Mazer Syllabus 2013
Mazer Syllabus 2013
Mazer Syllabus 2013
2013-2014 Syllabus
Course Calendar: 1st Quarter: August 12th-October 11th Revolutionary War 2nd Quarter: October 14th- December 20th End of Revolutionary War Creating a New NationFederalists vs. Anti-Federalists The Constitution World War II 3rd Quarter: January 6th- March 7th World War II, Part 2 Korean War and 1950s Modern Civil Rights th 4 Quarter: March 10th- May 22nd Vietnam War Contemporary U.S. Supplies: Each student is expected to bring the following supplies to class every day: Black or blue pen, pencil, ISN, colored pencils, loose-leaf paper, and the middle school handbook. Textbook Information: In 8th grade social studies, we use a textbook called Creating America. Most students will have used parts of this textbook last year in seventh grade. Textbooks are available to students who wish to check them out. They must sign them out with their name and book number before taking one home. We will not use the textbook exclusively, but it could be a helpful resource when studying. Website: Upcoming assignments and assessments will always be posted on my website as well as written down in class. I will do my part to keep the website updated and students must do their part to stay on top of assignments, especially if they are absent. Attendance: Regular school attendance is very important. Not only does attendance reinforce and enrich the learning process; it also establishes patterns and attitudes that students will need in the future. Regular, consistent attendance is a prerequisite to successful school life. Students should be absent only in cases of illness or emergency.
Absent work: If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for obtaining all notes, assignments, and assessments and completing them in a timely manner. Assignments that are due will be posted on the website. Work that must be picked up will either be given to a friend on the day the student is absent, or left in the absent work folder on the desk in the front of the room. Ms. Mazer can also make arrangements to have work left at the office, especially if the student will be out for several days. Standards-Based Grading Policy: 90% Formative and Summative Assessments: This includes standard tests and quizzes as well as alternative assessments such as projects. An Interactive Student Notebook or ISN will also be used this year and graded at least once a quarter. 10% Homework: This includes work assigned in class. Most assignments are completed during class time. This includes class work assignments not completed during class time as well as reinforcement or enrichment assignments. Rubrics will be provided for certain projects and assignments so students will understand the requirements and expectations upfront. Recording Zeros/Extra Credit: 0's are not given for missing assignments, instead a 49% is put in the grade book until the assignment is turned in. Assignments or assessments receiving less than 50% are put into the grade book as a 50% until the assignment or assessment has been redone. It is expected that a student will make efforts to improve that grade by completing the assignment or re-taking the assessment to show mastery has been achieved. Extra credit and grading on a curve are not used; these practices are not an effective way to show mastery of standards. Academic dishonesty: Cheating, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, alteration of materials, forgery, or theft will not be tolerated. Result of academic dishonesty is a failing grade on the assignment. Retakes and tutoring: Retakes are at the teachers discretion. If deemed necessary, they must be scheduled with Ms. Mazer to be taken before or after school in most cases. Tutoring will be on Mondays after school for those who need or would like the extra support. Grading Scale: A= 90-100% Proficient work on all content objectives and advanced work on some objectives. B= 80-89% Proficient work on all content objectives. C= 70-79% Proficient work on most content objectives, although not on all. D= 60-69% Proficient work on at least of the content objectives but missing objectives and is at significant risk of failing. F= 50-59% Proficient work on fewer than of the content objectives and is failing. F= 49% No attempt made, missing work.
Interactive Notebooks Students should be familiar with the note-taking/class work tool called the Interactive Student Notebook. The notebook combines note-taking with thinking maps, group work, class activities, and study skills. Students will use these notebooks to keep all important notes, worksheets, and study aids created during class and will use that information to study for quizzes, test, and final exams. There will be a grade given once a quarter for how well the notebook was used/maintained/organized. Behavior Expectations: 1. Arrive to class on time 2. Be prepared for class 3. Be responsible 4. Be respectful of others and their property 5. Listen carefully and follow directions 6. Clean up your area before leaving class 7. Do not cheat 8. Follow all school rules
Please detach the form below and keep the syllabus for your records! The syllabus is also online. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My child and I have read and understand the expectations and guidelines explained in the course syllabus. Students Name (please print) ____________________________ Students Signature ______________________________