The principal of Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School announced that she will not be returning next school year and is transitioning to a new position effective July 1. She thanked the dedicated parents and staff for their contributions to the school's success over the past six years in increasing test scores, attendance, and the number of students accepted to a prestigious high school program. The newsletter provided information about upcoming school events and deadlines for the end of the school year.
The principal of Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School announced that she will not be returning next school year and is transitioning to a new position effective July 1. She thanked the dedicated parents and staff for their contributions to the school's success over the past six years in increasing test scores, attendance, and the number of students accepted to a prestigious high school program. The newsletter provided information about upcoming school events and deadlines for the end of the school year.
The principal of Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School announced that she will not be returning next school year and is transitioning to a new position effective July 1. She thanked the dedicated parents and staff for their contributions to the school's success over the past six years in increasing test scores, attendance, and the number of students accepted to a prestigious high school program. The newsletter provided information about upcoming school events and deadlines for the end of the school year.
The principal of Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School announced that she will not be returning next school year and is transitioning to a new position effective July 1. She thanked the dedicated parents and staff for their contributions to the school's success over the past six years in increasing test scores, attendance, and the number of students accepted to a prestigious high school program. The newsletter provided information about upcoming school events and deadlines for the end of the school year.
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Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School
Parent Newsletter May 29, 2014
Dear Families,
It comes with great sorrow that I announce to the MVMPCS community that I will not be returning next year. I have been at MVMPCS for six years, two years as the AP working with Meg Bowen and the last 4 years as the Principal. It has come with mixed emotions that I have made the decision to move on in my career. I will be transitioning to another posi- tion on July 1.
I would like to say thank you to the dedicated parents, espe- cially those that continue to volunteer endless hours at school. Many things would not be possible without the help of our parent volunteers. Additionally, I would like to say thanks to an awesome staff. It has been wonderful working with a school staff that enjoys teaching and seeing students grow every day. Over my six years at MVMPCS, the staff and I have worked hard to increase MSA scores to their highest level since the school opened, decrease the number of students absent from school and increase the percentage of students at school every day from 94% to 96%. The school has seen an increase in the number of 8th grade stu- dents that apply and are accepted to the International Bac- calaureate (IB) program at Urbana HS. All of this would not be possible without the staffs true dedication to the students at MVMPCS.
I wish the MVMPCS community the best. You will continue to be in my thoughts, and I will miss everyone at MVMPCS.
*Send absence notes to: [email protected] MVMPCS CALENDAR: Fri., 5/308th Grade to SS Adventure Park, 6th Graders return from camping Mon., 6/2Mr. Martys Class to Safeway, 10:0011:30 a.m.; 2014-15 Chorus Auditions 3:455:00 p.m., Sanctuary Tues., 6/3School Concert, 9:30 a.m.11:45 a.m. Wed., 6/43rd Grade to Adventure Park, Mr. Martys Class to Safeway, 10:0011:30 a.m. Thurs., 6/5FIELD DAY at Baker Park (Rain dateTues., 6/10) Fri., 6/6Mr. Martys Class to Baker Park, 9:00 a.m.2:30 p.m. Fri., 6/68th Grade Promotion Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. Wed., 6/11Last Day of School, 2 hour early dismissal, 1:45 p.m., MVMPCS School Picnic THE MVMPCS SCHOOL CONCERT ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3RD IN THE SANCTUARY
Mark your calendar to attend our MVMPCS School Concert on Wednesday, June 3rd. The Primary and Lower Elementary stu- dents will be performing from 9:30-10:00 a.m. The Upper Ele- mentary and Middle School students will be performing from 10:15-11:45 a.m.
Parents, students will be sitting on the stage floor at the audiences eye level. Please dress your children accordingly. Students should have plenty of coverage. If girls wear skirts or dresses, they should have leggings or shorts underneath. Boys should not wear loose athletic shorts, long pants are preferred.
Parents are invited; however, seating is very limited. AUDITION NOW FOR NEXT YEARS CHORUS!
Chorus Auditions will be held on Monday June 2nd from 3:45-5:00 pm in the Sanctuary for all current 5th, 6th, and 7th graders. Current members and new interested members are encouraged to come to a meet and greet and sing-a- long.
Students will not need to prepare a song, but being com- fortable singing with others is encouraged. Ms. Shannon is hoping to get a start on next school year, so plan to join us for the audition. ANNOUNCING FIELD DAYTHURSDAY, JUNE 5TH
Its that time again!! Middle School is proud to announce that Field Day is Thursday, June 5th. (Rain date is Tuesday, June 10.) This year the Middle School Students have chosen The Amazing Race as their theme. Research was conducted about different countries and customs among the cultures. Each sta- tion will reflect a custom in a chosen country.
Students in 1st8th grades will be at Baker Park all day. Teachers and Instructional Aides will be with the students. The Health Tech will be located at the Gazebo with medica- tions. Lunch will be set up at the park this year so that children can relax for 30 minutes.
Each child should have a hat, sunscreen, a towel and a refillable water bottle. For safety reasons, it is requested that children NOT wear sandals, Crocs, or Flip Flops. There will be stations where students will be getting wet. Students may bring goggles for their eyes if they wish.
We do not want to exclude your child from school in August! State vaccination requirements for students entering 7th grade for school year 2014-2015 have been revised. Your 7th grade student must have the following:
Single dose of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) vaccine.* Single dose of Meningococcal vaccine (MCV)
*Tdap is not the same as the other Tetanus, Diptheria, and Per- tussis vaccines called DPT or DTaP. Even if your child has received these vaccines in the past they will still need a single dose of Tdap.
Parents/guardians are responsible for providing proof of Tdap and MCV vaccination regardless of previous vaccination rec- ords provided to your childs school.
If you have any questions about the new vaccination require- ments, please contact your childs health care provider or the school health room. Make your childs appointment now and avoid the rush. Bring the vaccination documentation to school as soon as possible. WANTED -BOX TOPS OR LABELS FOR EDUCATION
Its time to turn in all box tops or labels for education that you have been collecting at home. Please send them to school to be counted, batched, and mailed. Items should be enclosed in en- velopes or zip baggies and sent to classrooms on Fridays (when you return your Thursday Folder). Each classroom has a class collection container where items may be placed.
Sorting and batching the items you send is helpful, but not nec- essary. All collections are batched into groups of 50 and the envelope or zip baggie is labeled with the item type and count.
Interested in serving as the class collector for a specific class- room in the 2014-15 school year? Please send email to the MVMPCS Fundraising Committee Chair - Jen Shemer at fund- [email protected].
Thanks for your continued clipping and collecting! MVMPCS END OF YEAR SCHOOL PICNIC WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2:008:00 P.M. CLOVER HILL PARK The End of Year Picnic will be held on the last day of school, Wed. June 11, from 2-8 p.m. As usual, it will be held at Clover Hill Park located near the school. The address is 8122 Glendale Dr., Frederick. The picnic is a potluck with each family bringing a dish to share based on your childs last name. If your child(ren)'s last name begins with: A-L please bring a main dish M-S please bring a side dish (chips, coleslaw, salad) T-Z please bring dessert We'll provide water, lemonade, and iced tea. If you prefer a different beverage, feel free to bring it for your own family. IMPORTANT: Every family is responsible for its own plates, cups, utensils, napkins!! Bring reusable or dis- posable, but bring your own. This cuts down a lot on the amount of trash we generate. MVMPCS DRESS CODE GUIDELINES:
Now that the weather is becoming warmer, please refer to the following guidelines for appropriate attire. However, it is en- couraged that your child dress in layers for changing temperatures within the building:
For our young ladies: Shirts and dresses must have straps that are two fingers wide, no spaghetti straps are allowed. No bra straps should be visible outside the shirt. Shorts, skirts or dresses must be of an acceptable length for school with an inseam of at least 6 inches.
For young men: Shorts need to be covering undergarments at all times. No undershirts or tank tops can be worn in school.
If students arrive to school with outfits that are not appropriate for school, the Principal or AP will call parents. We will request that parents bring another outfit to school, for your child to change into. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Cita or Heather. KEEP READING !
Even though our school library has closed for the year, we encourage students to continue to read throughout the summer. Visit your local public library or our school website to access ebooks at: (If you need your childs student ID #, it will be on your childs report card envelope.)
Note: Keep looking for outstanding books. Report cards will be held for unpaid lost or overdue fines. END OF SCHOOL YEAR CHECK LIST: ____ Return library books and/or pay overdue/replacement fines ____ Sign up for MMCI Summer Camps ____ Turn in all absence notes ____ Check the Lost and Found ____ Turn in paperwork for next school year (immunizations, new sibling enrollment forms: birth certificate, proof of residency, etc.) ____ Have a safe summer!