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Rudolf Steiner

Volume 8
1. Hrišćanstvo kao mistička činjenica (Wort) ili (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar)
Volume 74
1. The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
Volume 94
2. Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the
Gospel of St. John
Volume 96
3. Origin-Impulses of Spiritual Science. Christian Esotericism in the Light of new Spirit-
Volume 97
4. The Christian Mystery
Volume 99
5. Teosofija Rozenkrojcera (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar, 2011)
Volume 100
6. Razvoj čovečanstva i saznanje Hrista (Wort, 2008)
Volume 103
7. Jovanovo evanđelje (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar)
Volume 104
8. The Apocalypse of John
Volume 104a
9. From the Picture-Script of the Apocalypse of John
Volume 112
10. Jovanovo evanđelje u odnosu na tri druga evanđelja (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni
Volume 113
11. The Orient in the Light of the Occident. The Children of Lucifer and the Brothers of
Volume 114
12. Lukino evanđelje (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar)
Volume 116
13. The Christ-Impulse and the Development of I-Consciousness
Volume 117
14. The Deeper Secrets of the Development of Humanity in Light of the Gospels
Volume 118
15. Događaj Hristove pojave u eterskom svetu (Wort)
Volume 122
16. The Secrets of the Biblical Creation-Story. The Six-Day Work in the First Book of
Volume 123
17. The Gospel of Matthew
Volume 124
18. Excursus in the Field of the Gospel of Mark
Volume 127
19. The Mission of the New Spiritual Revelation. The Christ-Event as the Middle-Point of
Earth Evolution
Volume 130
20. Ezoterno hrišćanstvo (Wort, 2004.) ili (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar)
Volume 131
21. Od Isusa do Hrista (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar)
Volume 139
22. Markovo evanđelje (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar)
Volume 142
23. The Bhagavad-Gita and the Letters of Paul
Volume 143
24. Tri puta duše do Hrista (Beograd: Antroposofski kulturni centar)
Volume 144
25. Misterije istoka i hrišćanstva (Beograd, Sfairos, 1988)
Volume 148
26. Iz Akasha-istraživanja: peto evanđelje (Zagreb : Antropozofsko društvo "Marija
Sofija", 2009)
Volume 149
27. Christ and the Spiritual World. Concerning the Search for the Holy Grail
Volume 152
28. Prerequisite Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha
Volume 155
29. Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality.
Anthroposophy and Christianity.
Volume 165
30. The Spiritual Unification of Humanity through the Christ-Impulse
Volume 175
31. Building Blocks to an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha. Cosmic and Human
Volume 182
32. How Do I Find the Christ? 24.1.'08
Volume 187
33. How can Humanity find the Christ again? The Threefold Shadow-Existence of our
Times and the New Christ-Light
Volume 194
34. The Mission of Michael: the Revelation of the Actual Mystery of the Human Being
Volume 200
35. The New Spirituality and the Christ-Experience of the 20th Century
Volume 209
36. The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 9: Nordic and Central European
Spiritual Impulses. The Festival of the Appearance of Christ
Volume 211
37. The Sun-Mystery and the Mystery of Death and Resurrection. Exoteric and Esoteric
Volume 214
38. The Mystery of the Trinity. Mission of the Spirit
Volume 342
39. Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume One: Anthroposophical
Foundations for a Renewed Christian Religious Effort
Volume 343
40. Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Two: Spiritual
Knowledge - Religious Feeling - Ritual Deeds
Volume 344
41. Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Three: Lectures at the
Founding of the Christian Community
Volume 345
42. Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the
Being of the Working Word
Volume 346
43. Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Five: The Apocalypse
and the Working of the Priest

? Rozenkrojcerska ezoterija

Sergej Olegovič Prokof'ev

1. Ezoterne studije (Sarajevo : Buybook, 2009)

2. Tok godine kao put posvećenja (ezoterna studija o hrišćanskim svetkovinama) I dio
3. Tok godine kao put posvećenja (ezoterna studija o hrišćanskim svetkovinama) II dio
4. Tok godine kao put posvećenja (ezoterna studija o hrišćanskim svetkovinama), III dio
5. Tok godine kao put posvećenja (ezoterna studija o hrišćanskim svetkovinama), IV dio
6. Misterij uskrsnuća u svjetlu antropozofije (Zagreb : Antropozofsko društvo "Marija
Sofija", 2013)
7. Impuls duhova i djelovanje Krista u socijalnom životu (Zagreb : Antropozofsko
društvo "Marija Sofija", 2011)
8. Pojava Krista u eterskom svijetu : duhovnoznanstvena gledišta eterskoga ponovnog
dolaska (Zagreb : Antropozofsko društvo "Marija Sofija", 2016)
9. And the Earth Becomes a Sun The Mystery of the Resurrection

Peter Selg

1. Christ and the Disciples-The Destiny of an Inner Community

2. The Creative Power of Anthroposophical Christology-An Outline of Occult Science •
The First Goetheanum • The Fifth Gospel • The Christmas Conference
3. The Lord's Prayer and Rudolf Steiner-A Study of His Insights into the Archetypal
Prayer of Christianity
4. Rudolf Steiner and Christian Rosenkreutz
5. Rudolf Steiner and the Fifth Gospel-Insights into a New Understanding of the Christ
6. Seeing Christ in Sickness and Healing
7. The Sufferings of the Nathan Soul-Anthroposophic Christology on the Eve of World
War I

Robert Powell
Chronicle of the Living Christ-The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ : Foundations of Cosmic

Jonael Schickler
Metaphysics as Christology: An Odyssey of the Self from Kant and Hegel to Steiner

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