Organic Compounds Functional Group Nitrogen Ammonia Hydrogen

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Amines and Thiols

are organic compounds and a type of functional group that contain nitrogen as the key atom. Structurally
amines resemble ammonia, wherein one or more hydrogenatoms are replaced by organic substituents
such as alkyl and aryl groups.

Naming Amines
Amines can be either alkyl- substituted (alkylamines) or aryl- substituted
(arylamines) ans can be classed as primary, secondary, or tertiary, depending on
the oforganic substituted attached to nitrogen.
Amines Structure
An amine has the general formula RNH2, R2NH, or R3,where Ris any alkyl or aryl

For example:

amines are classified as primary, secondary, tertiary, accorsingto the
numbers of groups attached to the nitrogen atom.

alipahatic amines are named by namingthe alkylgroup or aryl group
attached to nitrogen ,and following these by the word- amine.

Physical Properties of Amines

Aminesare polar compounds and expect for tertiary amines , can form
intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Amines have higerboilings piont than non
polar compounds of the same molecular weight , but lower boiling points
than alcohols or carboxylic acids.
Are soluble in less polar solvents like ether, alcohol, benzene,etc.

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