Gusto Mo Ito Boy
Gusto Mo Ito Boy
Gusto Mo Ito Boy
LENTEN SEASON – is a 40-day preparation for Easter season. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends
before the Mass of the Lord’s supper on Holy Thursday evening.
Ashes – are made from burnt palms used in the previous Palm Sunday.
Fasting – Observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. (Taking one meal a day, For above 18 and
below 60.)
Abstinence - Observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Fridays of lent. (Not eating meat, For
above 18 and below 60.)
Palm Sunday – commemoration of Jesus’s entrance into Jerusalem. He was welcomed by the
Jerusalem people with their Palm leaves singing “Hosanna to the king…” In our present time, we
welcome Jesus into our hearts with our Palm Leaves singing “Hosanna to the king…” – is the Sunday
before Holy Week.
Chrism Mass – is celebrated before the mass of the Lord’s supper usually on Holy Thursday morning.
This is the time where all Priests renew their vows and oils for the different Sacraments are blessed.
Maundy/ Holy Thursday – commemoration of the Lord’s supper. (No final blessing.), Washing of the
Disciples feet ( A sign of true service and humility), institution of the Holy Eucharist “Do this in
memory of me.”, Christ’s brotherly command to love each other.
(Note: Maundy comes from the Latin word of “Mandatum” which means command.)
Good Friday – Commemoration of Jesus’ crucifixion and death on the cross at Mt. Cavalry.
1. “Father, Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”
5. “I thirst.”
6. “It is finished.”
Senakulo, Way of the Cross, pabasa, Visita Iglesia (Visit of 7 churches), etc.
Pabasa – Or “Reading of passion.”, this is the reading of the uninterrupted chanting of life, passion,
death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Holy Saturday – We celebrate the Easter Vigil mass which is the “Mother of all Vigils”
1. Blessing of fire – The Paschal candle is lighted a central symbol of divine light, which is CHRIST, It is
kept near the ambo throughout Easter time and is lit through all Liturgical celebrations.
3. Liturgy of Baptism
NOTE: (The Easter Vigil Mass is the most important mass and the holiest of all nights in their Catholic
We celebrate a NEW LIFE in Jesus Christ, Better outlook, and relationship with god.
Pentecost Sunday
After 50 days of Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit with Mama Mary to the disciples in the
upper room.
We are a community of believers united in Christ ang guided by the Holy Spirit. We are a community
with a distinctive spirit, sharing one’s talent, and serving others through the kind work we do.
We play a very important role by building up the church and carry the mission of Jesus Christ.
We become members of the Christ through our Baptism. We remain united with Him through constant
reception of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, praying not only for our families but also the needy, and
serving others.
Important words:
Church – People of God united by Christ and guided by the Holy Sprit.
We are called in the spirit of unity, drawn to personal communion with Christ and with one another.
Since we are united with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, therefore, we are united in God the Father.
Since we are God’s people, We put our faith into Jesus, We obey his teachings and Commands, We
continue Jesus’s mission.
UNITY and DIVERSITY in the Body. We are all baptized by ONE SPIRIT and we were all given the one
Spirit to drink. No matter how big or small, everyone is part of the BODY and everyone can do
something for the Church.
In the Body of Christ, Jesus is the head and we are the members. This image means, we are Christ’s
feet, hands, ears, and eyes. We have different functions to help the Church grow.
In the Holy Eucharist, we are united with Jesus. The Bread and Wine that we receive during
Communion unite us with Him. This unity should be seen in our mutual dependence and concern for
others. Jesus said, “Whatever you did to the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for
me.” Mt. 25:40. We use our God-given talents and skills, We do different roles to help the Church grow
and to build God’s kingdom.
We become the SACRAMENT OF CHRIST to others. We are the visible sign and instrument of Christ for
others. Therefore, we have to reveal the loving presence and action of Christ to other people.
1. Priestly: We Pray.
2. Kingly: We serve