,,,, ball
soi·tJJ't"\(•·i~I C'r
l jJ. . i~formation ..·ph••
•«•~« t"" \,·.l.. . ~,
~ be'°'
cnnsider; ..bly reduced Surf;Ke wash or surface raking, or shovelling at intervals helps reduce
mud b.:ti1 formation. Also compressed air scouring dunng backwash for periods three ur
, in-tcad
........ ..,_ of 1. to 7 rrunutes
...... ·~ '1. '· · 1•1
?\ -~ i .f'·''1'j,\'' .
1.:l" decreases mud b,,JI
.. '" ..,..,_...,~ \'TJ'.,,
.a,.. _~ " .
,,i,.. • n tr
.._ .}. ;!·1'r . in
~--· ..,__ •~ ~ . q .... \., ,., -.... l .i. ,,\... 1.i . , ~.
caused \\
i!h' cb~'proportiuxrnid) discharges of wash water rush t »xards
rh! sand an. 1 (l;~,pl.-,i.cing tlt{" gr;,veJ. Thi situation is encountered mostly due to the
punt d;;tributiun of wash- water fr0rn the uruler.Irair-.
(i) Slime Crctoths
'k'h•h ,Jitne growth<:i are noticed on filters, bed rs cleared in normal the
wakr c t·r.:d to the common 1-; distributed the sand
rhc ~,u1 u! the .rn,,d. 7 kg/m;: of filter area, after which the wash water valve is
opened \.ilrnl -vaier n-~cs about 1 S cm. above rhe sand level. 1 he water is allowed to remain
for 2 hc,tirs tu dissolve the salt and then lowered to the bed level to be retained for 24 hours
arre-r i·
wrucn .... i ·1
it ts U10rQughiy bkac rwasnec
. I' De foiT p1acmg
1. .
inro .
service. !,..l' !:nis l
r.: procc(,urc !
rVil. nro.luce effective '' results, it mav be necessarv to replace the media.
i . •
Backwashing of filters should not be based on arbitrarily fixed time schedules but the
frequency should be in accordance with the filtrate quality and head loss measurement.
Duration should be dependent upon the turbidity of the wasted water. SLOW SAND FH.TERS
The inlet float valve should periodically checked with a view to maintain the desired
level in the bed.
'The outlet weir arrangement should be checked periodically with a view to ensure the
design rate of filtration, Where there is telescopic arrangement, it should be functioning
smoothly and without drawing in water through the sides. \Vhere manual adjustment is to be
done with increasing filter heads, this should be done at specified intervals.
The filter head indicator should always be kept in working condition. When a filter is
clogged, most of the head loss is restricted to the top layer of sand and if the filter head
exceeds 1 rn, pressures below atmospheric can occur in sand gravel and in the under drains,
leading to air binding or dissolved air corning out of solution. Occurrence of negative head
can be avoided by placing the of the outlet weir in level with the top of the sand bed.
! t is most important to avoid rapid fluctuations in filtering rates. Cleaned or res anded
filters should be brought up gradually to the maximum filtering rate and maintained as far as
possible at a constant rate until the head reaches the maximum of Im when the bed should
be taken up for deaning.
no account the filter bed be allowed to get reduced by disturbing the top of the sand
as this impair. the bacterial · of the filter.
The chlorine demand of filtered water is to be satisfied and a free chlorine residual
maintained to make it completely safe. Hence the operator should be careful in administering
calculated doses accurately.
Bubbling the chlorine gas through the filtered water stored in the dear water reservoir by
dippmg rubber rubes connected to chlorine cylinder must be avoided. Chlorine application
should done through a · only, The chlorinator should be maintained properly.
If the is out of order, the same should be repaired and recommissioned.
A complete understanding of the principles of operation of chlorine gas feeders and
familiarity with tests for pinpointing leakages arc essential Low capacity units requite
frequent deaning of the rotameter and rate setter. Large capacity chlormators must have
vaporisers. The gas piping and feeders should be completely dismantled every one or two
years to dean out accumulated impurities.
. urA·rr:u1
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r......·-~; &\ ~ .~'\..r.~
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....J.tl~~·'-' v. ..l'\
guard :against mosquito breeding and bird droppings. Cleaning of the sump and reservoir
should be done regularly. Level recorder should be kept in working order at aJJ times.
The total capacity of dear water reservoirs should be adequate for storage of treated
water, especially during low supply periods ·
when reservoirs become . Instances
are reported, where water the filters backed up into the inspecting galleries, thus
reducing the rate of filtration. The remedy lies in having additional dear water reservoir in
the plant, or arrangement for the final water to be automatically pumped to the balancing
reservoirs in the town.
The quality of the water before distribution may be controlled by adjusting the calcium
carbonate balance in the water to safeguard against corrosion or excessive scale formation in
pipes. The periodical analysis of the water can also indicate if there is any biological growth
in the main and if any further chlorination ts needed to check it. 'The samples of water
collected from several points should be examined residual chlorine and other
chemical and bacteriological parameters.
\1'/hen flow gets reduced, it may not be desirable to cut out certain units but it is
preferable to operate all the units with reduced flow conditions. In case, the
flow-through condition in several units be periodically studied using appropriate
tracers. This will help to locate if there is any short circuiting so that corrective measures can
be adopted.
The flow conditions in open channels should be examined periodically to avoid
obstructions and heading up which will affect the unit process especially the efficiency of the
clarification units.
Aerators are required to be maintained m a dean condition. so that maximum water
surface and agitation are provided,
Slime and algae growth on the surface would require deaning and periodic treatment with
copper sulphate with or without lime to kin growth. The porous plates or tubes used. with
diffusion areators rnay become partly dogged either from dust in the compressed air or from
the collection of sediment on the outside surfaces. \V11en areators are shutdown> appropriate
deaning with detergents or acid and brush should be attempted. C1oggging of diffuser plates
could be minimised by (i) maintaining air filters in operation; (ii) not
over-lubricating air cor:npressors and blowers, (iii) maintaining air pressure on diffusers,
when cotnpressors are shut down.
Important aspects to be considered during maintenance are:
(i) uf inflows & outflows : \X/henever measuring devices. are provided, it
discharge at inlets and outlets fairly tally. It should be seen that
and are in proper working order.
: i\.H structural damages and leakages should be promptly
periodical cleaninz
the reservoirs atleast once in a vear should
supply pomr
through valves pipelines
distribution system should have powers to inspect any household for water supply to know
as from where that household is taking water.
The entire distribution system could be divided into sub-zones served preferably from
one elevated service reservoir. The maintenance and operation of each zone of distribution
system should be entrusted to atleast a junior engineer who should be made the authorised
official of the controlling authority to receive and deal with the complaints. Appropriate
registers should be maintained by him to record the complaints and to note in it the
follow-up action till the complaint is redressed. the complaint is such that it cannot be
dealt with at his level, he should at once refer the matter to higher authorities under
intimation to the complainant. Frequent vigilance checks in the areas having maximum
complaints should be made a part of the duty of the supervisory staff
1 t is preferable to have meters provided by the water works controlling agency after
charging appropriate monthly rentals to the consumer. This enables effective control over
defective meters. Meter repair workshops should be established to attend to repairs of
meters promptly. Surface boxes and chamber covers of valves should be frequently inspected
and kept in proper condition. Billing for an out of order meter for more than three times
consecutively should be avoided. All attempts should be made to repair/replace out of order
meters once these are detected.
Sufficient stock of meters and spares should he available at hand to keep almost every
meter in the field in working order.
Comprehensive water rules should be framed to make the maintenance operation most
The consumers should be made aware of difficulties and shortcomings in the
maintenance and operation of water supply system. Adequate publicity and public relations
are required to be developed for this purpose.
For a waterworks industry, ensuring an appropriate quality of water to the consumer is its
primary responsibility. Quality control is, therefore, required at every step in the water supply
process. The physical, chemical and bacteriological tests of water samples need to be carried
out at as frequent intervals as required. Reference may be made to Chapter 15 for more
details, The results of these tests should be studied and remedial measures taken promptly as
and when required.
These tests are usually needed at:
(i) Source-to determine the raw water quality;
(ii) Treatment Plants-to determine whether the treatment is in conformity with
raw-water quality; and
(iii) Distribution system-to determine whether adequate residual chlorine is present in
the water supply to consumers,
2962 UA&Ef97-33A
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The folloviing measures are applicable m taste and odour control:
(a) Routine examination of samples of raw, settled and filtered water and samples
from distribution svstern for taste & odour;.
(b) Periodic Treatment with copper sulphate and by chlorine;
Routine maintenance by flushing distribution system, especially at hydrants served
by dead-end mains; and
(d) Maintenance of records of consumers' complaints and corrective action taken so
that it can serve as ,_guide for future .
1 ~...:. .,\t>'11. .i.Jl n
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Jr"l'1\.l. ·c"'E•R"-T
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2962 UA&E/97-338
In India, 'Community Water Supply Systems' are normally managed by local bodies. In a
few specific cases these arc managed by State Government Departments, where the system is
supplying water to more than two local body areas, the bulk supply component of the system
is some times managed by statutory \Vater Supply Boards set up by State Governments. This
service facility falls under the water supply and sanitation sector. The development of this
sector is assisted at three levels.
Broad policies on sector development of water supply system in urban and rural areas are
formulated and circulated to State Governments and Union Territories as guide lines.
Technical manuals are drafted and published for use by the Water Works Industry. General
progres!=. in providing these services in the urban and rural areas is monitored. External or
G.O.L assistance as required to needy areas is offered for capital investment and
implementation of water supply schemes. Certain in service training pmgrammcs for the
employees of the Water Works Industry in the states are sponsored. Financial assistance for
specific inservice training programmes of the states is offered.
The State Governments offer to assist the local bodies in planning and implementation of
water supply schemes of individual or a group of local bodies, Financial assistance is also
given for these local body schemes in the form of Grant-In-Aid (GIA) and loan etc. for
capital investment. In certain special circumstances, the State Governments assist the local
bodies in operating and maintaining their water supply schemes wholly or upto bulk supply
level through its own departments or through the statutory ~ards of the state governments.
Trained engineers and skilled workmen are sometimes deputed to local bodies on request, to
plan, implement and operate the water supply systems, The state governments monitor
general progress of water supply schemes of local bodies in respect of planning,
implementation, operation and maintenance.
It is the obligatory responsibility of every local body (municipality, village panchayat etc)
to provide potable water supply to the residents of the area under their respective
jurisdictions. Depending upon financial status of each local body, the State/ Central
Governments come to the help of these local bodies to meet a part/whole of their capital
investment cost on water supply augmentation/improvement schemes in the form of GI A,
and/ or loan. 111e expenditure on annual operation and maintenance of these schemes has,
however, to be met by the local body out of its own revenue to be generated from water
charges and water. tax. As per the respective acts of local bodies, they have been empowered
to levy and recover water charges and tax from the consumer to whom water facility is
·•T.c•rt by the local body.
load of water works or a group of water works controlled by one local body/ agency is higher
than that justified for one Division, then additional divisions together with apex supervisory
units such as a Superintending Engineer's Unit/Chief Engineer's Unit, etc. could be
established. These Engineering Units would be administratively controlled by the head of
engineering: department and/or the elected local bodies of town or their
0)) \Vi1erever found necessary and in the interest of work powers could be
delegated to subordinates.
(c) 1 he organisation could be flexible in order to enable it to respond to chaneiring
work load and work conditions.
(d) Organisation manual and charts could be developed containing (i) Role of
Organisation, (ii) job descriptions, (iii) Statements; etc.
(e) O&iv1 schedules could be prepared assigning works to individuals.
(f) \Vorks could be checked to see that these are being done as required/ expected.
(g) 0 & M manual could be developed to include (i) Description of system. (ii)
System operation, (iii) Special items to be considered, (iv) Lubrication and
maintenance, and (v) Repairs etc.
(h) Office operations include answering telephone calls, handling correspondence,
records, typing letters Zstatemeuts, standardising work forms for transmission of
information etc.
(i) Compilation of statistical information: The task would include (i) Quantity of
water pumped/ gravitated into system, (iD Quantity of water billed/ sold to
consumers, (ii.D Consumer patterns, (iv) Rate of increase in the number of
consumers, (v) System losses, (vi) System maps including location of
connections, (vii) Delivery capacity of the system at different stages, (viii)
Relation of supply to demand in a tabular or charted form.
(j) Number and nature of complaints received
For optimum output from each of the operating staff certain modem business principles
could be introduced such as:
(a) Unity of Command - Each worker should report to only one person incharge.
One person incharge may not have more than 8 to 10 person for direct control.
\b) Each worker must have a dear understanding as to the expectations of the job
from hint by the supervisory units.
(c) The worker should be given the relevant extract of the operating manual.
(d) Regular work forms should be maintained by each worker and submitted to
controlling person incharge,
(e) Service records of each worker should be kept uptodate by supervisory section
and ail dues paid to him on time.
(f) All possible service facilities should be provided to the operating staff so that he
can devote his full attention to work entrusted to him.
(f0 Personal grievances of workers should be attended to promptly.
The personnel administration can be classified into four categories, namely:
(a) Describing and classifying work by developing job descriptions, est.i.b1ish1.ng
qualifications and goals for each position and developing wage and salary structure.
Recruiting and selecting employees by evaluation.
(c) Evaluating the work of the employee hy a system of evaluation norms such ~:i.s con-
fidential reports etc. The tasks should be identified and achievements mentioned
against each task. General assessment made on these basis and report prepared.
The evaluation may refer to (i) Kno- ..vledge, (ii) Punctuality, (iii) Quality of work,
(iv) Dependability, (v) Initiative, and (vi) Tolerance of criticism.
(d) Inservicc training of employee (described separately hereafter).
Inventory control is the proc(;ss of m.anaging supplies required for day-to-day 0&1\1 of
water works. ! t in volvcs (a) deciding what supplies to be stocked, (b) keeping a record of
supplies and their locations, and (c) accounting for all receipts and issues of supplies.
Many of the water works failures require spare parts or supplies available instantly to put
the system back in working condition. These supplies haw' got to be ready at hand P1r.y time
the failure occurs and repairs are to be carried out. Materials of stock would pertain to items
which h~ve frequent usage and items of emergency repairs.
Inventory control cards are vital documents to serve the purpose of accountability and
stock demand by n:f!ect1Gg usage pattern, They enable stock control and record purchasing
mforrnati. in.
inventory control would include tools required for O& M of the system, although new
purchases for these may not be as frequent as for stock materials for repairs and
replacement. Requirements have to be checked at intervals.
Accounting is the process of recording and summarising business transactions that affect
the financial status cf the 0 & M oganisation of the water works. It is an important tool for
monitoring revenue and expenditure activities and for interpreting the financial results of the
Budgeting is the art of interpreting the goal of 0 & M organisation in meaningful
monetary terms. It should be used to control the financial activities of the organisation.
Accounting system would involve the following functions.
(a) A basic chart of accounts for the organisation.
(b) Accounting reports such as income and expenditure statements, balance sheets,
cash flow statements and debt servicing, etc.
(c) Annual 0 & M budget,
(d) A frequent review say quarterly, of income analysis from customer class is
This would enable the supervisory urnt and the authorities of the water works to decide at
what level, a review of water tax structure is called for. It would also review ways and means
of effecting recovery of outstanding dues from consumers. Leg-al powers of the authorities to
effect full arrears recovery from consumers may have also to be examined periodically and
enhanced if required by legislation. i\ review of expenditure pattern on the basis of revenue
realised could also be simultaneously done,
It would be desirable to keep financial records of the system to include:
(a) Updated valuation of the system.
(b) Depreciation.
(c) Operating expenses.
(d) Investments in new capital improvements.
(e) Long term debts, their servicing,
(f) Appropriate schedules of water rates.
Development and implementation of appropriate water rates would go a long way tn
helping to generate adequate annual revenues of the water works.
The object of well founded short term in-service training for the employees of water
works undertaking is:
(a) To improve group level of operational efficiency.
(b) To acquaint the gtcmp with the new developments.
(c) To develop amongst the members the group a better understanding of human
relations and concept of their individual responsibility to the community.
(d) To bring about and increase community awareness of water works operation.
The training could include:
(a) Orientation courses to describe duties and responsibilities of individuals in the
(b) Providing an employee with a handbook.
(c) On the job training to work with experienced employee for some time.
(d) \v'ork shops, short courses and seminars on concerned subjects.
The subjects to be included in. the training could be :
(a) How to perform a number of specific jobs well.
(1)) Lectures on practical aspects of subjects covered under O&M of water works,
(c) Laboratory control tests.
(d) Physical, chemical and bacteriological examination of water and interpretation of
(e) Disinfection.
(£) Design of component works of scheme.
(g) Supervisory control.
(h) Systems management and Administration.
(i) Accounting, budgeting and financial management
Each one of the supervisory and operating staff on the water works should be
subjected to appropriate training course depending upon work to be handled by him
atleast once in three to five years of his service period.
One of the important functions of a water works management is to develop technical and
financial plans for future expansion of the water works, For this purpose, the management
should review periodically, present adequacy and future requirements. Some of the aspects to
be reviewed could be:
(a) Analyze the ability of the system to deliver water of acceptable quality, adequate
quantity and under sufficient pressut·e at times of max. demand.
(b) Forecast future requirements, determine the areas and population to be served and
the future likely consumption.
(c) Co-ordinating construction and financing.
I t is much better to keep up and improve the system through small construction
programmes undertaken yearly than to allow deficiencies to accumulate. The yearly
improvement should be planned to fit in with the prospective objectives and requirements.
(d) The planning for future expansions require knowledge of original designs and basis
for present water system.
'There is no harm for the local bodies in soliciting assistance from external agencies such
as Governments and consultants for development of future plans and implementation
prof_::i;rarnmes as required.
15.l GENERAl.
Laboratories with adequate facilities and manned hy qualified personnel are essential for
inspection and evaluation of the suitability of water supplies for public use as well as for
controlling the water treatment pmcc(,ses. ultimate aim of laboratory examination of
water is to ensure that potable water conforming to the drinking water standards is supplied
to the consumers.
Tests carried out in the laboratory are intended to assess the quality and classify the raw
water to be treated; to determine the need and extent of treatment; to check that water has
been properly prepared for each phase of treatment process; to ensure that each phase of
treatment proceeds according to plan and to examine the finished water to ascertain that it
conforms to the standard. Other objectives that could be served by a regular testing
progt'arnn1e include: (i) determination of trends in drinking water quality over rime, (ii)
provision of information to public: health , for genei:al public health protection
purpose and (iii) identification of sources of contamination,
'IlH; laboratory {:}.. arnination comprises of physical, chemical, bacteriological and
biological analyses.
Physical analysis determines the aesthetic quality and assess the performa!1ce of various
treatment units.
Chemical analysis determines concentrations of chemical substances which may affect the
quality of water and be indicative of pollution and which reflect variations due to treatment -
a requirement for control of water treatment processes.
laboratory analysis and test depends upon the method of sampling.
to precautions in securing a representative sample may result in an
analysis is use since it may unnecessarily condemn a good water supply or
more frequently it may bad water as satisfactory. Physical, chemical and
bacteriological are for drinking water, while physical analysis may be
adequate industrial waters in food or beverage industries, Biological analysis
will be required for limnological work or where taste and odour problems are encountered.
AH samples of water should be properly labelled and should be accompanied by complete
and accurate identifying and descriptive data, Data should include date and time of
collection, type of source of the sample and temperature of water at the. time of collection.
When samples are being collected from the same sampling point for different analysis, it is
essential that the sample for bacteriological examinations be taken first. The particul ars to
supplied with the sample are enumerated in the Appendixes tS,2, 15. 3, 15.4, 15. S, 15. 6 and
For transport, bottles may be packed in wooden, metal, plastic or heavy fibreboard cases,
with a separate compartment for each bottle. Boxes may be lined with corrugated fibre
paper, felt or other resilient material or may be provided with spring-loaded corner strip to
prevent breakage. Polythene bottles do not need such elaborate care.
Certain parameters like temperature, pli dissolved gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulphide, chlorine and oxygen may change significantly during transport. For this reason,
determinations of pH, carbon dioxide, ferrous iron, dissolved oxygen and chlorine should be
carried out on the spot. Hydrogen sulphide can be preserved by fixing it with zinc acetate
until the sample is ready for analysis.
Hot samples collected under pressure should be cooled while under pressure. Sample
from wells should be collected only after the well has been pumped for a sufficient time to
ensure that the sample wiU be representative of the ground water. Dechlorination
Dechlorination is necessary for chlorinated water samples. For this, sodium thiosulphate
should be added to the dean, dry sampling bottles before sterilization in an amount to
provide an approximate concentration of 100 mg/l in the sample. This can be done by
adding 0.2 ml of 10~/o thiosulphate solution to a 250 ml bottle and the bottle is then
the tap from where the sample is collected is supplying water from a service pipe directly
connected with the main or with a cistern or a storage tank. This information should be sent
along with sample.
When the sample is to be collected directly from a stream, river, lake, reservoir, spring or
a shallow well, it should be representative of the water that will be taken for treatment
Hence, a sample should not be taken from a point which is too near the bank or too far from
the point of draw-off or at a depth above or below the point of draw-off. Areas of relative
stagnation in a stream should be avoided.
Sample from a river. stream, lake, or. a reservoir can often be taken by holding the bottle
in the hand near its base and plunging its neck downward, below the surface. The bottle
should then be turned until the neck points slightly upward, the mouth being directed against
the current. If no current exists, as in a reservoir, a current should be artificially created by
pushing the bottle horizontally forward in a direction away from the hand. If it is not
possible to collect samples from this situation, in this way, a weight may be attached to the
base of the bottle which can then be lowered into the water. In any case, damage to the bank
must be guarded against, as otherwise fouling of the water can occur. Special apparatus
which permits mechanical removal of the stopper of the bottle below the surface is required
to collect samples from the depths of a lake or a reservoir. If the sample is to be taken from
a. well; fitted with a hand-pump, water should be. pumped to waste for four to five minutes
before the sample is collected. If the well is fitted with a mechanical pump, the sample
should be collected from a tap on the discharge end. If there is no pumping machinery, the
sample can be collected directly from the well by means of a sterilized bottle attached with a
weight at the base. Jn this case, care should be taken to avoid contamination of the sample
bv" any.,. surface scum. \X/hen;: it is not possible to collect the samole
directly" into the bottles as
for example where there is a high bank, the sample may be obtained by means of suitable
metal jug. The jug is sterilized by pouring into it .3 to 5 ml of methylated spirit and tilting the
jug in such a way that the spirit comes in contact with the entire inn et surface of the jug and
igniting. The jug should be lowered to the required depth and then drawn up and down two
or three times before it is brought to the surface. l t should be rinsed out atleast twice before
the sample is taken. Should the jug come in contact with the bottom or skid along the
surface so that it may have collected the surface film, the sample should be discarded, the jug
resterilized and another sample drawn. The water from the jug should be poured into the
bottle and the glass stopper of the bottle he replaced, care being taken to avoid the cover
being caught between the stopper and the neck of the bottle.
The volume of the sample should be sufficient for carrying out all the tests required and
in no case, it should be less than 250 mL
15.3.25 Preservation And Storage
\\!,uer samples should be examined immediately after collection. However, this is seldom
practical and hence it is recommended that the samples should be preferably analyzed within
one hour after collection and in no case this time should exceed 24 hours. During transit, the
temperature of the sample should be maintained as dose as possible to that of the source of
the sample, at the time of sampling. The time and temperature of storage of all samples
should be recorded since they will be considered in the interpretation of the laboratory
results. If they can not he analyzed within 24 hours, the samples must be preserved in ice
until analysis. No sample is fir for bacteriological analysis after 72 hours,
The samples should be taken from the different points on each occasion to enable overall
In the event of an epidemic or immediate danger of pollution, it should be borne in mind
that much more frequent bacteriological examination will be required than the recommended
minimum frequencies for routine bacteriological examination.
For biological examinations, where seasonal growth of plankton are known to be a
regular occurrence, samples may need to be taken at weekly or even shorter intervals, in
order to determine the type of treatment. During treatment operations, samples for
examination would need to be taken at short intervals, probably daily. W11en growth of
plankton is not anticipated, samples should be drawn on a monthly or less frequent basis.
Greater frequencies, determined by experience rnay be needed in tracing possible entrance of
pollution into water sources or more particularly into distribution systems.
TABLE 15.1
(b) Tests for efficacy of treatment, viz., chlorine demand, free and combined residual
chlorine, coagulant dosage.
(c) Tests for chemical parameters which are indicators of pollution such as total
nitrogen and nitrogen in various forms like ammonia, nitrite and nitrate,
phosphate, dissolved oxygen and BOD.
(d) Tests for toxic chemical substances arsenic, mercury, selenium, chromium,
cyanide, phenolics, pesticides and hydrocarbons and
(e) Test for radio-activity
/\ ccptipped laboratory i.;; a prerequisite for efficient analytical control. The size and
equipment of the laboratory depends more upon the nature of the processes lo be controlled
and ro a lesser extent on the sin· of the plant. The laboratory could be divided into several
units; viz. a physical and cnermcal laboratory, a bactenological laboratory, a l)iologKal
laboratory, a preparation room and a store. For a small plant, the various units could be
combined into one laboratory.
Category I is applicable to all State laboratories and for large water works with an output
greater than 7. S mld or serving a population larger than 100,0UO and dealing with polluted
surface water and practising c0agu.lation, filtration and post chlorination. Such laboratories
would be equipped for conducring complete chemical, b1i.cttri()logirnl biological tests. It
is expected thar such laboratories undertake simple problems, stream
and other 1m·cstig;Hions assist the smaller la borarories in their
VJCJnHv,• s1,arn:hrd solutions provichng guidance.
l l is applicablt 1() the w atcr \), (;rks 'l.\'Hh an out pul upto 7.5 mid or serving a
population 1 tH),000 and when the: '""''->it't is coagulated, filtered and chlorinated. The tests
laid down arc routine chemical and bacteriological examinations only. Thus> the
bactc·riolog1c1l procedure would consist (>l the presumptt\'e test for coilforrn organisms
followed by confirmation (m the case of fini5hcd waler only) by the use of liquid broth.
l solarions on solid media and differentrauon nf coli forms into fcacai and non feacal forms, if
is felr necessary, may be earned out bv :;c:nding samples ro a suitable with this
ar.1pl.icablc ro all
\S water works, mostly with treatment of
'H.oragc or t· fr)lln'.ved by ation. They should be cxiuipped for routine
ch tests included under: category l l. bactcric1log1cal examinations necessary may be
wHk:rt;1kc:n nearest ;1.va.iJal)lc large laboratory.
The CXfHC'',sion, parts pc·r million (ppm), still used to express chemical concentrations,
;:;he,n.tld be replaced by milligrams per litre (rng/i), which is much more appropriate, unless
there 1:-. a special need to use some other chemical concentration unit like 'millequivalenrs per
litre' (me/1) or microgram per litre (p./l). The expression me/I facilitates the summation of
several anions nr canons responsible fur· a particular iu water like
\/ { )1 UY'{).(, c in niiililitcr~; and temperatures in dci~i:ec (O\IC:). '!'he
' ~-,~
1 ()ta.! num f)\ micro organisrn,, ckv·d, on solid media should be given in significant
water, the medium, tinJc' and temperature of incubation being stated. The
number of coliform orgarnsms and other indicative of pollution should be
expressed in terms of "Most Probable Number" (1\{PN) per 100 ml. or as a determined
number obtained by direct plating !n biolot_~cai examinations, the concentration
of organisms per ml of sample is expressed in many instances as a simple numerical count.
Occasionally the results are expressed in rng/l , but more usually in terms of area standard
units or volumetric standard units.
Reporting analytical results of a particular examination should include the proper use of
significant digits and the expression of confidence limits, where appropriate.
The working benches should be of suitable height (o, 75 to 1 m) with acid resistant tops.
Adequate gas, electric power and water points must be provided along the benches and
services for gas, electricity and water can be fitted against the walls, under the bench work, as
much cupboard space as possible should be built-in, finishing flush to the bench work,
providing unobstructed floor space throughout. should be ample sinks and drain lines.
The analytical work in the laboratory · · · of ample window space and
fluorescent artificial lighting .. /\. minimum rn2 is required for category l
laboratories, a minimum of 50 rn2 being categories.
15.6.3 EQU[Pl'vJENT
The equipment in the laboratory must be adequate to permit proper analytical laboratory
control of purification processes Careful planning is necessary while equipping the
laboratory to effect proper utilization of the equipment Proper maintenance of equipment
and storage of chemicals must be in the hands of responsible analysts. A needbased planning
to acquire consumable materials like glassware, chemicals and reagent is in general more
important than the procurement of various special equipments. Calibrated instruments
should frequently be checked using standards.
A continuing programme of examination of water and controlling its quality to determine
its conformity with established water quality standards calls for propet' maintenance of
accurate and complete records. These records are essential for a review of the working of
plant and also for adequate and intelligent operation of water works processes and for
laboratory activities.
All derails of actual specific determinations, weights and calculations
should be recorded. These information f course, remain as laboratory records and
only the final result should be reported. This laboratory data available at any time
for review any important factor when unusual are callee! to attention.
Depending upon the specific needs of the laboratory forms and cards could be: designed
spaces Ior cnterinaL the data and
calculations. Monthlv" rep.ort:s mav" be in single
sheets and annual reports may be furnished in two sheets grouping physical and chemical
data on one sheet and bacteriological and biological data on the other.
Representation data collected over a period of time by means of charts and graphs
makes it an easy and use fol study for the staff and visitors.
Laboratory personnel must be qualified and suitably tn"l;ined in laboratory control. \X/ater
analysts with sufficient experience in treatments and quality control may be kept in charge of
the laboratory.
The minimum staff required for water works laboratories is given in Appendix 15.1. The
recommended minimum staff required fr)r water works laboratories for groundwater source
is presented in Appendices 13, 6 and '!:), 7
o p~r·
,, .. · ~ "~. . AL:D IGNOF
The unit processes in conventional water treatment include coagulation flocculation,
gravity separation, sand filti:ation and disinfection. 'The individual units in the treatment train
are usually designed on the norms recommended in the Manual. These design, when
implemented, may give satisfactory level of performance but not necessarily be optimal, both
functionally and costwise, The performance of each treatment unit affects the efficiency of
the subsequent units. However, decisions are often made with no regard to the interacting
nature of various unit' operations and treatment systems are designed on individuai
unit basis. "This is largely due to the non-availability of appropriate Operations h (CJH)
tools for total system analysis to enable development of designs which will produce potable
water of specified quality at minimum cost 'TI1is chapter presents an approach to the
computer aided functional and cost of water treatment systems.
16.2.1 CONCEPT
A conventional water treatment sysrern shown schematically in Fig. ·16.1 C1.vours
application of Dynamic Programming (DP) for minimal cost design and it is a technique
useful in solving sequential decision problems, each decision influencing the subsequent
decision (s). 'The main advantage of dynamic programming is the reduction of efforts
reqtiif~d to find optimum. Dynamic Programming is a · procedure from cornputanonal
point of view, and one which can treat non-convex non-linear, discontinuous · and
constraint functions. Since it is an iterative procedure, a relatively small number ~)f computer
instructions is required. Further constraints imposed on system reduce the. number of
feasible solutions therefore time to establish the optimal policy. Other
advantages of DP are with respect to availability of feasible solutions with costs and hence
selection of most acceptable optimal solution based on site conditions.
Dynamic Programming can genernUy be applied to any system with multi-decision
problems. The system is broken into stages. stages be unit proct~sses with inter
relationships and each stage having only a few variables. In such an analysis, stage is
characterized in terms of four factors as depicted in Fig. ·t6.2,
1. input state 1Sn' which depends on decisions made in the previous stages
and/ot on fixed external conditions.
\\later treatment system can be considered as a multistage process with stages represented
by various unit processes, viz. coagulation· Ilocculauon, sedimentation, and rapid gravity
filtration; and states represented by the levels of' water (tuallty pararneters like turbidity or
suspended solids. The decision variables would the cksign panuncters dcpencting on the
~ e of unit o
. rocess,
1 i.e. staac.
~.} The information flow diazram
l,'1 showing the secuence of c., .,
stages; input, decision and output variables for each stagt: and the stage ret1.H11 for each
input-decision combination 1s shown m r:ig. l G.3. The range of design variables, for
conventional treatment units) as the earlier chapters of rhe Manual arc
given in Table 16. l .
.... lt..• to ootimize
f· .:u
:L. ,~.it •1~
,,_ svstern
.. a...,_,~).,'!~-,
., 1·"
, ......
!.. .. ~l.1. \., t. <--!....· ! methodicallv
!t·)0i)·t·, ... ,Jlv an .1
_"),,,,J'..l..tty ,., ,i,(
:i.,l~ ....)1"(\i
__ •t:rl, knowledge
~ti.. .. ,,J"--''··~.. ,:."'·
11.!.1.... .(.. lr t:1.,"'
_.J ,,It"\.,
. .,,;i. ... /,, (-1. ,·i..~°t:Jlt .... i.
major variables of all the unit processes and their influence on performance and cost of the
subsequent units is necessary. Further, information on the process models relating the design
variables to the behaviour of the svsterns , and cost models for the individual treatment units
is essential. These enable the formulation of an objective function and constraints enabling
solution of optimization problems through Dynamic Progrn:rnmmg.
The rapid mix unit is an an adjunct re the floccularor and hence is not modelled
separately for its functionality and should be dc';igncd as per the norms recommended in tne
Manual. 1 ts performance is expected to be satisfactory when the appropriate coagulant dose
is applied.
TABLE 16.1
St No. System Component Design Variable Range
........... ................................. _." . "'" """""""""""""''""""'""'
I Rapid Mix Unit V clocirv Gradient i
JOlJ to 9UU Sec
Detention Time 2(1 to 60 Sec
8 .._ ib'
In the derivation of the above relationship, it is assumed that the velocity gradient is
uniform and constant in the flocculation unit.
The currently accepted criteria for design of slow mix unit are based on the concept that
performance is a function of "Gs" and "Ts" which are independent and hence their
dimensionless . 'l's" is regarded as most significant parameter. The value of
(. .,.ls . T s m
. t }1e range ·2' to 4· X 1('.)4 h. as oeen
For floe particles of size larger than 1 nun, the Reynold's number 1 and the
Stoke's law is not applicable. In such cases and for Reynold's number upto 50, the settling
velocity can be estimated using Hazen's Equation:
vs :;:;. .~g-0.8
-l 0 (s. s 1 )0.s
. t14
.:~-,. . -·
r !/
1-- -'n
=»,. _ :;. .;:
SS-, S:S\ 1
i -- i + n
1 ?ci~7) I I (16. 7)
l. \,/A)_]
The Iiltration rime 't' in hours is equated to the degrees of freedom 'v', i . e. 'l hr > 1 degree
of freedom.
The variables such as filtration rate) diameter of sand grain and the filter run time are
grouped into a single term 'G' as under:
C'• .I = ') 725 F
t . ~ r
0.2<> d 0.62 t (16.9)
.. ~'. filtration rate, m/hr
d 0.' 5 (l''t;;')
::,.J l, l + T,.;'C)
. , mm
t filter run time, hrs.
Similarly the variables headless at time 't', sand size, filtration rate and the filter influent
· concentration
suspension · Irave i.oeen
grnupe<11 in
• · 1
to a smg1e term 'R'
·· :
R = 4.55d251~. (l 6.10)
I-1 increase in headless at the end of 'f, m
SS1 influent suspension concentration, mg/1
From the above two !-:;roup terms, the performance prediction models developed as
. [_(13.3L(
I = -3.250 + l.Ol3log ---.--- ] - 0.036 ['log-----·-······ ]2
G . .
From the vak'1e of variable 'U' obtained ftom above relationships, the probat>ilit:y 'Pc··
t · 1
can be expresseo J as remover_1 er.cfi1c~ency
· - . . ... S.s;·) J =-
[SS\ . 11 couild· be reacI frorn rne
SS1 ; e
c = u
J~) --------·-· __ (16.13)
Using the above functional relationships, the filter performance can be predicted for various
combinations of influent suspended solids conccnrratrons (SSt), size of filter (d), filtration
rate Q::;-i:), depth of filter bed (L), length of filter nm (t), filtrate quality I~~ and headless (H).
A properly designed rapid sand filter should be capable of producing a filtered water with
turbidity of less than 1 NTU or SS concentration less than 2 mg/l.
16.4.5 DISJNH~cnoN
'Treatment processes such as coagulation flocculation, sedimentation and rapid sand
filtration reduce to varying degrees the bacterial content of water. However, they do not
necessarily always produce a water safe from bacteriological point of view. Terminal
disinfection is, therefore, essential to ensure bacteriological safety of the finished water.
Chlorine and chlorine compounds are commonly used for disinfection in India. The dose of
chlorine depends on the guality of the filtered water. ff the filtrate turbidity is consistently
less than 1 N'fU, chlorine dose required may remain more or· less uniform,
'I11e cost of the water treatment system includes costs of rapid mix unit, slow mix unit,
sedimentation and rapid sand filters. These costs (civil, mechanical and electrical)
depend on the size(s) of the individual treatment units adopted. While civil cost
includes cost of construction, the mechanical and electrical costs, relate to the equipments
and accessories necessary for effective operation of the treatment units. These costs in dude
the costs of turbine ag1tator/ flocculating propeller, motor and gear assembly etc. for rapid
and slow mix (flocculation) units, costs of scraper bridge, end carriage drive, traction drive
unit for circular clarifier and the costs of-appurtenances such as rate setter, rate of flow
controller, flow indicator, headless indicator, air-blower, backwash water pump etc. for rapid
gravity filters. The costs can be modeled separately for individual treatment units and
expressed in the functional form as under:
For a given design flow, the costs of other components of water works such as raw water
rmmps, transmission mains, dear water reservoir, disinfection, clear water pumps etc., as also
the manpower cornponent would remain the same irrespective of variation in the size(s) of
the treatment units and therefore are not considered in the economic analysis.
Ci = annual cost (AC) of individual treatment unit
/\('. :::: AC(:+ [>C:\1V DMI~~Q +EN ERc;y
ACC annualized capital cost
DC\V annual maintenance cost of civil works
I)l\1fE.Q _.. . annual maintenance cost of mechanical equipments/ machinery
energy annual energy cost
cc Capital cost, i.e. cost (both civil and mechanical) of the treatment unit
r rate of interest
n number of years over which the capital cost is Lo be repaid
+ Suspended solids concentration in the effluent from clarifier :::; SO rng/I
t\ flow chart for computer aided functional and minimum cost design of water treatment
system is presented in F1g. 16.4. 'The major inputs required are:
(i) Design data on input, decision and state variables and step length
ll, Data for formulating the cost models for treatment units.
2962 UA&E/97--35.ii,
17.1.1 SCOPE
+ Methods of raising capital for the installation of the system and prov1s10n for
repayment of loans where needed;
+ Methods of raising revenue to meet the annual expenses of water supply including
the determination of tariffs as well as the collection/recovery of charges;
+ The application of revenue derived from water charges;
+ TI1e formation and use of reserve and contingency funds;
+ Accounting in connections with income and expenditure;
+ \\/ages, store and cost accounting; and
The transactions of any water undertaking frdl into two broad classes as under:
Capital from an economical and engineering point of view means the amount invested by
an agency from the beginning 10 the ti1rn.:: the works are placed tn operation. It includes:
payn1cnts for the structures equipment and thr e11.g1.rn::<'ring sen ices.
(b) Revenue
Revenue denotes income sources such as from water charges and govcn1n1cnt grant·s. The
revenue account is a summary of the expenditure and income of the undertaking during a
financ1al year. Revenue expenditure includes the cost of operating and 1naintaining tht:
undertaking as well as other charges Goan charges) which have to be met from the inc; •HK 1)f
the undertaking. <_,
Financial autonomy can be built into operation of water supply systems, through
revolving funds, reliance on bonds and debenture sales in the open market and to public
investment institutions as well as assistance from international/bilateral financing agencies.
The use of 'each method or some combination of them, has proven effective elsewhere in
launching water systems on the way to self support relieving the State and Central
( ;ovcrnments of some part of their burden of support. The local bodies/water supply
undertakings should realise that the schemes have to he self supporting.
The obtaining of a loan from the Government is beset with the difficulty that the
Governmenr will n ot be to oblige all local bodies interested in the provision of water
supply facility due to its own financial limitations. The local body will have to claim priority
for its scheme, advancing its O\V11 reasons. However, the State c;ovemmem rnay go in for a
public loan on behalf of the local body actmg as a borrowing -:i.gency from UC and other
agencies. J t should consider the issue of serial bonds for the purpos<::: since it is believed that
this would attract a wide class of investors on account of their varying lengths of repayment
Direct beneficiaries of the project would \viHinglf contribute substantial part on the initial
investment to be adjusted later against the house service connection fee and water charges.
Tlus potential source, which has not been tapped so fa.r, should be taken full advantage of
i ndustries which are interested to buy water may give loans at reasonable rates of interest
and it would be worthwhile to exploit this source fully.
The Internanonal Agencies insist on certain preconditions relating to the preparation of
the project, its execution, operation and maintenance including revenue collection.
The sources of revenue are the funds received by general taxation such as water tax or a
portion of the genera! property tax which is realised by assessment on all taxable property
and water rates paid by those who use the water, more or less in proportion to the amount
Since the provision of a water supply to a town enhances the value of the property, a
water tax is justifiable on the annual rental value of the property, 'T11is may be a separate tax
or included in the general property tax but it is desirable that the revenue under this head is
earmarked for water supply purpose,
For supply of water for general purposes such as the supply through public fountains,
places of public resort, for fire protection etc., for which no charge is leviable on the public
individually or collectively, the local body has to apportion a part of its income from general
taxes for meeting this obligation. This will help the water wing of the local body to manage
its affairs on a sound business footing. This revenue is assured for the local body as it is
independent of the actual quantity consumed and the party catered to. This revenue is
preferably utilised to pay annuity charges on the loan obtained for the installation of the
water supply system and can be adjusted to meet this commitment fully.
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Any major augmentation of the system should, however, be dealt with as a new scheme for
\V hich the capital is to be raised in the usual manner.
The simplest form of a water rate is a Har rate payable monthly or quarterly by the
customer regardless of this quantity consumed, the services being not metered. Many local
bodies adopt system a fixed rate charged per tap irrespective the quantity
used. This rate is easily fixed by dividing total revenue required by the number
customers or taps so as to make the local body me-et its obligation. But this system leads to
waste of water and is therefore not satisfactory. Since the charges for water bear no direct
relation to the cost service rendered, such a rate is discriminatory.
The most equitable method will be based on metering of all the supplies. 'The quantity
actually accounted for by the meters is invariably less than the quantity produced since there
is a considerable as 'unaccounted water', which should also be considered in fixing
the water rates. This will mean that even supplies to places of resort which
general wing of the local body has to bear the charges should also be metered. This is all the
more necessary as substantial wastage occurs at these supply points and the consumption
hf::,rures point out to the for grcal'er vigilance,
Some local bodies allow a free allowance for the metered supplies, based on the water tax
collected and charge only for the excess. This is also not desirable as the revenue collected by
water rates is to finance the operation and maintenance costs fullv. t\ worthwhile alternative
is to collect a fixed charze
~ called the service charze {,)
consumer in addition to the
for the water consumed. This fixed charge i::. to provide for the meter rent where the meters
are supplied by the department and for the overhead charges for the billing and collection,
meter reading, maintenance of meters and prorated general expenses. The entire supply as
measured by the meter is to charged , at either a uniform rate or by graded rates,
Consumption above a reasonable quantity may be charged at a higher rate to discourage such
drawl. This will enable all consume-rs to g<:t an equitable supply. Again there rnay be separate
meters measuring the supply for domestic and non-domestic uses, The rates for
non-dornestic and industrial mav fixed . The water rares are to be carefullv
fixed taking into account the following: ,
(ii) The rate should be such as 10 make the amenity more or Jess self paying and
worked on a no-profit-no-loss
(iii) The rate should be such as to provide for generating source for expanding the
system to take care of increasing requirements.
Efficient and effective management of water supply systems is most essential for their
proper functioning. A water supply organisation should be treated as a business enterprise
involving managerial skills and engineering knowledge to nuke it successful in service, in
safety and in financial considerations. The quality of water supplied should be the prune
consideration for any water supply organisation as the safety and health of the people depend
uoon -r.
The technical and engineering problems involved in the running of a water supply
organisation call for a qualified Public Health I·'ngi.necr as the head of the management.
17.5.1 SCOPE
t\ i:tood manazernent of a water sup. p.hr system includes a number of functions such as;
'!.,..} {.,} ~
17.5.2 TASKS
A successful management involves;
(!) A detailed knowledge of the components of the system, the basis of their
design and the assumptions made;
(ii) Objective plans with charts to indicate the work, past, present and future and
the time schedules;
(iiD Promptness in chant~ng plans to meet any contingencies and unforeseen
(iv) Detailing job specifications;
(v) Prescription of the duties, powers and responsibilities of each employee of the
organisation for routine maintenance and in emergencies and to prepare a list
of "do's and dent's" for the operational staff;
(v1) Thev should ~Je drafted in a form which can be easily understood by the
operators, preferably in the languages, they are accustomed to;
(vi0 Evaluation of a good record systems of manuals, drawings, lubrication charts
for machineries etc., so that they are available even after a decade or two when
there is every likelihood that they cannot be obtained from manufactures etc.
due to possible change of design or other reasons;
(viii) Search for an elimination of unnecessary job inefficiencies in the working of the
(ix) Recruitment and inservice training of the personnel, technical and nontechnical;
(x) Recognition of merit and choosing efficient men to occupy position of higher
responsibility. Persons associated at the construction stage should be preferred
as key personnel since they have had the opportunity of understanding how the
system had been put together and the mode of its working;
(xi) /\ thorough knowledge of the business methods including financing, budgeting,
billing and revenue collection work and investment of fonds; and
(X11j Carrying out health education programmes to get the foll cooperation of the
public, m not only preventing contamination of the water supply but also
making them appreciate the value of protected water, with a view to prevent
Project appraisal is the analysis of costs and benefits of a proposed project with an aim of
obtaining a rational allocation of scarce resources among alternative investment
opportunities in view of achieving certain specified goals in the National Development
Programme. As the number of projects to satisfy the identified. needs exceed the resources
available, project appraisal becomes necessary to choose the best alternative one from a
package of projects. Moreover, careful project analysis will point out unrealistic or
questionable assumptions and indicate ways in which a project can be modified to improve
its wealth generating capacity. A project carefully analyzed and revised in the light of this
analysis has a much improved chance of being implemented on time and of yielding the
benefits aimed at.
In projects analysis, there is a critically important distinction to be kept in mind between
two complementary points of view viz.
(i) Economic analysis; and
(ii) Financial analysis.
Economic analysis is concerned with the total return or productivity or profitability to the
whole economy of all the resources committed to the project regardless of who in the society
contributes them and regardless of who in the society receives the benefits.
.- '.( !'
The social cost benefit or economic analysis aims at evaluating the profitability according
to the impact on the society as a whole, while the financial cost benefit analysis tries to assess
the profitability to the operating entity.
Accounting prices are used in social cost benefit analysis to establish the undistorted basic
relationship between world prices and domestic prices. There are two ways of doing this ..
The first method known as Little and Wireless method contemplates valuing all goods and
services in terms of world prices without the use of exchange rate. The second method
known as UNI.DO method envisages valuation of goods and services in terms of their
contribution to consumption at domestic: prices. Exporr and import prices, under this
method, are converted into domestic price relatives by the use of Shadow Exchange Rate,
the purpose of this adjustment being to allow for tariff induced distortions between domestic
and border prices,
On the other hand, financial analysis is concerned with the individual financial entities
which participate in a project, viz. entrepreneurs, businessmen, farmers, public agencies, etc.,
each is interested in the return to the equity capital one contributes. Project appraisal is very
important for the developing countries which are in the process of achieving stupendous task
of recycling of financial and other resources for productive purposes and welfare of the poor
The analytical techniques employed for Economic and Financial appraisal comprise
deriving values for the net present worth (N P\'\>)., internal rate of return (IRR) and the
benefit cost ratio (B/C). These are defined as follows:
Net present worth (or Net present value): (NP\V /NPV)
This is defined as the present worth of the net benefits of a project discounted at the
opportunity cost of capital.
i.e .. Net present worth ::: (Present \VOti11 of benefits - Present worth of costs)
Internal rate of return: I RR
This is defined as that discounted rate at which the present worth of benefits, is equal to
the present worth of costs. This measure represents the return over the life of the project to
the resources eng:tged in the project
To determine fRR the NP\:V is first calculated at two different discounting rates (r, and r2
being the higher and lower discounting rates)
future capital requirements. The financial review often highlights the need to adjust the level
and structure of prices charged to the project
It is the objective of economic analysis to identify whether projects have Net Present
Worth which \vil.l be a positive quantity and whether, Benefit-Cost ratio will atleast unity.
In the absence of these conditions being fulfilled, they also provide criteria based on which
projects could be arranged in the order pre
(iv) Negotiations with the Financing institutions
Negotiations is the stage at which the lending institution and the borrower endeavour to
agree on measures necessary to assure the success of the project. These agrcernents are
then converted into legal obligations, set out in the loan documents. /\.!I the principal issues
that have been raised prior to and during appraisal arc dealt with i.:n the loan documents. 'The
drafting and negotiation of the legal documents arc an essential part of the process of
ensuring that the borrower and the lender are in agreement not only on the broad objectives
of the project, but also on the specific actions necessary to achieve them and the detailed
schedule for project implementation.
(v) Implementation and Supervision
Implementation by the borrower and superv1s1on by the lender form the next stage.
Progress reports followed by field visits constitute part of supervision.
(ui) Eualuation and Feed back
This is the last stage of the project: cycle provides lesson of expcncncc which arc built
into subsequent project identification, preparation, and appraisal work.
Two important factors which lead to the distinction between financial analysis and
economic analysts are:
(a) exclusion I inclusion of some costs and benefits in the appraisal of a project; and
(b) valuation of costs and benefits and market prices or some other prices.
In the Project Appraisal Technique, costs and benefits of the project in financial/
economic terms are evaluated It is easy to identify costs and benefits in financial terms
whereas it is difficult to identify in economic terms. The project incurs expenses on capital
investment, such as machinery and equipment, operation and maintenance cost, purchase of
raw materials, payment of wages and import of t,)"ood:, and services etc. In addition, the
project has to pay taxes, import duties, fees, repay the loan with interest and allow for the
depreciation of fixed assets. The project gets its return from the sale of goods and services
also receives subsidy, if allowed by the Government, which reduces the costs or add to
the income.
'Two types of costs and benefits are encountered in the appraisal of a project-one involves
the use of resources, and the other which does not involve use of resources, but 1t is a
transfer of resources from the project to the Government or any other institution/ individual
(taxes, fees, duties, loan repayment and interest) or viceversa (subsidies). Thus in the
identification of costs and benefits, it is useful to deal with each individual item, briefly
described below.
(i) Transfer Payments
(a) Depreciation
It is a provision of funds over the life time of the project for its replacement.
Depreciation is excluded from the economic appraisal of a project as it is only an accounting
(b) Interest rate
Similarly, in the economic analysis no allowance for interest on the capital employed is
made as the analytical technique automatically takes care of the return of capital (interest) in
determining the worth of a project
(c) Op11011:unity cost
In the economic analysis, estimated income foregone would feature as cost, while in the
financial analysis, it would not feature as cost
(d) Taxes
'Taxes are also transfer payments. In the financial analysis where analysis is done from the
point of view of the individual entity of a project, all taxes are treated as financial costs and
benefits is done from the point of view of society, taxes are transfer payments. Taxes are not
included as cost in economic appraisal as they are in the nature of transfer payments which
do not involve the use of resources. But in the case of financial appraisal, taxes are included
on the cost side as it is a financial cost to the project. This would apply to all types of
taxes-income tax, import duties, local taxes etc.
(e) Subsidies
In financial analysis, subsidy reduces cost and adds to the income of the project. In the
case of economic analysis, it is a transfer payment and increase or decrease in it does not add
or substract income from the point of view of society.
(ft Social Cost's and Benefits
In financial analysis, social costs such as air pollution, noise, wear and tear of road ete.,
would not enter as costs in the calculations as these are no costs to the individual project
But social costs would be included in an economic analysis when the project is appraised
from the point of view of society.
(ii) Solution of proper prices
Ai In financial analysis, costs and benefits are calculated at market prices. But in economic
analysis costs and benefits are calculated after making certain adjustments in market prices.
The rational, of course> is the efficient use of available resources which have alternative uses.
An economy should utilise more intensively that resource whose process is lower compared
to a resource whose process is higher. However, since markets of the factors of production
are no perfect in reality, the price of an item may not correctly reflect the scarcity or
abundance of the factors of production.
However, the prevailing market price do not reflect the intrinsic value of goods as they
an; distorted in many developing countries due to the follo\vtng factors:
(a) Inflation
(b) Currency overvaluation
(c) \\lage rate and unemployment
(d) Imperfect capita! markets
(e) Tariffs, import quotas
(f) I nequality in distribution of wealth.
For example, in a labour surplus economy, give11 the supply of and demand for labour,
market wage would be higher than the wage that should be operated, based on the
equilibrium of demand and supply.
Similarly the official foreign exchange rate may not correctly show the scarcity or
abundance of foreign exchange. In the economic analysis, costs of items are calculated not
on the basis of prevailing prices in all cases, but on modified prices assumed on the basis of
their supply and demand position. These assumed prices are termed as shadow prices or
accounting prices.
Also the prices charged for the product of a project may be lower for various socio
economic considerations. In such cases, the modifications of the selling price of an item is
done in economic analysis.
"The consultancy studv on tariff conducted in a town reveals that the average monthly
household income ,of the, persons who are likely to obtain house service connection is about
Rs. 630. lr is considered that such a household will not be able to pay more than 2(% of its
income. Hence the monthly water charges arc fixed at Rs. 12.60 per connection or
pai.se/l 000 litres for domestic purposes based on the tariff study conducted in the town. The
tariff for non domestic consumption of water is fixed for commercial and industrial
requirements respectively.
The Average Incremental cosr of water per 1 ) liters works out to Rs. t34 (Appendix
17.1). The tariff for domestic consumption works out to about 70°/o of the average
incremental cost.
The Economic Analysis has been carried out using a discount rate of 8Sio. 'The Net
Present \\'orth is worked out at two different discount rares of 8.5°·;;) and 2.0~/o. 111e results
are as follows (Appendix 17.2).
Benefit cost ratio 0.62
'The results of the financial analysis indicate that the project can meet its commitment
(Annual operation and maintenance cost and Annuity) throughout its life if an element of
subsidy is given.
The financial analysis of the project reveals that it is necessary to have a grant element to
an extent of 7.5°;1J of the project cost to make the scheme viable as explained below:
The total cost of the project is Rs. 1.768 million. The monthly water charges are fixed at
Rs. 12.60 per month per connection from 1988--89 for domestic purposes taking into
account the paying capacity of the users. At this low rate, the project is likely to incur loss
financially and 75°l;, of f,rt:ant towards capital cost is necessary to make this project a
financially viable one. If 75% grant is not given, there will be cash deficit.
The modus operandi for the economic and financial analysis as well as the evaluation of
benefit cost ratio in respect of different funding agencies will be the same. However, the
discount factors adopted by various funding agenc1es differ which should be taken into
account for appraisal of projects.
Most of t.hc local bodies at present face serious handicaps in the promotional stages of a
project, in its prefinancing sragc and in the fund · stage as well. Saddled as the~ are. with
responsibilities beyond rhcir capacity and by f imitation of finance and
procedure, anv attempts by them · viduallv to in the open nttrkc1 to finance a
local water supply project rnay not attract f}fr; problem could be
sa tis factoril y S( >h'c:d by the creation of autonomous water <aniration boards.
'l '1ncse I .:ioar<: l ~ arc cI cvtces
, ·ioy Yv hiicn' merus l)C a..::irc
'J ' to csia 11), 1· :; ll ccn·p()rnt<:.
public entities to construct, nrnnagc and water and. sanitary services on a fully
commercial basis in large metropolitan areas as urban communities. Not
only provision of safe drinking water is important to but so arc SC\Vagc disposal and
related sanitary measures. These arc all in terconnected in their on health as well as
rechnicallv the failure of anv one service endangers other and consequently affect the heal th
./ j t, I
of the community. These boards should be empowered and equipped 10 raise such capital
from local resources and the open market ro supplement the provisions which the
g()vemmcnt at the State and Central level could not provide for the rurpo~:e, Such boards
will have the advantage of;
(i) I ncreased efficiency resulting from financial autonomy;
(1i) Improved ability to raise capital with confidence;
(iii) Better opportunities for small municipalities grouped together to finance and
operate their schemes as a business proposition;
(iv) Lconomics implicit m a common source of water which may be made to serve
several undertakings;
(v) Better realisation of water revenues when this duty is divorced from local
(vt) Fconomies possible by and administrative staff to serve a
number o f municipaliti cs;
(vii) Opportunities for equalising rates in
!\ statutory water and sanitation board set up at State level with regional boards if
and to the extent necessary within the State, to provide water and sanitation services and to
collect revenues to meet such services, to raise the capital needed to provide the facilities and
to exercise all other corporate powers necessary tn act on behalf of the local bodies within its
jurisdict ion.
Normally, such boards would encompass all activities, including production, conveyance
and distribution of water within their statutory areas and also for the collection, treatment
and disposal of sewage from that area as well as other sanitation services. I r is, however,
possible that some local bodies may prefer to purchase water in bulk from the statutory
boards and arrange for the internal distribution themselves and may also prefer to have the
statutory board take over sewage in bulk from the local area and arrange for its treatment and
disposal. This should be avoided as far possible as the supply and distribution of water as
also collection and disposal of sewage are two inter-dependent functions and the divisions of
$UCh functions amongst two independent agencies might lead to inefficiency and avoidable
difficulties for both parties. Any local body managing its systems satisfactorily need not
necessarily come under such a board,
In India, water is considered a "free gift of nature" and therefore charging for water, by
any agency, may it be a Municipal Corporaticrr/Council/Panchayat or a \'\/ater Board, is not
liked by the people. Providing water supply was not considered to be a commercial or even
no-profit-no-loss activity.
The situation has since changed considerably. Per capita use of water has increased, sizes
of human settlements arc increasing at faster rates and industrial and agricultural uses of
water have increased considerably. As the reliable sources of water are getting exhausted, we
have to go in for additional sources of supplies. Irregular and inadequate rains, as also the
pollution of surface and ground waters being caused by discharges of industrial and domestic
wastes have rendered the problem of meeting rising drinking water demands, increasingly
difficult and expensive.
No doubt, water is still the free gift of nature but it is so in "as it is where it 1s11 condition.
When it is desired that water, as is available in nature, should be made safe for drinking and
· · I to t l1e points
transported . o· f· consumption,
. it. 1·oecomes a
11(~ .;·
.ornmodrty '' •
· 1.e. •
11: · •
economic value. A water works must therefore be treated as an industry and be built and
operated as a " Commercial enterprise, with professional approach where the aim is not only
to meet the debt servicing and operational costs, but also to earn a farr return on the
investments made, so that future expansion of the water works can be financed atleast partly
and the undertaking can attract fonding from outside sources. It is in this context that the
financing of water works, water pricing policy, and overall financial management of water:
supply undertakings have been receiving serious attention of the planners and administrators
at National and State levels.
India had launched the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade with
effect from 1981. Hence both the Central and State Governments have been providing
appreciable financial assistance to the local bodies for construction of new facilities and for
augmentation/ rehabilitation of existing facilities. Almost in all the States and Union
Territories capital expenditures on rural water supply are fully fonded by the States/ Union
Territories and the Central Government also provides funds to the States and Union
Territories, under Accelerated Rural W'an:r Supply Programme.
For financing Urban \Vater Supply Projects, normally the following sources of funds are
(i) Internal borrowing;
(ii) Government grants and loans;
(iii) LIC loans;
(iv) Open market borrowings;
(v) Loan from financing institutions; and
(vi) International/Bilateralaids
If a water supply undertaking has to function in the long run on a self-reliant basis, it
must charge for supply of water and collect revenues adequate for meeting debt servicing,
operation and maintenance charges and also generate surplus for future investment.
If water could be sold to all consumers at the same rate, like any other commodity in a
free market, the water tariff structure could be simple. In that case it would be necessary only
to fix water charges at suitable intervals of time and charge for sale of water accordingly,
depending upon the basis for charging of water i.e. metered supply, non-metered supply etc.
However, tariff based on uniform rates of water cannot be adopted in a country like India,
where a large percentage of population is below poverty line. Water is to be made available
to all in quantities sufficient to meet atleast the minimum needs.
Therefore, appreciable quantities of water may have to be supplied to poor section of the
society either free of cost or at adequately subsidised rates, which would be much less than
the unit cost of water. The loss thus incurred will have to be made good by charging higher
rates to consumers who can afford to pay those rates such as industries, commercial
establishments, traders, professionals as well as owners of high value properties, etc
Therefore, it is necessary to identify different categories of consumers as stated above
including poor section in a city or town and estimate the likely consumption of water by each
of these categories of consumers. Graded rates of water will have to be fixed for these
consumer categories, considering their paying capacities, such that the total annual revenue
receipt would be equal to or more than the total annual burden.
Water tariff structure also depends upon the methods of charging for sale of water.
Generally these are based on:
+ Percentage of rateable value of a property;
+ Flat rate depending upon size of a connection; and
+ Metered supply.
Charging on the basis of volume as measured by meters is the most equitable and rational
method, as a consumer pays directly in proportion to the water consumed. Moreover
metering helps in accurately estimating the consumption of water by various categories and
in locating wastages and leakages. However, this method of charging has the following
+ Metering increases unit cost of water;
2962 UA&E/97--36A
+ Meters often go out of order, requiring frequent removal, repairs and reinstallation;
and hence accurate measurement of water is not possible;
+ Large skilled staff is required for installations, repairs, testing, reading and billing;
+ Fixing of a meter reduces pressure;
+ Where unfiltered supply is made, meters often choke, requiring frequent cleaning;
+ Where water supply is intermittent, meters· may record more reading than the
actual consumption of water;
+ During temporary absence of meter (when removed for repairs or testing) or when
it is not in working order, billing on the basis of average consumption in the past,
is often disputed by consumers and this situation affects recovery of bill.
For the above reasons, universal metering of water is not being practised. Generally only
bulk consumers, like industries, institutions, commercial establishments and large premises
like co-operative housing societies, etc. are metered, where as individual domestic consumers
are charged on the basis of either flat rates depending upon the size of connections or as
percentage of rateable value of a property served.
From the foregoing paragraphs it will be clear that selection of a suitable tariff structure
needs consideration of aspects such as income distributions, the possible mix of service
levels and the systems of charging. In short the social objectives and systems constraints
would influence the tariff structure. Generally the tariff structure should aim at:
+ Collecting target revenue;
+ Sharing out the burden fairly between users of different mcome groups (by
providing different levels of services); and
+ Administrative simplicity and efficiency.
To these aims must be added the one for influencing consumer behavior. In other words
pricing policy must be such that it would induce consumers to economise use of water.
Considered from this angle, charging on the basis of rateable value of a property or collective
metering of an apartment block are the systems which provide little incentive to economise
on use of water.
Annual burden imposed by a water supply scheme consists of two components, viz.,
+ Fixed charges comprising debt servicing and such staff and minimum maintenance
charges as are necessary to be incurred.
+ Variable charges comprising power, chemicals and raw water bills which are
proportional to the quantity of water produced.
When a facility like a water supply scheme is constructed and services are made available
to a community, it imposes financial burden as stated above. On account of the services
made available the property value goes up. Therefore, it is justifiable for a local body to levy
2962 UA&E/97-366
betterment tax on all premises and properties which can avail of the services though the
facility may not be actually used by such premises and properties. Such a betterment tax
could be related to the fixed charge component of the financial burden caused by the
For recovery of variable charges, rates based on consumption· of water may be charged
and these rates can be different for various categories and slabs of consumption. These
charges would be payable by only those who actually consume water.
Authorities such as water supply boards generally do not own water works. The functions
of these boards are generally restricted to planning, designing and constructing facilities on
behalf of local bodies and then to transfer the works to the owners who have the
responsibility to operate the works and also to collect water charges. The boards receive only
the agency charges to cover the cost of their establishment, these agency charges being
treated as a part of the capital cost of work, planned and constructed by the boards.
There are, however, a few boards, who besides carrying out the functions of planning,
designing and execution of works also own water works. These boards operate the water
works and also collect water charges directly from the consumers they serve.
While concluding, it is to be stated that a water supply system has to be created since it is
essentially required for sustenance of life. It may be initially uneconomical but the water
supply project may be evaluated on social cost-benefit analysis method. It is difficult to
quantify the social benefits and relate them to the capital cost. The following factors which
are likely to get developmental impetus due to creation of water supply system and
incidentally a waste water disposal system should be identified:
+ Industrial and agricultural development;
+ Improvement in living habits, health and hygiene; and
+ Increased productivity.
Water supply being a community service, the economical analysis and the financial
analysis should be done prudently and judiciously.
In India, laws related to use of water date back to the period when the CODI~ OF
MANU was prescribed, over 3000 years ago. \Vater was considered public property, subject
to public administration, several penalties were prescribed for unauthorised use and for
causing harm to water holding structures and for causing pollution of water. Upstream
points along a river were reserved for drawl of drinking water and in-situ uses of water such
as washing clothes, bathing etc., were permitted only at the downstream.
The establishment of priorities in the use of water for multiple purposes and among
several users for the same purpose is one of the longest established features of water law.
There are currently three major systems of acquisition of water use rights. These are:
· (i) The riparian rights system;
(ii) The prior appropriation system; and
(ii1) Administrative disposition of water use rights.
Under this system there are two operating doctrines, viz. (i) Natural flow Doctrine, and
(ii) Reasonable use Doctrine.
Under the natural flow doctrine the riparians have the right to use water on riparian lands,
in as much quantity as they need, without consideration of the needs of their downstream
users, if their use is confined to so called "Natural" or domestic purposes, i.e. drinking,
washing. cleaning and the watering of live stock. However., when they make use of the water
for other than domestic purposes even though still within riparian land, they may become
subject to action by the lower riparian if he sustains harm in the use of water to which he is
entitled; since he has the right to expect the water to flow to him, in its natural and
undiminished state. Also any use not connected with riparian land, which affect the flow of
water, even though it does not cause any harm, is considered subject to action.
Because of the limitation of the natural flow doctrine in the use of water law as a tool for
purposes of social engineering, the trend is away from, "Natural Flow Doctrine" and towards
acceptance of the "Reasonable Use Doctrine".
A number of uses have received judicial approval and their limits have been defined to
some extent. Domestic use includes water for drinking, cooking, laundry, sanitation and
other household purposes. A substantial quantity of water may be necessary to fulfil
domestic uses where people gathered in hotels, apartment houses or resorts. Even military
camps are given the privilage of taking water for domestic use. But domestic use does not
include municipal uses in nonripanan areas of cities. A city situated on the banks of a stream
is not a riparian right holder in any sense that would permit it to divert water and sell it to
inhabitants who live on lands not adjacent to the stream.
The reasonableness of a particular use of water by a riparian is a question of fact and each
case must be determined with reference to its own facts and circumstances. The use of water
by one riparian that causes substantial harm to another, can generally be said to be
unreasonable unless the utility of the use out weights the gravity of the harm. \Vasteful uses
or wasteful method of use rnay be unreasonable.
A prescriptive right may be described as a power to take water without reference to the
rights of riparian owners. The right obtained by the prescription is absolute there being no
corrective rights between the riparian and the prescriptive user.
527 Loss Of Riparian Rights
Generally a riparian right cannot be lost by abandonment or simply by non-use of water.
Since use does not create the right, non-use cannot destroy it. However; there are some
exceptions to this in some places when a riparian may lose his right.
(i) \X!hen a non- riparian or excessive use has been made continuously and adversely
for the period of the status of limitations,
(ii) \V'hen prescriptive rights to the use of water have been acquired for such adverse
(iii) Wnen the legal doctrine known as "estopple'' is operative [e.g. when a riparian has
permitted a non-riparian to construct a dam on his land at great expenses he is
"estopped" (prevented) from revoking the license and destroying the value of the
irrigated non-riparian land].
(iv) \Vben there has been silent acquiescence by a riparian in respect of an upstream
use of water, for which large sums of money have been spent for the public
benefit; though he may still have the remedy for damages to compensate him for
the rights he has lost.
(v) \'X/hen a public or quasi-public agency needs water, it has the power to take it as
long as it pays just compensation for the use it causes. (Any government authority,
has this "right of eminent domain", and quasi-governmental bodies such a Water
Supply Boards, may be given a similar power by grant from the state that creates
Once the appropriation has been established, prior appropriator has the right to exclusive
use of the amount of water of his appropriation and all subsequent junior users take subject
to his right. The appropriation may be obtained only for beneficial uses, which include
domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. It lasts as long as water is beneficially used and is
limited to the amount that can be so used.
18.2.25 Preferences
Preferences are exceptions to the rule of priority. A preference allocates the water to what
has been legislatively deemed to be a higher or better use regardless of the time of initiations
of use. There is wide variation as to what uses shall be preferred. There is general agreement
that man's personal needs come first so that domestic and municipal water supply head every
list. A true preference exists when a junior right to a preferred use is placed at the top of the
priority list, so that in times when water is short, senior non-preferred rights are cut-off
while the preferred uses still draw water. Stated another way, a true preference exists when
the preferred use may be initiated without regard to the fact that the supply is already fully
appropriated for other purposes. The authorities have to prefer some uses over others when
several applications for appropriation of water are pending and the available water is
insufficient for all. These preferences should go first for domestic and municipal water
supply, then to agriculture, then to power.
529 Changes In Appropriation
A water right is private property and, in most cases, it can be sold or used by its owner at
any-place of use, but in the case of diversion type of use, at any time of use, or place of
storage also. But the privilege of making such changes is subject to the rule that a change
must not injure the vested water rights of the other appropriators. The agencies and courts
that regulate the appropriation and distribution of water are given the power to approve or
forbid changes on this ground, after proceeding at which all interested parties are
The restriction on changes that cause damage is not merely on application of the rule of
priority; it is applicable to any person senior or junior who will suffer as a result of the
change. .A change from non-consumptive use to consumptive one will obviously injure
downstream appropriators. The loss of benefits from return flows is the most common type
of damage that will prevent a change; but the appropriator may be permitted to change the
place of use or the amount of this consumptive use, though not of his total diversion and
other conditions may be imposed to permit a change to as great an extent as possible, and
yet prevent infliction of damage.
administrative authorisation system has become the main feature of the water codes of new
countries, such as Israel. These systems envisage authorisation by government for using any
water declared public. Usually two kinds of authorisation are given:
(i) A permit which is less permanent and easily revoked; and
(ii) A concession which sets up reciprocal rights and obligations between granter <U1d
In administrative law, "permits" are distinguished from "concessions", in as much as the
former are revocable and create obligations only for the t,:rrantee, where as concessions are
for a fixed period or perpetual, create reciprocal obligations and their revocation is governed
by law. Consequently procedure for obtaining them is different, since a concession has a
certain condition of stability which a permit lacks.
According to the Constitution of India water is in the "State list". Therefore, the States
can enact any legislation regarding water that is to say, water supplies, irrigation and canals,
drainage, embankments, water storage and water power excepting the regulation and
development of inter-state rivers and river vallies. 'The parliament thus has no legislative
competence in the matter.
drinking water needs of human beings and animals should be the first charge on any
available water.
In order to provide for use and control by the state, the water of all rivers and streams
flowing in natural channels and of all lakes, and to that end to amend and consolidate the
existing laws relating to irrigation and drainage and assessment and levy of water rates and
betterment contributions, a Model Canal Irrigation and Drainage Bill is being formulated by
Union Government for the guidance of the States.
+ Ground water has been defined as the water which exists below the surface of the
ground at any particular location.
+ Any person desiring to sink a well in the notified area for any purpose other than
exclusively domestic use, either on personal or community basis, shall apply to the i .
Ground Water Authority for the grant of a permit for the purpose and shall not
proceed with any activity connected with sinking unless a permit has been granted by
the Ground Water Authority.
+ In granting or refusing a permit the Ground Water Authority shall have regard to:
(a) the purpose or purposes for which water is to be used;
(b) the existence of other competitive users;
(c) the availability of water; and
(d) any other relevant factor.
+ Every existing user of ground water in the notified area, shall apply to the Ground
Water Authority for the grant of a certificate of registration recognising his existing
use in such forms and in such manner as may be prescribed.
+ No person shall himself or by any person on his behalf, carry on the business of
sinking wells or any other activity connected with the sinking of wells in any notified
area except under and in accordance with a licence granted in this behalf.
+ Any person desiring to carry on the business of sinking of wells in the notified area
may make an application to the Ground Water Authority for the purpose.
+ The Ground Water Authority or any person authorised by it in writing in this behalf
shall have power to enter on any property with the right to investigate and make any
measurements concerning the land or the water located on the surface or
underground, inspect the well, sunk or being sunk, take specimens of such solid, or
other materials or of water extracted from such wells, and obtain such information
and record as may be required.
+ Any user of ground water who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the
provision of the Act, will be penalised and/ or punished according to the provision of
the Act.
Though the conservation of available water sources free from pollution is of paramount
importance now, even the early law regulating pollution says that the riparian owner may
make such reasonable use of the water as he can while it passes his land; but he cannot make
such use of water as to pollute it unreasonably or so as to create nuisance. The early law
regulating pollution was enforced almost entirely through the process of individual suits for
what was termed a private nuisance.
The concept of public nuisance has also been used to some. degree to control pollution. A
public nuisance is an act which causes inconvenience or damage to the public as
distinguished from one or a few individuals and includes any interference with the public
health, safety, or inconvenience. Thus the pollution of a stream which merely inconveniences
several riparian owners is a private nuisance only, but may become public one, if it kills fish
or creates a menace to the health of the community. A public nuisance is subject to
abatement at the behest of state officials. It may also constitute a crime.
In our country until recently the pollution was regulated through state factory acts and
rules, and also by some sections (section 28) of the Indian Easement Act. As the scope of
these acts is limited in its extent and does not provide much guidance· in respect of water
pollution prevention, the Union Government enacted the Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, in 1974; which is applicable to all Union territories, and has been adopted by
all the States, by resolution passed in that behalf under clause (D of Article 252 of the
Constitution. Under the provision of this Act no discharge of waste water can be made in the
environment without obtaining consent from the State Pollution Control Board (from the
Central Pollution Control Board, in respect of Union Territories). i\ consent prescribes the
volume and quality of waste water in terms of concentration of various pollutants, which can
be permitted for discharge in the environment. In 1986, the Union Government enacted the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, for protection and improvement of environment, and
the prevention of hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants and properties. The
Act empowers the Union Government to make rules providing standards in excess of which
environmental pollutants shall not be discharged or emitted in 'the environment
cumec Cubic metre per second Lpcd Litre per capita per day
lpd Litres per day
deg Degree lph Litre per hour
lpm/ m2 Litres per minute per square µ Micron
mg Milligram No Number
wt \Veight
.. _,. .,_. ,. __,_~·-----··------·--.,., . .,..__ _
_................. _ ___...,.._..,~---..-.-----
1 In = 25.4mm 1 mm = 0.0394 in
1 ft = 0.3048 m 1 cm = 0.3934 in
0.0328 ft
1 yd = 0.9144m lm = 3.2808 ft
1.0936 yd
1 mile = 1.6093 km 1 km = 0.6214 mile
1 sq in = 645.163 sq mm 1 sqmm = 0.00155 sq in
= 6.4516 sq cm 1 sq cm = 0.1550 sq in
1 sq ft = 0.0929 sq m :;:: 0.00108 sq ft
1 sq yd = 0.8361 sq m 1 sq m = 10.7639 sq ft
1 sq mile = 2.59 sq km = l.1960 sq yd
1 acre = 0.4047 ha 1 ha = 2.4710 acre
4046.86 sqm = 0.00386 sq mile
1 sqkm = 0.3861 sq mile
= 247.105 acre
1 gal (UK) = 4.54609 1 1l = 0.0353147 cu ft
= 0.00454609 cum = 0.001308 cu yd
= 0.160544 cu ft 1l = 0.2200 gal(UK)
j ~! 1 gal (US) = 0.00378541 cum 11 = 0.264172 gal(US)
= 3.78533 l
= 0.832675 UK gal
= 0.133681 cuft
1 US Pint
(Liquid) = 0.4732 l
l fluid oz ·- 29.5729 ml
1 fluid oz ·- 28.4123 ml
1 cu in = 16.8871 cu cm 1 cu cm = 0.061024 cu in
1 lb = 0.4536 kg 1 kg -· 2.20462 lb
= 14.6959 1bf/i~2 (\\/here 1 pd] ;::
= 33.8984 fr lJi)
= 29. 9.213 in J·Ig
- 1 (B32.2 kg,/ m. 2
-- UJ3322 l~/ crn2
:::::: 10.3322 m T-Iz() 'I mm Hg = 2.78450 Lb/
1 !bf ·-· 4.44822 N lN (or :::::: 0.101972 kgf
105 dvnes) ' s
- 980.6()5 cm/sec"
l horse- ·- 0.745700 kW' 1kW - 1.34102 Horse-power
1 ft.lb f/s - 1.35582 \X/ 1kWh ·- 3.6 l\rfJ
l b.t.u ·- 1.()5506 KJ 1 J = 0.737562 ft {bf
·1 therm - 105.506 MJ 1 kJ - 0.277778 \vb
1 ftlbf = 1.35582 J
·--~------------ ·-------------- ------------------------------------
1 fps = 0.0348 m/s t m/s -- 3.2808 fps
2962 UA&E/97-·-37A
.......... ~·-·-···""'•"···--·--·-~·-·-···-·-- -~·---·---- _..__ , . . .--~~--- __
-·i·-~~/h--·-·--·---·;-·-··r):oo1ffs·ss 5;~7~-·-···. ---------r·~nn;7; . · ···--;·······--'14i'.';732i.~7h _ .
1 UK = O.CH35927mtn/s = 73.5689UK/gal/ft2/h
1UK 76.9130 Million UK
gal/ft2 /h gal/acre/d
1 million 0.0130016 mm/ s 0.851491 UK gal/ft2 /h
0.890187 million UK
1 UK -- 14.9! 5 lpd/m 1m3/day/ 67.466 UK/gal/day/ft
gal/day/ft m
- 0.014915 m3/day/m
1 rt3Is/1000 :::: 6.99724 I/ s/km2 l/s/knr' cu 42915 fr'/s/1,000
acres acres
.. _, .,.
10.9332 l/s/km.2 =
~·---·· · ---·.. ---··---··-·-·--·----·--··-······--···..··· ---·-···~.·---- ..-····-··---·-·"''"_ ~..
0.()914645 fr
·.3/ s,I mile2
~.. ~.··-·-····"·"•""'·--·-··········'····- ..
....___,,, ...,.~.,.,.,.....,.,._., ,
mg/1 Grains per Grains per Parts per Parts per Parts per
Ca.CO:~ UK gal us gal 100,000 100,000 million
CaC03 CaC(}~ CaC03 Cao Ca '•./
2962 UA&E/97--376
SI IS No. Title
Sl IS No. Title
··-i2:·-·-·-c;74g:··:·-·-···--···-----·-·-··-··---·------- Re·~~~~n~~d;tions . for wat~rshed management
relating to soil conservation.
(a) Part 1 : 1973 Agronomic aspects.
13. 7357: 1974 Code of practice for structural design of surge
14. 3913: 1966 Suspended sediment load samplers.
15. 3917: 1966 Scoop type bed material samplers.
'16. 4890: 1968 Methods for measurement of suspended sediment
in channels,
17. 4926: 1976 concrete (first revision).
18. 6295: 1986 practice for water supply and drainage in
and/or sub-zero temperature
-----------·~-"""""""' ........... ..:.1 , ___
Sl IS No. Title
(a) Part 1: 1976 General principles
( b) Part 2: 1976 Underground pipelines
23. 10221: 1982 Code of practice coating and wrappmg of
underground steel pipelines
24. 12183 : 1987 Code of practice for plmnbing in multi-storeyed
buildings Part 1 water supply
Cast Iron
'1 1536: 1976 Centrifugally cast/spun) iron pressure ptpe::; for
water, gas and sewage(second revision)
2 1537: 1976 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas
and sewage (first revision)
3 1538 (Parts 1 to 24) Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas
and sewagetsecond revision)
(a) Part l : 1976 General requirements
(b) Part2:1976 Specific requirements for sockets and spigots of
(c) Part 3: 1976 Specific requirements for sockets of fittings
(d) Part 4: 1976 Specific requirements for flanges of p1pes and
(e) Part 5: 1976 Specific requirements for raised flanges
(f) 6: 1976 Specific requirements for standard flange drilling
of flanged pipes and fittings
(g) Part 7: 1976 Specific requirements for flanged sockets
(h) Part 8: 1976 Specific requirements for flanged spigots
0) Part 9: 1976 Specific requirements for double socket bends
(k) Part 10 : 1976 Specific requirements for double socket bends
(m) Part 12: 1976 Specific requirements for double socket tee with
flanged branch
(n) Part 13 : 1976 Specific requirements for crosses, all sockets
(o) Part 14: 1976 Specific requirements for double socket tapers
( third revision)
(p) Part 15: 1976 Specific requirements for caps
(q) Part 16: 1976 Specific requirements for plugs
(r) Part 17: 1976 Specific requirements for bell mouth pieces
_ _..-"--
(s) Part 18 : 1976 S_,.c,e_c_ifi_1c_re_~
bends __
81 IS No. Title
(t) Part 19 : l 97 6---- ------·- ;n· fl;;;g;d--tee;-·---"-------
· ·~Spe~ifi~-;-;quirements--for
(u) Part 20 : l 97 6 Specific requirements for all flanged crosses
(v) Part 21 : 1976 Specific requirements for double flanged taper
(w) Part 22 : 1976 Specific requirements for split puddle or body
(y) Part 23 : 1976 Specific requirements for blank flanges
(z) Part 24 : 1984 Specific requirements for all flanged radial
teesfsecond revision)
4. 1879: 1975: malleable cast iron pipe fittings (first revision)
Pipe Part 1 to 10
5. 3114: 1985 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes
( third revision)
6. 782: 1978 Caulking lead( third revision)
7. 6163: 1978 Centrifugally cast(spun) iron low pressure p1pes
for water, gas and sewage( first revision,)
8. 7181: 1986 Horizontally cast iron double flanged pipes for
water, gas and se\vage( first revision)
9. 8329 ; l 977 Centrifugally cast {spun) ductile iron pressure
pipes for water, gas and sewage
10. 9523: 1980 Ductile iron fittings for pressure pipes for water,
gas and sewage
11. 11606: 1986 Methods of sampling cast iron pipes and fittings
12. 11906: 1986 Recommendations for cement mortar lining cast
iron, mild steel and ductile iron pipes and fittings
for transportation of water .
13. lal$R: 1987 Code of practice for laying of ductile iron pipes
14. 458: 1971 Concrete pipes(with and without reinforcements)
(second revision)
15. 784: 1978 Pre-stressed concrete pipestjncluding fittings)(first
16. 1916: 1963 Steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes
17. 3597: 1985 Methods of test for concrete pipestfirst revision)
Sl IS No. Title
(b) Part 2: 1982 Mild steel tubulars and other wrought steel pipe
fittings (third revision)
25, 1978: 1982 Line pipe
26. 3589: 1981. Electrically welded steel pipes for water, gas and
sewage (150 to 2000 mm nominal size) (first
27. 4270:1983 Steel tubes used for water wells (first revision)
30. 5822: 1986 Code of practice for laying of welded steel pipes
for water supply (first revision)
31. 4711: 1974 Method for sampling of steel pipes, tubes and
fittings(first revision)
32.. 4736 '. 1986 Hot-dip zinc coatings on mild steel tubes (first
33. 6286: 1971
Seamless and welded steel pipes for sub zero
temperature services.
34. 6631 : 1972 Steel pipes for hydraulic purposes .
Sl IS No. Title
36. 3076 : 1985 Low density polyethylene pipes for potable water
suppliestsecond revision)
37. 4984 : 1987 High density polyethylene pipes for potable water
supplies, sewage and industrial effluenrsfthird
38. 4985: 1988 Unplasticized PVC pipes for potable water
supplies (second revision)
39 12818: 1989 UPVC ribbed and casing pipes for potable water
40 7634 Code of practice for plastic pipe work for potable
water supplies.
(a) Part 1: 1975 Choice of materials and genera.I recommendation
Sl IS No. Title
~··---------·-----···-··-..··---·· . . _.,.,.,..-.- .... ..~----
(c) Part 3; 1976 Specific requirements for 90° tees
(e) Part 5: 1988 Specific requirements for equal tees (first revision)
(f) Part 6 : 1988 Specific requirements for flanged into pieces with
metallic l:hnges (first revision)
(g) Part 7 : 1988 Specific requirements for threaded adaptors (first
(h) Part 8 : 1988 Specific requirements for 90 degree bends (first
G) Part 9 : l 988 Specific requirements for 60 degree bends (first
(k) Part 10 : 1988 Specific requirements for 45 degree bends (first
(m) Part 11 : 1988 Specific requirements for 30 degree bends (first
~--"~,_...,(I>)-~~· ·
,"......,':'cw-..,.,~""v'v''*""--""""-""""''_,,, _~~'"1#>1""1..,.,.,_
............... __ """"""''.__
____ ,
__· ·-·---
-(;;:5---·j);;tl"fz-~"1988------·--·~-Sp~cifi~~eq;irement~-fi;;-22. 1/'2 degr~e b~1ds-·
(first revision)
(o) Part 13: 1988 Specific requirements for 11 %. degree bends (first
44. 12231: 1988 UPVC pipes for use in suction and delivery lines
of agriculture pump.
45. 12235 Methods of test for unplasticized PVC pipes for
potable water supplies.
(a) Part 1 : 1986 Methods for measurement of outside diameter.
47, 1545: 1982 Solid drawn copper alloy tubes for condensers and
heat exchanger (second revision).
48. 407: 1981 Brass tubes for general purposes (third revision).
Sl IS No. Title
(a) Part 1 : 1977 For other than chemical purposes (second
(b) Part 2: 1979 For chemical purposes (second revision).
781 : 1984 Cast copper alloy screw drawn bib taps and stop
valves for water services ( third revision).
2. 1700: 1973 Drinking fountains (first revision).
8. 779: 1978 \v'ater meters (domestic type) (fifth revision).
SI IS No. Title
13. 780:1984 Sluice valves for water works purposes (SO to 300
mm size ) ( sixth revision ).
14. 2906: 1984 Sluice valves for water works purposes (350 to
1200 mm size) (third revision).
15. 2685: 1971 Code of practice for selection, installation and
maintenance of sluice valves (first revision).
16. 3042: 1965 Single faced sluice gates (200 to 1200 mm size)
17. 3950: 1979 Surface boxes for sluice valves (first revision).
18. 778: 1984 Copper alloy gate, globe and check valves for
water works purposes (fourth revision).
19. 1701: 1960 Mixing valves for ablutionary and domestic
20. 1703: 19T/ Ball valves ( horizontal plunger type ) including
floats for water supply purposes ( second revision).
21. 4838: 1986 Foot valves for water works purposes (second
22, 5312 Swing check type reflux (non return) valves for
water works purposes
5312(Part 1) 1984 Single door pattern (first revision).
23. 9338: 1984 Cast iron screw down stop valves and stop and
check valves for water works purposes/first
24. 9739 : 1981 Pressure reducing valves for domestic water supply
25. 12234 ; 1988 Equilibrium plastic float valve for cold water
26. 2692 ; 1978 Ferrules for water services (first revision).
Sl IS No. Title
27. 3004 : 1979 Plug cocks for water supply purposes (first
28. 9762:1981 Polyethylene floats for ball valves.
IS 9026 : 1978
· "'" ...
Rope threaded percussive long
~ ~ --·
hole drilling
13. IS 11180: 1985 Keeleys for direct rotary dciHing
14. IS 11312: External. upset drill pipe assemblies for use
in water well drilling
a) Part 1- 1986 Screwed on joints drill pipe size
15. IS 11672: 1986 Tungsten carbide buttons and insets for use
in down the hole (DTI·.1) bits.
16. JS 11710: 1986 Code of practice for selection and design of
diamond core drills.
17. IS 11830: General requirements for down-the-hole
hammer rigs for water wells.
a) Part 1- 1986 Hydraulic rigs
18. IS 12097: 1987 Classification and selection of drilling rigs
for water well drilling.
1.9. IS 12194: 1987 Dimensions for rock roller bits and blade
drag bits for rock drilling egmpment.
23. IS 1520: 1980 Horizontal centrifugal pumps for dear, cold,
fresh water (second revision)
24. IS 1710: 1972 Vertical turbine pumps for dear , cold; fresh
water (first revision)
25. is 6595 : l 980 Horizontal centrifugal pumps for clear, cold,
fresh water for agricultural purposestfirst
----"'""'' -----------------
26. rs 8034: 1976
-~ -·~·· ····-----------·------
Submersible pump sets for dear, cold, fresh
40. IS 325 : 1978 Three-phase induction motors
---1S -900:,_.,,1965
.... ~
.. . - · - ·c;;d;--;;£ practi~e -f~~~-insta.ll;tion -~"-~~
maintenance of induction motors
42. lS 996: 1979 Single-phase small A.C and universal
electric motors (second revision)
43. IS 4029-- 1967 Guide for testing three phase induction
44. IS 7538- 1975 Three phase squirrel cage induction motors
for centrifugal pumps for agricultural
45. IS 8789 : 1978 Values of performance characteristics for
three phase induction motors
46. IS 9283: 1979 Motors for submersible pumpsets
47. IS 10001 :1981 Performance requirement for constant speed
compression ignition (diesel) engines for
general putposes (up to 20 Kw)
48. IS 11170 :l98.5 Performance requirement for constant speed
compression ignition (diesel) engines for
agricultural purposes. (up to 20 Kw)
49. rs 11 so: : 1986 Engine monoset pumps for dear, cold, fresh
water for <1brricultura1purposes
50. IS 10808 : 1984 Code of practice for installation, operation
and maintenance of hydraulic rams
51. TS 10809: 1984 Hydraulic nuns
52. IS 11390 : 1985 'Test code for hydraulic rams
l. IS 258: 1967 Potash alum (first revision )
2. IS 259: 1969 Aluminum alum (first revision)
3. IS 260: 1969 Al1..11T1i1mrr1 sulphate
4. IS 299: 1980 Aluminum ferric (third revision)
.s. JS 646: 1.986 Liquid chlorine (second revision)
6. TS 1065 : 1971 Bleaching powder, stable
7. IS 1622 : 1981 Methods of sampling and microbiological
examination of water (first revision)
8. IS .3025: Methods of sampling and test (physical and
chemical) for water and waste water.
Part 1 - 1986 Sampling (first revision)
Part 3 ,.1987 Precision and accuracy
Part 4 - 1983 Colour (first revision)
Part 5 - 1983 Odour (first revision)
Part 6 - 1983 Odour threshold (first revision)
Part 7 - 1984 Taste threshold (first revision)
P11rt 8 ·· 1984 'Taste rating (first revision)
Part 9 - 1984 Temperature (first revision)
Patt 10 - 1984 Turbidity (first revision)
Part 11 - 1983 pl-I value/first revision)
Part 12 - ·1933 Density (first revision)
Part 13 1983 Saturation index (with respect to
calcium carbonate) (first revision)
Part 14-1984 Specific csnductance ( wheat-stone bridge
conductance cell) (first revision)
Part 15 - 1984 Total residue (total dissolved and
Part 16 - 1984 Filterable residue (total dissolved solids)
(first revision)
Part 17 -- 1984 Nonfilterable residue (total dissolved solids)
(first revision)
Pait 18 - 1984 Volatile and fixed residue (total filterable
and non filterable) (first revision)
Part 19 - 1 984 Settleable matter (first revision)
2962 UA&Ei97,-<'l8A
Part 23 - 1986 Alkalinity (first revision)
Part 24 -· 1 986 Sulphates (first revision)
Part 25 - 1 986 Chlorine demand (first revision)
Part 26 - 1986 Chlorine, residual (first revision)
Part 27 - 1986 Cyanide (first revision)
Part 28 - 1 986 Sulphate (first revision)
Part 29 -- 1986 Sulphide (first revision)
Part 30 - 1988 Bromide
Part 31 -1988 Phosphorus
Part 32 -1988 Chloride
Part 33 -1988 Iodide
Part 34 -1988 Nitrogen
Part: 35 -1988 Silica
Part 36 -1988 Ozone residual
Part 37 -1988 Arsenic
9. JS 9825-1981 Chlorine tablets
10. IS 10500-1983 Drinking
t 1. IS 10553 Requirements for chlorination equipment
Part 1-1983 General guidelines for chlorination plants
including handling, storage and safety of
chlorine cylinders and drums
Part 2-1983 Vacuum feed type chlorinators
Part 4-1983 Gravity feed type gaseous chlorinators
Part 5-1987 Bleaching powder solution feeder
displacement type chlorinator
19. IS 6059 : 1971 Recommendation (or liquid flow
measurement in open channels by weirs and
flumes - Weirs of finite crest width for free
20. IS 6062 : 1971 Method of measurement of flow of water in
open channels using standing wave flume -
21. IS 6063 : 1971 Method of measurement of flow of water in
open channels using standing wave flume
22. IS 6064: 1971 Specification for sounding and suspension
23. IS 6330 : 1971 Recommendation for liquid flow
measurement in open channels by weirs and
Humes - end depth method for estimation
of flow in rectangular channels with a free
overall/approximate method)
24. lS 6339: 1971 Methods of analysis of concentration,
particle size distribution and specific gravity
of sediment in streams and canals
25. rs 91oa: 1979 Liquid flow measurement in open channels
using thin plate weirs
26. IS 9115: 1979 Method for estimation of incompressible
fluid flow in dosed conduits by bend meters
27. IS 9116 : 1979 Specification for water stage recorder ( float
28. IS 9117 : 1979 Recommendation for liquid flow
measurement in open channels by weirs and
flumes -·· end depth method for estimation
of flow in non Rectangular channels with a
free over fall(approximate method)
29. IS 9118: 1979 Method for measurement of pressme by
means of manometer
30. IS 9119 : 1979 Method for flow estimation by jet
characteristics (approximate method)
31. IS 9163 (Part 1): '1979 Dilution Methods for measurement of
steady flow constant rate injection method
32. IS 9922 : 1981 Guide for selection of method for
measuring flow in open channels.
1951 75 614
1971 124,230
Average 19,769
L Arithmetical Progression Method
158,800 + 39,538
Population in 2016 Population in 1981 + Increase for 3. 5 decades
6(."''"··---·..····-""'"'"·--·-.. --·-·---·--·-..··--- - ~ -- .
Geometric mean, rr< = vO. 108 x 0.356 x 0.252 x 0.308 x 0.256 >< 0.278
Assuming that the future growth follows the geometric mean for the
period 1921 to 1981 \i: = 0.2442
158,800 x (1.2442)2
= 2,45,800
Population in 2016 Population in 1981 x (1 + rg )3·5
= 1,58,800 x (1.2442) 35
= 3,05,700
= 1/6x118,615 = 1/Sx30,233
19,769 G,047
,., .. n >;
2 x 1 x 6U4'Z
= 1,58,800 + 39,538 + 18,141
= 2,16,479
£1 0 o
"? 00
4 00
3 62
2 s J
;z: '
% 90
~ eo
i?. 70
(ii) Tenders
Combined tenders will be invited for providing and installing the raw water and clear
water pumping machinery including provision of C.l. pipes , specials and valves for suction
and delivery connections and gantry girders, etc. to obviate the delay in the procurement of
machinery through the Central Stores Purchasing OrgMlization. No rigid delivery period is
generally specified in supply order placed for CI. pipes, specials and valves against the rate
contract though it is mentioned that delivery be effected as early as possible and the delivery
time is invariably more than a year. Jn view of these indererminares, a delivery period of 15
months for the new supplies (assuming that the necessary follow up will be carried out at
different levels) and the utilisation of the available lead joint pipes in department to the
possible extent to avoid the delay in the execution is considered reasonable.
The administrative approval to the scheme was accorded on 8--9-1972, but the acru.il
execution was delayed due ro various reasons. The network diagram was prepared 1 in l S 2
1974, i.e. about 75 weeks after the administrative approval Thus, the time duration for t h.:
activities which are already over have been taken as per actuals while the activities which are
yet to take place are projected taking into consideration the most probable period required. It
will be seen that while working out the actual activities completed, the time durations for
certain items are much higher than the normal which happened in this case due to the delays
mentioned earlier. For examples, the activity (14) viz. working plans and estimates for raw
and clear water pumping machinery should not have taken 73 weeks. A realistic fi1::,tt1re would
be around 20 to 30 weeks depending upon several factors like availability of staff etc.
Therefore while drawing up the CPM chart at the beginning stages itself, it may be necessary
to assume more rational figures of time duration based on the experience of the department
and not providing for any delays. The charts can , however, be updated periodically. The
following 11 major components of the scheme are further sub-divided into 102 activities to
complete the project. The number of the activities on the network diagram is also shown in
brackets for ready reference.
--·--·····--- .. --------·
Major Components Activity Time
Item No. (weeks)
L Head Works (i) Working plans & (2) 43
(including Raw estimates
Water Rising Main)
(ii) Sanction (3) 7
(iii) Draft tender papers (4) 2
(iv) Receiving tenders (5) 6
(v) Evaluate tenders &award (6) 10
of contract
(vi) Execution work
(a) Intake well connecting
pipe, twin jack well (10) 78
0)) Pump house (73) 26
(c) Approach bridge with
approach road and
fencing to head works (l 1) 78
(cl) Part excavation of raw
water rising main (1) 20
(e) Part laying of raw water
nsmgmam (9) 36
•¥_ .. _'""•'-•¥<,W .. -•••····-~~·--··· ........ - .. ,•O•••·"~---·-··· ..··--·-·-""''""~-,.,-,M~•~......... ~-··"·--~•WO•••-'"'''''........'"-····--·-...-·-·-·-"''""' .......wo-••"-·""->¥~-··-w•-••••·-·--·--·-----·---------- ..... -~--------·........ •-•¥
Major Components Activity Time
Item No. (weeks)
Major Components Activity Time
Hem No. (weeks)
Major Components Activity Time
Item No. (weeks)
. I
Civil works for filters (78) 55
([:i) Trial run of filters (102) ·1
V. Clear \\later Working plans & (20) 78
Reservoir And estimates
Pump House
(ii) Approval (21) 3
(iii) Draft tender papers (22) 3
(iv) Receive tenders (23) 6
Major Components Activity Time
Item No. (weeks)
·-···············-··~-·~----,····--·----,-·-----···~··· -- ...,.,., ~ ,_,,. ..
,,,,,,,.,, ,, ,,,, .., _ ..
Major Components Activity Time
Item No. (weeks)
Major Components Activity Time
No. (weeks)
~·-'·--·- ..·---
(b) Telephone (63) 155
(c) C.I p1pes, valves,
(J:'Jew order to be
(i) Indent (12) 77
(it) Supply order (13) 4
(iit) Delivery (71) 65
(d) C.I pipes against old
order placed by S.E
on 31-5-1973
(i) Supply order (29) 37
(it) Delivery (30) 65
(e) Final transfer of (75) 85
Govt land for
treatment works,
clear water reservoir
and pump house and
S.R at Treatment
(f) Obtaining (28) 130
permission of B &
C Deptt. for crossing
NH for clear water
rising main to S.R at
point A.
(g) Obtaining (35) 130
permission of
Railways for crossing
railway track for
2962 UA&E/97-39A
.. ~'""'-'·'~0'-'"'""'_.......,_,,,W,'''''"'~"''~-•-•••-•••"'•---·;__, ,,, ,,"''"'''M''"~'' ''~--·---·~-~·-"'_'_,,_.,,,,,_,,_,_~----~---••••~~·----·--""-°"°"'
From the Network Diagram) it may also be seen that the Prime Critical Path is through
the Headworks and covering the activities 1-2-3-4-5--6-10-73-83-101 102 as shown and the
time of completion is 188 weeks. Since 4 weeks of testing for all pumping plant and
machinery and 12 weeks for erection of raw water pump set are included in this 188 week
periods the time duration for the different major components could be summarized as:
2962 UA&E;97--39B
(a) Land acquistion for head works and provisions of 172 weeks
barbed wire fencing, internal roads, etc.
By proper advance planning and continuous persuasive efforts, it should be possible that
the salient works are completed in 188 weeks which is the critical period for the major items
of headworks, raw water mains and treatment works so that water could be made available to
the consumers even if the scheme is not complete in all respects.
i! -------\·--
.:i ·81 \ \
~1 ~1 ~ ~
! r I
\ ll(
I I \
Order of month 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15
·····-···-""'''--··--·-·~···"-----·-·---1·~-t---f---· ""-"'
The mass diagram is obtained by plotting the time interval (order of the month) as abscissa
and the cumulative run off and cumulative draft up to the corresponding time interval as
calculated in table below as ordinates.
5 5 23 271 18 36
6 2 23 273 21 57 *Reservoir empties
7 0 23 273 23 80
··········~··->····~·····~.,.~- ....... .._._,~ ........... ~.-··--------,-- ... ~- ............ --,··---
Order of Recorded Estimated Comul- Deficiency Cumula- Reservoir state
month run-off draft ative D-Q tive
Q D run-off deficiency
__,_ .......,.__.....,_., ....... ____ _________________
...___,. -~Q __,____ _J;;(Q__--Q)_____
8 2 23 275 21 101
9 16 23 291 7 108
12 92 23 462 -69 6
13 21 23 483 2 8
Col 3 Constant rate of draft ::: 23 mL/ sq km for an average month of 30.4 days.
Col. 5. Negative value indicates surplus.
Col. 6. Negative values are not included in r; (D-Q) until the beginning of dry period i.e. until
water is lost from storage and there is room to store incoming flows. 'I11e surplus
preceding the dry period, however, must equal or exceed the preceding maximum
deficiency; otherwise the reservoir will not be full at the beginning of dry period. TI1e
cumulative surplus, calculated backwards from the beginning of dry period, is shown in
brackets in column 6 and is seen to exceed 124 mL/sq km of catchment area. The
cumulative nm-off curve 'B' has been drawn as shown in the figure.
The cumulative draft line for the area under consideration is also plotted in the same scale
(line A) assuming constant draft of 23 mL/ sq kin of catchment area for a month of 30.4 days. The
slope of line 'A' indicates the rate of draft.
The maximum deficit of run off from the draft is obtained by drawing a straight line parallel to
the cumulative draft curve at the crest and through the cumulative run-off curve tangentially, The
vertical ordinate length intercepted between two such parallel lines tangential to the crest and trough
gives the maximum deficit for the period between the points of intersection of the parallel line with
the mass curve. The maximum cumulative deficiency as observed from the mass curve (which could
also be determined analytically as shown in the table) is 124 mL/sq km of catchment area, For the
constant rate of draft of 23 mL/ sq km of catchment area for a month of 30.4 days and for this cycle
of runoff values , the impounded storage needed is for (l24/23)x 30.4 i.e 165 days (almost half a
Et> - E'.Q ..,. ;24 'fill
~ 3 00 'T'ANG ENCY.
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !l 1:2 U 14 IS
States/ Uts Total Provision For Utilisable Net Draft Balance Net Ultimate Potential Balance Irr.
Replenshi- Drinking Ground Available Irrigation Irrigation Utilised Pot. To Be
ble Ground Industrial & Water For Require- Potential Developed
Water Other Uses Resources Irrigation men ts
Resource For
(m ha (m ham/Yr) (m ha (mha (mha (Range) (m) (m ha) (m ha) (m ha)
m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Andhra 4.34 0.65 3.69 0.74 2.95 (0.558- 5.19 1.04 4.15
Pradesh .0909)
Goa 0.061 0.015 0.046 0.0040 0.0420 0.600 0.076 0.006 0.070
States/ Uts Total Provision For Utilisable Net Draft Balance Net Ultimate Potential Balance Irr.
Replenshi- Drinking Ground Available Irrigation Irrigation Utilised Pot. To Be
ble Ground Industrial & Water For Require- Potential Developed
Water Other Uses Resources Irrigation ments
Resource For
(mha (m ham/Yr) (mha (mha (m ha (Range) (m) (m ha) (m ha) (m ha)
m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Confined 0.22 0.03 0.19 0.11 0.08 (0.0364 0.44 0.25 0.19
- 0.500)
Un- 2.04 0.31 1.73 0.53 1.20 (.0315 4.37 1.37 3.00
confined -0.500)
Haryana 0.85 0.13 0.72 0.51 0.21 0.385 1.88 1.32 0.56
Himachal 0.036 0.007 0.029 0.006 0.023 0.385 0.074 0.016 0.088
Jammu & 0.44 0.07 0.37 0.005 0.365 (0.385 0.783 0.012 0.771
Kashmir -0.600)
Kamataka 1.62 0.24 1.38 0.50 0.88 (0.350 3.12 0.70 2.420
- 0.360)
Ker ala 0.81 0.12 0.69 0.07 0.62 0.690 0.99 0.09 0.90
Madhya 5.97 0.89 5.08 0.60 4.48 0.400 12.70 1.50 11.20
Mahara- 3.38 0.67 3.20 0.70 2.50 (0.400 5.84 1.32 4.52
shtra -0.750)
Manipur 0.012 0.002 0.010 0.00 0.01 0.650 0.016 0.016
States/ Uts Total Provision For Utilisable Net Draft Balance Net Ultimate Potential Balance Irr.
Replenshi- Drinking Ground Available Irrigation Irrigation Utilised Pot. To Be
ble Ground Industrial & Water For Require- Potential Developed
Water Other Uses Resources Irrigation ments
Resource For
(m ha (m ham/Yr) (m ha (m ha (mha (Range) (m) (m ha) (m ha) (m ha)
m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Meghal-aya 0.043 0.007 0.036 0.000024 0.035976 0.650 0.056 0.00004 0.05596
Mizoram Not Assessed
Nagaland 0.006 0.001 0.004 0.00 0.004 "
Orissa 2.33 0.35 1.98 0.10 1.88 (0.34 - 0.44) 5.40 0.25 5.15
Punjab 1.80 0.27 1.53 1.52 c.or 0.400 3.82 3.80 002 l~
Not Assessed
(0.39- 0.42)
6.50 I~·
West 2.07 0.31 1.76 0.29 1.47 (0.6-1.6/'.) 1.88 0.23 1.65
Total states 45.147 6.922 38.225 10.620 27.605 80.265 27.862 52.40296 1I
00 ~:•:·
,_ "·j
States/ Uts Total Provision For Utilisable Net Draft Balance Net Ultimate Potential Balance Irr.
Replenshi- Drinking Ground Available Irrigation Irrigation Utilised Pot. To Be
bleGround Industrial & Water For Require- Potential Developed
Water Other Uses Resources Irrigation men ts
Resource For
(mha (m ham/Yr) (m ha (mha (mha (Range) (m) (m ha) (m ha) (m ha)
m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Say 45.15 6.92 38.23 10.62 27.61 80.27 27.86 52.41
Chandi- 0.0035 0.0035 0.0059 0.0024
Dadra & 0.0075 0.0023 0.0062 0.005 0.0047 0.6500 0.0080 0.0007 0.0073
Delhi 0.0604 0.0076 0.0428 0.0287 0.0141 0.3850 0.1112 0.0745 0.0367
Daman & Not Assessed
Laksha- Not Assessed
Pondic- 0.0175 0.0026 0.0149 0.0204 -0.0055 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
States/ Uts Total Provision For Utilisable Net Draft Balance Net Ultimate Potential Balance Irr.
Rep lens hi- Drinking Ground Available Irrigation Irrigation Utilised Pot To Be
ble Ground Industrial & Water For Require- Potential Developed
Water Other Uses Resources Irrigation men ts
Resource For
• Irrigation
(m ha (m ham/Yr) (m ha (m ha (m ha (Range) (m) (rn ha) (m ha) (m ha)
m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr) m/Yr)
1 2
.., 9 10
3 4 5 6 I 8
Total UTs 0.0789 0.0125 0.0664 0.0555 0.0109 1.0350 0.1192 0.0752 0.0440
Say 0.08 0.01 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.12 0.08 0.04
Total All 45.2259 6.9345 38.2914 10.6755 27.6159 80.3842 27.9372 52.4469
Say 45.23 6.93 38.30 10.68 27.62 80.38 27.94 52.44
<The estimates of ground Water Resources and as per the norms and guidelines laid down by the Ground Water Estimation Committee
(1984) assessed by the working group based by the state Irrigation Secretary incharge of Ground Water Department and comprised of the
head of the Ground Water Organisation in the State Director of State Agricultural Department and representative from Agriculture
Universities and the regional Director of Control Ground \V'ater Board as the convenor.
-9 -7 -3 I 2
10 10 10 10 10
-7 -3
10 ro 10 10
-) -6·5 -4
ro 10 JO
!°""""'" T
r NON ·,1 POOR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
N N x 10-7 Nx10·6 Nx10-5 Nx10-4 Nx10-3 Nx10-2 Nx10-1 N
~-. w-•----------··-·•-_,. __ ··---_,.,.,.,_,_,, ..... ........... ,_
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
----- ... ------·----------·-·-·--·-·~-··-·-·· ···--·-·-·--·· ..··-· ..-·--·· - ..·-·-·····-·----···..·---·- ........ _,_,.,.~·-··-· ----·· -· -··--- ..·-···~·- . -
1.0 15.54 13.24 10.94 8.63.33 6.:132 4.038 1.823 2.194x10-1
-3 -3 -3 -2
tO 2X!O
-2 -2 -2 -1 -1
8Xt0 10 2Xl0
r' 0
6XIO 9100 10 2XIO
s I a
~--- --
7 7
t I 6 w
--.... g
.._ MATOilNC. POINT s u
~v- I
~ r':>;': w
-r-- ....>-
POINT 1--.
' ,--:--_ J
I I --... r-, ...0
I I I !
l I
i ~ r-;
0 0 0
0 <: 0
J I OBSE.RVED_t..-..o
i... '
0 C)
9 ~
LOG c1o LOG C2
( X/ t)
I I J I l I I
I I 1
5 s 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 &
6Xt0 8X10 10 2Xt0 4XIO 6XIO 8XIO 10 :V(IO 4K10 exro &XIO 10
Type Curve
Pumping tests are made on wells to t('trmne capacity other hydraulic characteristics
and to obtain information so that permanent pumpmg equ1pn1ent can be intelligently selected.
Preliminary tests of \Vell drilled as rest holes are sometimes made to corn.pa.re the yielding ability of
different water bearing formation or different m same formation. This information is
then used as a basis for selecting the best site for: a supply well the aqu1ficr in which 1t should
be completed.
The measurement that should be made in wells include the volume of water pumped
per minute or per hour, the depth to the static water level before pumping is starred, the depth ro
the pumping level at one or more constant rates of pumpage, the recovery of water level after
pumpmg is stoppe<J am.l
length of time the well is pumped at each rate during test" procedure.
The pump and power unit used for testing a well should be capable of continues operation at a
constant rate of pumpagc for several hours. It is important that the equipment be in good
condition for an accurate test, since it is not desirable to have a shut down during the test. If
possible, the test pump should he large •:.nough to !f·st the well beyond the capacity at which it will
eventually be pumped, but this may not be always practicable under field operations.
In the purnping test, pmnp is fixed close to well and water is pumped out. The quantity
of water pumped is measured using a circular meter or a V notch. water clischarging
from the V notch chamber should be let away in a channel, so that water pumped out does not
find its way back into the well through the soil. As water from the well is pumped out, there will
he stage water rernams constant, without a.ny further increase in drawdown. The
purnping rate in this position is the yield from. the 'INClJ for that of depression or drawdown.
Aquifer performance test results for a typical case are given below:
Site I 189.ti 204.2 rn
213.6 246.2 m
Test earned out on l 1 using an air compressor of 7, l kg/cm2 capacity; static water
m below measuring point which is 0.82 meter above grou11d level.
2962 UA&E/97--40;.\
e •>
---------------------·--•·------·--- 4 • .,
9 12.34
u 11 81
p J.. !0.86
1-l 12 62
16 J.0.54
18 1063
20 10.68
..... ,
· '·"" !0.78
24 1(}84
26 J0.87
28 1o.77
:')O 10.65
.32 10 56
:H 104.S
-~>(; 10 f)
38 10.60
40 10.66
-t4 10.27
46 'j 0.36
48 l0.61
50 l 0.56
29f)2 UA&Ei97·---408
Time since Time since ti f D rawdown S( m) Residual Yield
pump pump drawdown (m3/min)
started (t)
stopped (t')
,... ·····--···--······~-~-~--, -
.-.. _.._ ,
54 10.22
56 10.37
58 10.49
60 10.26
62 10.04
67 10.18
72 10.49
77 10.47
82 10.35
87 10.30
92 l0.21
97 10.12
102 1083
117 10.40
132 10.22
147 10.04
162 10.38
192 10.36
200 9.99
'""*'~'......,_.,,,,,,_,.,..,.,,, ...,,_,'<\,_,,W>+''-'~·•••·""'""-'""m~<<'•~·""*"-'"'""~""'"'_,,.,.,,....,....,..""""""""""''"""'"'~~-M-.........,.,"""'''''°"'"'"'""""~""'"'''_".,,...>""'"""',.v,......,.,..~......, w,•". ,. ~-*""~--~-------
T'irne s ince 'I'ime since t/t' Drnwdowu S(m) Residual Yield
pump pump drawdown (m3/m.in)
started (it) stopped Rd(1n)
min min
5 6
206 6 3{3 3.67
207 7 29.57 3. 75
2W 10 21.0 350
2H l·l IS.'.W 3 )0
219 l9 IL'.i2
220 20 no 3215 t
221. :? 1 1052 3.21
24 () 3; 3.19
d.jo,t.J 25 9.0 3.18
2:'.6 26 8h9 3 17
2W 28 81 t 3 i (~
229 29 7.89 .) q
:~ :)() ,~ i'1
,)\] 7 66 3.U
pump pump drawdown (m3/min)
started (t) stopped (t') Rd(m.)
min min
1 2 3
M ~·~~-~~-· -----
J1 .313
""/ ••, i~
1 . .:......1 ll 1
234 34 6 88 3. !O
655 3 (}()
C.2(1 3 ()7
5.76 .3.01
:).51 2.1)7
5.lC> 2.90
_'.)_ 4.8'1 2 8.3
56 .:J..'..i7
,,~~. 77
172 3.77 2 -
277 ~ "{\
.:.1.)) 2.··~-7
.282 . ')
'8 ~ '.LH 241
, -1
:i i ! 12(1
Time since
Time since
pump pump drawdown (ms/min)
started (t) stopped (r') Rd(m)
min min
1 2 3 4 5 6
... ...................................................,, ,,.,.,.,.,.~ ..~ ~.,.~-···- ····-~~--------·--------- ---·----·-·---------
722 522 1.38 0.05
752 jj_ l.36 0.05
1462 1262 us
................ . ........................
Ir may be noted that the t/t' plotted against residual drawdown Rd in a semi-log co-ordinate
paper, in this particular case, give a very steep straight line plot so that the value of Rd works out
0.98. The high value of residual drawdown is indicative of poor recharge Into the well. This was
obviously due to the fact that sand neatly 4 by volume was pumped out as the air compressor
continued to lift out water. It is apparent strainers were filled with sand and so was the
well assembly. Therefore, the test results a great degree of reservation as far
as the true character of the aquifer is
?VSMl~G P.t..A.1 t.
~V!NG FORC.-t. 1'i.P?Uil) tt~H.€.
.. ::.
2. Place the cover over the well and pour the required amount of bleaching powder solution in to
the well through the manhole or pipe opening JUSt prior to inserting the pump cylinder and
drop-pipe assembly. The bleaching powder added should give a dose of 50 mg/L of chlorine
in the volume of water in the well. Care should be taken to distribute the chlorine solution
over as much of the surface of the water as possible to obtain proper mixing of the chemical
with well water, which may be facilitated by running the solution into the well through a hose
or pipeline as the line is being alternatively lowered and raised.
3. \Va.sh the exterior surface of the pump cylinder and drop pipe with bleaching powder solution
giving 50 mg/I of chlorine when the assembly is being lowered into the well,
4. Allow the chlorine solution to remain in the well for not less than 24 hours.
5. After 24 hours or more have elapsed , the well should be flushed by pumping the water to
waste, till the residual chlorine is brought to 1 mg/1.
1. When the well is tested for yield .the test pump should be operated until the well water is as
clean and free from turbidity as possible.
2. After the testing equipment has been removed, pour the required amount of bleaching
solution into the well slowly just prior to installing the permanent pumping equipment The
dose of chlorine should be maintained at SOmg/l. Mixing of the chemical with well water may
be facilitated by running the solution into the well through a hose or pipeline as the line is
being alternatively raised and lowered.
3. Wash the exterior surface of the pump cylinder and drop pipe with bleaching powder solution
before positioning
4. Allow the chlorine solution to remain in the well for not less than 24 hours
5. After 24 hours or more have elapsed, the well should be flushed by pumping the water to
waste till a residual of l mg/1 of chlorine is obtained. In the case of deep wells having a high
water level, it may be necessary to resort to special methods of introducing the disinfecting
agent in to the well so as to ensure proper mixing of chlorine throughout the well .
Similar procedure is adopted when troubles due to iron bacteria are noticed in the tube wells
particularly when they come out as stringy masses along with the water.
\X/he11 a section of water main is laid or repaired it is impossible to avoid contaminating the
inner surface with dirt, mud or water i11 the trench while the pipes are being fixed into place.
Contamination may also occur by accident, negligence or malice; adequate surveillance during
working hours and the plugging of open ends after the day's work will reduce these risks. It should
be assumed however that the pipe is contaminated despite all the precautions taken to prevent the
entry of foreign matter. Secondly the main must be disinfected before it is put into service.
To obtain good results from disinfection and to avoid the hazards of subsequent obstructions
and damage to valves, all foreign objects and material should be removed before hand by swabbing
and flushing to clean the pipeline. Packing and jointing material should be deaned and disinfected
immediately before use by immersion in a 50 mg/I of chlorine solution for at least 30 minutes.
The presence of hydrants, air valves, gate valves and other openings in and around the section
to be disinfected facilitate the injection and extraction of water for flushing and disinfection.
Recently developed plastic foam swabs are also useful in the disinfection of mains. As they are
displaced by water pressure, these swabs wipe clean the inner surface of the pipe. TI1ey can isolate
the section to be disinfected from the rest of the main and prevent the loss of the disinfected
Chlorine compounds are the most commonly used disinfectants for water mains. Strength of
the disinfecting solution should be much higher than that normally used for water
chlorination.Under normal conditions a strength of 10 mg/I is recommended for a contact period
of 12-24 hours. Application for 24 hours is necessary when the chlorine has to penetrate through
organic matter coating the inner surface, In emergencies, when it is not possible to leave the
section of the main out of service for a long time, the period of contact can be shortened by
proportionately increasing the strength of the solution. Thus for a contact period of 1 hour the
strength of solution varies between 120 and 240 mg/L When strong solutions are used particular
attention should be paid to thorough removal from the main after completion of disinfection as
illness and discomfort may result from using highly chlorinated water and the corrosive action of
the chlorine may damage pipes, valves, hydrants and house hold plumbing and fixtures.
Chlorine gas may be injected directly under the section of the main by a dry-feed chlorine or
supplied with a special gas diffuser or silver tube and attached to a hydrant or other opening by
means of specially plugged valve. After the section has been thoroughly flushed, the entire valve is
partly shut to bring water pressure below 1. 70 Kg/ cm-,
At the hydrant or opening where the water is discharged, the flow rate is measured to
determine the rate at which chlorine ,gas needs to be delivered. To obtain a concentration of 10
mg/I in the section to be disinfected, the chlorine gas input rate should be 0.9 Kg/24 hours for
every litres per second of flow. The valve of the chlorine cylinder is opened and adjusted so that
the dial shows the required rate of chlorine flow.
To ensure that the chlorine concentration remains at 10 mg/l throughout the period of contact,
the strength of the injected solution should be at least twice as high. A table below shows the
amount of disinfectants required for pipes of various diameters in order to provide a chlorine
concentration of about 20 mg/l
100 81 65 23 (LB
The volume in litres of the disinfecting solution required for 100 m of pipe can be expressed by
V= 0.08 d2 where dis the diameter of the pipe in mm.
As soon as the odour of chlorine is detected in water discharged from the main, water samples
are taken to determine the chlorine content. \Vhen chlorine content reaches a value of 20 mg/lat
the other end of the section being disinfected, the discharge hydrant is closed and the flow of the
water and chlorine gas are stopped. The water is allowed to stand in the main for 12-24 hours and
the chlorine content should be ensured to be not less than 10 mg/l at the end of the period. The
mains should be thoroughly flushed with treated water until the water is cleared. Samples for
bacteriological tests should be taken everyday during the 3 days following disinfection to ascertain
that the water is satisfactory in quality.
A similar procedure is used for feeding a mixture of chlorine gas and water by means of a
solution feed chlorinator; special rubber hose should be fitted to the plug valve and the silver tube
diffuser. A booster pump may be required to provide pressure at least 3 times higher than that in
die main, i.n order to ensure satisfactory injection of the solution.
When calcium hypo-chlorite or chlorinated lime is used for disinfection of a section of a main,
the easiest method of application is to inject a strong chlorine solution by means of a portable
chlormator. If the intake valve is kept partly open, a small flow of water can enter the pipe to assist
in the dispersion of the chemical The discharge hydrant or valve is shut off when the odour of
chlorine is detected in the water flowing om and the section of the main is allowed to fill The
intake valve is regulated so that the required amount of disinfecting solution is injected before the
pipe is completely full.
\Vhen there is no chlorinator or pump to inject the disinfection solution, the intake valve is
shut ()ff after the flushing operation and the secnon is allowed to drain dry. 'Then the discharge
hydrant or valve is shut off thus leaving the section to be disinfected, isolated from the rest of the
main. The disinfecting solution is slowly poured through a funnel or a hose into an intermediate
hydrant, valve or opening made for this purpose until the section is completely filled. Precaution
should be taken to allow air trapped in the pipe to escape; where there is no air valve or other
orifice by which the air can be released, one or more service connections could he detached or a
hole could be drilled in the top of the pipe.
If the section to be disinfected is short, weighed quantities of calcium hypochlorite or
chlorinated lime in powder form may be placed at regular intervals inside the pipes while they are
fixed into place. When water is introduced later, the powder will mix with it and produce strong
solution of chlorine. The disadvantage is that the powder will be flushed to the far end of the
section even when water is admitted slowly and no uniform distribution of disinfectant is possible.
While disinfecting solution remains in two pipes, the valves and hydrants in the section of the
main should be operated to ensure that a11 surfaces come into contact with the disinfectant. The
valves at either end of the treated section should remain shut during the whole period of contact to
prevent the loss of disinfecting solution.
S No. Pipe IS: No. Usual dia in Class Test Pressure Maximum
n1m at works working
___________ pressure ~t Eield
Kg/cm-' Period Kg/ cm2 Period
= 10 m in
of water second·
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Spun Iron pipe 80, 100, 125, L'\ 35 15 ·12
IS: l 536-1989 & 150-50--500, A 35 20 rn
3114-1985 600,700,750, B ss '}"'
~) 24
2 Cast iron pipe 80, l 00,125, A ... dia(mm) 20 Not less than two-
IS:1537-\976 .150·50-500, 600 thirds of the works
600,700,750, 600-1000 IS test pressure main-
800-100-1200, 1000- j 500 1.0 rained fo r the field
1SOO rest pressures are
less, the period of
test should be
600· !000 20 atleast 24 hours,
1000-1500 !5 the test pressure
being gradually
raised at the rate of
1 kg/cm-/min
4 R.C Pipes IS: 80, 100, 150, Pi 2 For use oi1 gravity
458--1988 250-50-500-100·· mains only-
1200 working pressure
not to exceed two-
rhi rd of test
7 Electrically 200-2000 1 15
Welded steel 2 20
pipes IS : 3589- 3 25
1987 SpL
PROBLEM:- Design an economic size of pumping mam, given the following data:
KW required= (QxH)/102 x 1 hr x 24/X
Q ::.-: Discharge at the end of 15 years in l ps
H = Total head in m for dischgarge at the end of 15 years
11 = Combined efficiency of pumping set
X = Hours of pumping for discharge at the end of 15 years
7. Annual cost in Rs. of electrical energy @ Rs. 1 per unit (K\X/X avet'a.ge hours of pumping x
average days per year x 1.00)
KWr x 19.17 x 365.24 x 1.00 l<W'2 x 20.12 x :365.24 x l.00
_.. 7001.65 KW1 = 7348. 63 K\v'2
R Pump Cost Captilised
F\ : : : C ::::- Po (1 + t)n
Po= C/(1 +r)n
1\, t nirial (1989) Capitalised investment
c Amount needed after 15 years, that is, in 2004 to purchase the second stage
Pumping ser.
Rate of compound interest
1 ()%, per year
n No. of years z: 15
C/(1 +0.1)ls = C/4. 177
9. Energy Charges Capitalised
Cc= CR {(1 ~"(1 +rf)/n}
For values n :.:::15 and r : -.: 10%
Cc =7.606 CR
(Cc) l"t stage > 7.606 (CR) 1st stage and
(Cc) 2nd stage :::: 7.606 (CR) 21ld stage
Present (I 989) energy charges (CP) for second stage capitalised value
i.e. for (Cc) 2nd and stage in 2004
Cp :::: (Cc)2nd stage/ 4.177
10. Table 1, 11,lll show the calculations to arrive the most economical pumping main size for
the given data
SL Pipe size in mm Frictional head Velocity in m/ s Total head in 'rn' for 7000 m pipe lengths including 50 m of static
_ _J~:Jo~-------------~ss pe!:_ 1000~1 head
r' stage flow 2nd stage flow
1" stage 2"a stage r' 2"d Frictio- Other Total Friction- Other Total
flow of flow of stage stage nal loss losses al loss m losses
7.5 10 flow of flow of m
MID xu.o 7.5 10
MLD £vll~D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
300 8.00 14.50 1.25 1.68 56.00 5.60 111.60 101.50 10.15 161.05
say say
115.00 165.00
2.66 78.26 46.90 4.69 101.59
say say
80.00 105.00
1.40 75.40 23.80 2.38 76.18
say say
75.00 80.00
0.77 58.47 13.65 1.37 65.02
say say
60.00 65.00
0.46 55.08 8.05 0.80 58.85
say say
55.00 60.00
1 300 1-.i:::
1-J" 260 52() 165 3:3U 660
., 350 80 180 360 105 21{] 420
3 400 t» 170 340 80 160 120
4 450 60 140 280 65 130 260
5 5()0 55 130 260 6i} 12n 240
Note : Assumingc.. other losses :::: 1 \Y'/(j of frictional loss
SL Pipe "font! head Class I{ate* Cost 1" stage flow of 7 5 f\{LD 2".d stage flow of 10 Grand total of
No. size mm of Cf perm of Ml.D capitalized cost
m ---·------------ pipes ient,,rth 7000 for s:~ '.l.() "C'"' rs f16'i
...,1 __ , } ~11.- • \. .... I
4rin -e -s
350 80 i05 I...1.l\. 80-i.92 5G35 360 829 6.306 12301 ,/;,.~} j 522 i 1577 2872 1 5173
, .... ()1 ,.,
_) 400 ',,J 80 L;\ 8.72 6431 34t) 777 5910 12681 320 !160 8823 L.. 89 14870
4 450 60 65
' JU6.51 7746 280 622 4731 12757 260 942 7165 1778 14535
5 500 55 60 .LA 1302.66 9119 20! 570 4336 13715 240 870 6618 1642 15357
3• Cosr of purnpsets Annual cost or energy charges:-:: 7(}01.65 !<Yf/1 -:::: (:H.1 9)t'
10~ Ener5')'charges capitalised ::-c C:1 °~ 7.606 CR1 Total capitalised cost :·: (7) ·t· ·1- (IO) 11 ·
12· Cost of pump sets Annual cost of energy c.h1xges = 7348.63 K\VJ = CR2 13'
1.i' L::nert,ry charges capiralised = C-:1 = 7.606 CR: 15' Initial capital mvestment for pumpsers and annual electrical
charges = 12 +Col. 14) / ·f.177
' Cost of pipe includes cost of specials ( HJ0:r; of actual p1pe cost), of excavation and cosr of faying and jointing
l(f.:~\L·\.J{KS: Fro~11 this t.ible it ts seen rhar most economical sizes of main iS -~SO mm ~Li\~ Class (:_L pipe
fip -- Y• _,_
l + S1.·n () -t-' ').{., C'J1
. l, . ---- LJL fl·-:+.si;-o .
2 1 - Sm (] \ 1 - Sin ()
Yields l.8 ().2) (3 .2) i!..:22. == 88 .47 tonnes
2 0.5
(ii) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the
soil mass i.e., the portion of projected pipes >
l - Sin 0
fa - rs h --------
1 + Sin f.J
== (l . 8 )( 0 . 9 ) ( O · ~ - 0 . 54 tonnes
The minimum surface reinforcement in all thrust blocks shall be 5 kgs/sq.m(as per IRG
21 1972 Article 306.4). The spacing of these bars is not to exceed 500mm. Hence provide 1 U
bars at 200 c/c which is more than 5 kgs/sqm.
----····-··· ····-----.t ....
: =~::;~~~~J
--- . . -_1-
v,) : : : lnitial velocity
4 '
896.27 x I CU
::-; lU24
2p :::: 0.65
Referring Chart f0• k, as 0.50 for limiting Upsurge to 1.20 H0 and Downsurge to 0.5 H0
Air vessel parameter for 2p = 0.65 is calculated as follows:
= 150.31x(2) i;u
267.20 Cum
Increase the capacity by 2(YYo to cater for upsurge of 1.20 II 0
- 267.20 x 1.2
= 32{) C11.ms
The water column separation is calculated on the basis of the following formula.
V/-V} = (2g/L){(tctJ V, {H+F 0/12 /Vo)}j
H= Static Head, (Absolute Head)
F= Loss of head due to friction
V1, V2=Velocities at instances t.and t2.
(tc tz.) = Period between time intervals in seconds .
V0 = Initial Velocity.
L=Length of pipeline
Initial velocity will come to rest over a time period after the stoppage of pumps.
Assuming a time interval of 0.20 seconds and by using above formula the subsequent
velocities are calculated till the final velocity (V,) is almost Zero. 'The water column
separation length l is giv..:n by Laws =
Iwcs 1: lV1+V2+ ...... V,J (t2-t1)
For the given diameter of pipe and for the calculated water column separation
Length the volume of water required to be stored in Air vessel is calculated.
(l.01)2 -- V32 ,= 2x
18000 l t.J
+ 1s.Q.:03
For a pipe of 1.55 per dia volume of water required to fill this separation length
d ~= ~!x_e x t
( = Permissible tensile strength in steel plates = 1260 kgs/ cm 2
2 x 1260 x l. 90 x 2. 20
~·-··-···-·-~-·-' " _.,.
259.20 ems
~·- Say 26() ems
Provide 2.60-m cha of vessel with a lenzth Land two hemi-sp herical ends.
Volume of (two hemispheres) spherical portion :.:: 1..x 'lt(1.3)3:::: 9.2 Cum.
Total Volume of cylinder= 160 cum-· 9.20;::::: 150.80 cum
Length of vessel of 2.6 m dia with volume 150.80 cum is ::;: 28.40 meters
Provide 2 vessels each of 2.6-m dia and 28.40 m long with herni-spherical ends.
(111; Fixing Of Levels Of Water And Air In The Vessel
The levels are fixed by trial by assuming a depth and calculating volume in cylindrical
and spherical portions.
(a) Normal Working Level
Volume of Air :::: 90 cum
Volume of \'\later= 70 cum
The normal working level is fixed by trial by assuming 1.15 meter water depth from
bottom. Volume of water :::: 70.95 Cum which is more than required 70 Cum . Hence
normal working level will be at 1.15 m from bottom of vessel,
(b) Upper Emergency Leuel
Air dissolves in water in the vessel. Assuming that 1 ()fi/o Air dissolves in water the level
of water rises by 10~!(> of volume of Air i.e.
Volume of water = 70 Cum +HY~<) of 90 Cum :::: 79 Cum.
The depth of water from bottom will be 1.35 m which gives volume of water as 79 Cum.
Hence upper emergency level will be 1.35 m from bottom of vessel.
(c) Louser Emergency Level
\vben pumps trip as per water column separation about 11.51 Cum of water is required
to fill the pipeline. As calculated volume of water at a depth of 1.00 m from bottom of
vessel == 56.43 Cum . Volume of water at normal working level is 71 Cum.
Quantity of water available is the difference between normal working level and lower
emergency level.
(Removal of Iron & Manganese)
Design a spray aerator given the following data:
L Design flow =
250 m3 /hr.
Pipe used= 70 mm dia 'B' Class C.l. Pipe with a C value of 100
S ::.~ 3.60 meters /1000 meters
V = 1.35 m/s
2. Iron present in raw water= 1.8 rng/L
3. Saturation concentration of(\ at 28 nc = 7. 92 mg/1.
4. Aeration constant (to the common base) at 28 °C ·= 70 cm/hour.
I Design flow ::::: 6000 m·' /day.
2. Assuming 25--rnm dia, nozzle with an inclination of .3° to the vertical, dia of one drop is
25mm .
.3. Iron present in raw water= 1.8 mg/I,
Permissible limit of iron in treated water = 0.1 mg/l.
Iron to be removed= (1.8-0.1) mg/l = 1.7 mg/l.
4. Fe,.'+ 302 := 2Fe20~
1.7 mg/l of Fe requires 1.7 x96/224 :::-: 0.7286 mg/l of 02 •
.5. By applying 'Gas absorption equation in 7.2 .. 2 in the form
I.og10 [(.(··.,
., - c-o )l(C· .• -c,"" )] =v
K .A.t
C, = 7. 92 mg/l at 28°C, Co = 0.0 mg/l.
Ct = 0. 73 mg/l, K = 70 cm/hr
1=~= 2~5(~~)
:. log., - = --70 x - 6 x t =-t
7.19 60x60 2.5 150
· t=~~xlog 107.19
.. 7
t:::: x 0.042
t=0.9 seconds
say t = 1 second & small case
t; = time of rise = t/2 = 0.5 seconds
V = nozzle velocity and a. = inclination to horizontal.
V Sin a= g.t,
: . v : : _K!.r___
= (980x0.5)/Sin (90-3)0
= (980x0.5)/Sin 87°
= 4.91 cm/s
6, Number of nozzles
N =No. of nozzles required
q = Discharge through each nozzle = Cd x V x a
Cd= Coefficient of discharge= 0.9 (assuming)
V = nozzle velocity = 4. 91 mps
a = nozzle area = (3.14/ 4 )d2
d= dia of nozzle :::: 25 mm
., Discharge through "N" number nozzles= N x Cd x V x a
::: N x 0.9 x 4.91x (3.14/4) x [25x10.3]2 nr1/sec.
But design flow i.e. discharge through N nozzles = 6000 m3 /day
N x 0.9 x 4.91x (3.14/4) x [25x103Jzx 60 x 60 x 24 = 6000 m3/day
.'. N = 32
.'.Nozzles required ·= 32 Nos of 25 mm dia each.
B 3M
x-- !2M
(3 r r
-n--------- 3M
Hz J2
Providing a spacing of 0.3 m c/c of nozzles and spacing in two adjacent rows and in
staggered position.
Provide 4 pipes each of length 3m at a spacing of 2m.
Allowing 2m space on all the sides, the size of the aerator tray will be Sm x 6m.
Aerator pipes enclose an area of 2 x (3x2) = 12 rn2
.. Area provided per m3/day of design flow = 12/(250x24)·= 2.0x1Cl'3m7/lm) I day of
design flow .
(O.K. since it is between 1.25 x 10.:i to 3. 75x 10 3m2 I day of design flow).
9. Uniformity in distribution
The uniformity in distribution of water is maintained by arrangement of aerator pipes as
in figure above .
Discharge through each pipe= (250x24)/4 ~~: 1500 m3/d
Assuming h : : .: head loss at each nozzle
V = C,. '1(2gh} :;:: 4. 91 m/ s
h = (4.91) 2 /f(0.9)2x2x9.81] (Assuming C, ::: 0.9)
Head loss in the pipe for gradually diminishing flow:: : : H :::: OJJ6 m
.'. Corresponding head loss for uniform flow > H" = 311 =3x0.06
= 0 .18 m (per aerator pipe ] ength)
.. Head loss /1000 m > (0.18 /1.5) x1000 = 120
10. Design of pipes and head losses:
The arrangement of pipe is shown in Figure. The aerator pipes are so chosen that the
velocity remains within 1 to 1.5 mps and corresponding head losses for pipes (CL) are
calculated and are shown in the following table:
Total I lead loss = 0.285 + '10% for valves and specials
....,. 0~314 1TI
say = 0.32 m
Head at';\' 'Terminal head + 'Total Head loss
- t .52 -t· {).32
= 1.84 m
Design a mechanical rapid mix unit using following data:
1. Design flow to be treated 250 m:;/hr
2. Detention time = 30 secs (20-60 s)
3. Ratio of tank height to diameter :::: 1.5:1 (1-3:1)
4. Ratio of impeller diameter to tank diameter 0.4:1(0.2 - 0.4:1)
5. Rotational speed of impeller 120 rpm (>100 rpm)
6. Velocity gradient = 600S 1 (> 300S 1)
- 302 -o
. m I s ~ ..Kl1
Determine area blades AP ()f impeller the equation.
Power spent::::: (1 /2).Cyyp.Ar.V/
Assuming Newtons coefficient of drag; C0 ::: l.8 flat blades and relative velocity of
paddle, V ,, as three fourths of the tangential velocity of the tip of the blade,
756 zz: (1 /2) x (1.8xlOOO:xAP)x[0.75x3.03J}
AP :::: 0.0'72 rn2
Provide 6 blades of size 0. 1. 1.2 m
(iv) Provide 4 Nos of baffles of length 1.9 m and projecting 0.10 m from the wall of the
tank to reduce vortex formation,
(v) Provide inlet and outlet pipes of 200 mm diameter,
2962 UA&E/97··--··42/;
Design clariflocculator using folk;\ving data and design criteria;
I. Desired average outflow from clariflocculator = 250 rn' I hr
2. Water lost in desludging<- ~ 2%
3.' Design average flow - (250 x 100) I (100 - 2)
255.1. m3 I hr
4. Detention period ·~·- 20 minutes
5. Average value of velocity gradient, G
" .
·-·--"· · · · ·-·
255. 1 x 4 .
Influent pipe diameter= ,,!- , . :::: 0.24
v 3600 »: 1x Jr:
Provide an influent pipe of 300 nun diameter
D = 6.57m
2962 UA<':>.El97--42B
Provide a tank diameter of 6.6 m ..
Depth below partition wall
z: 13.9/ (n: x 6.6) = 0.67m
Provide 25''.'c• additional depth for the storage of sludge in case the mechanical scraper is
out of order.
Depth provided for sludge ::.-:: 0.25 x = 0.62.5 m say 0.63 m
Provide 8°10 slope for the bottom,
Total depth of tank at the partition will assuming a free board of0.3 m
;;;: 0.) + 2.5 ·1 0.67 + 0.63 :::-: 4.10 !TL
···JI"· · [D({'. 153.()6 c;.; l 5.44m
4 .
Length of weir = n.Dct = n: x 15.44 ;:;: 48.53rn
\X/eir loading = (255.1 x 24)/(48.83) m3 /day.m .-::: 126.2m3/day m (< 300 m3/day m)
Design rectangular sedimentation tank with following data.
l . Desired Average Outflow from sedimentation tank 250 nY~/hr.
2. \'Vater lost in desludging 2%
3. Design Average flow .._ (250x100)/(100-2)
4. Minimum size of the particle to be removed _. (l.02 mrn
For the given diameter and specific gravity of minimum size particles to be removed in
settling tank, vertical settling velocity of the particle is calculated initially usmg Stoke's law.
The computed settling velocity is used to determine Reynolds number to check whether
Stoke's law is applicable. If Reynolds exceeds l, Hazen's formula is used to
determine the settling velocity of particle. The settling velocity thus calculated is employed
for computation of surface over flow rate for expected removal efficiency of minimum size
particles and assumed performance of the settling basin. Alternatively the surface over flow
rate for average design flow may be assumed on the basis of data presented in Table in
section 7.5.6. The plan area is determined followed by tank dimensions. The depth of
tank may be determined using detention period. Sizing of components of inlets and outlets
is done using relevant design criteria & assumptions.
v, g(S,-1).d2/(18xv)
ov .c.81 (~'l.o:,
Ki::J ,_ ((")
(')2 x. 1 t· i-})Z /
• I
(''I~ 8, x. l ,C)1 x ·1 c').fr)
3.56 x 10·4 m/s
Flow velocity that can initiate resuspension of deposited particles in the sludge zone, V,
is f:~ven by
v =. ffekl/).g {.~:. - 1 }d l
For unigranuiar particles k = O.iJ"t and
Weisbach - Darcv' friction factor, ' f = 0.03
v : ~[ (8 x 0.04 / 0.03) x 9.81 ~ ( 2 65-1) ~; ( o.o2~-!iJ7)]
= 5.88 x 10';~ m/s
To avoid resuspension, this critical displacement velocity should not be exceeded and
horizontal velocity of flow in basin should be less than critical displacement velocity.
Horizontal velocity of flow in settling basin at: average flow, V h
v; = Q /(Bx D)
-· 255. 1 fm3 /hrj/(3600 x 9.09 x 3.09) m./s zz: 2. 52 x 10 3 m/s < 5.88 x 10 2 hence
The influent structure is designed to minimize turbulence, to distribute the water and
suspended solids uniformly across the width and throughout the depth of settling basin and
to avoid deposition of suspended solids in influent structure It ncay consist of an influent
channel, submerged orifices and baffles in front of orifices.
Provide 0.6 m wide and 0.6-m deep influent channel that tuns across the width of the
tank Provide 4 submerged orifices 0.2.0 m x 0.20 m in the inside wall of influent channel to
distribute the flow uniformly into the basin. A baffle l m deep is provided at a distance of 1
rn away from orifices to reduce turbulence.
Velocity of flow in channel = 2ss.1 I (3600 x o.6 x 0.4)
at average design flow·
(Assuming a depth of flow of 0.4 m) ·~-· 0.3 m/s.
r . ,2
Head loss through orifices
-·. l 3600 x 4 ·~0.Ei ~5(~.~)" ~·:_;:t~s~'8iJ "'' 0·03111
The components of effluent structure are effluent weir, effluent launder, outlet box and
an outlet pipe.
(a) Compute weir length & number of V-notches
outflow from sedimentation tank > 250 m'.1/hr.
Assuming a weir loading of 200 m3 / d perm length of weir,
vv . l engtn' ::: .: ('2~.5(')·__ x 1.:,""4) /
,:.,t .
" )(')
Design a secondary circular sedimentation tank to remove alum floe with following data.
l. Average output from settling tank 250 m3/hr.
2. Amount of water lost in desludging .:::: 2 %
3. Average design flow 255.1m,,/hr.
4. Minimum size of alum floe to be removed -· 0.8 mm.
5. Specific gravity of alum floe ··-· 1.002
6. Expected removal efficiency of alum floe •.•. 8()1%
- g(S~··i)d2/(18xv)
-· 9.s·i (1.002~ 1 )(0.8 x l 0 3)2 / (18 x 1.01 x 10'6) m/ s ::::: 6. 91 x 10"1 rn/ s
Reynolds number > NR ::::: (V,d)/v :-.: : (6.91x104 x 0.8 x 10·3 )/ LOl x 106 :::.:: 055 < l
Hence Stoke's law is applicable.
This is acceptable as rt is within the typical design range of .30·-40 m3 /mz/d.
r '·
Design tube settler module of square cross section with following data
1. i\ verage output required from tube settler --- 250 m3 /hr
2. Loss of water in desludging ::::: 2% of output required
3. Average design flow = (250 x 100) / (100 .. 2) :::: 255.1 m3/hr
4. Cross section of square tubes = so mm x 50mm
5. Length of tubes -.. 1m
6. Angle of inclination of tubes - 60°
1. Compute relative length of settler
1-'R = 1000 I 50 = 20
Effective relative length of tube, L
L - I..,R -- 0.()58 NR
= 11\ - 0.058 x V d Iv 0
Design rapid gravity filter for producing a net filtered water flow· of 250 m1 /hr. The
relevant data is
(1) Quantity of backwash water used 3 ~/o of filter output
(i:i) Time lost during back washing 30 minutes
(iii) Design rate of filtration ·~ 5 m3I m2 /hr
(iv) Length to width ratio -· 1.25 _,, 1.33: 1
(v) Under drainage system Central manifold with laterals
(vi) Size of perforations 9mm
(a) Filter Dimensions
Required flow of filtered water = 250 m3 /hr
Design flow for filter after accounting 250 x (1 +0.03) x 24 /23.5 tn3 /hr
for backwash water and time
lost in backwa.ning
-- 2·<.L:3/5 -- 2
Plan area of filter required - .)··2 ,O
'- 1n
Provide two filter units, two being minimum no. to be provided
Length x width = 26.3
Assume length to width ratio as 1.3: 1
'X'idth of the filter 4.50 m
Length of the filter - 5.85 m
Provide two filter units, each with a dimension of 5.85 x 4.50 m
(b) Estimation Of Sand Depth
Assume a depth of sand as 60 cm and effective size of sand as (l5 m.
The depth can be checked against break through of floe through sand bed by calculating
minimum depth required by Hudson formula
In F.P.S unit Qd3h/ 1 = B x 29323
\'Vnere Q is the rate of filtration in gpm/ sft, d is the sand size in cm, h is the terminal
loss of head in ft., l is the depth of bed in inches and bis a breakthrough index whose value
ranges between 4 x 10 ·4 to 6 x 10-3 depending on response to coagulation and degree of
treatment of filter influent,
Size, mm 2 5 10 20 40
Depth, cm 9.2 21.3 30.5 40 49
Increment, cm 9.2 12.1 9.2 9.5 9
,• ::::: 4740 cm2
Diameter of central manifold
77.7 cm
Provide a commercially available diameter of 800 mm
Cross sectional area of each lateral = 2370 /78 cm 2 :::: 30.39 cm2
~(30.39TC x 4) = 6.22 cm
Diameter of lateral =
Provide laterals of diameter of 80 mm
= 947.88 m3/hr
= 0.2633 m3/sec
Assuming a spacing of l.6 m for wash water trough which will run parallel
Q= 1.376 bh3i2
(),0878 ::: 1 376 x OA x h3,1:\ i1::;.: 0.294 say 0.3 m
(ii) gravel (iii) sand (iv) water depth (v) free board
Sand size, mm 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 l.45
(0/o sand smaller 0.0 2Jl 10.0 27.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 100.0
h kv
., (
(1 --_,_,f...): -,, .• I1 6 (I "\"'11 P,
- . ~: '''"'"" 11 ,,, '"
I g .. '
1·3 I
Ji/ )I z:
\\/here h is the bead loss, l the depth sand bed, k Cannan Kozeny constant. having a
value cJf 5, v velocitv of filtration, v kinematic viscosity, f porosity,, of dean bed, \).I grain
./ •.)' ./
10.0 17 5.5 56
U.6 27.0 23 6.S 52
0.7 50.0 20 7.5 36
0.8 70.0 -c; •• ) 8.9 25
1 ri
'l 90.0 J l.J 11.8 8
1 100.0
100 23.3
Prepare J filter sand of effective size () S mm anJ uniformity coefficient LS from the
siocksand, the sieve analysis for stock sand being giYc-r1 as follows:
The given size distribution of stock sand is plotted on log ·· normal jJaper and
from the plot determine the percentages of sand having size less than size of
0.5 mm (p1) and having size less than the 6U percentile size ( P?)
P1 :::: 24%
p,. ::7: 43 o.~l
p, 1.2 x 24 - 0.2 x 43
p4 20.2 %
Determine the size of this sand, d, from graph
202 ri;o, d, ::::: 0.41 mm
(i.ii) sand above :::: l.8 - 0.8 p1
which stock is too coarse
!\ : : : LS x 43 · 0.8 x 24
P5 = 58.2 °10
Determine the size of this sand, d, from the graph,
"' P 5 ::: ::i··3..,
t·or .L., . /o, d
0. l0
5 ::::: . n1m
It fo!lo,vs that all-stock sand finer than U.41 mm size and coarser than 1.0 size should be
removed to .. ne" r:11··'
ri 1.1.1.d •...sane
.. J·c,, ''t
... r 1,,.1(.c1..\c
J 01. r;
,11K.l umrorrruty
stzc r)t ._Jr:: mm •.
<rv " .: ., ., ~,, ,n:: .·" t· o f I ..:.:;r,
. c... • - . . cocmcien
The principal requirement must be a spacious and convenient layout The structures
should represent a pleasing appearance with aesthetic features forming a balance between
function and form. The interiors of the structures shall be eye appealing and in keeping with
the objectives of plant viz., production of pure and wholesome water.
\Vhile the mode of design and construction could be a matter of individual choice, it
should be ensured that all materials, design, construction and fabrication derails for different
units including doors and windows conform to the !S Specifications and codes of practice
wherever available and in their absence, to the established standards.
Adequate provision shall he made in the Civil r::ngineering work~ fur 1 aborarory, office
buildings, administration area, sanitary facilities and water supply etc, , l 'hc area requirement
of these ancillary requirements shall be stipulated. Roadways with adequate lighting shall be
provided. Adequate ladders or steps and handrails where required shall be provided for easy
access to each unit of the treatment plant and wherever necessary, walkways should be
provided. Interconnecting facilities shall be provided to enable the operator to move freely
for maintenance and operation of the plant
AU water retaining structures shall be designed in conformity with IS 3370 while the
other structures shall be designed according to JS 456.
The tender specifications should include inter ali111 proct'ss requirements and
specifications for equipment.
A. Process Requirements
1. The following data shall be furnished to the renderers:
(a) Raw water analysis comprising of monthly avc:nige figures preferably for a full year
period covering various seasonal variations in respect of, at least the following. If the
full year data is not available, the worst seasonal values rnay be given :
(i) pH
(ii) '.l 'urbidity
(iii) Total Alkalinity
(iv) Total hardness
(v) Chlorides
(vi) Coliform organism (MPN)
(b) Any other additional data, if the water is known tc1 contain constituents or
contaminants which arc required to be removed:
:"·}. ~
:( "'
(i) Phenols
(ii) Tastes and odours
(iii) Colour
(iv) Carbon dioxide
(v) Algal content
(vi) Iron
(vii) Manganese
B. Mechanical Equipment
1. The following data may be gwe:n while inviting tenders for pumping plant
(a) Number of units required lo work in parallel.
(b) Nature of liquid to be pumped :
(i) Fresh or salt water
(ii) Temperature of liquid
(iii) Specific gravity
(iv) Amount of suspended matter present
(c) Required capacity as well as minimum and maximum amount of liquid the pump
must deliver .
(d) Suction conditions ;
(i) Suction lift or suction head.
(ii) Constant or variable suction condition.
(c) Discharge conditions.
(D Maximum/Minimum discharge pressures against which pump has to deliver
(ii) Static head description : constant or variable.
(iii ) Friction head description and how estimated.
(f) Type of service: conrinous or intermittent.
(2.;) Pump installation : horizontal or vertical position.(H vertical type of pit, wet and
(h) Power available to drive the pump.
(i) Space, weight or transportation limitations.
G) Location of installation.
(k) Special requirements with respect to pump design : construction or performance.
2. The following requirements may be indicated.
(a) The pump equipment as as the component shall conform to the relevant l .S .
standards and in their absence, to any other accepted international or national
(b) Any special duty conditions such as temperature, humidity, corrosive atmosphere
should be specified.
(c) Submerged structure parts except hot rolled sections shall not be less than 6 mm thick
under normal atmosphere and 8 mm in aggressive atmospheres.
(d) Prime movers and al1ied components such as electrical motor, starter switches
reduction gear, drive mechanism, bearings, plumrnerblocks.etc. shall be of approved
(e) All rouning machinery particularly gears shall be designed with adequate safety
margins and sen-ice factors.
(f) An ircmwisc price list of spare pans shall be furnished by the tenderer.Ar least two
years requirement of Cast moving spares should be supplied along with the equipment,
0!) The supplier of special cc1uipmcnts like softeners, recording rate controllers,
chlorinators, proportioning chemical feeders, meters, etc shall furnish the services of
a competent representative for a specified number of days during a specified period to
instruct the plant operating personnel in the maintenance and care of the equipment
and to conduct tests make recommendations for producing most efficient results.
(h) 1-:,.1u;p111vnt selection with respect to specification, spare units.spare parts and servicing
can at"frct maintancncc, operating and investment costs. It is the purchaser's
rc~ponsibiiiry to incorporate into the contract all requirements and limitation which
affect cost. r·:quipmcnt performance is usually guaranteed by the manufacturer.
The contractor shall furnish bonds converting items of work like mechanical
equipments, piping etc. for specified period as a gut'antec of satisfactory operation and
corrcctir .n and correction of any defect in the work, material or equipments furnished
by them.
On special l'c1u1pmcnt extended guarantees, maintenance over a period of trrne and
supervision nf a complete installation may be provided by the manufacturer. On most
lar~;·l· c<.JLnpmcnts, the manufacturer provides field service with respect to installation.
(i) .\It water submerged parts, rotating mechanical parts, and steel pipes under water shall
be ackquatdy protected after surface preparation. Oil, grease, dirt.soil and all surface
contaminants from structural and fabricated steel parts arc removed by cleaning with
solvent Ya.pour, alkali emulsion, or steam . Loose rust or paint, weld spatter, etc. arc
removed by hand chipping, scraping, sanding, wire brushing and grinding. The bare
fmishcd shafung, finished flanges and other mechanical surfaces arc protected by
grease line: or rust protection measures. Structural mechanism support and super
structure, \\ alkway, hand rails, fabricated shafts, etc., shall be protected with at least
(/flt· coat of primer and two coats of paint. IS: 800 -- 1962 gives the code of practise
l~ )!° !he n f structural steel in general building construction.
lormula f":ornr(!{.'ft:t.ll ~-i.rpc:I.rar1cf· Lsual .\lz.,thvd (Jf \:L1tf. nais FU2J\1ARKS
\;() Strength c~cJ FN
Properties :::iuspcns1on 1 Iandiin.g
Strength Solution
_'] 6 8 ll
,_,,,._ ...
Activated (:0:1gui.1.nt Clear. orren 0.6 \\/tr bard·i \1tld steel or \pplnn•:(:s
siliu ard srt c .F rnadc np h:: sr.unlcss hkelv lo\)('
nr.:nkcl pi f S'(·d or dogged Wlf'!1
trom ,\.Jlt.h~rn(·j~r rubl~er nnpr·Jp{·r
~·( «iiurn ~.}nd .i~_~t-d ~. .onr.uncrs {.'ti i
nf foecl
,. ,.. :
SJ. Chemical Common Formula Available 1.. .,,ommerc1a£ :\ppearance Usual Method of Materials REl\LARKS
No Name Forms Strength And Solution or Feeding Used For
Properties Suspension Handling
..-~_trei~gth --------------- Solution --~-------
4 5 (:,
- - •"•'•"'"'"''-······-----···•>"·""'''''
8 9 ,••----------·----•------•••••••••••••-----•~---~"'"'--"-••·--~~-W"'
"'""''"'••-·•••••-.,·--·--··••-'••---·- """""""••-•'-••¥
11 12
Alurnini- Alum; filter :\! 2 (,'.) () ,).1 (><ig1.ilant Blocks; Adeast Light tan to 8-10°,o \\!et or dry Acid proof
urn alum; 4H,O lump: 16°·0 :\.l~O: gray; brick tanks.
sulphate sulphate of powder crystalline bitumen
alumina acidic coated
corrosive. concrete or
slightly rubber lined
hygroscopic tanks
5. Alummium Alum; filter AliSOJ, f)o L)o 15-0 () Brov.rn to Do Do JI1gh
sulphate al urn ·+lI~O (approx.) dark brown: concentrati-
r -. ternc) .suiphare of f'lP,{..,_,.... .. ,..)
\''"t"t)l\._;,,_ /\]~02 crystalline, on of iron
alumina.alu acidic,
rruno ferric corrosive.hy
(J. /\.lurn L.AqutG alum Al2(SC) it),; Coagulant Solution s(;", :\iP2 Brown Direct or in \YJ et, orifice Acid proof Costs less
1· . '
'"1qu!d sp.g. 1. ! solution, box brick, tanks") than drv
acidic, rt) tarneter bitumen alum if dose
corrosive a..'10 coated
proportion concrete or source of
at1ng pumps rubber lined manufacture
Ammon- Sulphate of Chloramine Crystal 20-2511" \Vhtc sugar 0.1 to 0.S ~''' Wet
rum Ammonia treatment in NH3 sized Proportion- plastic
sulohate disinfection crystals ating purnps containers
Anl1vdr·- Ammonia Do Liquefied Colourless Wet Iron, steel Dangerous
OU3 gas NH, gas; pungent ammoruaror or glass chemical
ammorna i.rntattng
ct Chemical Common formula
.;,,. Use Available Commercial Appearance Usual Method of Materials REM.ARKS
No Name Forms Strength And Solution or Feeding Used For
Properties Suspension Handling
-------·---------~-·Stre_.n_,g.._rth _ Solution
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12
oJ. Benronite Collodial H20(AlzC)z., Coagulant Powder Yellow Wet Iron or steel
clay Fe202,MgO) aid, floe pellets brO'\VO suspension
4Si03nFI20 weighting
,, [
10. Hydrated Ca(OH)1 pH 80-90 °1;1 LS% Dry or wet. Iron, steel Not very
hydroxide lime slaked adjustment Ca(OH)2 powder; Can be fed or concrete soluble. lead
softening caustic in tanks tank cannot
suspensi.on be used
11. Calcium HTH, per Ca(0Cl)2. Disinfecran, ---~ t
l.Jtanu1ar 70~10 white 2 to 4% wet Stoneware, Dangerous
hypochl- chloron 4f·!20 taste or powder available plastic, chemical
orire odour chlorine rubber tank
Calcium Quick lime, Cao Pebble l.5% Dry or wet Iron, sreel tank
oxide burnt'; ad1us rmen t crushed CaO can t)e fed or concrete cannot be
unslaked and lumps to causnc LL'lks used
lime softening powder suspension.
Dry feeders
disch.arge to
slake before
13. Chlorine Chlorine Disinfection Liquitied 99-99.3 °i(, Green \XIet Dry: iron Dangerous
gas, liquid taste and Y('Jlo-o;Jifsh chlorinaror copper steel chemical
chlorine odour pressure gas? pungent solution \/er~/ careful
control ;corrostv<: :silver glass h:a.ndhng
generai heavier than hard rubber, required,
oxidant air, health lead special should use
zllovs \~as mask
SL Chemical Common Use Available C-ommeroar . ' Appearance Usual
No Name Forms Strc-ng~-h And Solution or Used For
Properties s~.;sp{·nsion 'j
Strength Solution
2 3 4 s 8 9 Jll
« ~.} 12
17. Copper Blue vitriol CuS01 A!gjode (_,~/Stal Clear blue 1-2 '-'',, Dry put in Stainless
sulphate SH:O lumps, crystals bags steel,
powder dragged plastics
behind boar,
dusted on
surface with
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~----~~~~~e~cn~ ~J~ip6...n~1~e_n~.t~~-'.~~~~-~~--,---~--~-~ 1
SL Chemical Common Formula Use Available Commercial Appearance Usual Method of Materials REMARKS
Name Forms Strength And Solution or Feeding Used For
Properties Suspension Handling
Strength Solution
1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12
18. Ferric Chloride of FeCl2 Coagulant Lump sticks Yellow Wet, Rubber
chloride iron .6H20 crystals brown proportion - lined rank or
highly ating pump stoneware
hygroscopic, containers
very plastic
19. Ferric Do do Solution 30-40 % Brown 3-5 % Wet do
chloride FeC!3 solution, propomon-
(solution) very ating pump
Ferric Iron Fe2(S04)"' Coagulant Granules 18.5-0.1 °/o Red brown wet Dry; iron Solution is
sulphate sulphate, H10 crystals Fe or grey stainless corrosive
ferrifloc 1umps crystals steel and
mildly concrete
hygroscop!C wet: lead or
steel plastics
21. Ferrous Copperas, FeSO, do do 20%Fe Green to do Cakes m
sulphate green 7Hi0 brownish storage
vitrioksugar yeHOW above 20 °C
sulphate crystals
hygroscopic addition
22, Hydrazine H2H4H::O Deoxyg;.:na- Solid \Vhitc "Xlct, Stainless plastics
hydrate tion powder powder propornon - steel pump
23. Hydroch- Muriatic f·1(:1 in cation R.egen eran r W'r. Purno Dangeruus
-~~k_)~~d_c_,_1t_~2_a~~~~a-c_it~-~~~~~~~~~~~-c~~x~~ch!~n.ge -~~~~~~~~~~ chemical
rubber lined
SL Common Formula Use Available Commercial Appearance Usual Method of Materials REivL-'\RKS
No Name Forms Strength And Solution or Feeding Used For
Properties Suspension Handling
·1 2 3
4 5 6
_____ 8
9 10
operation tanks
24. K2SC).i o,
Potassium Potash alum Coagulant Lump, 8-11 !-O \v1-frce 1 {}!
/C Wet or dry Generally
aluminium Al2(SO,)o powder, AJ2(\ crystalline, used in
sulphate 24Hz() blocks acidic business
corrosive filters
,c,j. Sodium Soda alum Na2l\i20J Coagulant Crystalline 43-45
/(} \.Vliite to 5% Cast iron Generally
aluminate flakes.soluti la!.1202 grey crystal, mild steel used along
on liquid concrete with filter
caustic, alum
26. Sodium Soda ash Na2CO::. pH Dense 98-99 (~~f \Vhite Dry or wet Dangerous
carbonate adjustment crystals; Na2C:o> powder, proportton- chemical
softening powder caustic anng pumps
27. Sodium Common NaCl Softening Crystals 90-95 /0 !_};
Colourless 8-10 'Yo Wet, fed Bitumen or
chloride salt regenera1.it NaCl crystals through, epoxy
mjecnon coated M.S.
nozzles tanks
28. Sodium Chromate NaCr(\ Corrosion Crystals 80-90 % Yellow/ \'Vet, Stainless Dangerous
chromate nrevennon brown proportion- steel, plastic chemical,
anodic crystals atmg pump harmful to
inhibition eyes.
Used in
with sodium
Si. Chemical Common Use F\ vailable Commercial Appearance Usual Method of Materials RE1\1ARKS
'."o "-.'arne Forms Strength And Solution or Feeding Used For
" .
Properties Suspension Handling
Strength Solution
,.., {)
2 3 5 6 I 8 lO 12
29. Sodium (:;1~g;1n, Scale and Powder, 60-63 °:,, Like broken 0.25 Wet Stainless Holds up
hexamera ghssy corrosion flakes P10:: gla.<;S proportiona steel, plastic, ppm of Fe,
phosphate phosphate prevention ring pump hard rubber Mn.Ca and
Mg ;for
M. S.
30. Sodium Caustic soda pH Fhkes Wet, Dangerous
hydroxide adjustment, lumps, corrosrve, proportiona mild steel; chemical
softening pellets, hygroscopic tmg pumps, rubber lined
and filrer powder orifices box:
cleaning rotameter
Sodium Caustic do solution 10--1-G 0,0 Syrupy do do do
hydroxi- soda, 1ye NaOH ' .
32. Sodium Dcoxygena- Powder 90-99 ";,, \\·11ite \Xlet, C:;;itmiess Bmg/!
sulphate uon lumps ~a.S02 powder proportion- steel plastics sodium
ating pump sulphate
required ro
33. Dech lorina ti Colourless Dry
dioxide on or rilter pungent
clean in 9,
SL Common Formula Commercial .\ppearance ;\-let.hod of Marenals REMARKS
Name Strength And Used For
Properties Suspension Handling
Strengt}1 Solution
1 ~
' 2 3 -+ 5 6 I 8 9 11 12
34. Sulphuric \'itnol H;SO~ pf-1 L.!quid 60-90 % Syrupy : iz Oft, \~le~ dilute Lead, Always add
acid . '
adjustment, \commerciai
corrosive; solution .. porcelain or acid to
lowering of H2SOi) hygroscopic ormce box rubber water;
alkalinity rotzrneter dangerous
35. Sulphuric do do Regeneranr do 98 "-'~H2SO, (b do Wet, Lead, glass do
acid cation pumping or rubber
exchange lined tank
' lhe water with following chemical constituents ts to be softened using Lime Soda
Process.Compute the quantities of chemicals nxp.1ircd to treat rn.3 of water
assuming practical units of removal for CaC03 to be 30 rng/l and for Mg(Ol-1:)2 as 10 rng/l.
- 9.9 n12/\ CJ
Alkalinity (C01) ... 175 rng/1
Ca'' = 100 mg/! SO/ ···· 1.07 rng/l
1V1g'. - B.9 rng/l o '"·· 17.Bmg/1
Na' = 11.5 mg/I
l . Compute of all components present in water,
l n preparing SU(:h a bar graph , the concentration of cations is usually arranged left to right
starting with Ca2+ followed by. Mg2', Na· etc. in that order. Similarly, below the cations, anions
arc: arranged kft to nght commencing with alkalinity followed by SO/ . er etc.The C02 being
a molecule is conventionally shown to the left of zero mark .
0.45 0.00 5.00 5.73 6.23
It may he noted that it is necessary to add excess lime, usually a surplus of 35 mg/I as CaO
or 1.25 me /] above stoichiometric requirement, to raise pH for precipitation of .tvtagnes1um by
reaction at (3)
Annual consumption of lime as CaO
.•/ ..~--
V[NTlt.AlORS ,,,,./
2 cm xe cm "'
2%2 UA&E197···44B
Typical designs of iron removal units for 5,10 and rrr,'l/ h follow.
• Schemes have been designed for 5, 10 and 20 m~ /h flow and 10 % extra water quantity to
provide for sedimentation bleed losses and filter back wash requirements.
+ Power shut-downs are frequent and rarely more than two hours supply is available in the
morning and evening. Accordingly, raw water pumping hours assumed to be 2 hours in the
morning and two hours in the evening. During these four hours pumping period, total daily
requirements of water are to be pumped to elevated storage tank to draw water by gravity
flow to the treatment unitfs).
• To avoid extra cost for additional overhead tank for filtered water, it is assumed that the
filtered water from the sump-well will be directly pumped for the distribution. The
distribution of treated water would follow same rime schedule as contemplated for
pumping Ht\V water.
+ Backwashing of the sand filter would be carried out by using raw water from the overhead
• \Vater consumption 40lpcd
• Tray aerator
Spacing of Trays 0.3 rn.
Aeration Rate 1.26 m3/m2/h
+ Sedimentation Basin
Detention Period 2.5 h
• Sane! Filter
Effective Size 0.6 8 mm
Uniformity Coefficient 1.3 to 1.7
Sand Depth 1.2m
Total head above sand 1.35 m
Rate of Filtration m3 / m 2 / h
Minimum Backwash Rate 35 rn3 /rn'~/h
Total Head for Filter Wash 12 m
Gravel Depth 0.39-0.62 rn
65-38 mm 13-20 cm
38-20 mm 8-13 cm
20" 12 mm 8-13 cm
12-5 nun 8 cm
2 mm 8 ctn
1 of units are detailed in the following
'Table and the arrangements
are as shown in
Fig. 9.8 to 9.10.
s 10 20
water Pump, hp 2 Nos 2 Nos 7, 2]\los
Overhead Reservoir
· ..,.,l,,.,( .. 1 ..... ",;,. 1·1·1-' 66 132 264
2 Nos 2Nos
4.7m x 4. x 3m x 6.2rn x 3.5m 8. x 8.7m x
R 0·16
T 0-25
a t>UiV(RY PIP~
'su&Mf>6!5L1' PVMP)
Sl'l!CK ~~
r1 g.J
,,_ PIPE H
9Rlc.l( WORK.
S TEE!... l.AlJOEi<
-~~ 6·2 l-o--l·7--""! ,..._.,.as....i
soot WELL
IL __ ___,
~--~ ,.,
APPENDIX 9.4 (Continued)
18 I Max T266 ··-·"-I 68S-- . r2s·3---·r 678 1266 168()-·· -· · ·1··26~3'· · · · · · · ·1-6-88·····-····1
l r Mm L19-1=rso6 J124 ===r?~g J. . !..5-i... __ [~·o-5~~-"'"'T}74 =r:§6-·-··J
APPENDlX 9.4 (Continued)
Find out capacity of storage reservoir for the following two situations viz.,
(i) Power is not available from 6a.m. to 1 Oa.m, daily
(a) 16 hrs. of pumping during l Op.m. to 6a.m. and 10a.m.to 6p.m ..
(b) 8 hrs.of pumping during 4a.m. to 6a.m. and 12 noon to 6p.m.
(ii) Power is available throughout 24 hrs.
(a) 16 hrs.of pumping during 4a.rn.to 12 noon and Ip.m.to 9p.m.
0}) 8 hrs. of pumping during 4a.m. to 8p.m. and 2p.m. to 6p.m.
Data given are:
1. Design population-24,000
2. Per Capita water supply-90 lpd
3. Peak factor-2.25
4. Peak hours: 6a.m. to 10a.m.,1p.m.to 2p.m.,5p.m.to 6p.m.
5. Other than peak hours, hourly demands are as follows:
(i) 20% of average hourly demand: 11 p.m. to 4a.m ..
(ii) 40rYo of.average hourly demand: 4 a.m. to 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. to 11 p.m.
(iii) 6(YYo of average hourly demand: 12 noon to 1 p.m.
(iv) 70% of average hourly demand: 2p.m. to 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
(v) 80°;() of hourly demand: 5 a.m. to 6 a.m.
(vi) 90(/o of hourly demand: 6p.m to 8p.m.
(vii) 100% of hourly demand: 10a.m. to 12 noon
6. \Vater supply is continuous.
. ~
" 1'.l
'J_, /
Given data 16 hours pumping; pumping rate: Shours pumping; pumping rate
=24xa/6 ee 24xa/ 8 = 3a
pumping or surplus
. pumping or surplus
,~, ---;-0 12
i • -
i' 12-13
! 13-14
1-- 18-20
I i Reservoir in ml.,
I' surplus l deficit Ji
· l Substituting
'b6~-. :_1(2)--=Jf3i-==-i02~2-
Values of
1 I a ee O. 09 mL !
~4};oa(480a) _ I 6-:-2~a(3~-=12~~:!_5~706~
----·- ----~.i ·----·---·I·. -·---~. --. --- -.-·--,I
~l_-!- ,l -_J~-1
(Al PROK) i
T .
I 200 285 200 23
250 350 200 31
300 450 250 45
350 525 250 58
I ~~~
700 1050 t 470 304
1 ooo
: ~:II
1 soo
! 1100 1650 ! 710 965
1200 ]800 j 770 I 1243
J_:l55~ l_ :~:~---- .
~ : ..
8m3/min sm31mrn
10 km SO ems 10 km 50cms
1 2
2,2 8m3/min
1, 1 Q) 1r3 2
1 0 2,3 6km
40cms t..5cms
3 rrflmin
t.Ocms 3I3
3, 1
,.,, . .,..:jl·~
\ ..
.. "'"""'"''···"'" """ '""' ._. .
J;H'f' Flow Slope }lead l !/Q
I 1
'·1 s 1\H) 4.u 2.50
1 'I
,., !
I ~ 5( } \( j\
·' 3.9
., ··~<
'· (1 'l i ):i"', ! 1.:n
................ . ..............................
.20 4.85
2,. 2. J
() :'~ I
'"'(' J l ( r\" ) . ~ ! () (,: . 4.1 L37
.:.~.' 2 1 fj
5-U 1 iH ) 4 () ··U . .3") . '1,.'J 0.98
,., .,
.'\ (j A
'1 5 l j H. ~ 4.U n.67
4·• '! '! i } Ii !; ? (j
-~ ' 1
') (. .4{ .l l 'h~ -4.{ '' ·1 '! 5 ().9 l.73
'·) 2+ 1~l ) .. { ; J I ].'. (l f';
" 7i
,) 15 '3{ } \ lH l J ~l U.Y) 5.-1 5-40
1.S 7.J.3
.. .,,.,.,,,,.,._,"~''''~'"'-'""'"''''~''"'"''"''""'""''"''·'"""'"'~"-'·'''"'""'1."-"''·'"'""'"· ·"·""'"''~"''"-'''·'''·''"'·~~-"''"·"·""""'i'·""',_,.'·""''"'''"""""'''"'.,..".,.....'·'"'·'""'·'"""'"~''''«~•~··"·"•"''•"l~•1•'·"·""'~'"">~''""''"'"''...,'"'"~"w'""''''"""''"""''"""''''',,,.,..,.,."~·'~""'""-'"''-..
()J l
+·n,Cts . . _ .. 2 . .57 0.50 -3.!l 1. 17 + (l.!)1 ··-
') 7~
",t.,, I .)
0.22 IJ 1 ()
.().28 g n.84 -o.o:
2.3 +n.(iS 4.GS 0. 9U 5.4 J.1(, +0.01 4.66
2.4 + 0.()5 .... \l.54 O.tlJ n. ~) 0.56 +0.01 - ll.51
0. ! l 0.04
-il. [ 3. 7) ( ··\') · 1\ii 1('1 · 3c
. J X' .J.
" ""'?.\
I .}j --·
{),() l
. ), l +il. l I , . ·1,}, C)
j .().() l.71) ·+(l,()4 . 3,g5
3.2"' +()_ l -l .(i.54 0.3 0.56 +·0.04- .. (J51
\U~5 (Ull
.3.3 +{} l1 ·1 1 1 5.68 Hl.04 1.15
( l,lJ/\l
"\"', ·I f\ 1i1
.x I l '.('. ·-···
l.X,I') """"
('i . · 1 'I 7 94 (-0.())/(1.85 x 7.94) ::.:
·1•. j
1 -U.SG · 8.4 .J.5() -8.4
•( »,
1 . .L U.4S> 4.41 4.9
r.s- \l.56 :.1.4 ................ . ....
2.75 3.4
U. lD
2.1 -0.56 -14 ·2.75 3.4
2 .. 2 -0.27 . T.14 ·2. /
,:-,,,,,., ..) U. () l 5.5 4.6() 5. s
2 . .:t+ u1n (l.3 0.5 l 0.3
. l . to . ().6 -3.85 --(),()
2.3 Delivery pipes and valves
Design velocity 2.5 m/s
Diameter of delivery pipe .deli very valve & N RV 0.422 m
Sav 45<) mm
() l. 01
e. Friction in
. .
Friction in 0.(}l. 4 0.052 0.110 (U87 0.284 0.397
valves and fittings
@ 10% of (e)
[ g. Velocity 0.(Hr! 0J)04 0.009 0.016 0.025 0.036
Note:- Station losses in individual delivery pipe taper and should nor be added
system resistance curve but should not be deducted frorn pmnps 'H .. Q curve. When the
losses arc very small ,. they may be twgleckd .
Thus , design duties as undcr ;
l lead loss in column pipe , assuming presently ,Hl m length of column as per
(:)) in IS: 17 W-1972
I lc:::().45 m
I-or S(•lt'ct1ng the ~u1t able pumr , the f(Jltf)\V1n.g {)pric;n~~ in corn binauons () f t ~-1-,C cl f r·un·1r1,
<>f ~l .a~\ runn speed -:-ire t:.t.ker·; j.:;'\t<) ~\CCl')l.Jt . 1t:'
()ptinn ·r '.<r,1·"1
'!"'•'\., •.
a. Vertical turbine or I fr;r Fnd-~.uction
b 1 [or, Double '>UCtJ(>r'l 2
c. \/crtica1 rurbinc
d. Vertical turbine
c Vertical turbine
! s
it nee rrurumurn ' ' '
sucrton I
neacI rcyutred
' ' \.[!:·
/ '-'11( C<
\ 1un
ir101t ' •"
h) V · l Pump:::: 2
l nu' eye {ft imrc\lI er nt.- ccrnrdUJ.;at
' t '1 I" . . I pun1p \t 1ii h:1\·z: {n r«. I ~ 1cJtcl j ,.1.. ~.:"'). cnn ltJC I (>\\ ~n!ntn1\ifTi
• ·~I ~ l
( :;1, is 8 m . an.l rn1n_ \\ r··: 7.! lrr~ ){l .. unpc!h.:r \\ he d.f ·;,· 'f'.) \li< ! 1, ~ :, .~\
',\! ,,\\ {; \
(a) Clearance between bottom of sump and lip of suction bellmouth,
C=D/3=550/3==185.3 mm Say 185 mm
(b) Distance between rear well and center of bell mouth,
B=3D/4=3/4x550=412.5=400 mm
(c) Spacing between pumps
Desirable spacing between pumps is 2.5 D i.e. 1375 mm. However, size of lower flange of
headgear/ discharge head (accommodating stuffing box, thrust bearing and flexible coupling)
would be approximately 3.5 times column pipe diameter i.e, 1400 nun. Keeping about 600
mm clearance.spacing will be 2000 mm
(<l) Slope
J\s seen minimum depth of water required is 3.075m below minimum \X/L.In order to
minimize excavation cost, permissible slope of 14 degree is taken .The slope will terminate
upstream of pump at a distance equal to 3 D i.e. 16.50 mm from pump center.
(e)Strnight Approach
The portion under the pump will be flat from line of termination of slope upto atleast
rear false wall.
(f) Rear False Wall
Size of base of discharge head will be 1400 mm. i. e. 700 mm from center of pump,
whereas dimension Bis 400 mm (max). Therefore, column and rear wall of sump wil] have
to be located at least l 000 mm away from pump center keeping 300 mm margin for nut
fastening, etc. 'Therefore, rear false wall is necessary at ·a distance of 400 mm(clear) from
pump center.Top or false wall will be upto maximum water level.
(g) Baffles/ Dividing \V'alls
Dividing walls will be constructed between pumps to above mutual interference. Both ends
of each dividing wall shall be rounded . Front edge of dividing wall shall be in line with
front edge of suction bellmouth. At rear end opening 150-200 mm size shall be kept at least
upto minimum \VL. Top of dividing wall will be upto maximum WT,.
The column pipe will act as a closed pressure vessel when pump is started under shut off
condition. Considering specific speed and pattern of pump characteristics, shut off head is
likely ro be 80 m.
>.t \.... \ ..._,..,' ... desion
I'Wj•''">' .t .., •.1 b>.. pressure/
-· ... ~ . ., ·'-'-.·\ (?l1 l- ....1~) times
b . J ""'' .. shut nrf
... ··'A -
t.t I)ff'SSl!1T'
.. ··•· ~ ... ,. )\
adopted. However, as maintenance problems are less in 3.3 k'V installation, 3.:) kV motors
arc selected.
1 \
'r .s,
Total load of 4 purnp motor sets 250.x 4 ~:: ! 000 K \V
Hence transformer KV t\ required at 0.85 P.F. and 10'>fil margin.
-·· (1000 x 1.1)/tl.85 ::::: 1294 t<.VA
l" ence provx.d e next commercuu
. 1 raung
. ·16·)~ !"'' \
1 )i U <, v /.
............................ ,,"'·""'"". :·:: 57.17A
As minimum available rating is W0/200 i\, a ·wn /\ breaker shall be specified.
...-·. 41 ...·:131
h I
/ f ''
\ L/
I \·)) I/\
.. /'l\
x 12!
...... 0 (;'t' !,(''.I.\
--- o.i ·r 1......,.
Table Showing The Various Alternatives
SL Tvoe
, l
No. Suction Speed nq n Suction fvfin Depth of RLof Remarks
No. stages N Head/Lift \'X/atcr Excavation location of
~t.f;.. - below GL irnoeller
for sumo __,?,__ .. _
1 Centrifugal 1 Single 1480 158.55 0.87 +3~25 4.525 5.775 3.75 Excavation very
2 VT 1 Single 1480 158.55 0.87 +3.05 4.075 5.325 -do·-
3 Centrifugal 1 Double 1438 158.55 0.88 -2.25 1.750 3.0 9.250 Min required vortex
free operation
4 VT 2 Single
~- 1480 266.65 0.87 +2.05 3.075 4.325 Excavation deeper
than case 2.
5 VT 3 Single 1480 361.44 0.87 +1-75 2.775 4.025 -do--
6 VT 4 Single 1480 440.48 0.85 + /_!) 8.025 9.275 Excavation
Note: 980 r.p.m. is not considered further as sump with 1480 r.p.m. arc suitable@
+ indicates suction head required
- indicates suction lift permissible.
Svstern comoonent
.: L
1 2 3 4 5 G i
as per flow line Pump Raw water Treatment Clear water Service Gravitv, main Distribution
. . .
house nsmg main works and nsmg rnain reservoir system
clear water
SL No. Category of staff
(J\.E. E)
2 1
Manager(A. E)
3 Assistant
4 Ooerarors 4 3
1 4 ,,
6 7
Pump water Distribution
house works and r1s1.ng main svstern
clear water
7 \\'atchman 3 1 l
----·------~-------~---~~--------~---- ~-··---. -. ~·----· ~~~~--~·x.,,«_.-,,~~-·-•-·----·---·•
Note: 1 not include personnel for billing, collection and accounting for water
L /\ bove ma WCCh staff. adjustments
System component 2 3
Pump Treatment Service (; ravi ty main Distribution
house nsmg main reservoir system
SL No. Caregorv
0 '
of staff
., f ' \ l""'\
l'v'1anager(i,. :::,;
3 Assistant
~t1perv1sor . /}~rI u-
"~ Manazer
..Ji 'v b
System component 1 2 3 4 6 '
T""'\." ., ,
as per flow line Pump Raw water Treatment Clear 'Nater Service Gravity main u1stnmmon
house nsmg mam works and nsmg main reservoir system
clear water
-------·---~---~- . . . . . . . --,.-~----------------------------•.-----•••"-·----~·----·----•-"u.---- . .•-,_,_., , , , ••...-•--~------------
5 Helpers / Fitters 4 1* 3-1 1* (for
everv 8 /
(for every Km.) Fidpcr-2
(for every 10-
15 Km.)
6 Electriciarr/' 2
7 \Xfatchman 1 3 1
Note : L The above staffing pattern does not include personnel for billing, collection and accounting for water charges.
2_ Above staffing pattern includes the operating staff required for one off-day in a week for staff. Suitable adjustments may
have to be made between personnel in pump House and Treatment works.
3. "In case the total length of the pipe line has been less than 8 Km. Under 2 and 4 one Helper/Fitter would be adequate.
System component 2 3 4 6 7
-- r-- - ,__,_ ,
as oer flow line
Raw water Treatment Clear water Gravity main Dtsrnbutron
house nsmg main works and nsmgmam reservoir svstem
clear water
l ~, l·"''· <').
(_1\ ........
3 Assistant
' . /'JU-
' .
! .e v, tIanazer
lV,u .~. c lf.."'t'-' •
)\t •
4 Ooe
.,_jt·" rat o rs ,:i;. ' ~ i 7
---~--.··-·-·--·~----·--- -~~~-. ---~-==·3 ---------~~.-.-.------·-·-·----
...... , .. ,"'"'
6 Electrician/
1 ~lectncian · l
! \\ atchman 1
Note: 1. The above statTing pattern doe:' not include personru-l f1r btlliri;.;, collection and accounting for water ch;;,.,·gel';.
~~-~-~·~·-·~----~----·· -·--- ~---------·~-·- .
2. Above staffing pattern includes operaring .:;u_.·r required for one off-day in a week for staff Suit:1hk
. ~JU.stme
'·'·'--11 t~ . .-. h""l
•. may nave ..~C i113. d C_, 1-..pf-
~...:.::. LC\ }, 'r
oerween pet -orme.t..,, -,._~""'; m
.:ii.'...... j)Ll.H'l'
.:( , , e 1 .J_(;,,:,{. ., ..i• ~: • • rearms.. nt WCd{~,.
·.~ ~ ). ~an. .•c.c_: •.""' "' ~:.-.~~ ·· -t ? »r- ~--· ". ··\-+->~ .. ·•
...J• The oersonne!
s,_c,... for ;;:: l s:1 8- ? sho. .,L-J prcfcrabl v be one fro ....... rh: c~ . .·i'l c l"g'.
l.. J ""'"-"" ·i ..__. ...... t....'1-. ,..._, '. at ·rl other
.., ~ t..ilU ._-..._._ ...,.\£ ;..J., ~ -~· :f.-<.. ~1':~ lJ.,. ......__,}+ .t l_..<!.\ ,,,l.._,,. ...._, .. A. .... - Fr-orn
A<- .,'.ll_}. the
- L·,1°,'.l_,.,,·,
~ ~ - a, - ·.~l
.)I,. f,j_,[
4. "Ln case the total length of the pipe line has been less than 8 Km Under 2 ~.u~u 4 one Helper/Farer wcuid
ade-..,, ..,.1'l 'j[('
c -.14, ., -
. . = ·.j
Supervisor/ 1
~-< , ft, C'
3 Assistant 1
nior Manager,
4 Operators 7 7
>r:--tnn cornponcn! '!
4 5 6 7
iw linc Pump Cnivitv main Distribu -
house nsmgmam works' anc' nstng main reservoir tton
clear water system
e ...
) 1 rctpcrs/
1* r.-
v'i-?(! /._,t. .. Fitter --1
f - rtcrs ( [,..,,_
1,. evcrvr
...... .., .._ 1..
Helper ~2
('.for "'".,,
-- ""''!"''
Mechanic Electrician - i
I 1 3 l
- -
Note : 1. The above staffing pattern does not include personnel for billing, collection and accounting for water charges.
2. A \·(YV•' staffine oattern t~includes
• ,,,,1,.,,. - "'' ,..,.,,1.'\.- ... ~~ ..... the ooeratme
.. ::"" ~"·- Ji. '~
Dr-·"" staff "'·'OF ·'r<-''"11 for nn•-· off-dav in a "7'
..,i,.,i; ... .1; •• t,:f;..,.,,,~:.;:-'f ,'.')~,~-" ''"' $.U.l ....... 1,, "' ... , 1-_.< ... a c, .• ' ..,}(,,,,.; _ ·l ~"' 1ti-"'-'b~
0"': fr)•' sta
_, t. ~,_~T
,.,_~t&. 'i utable ,. .1;, istments
•-.f~· .t:.4. 1~-.. :a..~-11u,~ .~~ -.,. ..... t. ~-
may have to be made between personnel in pump House and 'Treatment works.
3. I ,,_,.J, "'b th rec C~·a.~,...,b~.,.._
c;t<'m ~ amonz 't unr1''S
i::,... ,,. .... ,~ .. of personnel
. [J\...,,.,~ j_ ndicated ar S 1.1,
~,~:a....,. , 0 0 ,J .. J.&.1.~.. ~-~ ,..~ 2, & 3 at least one should be from the Electrical &
Mechanical disciplines.
4. *ln case the total length of the pipe line been than 8 Km. Under 2 and 4
. ------~----
Svsrem cDmponcnr 2
'"'""""-"····-·"·····---··· '""~" . . -··- ····- ..•..... ,, .. ,, ,. ., .
as._; oer
r . flow
. line l make Raw water Raw Treatment Clear water rn. Distnbuti ..
works Pump inain or ( and clear water warcr reservoir main on -vsrern
House mam pump ]·loose
Supervisor/ 1J.
Managt:r(A.E. E'.)
3 Assistant 4
nior Manager.
4 Operators 4
.,-, ...,
2 4 5 6 i
flow line intake 'Nater Raw water rising ·1 'reatrncnt works ,~Ll1stn ib utr-.
works Pump main or Gravity and dear water on svstern
j--ic)USC main purnp House r1;;1ng
5 Helpers/Fitters 2 16 2 2 ( for Fitter -1
( every 6 Km) (for every every 6 Ffelper -2
/ l
D A1TlS)
. krns)
10-16 Km.)
6 Electrician 4
7 Mechanic 1 1
8 ·~· . l Hi
Llectrtcal ieiper 4 4
9 Watchman 4 4 4
Note : 1. The above staffing pattern docs not include personnel for collection and accountina for water charzes.
c .. ,/ '!...• )
2. Above staffing pattern includes the operating staff required for one off-day in a week for staff. Suitable adjustments may
have to be made between personnel in pump House and Treatment works.
3. From among three categories of personnel indicated at SJ l , 2, & 3 at least one should be from the Electrical & Mechanical
Engg. disciplines.
4. In case the total Ieng. rth of the pipe line has been less than 6 Km. Under 5 one Helper/Fitter would be adeouate.
~:., ,_ j J
'). Separate staff may be provided for sub-stationsfon the pattern of respective Electricity Boards) if there are owned and
maintained by the waterworks authority.
,_, . --·-=- -~- .,__ :;:.- ·-:::~.
\ :-i.t'l. ,i •.u~,"
vvt:.L.i., ·v~EI
~· l · DS ::luule
-finrt GPLJ M · ~ 'l'A-
· :.~ Ei! 1.i.!\,.,?\
,.1 _;.._
- ··M·)
System component l 2 3 4 5
as. . . oer
r" t1')W
L "'- line
... £ •· Risi.n~t main
1 Suocrvisor
2 l for every
additional 10
2 3 4 5 6
as per flo\v line \Vatcr 'works Rising main Service Gravity main Distribut-
reservoir ion system
4 1(for
~. everv 5 1 'l' (for
..; ' every~ 1 * ( for every '.3 nos.
wellsZshifr) 8 Km.) 8 Km.) Fitter
(for every
6 Chowkidar/' 3 1
7 Chemist 1 1
8 Lah Assistant 1
Note: 1. The above staffing pattern does not include personnel for billing, collection and accounting for water charges.
2. Suitable additional operating staff to be included for one off-dav/week for staff
3 "In case the total length of the pipe line is less than 8 Km. Under 3 and 5 one helper /Firrer would be adequate
System component 1 2 3 4 s 6
as per flow line Water Works Service Gravity main Distribut-
reservoir ion system
5 1 (for every 5
Mechanic wells)
6 Chowkidar/ 1(for each ,. eacn'
1 (ror
urplJ\ well)
ware hrman
'Y' "'~·'} ..s/
7 Chemist 1 1
8 Lab. Assistant 1 1
2. Suitable additional operating staff to be included for or-e off-day /week for staff
3. "In case the total length of the pipe line is less than 8 Km. Under 3 and 5 one helper /fitter- would be <V.fo•-{U3tP..
7 Rubber Type \'\/heds Checking of wear & tear Six Months More
r ron \\111.eds aliznrnent & its
pos1t1onmg in the
SL Category of Staff Division Office Sub-Division
No. Office
Ex. Engineer t
2 Dy. Engineer (Civil) 1
3 r». Engineer (Elec. !\Jech.) l*
4 Junior Engineer (Civil)
a) Diploma holders 2 3
b) Degree holders 2 2
5 Junior En&rii1eer (Eke. Mech.) 2*
6 Draughtsman
7 Tracer
B) Correspondence & Ent. Section
8 Head Clerk 1
9 Senior Clerk 4
10 . cier
J uruor ' k'T .
'; . yprnt 4
C) Account Section
11 Senior Accountant l
12 Junior Accountant 4
13 Store-keeper 1
14 Assistant Store-keeper 1
D) Class IV
1.5 Peons 6 3
16 Chow kid ars As re<4uired
Af"'PENDIX 14.2
1. Operation & Maintenance Recommended Staffing pattern for operation
maintenance of water works for various capacities
is given in. Appendix 13. 1 to ·13. 7 in the chapter on
Operation & Maintenance of waterworks.
2. Billing & Collecting
Water charges
a) Meter Reader One for every 500 connections to be read monthly
b) Bill Clerk or a minimum of one if less than Bill 500
connections (includes leave resetve./ shift duty also)
d) \'\later rate superintendent One for everv 6000 billed connections rnonthlv.
J ,
-------- UB1Jlli\T01UES'---·-----------·- . -· ..--·-------·-·
Greater than 7. 5 upro 7.5
mld mld
(i)-\,/ater Anafy~st (Chernist)°
(ii) Water Analyst (Bacteriologist) l
(iii) Water analyst 1
(iv) Laboratory Technician 3 1
(v) Typist-cum clerk
(vi) Sample takers 3
(vii) Laboratory cleaners 3 2
PAR"I''ICUtARS 1"0 B"f SUPPtflD wt'1'H THI SAMPLl5
4. Source of water and its location (well, tubewell, stream, river etc.).
5. Fxacr place and depth below surface from which sample was taken.
6. Weather at the time of collection and particulars of recent rainfall, if any.
Docs, the water become affected in taste or odour after rainfaJJ or under artv
particular circumstances.
8. Arc there any complaints from the consumer? ff so, the nature of the complaint,
9. Character of surroundings, and proximity to drains, cess pools, cattlesheds, manure
heaps, grave yard, bathing ghats and other sources of pollution.
I 0. Methods elf purification and disinfection if any, details, dose of chemicals and points
n f applications.
! 1. l f from a dug well or a bore well.
(a) \Vhcthe-r an old source or newly constructed.
(b) \X 'herher open or covered: nature and material of cover.
\ '•" Nature of steining or casing and depth to which constructed and whether it is
in good condition
(d\ Height and condition of parapet and apron.
' .I
(c) Method of pumping or other means of raising water.
(l) Depth of well and of water surface from t,•round level.
(g) \X/hethcr the water is dear as it flows out of tubewell and remarns dear if
exposed m air (4-6 hours) or becomes discoloured and turbid.
12. ff from a river or stream.
Nature of flow and weather floods are common or rare.
(b) \X/bether level of water is above or below normal.
(c) ls there any bathing ghat, boat jetty, burial groun.d or sewer outfall If upstream,
give distance from sampling point
13. If from lakes, impounded reservoirs and tanks.
(a) How supplied (channel, stream, rain).
(b) Nature of catchment, whether conserved or not.
(c) Nature of extent of weed growth.
14. Size and number of service reservoirs
(a) \Vhether open or coveted.
(b) How often deaned and method of deaning.
(c) Date of last cleaning.
15. Number of hydrants and sewers on the distribution system.
16. Hours of pumping and supply.
17. Population served.
18. Any other particulars.
~AP11 I.~. I)JX'
~ 1~ ·15 ·~.·
. ~ ~~
and of
receipt at laboratory .
Laboratory Ref No. Date and time of
commenctnz of examination
l. Raw water
2. Coagulated water
3. Filtered water
4. \\later specific treatment
5. Distribution svstern.
~%~ Ur\EN7--47A
3 4 5
a) Phenolphthalein
l:.i) ''fond
9 Chlorides ;,rng,: '!)
t0 Nitrites /\ \,~~..
., {,_~ . ,,\..-.,, ~·.r
l '.l l)issol
12 Hardness fT11.~t/i'\ ,•'
\ •:,)
, 1
\ ar )on ate
Nun . Carbonate
!3 Iron
Residual Chlorine
1.6 Alumma in Alum
Available chlorine (l/o')
~. j
... ...
Collection .
Raw water
2. Coa \. ).·u!·'t{""j
\,_~, - "/,.t') '.(,i ,,,, water
y c.. \.,.
3. Filtered water
4. \Vater after specific treatment
5. Distribution svstern.
· 1 ·in:;;, . --2~-··~--3-··"-4---5--~·-
of cc;llecti~~-~f-;;~pie--------,~·M--·-·-"""·-·-""1_.,
................. ., , .. ,~ y·····-·····--·--·· ··············"" "' "' •••• ''''"~Y•••- "oo ,,w-·-·•~•••••••••-~·~•••••••>•.,.,.,., ... ~,-·, -,.o.,,,_,. __ ~-·-•-••O"'""'Y•'• ... -·-•••••~OYO-" " "~'Y••~•¥•••--•,.•-~'M'"'''"~"·'"~-
of collection of sample 2
.3 4 5
26 Alumina in Alum
in bleaching powder
28 Coagulant
Jar test
29 Langelier f ndex (nio/])
' ' <t'.)l ,
Time of collection of sample 1 2 4 5
47 Total count of (fota1 count: of
planktone S:\lJ
Organisms/ ml)
Dale: (\'<hi17-r;:rer-ip
.. cbarve
{• '6·'
........................... _. ... __
,,,,,,_,., ..... .....•.
_. _~-··---~~~~--- -~-~ --~·
Name and Address
of the Laboratory:
amt: and Sender's No. Dare of
of Sender Collection " ,. ..
2. Filtered water
3. Chlorinated \Vater
4. Distribution system.
. j,- t: 1· -i;'s
-·~ . ''
In addition, common glassware and accessories like beaker, conical flask, burerre, pipette,
volumetric flask etc. will be required.
r IVL E~ndo Broth (dehydrated)
2. Lactose or Lauryl Tryptose broth
3. Mac Co nkey bro th
4. Brilliant Green J .actose Broth
5. ·rotal Plate Count Aeari..)·
o. peptone, f'J'. nyptone:
. \Y'
Si. N ame o f Test Category of water works
No. laborarorv
.,,,..•.• ,~~···· ··-~··--·········· · ·-···· ..··· ............•• ,.................. ........
, __
I Il Il j
I. Colour .J J .j
3 Odour .j J v'
4 Conductivity .j .j J
.j I
5 Alkalinity v J
6 Residua] Chlorine .j .j .j
7 pl··I .J J J
8 f rori J .J .j
9 Chloride J .j .j
1. 0 I Iardness J J x
11 Total solids J x x
12 "Volatile solids J x x
13 *Suspended solids .j x x
14 "Free and saline ammonia J '\.!
r. x
l5 /\lburn.inind nitrogen J x x'
.J ·../ '\;I
17 Nitrates ,/ x x
18 '"F;'luorides .j J J
19 Metals other than iron .j .j J
Jar test for determining alum dose ,j J x
21 Chlorine demand J .j .j
.. ?·-', ~
l rnmera
' 1 ana 1 ysts. .j v
,.(\. x
2.3 Total count in nutrient agar J x x
24 Presumptive coliforms J J J
25 Confirmed test , BGB .j J J
'''26 Comoleted test J x x" .
Research into media, etc J x x
28 Microscopy J x x
* where applicable
~;1 Year Capital cost
...... ·-·-- -
Discounted Value Revenue
Discounted Value
No *+ O& M .....,•-·•--w---··-•-•••••-•••••-••,_,._,,_"_"_' ,_ .. ,. .. ,,...,.,,..., ............ _. . . ,_,_ ..,.,.,,.,,.,,..,.,""'_.,.,. ..._,.,,.... .,.,,,.,.,.,,,,,.,..
Cost at 8.5° ~i 1 at 21% at 8.5'Yo at 2°/o
... _.,, .....,""~''''''"'--.---.---·-··"-"--~-·'"""''""''''''--········--··-··-~--""'"''"..................... ------·~~--- ............~~···-··------~-----""""______,,.~~~-.---
"'~'''""'''·····-····~·"·'"'····----""-''"''-''""'-"'"'''"''"'' ,.,....... .
( ........................ p\.S. rnu.T1on ........................... ,)
______ Total
...,,""',__,_........,. ____. ____ .,.,"""
........ _............ ________
, ~·--·- .......
,,,,__,,,,.,.,.,_._,,_, ..
·~· excludes pnce 'contingencies , land cost and taxes and duties .
(A)Cost of replacement of pumpsets and chlorinator in the year 1996-97
Benefit Cost Ratio ::: 0.62
Net Present worth (Rs. million) = (-) 0.7933
Internal rate of Return (01~1) = (2 x (8.5 ·- 2.0) x 0.0435)/ (0.0435 +· 0.7:1..B)
= 2.34%
house tax will be made over to the water supply account as water tax, The demand
of house tax for the last year available viz., "i 981-82 was Rs. 21,497,
5, The tariff water is assumed to be Rs. 12.60 per month per connection for
domestic from the 'i q c.
-88 and Rs. 'L 90 and Rs. ··''·"·) 1.L' pc.t". I , (.1,.i(·.)\..·1
liters Commercial & Industrial respectively .The tan ff 1 s also
assumed to increased bv,,· HY>o once in 5 ~·vears and industrial
t...( ..... J '1'''~
L-1."- assumed
l.t~)..::i ,J..J !!,..'\,, to ;,.;u1'"t('',..,.C'
••. \v ·.!ld bv
··/ 11)
a v.. 0/)- \.,1 ~..,!\ •. 1·*'
,.·)•··1'''·~ 1.l
1·1 . .,,.,,,_,,
'l. ,_,1,1, ... ·i..... vears
6. Wat"er supplied through public fountains are charged at 25(:/ii of the domestic water
7. The revenue collected by the local body under "Sanitation" is assumed to increase by
1 c;,.! per annum on the basis of new houses expected to be constructed every year.
<\.l.l. Operati
.. ~ ." .. ·:~ .. "'j~'
11 maintenance expenditure also includes establishment charges and
other · any, under Sanitation.
9. Establishment charges rdatmg to water supply and sanitation are assumed to
increase by annually.
10. Costs of power and chemicals are calculated in proportion to the of water
produced. The tariff for power is assumed to increase by 1 (YV(, once in three years.
The cost of chemicals is assumed to increase bv 7.5% annuallv.,· in l 984-85 and bv -;ci;() _; ,;
12. Administrative charges are calculated as 2% of the total establishment charges,
power, chemicals and repairs and renewals for the first two yea.rs.
!. 3. Depreciation is calculated as 2. the total project cost (including interest).
14. Other charges are calculated as 1~/o of the total establishment charges, power,
chemicals, and repairs and renewals.
I. Increase in account payable is difference of the amount in two
consecutive years as shown in the projected balance sheet.
2. The loan period is assumed to be 24 years inclusive of moratorium period of
4 years during which interest is to paid but capital repayment is deferred.
3. It is assumed that the govcrrunent will have to pay 75<),10 total sub project
cost as grant.
4. Compound interest at 8S~o per annum during the moratorium period viz.,
l 985"'86, 1986-87;1987--88 and J 988-89 is calculated for the loan and added to
it. The interest thus calculated C\'ery year is added to fixed assets and shown in
balance sheet.
5 The first loan is received during the year 1985-86 and 6 months, interest is
calculated for this year.
6. Repayment of annuity at 8SYo (Rs. 0.0602 million every year) begins in 1989-
1990. The capital recovery factor for 20 years at 8.SCYo is 0.105 7.
7. Increase in accounts is receivable in the difference of amount m two
consecutive years as given in the projected balance sheet
1. No provision is made for the bed debts.
2. 20 percent of the sales revenue is shown as accounts receivables every
3. No figures are assumed for inventories
4. 10 percent of operating and maintenance expenditure is shown as accounts
payables: every year.
5. Approximate values are given to old assets under the sectors.
1982-83 83-84 84-85 85~86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89--90 9(}.91 ~)1 ~-92
1. \\later oroduced
' (kld)
495 514- 529 544 588
B. Sanitation
4. Operating
1'1--, T. -,
\1\S. rnuhon)
n,nn1 1 ·'.)~
t~i. Chern . icals f ~.C)OJ I O.O(i1 {!Ji! ) U.()01 4
rv. 0.1
l 982-83 83-84 84 85 85·86 86-87 87-88 88-~89 89·90 90--91 91-92
iii_ Chemicals
iv. Administrative
5 Income before
l1 )Rj
1982 83 83-84 84-85 8586 {}6-87 87-88 88-89 SfJ.90 90-91 91.<)2
"' , .. ,, ... ,.~
(Rs. million)
92-93 93-94 94-95 95--96 96-97t() {)1- .. ~J2to 06-\)7t<) 11-12 12~ 13
2U(h)-ul 05--06 H)--11
1. \Vater produced (kld) 593 599 605 614 621 695 770 820 820 s2c~
2. \Vater sold (kld) 474 479 ~184 491 497 556 6'15 656
3. Revenue (Rs. million)
A. Water supply 0.1772 !l. 1836 0.187(; 1.).1908 LU(} 19 L3410 1.6937 u.3809 t).4()2.7 0.4030
B. Sanitation
Total Revenue/A} B\,_ ' j 0.1772 0.1836 0.1876 o. 19t}8 1.0619 1.34'!0 1.6937 0.3809 0.4027 0.4030
/\.\\later Supply
L Esrt. Charge 0.0591 0.0609 ().()627 U.U646 U.3531 0.4097 ().4748 0.1U37 0.1068 0.1100
iL Power 0.0168 0.0170 0.0189 0.{)191 0.1060 U.1380 ft 1823 0.0413 0.0453 0.0453
iii. Chemicals 0.0015 i ),()016 0.0017 8 134 u.n178 n.u286 0.0068 0.0072 CH)076
rv. Reoairs & Renewals 0.0118 0 0125 0.0132 (!.014U 0.0839 0.1122 0.1500 0.0356 0.0378 0.0401
U.(1004 tJ.t.H'12S OJ)U25 n.uo:v) t).0t)()6 0.0006 0.0006
YL Others (specify) t~~{){)0 9 tJ.0(}09 U.t1{)55 0.0069 O.OU84 (l.()019 U.UU20
.-·"~-- .. - ..----
92-9.3 93--94 94 .. 95 95 96 96-97 to 01-02 to 06-07 to 11-12 13--14
200U-01 05-06 1(}-11
vii Administrative
0.0905 0.0912 0.0979 O.H)U9 0.5646 0.6871 0.8471 1899 0.1997 0.2056
F .r~•....r: 1.,
~..., ....st+ -, "{Y'·'
u. Power
ui. Chemicals
iv. Administrative
v, Others (specify)
Total Operating 0.0905 0.0932 0.0979 0.1009 0.5646 !}6371 Cl.8471 ~J. 18·49 0.1997 0.2056
Expenses (A+ B)
5. Income before ~).0867 0.0904 0.0897 0.0899 ().4973 fl6539 0.8466 CL 191-() 0.2030 0.1974
depreciation and
interest(Rs. Million)
92- !.H .. () 2 tc Uo···07 ro l i ·· l 2 ! 3. l ·+
lU l l.
ll. 1 ·1-Jf)
(t 15(~{)
Funding Pattern
l)escription H year Total
in million)
Historical Forecast
82-83 83-84 8+85 BS--86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-9\i 9U--91 91-92 92-93 93-94
(Rs. million)
I. Sources
1i 1 Net mcorne U.0123 0.P124 UOI63 0.0213 n.\l30l 00393 0.0430
~--.,,,. . .
~ 2. t .ieprecranon 0.0452 0.0463 0.0474 (UJ474 U.0474 0.0474 0.0474
3. Increase in n.0076 0.0U03 CL0001 0.00\Jj 0.0005 t10002 0.0003
4. Increase m
other current
st capitalised)
0Jll 4U 0Jl30') U.0410 [)JJ445
His lz.} r; ~al
· --·~·-- .... ~.
(Rs. million)
7. Others/specify)
·rotal Sources 1,()4
II. Applications
1. 1 ncrease in
fixed assets
current assets
3. Increase 1r1 u.uzc,5
4. Decrease in
5. Interest
1 .0450 I"\
\.I. 764·9 0.P675 0.0455 0-<)6 l~· 0.061 8 0.06.30 ().{}625 0.061 5
().(}386 0.0580 0.0024 ().t)072 0~01 50 0.0244 0.0292
IV Cash 0.0386 0.0966 0.1062 0.1212 0.1456
c;,,.1 at <-L,-,
l•j -- U:l·-
beginning<» of
the year
Historical Forecast
-----------·--··-·····-·------ ~-------~-----·-
82-83 83--84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-9-1 91-92 92--93 93-94
I ntercst(Rs. in million)
• ••••• """""""''""""""" •••••• •••••••••••••••"••-'"'""""'"'"--""-"'' '"'""""""'"•"-- ,._ -.,~""'"""'"""-'""- ·-·-·--"""·---·•··-~'""""-----·-•m•~-·-<-----~~-·----•• --
1985- 1986- 1987· 1988--
86 87 88 89
, ... ,, ""'"'''''"'•········· . . .. ,,,,,,,,,...,............. . """'·'·'""''"''"''" . ~ ""'"'""''""'"'''"•············. . "" ""·"·'"·"""""'"''''"···---·--·-··-····""""•''"""''""•"····- " •-----···"·"'"'""" ...,.•..••-------------·-············--····
I Loan amount received in 1985 86(H.s. ""0.0110 0.0229 0.0249 l).0269
0.2585 million)
.r ·1 ,t.l,ln
l I. ·· · 'amount
· · ·· · H
.,.,.. ce. 'c< ·l u1
"1"·' · '198('
.. )· g·. ""(n,.
1 \J\,,, 0.0080 0.0161 O.Or76
0.1835 million)
fl r. l .oan amount received in 1987
88(Rs. million)
l V. Loan amoun t received in 1988-·89(Rs.
0. 1274
- •••••••·-•"•••••'"''"""·-······--·-••••••"• ..•••~~·•••••"••----·-··-~·---••----~-··-·'-~~-~-m~~-··•·---- -•
-* Interest at 8.5 percent for six months calculated is for the year of receipt of loan.
(Rs, lviilhon)
Loan amount received in 1 0.2585
Interest due (added to the capital) during the moratorium period vsz.
·rornl 0.5694
~4PPENDIX 17~9
1983 1 984 -1
s- <)85 1 I 987 1 988
---- --·--
t s~90 .
t 991 1992 !99~ 1994
,-. ?.'
(82- (83~84) (84~85) (85 60) (86-8/\
• f
(87--88) (88 . 89) /5{ll
.=> 90) (90-1J1) (91-92) (:>2-93) (93-94)
(Rs million)
J~ Current
L Cash 0.0386 !}0~)66 o L)i)9CI u. l
. 062 u 1
.. t
,~'[ 2 \ } 1456 !} ·j
l 748
n. Accounts U.1 1265 0_(}275 ( }_(1287 i.03UJ U.i '}Jj·~ "' ,-{.
11i. Inventor-
ls, pipes,
·~-~-- · · · ·---~- -----·-· ·---~---~-~---
------------ ·------- --·---·_,_·- -
Historical Forecast
1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
(82- (83-84) (84-85) (85-86) (86-87) (87-88) (88-89) (89-90) (90-91) (91-92) (92-93) (9.3-94)
(Rs. million)
Total current 0.0651 (}1241 0.1277 0.1365 0.1543 0.1810 0.2115
I I. Fixed assets
A . Water
vv ~ suoolv
! 1-··,
t. Gross 1.0450 1.8099 1.8509 1.8502 1.8039 1.7565 1 7091 1.6617 1.6143
assets in
opera ti-
1t Depreci- 03)452 (10463 0.0474 ().()474 ().0474 0.0474 0.0474
111. Net 1.0450 1.8099 1.8057 1.8039 1.7565 1.7091 1.6617 1.6143 1.5669
assets m
! !i~tnricaI
198'.1 1 ()H4 1 ()1{5 1989
(83 ~4) (84---8 5) (88--89) (9\L')J) 1-· 0")
(1'2 ---7_)
;_j (9.J . .<)4)
t Gross
assets in
ii. Deprcci-
HL Net
assets m
Total fixed l .<}45f} I .8(199 1.8057 1.7565 1.7091 1.6617 1.6143 1.5669
-----··-·--·------ ---- -·-~----·-·------- - . ··- -- . - - . - - . - -- -·
1 )84 1 {)'){ i
lJ istorical
l 'JH.) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1 ()8) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
(H:?-83) (83--84) (84-85) {P. ~
.._5J~- 8(J') (86 .. 87) IQ/
\_UI · 88"') (88--89) (~!) ()(}) (9U·-91) (9. I- ('')\
,./ ?---1) (92-93) (93 (l .;',
\. ~ ... .?6i")
. S. ··1· h)n1\
1. Current
Account (}0076 O.OU8n l}.t1083 U0090 O.UU93
f-1.t. .J' .!.+ '1,l•·
. ..1~ .....
II. Equity
:\. \V:itcr
i)C ~ ranr- in. 0.7755 l.32t)!l 1 .326(1 l.3260 1.1260 L326lJ 1..326n 1.3260 1.3260
1Ul123 tl.0247
" !
Historical Forecast
1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 199P 1991 1992 1993 1994
\'82 - i:r:i'
J.)j (83-84) ''8''t--....85\, }
\. (W
. '.)-q°C
(8(;-87) (87-88) (8889) (89-~9{1) (90-91) (91 ')2) (92-93) (93-94)
;\ l
;} ,oca lbodv
Jl. ,, .• ~.:.~ •.,- .., }
(for capital
earnmgs or
Total equity
IIL Long
'Term Loan
A \\ ater 0.2585 {).4420 fl.4420 d.4420 0.4420 tL4302 OA174 0.4035 0.3889
B. ...Scwcragc/'
. ,._ "~· '-""o . .
C. Interest 0.011() 0Jl419 !l.!)829 0.1274 0.1274 !i 1T4 0.1274 U.-127·+
added to the
.. :~.--.-~.-....:..·
Historical Forecast
1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
(82-83) (83-84) {84-85) (8"":J-vv}
Rt::' (86-87) (87-88\ (88-89) (89-90) (9{)_01\ \>' " - 9")
,:., (92-93) 19~, '\4'·
' , -, '/ ... ./ s: j
(Rs. million)
D. Current 0.110 0.0128 (HH39 0.01.51 0.0164
Total long 0.2695. 0.4833 0.5249 0.5694 0.5576 0.5440 0.5309 0.5158 0.4994
·r.. otai, 1.6450 1.8099 1.8708 1.9280 L8916 L87<)1 1.8657 l.8508. L8347
40. "/1na!yJis if Pm11f)ing Test Data ~f L.ri.rge Diameter We!lr': 1986, Central
Ground \Y/ ater Board.
4L "Cround H7ater Estimation Methodolo/J:Ji'·: Report of the Ground Water
Estimation Committee, 1984.
42. "f~ydrqgeolo,_~ical Map cf India", 2"<l Edition, 1989.
43. R.C Shulz and D.A. Okun, 1~\'urfru:e u~ater Treatment for Communities tn
devek>pingcouniries ··,John W%~y Sons, l 984.
44. R.L. Shanks(l-~d} 'WrJ.ter Treatment Plant Di~szgn ': l 978, Ann Arbor Sc. Pub.
4.5. !'J l ves, "''
1<..... ·• '
I .. rm d ]. .·•,.r;a'tw.itum
'/. I. s:IJ"' in Orthokinetic flocculation in
Solid-Liquid Separation, 2nd Edition, t 981, L.Svarovsky(Ed.),
Bntterworths, London.
46. Journal of American \~later Works Association.
47. journal of Environmental Engineering Division, American Society of Civil
48. Journal of Indian \Vater Works Association.
49. Indian Journal of Environmental Health,
50. Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Environmental Engineering
51. Asian Environment.
52. journal of Boston Society of Civil Engineering.
10 i oo <JC<J !000 000
I 00 . 0 -+---..---·=
6 [':.::;:=",£.f'E
5 .....-+---M::H±
10 100
,._·~-·-------···--· ..·----~-·-~- ....PER DAY C kld)
- -~-·--·~-,·--~M-·---··~•->>->---~-----·.. ·~•1-'"' ,,.,,,. ,,.__
OF \.VATER AT -20"'
~-----· C)
0·6S7S O·S52S
V:: t4J· S34 CR !"" S
ci ... [)f A Of CiRC VL AR PfPE iN mm
3 v 0 949 c»: -6 h =SLOP
C """" 1-!AZE.N AND WILUAMS COE!"F1C!€.i"4T OF 100 AOOPiE.D
I 20 !! !3 0
I .g i. 2 I. -3I ~+-~-_,,
WHERE.:- " 6
In( \2
K2 '"'\Q.06} ~
h::t-==f~l~~J~t~tb~~:}tj~§§J?:-:!~~T~~tff~=-;_-:: =~~f-~~~
. . .. .. - . r,. . . --·- - . ·-r,.-·r·· .• ·1··