Preschool Space at Church
Preschool Space at Church
Preschool Space at Church
Birth Kindergarten
Space at Church
Theresa Thomas
Preschool Ministries Specialist Tennessee Baptist Convention
(615) 371-2082 [email protected]
~ Table of Contents ~
Preschoolers have many opportunities to learn at church. Sunday School, church weekday
education, Mothers Day Out, choir, and many other ministries must all be carefully planned and
coordinated in regard to teaching space. What is best for preschoolers should always be the
primary consideration in designing an effective preschool room.
Careful consideration of space, equipment, and other teaching resources is the first step in
providing a quality-learning environment for preschoolers at church. God created preschoolers
to be active learners. It is therefore logical to plan a preschool room to respect this design. A
preschool room needs to include developmentally appropriate activity centers that allow the
young child to make good choices. This allows each girl and boy to grow spiritually, physically,
socially-emotionally, and cognitively. Leaders will also find that by respecting Gods design for
teaching preschoolers, discipline difficulties are greatly eliminated!
The following pages are a compilation of suggestions that will help you create the best learning
environment possible for preschoolers. The information offered represents an ideal; however,
additional ideas are given to help you do the best with less than ideal resources.
Other sources of information from LifeWay* Christian Resources that are helpful in planning and
designing a church preschool learning environment are:
Essentials for Excellence CD, Connecting Preschool Sunday School to Life, Carrie Beth Tonks;
ISBN 0-6330-8918-4
Preschool Sunday School for a New Century, Cindy Lumpkin and
Thomas Sanders; ISBN 0-7673-9986-2
Teaching Preschoolers: First Steps Toward Faith, Thomas
Sanders and Mary Ann Bradbury; ISBN 0-6330-0842-7
Teaching in Christian Weekday Early Education, Pamela K.
Boucher, Compiler; ISBN 0-7673-9079-2
Size Guidelines
35 square feet per child
No room smaller than 12x16 clear floor space, 16x24preferred
First floor ground level
Near worship center and young adult classes/department
Close to parking
Accessible to playground
Convenient to main corridors, but free from unrelated traffic in the preschool area
Controlled Access for security
8 wide minimum and unobstructed
Well lighted and inviting
Doors staggered so they do not open across from each other
Doors recessed to keep door swing from intruding into the corridor
Carpet, tile, or a combination of both
Carpet: commercial, tight loop, anti-static, stain resistant, anti-microbial
Floors should be comfortable for seating and activities, easy to keep clean, allow freedom to
participate in activities, and safe for preschoolers
High quality, non-toxic, semi-gloss enamel paint
Vinyl wallpaper with no strong patterns
Neutral colors or soft pastels. Rooms with a lot of natural light may use soft blues or other
cool colors. Rooms with little natural light may use yellow or warm colors.
Caution: Bold colors, patterns, borders, or murals may distract from learning, make room
look cluttered, encourage hyperactivity, and make it difficult to change room for learning
objectives. If additional color is desired, add a soft color accent wall to the room.
Acoustic tile
18-24 above the floor
Window ledges flush with wall
Miniblinds when necessary to eliminate glare or to close out distractions
Shatterproof glass
Fluorescent lighting with color corrected bulbs
For infant classrooms, provide lights with dimmers
Electrical Outlets
Two per wall with an additional outlet above counter
Safety outlets and/or safety covers
In infant through twos rooms, outlets should be 4 feet above floor
26 counter with high neck sink and spray hose
Wall cabinet (50 above floor) for supplies and teaching materials
Diaper changing area
Optional cubbies: individual spaces for personal items
Rest Rooms
Connected to the room can be shared with another room
Child-size toilets
Child-size lavatory with soap dispenser and paper towel at childs level
Tile floor
Doors without locks
Trash receptacle with lid
Specialty Rooms
Kitchen Resource Room Indoor Play Area
Laundry Welcome Area Sick Room
Office Nursing Room
Are there any small pieces that might be broken off and
swallowed by a child?
Can the moving parts of the toy pinch or trap a childs finger?
When a nursing room is not available, place a sturdy folding screen in the
corner of the room for nursing mother. Behind the screen is one adult-size
rocking chair and a table for a box of tissues.
Place a floor mat in a portion of the room (away from main traffic areas)
where babies can play with toys and interact with teachers.
Read to Me Bible for Kids (NIrV or KJV) (Holman Bible Publishers - 1999); ISBN 1-5581-9844-X
Read to Me Bible for Kids (Holman Christian Standard Bible) (Holman - 2005); ISBN 1-4158-2812-1
Provide cardboard blocks for block play. Place blocks in a large open
area where ones can play without a lot of distractions.
Read to Me Bible for Kids (NIrV) (Holman Bible Publishers, 1999); ISBN 1-5581-9844-X
Read to Me Bible for Kids (Holman Christian Standard Bible, 2005); ISBN 1-4158-2812-1
1. All About Baby!, (Dorling Kindersley, 1994); ISBN 1-56458-530-1
2. Baby Animals, Dogi (Readers Digest Childrens Publishing); ISBN 1-57584-268-8
3. Big Like Me, Hines (Greenwillow, 1989); ISBN 0-6880-08354-4
4. Daddies at Work, Merriam (Simon & Schuster, 1996); ISBN 0-689-80998-0
5. Family Time, Miller (Little Simon, 1998); ISBN 0-689-800517
6. Grandpa, Bailey (Annick Press, Limited, 1994); ISBN 1-55037-967-4
7. How a Baby Grows, Buck (Harper Collins, 1998); ISBN 0-694-00873-7
8. I Can Help, Miller (Little Simon, 1998); ISBN 0-689-80044-4
9. I Make Music, Greenfield (Writers & Readers, 1991); ISBN 0-86316-205-3
10. I Touch, Isadora (Greenwillow); ISBN 0-688-10524-6
11. Im Grown Up, Miller (Little Simon, 1998); ISBN 0-689-80043-6
12. In the Yard, Brown (Dorling Kindersley, 1993); ISBN 1-56458-267-1
13. Little Lamb, The, Dunn (Random); ISBN 0-394-83455-0
14. My Five Senses, Aliki (Harper & Row, 1989); ISBN 0-06-445083-X
15. My Home, (Star Bright Books, 1997); ISBN 1-887734-32-5
16. Nature, (DK Publishing, Inc., 1997); ISBN 0-7894-1548-8
17. On the Farm, Brown (Dorling Kindersley, 1993); ISBN 1-56458-269-8
18. Pat-a-Cake, Kenyon (Candlewick Press, 1994); ISBN 0-7636-0431-3
19. Pots and Pans, Hubbell (Harper, 1998); ISBN 0-694-01072-3
20. Sharing Dannys Dad, Shelf (Addison-Wesley Edu. Pub., Inc., 1994); ISBN 0-673-36275-2
21. Smile!, Intrater (Cartwheel Books/Scholastic, 1997); ISBN 0-590-05899-1
22. So Many Circles, So Many Squares, Hoban (Greenwillow, 1998); ISBN 0-688-15165-5
23. Trucks, Trucks, Trucks, (Harper Collins, 1999); ISBN 0-688-16276-2
24. Very First Words, Usborne (Usborne Publishing Ltd., 1999); ISBN 0-7460-3827-5
25. Water, Water, Greenfield (Harper Collins, 1999); ISBN 0-694-01247-5
26. What Can You Do in the Rain?, Hines (Harper Collins, 1999); ISBN 0-688-16077-8
27. What Can You Do in the Snow?, Hines (Harper Collins, 1999); ISBN 0-688-16078-6
28. What Can You Do in the Sun?, Hines (Harper Collins, 1999); ISBN 0-688-16080-8
29. When We Get Home, Ballard (Greenwillow, 1999); ISBN 0-688-16168-5
30. Who Says Quack?, (Grosset and Dunlap, 1991); ISBN 0-448-40123-1
Read to Me Bible for Kids (NIrV or KJV) (Holman Bible Publishers - 1999); ISBN 1-5581-9844-X
Read to Me Bible for Kids (Holman Christian Standard Bible) (Holman -2005); ISBN 1-4158-2812-1
1. All the Places to Love, MacLachlan (Harper Collins Juvenile Books); ISBN 0-06-021098-2
2. Autumn Leaves, Robbins (Scholastic Trade); ISBN 0-590-29879-8
3. Bein with You This Way, Nikola-Lisa (Lee & Low Books); ISBN 1-880000-05-9 (hardcover),
ISBN 1-880000-26-1 (paperback)
4. Bread, Bread, Bread, Morris (Lothrop, Lee & Shephard); ISBN 0-688-06334-9 (trade),
ISBN 0-688-066335-1 (library binding)
5. Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes, McCullough (New Hope); ISBN 0-936625-04-X
6. Building a House, Barton (William Morrow & Co.); ISBN 0-688-09356-6
7. Can I Pray With My Eyes Open?, Brown (Hyperion); ISBN 0-7868-0328-2 (trade), ISBN
0-7868-2273-2 (library binding), 0-7868-0328-2 (paperback)
8. Friends in the Park, Burnett (Checkerboard Press); ISBN 1-56288-347-X
9. Garden, Maass (Henry Holt); ISBN 0-8050-5951-2
10. Gods Quiet Things, Sweetland (Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co.); ISBN 0-8028-5167-3
(paperback), ISBN 0-8028-5082-0 (hardcover)
11. Grandmother and I, Buckley (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-688-17525-2 (paperback)
12. Here Are My Hands, Martin & Archainbault (Henry Holt & Co.); ISBN 8-8050-5477-4
13. How a Seed Grows, Jordan (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-06-445107-0
14. I Eat Fruit, Tofts (Zero to Ten Childrens Books); ISBN 1-84089-000-2
15. I Love My Daddy Because, Porter-Gaylord (Dutton Books); ISBN 0-525-44625-7 (hardcover)
16. I Love My Mommy Because, Porter-Gaylord (Dutton Books); ISBN 0-525-446257
17. Im Busy Too, Simon (Whitman); ISBN 0-8075-3464-1
18. I Took a Walk, Cole (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-688-15115-9
19. I Read Signs, Hoban (William Morrow); ISBN 0-688-07331-X (paperback), ISBN 0-688-02317-7
20. I Read Symbols, Hoban (Morrow/Avon); ISBN 0-688-16696-2
21. In the Woods: Whos Been Here, George (Morrow/Avon); ISBN 0-688-16163-4
22. Jacks Garden, Cole, (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-688-13501-3 (library binding), (Morrow Books); ISBN
0-688-15283-X (paperback)
23. Jamaicas Blue Marker, Havill (Houghton Mifflin); ISBN 0-395-72036-2
24. Jamaicas Find, Havill (Houghton Mifflin); ISBN 0-395-45357-7 (paperback), ISBN 0-395-39376-0
25. Jesus Makes Me Happy, Hayes (Standard); ISBN 0-7847-0263-2
26. Jonathan and His Mommy
27. My Five Senses, Aliki (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-06-445083-X (paperback)
28. My Hands, Aliki (Harper Collins, paperback); ISBN 0-690-04880-7
29. On Mothers Lap, Scott (Houghton Mifflin); ISBN 0-395-62976-4 (paperback)
30. Round Trip, Jonas (Morrow/Avon); ISBN 0-688-09986-6 (paperback)
31. Saying Thank You Makes Me Happy, Hayes (Standard); ISBN 0-7847-0270-5
32. Smalls, (Little Brown); ISBN 0-316-79880-0
33. Thats What a Friend Is, Hallinan (Hambleton-Hill); ISBN 0-8249-8492-7 (paperback), ISBN
1-5710-2113-2 (hardcover)
34. The Very Special Night, Odor (Standard); ISBN 0-78470-272-1
Preschool Space at Church 19
35. Twins, Scott (Simon & Schuster); ISBN 0-689-80347-8
36. Water, Water, Greenfield (Growing Tree); ISBN 0-694-01247-5
37. We Are Best Friends, Aliki (William Morrow & Co.); ISBN 0-688-07037-X (paperback)
38. We Can Do It, Dwight (Star Bright Books); ISBN 1-887-73434-1
39. Were Very Good Friends, My Brother and I, Hallinan (Hambleton-Hill); ISBN 0-8249-8469-2
40. What Comes in 2s, 3s & 4s?, Aker (Simon & Schuster); ISBN 0-671-79247-4
41. When Mama Gets Home, Russo (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-688-14985-5
42. When Will Sarah Come?, Howard (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-688-16181-2
43. Where Does It Go?, Miller (Mulberry Books); ISBN 0-688-10928-4 (paperback)
44. Work, Morris (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard); ISBN 0-688-14866-2
Bible-Related Floor Puzzles
1. A Boy Learned to Share, ISBN 0-8054-3443-7 (24-pcs.)
2. Jesus, Gods Son, Was Born, ISBN 0-8054-3326-0 (24 pcs.)
3. Philip Explained the Bible, ISBN 0-8054-0904-1 (24 pcs.)
4. The Creation: God Made People, ISBN 0-8054-0901-7
(These puzzles may be ordered from LifeWay, 1-800-458-2772)
Bible Related Wooden Puzzles (10-13 pieces)
1. Jesus and the Children, ISBN 0-6330-1397-8; $10.95
2. Jesus Visited Friends, ISBN 0-6330-1398-6
3. Marys Good News, ISBN 0-6330-1395-1
4. Bibles, ISBN 0-6330-1989-5; $9.95
5. Creation, ISBN 0-6330-1988-7; $9.95
6. Noah Obeyed God, ISBN 0-6330-1990-9; $9.95
(These puzzles may be ordered from LifeWay, 1-800-458-2772)
Wooden Puzzles (These puzzles are available from Frank Schaffer Publications, 1-800-417-3261)
1. Birthday Party, J040041 (6 pcs.)
2. Boy, J606041 (6 pcs.)
3. Breakfast, J066000 (10 pcs.)
4. Car Mechanic, J066019 (13 pcs.)
5. Cat and Kittens, J065012 (13 pcs.)
6. Construction Workers, J606525 (11 pcs.)
7. Dinner, J066002 (14 pcs.)
8. Doctor, J606527 (11 pcs.)
9. Farmer, J606016 (15 pcs.)
10. Fruits, J040055 (5 pcs.)
11. Giraffe, J506025 (7 pcs.)
12. Girl, J606040 (6 pcs.)
13. Hospital, J506654 (12 pcs.)
14. Hot Day at the Beach, J115011 (11 pcs.)
15. House, J506651 (12 pcs.)
16. Lunch, J066001 (12 pcs.)
17. Nurse, J606022 (11 pcs.)
18. School Crossing Guard, J606523 (13 pcs.)
19. Sheep and Lambs, J506028 (10 pcs.)
20. Table Setting, J040042 (7 pcs.)
21. Teacher, J606020 (17 pcs.)
22. Tools, J040045 (9 pcs.)
23. Panda and Cub, J506032 (10 pcs.)
24. Penguin Family, J506034 (8 pcs.)
25. Police Officer, J606521 (12 pcs.)
26. Rainy Day, J115009 (11 pcs.)
27. Windy Day, J115012 (11 pcs.)
Read to Me Bible for Kids (NIrV or KJV) (Holman Bible Publishers - 1999), ISBN 1-5581-9844-X
Read to Me Bible for Kids (Holman Christian Standard Bible) (Holman -2005), ISBN 1-4158-2812-1
1. All the Places to Love, MacLachlan (Harper Collins Publishers); ISBN 0-06-021098-2
2. A South African Night, Isadora (Greenwillow Books); ISBN 0-688-11389-3
3. Bein with You This Way, Nikola-Lisa (Lee & Low Books); ISBN 1-8800-0005-9
(hardcover), ISBN 1-8800-0026-1 (paperback)
4. Building a House, Barton (William Morrow & Co.); ISBN 0-688-84291-7
5. Can I Pray With My Eyes Open?, Brown (Hyperion); ISBN 0-7868-0326-2 (trade), ISBN 0-
7868-2273-2 (library binding), ISBN 0-7868-0328-2 (paperback)
6. Construction Zone, Hoban (Greenwillow); ISBN 0-688-12284-1
7. Daddies at Work, Sweetland (Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co.); ISBN 0-6898-0998-0
8. Daddy Will Be There, Grambling (Greenwillow); ISBN 0-6881-4983-9
9. Exactly the Opposite, Hoban (Greenwillow); ISBN 0-6880-8861-9
10. Grandfather and I, Buckley (Lothrop, Lee & Shephard Books); ISBN 0-6881-2533-6
11. Grandmother and I, Buckley (Lothrop, Lee & Shephard Books); ISBN 0-6881-2531-X
12. Gods Quiet Things, Sweetland (Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co.); ISBN 0-8028-5167-3
(paperback), ISBN 0-8028-5082-0 (hardcover)
13. How a Seed Grows, Jordan (Harper Collins); ISBN 0-06-445107-0
14. I Eat Vegetables, Tofts (Zero to Ten Ltd.); ISBN 1-8408-9001-0
15. I Read Signs, Hoban (William Morrow); ISBN 0-688-07331-X (paperback), ISBN 0-688-02317-7
16. Mommies at Work, Merriam (Simon & Schuster); ISBN 0-6898-0999-9
17. Rainbow of My Own, A, Freeman (Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers); ISBN 0-
18. So Many Circles, So Many Squares, Hoban (Greenwillow); ISBN 0-6881-5165-5
19. Thats What a Friend Is, Hallinan (Hambleton-Hill); ISBN 0-8249-8492-7 (paperback), ISBN
1-5710-2113-2 (hardcover)
20. We Are Best Friends, Aliki (William Morrow & Co.); ISBN 0-688-07037-X (paperback)
21. When I Was Little Like You, Walsh (Viking); ISBN 0-1405-6829-2 (paperback), ISBN 0-
6708-7608-9 (hardcover)
22. Work, Morris (Lothrup, Lee & Shepherd); ISBN 0-688-14866-2
Wooden Puzzles
1. Continents, JO46003 (7 pcs.)*
2. Dentist, JO66005 (12 pcs.)*
3. Dinner, J066002 (14 pcs.)*
4. Grocer, J606083 (17 pcs.)*
5. Giant Food Pyramid Puzzle ***
6. Hebrew Alphabet, #122**
7. Jet Airplane, J606002 (14 pcs.)*
8. Lawyer and Judge, J066017 (15 pcs.)*
9. Mail Carrier, J606524 (12 pcs.)*
10. Numbers 1-20, J051007*
11. People Puzzles, LM368***
12. Teacher, J606020 (17 pcs.)*
13. Uppercase See-inside Alphabet, J051003*
* These puzzles can be ordered from Frank Schaffer Publications, 1-800-417-3261
** These puzzles can be ordered from Lights, Camera, Interaction!, 1-800-284-2948
*** Lakeshore Learning Materials, 2000 Early Childhood Catalog, 1-800-428-4414
Jigsaws in a Box
1. Construction in a Box*
2. Vehicles in a Box*
3. Zoo in a Box*
4. Creation, ISBN 1-4158-2065-1; LifeWay
5. Life of Jesus Wooden Box Puzzle, ISBN 0-6330-1994-1; $13.95; LifeWay
6. Life of Moses, ISBN 1-4158-2066-X; LifeWay
Principle 5:
Teachers model Christian cooperation
through planning together the use of
rooms, equipment, and accessories.
We work together with God. 1 Corinthians
Room arrangement
Teachers who share space meet to-
gether to plan the arrangement of
equipment and storage of accessories.