Newsletter 130906

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Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School

Parent Newsletter
Mon., 9/96th 8th Grade Chorus, Sanctuary, 3:455:00 p.m. Mon., 9/9GC Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Middle School Classroom Thurs., 9/12Healthy Challenge Forms due to Ms. Darlene Fri., 9/13Kidstuff Coupon Books dueorders, payment or returned Fri., 9/20 School Closed for Fair Day Mon., 9/232 Hour Early Dismissal for Students at 1:45 p.m., Teacher Work Session, No After Care. Wed., 9/25Ms. Christines Class to Native American Museum, DC, 9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. Fri., 9/27Community Coffee, 9:1510:30 a.m., Multi-purpose Room Thurs., 10/3Picture DayIndividual Photos by Lifetouch, Inc. Fri., 10/18School Closed for Students, Professional Development Day Fri., 10/25School Closed for Students, Teacher Work Day

September 6, 2013


Dear MVMPCS Community, We wanted to make you aware of a staffing change that will be happening at our school in the coming weeks. Our assistant principal and math intervention teacher, Meredith Wallace, has been called on by FCPS and our sister school, Carroll Creek Montessori (CCMPCS), to serve as CCM's acting principal for the rest of the school year as CCM searches for a permanent principal. The MVMPCS Staffing Committee will be working alongside the Governing Council (which includes our principal, Ms. King) to determine how we will fill Ms. Wallace's shoes for the remainder of the year. We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. In the meantime, we wish Ms. Wallace the best of luck at CCM!


Calling all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to join the Iconic Chorus at MVMPCS. We start Monday, September 9th and meet every Monday throughout the school year. Practice runs from 3:45 until 5:00 p.m. You do not need to audition to join; just come prepared to sing and have fun! I cant wait to share the exciting things planned for this year. See you Monday! Ms. Shannon, MVMPCS Music Teacher KIDSTUFF COUPON BOOKS FUNDRAISER Last week your youngest child brought home a Kidstuff Coupon Book. If you find the book valuable for your family, please send a check in the amount of $25 payable to MVMPCS. If you do not wish to participate in this fundraiser, please return the book to school. If you are interested in asking friends and family to support MVMPCS by purchasing a book, you may hold on to your book to use as a sample. Additional orders are due to school by Sept. 13th. Each family that sells 5 books by Sept. 13th will receive 1 book FREE! Payments, additional orders, or returned books are all due to your youngest or only child's classroom by Sept. 13th. Thank you for your consideration & support of this and other MVMPCS/MMCI fundraisers. Proceeds earned from this fundraiser (at least 50%) will be deposited into the MVMPCS Student Activity Fund. The use of these funds are reviewed and voted on by the MVMPCS Governing Council and directly benefit students of MVMPCS. Jen Shemer, Fundraising Chair

Cita King, MVMPCS Principal Molly Fellin Spence, MVMPCS Governing Council Chair Mustafa Karakus, MMCI Board of Trustees President

The entire community is welcome to attend the monthly Governing Council (GC) meetings, which are normally held on the first Monday evening of each month. Due to the Labor Day holiday, the September 2013 meeting is set for Monday, September 9th.
Every meeting begins at 6:30 p.m., with time set aside for anyone in the MVMPCS community to share "Community Comments" with the GC. This is a great time to come and ask questions or offer suggestions for the school. Committee leaders also attend each meeting, and so this is a good time to touch base with each of them, as well. A specific agenda will be sent via the Google groups email list later this week. GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 p.m., Monday, September 9 Middle School classroom @ MVMPCS Molly Fellin Spence MVMPCS Governing Council Chair [email protected]


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