KK Bindu #258

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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaJaqvNaMa(

tava kathmta tapta-jvanam

Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 258 r Annad Ekda 25 August 2011


Circulation 4,350

One BecOmes TwO BecOmes One

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His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


The TOpmOsT Guru

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami maharaja

she whOm even The vedas cannOT apprOach

Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati

radharanis FOresT
Dina Bandhu Das

Brahma-vaivarta Pura

The BirTh OF sri radha

The lotus hands of Radharani

One BecOmes TwO BecOmes One

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
We must study these relationships, mellows, from a neutral point of view. If you examine neutrally, the position of being the lover of Krishna is better than the position of a person who is in relationship with Krishna as a servant. Anyone whether a servant, a father, or a lover of Krishna they all consider their own relationship to be the best. But from a neutral position, the relationship with Krishna as the lover and the beloved is the best. It is the supreme relationship. Therefore the worship of Krishna performed by the gops is considered the supreme form of worship. Lord Chaitanya also displayed this mood. His propaganda, his understanding of Krishna, was just like the lover and the beloved. As Lord Chaitanya, he was playing the part of Radharani. Krishna wanted to understand himself. Krishna wanted to understand what is there in Radharani. Lord Chaitanya is not different from Krishna. The feature in which Krishna is trying to understand Radharani that is Lord Chaitanya. So Radharanis position is greater than Krishnas. The relationship of lover and the beloved, as it was between Krishna and the gops, is the highest type of relationship. There is no doubt about it. Lord Chaitanya is playing the part of Radharani. He is worshiping Krishna as Radharani worshiped Krishna.
next column
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

There is a verse composed by Lord Chaitanya where he says,

liya v pda rat pinau mm adarann marma-hat karotu v yath tath v vidadhtu lampao mat-pra-nthas tu sa eva npara

My Lord Krishna, you may trample me down by your feet, or you may embrace me as your lover, or you may make me brokenhearted without your presence. Whatever you like you can do. But still I am your eternal servitor. This was Radharanis attitude. So Lord Chaitanya is the feature of Krishna understanding Radharani.

Issue Two Hundred Fifty-eight, Page 2

Krishna is undoubtedly great, but because he cannot repay the loving transactions of Radha, he thinks that Radharani is greater than himself. He wanted to study what is there in Radharani. He thought, I cannot study Radharani in my original feature as Krishna. If I take on the feature of Radharani, then I can understand her glories. These are the highest transcendental sentiments. Lord Chaitanya is Radharanis feature. caitanykhya prakaam adhun tad-dvaya caityam ptam When Krishna wants to enjoy, he expands his pleasure potency, which is Radharani. Krishna becomes two Krishna, and his pleasure potency Radharani. And when those two personalities again become one, that is Chaitanya. These things you will understand as you develop the higher stages of Krishna consciousness. But we can discuss them for now.
From a lecture in San Francisco on 10 September 1968.

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[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu

Now, Krishna is going to teach prema-bhakti. But how can he teach without a guru? His guru is Radharani, rdhikra-prema guru, mi iya naa Radharani is my guru in prema-bhakti and I am her iya, disciple. According to her tune she is making me dance. (Cc. di 4.124) Radharani is the embodiment, the culmination of hldin-akti, and her bhva is mahbhava, the last limit of premabhakti. As the source of the Ganga is the Mandakini River, similarly the prema-bhakti mandkin, the source of prema-bhakti, is Radharani. Krishna decided, I have to assume the mood of Radharani. The storehouse of prema is with her. Unless I have the storehouse, how can I give? In his Dvitya Caitanyaka (text 3), Rupa Goswami has written, kutuk rasa-stoma htva Krishna is very expert in stealing. So he entered into the heart of Radharani and stole her love. In this way he became Gaura.
From a lecture on 13 December 1991 in Bhubaneswar.

The TOpmOsT Guru

she whOm even The vedas cannOT apprOach

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

The guru is one who teaches and practices bhakti in his life. The guru is the raya-lambana, abode, of prema. Each guru has his guru, who in turn has his guru, who again has his guru, who has his guru, and it goes up. Who is the last or topmost guru? Radharani is the topmost guru. She is in possession of the prema-bandhana, the great storehouse of love. Therefore she is known as hldin-akti, the personified pleasure potency. The prema-bhakti prabhva, the flow of prema-bhakti, emanates from that storehouse. So when Krishna becomes a bhakta and thus becomes a student of prema-bhakti, his guru is Radharani. Kaviraja Goswami has described the words of Krishna:
rdhikra premaguru, miiya naa sad m nn ntye ncya udbhaa

From Srila Prabodhananda Saraswatis r Rdh-rasa-sudh-nidhi

dharmdy-artha-catuaya vijayat ki tad vth-vrtay saikntevara-bhakti-yoga-padav tv ropit mrdhani y vndvana-smni kcana ghancary kior-mais tat-kaikarya-rasmtd iha para citte na me rocate

Detail from an illustration of Gita Govinda. Mewari, c. 1720

Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu

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top right 3 Two Hundred Fifty-eight, Page 3 Issue

The four goals of life beginning with material piety may be glorious to some people, but I think they are useless. Why should I waste my time talking about them? Other people may place on their heads the path of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I am still not interested. The only thing that pleases my heart is the nectar that is service to a wonderful jewel-like girl who stays deep in Vrindavan forest. Nothing else pleases my heart. (Text 78)
karmi ruti-bodhitni nitar kurvantu kurvantu m ghcarya-ras srag-di-viayn ghantu mucantu v kair v bhva-rahasya-praga-mati r-rdhik-preyasa kicij-jair anuyujyat bahir aho bhrmyadbhir anyair api

Vrindavan is such a glorious abode that the holy name was ever given to a person like me. (Text 261)
Adapted from an English translation by Kusakratha Das. The Ka Library. Los Angeles.

radharanis FOresT

Brahma-vaivarta Pura Canto four, chapter seventeen, texts 217-220

tasya nmntara vnd tad ida ca tapo-vanam tena vndvana nma pravadanti manina

The devotees may perform Vedic rituals or not perform them. The devotees who taste the wonderful secret nectar of devotional service may accept flower garlands and other things pleasing to the senses, or they may reject them. What foolish non-devotees, who wander aimlessly in this world, have the right to question the actions of Sri Radhas dear devotees, whose hearts have travelled to the farther shore of pure love? (Text 83)
dre spy-di-vrt na kalayati man-nraddn sva-bhaktn rdmdyai suhdbhir na milati ca haret snehavddhi sva-pitro kintu premaika-sm madhura-rasa-sudh-sindhusrair agdh r-rdhm eva jnan madhupatir ania kujavthm upste

Another name of Tulasi is Vrinda. For this reason, the wise say that Vrindavan is named after Tulasi because she performed austerities there.
athav te pravakymi para hetv-antara u yena vndvana nma puya-ketrasya bhrate

Please listen and I will tell you still another reason this holy place on the earth is named Vrindavan.
rdh-oaa-nmn ca vnd-nma rutau rutam tasy kr-vana ramya tena vndvana smtam

Of the sixteen names of Radha given in the Vedas, Vrinda is one. Because Radha enjoyed pastimes in the beautiful Vrindavan forest, it is named after her.
goloke prtaye tasy kena nirmita pur krrtha bhuvi tan nmn vana vndvana smtam

Staying far away from talk of creating, maintaining, or destroying material worlds, not listening to Narada and the devotees, not meeting with Sridama and other friends, ignoring his parents love, but instead thinking day and night only of Sri Radha, who is the pinnacle of love and the fathomless ocean of sweet nectar, Krishna worships the path that leads to the forest. (Text 236)
kvsau rdh nigama-padav-drag kutra csau kas tasy kuca-mukulayor antaraiknta-vsa kvha tuccha paramam adhama pry aho garha-karm yat tan nma sphurati mahim hy ea vndvanasya

To please Radha, Lord Krishna manifested Vrindavan forest in the spiritual world of Goloka. When Vrindavan was brought to earth for Radhas pastimes, it was named after her.
Unpublished translation by Kusakratha Das.

The BirTh OF sri radha

Dina Bandhu Das
vinera uklam dinrdhera kale anurdh nakatra haila sei bele ubha dina daa dia bhela supraka sabkra antare nanda abhila

Who is Radha? She is the goddess whom even the Vedas cannot approach. Who is Krishna? He is the beloved whose home is at the lotus flower of Radhas breast. Who am I? I am an insignificant living being entangled in household duties. It is only because

At noon on the eighth day of the bright fortnight of the Ashwin month, the constellation known as Anuradha appeared in the sky. On this auspicious day, all ten directions appeared illuminated, and everyones heart was filled with joy.

Issueleft 4 Hundred Fifty-eight, Page 4 Top Two

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[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNd

Radha and Krishna's swing pastimes in Vraja

hena kle krtid parama-kutuhal prasavila kany nma rdhik sundar nandita haiy kiy npavare dui jana nn dhana vitaraa kare

At this time, the supremely jovial queen Kirtida gave birth to a beautiful girl named Radhika. In great joy, she called out to King Vrishabhanu. Both of them gladly arranged for various types of donations.
dvijagaa gaaka niya ata-ata dhana dna dila yra yei abhimata nagara bjre bje aea bjan uni dnabandhu dsa psare pan

Sri KriShna Kathamrita Bindu

A free bi-monthly service provided by: Gopal Jiu Publications c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir National Highway No. 5, IRC Village Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015
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Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. All other materials, unless specified, ISKCON Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket permission is given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print form provided no changes are made to the contents.

The brahmins brought with them hundreds and hundreds of astrologers. King Vrishabhanu donated wealth to all of them to their full satisfaction. In the town and in the markets, unlimited instruments played music. Dina Bandhu Das can hear all of it in his heart.
Translated by Hari Parshad Das from Vaiava Padval, fourth edition, April 2010. Compiled and edited by Hare Krishna Mukhopadhyay. Published by Shishu Sahitya Sansad Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata.

The lotus feet of Radharani

Brush drawing on paper. Nathdwara, c. 1880

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