Newsletter 130405

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Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School

Parent Newsletter
Fri., 4/5Ms. Venus Class to FCPL, 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon Mon., 4/8GC Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Fri., 4/12Ms. Christines Class to Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore Mon., 4/15A/C Switchover Tues., 4/16GC Work Session, 6:308:30 p.m. Wed., 4/17New Student Open House, 6:008:00 p.m. Fri., 4/19Community Coffee, 9:15 a.m.; Earth Day Fair, 2:45 p.m. Sanctuary Mon., 4/22Ms. Venus Class to Safeway, 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon Wed., 4/24BOT Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Tues., 4/302 Hour Early Dismissal for Students at 1:45 p.m., Teacher Work Session, No After Care available. Wed., 5/1Ms. Christines Class to DC Zoo (tentativepending transportation availability) Thurs, 5/2Fri., 5/3Science Fair Thurs., 5/16Fri., 5/17Ms. Zoes Class Overnight Camping Trip Thurs., 5/23Chorus Concert at Frederick High School, 7:00 p.m. Fri., 5/248th Grade trip to Sandy Spring Adventure Park Mon., 5/27Memorial DaySchool Closed

April 5, 2013
Dear Families,
It was wonderful to welcome everyone back from Spring Break. All of the students look well rested and excited to be back at school. Today begins Term 4 of the school year. Term 3 report cards will be coming home on April 16th.

Next week will begin Science MSA for fifth and eighth graders only. This test is given on the computer in the computer lab. Testing will be on April 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th 16th and 17th in the morning and afternoon. Morning sessions will begin promptly at 9:15 a.m. I encourage all students to be in attendance and on time every school day, and especially during the testing week. On April 15th, MVMPCS will be switching from heat to AC. In previous years, this switch over occurred during spring break when students were not in the building. However due to the chilly spring, the switchover was delayed. Most of the work will occur outside the classrooms; however, Warner Service technicians may be in the classrooms at various times throughout the day. Once the changeover is completed, classrooms may be chilly in the morning, so we encourage students to dress in layers.
Have a wonderful weekend. Cita


The 4th annual Earth Day Fair will be held at MVMPCS on Friday, April 19th from 3-4:30 p.m. This event will include the semi-annual SWAP. Please start saving clothes, books, toys, and small household items that you are ready to pass on to someone else. Drop off your goods when you drop the kids at school that morning, and come back to shop the swap after dismissal. Remember, items must be in good condition and able to fit in a paper grocery bag.
If you would like to help set up for the swap and Earth Day Fair or clean up that afternoon, please e-mail Janie Nordstrom Griffiths at [email protected]. HOW TO ACCESS THE MVMPCS ONLINE DIRECTORY With warm weather approaching, many of our MVMPCS families plan non-school sponsored recreational activities. For that reason, a reminder email has been sent to the MVMPCS google groups - school news and information. It contains the link and password to access the online directory that was compiled at the beginning of the school year. Please keep in mind that this information should not be shared with anyone outside the MVMPCS community. ATTENTION PARENTS OF 6TH 8TH GRADERS Are you curious about the International Baccalaureate Program at Urbana High? Attend the IB Student Showcase & Silent Auction on April 25th at 6pm at Urbana High. Students display and discuss their academic work and experiments, display artwork and perform music. The event kicks off at 6:00 p.m. at the school's central staircase. Use the main office entrance. Questions? Contact Susan Eubinag: [email protected] 240.422.6240

Clip the coupon below and redeem at Staples to donate paper to MVMPCS for only a penny!

Dear MMCI Families, Its time for your auction update and there is lots to share! First of all the early bird deadline for reduced ticket prices is almost here! After April 5th, all adult tickets will be $15.00 but if you purchase yours before then, they are only $13.00! Your ticket gets you into the event, gives you bidding rights, a delicious meal prepared by an executive chef, and optional child-care not to mention an evening spent with old and new friends while supporting educational choice in Frederick county. Secondly, please get your donations and sponsorship information to Theresa Shrader at: ([email protected])! Our promotions team is getting ready to create the online and printed catalogs, and needs to take pictures of all of those great items for you to view online and to develop the printed catalog. Besides donations of gift certificates, art, jewelry, unopened toys, books and games, etc. we also love seeing donations of services. Maybe you have a special skill to share with your community like baking or childcare? Perhaps you love organizing or painting? These are valuable donations that your community will be glad to bid on. Lastly, we are recruiting for volunteer needs at the Auction. There are a variety of tasks available to help with before, during and after the Auction. Share your time and energy, and help be part of the team making this event a successful fund-raiser and a great night. Dear Friends,


I am so excited to share this great news with you. An anonymous donor with children in our schools has offered to give up to $2,000 as a match to the MMCI Pledge Drive. Heres how it works. For every pledge of $10 or more that an MMCI family gives between January 1 and June 24, 2013, the donor will match $10. If 200 families each give $10, MMCI will receive $2000.

The great thing is that this match even applies if you have already given, as long as your gift was made after January 1, 2013. If you donated before January 1, then you will need to donate again for MMCI to receive a match. Heres how to give: Drop a check made out to MMCI in the MMCI mailbox at your school and write pledge drive in the memo line. Or go to your schools website and click on the DONATE button.
We know that every family with children in an MMCI school has unique circumstances. Thats why I hope you will feel good about giving at a level that is right for your familywhether it is $10, $50 or $500. Each and every gift is special and makes our community stronger. Your gift to the pledge drive enables MMCI to pay for teacher training, enrichment programs, facility maintenance and improvements. But thats not all that MMCI does. MMCIs team of volunteers is responsible for the critical work of overseeing academic success, operations, governance, and fiscal and facility management at Carroll Creek Montessori and Monocacy Valley Montessori. I hope you can join in with other MMCI families and make a gift today to the MMCI pledge drive. Together we can make a match and raise $2000. Thank you for your generosity! Mustafa Karakus, President MMCI

We hope you are getting excited about supporting MMCI the non-profit that makes it possible for your child to get a Montessori based education while attending public school!


Now that allergy season is here, if your child will require medication during the school day you are required to follow the FCPS Medication Administration Policy. (reg 400-23) The following checklist will assure the policy requirements are met:
The appropriate Medication Authorization form must be completed by the students health care provider for the 2012 -13 school year. Both parent/guardian and the health care provider must sign this form. The medication must be in the original unopened container and/or be properly labeled by the pharmacy. The medication label must match the health care providers authorization form. An adult must transport any medications to and from school. The first full days dosage of ANY new medication must be given at home. Please be aware of the expiration date on the pharmacy label when bringing the medication to the health room with the new authorization form. School health staff will determine medication expiration by the date printed on the pharmacy label.

Also note Epinephrine, Diastat, Glucagon and inhalers have an expiration date printed on the container in addition to the pharmacy label. Therefore the container expiration date must be equal to or exceed the expiration date on the pharmacy label. Please make sure the expiration date on the individual medication container exceeds the expiration date on the label before leaving the pharmacy.
All of the appropriate forms can be obtained from the health room or by going to and clicking on the form you need. For further questions, you may contact the health room at 301-668-0667.

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