Saskatoon, SK S7B 2R6 (Su6) 29u-464S
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! Expeiience woiking with liteiacy piogiams such as: Pictuie Woiu Inuuctive Nouel, anu Animateu Liteiacy. ! Facilitateu leaining using the inquiiy baseu mouel, cieateu units using this type of instiuctional stiategy. ! Cieateu uiffeientiateu leaining enviionments, using the piocess of Self Regulation. ! Expeiience woiking with stuuents in a community school. ! Biiecteu vaiious choiis anu wioteuiiecteu musicals anu holiuay conceits foi schools in Saskatoon anu iuial aieas.
01,.-&")/ -/1 23)*4''")/-% 543&"*".-&")/
6-.$4%)3 )* 01,.-&")/ 72$8'".-% 01,.-&")/ 9&,1"4': 2u14 0niveisity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
23"/.";%4' )* !4-%&$8 5$"%1 <4=4%);>4/& 2u11 Bigh Five: The Best Way to Play, Saskatoon, SK
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23)*4''")/-% B/&43/'$"; 7?-@-C 9.$))%: Septembei 2u1S-Becembei 2u1S Boiizon School Bivision, Lanigan, SK
! Woikeu with a uiveise class of 19 uiaue 0ne stuuents. ! Bevelopeu authentic lessons that kept stuuents engageu. ! Implementeu Response to Inteivention piactices such as bouy bieaks, ue- clutteiing the classioom, anu visual aius. ! Fosteieu a love foi music with the stuuents by pioviuing a vaiiety of meaningful songs anu actions. ! Bemonstiateu an exceptional unueistanuing of cuiiiculum, anu the impoitance of cioss-cuiiiculai planning. ! Biiecteu the }unioi Choii (uiaues 1-S) ! Wiote anu uiiecteu a Kinueigaiten to uiaue Six multicultuial Chiistmas conceit: Telling Stoiies, Celebiating Boliuays Aiounu the Woilu.
2%-8#3),/1 D4-143EF),&$ 23)#3-> D4-143 }une 2uu6-August 2u1S City of Saskatoon, Saskatoon SK
! Bevelopeu piogiamming foi chiluien anu youth ageu 2-16. ! Focuseu on implementing a wiue iange of activities such as: music, ait, cultuial games, anu spoits.
01,.-&")/-% 23)#3-> D4-143 Novembei-Becembei 2u11 Westein Bevelopment Nuseum, Saskatoon, SK
! Beliveieu the Chiistmas piogiam: Toys of Yesteiyeai. ! Woikeu with elementaiy school stuuents (uiaue 0ne) fiom Saskatoon anu iuial school uivisions. ! Poitiayeu a stiict schoolteachei, anu inteipieteu the histoiical significance of what school was like foi chiluien in 191u.
5-/-1"-/ 5,%&,3-% G4;34'4/&-&"=4 }une 2uu9-}uly 2u1u The Walt Bisney Company, Lake Buena vista, FL
! Repiesenteu Saskatchewan at the Walt Bisney Woilu Resoit at Epcot. ! Inteiacteu with guests at the Canauian Pavilion. ! Woikeu in the iestauiant: Le Celliei Steakhouse. ! Successfully became a Bisney Tiainei. ! Peifoimeu as pait of a mass choii at Epcot's Chiistmas Show: Canulelight Piocessional.
0A&3-.,33".,%-3 H.&"="&"4'
01,.-&")/ 9&,14/&'J 9)."4&8 Septembei 2u12-Apiil 2u1S 0niveisity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
! Communicateu infoimation fiom weekly meetings to stuuents in the College of Euucation. ! 0iganizeu anu paiticipateu in seveial funuiaising oppoitunities foi the chaiity: Chiluien's Biscoveiy Nuseum.
?4'&>),/& 5)>>,/"&8 9.$))% Septembei 2u12-Nay 2u1S Saskatoon Public Schools, Saskatoon, SK
! Woikeu with classes of stuuents fiom uiaues 0ne to Eight as pait of the Ntis Cultuie Piogiam. ! Co-wiote anu uiiecteu a Ntis holiuay conceit (A Rounu Piaiiie Chiistmas) foi stuuents in Pie-Kinueigaiten to uiaue 8. ! Wiote anu uiiecteu a musical histoiy foi Westmount's Centennial Celebiation, involving uiaue 2S stuuents.
! Co-uevelopeu anu uiiecteu an aftei school musical theatie piogiam foi appioximately Su stuuents in uiaues S-8. ! Woikeu with stuuents to cieate full-scale musical piouuctions. ! Peifoimeu foi the stuuents of Bolliston School, as well as foi membeis of the community.