VBQ Physics Xii

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VALUE BASED QUESTIONS CLASS-XII SUBJECT-PHYSICS UNIT I: Electrostatics MARKS: 08 Chapter 1 (a) Electrostatic Charges 1. How many electrons make up one coulomb of negative charge? 2. Name any two basic properties of electric charge. 3. Two point charges of +2 C and +6 C repel each other with a force of 12N. If each is given an additional charge of -4 C, what will be the new force? 4. How is the force between two charges affected when dielectric constant of the medium in which they are held increases? 5. What is the dimensional formula for 0 (absolute permittivity of free space)? Chapter 1 (b) Electrostatic Field 1. How does a free electron when released in an electric field move? 2. Why do two electric lines of force not cross each other? 3. When is the torque on an electric dipole in a field maximum? 4. At what points, dipole field intensity is parallel to the line joining the charges? 5. Two charges, +q and 4q, are 1 m apart. What are the location, magnitude and sign of a third charge, Q, placed so that the entire system is at equilibrium? Chapter 1 (c) Electrostatic Potential and Flux 1. How many electron volts make one joule? 2. What is the relation between electric intensity and flux? 3. No work is done in moving a test charge over an equipotential surface, why? 4. It requires 50 J of work to carry a 2 C of charge from a point A to B. What is the potential difference between these points? Which point is at higher potential? 5. The electric field at a point due to a point charge is 30 N/C, and the electric potential at that point is 15 J/C. Calculate the distance of the point from the charge and the magnitude of the charge. Chapter 1 (d) Capacitance 1. The distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is d. A metal plate of thickness d/2 is placed between the plates, what will be the new capacity? 2. On inserting a dielectric between the plates of a capacitor, its capacitance is found to increase 5 times. What is the relative permittivity of the dielectric? 3. A capacitor is charged through a potential difference of 200 V, when 0.1 C charge is stored in it. How much energy will it release, when it is discharged?

-2- 4. Consider the combinatory of 4 parallel-plate capacitors as shown in figure 4.1. A battery maintains a potential difference of 20 volts between its poles. The values of the capacitances are: C1 = 20 F, C2 = 5 F, C3 = 10 F, C4 = 6 F a. Find the equivalent capacitance of the circuit. b. Find the charge on and potential across each of the capacitors.

Figure 4.1: A combination of 4 capacitors.

5. Define the farad. UNIT II: Current Electricity MARKS: 07 Chapter 2 (a) Electric Current and Resistance 1. Will the drift speed of free electrons in a metallic conductor increase or decrease with the increase in temperature? 2. What is the resistance of carbon resistor on which the colour of rings in sequence is black, brown, black and gold? 3. Analyze the following circuit and determine the values of the total resistance, total current, and the current at and voltage drops across each individual resistor.

4. Referring to the diagram in question #3, determine the ... a. ... power rating of resistor 4. b. ... rate at which energy is consumed by resistor 3. 5. What should be the properties of the standard resistances? Chapter 2 (b) Electric Measurement 1. State the basic concepts on which two Kirchhoffs laws are based? 2. State the principle of working of a potentiometer? 3. What is the principle of working of metre-bridge? 4. What is potential gradient? State its S.I. unit. 5. (a) A car has a fresh storage battery of EMF 12V, internal resistance 5.0 x 10-2 . If the starter motor draws a current of 90 A, what is the terminal voltage of the battery when the starter is on? (b) After a long use, the internal resistance of the storage battery increases to 500 . What maximum current can be drawn from the battery? Assume EMF of the battery to remain unchanged. e=1.6 x 10-19C.

-3- UNIT III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism MARKS: 08 Chapter 3 (a) Magnetic Field Due to Current 1. What is the unit of magnetic field strength in c.g.s. and S.I.? State the relation between them. 2. No force is experienced by a stationary charge in a magnetic field. Why? 3. Define a tesla. 4. State Biot-Savart Law. 5. State Ampere's Circuital Law. Chapter 3 (b) Forces on Charged Particles in Electric & Magnetic Fields 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are Lorentz forces? What is Cyclotron? How does the cyclotron work? Describe what happens to current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field? What is Flemings Left Hand Rule? Write formula for: a) Force on current carrying straight conductor in a magnetic field. b) Force between two parallel wires carrying currents. c) Torque on a current loop when placed in a magnetic field. d) Current Sensitivity of a galvanometer. e) Voltage Sensitivity of a galvanometer.

Chapter 3 (c) Magnets and Earths Magnetism 1. What is a magnet? Define Magnetic Dipole Moment. 2. What is magnetic dipole moment of a current loop? 3. What is the maximum value of angle of dip? At what place does it occur? 4. What is the angle of dip at a place where horizontal and vertical components of earths field are equal? 5. What is the potential energy of a dipole when it is perpendicular to a magnetic field? UNIT IV: Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current MARKS: 08 Chapter 4 (a) Electromagnetic Induction 1. Name the SI units of magnetic flux and magnetic induction. 2. Name the various methods of producing induced emf. 3. The south pole of a magnet is brought near a conducting loop. What is the direction of the induced current as seen by a person on the other side of the loop? 4. Two straight and parallel wires A and B are being brought towards each other. If current in A is I, what will be the direction of induced current in B? If A and B are being taken away from each other, then? 5. What is Electro Magnetic Induction?

-4- Chapter 4 (b) Alternating Currents & Electrical Devices 1. In a series LCR circuit, the voltage across an inductor, a capacitor and a resistor are 30 V, 30 V, and 60 V respectively. What is the phase difference between the applied voltage and the current in the circuit? 2. What is peak value of 220 V a.c. ? 3. How will the inductive reactance and capacitive reactance change on doubling the frequency of alternating current? 4. If the coefficient of mutual inductance of the primary and secondary coils of an induction coil is 6H and a current of 5A is cut off in 1/500 second, calculate the E.M.F f induced in the secondary coil. 5. Obtain an expression for the impedance (Z) of an AC Circuit Containing Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance (LCR) in series. UNIT V/Chapter 5: Electromagnetic Waves MARKS: 03 1. Is displacement current like conduction current, a source of magnetic field? 2. The charging current for a capacitor is 0.25 A. What is the displacement current across its plates? 3. Write an expression for speed of electromagnetic wave in free space. 4. What is the relation between time varying electric and magnetic fields in terms of velocity of electromagnetic wave? 5. Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the following wavelengths belong: (i) 10-1 m (ii) 10-12 m? UNIT VI: Optics MARKS: 14 Chapter 6 (a) Reflection, Refraction & Dispersion of Light 1. When does a concave mirror form a virtual image? 2. Which of the following does not change when light goes from one medium to the other: Frequency, wavelength, speed and intensity? 3. What is critical angle for a material of refractive index 2? 4. What are the Laws of reflection? What is Snells law? 5. Describe Total Internal Reflection. Chapter 6 (b) Optical Instruments 1. Derive Lens Maker's Formula. 2. What is Magnifying Power of a Simple Microscope? Obtain an expression for it. 3. Describe construction and working of Compound microscope. 4. Describe construction and working of Astronomical Telescope. 5. What is dispersion of light? Chapter 6 (c) Huygens Principle and Interference 1. State Huygens' Principle. 2. Why cannot we obtain interference using two independent sources of light? 3. The refractive index of glass is 1.5 for light waves of = 6000 A in vacuum. Calculate their wavelength in glass.

Chapter 6 (d) Diffraction and Polarization 1. Name two commonly used devices which use polarized light? 2. What are the reasons to believe that light is a wave motion? 3. How does the resolving power of telescope change when the aperture of the objective is increased? 4. Light reflected from the surface of glass plate of refractive index 1.57 is linearly polarized. Calculate the angle of refraction in glass. 5. In a single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is halved. How does it affect the size and intensity of the central maximum? UNIT VII/Chapter 7: Dual Nature of Matter MARKS: 04 1. What are photo-electrons? 2. What is the rest mass of a photon? 3. Which photon is more energetic, violet one or red one? Why? 4. If h is Plancks constant, find the momentum of a photon of wavelength 0.01 A? 5. What is the value of stopping potential between the cathode and the anode of a photo cell, if the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted is 5 eV? UNIT VIII/Chapter 8: Atoms and Nuclei MARKS: 06 1. Define atomic mass unit. What is its energy equivalent? 2. Describe Bohrs Model of the Hydrogen Atom. 3. What is Radioactive Decay Law? 4. What do you know by Binding Energy? How is it related with the Mass Defect? 5. What is the difference between Nuclear Fission & Nuclear Fusion? UNIT IX: Electronic Devices MARKS: 07 Chapter 9 (a) Conductors, Insulators and Semi-conductors 1. What is Fermi level and Fermi energy? 2. According to energy band diagram, what makes a substance (a) conductor (b) insulator? 3. Doping in silicon with indium leads to which type of semiconductor? 4. If the drift velocity and mobility of electrons in a semiconductor are represented by v and respectively and the applied electric field is E, then write the relation for the mobility. 5. Give the ratio of number of holes and the number of conduction electrons in a (a) pure semiconductor (b) n type semiconductor (c) p type semiconductor.

-5 4. What will be the effect on the fringes, if Youngs double slit experiment set-up is immersed in water? 5. Which of the two colours, red and violet, travels slower in glass prism?

Chapter 9 (b) Semi-conductor Devices 1. What is the value of potential barrier of p-n junction diode? 2. Define transconductance of a transistor. 3. How does the width of the depletion layer of a p-n junction diode change with decrease in reverse bias? 4. In a transistor, the value of = 0.9, find the value of . 5. In a transistor, the value of is 100, find the value of . Chapter 9 (c) Logic Gates 1. What is logic gate? 2. Why logic gate is so called? 3. Name the type in which the electronic circuits have been classified. 4. Describe circuit diagrams of Basic Logic Gates. 5. What is integrated circuit? UNIT X: Communication Systems MARKS: 05 Chapter 10 (a) Analog and Digital Communication 1. What are the elements of communication? 2. What do you know you Analog? 3. What do you know by Digital? 4. What is Modulation? 5. What do you know by bandwidth (signal processing)? Chapter 10 (b) Space Communication 1. How do electromagnetic waves propagate in the atmosphere? 2. Discuss sky and space wave propagation. 3. How does an amplitude-modulated wave propagate in the medium? 4. How is an amplitude-modulated wave detected? 5. Describe Mechanics of communication. -6-


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