Lesson Edfd270
Lesson Edfd270
Lesson Edfd270
Ian Nguyen
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson): Students have learnt area of shapes and will now learn volume of prism Syllabus Outcome(s): One or two only. Please note the syllabus reference number AND write out in full. Indicators of Learning for this lesson: Behaviors that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be used as headings. By the end of this lesson, the students will: Identifying and drawing the cross-section of a prism Developing the formula for volume of prisms by considering the number and volume of layers of identical shape o Volume = base area height Calculating the volume of a prism with cross-sections that have been previously discussed (rectangular, triangular, square etc.) Calculating the volume of prisms with cross-sections that are simple composite figures that may be dissected into rectangles and triangle Assessment: Strategies which will be used to assess learners attainment of learning outcomes. Should be linked to each learning indicator.
Commented [IN2]: 1.5: Allows use of previous knowledge as a basis to further teach the next level of content
MS4.2 (p 131) Calculates surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms and volume of right Prisms and cylinder
- Observe Ss written work in class in their work books - Ss classroom agreement and participation - Ss coming up to the board to answer questions
Commented [IN3]: 2.3: Using the NSW BOS Syllabus to construct a lesson sequence and plans
Commented [IN4]: 5.1: Use of a range of different assessment strategies, relevant when assessing students of special needs Commented [IN5]: 3.6: Follow up questions/homework from previous lesson to evaluate teaching strategies/ program from the lesson before. Commented [IN7]: 3.4: Use of ICT such as a smart board to improve learning abilities of students to develop better understanding Commented [IN6]: 4.4: Strategies that promote a safe environment for teachers and students in the class room
Any safety issues to be considered: - Safety considerations are per school regulations found in the diary - Any OH&S factors that have been considered and foreseen in the past or current.
Resources: - Board of studies (2003), Mathematics Years 7-10: Syllabus. Sydney: BOS - Ss Exercise books and equipment - Windows Notepad software - Smart Board Projector
Ian Nguyen
Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning (What is Taught): Note key skills, concepts and values addressed in each section. Link to your Indicators of Learning. Timing (mins) Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: (How it is taught) Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what students (Ss) will do. Resources and Organisation:
Revision Q/ What did we do last lesson? A/ Areas of Squares/Rectangles/Circle Q/ What are those formulas of the shapes? (Write these on board for all Ss to see and revise) 10mins T asks Ss to come quietly in and get all their equipment and get ready for class T greets Ss small talk to build early rapport to Ss. T starts revision of last lesson with questions while reminding students the rules of the class (not talking during other peoples answers, raising hands etc.) then tell Ss about todays lesson Slide 1.
Commented [IN9]: 4.2: Clear Instructions for students to prepare for class activities and learning
Commented [IN8]: 3.5: Asking lower order questions (revision questions) to increase class confidence to promote communication of the class in further questions
Slide 2
Developing a new formula Q/ What is the cross section of the following solids? A/ Answer to multiple solids Q/ how does the definition of the prism help us find out the volume? A/ Prism has a cross section which is same along its length Q/ Who can develop a formula to find the volume of a prism? A/ picks student 10minutes T shows how the cross section is similar along a length / height of a solid T asks for class input on how to find the volume by the response to Ss rising of hands. Slide 2
Commented [IN10]: 4.3: Thoroughly reminding students of class rules as the class is a special needs class which has numerous of behavioral based students Commented [IN11]: 3.2: Starting class with questions to engage students and uses the engagement to introduce the rest of the lessons content
T uses analogy of a book as a prism, using pages are cross section. Asks Ts how would you find the volume (discussion). Class Discussion to develop a volume formula Expands on the formula by asking students and finding the volume of a prism
Slide 3
Commented [IN13]: 3.1: Set a higher order goal to the class to discover a new formulae
Ian Nguyen
Calculating the volume of a prism Q/ What is the formula of the volume of a prism A/ V= AxH
10minutes T shows questions on board T asks multiple Ss input in how to do each of the different questions shown T does one example on the board showing all steps T picks students to come up on the board to answer and also makes students explain what they are going to write and do T re-explains students steps and methods 15minutes
Slide 4
Q/ Where is the area of the prism or the cross section area? A/ the face that is times along
Commented [IN14]: 4.1: Asking many students for their input on methods and answers of questions to promote an inclusive participation learning environment.
Q/ Where and what is the distance the area is times along? A/ The value that the cross-section is times along Q/ So what values are now put instead of A and H? A/ The values found before
Slide 5 T puts 3 harder compound questions which brings back previous content from last lessons. T give Ss time to do these questions. T walks around class to monitor and observe how Ss go about the questions. Telling class common mistakes and gives hints on how to approach the question Overhead statements are common mistakes and gives hints on the harder questions
Commented [IN15]: 3.5/3.3: Going to students one by one to allow students to ask questions and overhear statements to allow improving class work
Q/ Everyone put this in calculator and tell me what is the answer A/ Dependent on the Question
Asks a S for the first line for the questions working out, Asks another S to come up to board to finish.
Revision of classs content 5 minutes Set Homework Revises class content Ss packs books. Dismiss Class
Commented [IN16]: 3.5: Use of effective communication to allow setting of homework and efficient closure of the class before dismissal Commented [IN17]: 3.6: Self-evaluation to constantly improve teaching strategies of each lesson
---------- Self-evaluation on way to next class: Think about any improvements for the lesson -------