The Epistle: Holy Week and Easter
The Epistle: Holy Week and Easter
The Epistle: Holy Week and Easter
April 26: Third Sunday of Easter May 17: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:12-19 (“Ascension Sunday”)
I John 3:1-7 Acts 1:1-11
Luke 24:36b-48 Ephesians 1:15-23
“A New World Order” Luke 24:44-53
“We are not alone”
May 3: Fourth Sunday of Easter May 24: Seventh Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:5-12 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
I John 3:16-24 I John 5:9-13
John 10:11-18 John 17:6-19
“Gentle Jesus?” “Under the Influence”
Needs and requests have depleted our Blankets+ funds. Shipments to the border regions of the U.S. in
New Mexico and response to overseas partners leave us with little to nothing left to share as we contem-
plate the needs of an ice bound Kentucky and other disasters that will cry for an immediate response from
Recent shipments of blankets and relief supplies have gone to those impacted by the ongoing violence in
Gaza. The needs and suffering are great. Church World Service is supporting relief efforts being imple-
mented by local partners. Eight trucks of aid have gone into Gaza over the past few weeks and this is just
the crisis assistance phase, long-term assistance will be needed. Please help us help those struggling for
Church World Service provided an initial shipment of 300 blankets and 300 Hygiene Kits to those im-
pacted by the recent ice storm in Kentucky that the Governor's office has called the biggest natural disas-
ter in the state's history. In addition Church World Service is providing 240 Hygiene Kits each to the Izard
County Shelter and the Searcy County Shelter. Recovery and repairs will take time. Please help us bring
warmth and assistance to those in need. CWS is providing 1,000 CWS Hygiene Kits to emergency work-
ers in Fayetteville, AR, and 92 CWS Hygiene Kits to the Maynard (AR) Fire Department, for distribution
to families affected by end-of-January ice storms.
In Oklahoma, at least nine people were killed, dozens injured, and homes damaged or destroyed by an
unusual February outbreak of tornadoes. CWS Emergency Response Specialist Lura Cayton is assessing
the situation and helping local faith communities organize for recovery.
Donna Derr, Director of the Church World Service Emergency Response Program, reports that “CWS
continues to receive frequent large requests for CWS kits from partners overseas and in the U.S. -- par-
ticularly hygiene kits for overseas use and clean-up buckets for U.S. use. Because it is a constant chal-
lenge to have our supply of kits keep up with demand, we are currently in the position of having several
pending shipments that need to wait until we can secure an adequate number of kits to meet the requests.
Our pending shipments include ones to Ghana, Syria and Zimbabwe. As well, we continue to supply often
clean-up buckets and hygiene kits to flood affected areas in the US -- most recently to areas of the Mid-
west which experienced ice storms and flooding following ice melt.”
As you can see these are desperate times for a number of areas of our world, our nation and even our state. In re-
sponse, our church will hold a special collection on two consecutive Sundays: Palm Sunday (April 5th) and Easter
Sunday (April 12th). The Missions committee will also supplement the congregations’ donation to assure a
minimum donation from the church of $500.
185th Anniversary
This year First Congregational United Church of Christ in Fairport is planning a
year-long observance of our 185th anniversary. This observance includes a series of cele-
brations and events as well as a contemplative study of our roots and traditions and an hon-
est and thoughtful appraisal of what our community of faith truly means as we move into
our future.
"Whereas, we the subscribers, ordained ministers of the Gospel, having been called
by a number of professing Christians in the Town of Perinton, to meet on this
18th day of December 1824, at the house of Jesse Perrin, in Perinton, for the purpose
of taking into consideration the propriety of forming and organizing a Congregational
church, and, if on full examination of the subject, it shall appear to us that such a
church ought to be formed for the benefit of Christ's Kingdom and the promotion of
His cause, then to proceed to the organization of such a church."
Therefore, "membership" in this church was meant that we are bound together for
the purpose of furthering of God's Will and Christ's purpose in this world, and that active
participation in that work and endeavor is necessary in order to carry out that purpose.
Nothing less is needed today than it was 185 years ago to witness to the Work and
Word of Jesus Christ. In fact in a culture that is increasingly trending toward secular princi-
ples, effort and energy expended in support of the covenant is even more critical. Over the
next several months of this year, the Board of Elders will be endeavoring to connect - and
re-connect - with all those listed in our rosters to ask them how we can make the bonds of
our first covenant even stronger as we face the years before us.
Diana DeBruycker
Don and Deirdre Eaton would like to thank all the adults and teenagers that have
volunteered their time each Sunday morning for "Marius Duty". Not only are we both
able to attend worship, but the socialization is beneficial for Marius as well. What a great
congregation. A big thanks to Kelly Weidman for organizing it.
April 5– TBD
“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine
out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as
noon.” Isaiah 59:10
Family News
Preschoolers & Elementary Students: Learning About
Christ’s Life and Journey To the Cross
From now until Easter Sunday, our students in the rotation program
will journey with Jesus to the cross. Through movies, drama, storytelling and
art, they will learn what events took place between Christ’s triumphant entry
into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the good news of His resurrection on
Easter morning.