Kindergarten Guide

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Solving problems Geometry

Children will solve simple word problems.

In this example, the child used red and blue
Along with counting, geometry is another
focal area for kindergarten students. They Parent Math
cubes to understand and solve the problem. will work with both plane and solid figures
as well as learn to identify and describe
shapes such as squares, circles, triangles, Strategy Guide
rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones,
cylinders, and spheres in their

There are some children in a group. Three

environment. They will be able to
recognize these shapes regardless of
orientation or size.
(3) of the students are girls and two (2) are
boys. How many children are in the group? Counting Strategies and
Working with the Teens
Numbers 11 - 19
Numbers from 11 to 19 should be seen as a
group of ten ones and some more ones.
Kindergarteners record this using a drawing
or equation.

A group of ten
ones and three
Cobb County
more ones
Kindergarten students should be exposed
to addition and subtraction equations.
10 + 3 = 13 Students are encouraged to write
equations, however, it is not required.
Math Five-Frames Rekenreks
(Beads used for counting)

Early Counting Strategies

Dot Cards

••• •• The goal for students is to be able to

quickly recognize the quantity of beads
using their understanding of 5.
• • • The use of rekenreks fosters subitization,
fluency, and computation with addition
and subtraction.

The goal for students is to be able to count

all, count on or rearrange the dots in order
to add. In this example, a child may start Ten-Frames
with seeing five dots and count on three
more dots to see a total of eight dots. It is
also possible to see two groups of three
dots to make six dots and then add two In the above example, the child should see
more dots to get eight dots. the number 6 as 5 red beads and 1 white
Math Hands
Counting On
Making 7 The goal for Kindergarteners is to be able to When adding 3 + 5, children are
recognize dot arrangements in varying encouraged to start with the largest
patterns on five- and ten-frames. The use of number and count on as this is more
five- and ten-frames fosters instant efficient than counting all. A child can do
and OR and recognition of sets of objects (subitization), this in many ways – counters, buttons, a
4+3=7 5+2=7 fluency and computation with addition and number line, etc.
subtraction. In the above example, the I started at 5
Kindergarteners build numbers using their student may see three dots on the top row and added 3
fingers. They show different combinations and four dots on the bottom row to more.
or ways to make a number. In this example, recognize seven dots. They may also see
the student made 7 with 4 fingers and 3 seven as two groups of three dots and one
fingers as well as with 5 fingers and 2
more dot.

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