KK Bindu #245
KK Bindu #245
KK Bindu #245
Issue No. 245 Çré Bhaimé Ekädaçé 14 February 2011 Circulation 3,871
• Footsteps of the Acharyas
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
• The Attitude of a Disciple
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada
Unknown artist
(Çrémad-Bhägavatam 3.4.28 purport.) ·
Question: What is the mentality of a sincere disciple? ment. My only prayer is that my spiritual master
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta: Sincere disciples mercifully accepts my service. I pray never to
should be completely devoted to their guru. fall into bad association or to fall away from
They should know their spiritual master to be his lotus feet. My only solace is that my spiritual
as good as God and the only object of their love master is more merciful to unqualified persons like
and devotion. “The spiritual master is my eter- me. With a desire to achieve his causeless mercy,
nal master and I am his eternal servant.” This is I will become greedier for his service”. ·
how a disciple thinks. Service to the spiritual Three Reasons for Criticism
master is a disciple’s life, ornament, and means
of survival. Disciples do not know anything
Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode
except their spiritual master. They always think What are the faults of a vaiñëava which when dis-
of their spiritual master while eating, sleeping, cussed constitutes vaiñëava-aparädha?
dreaming and serving. They are fully convinced To discuss the faults that may arise by chance in
that the spiritual master is the fully independent a vaiñëava is an offense. The main thing is that the
personality of godhead. discussion or even consideration of these faults in a
A sincere disciple has the following mentality: vaiñëava is an offense to the holy name, etc.
“Even if my spiritual master does not accept ser- Casting false blame on a vaiñëava and finding fault
vice from such an unqualified person as myself, with a vaiñëava for any of the following three reasons
I will always be prepared to render unalloyed are offenses against the holy name:
service at his feet with body, mind, and words. If 1) Impurities that have come from the vaiñëavas
kicks me, I will think it is because of my incom- past — prag-utpanna.
petence; his kick will come because of my faults. 2) Impurities that are perishing — kñayävaçiñöa.
He is always right. May temporary sense desires 3) Impure activities that take place accidentally
not distract me from his service for even a mo- — daivotpanna.
Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu Issue
top right 3 Two Hundred Fourty-five, Page — 3
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Criticizing a vaiñëava for these reasons prevents nä- not able to witness such pastimes. I was not born then
ma-sphurti, the appearance of the holy name in one’s and remained ignorant. How can I forget this sorrow?
heart, and keeps one from becoming a vaiñëava. · prabhu sanätana rüpa raghunätha bhaööa-yuga
— Sajjana-toñaëé 5.5. Article entitled, “Vaiñëava- bhügarbha çré jéva lokanätha
nindä”, translated by Syamasundar Das for Sri Krishna e sakala prabhu mili kailä ki madhura keli
Kathamrita issue 6, The Mad Elephant Offense. våndävane bhakta-gaëa sätha
Sanatana, Rupa, Raghunath Bhatta, Bhugarbha, Sri
Appeal to Disciples Jiva, Lokanath — all these prabhus performed won-
With Fallen Gurus derful sweet pastimes in Vrindavan in association with
other devotees.
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
sabhe hailä adarçana çünya bhela tribhuvana
I would like to make a hearty appeal to the grand- äìdhala ha-ila e nä äìkhi
disciples of our beloved spiritual master Srila Prab- kähäre kahiba duùkha nä dekhäo chära mukha
hupada. In the extraordinary gracious and highly ächi yena marä-paçu-päkhé
compassionate process given by prema-puruñottama Now they are all gone from our vision and all the
Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu, there is no reason three worlds are empty. I have become blind. To whom
whatsoever to feel frustrated, even if the disciples shall I speak of my sorrow? I remain here living like a
painfully see deviation of their gurus from the çästric beast or a bird!
injunctions and their being fallen from the minimum äcärya çré çréniväsa ächiluì yäìhära päça
expected level of prescribed spiritual standard. The kathä çuni juòäita präëa
disciples of such gurus should know for certain that teìha more chäòi gelä rämacandra nä äilä
duùkhe jéu kare änachäna
if they very seriously and sincerely, with pure devo-
Acarya Srinivasa had a rope — his kathä — which
tion, pray to the Supreme Lord Krishna, who is in
soothed my soul. But he has left me, and Ramacandra
their heart, then Krishna will certainly respond to their
is also absent. In their separation my life is anxious and
prayers and help them to obtain an actually pure,
full of unhappiness.
bona-fide spiritual master, who can successfully lead
them to the lotus feet of Krishna, the Supreme Lord. ye mora manera vyathä, kähäre kahiba kathä
e chära jévane nähi äça
kåñëa-kåpäte guru mile, guru-kåpäte kåñëa mile
anna jala viña khäi mariyä nähika yäi
One obtains a bona-fide guru by the grace of Krish- dhik dhik narottama-däsa
na, and by the grace of guru one gets Krishna. ·
The pain I am bearing in my mind cannot be de-
— From an essay published in 1990 titled “Guru Tattva”.
scribed to others. I have lost interest in living. The food
Crying for the Lord’s Associates and water I used to take has become like poison to
me. Yet still I am living! Fie! Fie on Narottam Das! ·
Srila Narottam Das Thakur — Translated from Narottama-viläsa by Srila Narahari Chakravarti,
chapter 11. Published by Gaursundar Das. Radhakund. 2004.
gauräìgera sahacara çréniväsa gadädhara
narahari mukunda muräri
çré svarüpa dämodara hari-däsa vakreçvara
Govardhan Has Become
e saba premera adhikäré Like a Great Snake
The associates of Gauranga — Srinivas, Gadadhar,
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami’s
Narahari, Mukunda, Murari, Sri Swarup Damodar, Ha-
Çré Prärthanäçraya-caturdaçaka, texts 10-12
ridas and Vakreshwar all possess ecstatic love.
karilä ye saba léla, çunite galaye çilä In the following verses ,Srila Raghunath Das Goswami
täìhä muïi nä päi dekhite laments due to the disappearance of Srila Rupa Goswami.
takana nahila janma nä bujhiluì se nä marma apürva-premäbdheù parimala-payaù-phena-nivahaiù
e nä çela rahi gela cite sadä yo jévätur yam iha kåpayäsiïcad atulam
Just hearing the pastimes that they performed could idänéà durdaivät pratipada-vipad-däva-valito
melt even stone, but I am so unfortunate that I was nirälambaù so ‘yaà kam iha tam åte yätu çaraëam
Issue Two
Top left 4 Hundred Fourty-five, Page — 4 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNd
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He was my life and soul. Again and again he kindly
splashed me with the fragrant waters of the shoreless ocean
of limitless love. Now misfortune forces me to become
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu
swallowed by the forest fires of material calamities. I have
A free bi-monthly service provided by:
no shelter. Except for him, of whom can I take shelter?
Gopal Jiu Publications
çünyäyate mahä-goñöhaà giréndro ‘jagaräyate
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir vyäghra-tuëòäyate kuëòaà jévätu-rahitasya me
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village
Now that I no longer have the sustainer of my life, the
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 751015
land of Vraja has become empty and desolate, Govardhan
Phone: (0674) 2553250, 2557026 Hill has become like a great python, and Radha Kund
Email: [email protected] has become like the gaping mouth of a ferocious tiger.
Website: www.gopaljiu.org na patati yadi dehas tena kià tasya doñaù
Subscriptions: [email protected] sa kila kuliça-särair yad vidhäträ vyadhäyé
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International ayam api para-hetur gäòha-tarkeëa dåñöaù
Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His prakaöa-kadana-bhäraà ko vahatv anyathä vä
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It is not the fault of my body that it does not immedi-
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A.
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
ately fall down and die. By deep logical analysis I have
International. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON concluded that the creator Brahma must have con-
Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket structed my body from the strongest thunderbolts. How
permission is given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print
form provided no changes are made to the contents. else could it be able to bear the weight of all this pain? ·
— Translation by Kusakratha Das.