February 2010 Epistle

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Volume 15 Issue 2 FEBRUARY 25, 2010

Lent began yesterday, Ash Wednesday. Forty

days and forty nights, as the hymn puts it, lead
us into the wilderness with Jesus as he moves
toward the cross. Lent prepares us for the
“Great Three Days”, Maundy Thursday, Good
Friday and the Vigil of Easter.

On Maundy Thursday, we gather at 7:30 PM for

On March 7 and 14 donations will be received Tenebrae, a service of shadows, as we move,
for “One Great Hour of Sharing”. This has through readings and the extinguishing of lights,
been a great tradition in our church for five toward the cross. On Good Friday, we gather at
decades. Once a year our denomination noon for the “Way of the Cross” walk in the
along with eight other denominations collects village and then for a service of prayer at 7:30
money for use among the poor and needy PM. These two services help us to center on
worldwide. This has been one of the main what the core of our faith is all about: God’s love
ways our church has been able to reach out in Jesus Christ. They also prepare us for the joy
with God’s mission beyond our local of Easter Day.
Just as Jesus began his ministry in the desert; a
place with no frills or distractions, so Lent offers
Funds collected are used in 80 nations in us forty days to get away from the usual and to
general areas: sustaining communities, focus on the essential. This is good spiritual
disaster relief, and for refugees. Sixty percent discipline for us as we seek to be more faithful
of the funds are used for sustaining followers of Jesus Christ.
communities which involves fighting hunger,
disease, illiteracy with healthcare, education, For the third time, Jean and I have just returned
and agricultural development. UCC alone from Silver Day where we spent four days of
raises $3 annually through “One Great Hour quiet and rest. It is a place of retreat. It is a time
of renewal as we prepare for Lent. This
of Sharing”. Please help sustain this
wonderful ministry is offered to pastors and
wonderful tradition with a generous gift. other church workers free of charge and it is
Checks should be made out to “First indeed a blessing. We returned refreshed. It
Congregational Church” with a designation was just what we needed.
OGHS. They can be placed in the offering
plates for mailed to the church office. Thank On the First Sunday in Lent, we sang as our
you for your support. hymn of gathering, Marva Dawn’s wonderful
“Come Away from Rush and Hurry”. It was a
perfect commentary on the importance of taking
time to renew our spiritual lives and to focus on March 21: Fifth Sunday in Lent
the reason for our being. I urge you to take the Isaiah 43:16-21
words to heart as you move quietly and Psalm 126
purposefully into this Lenten time. Philippians 3:4b-14
John 12:1-8
“Come away from rush and hurry to the “Waste”
stillness of God’s peace;
from our vain ambition’s worry, come to Christ March 28: Sunday
to find release. of the Passion:
Come away from noise and clamor, life’s Palm Sunday
demands and frenzied pace;
Come to join the people gathered here to seek Choral Service
and find God’s face.”
-WORDS: Marva J. Dawn (1948-)

Take the time each Sunday to be with others

gathered “to seek and find God’s face.”

Your pastor,


SUNDAY WORSHIP February 28, March 7 & 14 – History

of Lent and Lenten Practices
February 28: Second Sunday in Lent Pastor Cedarleaf will share with us the history of
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 the Lenten season, as well as Lenten practices.
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17-4:1 March 21 & 28 – TBD
Luke 13:31-35

March 7: Third Sunday in Lent

Isaiah 55:1-9
Psalm 63:1-8
I Corinthians 10:1-13
Luke 13:1-9 February 24—March 31
“Suffering” The Wednesday morning class will become a
“Lenten Small Group” and will meet at 10:30 –
March 14: Fourth Sunday in Lent noon, instead of the usual 11 a.m. start time.
Joshua 5:9-12 Classes are held in the Snow Room.
Psalm 32
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
hearty Saturday morning breakfast, get to play
and have fellowship time. RYFC also provides
BOARDS AND COMMITTEES the children with mentors and time to worship
UPDATES centered on music and singing. As an aside the
children of Bethel Express have indicated an
interest in singing at one of our Sunday worship
MISSIONS CORNER services. A third program is Successful
With the Lenten season now in full swing, our Pathways which is designed for teenage girls
Board of Missions has been busy making plans to who have children, are pregnant or who are at
support three local agencies based on our theme risk for pregnancy. Successful Pathways
of “Breaking the Cycle of Violence.” The agencies provides mentoring and a social work service for
include Determined Divas, Lewis Street YMCA, each participant.
and Rochester Youth for Christ. Determined Divas
provides counseling, mentoring services and About 80% of funding for RYFC comes primarily
workshops for teenage girls in the city of from private donations. The other 20% comes
Rochester who are seeking positive alternatives to from local churches. Geoff Smith is the director,
their current lifestyles. Lewis Street YMCA and can be reached at 256-5050 or at
provides day care for toddlers and after school www.yfcrochester.org. Dee Jackson is our
care for school age children in downtown Mission Board liaison to RYFC and has
Rochester. Rochester Youth For Christ provides submitted this month’s information regarding
mentoring and spiritual guidance for youth in the RYFC.
West Main Street area (see article below).
Representatives from all three groups joined us at Submitted by
our worship service on February 7th. At the Ted Avgerinos, Board of Missions Chair
conclusion of their presentations, the congregation
gave them a warm round of applause.

For Determined Divas we are soliciting gifts of

personal hygiene for young women who cannot
afford these products. The Lewis Street YMCA is
asking assistance in refinishing child’s cubbies
and later on help building some storage facilities.
Saturday February 20th, a group of us will be
heading down to RYFC to scope out some small
scale building projects. (Feel free to join us at 9:30
am in the church parking lot).

It is appropriate that this month’s featured

organization the Board of Missions supports is
none other than Rochester Youth For Christ, one
of the groups that we are supporting during Lent.
Rochester Youth For Christ (RYFC) is located at 1
Favor Street, Rochester, NY (near West Main
Street) in the former RIT gymnasium. The mission
of RYFC is to provide mentoring and spiritual Morning Circle will meet on Tuesday, March
guidance to the youth of the West Main Street 9 at 10 AM. A representative from Daystar
area. will tell us about this facility that cares for
infants and children whose developmental
RYFC strives to meet its mission through three handicaps are too great for them to remain
programs. The first program is an active Saturday at home.
morning basketball league. Participants of the
basketball program are required to attend a small
group discussion during the week where they are
provided a dinner and participate in discussion of
life and spiritual issues. Another successful
program is Bethel Express where children have a
Senior High To Learn About
FAMILY NEWS Servanthood
The senior high class will begin a new
Preschool & Elementary School series of classes called, “Servant or
Happenings Sucker?” These classes will analyze wise
and compassionate ways to help the poor.
Rotation Classes Learn About Lent and
Easter Senior High to Participate in Third
During February and March, our students will Annual 30 Hour Famine!
learn about the Christian season of Lent and
The senior high class will be feeding the
the joyous holiday of Easter. world on empty stomachs through World
Vision’s 30 Hour Famine on Feb. 26-27.
The money they raise will be used for
hunger relief around the world, with a
portion of all funds going directly to Haiti.
During the famine, the group fasts for 30
hours but drinks plenty of liquids. They will
be spending time doing service projects and
raising their awareness on world hunger
and poverty through lectures and “Tribe”
games. This year, the focus is on Ethiopia,
Junior & Senior High Happenings as well as local homelessness. Over the
past two years, they have raised over
Junior High Church School To Travel $3,000. Please pray for them and continue
Through the New Testament to bless them with your encouragement and
Through the spring, our Junior High class will support.
continue to work its way through the major
stories of the New Testament.
Confirmation Students Busy With Study,
Mission Work and Seder Supper HELP SUPPORT THE YOUTH MISSION
Our confirmands, Brianna Sherry and Sarah TRIP! ANNUAL SPAGHETTI &
Hoover, will be busy in March! On March 7, MEATBALL DINNER
they will cook and serve the Sunday dinner to Sunday March 14; 5:00 & 7:00
the residents and staff of Bethany House, a PM seating. $6 for Adults, $4
women’s and children’s shelter in Rochester. for children 11 and under.
They have a “breakfast with the Pastor” on Purchase tickets after church in
Mar. 21 at 8:30 a.m. to continue their Fellowship Hall.
discussions on what confirmation means and
how these students can become productive
members of our local church. On Mar. 28, YOUTH MISSSION TRIP NEEDS YOUR
they will cook and lead a traditional Seder HELP!
Supper for 20 people here at our church. Our youth need to raise $9,000 to cover the
cost of the mission trip. We are looking for
JYF Movie Night – March 19 silent auction items for the upcoming
JYF students are invited to come to church on Spaghetti dinner on March 14. If you have
Mar. 19 at 7 p.m. for another fun-filled movie an item or service to offer please signup on
night. Sign up in Fellowship Hall! the rolling bulletin board in Fellowship Hall
or call Brian Sherry at 233-1010.
young people ages 12 to 17 try a painkiller for the
first time. Fairport’s 2009 Youth Risk Behavior
COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTEER Survey data shows 185 students in grades 9-12,
OPPORTUNITIES and 49 students in grades 7-8 took a drug
prescribed for someone else to get high—some on
many occasions.

How can you help protect our youth?

The federal government has guidelines for disposing
prescription drugs that may help curb drug abuse,
accidental overdose, and protect U.S. water sources.
· Do not flush unused medications down
the toilet or drain as chemicals may
pollute the water supply.
· Help our community and youth by properly
disposing of old/unused prescriptions.

•First Wednesday of each month:

January 6, February 3, March 3,
April 7, May 5, June 2 and July 7
•10 AM to 1 PM
The Advent House will hold its annual Dinner
Dance and Auction at the beautiful Casa •Fairport Police Department
Larga Vineyards on Friday, March 26th, 2010 1 S. Main Street, Fairport
at 6 p.m. Don Alhart will be the master of •Front or back door
ceremonies and Carol Ritter Wright will
conduct the live auction. There will be HOW
hundreds of wonderful items to bid on in our
Silent Auction. Music will be provided by
•Put unused prescription medication in a plastic
"Ruby Shooz" for your dancing pleasure.
bag. Please put needles in a separate bag for
Tickets can be obtained by calling Advent safe handling.
House at 223-6112. Don't miss out on this •Be sure the name of the drug is still on bottle
exciting social event for a good cause! •Remove personal information if you desire, however, it
is not necessary
•Bring to Fairport Police Department during drop
off times

FAIRPORT-PERINTON PRESCRIPT ION Visit our website, www.fairport.org/parents for

DRUG DROP OFF more information on CPAC/drug
issues/prevention; or call Debra Tandoi, Co-
Presented by chair, CPAC, 697-1817
Fairport-Perinton Chemical Prevention
Advisory Council

In cooperation with the Fairport Police Department

and Church of the Assumption Health Ministry F a irpo rt-P e rin to n , N Y

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Teens are abusing prescription drugs found at
Prescription drug abuse is on the rise. Medications
left over from prior surgery or pills on a nightstand
are common in many households. Everyday 2,500
We would like to express our sympathy to Joe
Bowman and family on the death of Martha
OUR CHURC H FAMILY Bowman, his wife. Martha passed away on
February 5, 2010. Her memorial service was
WELCOME TO THE NEW ARRIVAL held at our church on February 10, 2010, with
Madilyn Grace Barbato was born February 7, 2010 Pastor Cedarleaf officiating. Martha joined our
in Fredrich, MD. She is the daughter of Jason and church in 1972 and was a long time member of
Luara Barbato, granddaughter of Bill and Gail the Morning Circle.
Andrews and great granddaughter of Walt and
Barb Adams. Our condolences are extended to the family of
Kathy Woodworth, who passed away on
February 7, 2010 in Florida. Kathy was our
CONGRATULATIONS!! church’s former organist.
James Weidman V, a member of Troop 325
sponsored by St John of Rochester Church,
completed requirements for Boy Scouts’ highest
award, the rank of Eagle. He is the son of Kelly
and Jim Weidman.


Barbara Cobb, Fairport Baptist Home

Barbara Eaton, Perinton Park Manor

Charlotte Jackson, Fairport Baptist Home

Les Warren, Fairport Baptist Home

Our Christian sympathy is extended to Leon and

Valentina Hill on the death of Leon’s father, Walter
F. Hill on Sunday, January 24, 2010. EPISTLE
Sympathy is extended to Diana DeBruycker and
her family on the death of her husband, Arthur 3 PM MARCH
DeBruycker on January 20, 2010. A memorial 18th
service for Art will be scheduled in the spring.
Art had been an active member of our church
since December, 1984.

Our condolences are extended to the family of

Louise Deller who passed away on February 5,
2010. A memorial service was held for her at our
church on Sunday, February 7, 2010. Pastor
Cedarleaf officiated. Louise had been a member
of our congregation for approximately 45 years.

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