Student-Parent Introductory Letter

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Ms. Esparza, Room J3
[email protected]
555.555.5555 ext.1234

Hello Parents and Students!

My name is Ms. Esparza and I look forward to our year together in United States History! In
addition to being your students teacher, I am a proud alumna of Santa Fe High School. My job as
a teacher is to find and implement new and effective ways of teaching and helping students
understand what they must know. It is my goal to expose students to important aspects of life
beyond curriculum and delve into constant critical thinking, historical empathy, and cultural
appreciation. This appreciation and acceptance will help foster an environment of positive
intellectual and social development. In addition, I will create an equitable classroom environment
and community of students. My policies in classroom management will ensure equality and
fairness among my students.

This course syllabus will provide you with valuable information about this year. Please read
it and keep a copy for your own reference.

This classroom will be a positive and safe environment. Your voice will be heard and respected!
There will be zero tolerance for bullying or inappropriate behavior. Students should feel safe to
learn alongside their peers.

In our class, we will contribute to discussions by making connections to the topic using our own
experiences, knowledge, and community. We will respect the opinions, ideas, and input of others.
We will value class material and resources. We will come to class prepared, eager to learn, and
ready to ask relevant questions.

Students are to be courteous and respectful of others opinions and/or ideas.
In the classroom students are to conduct themselves in a professional manner.
Students and teachers must collaborate in order to ensure authentic learning and academic
The teacher has the responsibility to communicate with parents or guardians if necessary.

Come to class on-time.
Come to class prepared and bring necessary homework and/or materials.
Respect teacher, school personal, classmates, school and personal property.
Follow instructions and directions.
Consuming food is not permitted in the classroom.
Please turn off and put away all phones, electronic games, and personal computers.
Cheating is not tolerated.
Pack-up material upon dismissal from the teacher.

Absences must be excused. Students without unexcused absences will be subject to the
Students who are absent from class may receive lesson material from the teacher, however they
must receive the lessons notes from their peer. Homework from the day student(s) were absent
must be turned in the next class period after receiving it, unless otherwise stated.
Students who come to class tardy without an excuse will be subject to the consequences.
Students may raise their hand to use the restroom. They will receive a hall pass from me and
must sign out of class. Students will exit and enter the classroom quietly. Abuse of this policy
will result in individual restriction on restroom policy and subject to consequences.
There are consequences for the student if class rules are violated, or if the student has
excessive tardies or unexcused absences.

First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: Written Confirmation - Student will write a letter to his/her parents informing
them of the rule violation and a brief explanation of his/her behavior, and a corrective strategy
describing what he/she will do different from now on.
Third Offense: Parental Notification - Teacher determined consequence and a notification to
Fourth Offense: Referral for In-school Detention, Parent Conference, and Behavior Contract
Signed (For Tardies, Saturday School May Replace Conference and Contract)
Fifth Offense: Class Suspension for the Period - Conference with parent and administrator
present to discuss possible removal from class.
Sixth Offense: Referral for Saturday School - IEP meeting will be arranged, and probable
removal from class.

Students will engage with material to foster the development of critical thinking. The California
State Standards will be used as a pacing guide for instruction. The lessons and subsequent
activities will be aligned with Common Core. In this course, we will learn about United States
History beginning with the founding of the Nation to our contemporary society. During the
school year, we will engage with history through a variety of sources and projects that will
enhance our learning experience. Please take a look at the grading and homework policies.

Students will be graded on the following:

Homework 15%
Exams 40%
Quizzes 10%
Interactive Notebook 10%
Research Paper 20%
Participation 5%

Total 100%

No late assignments or homework accepted, except in cases of excused absences.
Grading is on a traditional scale.

Percentage Grade
90 - 100% A
80 - 89% B
70 - 79% C
60 - 69% D
0 - 59% F

Homework: Students can expect to spend about 30 to 40 minutes on homework for this course.
Homework will not be assigned during the weekend, however there may be some exceptions.
Technology will be an important tool in our class. Students will need access to the internet to
complete assignments.
If you do not have access to a computer, please make use of the school library, school computer
lab, or the citys public library.
It is essential that students enhance their own knowledge of technology as it will be integrated
into our class and may be used for independent practice.


One subject notebook
Pens (Blue or Black Ink), pencils
Binder Paper
Recommended: Color pencils, markers, additional construction paper


Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students:

Please READ and SIGN the statement below, acknowledging that you have read and agree
to the class syllabus. Please RETURN this signed statement to me (Ms. Esparza) at the
beginning of the next class period.


I/We acknowledge the policies of this syllabus and will help my student achieve their learning

Print Name: ___________________________ Print Name:_________________________

Signature: _____________________________ Signature: __________________________

Date: ____________________________


I, ____________________________________________ have read and agree to the terms and
conditions of this class. I agree to abide by the expectations, rules, and policies to help create a
positive learning environment for myself and my peers.

Print Name: ___________________________

Signature: ______________________________ Date: __________________________

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