Observation 2 Shazul Ahmed

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Lesson Observation Summary Form


This form is for use as a summary of key features from the Lesson Observation commentary form and may contribute to the Trainee's evidence base when claiming success in achieving the QTS standards. From a single observation it may not be possible to comment in all sections.

Trainees Name: Robby Parker Date & time: 14/12/2012 Session 2 Lesson Theme: Control Mission Maker Observer: Shazul Ahmed

School: Morpeth School Class: KS3 Year 8 Subject: ICT

Teachers Standards - what evidence has the observation provided of the Trainees progress against the Standards? TS1: high expectations TS2: promotion of progression TS3: subject knowledge TS4: planning and teaching wellstructured lessons TS5: response to pupils strengths and needs TS6: use of assessment TS7: classroom management TS8: wider professional responsibilities Strengths/Further comments Detailed and thorough lesson plan. (TS4) Pupils engaged in groups for starter and plenary (TS4) Pupils communicating well with each other in groups (TS2). Instructions are clear and pupils attentive (TS2) Pupils demonstrating how to carry out tasks in Mission Maker to entire class Peer support for tasks with use of RAG from planner (TS6) Pupil progress identified using RAG from planners (TS6) Secure knowledge of topic demonstrated through expanding on pupil responses (TS3) Pupil behavior expectation is high (TS7) Pupils understanding checked as a whole class and individually whilst pupils on task (TS2) Homework activity set for pupils to continue working on their games(TS4)
Standard 1-8 ( for mentor or tutor use)

Targets/Areas for development Deeper questioning, get pupils to expand on their responses (TS6) Markbook for monitoring and assessment (TS6) Use praise explicitly (TS7) Pace and flow your lesson i.e. teacher talk/starts and stops (TS4) Differentiate with instructions i.e. pupils that have completed should continue and bring the strugglers and individuals that are unclear to the front. (TS5) Get the traffic lighting using diaries to be more streamlined and with more follow through (TS6)

Standard 1-8 ( for mentor or tutor use)

Use for grades if there is sufficient evidence: TS1 TS5 1 2 TS2 TS6 1 2 TS3 TS7 1 1 TS4 TS8 1 N/A

Special focus (complete if applicable): Making required progress x Not making required progress ________________________ Date: 14 December 2012
th th

Observers Signature: [email protected]

Trainees Signature:[email protected] ________________________Date: 14 December 2012

London Providers 2012

Lesson Observation Summary Form

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