Observation 2

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University Supervisor Name: -------------------University Supervisor Email: --------------------Lesson Topic: Numbers and Operations-Fractions

Observation Notes: The lesson was set in a rotation of five groups moving
through stations. Mr. Maurer has a small group of
students who were reviewing PARCC questions. Through
the process, the students were looking for possible
mistakes and tying the material to other easy to remember
Strengths: Mr. Maurer has an excellent rapport with the students. He
makes learning fun. He encourages students to fix
mistakes. He makes connection to prior knowledge and
redirected students who were off tasks. He uses related
content language and has students discuss and show
what they mean in their work. (equivalent, numerator,
denominator, fraction, place value, decimal notation,
compare, greater and less than, hundredths, tenths)
Recommendations: Continue to use your sense of humor to make learning
fun. The students enjoy it and it promotes student
learning. They smile and are happy when they understand
the question or get their work done correctly.
Supervisor / Mentor's Next Steps: Due to days off, snow days and testing, I will return
February 18 at 8:30 for whole group instruction for math.
Next Observation Date: 02/18/2015
Focus: Math: Decimal Notation From Fractions

Exceeds Expectations (3)
1: Understands student learning,
development, diversity
Knowledge of students
Knowledge of student development
Expect all students will achieve
Model respect for diversity
Identifies intervention needed for enrichment,
reinforcement, remediation
Sources of Evidence / Comments: Displays confidence
in himself and has high learning expectations for all
students. Based on data and assessment, he uses
prior knowledge and modifications to meet the needs
of the students in class.

Exceeds Expectations (3)

2: Knowledge of content area
Knowledge content and how to teach it to

Use of instructional strategies to teach concepts

Knowledge of district and state contents
Ability to use cross-curricular approach
Ability to make content relevant
Sources of Evidence / Comments: Has knowledge of
curriculum and is well prepared to teach students in
class. Lesson plans are clear and detailed.

Meets Expectations (2)

3: Varied assessments for instruction and

evaluation to ensure student learning
Use of varied diagnostic, formative and
summative assessments and how to use data

Analyze data to monitor student learning

Plan, differentiate and modify instruction
Communicate progress with various stakeholders
Use of self-assessment and goal setting
Sources of Evidence / Comments: Informal assessment
strategies are used.

Exceeds Expectations (3)

4: Plan and deliver effective instruction for

each learner
Align instructional goals with district and state

Address the achievement gap

Link learning activities to defined goals

Differentiates instruction to support learning
needs of all

Activities help student become independent

learners and complex problem solvers

Use of technology and resources to enhance


Plans instructional design and delivery based on

students think and learn
Sources of Evidence / Comments: Uses technology.
Teaching supports direct instruction for whole group,
small group and one-on-one instruction. Use of think
pair share strategy to promote problem solving and
facilitates acquiring knowledge of math..

Exceeds Expectations (3)

5: Learning environments that promote high

levels of learning and achievement
Treat students fairly in respectful environment
Environment is physically and emotionally safe
Motivate students to work productively and
assume responsibility for learning

Students work independently, collaboratively

and/or as a whole class

Maintain environment conducive to learning for all

Sources of Evidence / Comments: Promotes positive
and fun learning environment. Students are excited to
learn. Excellent classroom management skills.

Exceeds Expectations (3)

Timely lesson plans

Professional Dispositions
Sources of Evidence / Comments: Detailed lesson

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