7 Grade U.S. History: Course Syllabus & Expectations
7 Grade U.S. History: Course Syllabus & Expectations
7 Grade U.S. History: Course Syllabus & Expectations
Course Syllabus & Expectations
Miss Abraham
7th Grade Social Studies
A Really Cool Junior High School
Room #1
480-000-0000 Ext. 0000
[email protected]
My name is Miss Abraham and I will be your 7th grade social studies instructor. This is my first
year as a full time teacher and prior to this year, I completed my Secondary Education
Bachelors Degree from Arizona State University, focusing on History. I have over 2 years of
classroom experience and one of my favorite topics of History is the Civil War. I look forward to
a successful school year enhancing the youthful minds of the students in the classroom.
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. John F. Kennedy
Course Description
Topics of History and Geography are standard information that the students of Arizonas public
schools are required to know. The students will recognize history as a cultural influence to
society, connecting past events to world topics today. Geographic skills will be utilized in order
to understand the ideologies of other cultures while promoting academic discipline in other
aspects of their education. These critical skills will enhance the students reading, writing,
speaking & listening, as well as presentation values of education. The core purpose of this course
is to allow understanding and analyzation of the United States from the late 15 th century up to
the 20th century. Major topics that will be assessed completely are as follows:
The grading criteria follows the district policy. Progress reports (each quarter) as well as final
course grades will be posted online as well as mailed to the students home address:
59% and Below
Breakdown: Assessments & Summative Work, Major Projects 60%; Homework, Classwork, and
Participation 40%
Attendance, Homework, & Make-Up Work
If a student is absent from a class period, she or he must ask for any missed assignments upon
returning to class. It is the responsibility of the student to address me if they have any issues
with returning class or homework after an absence, as the district policy states. Homework can
be turned in late up to 1 WEEK (with a 50% deduction.) Fortunately, extra credit papers and
worksheets will be available to every student. Students will be able to turn in up to 10 extra
credit worksheets, which will account to the promotion of ONE letter grade. Parents may access
grades through the online student portal. If parents do not have an account with this portal,
please contact the front office for details and more information on the student grading portal at
(480) 000-0000.
Clorox/Lysol Wipes
Kleenex Tissues
Whiteboard Markers
Printer Paper: All Colors
Digital Policies
Cell phones will be used for educational purposes only. Students who are using their personal
cell phones, or using laptops in inappropriate ways will be given a warning for their first offence.
For further questions on cell phone and internet use, please refer to the district handbook.
Plagiarism is defined as the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off
as one's own. If a student is unclear about the expectations for an assignment or a source, please
contact me prior to turning the assignment in. Checking for clarification is the best academic
honesty a student can possess.
Disability Accommodation
Students have the opportunity to request reasonable accommodations through the Front office.
Accommodation requests can also be consulted with Miss Abraham on a case by case basis.
Please refer to district handbook for further information.
The information located on this syllabus can change at any time upon the teachers discretion,
however students will be notified of change accordingly. By completing the information below,
we confirm and agree that we have read and understood the information and policies that are
expressed in the syllabus provided by Miss Abraham.
Please sign, date, and return to class by this date: ______________
Print Student Name: ___________________ Student Signature: __________________
Student Email (Optional): _________________________________
Print Parent Name: _________________ Parent Signature: ______________________
Parent Email (Optional): _________________________________
Parent Phone Number (Optional): __________________________
Additional Comments to Miss Abraham to ensure the success of your student this school