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April 2011

Fly United

This is not a commercial for United Airlines! But being united is vital to any winning combination, whether it
be the team concept in athletics, the business world, the military or the church. Jesus prayed for unity in His
High Priestly Prayer in John 17: . . . that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
And the purpose of that unity follows: . . . so that the world may believe that you have sent me. (vs. 21)

Unity certainly does not mean “uniformity,” but it does mean seeking what we have in common, that is,
Jesus Christ and the salvation He brings to the whole world, and the mission – to draw everyone into a saving
relationship with Him. Ephesians 4 is really our “signature chapter” in the whole Bible as Paul writes to the
church in Ephesus about unity in the Body of Christ, the church. He said in verse 3: Make every effort to keep
the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—one Lord, one faith, one
baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. In verse 12 the theme of unity
continues as we prepare each person for ministry in the building up of the Body: . . . until we all reach unity
in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of
the fullness of Christ.

Last Sunday (March 20), I sensed a spirit of unity as I’ve never sensed before. We can DO things if we’re
unified in Jesus. We can GO places if we have a common purpose and goal. The hymn, Onward Christian
Soldiers, says it best: “We are not divided; all one body we: one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.” We
can truly march forward into God’s good future with this as our foundation.

There were times in the Air Force where I was in charge of the POW/MIA ceremony on base. The fly-over by
a formation of jet aircraft always was the high point of the ceremony. At the right moment, the lead aircraft
would take the four-ship formation over the flag pole at base headquarters, precisely as the national anthem
was finished. Prior to the fly-over, the #3 aircraft peels off, creating an empty slot where it would normally
fly. The Missing-Man Formation signifies the loss of a comrade and the respect that follows such a loss.

It is God’s will that none be missing from His flock, and that each of YOU as members of the Body are valued
and loved and needed for the building up of Sierra Lutheran Church. Let us move forward as a formation of
one, witnessing the love of Christ through our unity in the Spirit. People who are on the outside, looking in,
will be attracted to this unity of love. Fight for unity – it’s our best defense against the enemy, and it’s our
greatest testimony to the love of Christ in a world that is so polarized and divided. So, let us fly united and
enjoy the ride!

Pastor John Page 1


The a cappella singing group, “Acclaim,” from Concordia University-Irvine will be leading worship at Sierra
Lutheran Sunday, April 10 at both services. Their repertoire comes from the popular Christian group,
“Acappella.” Singers include Pastor John’s daughter, Karin Saethre; Natalie Hovsepian; Maggie Darby; Mattia
Duryea; and Elizabeth Dobbin. Accompanying the congregational music on guitar is Christ Hilken. Acclaim is
directed by Kris Huston.

Acclaim is a traveling group from Concordia University, performing mainly in Southern California churches.
They sang at the Los Angeles A cappella festival, and most recently at the Las Vegas A cappella festival. Please
invite as many as you can to hear this outstanding singing group! A free-will offering will be received to cover


Jesus’ Last Supper was actually a Jewish Passover. Aaron Abramson of Jews for Jesus will re-create the
traditional Passover service and explain how it foreshadowed Jesus’ death and resurrection in a presentation
called “Christ in the Passover” Wednesday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m. A soup supper will precede Aaron’s

Aaron will set a table with items traditionally used at the Passover meal and detail their spiritual significance.
He will also explain the connection between the events of the first Passover in Egypt and the redemption that
Jesus accomplished, as well as the deep bond between the ancient Passover feast and the Christian community
celebration today.

What a great way to celebrate the road to Good Friday and Easter, as we learn the significance of the Passover
and the New Covenant Jesus gave us through His death as the Passover Lamb and as the Risen Lord!

Page 2

We are about mid-way through our 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting campaign. What have you learned from
this spiritual experience? Have you heard anything from the Lord that you want to share? Come to our
mid-week Lenten services to share what God has given you through your sacrifice of praise. Upon
completion of our 40 days, we will compile God’s Word for us and look for direction specifically set for our
congregation. Continue your faithful journey of prayer and fasting. As Bjorn would say, “Prayer, along
with fasting, is like a one-two bunch of a boxer – it has deep spiritual effect!”


Palm Sunday, April 17 – We process inside our “Jerusalem” with palm branches, praising the King of Kings
and Lord of Lords! Our choir will be singing “Palm Branches.”
Maundy Thursday, 7:00 p.m. April 21 – Maundy in Latin means “command” as Jesus gave His disciples a
new commandment to “love one another.” It is a time of First Communion for Jordan Coburn, and a time
of remembering what happened on that night when Jesus washed His disciple’s feet. The choir will be
singing “Father, Forgive Them.”
Good Friday Service, 7:00 p.m., April 22 – Robert DuPree will be presenting the drama of Christ’s
crucifixion, using many of our youth to amplify the importance of the darkest night of the church year.
Easter Festival Services, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m., April 24 – Come and celebrate the victory of our Lord Jesus
Christ on Easter Sunday! This is a most opportune time to invite family and friends to hear the gospel
truth that because Jesus lives, we too shall live – Alleluia! Our choir and Praise Team will be providing
special music.

Page 3
Notes from the Administrator. . .
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
 John 3:16 NIV 
So happy to be looking forward to the most important season of the year as we begin preparations for Holy Week.
God’s greatest gift to us was not only the birth of His Son, Jesus the Christ, but his unconditional love for us as He
sent His son to the cross for the one and only purpose of cleansing you and me of our sin, once and for all! If we
claim Jesus as our Savior, He lives in us! We no longer have to live convicted in sin, but transformed by the cross,
we are made white as snow. Isn’t that awesome? How can we live in the blessing and freedom of this knowledge?
This season might be a good time to reflect on this question.

As you may already know, this past month, our council and congregation were given the news of President Jeff
Sanders resignation and his family’s resignation from membership with our church body. Having worked closely
with both Jeff and Tam over the past several years, I wish to acknowledge the blessing they were as friends and
family to me and this congregation. We will miss them! Prayers for blessings for their family as they continue
seeking God and His direction for them. They are still members of our community, and have the same phone
number, e-dresses and address if you have questions or just want to share a hello with them.

In March, we were privileged and honored to once again have our facility used for the annual Choral Festival
hosted by Sierra High School’s music department. Over 1000 students from several junior high and senior high
schools from the foothills and valley used our sanctuary to perform and be critiqued by professionals. Mr.
Weinberger has expressed his gratitude to our congregation for allowing them to once again use our facility.

Lastly, I have a few housekeeping items to pass on:

 Propane Usage – Please be good stewards of the church resources when using the facility. If you use the
heater, be sure the doors are closed. Although you don’t need to re-adjust the thermostat arrows when you
leave (the system is on a timer and will reset itself), it does help to decrease the temperature when you leave
so we don’t waste the propane. You get the idea.

 Office Use – We are fortunate to have a place where people can gather to meet and work in both the office
and work room throughout the week. Please be sure that you leave the rooms as neat or neater than when
you arrived. Currently, the workroom has items left on the counters that no one has claimed. Please check
to see if they belong to you. Also, if you use the sink area, please wash the dishes you use and wipe down
the sink.

 Facility keys – The annual key log is being updated. If you have keys to any part of the facility that you no
longer need, please return them to the office. Be sure the volunteer notes who the key is from and put it in
my box.

Sorry to include these housekeeping items in the same message discussing our Risen Savior (so much more

In Christ’s Service,
Lori Pape


Page 4
Praise Team News
Hi Church,

Have you been encouraged this month? Isn’t it great? I love being
encouraged by this body of Christ. Encouragement can come in so many
interesting forms too: a smile, a kind word, a note or e-mail, and the word of God.
God is our greatest encourager. Romans 15:5 says, “Now may the God who gives
perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one
another according to Christ Jesus.” (NASV) I love this verse. Not only does it say
that God is our encourager, but he wants to give us the same mind with one
another. If we are the body of Christ, then we should only have one head, with
one mind, and that is to be Jesus Christ himself! I believe that singing praises to
our God puts us in one mind together. Worship is a time when our body is whole
and complete! How I love that we are blessed with a church to come together to
do just that! Singing together as a body of Christ is one of my greatest joys. I can’t
wait for church on Sunday! Will you come? How encouraging!

Completely joyful,

Jodi Jordan

Page 5
From the Church Council
March 20th’s Sunday services presented the congregation with a bit of surprise. I will tell you that the
subject event took me by surprise, as well. For those members not present, here is the crux of the
announcement that I made.
“During this past Thursday at the monthly Council meeting, our President, Jeff Sanders
submitted his resignation to the council from both his Council position and from the church. I
will address two aspects of this:

First and foremost, I want to express my personal prayers to Jeff and his family for this difficult
decision. I ask the congregation to keep the Sanders’ family in your constant prayers. I do not
know why Jeff came to this decision other than saying that he believed that God had released him
from his position.
The second issue is to fill the position of Presidency for the remainder of Jeff’s term, which is
until the end of this year. I read from the current Constitution:
From Chapter 12 (in part)
C12.01 A member's place on the Congregation Council shall be declared vacant if the member:
1. ceases to be a voting member of this congregation....

C12.03 Should a member's place on the Congregation Council be declared vacant, The Congregation
Council shall elect, by majority vote, a successor until the next annual meeting.

I assure you, the congregation, that you are the church and have the ultimate input on all council
positions. The issue of filling the President’s position will be determined by the Congregation
Council, as the present Constitution dictates, and be presented to you when the position is filled.”

Until the new President is elected I will perform the duties as interim President. I have requested that
the Council take up this matter in a timely manner. Thank you for your support and please continue to
pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire and guide all of us.

Jerry Garwick
Vice President, Sierra Lutheran Church Council

Page 6
EVENT: Tea, Luncheon & Boutique
PLACE: Sierra Lutheran Church
32410 Rockhill Lane
Auberry, Ca 93602
DATE: May 14 ,2011
TIME: 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
If you would like to host a table
or you’re an artisan who wants to
To a Woman’s Heart
participate in our boutique
Shirley Leckie @ 559-855-7024 or Shirley Markus @ 855-8990
Tickets are $15.00 per person Bring a relative or friend!

I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee

Hebrews 13:5


Join the ladies of Hope and Joy, Saturday April 9th at

noon for a potluck lunch, short meeting and bible study at
the home of Sallie Karp...Please RSVP to Sallie 855-
2153. Bible study will be Sapphira, Dishonest to God,
Acts 4: 32 - 5: 11
We will collect individually wrapped hand soaps and
individually wrapped toilet paper to be given to Joseph's
Storehouse at this meeting.

Page 7
Church Choir:
No Auditions At Choir practice last week, Pastor John
said that singing in the Choir was our special “Life
Group.” He was correct because as we practice our
music, we discuss why the selection is appropriate for a
particular Service. Our music comes from the Scriptures
we are reading or the particular time of the Church
We were blessed with the music of Debra Colliver and
Deanie Flanagan this past year. Both are skilled pianists
and have given generously of their time and talents. We
are rehearsing music for Palm Sunday, Holy Week,
Easter Sunday and beyond. It’s not too late to join us.
All voices are welcome! Please join us. Call if you have
any questions.
Fran Garwick, 323-6603


We have two broken coffee pots that we are using now.

The bases of both are cracked. I would like to buy the
pots before we find our self with nothing but a broken pot.
There is not enough money to buy one pot much less two
Can you think about this problem as you put your
money in the container for you coffee and snacks?
My thanks to those of you who are supporting the snack

Page 8
Health Matters:
In between the rain and hail I’ve been working in my garden, digging dead plants, weeding and other chores. I
remember a character in a series of charming books by Jan Karon about a mythical town called Mitford. This
person referred to being afflicted with “the Arthur.” He was talking about Osteoarthritis which affects 21
million adults, according to WebMD. You may be among this celebrated group as you prepare your Spring &
Summer gardens. You might notice your pain in the knees, hips, shoulders and low spine. If you are over 65 or
even 50 (sad to say) you probably have some type of osteoarthritis (OA). The pain and stiffness in OA is
caused by inflammation and the breakdown of cartilage and bone in the joints. The bones develop roughened
edges and the cartilage is unable to cushion the joint.
Osteoarthritis can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, exercise, avoiding injuries and eating
nutritious food.
· Weight control: Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) with an online table or pick up and weight
calculator in the Narthex. Even the loss of 10 pounds can make your knees, hips or back feel better.
· Exercise: The best exercise for you are ones that are not hard on your joints. Swimming, bicycling and
light weight lifting are good. These put less weight on your knees and hips. Consult your Healthcare Provider
for knee exercises or do back-strengthening exercises to stretch out the muscles in your back.
· Avoid joint injuries: An injury in childhood can cause OA as an adult. Avoid injuries, deep knee bends
and over-use. Get treatment by a professional if you have an injury and don’t put it off. Apply ice for 15
minutes followed by heat for 15 minutes, always finish with ice. Never leave a heating pad on longer than 20
minutes at a time.
· Eat nutritious food: Eat foods that are high in Vitamin C and D. Include Omega-3 fatty acids in your
diet. You can find these in fish, nuts, vegetable oils, etc. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli
and leafy greens. Vitamin D is in salmon, mackerel, tuna, eggs and milk fortified with Vitamin D.
If you have osteoarthritis, you can take some over-the-counter medications upon the approval of your Health
Care Provider. There are other treatments that can be used such as joint injections and, if the pain persists
and is unbearable, joint replacements.
My sources for this article are many but include information from The Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center; The
American Council on Exercise; Annals of the of the Rheumatic Diseases; and WebMD (and good, reliable
Believe me when I say that I have deep empathy for those who suffer from the “Arthur!”
Fran Garwick NP-C, Parish Nurse

Page 9

April 23rd

All families are invited! Joni Bunnell

11 a.m. for games Phone Number:
Bring a picnic and a dozen eggs to hide E-Mail:
Prizes for all who attend [email protected]
Pictures with the Bunny
All ages invited!!

Contact Wes and Lynda Qualls for details

35477 Qualls – Prather Rd.

12:30 p.m. Women’s Group – Library
7:00 p.m. McCann Home
7:00 p.m. Jumps Home
7:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast at L.A. Café
7:00 p.m. Widner Home
Noon Hope & Joy (2nd Sat. Each Month)
(Call Doreen Pickering – 855-3797 for Location of Meeting)
10:45 a.m. Velasquez – Library
Do you have a Life Group….PLEASE JOIN US !!!!!
Page 10 (If your Life Group is not listed please let me know)
Line Dancing And Dinner
Cross Country Ski Outing Hosted by: Terri McMeen,
Hosted by: Dave and Bev McCann Suzanne Harper and Nancy Koop

Description of Event: Cross country skiing and picnic Description of Event: Country Western Theme,
Price: $15/person Line dancing instructions before a dinner of oven
Total number of guests: 6-8 fried chicken, potatoes, green salad, pineapple
Date of Party: April 2 upside down cake and apple pie for dessert.
Time of Party: mid-morning to afternoon Price: $10/-person
Location: Depends on snow Total number of guest: 20+
Phone: 298-0609 Date of Party: April 9
240-4060 (cell) Time of Party: 5:00p.m. Social hour
E-mail: [email protected] 5:30p.m. Dinner
Wheel chair accessible: No 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. Line Dancing
8:00p.m. Raffle, door prizes and dessert
8:30p.m. more line dancing til we drop
Tickets available: Gloria Williams at 1st service
Terri McMeen at 2nd service
Location: Sierra Oaks Senior Center
33276 Lodge Road, Tollhouse
Phone: 855-2820
260-6420 (cell)
E-mail: [email protected]
Wheel chair accessible: Yes

Learn How To Pack Stock

Hosted by: Bill and C’Rae Van
Description of Event: Learn how to pack horses, mules and burros
Price: $20 for participants, including lunch/Spectators lunch $5
Total number of guests: No max. number of participants
Date of Party: April 16
Time of Party: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: 22549 Homestead Road, Located in Valerie Meadows, Clovis, CA
Phone: Must RSVP 298-0552

Instructors include:
Rick Austin Former Mule Days World Champion
Ben Flanagan Retired US Forest Service
Jeff Breckenridge Retired Muir Trail Ranch Packer
Bill Van Recreation Packer And Event Host
Class Includes: How To Pack With, Diamonds, Box And Squaw Hitches

Lunch To Be Served Includes: Chili, Green Salad, Bread And Drink Page 11
Decription of Event: This is a wine tasting
party complete with food, GENERAL FUND. THE FOOD WAS GREAT, THE
Total number of guest: 12 DONATED $100.00 TO HELP THE COSTS.
Date of Party: May 14
Location: Bunnell’s Home JUDY ALWARD, SALLIE KARP AND
364 N. Argyle Avenue, Clovis DOREEN PICKERING
Phone: 297-1504
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Spring Tea Party

Hosted by: Hope and Joy
And Kitchen Team
Please call or e-mail the
party you are interested Description of Event: There will be a Boutique, Hors d’oeuvres, lunch,
in to check on dessert and entertainment, and of course many different teas. There will be a
availability and any hostess for each table. The hostess will decorate her table using her china
changes. Price: $15/person
Total number of guests: 80-100
Date of Party: May 14-Saturday
This will be the weekend before Mother’s Day Sunday
Time of Party: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Sierra Lutheran Church
Phone: 855-7024 (Shirley Leckie)
855-8990 (Shirley Markus)
E-mail: [email protected]
Wheel chair accessible: Yes

Sausage Making and Lunch

Hosted by: The Telles and Markus Families

Description of Event: Come celebrate Octoberfest by making and sampling various German sausages.
Each guest will be served lunch and take home 5lbs. of sausage.
Price: $25/person
Total number of guests: 25
Date of Party: October 15
Time of Party: 9:00 a.m.
Location: To be announced
Phone: 855-8990 - 259-1830 (cell)
E-mail: [email protected]
Wheel chair accessible: Yes
Page 12
Birthdays: PLEASE CALL

April 3 – Ron Zindars
Or E-mail
April 8 – Fern Martin
Shelley Telles [email protected]
April 11 – Pam Amundsen Special dates:
April 14 – Charles Morales Birthdays
Michelle Stevens Anniversaries
April 20 – Gregg Jordan Etc !!!
April 24 – Linda Winkenbach
April 28 – Doreen Pickering
April 29 – Becki La Voy-Jordan Page 13
Sierra Lutheran Council Members
Pastor John Saethre Elder
855-8989 Doug Baker
[email protected] 855-8181
[email protected]
Church Administrator
Lori Pape Elder
855-2861 Mike Jolley
289-5271 (Cell) 855-4048
[email protected] [email protected]

Vice President Elder

Jerry Garwick Dave McCann
323-6603 298-0609
284-6507 (Cell) [email protected]
[email protected]

Secretary Elder
Becki La Voy Jordan Randell Widner
298-5184 325-9999
593-1063 (Cell, if needed) 240-0539 (Cell)
28692 Pittman Hill Rd. [email protected]
Clovis, CA 93619 15235 Morgan Canyon Road
[email protected] Prather, CA 93651

Ann Widner
240-6832 (Cell)
[email protected]
15235 Morgan Canyon Road
Prather, CA 93651

Office hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 a.m. – noon

Church website: www.sierralutheranchurch.com
Church e-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 855-8989
32410 Rock Hill Lane
Auberry, CA 93651

Please refer all prayer chain requests to

Sallie Karp at 855-2153
[email protected].
March 2010 $17,071.31
Thank you! March 2011 $18,518.38
Page 14
(Totals include General and Designated Funds)
April 2011 Worship Assistants

April 3 April 10 April 17 Palm Sunday April 24 Easter Day

Altar Guild Susan/Shelley Shelley Shelley/Susan Shelley

Greeters 9 am Pam & Barbara John & Joyce Gloria & Bob Alan & Sue

11 am David & Becki T. George Jerry & Carol Jim & Shirley

Ushers 9 am Dave & Joni C’Rae & Bill Jim & Pat John & Joyce
& & & &
Bob Jenny Linda W. Chris

11 am David & Becki T. George Jerry & Carol Jim & Shirley

Readers 9 am Nordine Mike Chris Mike

11 am Stan Fran Lynda Q. David J

God’s Word 9 am ---- ??? ---- ???

Computer 9 am Tim Tim Shelley Shelley

Communion 9 am John & Lori Mike & Joyce R

Assistants & Fern & Fern

11 am Lynda T. George

Prayer 9 am Yes Yes


If you are unable to serve when scheduled please ask one of the other assistants to trade dates or provide a substitution for you,
and notify Worship Coordinator Shelley Telles (855-5703) of the change.

Page 15
April 2011

1 2
7am-Men’s Prayer
Breakfast at L.A.Cafe

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9am-Celebration 3:15-7:30pm- “Free 6:15-715pm-CoDA- 6:30pm-Youth Band 6:30pm-Praise 7am-Men’s Prayer 9am-Joseph’s Store
10:45am-Life Group Falling” Youth Room Library Team- Sanctuary Breakfast at L.A.Cafe House
11am-Heritage 7:00 pm- AA 7pm-Choir Practice- 7pm-AA Meeting-
4pm-AA Meeting Meeting-Room 2 Sanctuary Room 2
6:33pm-Ascend 633

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
9am-Celebration 3:15-7:30pm- “Free 6:15-715pm-CoDA- 6:30pm-Youth Band 6:30pm-Praise 7am-Men’s Prayer
10:45am-Life Group Falling” Youth Room Library 7:00pm-“Christ in Team- Sanctuary Breakfast at L.A.Cafe
11am-Heritage 7:00 pm- AA 7pm-Choir Practice- the Passover” 7pm-AA Meeting-
4pm-AA Meeting Meeting-Room 2 Sanctuary (Soup supper will Room 2
6:33pm-Ascend 633 precede)

17 Palm Sunday 18 19 20 21 22 23
9am-Celebration 3:15-7:30pm- “Free 6:15-715pm-CoDA- 6:30pm-Youth Band 6:30pm-Praise 7am-Men’s Prayer
10:45am-Life Group Falling” Youth Room Library Team- Sanctuary Breakfast at L.A.Cafe
11am-Heritage 7:00 pm- AA 7pm-Choir Practice- 7:00pm-Maundy 7:00pm-Good Friday
4pm-AA Meeting Meeting-Room 2 Sanctuary Thursday Service
6:33pm-Ascend 633 7pm-AA Meeting

24 Easter Sunday 25 26 27 28 29 30
3:15-7:30pm- “Free 6:15-715pm-CoDA- 9am-Food Bank 6:30pm-Praise 7am-Men’s Prayer
9am-Celebration Falling” Youth Room Library 6:30pm-Youth Band Team- Sanctuary Breakfast at L.A.Cafe
10:45am-Life Group 7:00 pm- AA 7pm-Choir Practice- 7pm-AA Meeting-
11am-Heritage Meeting-Room 2 Sanctuary Room 2
4pm-AA Meeting

Page 16

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