SSP 004 SAS Week 3711 and 14 Monitoring and Mentoring

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SSP 004: Student Success Program 4

Monitoring & Mentoring: Teacher’s Guide


Lesson Title: Monitoring and Mentoring Materials: SAS and Academic Mapping
Learning Targets: Sheet
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. identify key areas of personal, financial, or academic
difficulties, Reference: Current Grades/Class
2. identify and understand the reasons behind these Standing
difficulties, and
3. ask for the necessary help.

A. CONNECT (5 minutes)


Hi there! How’s your experience in this period so far?

Great, because i got the grade i want in last semester.

B. COACH (Do and Think) (35 minutes)

State your problem/concern in one sentence: (ex. I am failing Math)

I have to study for the short quiz

Identify the factors or issues related to your problem or concern by filling out the boxes below:

Urgent Not Urgent

(Something within my control) (Something I need to schedule)

Ex. I have a quiz next week. Ex. I have a project to be submitted next month.
I have a short quiz tomorrow I have to prepare my reporting in
the subject i have to present

(Something I can ask help for) (Something I can do later)

Ex. I have to cook dinner tonight. Ex. I am going to the mall with my friends.
Not important

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP 004: Student Success Program 4
Monitoring & Mentoring: Teacher’s Guide

I have to do chores in the

I am going to hang out with my friends

C. CHECK (10 minutes)

Based on what you wrote down (important and urgent), state what you need to do soon:
Study for short quiz

Write down when you need to finish it:


What help or support do I still need:

Someone who can help me study with me

"No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel." - Demi Lovato.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP 004: Student Success Program 4
Monitoring & Mentoring: Teacher’s Guide

M&M: Academic Mapping

Academic Mapping (30 mins)

Instructions: Monitor your academic standing in each of your subjects. Write the subjects you are currently
enrolled for this semester. Your subjects are reflected in the AIMS. You may use this sheet to keep track of
your grades.

Running Total
I Want I Can
Q1 Q2 FG Q1 Q2

ABM 004 90 81 79 83 81
ABM 005 90 84 80 87 84
COR 012 90 94 95 92 94
ABM 003 90 91 87 94 91
COR 016 90 87 87 87 87
COR 014 90 92 92 92 92
COR 019 90 95 95 95 95
APP 006 90 87 82 91 87
ABM 006 90 84 83 85 84
SSP 003 C C C C C

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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