Engineering and Technology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus For B.E. (Second Semester)
Engineering and Technology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus For B.E. (Second Semester)
Engineering and Technology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus For B.E. (Second Semester)
Beta and Gamma functions, Differentiation of definite integral, Mean Value and Root Mean
Square Values.
Tracing of curves (Cartesian and polar curves), Rectification of simple curves, Quadrature,
volume and surface of solids of revolution (Cartesian, polar and parametric forms).
Vector triple product, Product of four vectors, Scalar point function, Vector point Function,
Vector differentiation, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Directional derivatives with their
physical interpretation, Solenoidal and irrotational motions.
UNIT- V : Vector Integral Calculus (10 Hrs)
Vector integration, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Statement (without proof) of Stoke‟s
theorem, Gauss divergence theorem and Green‟s theorem, Simple applications of these
(A) Statistics
Fitting of straight line y a b x , Parabola y a b x c x 2 and Exponential curves by method
of least squares, Lines of regression and Correlation, Rank correlation.
Books Recommended:
Spatial and temporal coherence of a light wave, Quantum Transitions: Absorption, Spontaneous
emission & stimulated Emission, Metastable states, Pumping schemes, Principle of laser, Laser
characteristics, Components of a laser, Principle & working of He-Ne, Ruby & Semiconductor
lasers, Applications.
Interference in thin films, Interference in Wedge shape thin film, Newton‟s rings, Anti-reflection
coating, advanced applications of interference in thin film.
Optical fibers: Propagation by total internal reflection, structure and classification (based on
material, refractive index and number of modes), Modes of propagation in fiber, Acceptance
angle, Numerical aperture, Attenuation and dispersion. Light sources and Detectors.
Applications: I) As a Sensors - i) Temperature Sensor ii) Pollution / Smoke detector iii) Liquid
level sensor.
II) As a Detectors- i) PIN detector ii) Avalanche Detector.
Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology, Classification of nano materials, Synthesis of
Nanomaterials, General idea about physical and chemical methods. e.g; Physical Vapour
Deposition and Sol gel method. Comparison of properties of nanomaterials with bulk materials,
Some special nanomaterials:
1) Zeolites, 2) Graphine,
Application of nanomaterials in engineering, Impact of Nanoscience and nanotechnology .
Books recommended:
Text Books:
Fundamentals of Physics: David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jerle Walker, John-Wiley
India(8e, extended)
A text book of Engineering Physics: M. N. Avadhanulu, S. Chand & Co.
Nano The Essentials: Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, T.Praddep;
TMH Publications.
Introduction to Nanotechnology:Pooly & Owens; Willey Publication
Text Book of Optics: Brijlal and Subramanyam (S. Chand and Company)
Laser: M. N. Avadhanulu, S. Chand & Co.
Reference Books:
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry; S.S. Dara, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
New Delhi.
2. Engineering Chemistry: Arti Dixit, Dr. Kirtiwardhan Dixit, Harivansh Prakashan,
3. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: P.C. Jain and Monica Jain, Dhanpat Rai and
Sons, New Delhi.
4. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: S.N. Narkhede, R.T. Jadhav, AB. Bhake,
A.U. Zadgaonkar, Das Ganu Prakashan, Nagpur.
5. Applied Chemistry: A.V. Bharati and Walekar, Tech Max Publications, Pune.
Reference Books:
1. A Text book of Engineering Chemistry : Shashi Chawla; Dhanpat Rai & sons, New
2. Chemistry in Engineering : Lloyd a. Munro, Prentice-hall, Inc Nj
3. Chemistry of Advanced Materials : CNR Rao, Rsc Pbl‟
4. Chemistry of Engineering Materials: Robert B Leighou Mc Graw – Hill Book
Company, Inc New York
5. Engineering Materials: Kenneth G Budinski (Prentice – Hall of India)
6. Fuels and Combustion : Amir Circar, Orient Longmans
7. Materials science and engineering an introduction:William D. Callister, (Jr. Wiley
8. Polymer science and technology: Joel R Fried (Prentice- Hall of India)
Materials Chemistry (BESII-3P)
Laboratory Manual:
1. Applied Chemistry theory and practical O.P. Virmani and A.K.Narular (New Age
2. Laboratory Manual on Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Subdharani (Dhanpat Rai
3. A Textbook on experiment and calculation in engineering chemistry by S.S. Dara S.Chand
4. Inorganic quantitative analysis, Vogel. (Prentice Hall).
Engineering Mechanics ( BESII-4T )
Unit - I :
Important Vector Quantities: ( 10 Hrs )
Position-vector, moment of a force about a point about an axis, couples, couple moment as a free
Equations of Equilibrium: ( 10 Hrs )
Free body diagrams, Equations of equilibrium coplanar concurrent and Non-concurrent systems,
General spatial force system.
Friction forces: Law of Coulomb friction, problems involving dry friction, simple applications
like wedges and band brakes.
Second Moment and products of inertia of plane areas, Moment of inertia of masses. Transfer
theorems for moment of inertia and Product of inertia, Polar moment of inertia, Principal axes,
Mohr‟s circle of inertia.
Principle of Virtual work applied to equilibrium of Mechanisms, simple beam, Pin jointed
Books Recommended:
Total Credits: 03
Introduction to Power Generation (Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear, Wind, and Solar) with block
schematic presentation only. Single line diagram for Generation, Transmission & Distribution
through different voltage levels; Low voltage distribution system (Over head & Underground,
single phase & three phase)
Necessity of equipment earthings, Fuses (Rewirable & HRC), MCB, ELCB (Elementary
concepts only), Basic operation of UPS & Invertors (Block schematic representation).
One part (KWH based) tariff with simple numerical: Students should be able to calculate the
domestic electricity charges.
Books Recommended:
Total Credits: 03
Types of section planes, types of sectional views i. e. sectional FV , sectional TV, sectional SV,
to project sectional views of above solids cut by different section planes (when solid is in simple
position , when axis is parallel to one & inclined to other reference planes ), to find true shape of
Four A2 (594X420mm) (Half imperial) size drawing sheets & CAD work as detailed below:
Sheet No. 1 : Sections of Solids (Minimum 2 Problems)
Sheet No. 3 : Section of solids using CAD package ( Same problems as drawn in sheet no. 1 )
Sheet No. 4 : Drawing Orthographic views using CAD package (Minimum 2 Problems)
Note: During external practical examination of 25 marks, students are expected to solve two
problems on drawing sheet. (15 marks & duration : 1 Hr 30 Min). Oral of 10 marks should be
conducted during external practical examination.
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. N.D. Bhatt, Elementary Engg. Drawing, Charotor Pub. House, Anand, India.
2. A. R. Bapat, “ Engineering Graphics”, Allied Publishers, New Delhi
3. D. N. Johle, Engineering Drawing, Tata Mcgraw-hill Publishing Co. Ltd..
Reference Books:
Teachers/Instructors are expected to introduce the tools & equipments used in following shops
with their operations & safety precautions.
1. Fitting - 1 Job
2. Carpentry - 1 Job
3. Welding - 1 Job
4. Smithy - 1 Job
Students are expected to prepare minimum four Jobs during practical periods of workshop.
Text/Reference Books:
Unit – I :
Unit – II :
1) Meaning and Scope of Industrial Psychology and Industrial Sociology.
2) Fatigue, Selection and Training of Workers, Motives for Work in Industry.
3) Transactional Analysis.
Unit – III :
1) Sustainable development.
2) Professional Ethics.
3) Organizational Behavioral Dynamics: Leadership in Industry.
Unit – IV :
1) Indian Constitution and Federal System.
2) Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles.
3) Role of Bureaucracy in Modern Society.
Unit – V :
1) Industrial Democracy.
2) Works Organization: Power, Authority and Status System; Formal and Informal
3) Industrialization and Urbanization: Study of Slums.
Books Recommended: