Observation 1 Penny Downes

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Lesson Observation Summary Form


This form is for use as a summary of key features from the Lesson Observation commentary form and may contribute to the Trainee's evidence base when claiming success in achieving the QTS standards. From a single observation it may not be possible to comment in all sections.

Trainees Name: Robby Parker

School: Morpeth School Subject: ICT

Date & time: Class: KS4 2 Lesson Theme: GCSE Revision/exam practice Observer: Penny Downes

Teachers Standards - what evidence has the observation provided of the Trainees progress against the Standards? TS1: high expectations TS2: promotion of progression TS3: subject knowledge TS4: planning and teaching well-structured lessons TS5: response to pupils strengths and needs TS6: use of assessment TS7: classroom management TS8: wider professional responsibilities Strengths/Further comments - very thoughtful and detailed planning and appropriate resources to engage all students and ensure the lesson was well-structured and scaffolded to support learning (TS4). - seating plan and groupings appropriately planned with activities/questions carefully targeted at particular students showing good use of school data to differentiate (TS5) - instructions were very clear and reinforced in a variety of ways to support access for all. Impressive. - good use of initial questioning of expectations before letting pupils begin their connect activity (TS6) - the connect activity was generally effective in engaging students overall - your relationship with pupils was good and now you need to work on being a bit more of a dynamic presence, this will come with experience and as you develop confidence - your questions throughout the lesson were often targeted to individuals (TS6). Sometimes you needed to push pupils more to develop/extend their responses and to encourage others to respond and challenge where appropriate - the lesson was very calm and behaviour was excellent (TS7). Pupils were engaged and on task as they were clear about the expectations you had established. There was an atmosphere of trust and respect. - you moved around and supported the learning well during tasks. There were a couple of occasions where you could have set extension tasks for early finishers. - you used a variety of groupings with regular movement and clear time frames - group work, paired work, pairing up pairs etc. and this helped ensure pace. Perhaps the pair\feedback on their answers could have been managed slightly differently as this took rather a long time and, a less-motivated group may have struggled to maintain focus . Targets/Areas for development

Standard 1-8 ( for mentor or tutor use)

- work on the Q and A to take it beyond the "what" and use it to probe understanding with more focus and depth - use a greater range of strategies for sharing of pupil answers that is more pupil focused and will enable all to engage even if they are not the ones feeding back - develop a more enthusiastic teaching persona you had clearly worked extremely hard and know your subject very well but need to give more of a sense of your own enjoyment in working with the pupils - make the LO more focused on pupil learning so that they drive the learning journey and the Progress and that way different activities will flow more (TS2)

Standard 1-8 ( for mentor or tutor use)

Use for grades if there is sufficient evidence:

London Providers 2012

Lesson Observation Summary Form

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Yellow Copy Trainee

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Special focus (complete if applicable): Making required progress


Not making required progress

Observers Signature: ______________________________ ________________________Date:____________________ Trainees Signature: _______________________________ ________________________Date:____________________

London Providers 2012

Lesson Observation Summary Form

White Copy UEL

Yellow Copy Trainee

Green Copy - School

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