Kindergarten Classroom Handbook

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Kindergarten Classroom Handbook

Wichita Collegiate 2014-2015

Mrs. Tyla Ast

Dear Parents,
Welcome to All-day Traditional Kindergarten class at Wichita
Collegiate! It is important to me that your child has a successful
adjustment to school. You can help with this adjustment by
understanding the skills with which I am working.
This booklet will answer some of your questions. It contains
information about classroom procedures and polices. You will be
receiving newsletters and updates throughout the year to keep you
informed on your childs classroom activities.
Please feel to call me at any time throughout the school year if you
have any questions. I check my email regularly, and it is the best way to
get in touch with me. My door is always open! Please dont hesitate to
ask a question or address a concern.
I am thrilled to have your child in my classroom! It will be a great year!

Tyla Ast
[email protected]

Arrival and Departure Times
School Hours are 8:15am-3:15pm

There are many things that I do to prepare for your childs classroom experience
and it is appreciated when you and your child wait until I open the door each
morning at 8:10. Your child is not allowed to wait unattended. Please wait quietly in
the hall with your child or feel free to use our Kids Club as early at 7:15 a.m. at no
charge. I like to greet each child personally and help them get started into the
daily routine. Class will begin promptly at 8:15. Please make every effort to have
your child to school by this time each day. (Parents please note that this is not the
ideal time to address concerns that you may have. If you have a matter you need to
discuss, please email me or send a note and I will be happy to set up a time to meet
with you. I prefer to focus on your child at this time as they are entering the room
to ensure a successful start to the day.)

Upon Arrival
As your child arrives, they should put all belongings in their lockers. Please
encourage your child to take care of their belongings by allowing them to hang up
their own items. They will need to take out their folder and they will place it on
their desk after entering the classroom at 8:10. Parents please remember that this
is your childs responsibility, not yours! Allowing them to complete these simple
tasks on their own helps them to build confidence and feel good about themselves.
Also, you may want to establish a routine of saying your good-byes at the door
before entering the room. Class will start promptly at 8:15! I understand being
late happens, and when it does happen, please see that your child enters the room
quietly to avoid disruptions.

Just as arrival time is important to your in your childs day, so is departure time.
Please plan to be on time. I understand at times you may run late. If this happens,
please communicate with me so that I can relay the message to your child. If you
need to grab your child early, please let me know (if possible) so that I can get
them packed and ready to go for you!

Absences and Illnesses
If your child will not be at school for the day, please call the school or let me know
in advance, (if possible). I always worry when my students dont show up! Please
keep your child home for 24 hours after vomiting or after a fever has broken to
avoid spreading the illness to others at school. All children will be going outside;
therefore, they should be well enough to go outside when they come to school.
If it is necessary to administer medications at school, we MUST have your
permission and specific instructions in writing.

Accidents and Allergies
I will try to let you know when your child has had those minor mishaps that may
need TLC and a Band-Aid. Please let me know if your child is allergic to Band-Aids
because they are usually the cure-all for this age group.

Please let me know immediately about any other allergies, medication, or special
needs that your child has. If at any time during the year there are changes that
may affect your childs behavior, or health, please let me know!

Your child will have a special folder that will go home with them each day, and will
need to be brought back to school the following day. The main purpose of this
folder is to send home student work and as a means of sending and receiving notes
between parents, teachers, and the school. Please take the time to check your
childs folder when your child arrives home each day. Each morning, your child is
responsible for bringing their folders into the room. I will check the folders each
day soon after your child arrives. Please keep in mind communication between home
and school is extremely important!

Authorization for School Departures
Please always send a written note in your childs folder or an email if your child is
going home with a classmate or family friend. We will not release your child to any
adult for whom we do not have written authorization. If it is last minute, please
call the office and have them relay the message to me.

Phone Calls and Emails
If you need to get an important message to me during school hours, please call the
office and ask that the message be delivered to me in person. For non-urgent
messages you may leave me a phone message and I will return your call as soon as I
am able. My preferred mode of communication is email. I usually check this
throughout the day and the evening- [email protected]

Classroom Behavior
In Kindergarten, there are many rules and procedures for the students to learn
and follow. The school year will be packed full of fun and learning. In order for
each child to have a successful school year, I believe it is imperative that they
listen and follow directions as well as learn classroom procedures. Behavior in the
classroom is guided to help the children make decisions about their actions before
they occur, understand the consequences of their actions, and to take
responsibility for their actions. Children are encouraged to interact positively with
those around them. They will have classroom responsibilities and share in the
decision making.

Respecting each child, no matter what, is important child management technique.
At WCS, children are treated with the utmost compassion, should the need for
correction arise. Children treated with respect will become respectful and that is
our goal! We do expect appropriate behavior and each child is aware of these
expectations! If necessary, any behavior concerns will be communicated with you
with a note, email, or phone call. Below is a list of our five classroom procedures
(rules) that are expected of each child daily. These rules will be introduced on the
first day of school and we will review them daily.

1. Never hurt anyone on the inside or outside
2. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
3. Voices off and eyes front when teacher is talking!
4. Voices off in lines, hallways, and in restrooms.
5. Raise your hand to talk or to get out of your seat.

Parent conferences are held three times a year. It is very important that one or
both parents attend. If you wish to see me for any reason at a time other than
regularly scheduled conferences, please let me know. I will be happy to set up a
time to meet with you. Your concerns are important and I do want to hear them.
Please keep in mind that I prefer not to talk about a specific student in front of
that student or others.

Field trips
Advance notice will be sent home regarding field trips. You will always need to sign
and return a permission slip in order for your child to go on the field trip. Parent
volunteers are always needed as chaperones and to provide transportation as

This is a warning!! We love to do messy things inside our classroom and outside and
we will be doing a lot of it! Please send your child to school in play clothes. We will
take our precautions such as wearing paint shirts, etc., but we are not always
successful. Children need to make mud pies, paint, and do many other things
involving the body in learning. Please dont admonish your child for messy clothing.
Eventually they will not want to participate in these important activities, thus
limiting their exploration of the environment and eliminating a very important
avenue of learning. It is always a good idea to have an extra pair of clothes in your
childs backpack or locker just in case!

Please see that your child comes dressed with clothing that is appropriate for the
weather conditions, especially in the winter months.

Your child needs to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days. On occasion the students and
parents forget and children are unable to participate in P.E. that day if they dont
have the appropriate shoes. You are welcome to bring an extra pair of tennis shoes
to leave in your childs locker. This would ensure that your child never has to miss

Money, jewelry, and toys need to remain at home due to potential loss or damage.
Please clearly label items of clothing such as jackets, coats, etc.

Due to allergies and student and/or parent food preference, students will bring
their own snack each day in Kindergarten. We will start doing this on the first
day of school. We will have one snack in the morning. If it needs to be kept cold,
please put a cold pack in with the snack. If you choose to send fruit, please see
that it is already cut and ready to go for your child and that you provide eating
utensils if necessary. Please keep in mind this is a nut free zone!

Birthdays are an important event in a childs life. For these special days, your child
may bring a sweet treat to share with the class. Cookies work better than cake or
cupcakes. A serving of fruit, cheese, or yogurt are always good choices in providing
a healthy balance. Please do not pass out treat bags! I really appreciate your help
and support in this area! Please let me know ahead of time when you plan on
bringing birthday treats so that we can plan accordingly.

Holiday Parties
Party days are always so much fun for your child! School parties are usually one
hour in length with games and treats planned and provided by parents who have
volunteered for the specific holiday. We ask that you keep party activities simple.
One craft, a non-competitive game, and/or a story always work great! As with
birthdays, we request no treat bags.

Parents Role
Rest, nutritious meals, and a secure loving home are all requisites for a
child to concentrate at school. The feelings that accompany learning
have significant effects on how children learn. If they have positive
feelings, children tend to participate with a high degree of motivations
and involvement and are more likely to derive permanent gain. If
childrens feelings are negative they are poorly motivated, participate
minimally, and are less likely to derive permanent gains.

A parents relationship with the child plays an important role in the
academic success of his or her child. The teacher and school are just
two factors in assisting the child to reach his or her potential. It is the
parents and schools joint responsibility to help the child become an
educated, caring person, who, as an adult, will recognize the
opportunities and obligations of freedom.

I sincerely appreciate your support and feel that by working together
we can make this year an exciting educational experience for your
child. Please remember my door is always open. If you ever have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Thank you!
Mrs. Tyla Ast

Here are just a few things you can do to help your child this school

Read with your child!!

Play phonics games: driving in car and ask, Do you see anything that
starts with the letter R?

Go on Word Hunts. Try and have your child find simple words (was,
the, me, for) in books, in stores, while driving, etc.

Have them practice writing their first and last name.

Review their phone numbers and addresses.

Count with them.

Review simple math facts: 2+2=4, and talk about simple stories, ex: if I
had 2 pencils, then someone gave me 3 more, how many would I have.

Help them learn to tie their shoes.

Help them learn to zip their jackets.

Most important Make learning fun!!!

An Apple for the teacher
Is really nothing new
Except when you remember
Parents are teachers too!

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