Delta Kappa Gamma, Xi State Iota Chapter News: President's Corner

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Delta Kappa Gamma, Xi

Iota Chapter News
Volume 30, Issue 1 July 2014
Joy Branham, Editor
Chapter website:
Presidents Corner
Dear Iota Sisters,
I am honored to be serving as your president for the next 2 years. Thank you for
the faith you have placed in me by this election. I am very excited about the year ahead.
Your executive board met in ay to plan out the dates and activities for our six
meetings. artha !hoton has been "orking hard on our behalf to line up some
"onderful speakers for our meetings plus our District One Brunch in December.
#e had a "onderful time of fello"ship, learning, and rene"al at XI State in $une.
!epresenting Iota this year "ere Trish %arris, $oan %olt, &inda 'ontaine, $oy (ranham
and yours truly. )ur chapter display and basket for the silent auction "ere lovely
and "ell received. The Order of the Rose ceremony "as beautiful and our o"n Linda
Fontaine "as so deserving of this distinguished a"ard. I hope more of you "ill make
plans to go "ith us next year.
)ur first meeting "ill be on August ! at "#$%pm at &astman Recreation 'ark
of Bays (ountain! shelter )*%. *lease bring a co+ered dish, filled "ith something
delicious to share and items to place in gift bags for ne, teachers in our local
schools. *lease consider including small personal items a ne" teacher might en+oy. This
"ould be an excellent time to in+ite nonmember ,omen educators to attend the
meeting to get to kno" us and also learn about the "onderful opportunities membership
in D,- affords. In case of rain, "e "ill have our fun get together at &it. anor /hurch.
-ostess group )$ "ill in charge of coordinating the desserts and decorations if
desired. *lease contact your hostess group chairperson to let her kno" if you "ill be
able to attend the meeting or not. %ostess chairpersons, please email me "ith the
names of the persons planning to attend the meeting at [email protected].
(embership dues are ."/%% again this year. You may pay at the first meeting
or mail your dues to Sue Fischer! 201 De&ee Drive, ,ingsport, T2 03440. )ur prompt
payment of dues prevents Sue from having problems reporting to the state and national
5n+oy the rest of your summer and I hope to see you on 6ugust 3.
JoAnn Smith, President
Iota Chapter Officers 2014-2016
Recording SECRETARY Pat Cox
Corresponding SECRETARY Trisha Harris
TREASURER Sue ischer
!E!"ERSHIP !artha #ard
YEAR"$$% &inda ontaine
PR$'RA! !artha Rhoton
"e)inda Casti))e
Celebrate the
beginning of
the new Iota
year with a
covered dish
picnic at
Bays Montain! "ring *our +a,orite
picnic +ood and en-o* +e))o.ship/
games/ and a great start to 0123425 on
"hrsday# $gst %/ at 5671 P! in
&helter '20( "e read* +or +un .ith
Corn Ho)e/ Right8&e+t game/ and
"each "a)) 9uestions:
A)so/ .e .i)) ;e stu++ing goody
bags +or ne. teachers/ so don<t +orget
to ;ring things *ou .ou)d ha,e
en-o*ed recei,ing .hen *ou +irst
started= This is a great time to get
other teachers interested in D%'/ so
invite a non-)e)ber friend to -oin
us +or the part*: &oo>ing +or.ard to
seeing *ou there:
"renda !oriart* shared this
de)ight+u) )itt)e good* ;ag note .ith
ideas +or possi;)e inc)usion?
Learning is a treat thanks to
Seeds!e"a#se $o# plant
the seeds o% the %#t#re
Li%e Sa&ers!e"a#se we
appre"iate $o# a 'hole' lot!
(ints!e"a#se o% $o#r
and )n"o#ragemint
*ea +ag!e"a#se we think $o#
*hanks %or all $o# do!!
Keep in Touch!
We only see all of each other a
few times a year. To keep our close ties,
we need to make an efort to inform our
DKG sisters about whats been going on
in our lives. You may not think its
noteworthy, but we will! Think about
letting DKG know about things like this
in your life:
Birth of a grandchild
Graduate studies or workshops
Notable vacations
Grants received
Awards or recognitions received
Purchase of a new home
Conventions attended or
presentations made
Change of job
Involvement in civic or church
Interesting hobbies
Death of a family member
Just rememberwere an
interested and interesting bunch!
Keep us in the loop!
Linda Fontaine
Receives Order of
the Rose
Join with me in
congratulating Linda Fontaine
as our newest recipient of the
Order of the Rose at Xi State in
June! We were so proud of her
and all her accomplishments
over the years for Iota Chapter
and were happy that other
members of !" could share
that pride# id you $now all
this about %inda&

'%() !)**) ")++),
Iota -st .ice *resident / -0012
Iota *resident / -0032-004
+usic Committee Chair / -0042
1551 6earboo$ Chair / -0042
+usic Committee / -0742018
+embership / -074277
):airs / -077205
Communications / -005201
;ospitality / 1557215-3
<=th )nniversary +usic
"roup for Xi State C
/ 15-5
CO++>?I(6 S'R.IC'S,
"irl Scout %eader / -07127@
%ioness Club A- year
.olunteer Community Choir
for July 3th Celebrations 2
15548 1557
.olunteer +onitor at
CarterBs .alley 'lementary
School for (2Cap testing /
*() Chairman for food
portion of Washington
'lementary School
Cundraiser 2 -07@ and
C;>RC; S'R.IC',
ChildrenBs Choir A- yearD
.acation Eible School
irector / 1554215-5
Church Organist -0442
6outh Committee Chairman 2
15532 155<
)ssistant to Choir irector /
-00<2 1557
Eulletin Eoard chairman /
15552 1554
?')2(') / -0<@2-00@
Rogersville 'ducation
)ssociation / -00321554
Retired (eachersB
)ssociation /
Linda Fontaine has been a member of
Delta 0appa 1amma for 23 years/ 4o
one deser+es this honor more5
Personal Affairs/Professional
Growth Committee
Linda Smith is passing along
some information that you might
research for possible interest (or pass
along yourself to a friend).
This came from the Niswonger
Foundation: There are i3 grants and
partnership opportunities accorded to
the 15 school districts in East Tennessee
partnered with Niswonger NETCO.
NETCO will collaborate with LEAs and
other partners to provide Advanced
lace!ent teachers the opportunit" to
train or re#train in di$$erent areas.
I looed at their schedule of
summer classes! but they don"t go past
the end of #uly. $owe%er! they will be
offering another round ne&t summer
and loo to be something %ery
worthwhile! geared toward specific
needs instead of the 'one si(e fits all)
approach that we ha%e all endured with
school in*ser%ice+ File this one for
future reference.
Legislative News
"*$ +ins Big in 2014
,egislative &ession
0123 'enera) Assem;)*
success: During this *ear<s
unprecedented session .e .ere a;)e
to protect teacher )icenses @they shall
not be based on "-$$& scoresAB
gained teacher contro) o+ p)anning
periodB +orced corre)ation o+ TCAAS
and o;ser,ation scores is no. against
the )a.B tenure and other rights/
inc)uding TCRS participation/ are
no. protected ;* )a.B pri,atiDation
e++orts .ere de+eated=
#e<)) hope this is a positi,e
indicator +or the +uture= Do
remem;er/ though?progress .i)) not
happen un)ess .e continue to )et our
)egis)ators >no. our ,ie.s on the
state o+ education in Tennessee:
International Election Process
Committee Ponders Changes

If youre on my email list I recently
sent you a document from the DKG
International EPC (Election Process
Committee) which examines reasons for
and against changing the method of
voting for officers at International from
what it is nowone vote !y each state
"residentto a one mem!er#one vote
method$ Im attaching that "a"er to this
newsletter so you can loo% through it
&s far as I can determine' this
change will have !een voted on at the
International Convention (uly )*+&ugust
,$ -hen I went on the we!site to ta%e the
survey early in (uly it was closed$ Ill
ma%e sure to include an u"date in the
next newsletter.
Iota Chapter
Scholarship Quilt!
In case you havenBt seen
a picture of our scholarship
fundraiser Guilt8 here is a
snea$ preview! ItBs not
Guilted yet8 but will be!
'verybody who has seen it
has been impressed with how
stri$ing it is# o you
remember that I said that you
would thin$ the bloc$s might
not be your favorites but that
I promised you the Guilt itself
would be unbelievably
beautiful& Well8 that is
eHactly what it is! (his is a
breathta$ing Guilt# 6ou ought
to be so proud of yourselves!
Invitation to a Bunco Party!
Iota Chapter o+ De)ta %appa 'amma
has ;een in,ited to -oin .elta /i Chapter of
*psilon &ig)a $lpha International as
hosts o+ a "unco Part* to ;ene+it &llivan
Conty I)agination ,ibrary @SCI&A= The
"unco Part* .i)) ;e he)d on "esday#
&epte)ber 00# at 1irst /resbyterian
Chrch in 2ingsport( Iota<s
responsi;i)ities .ou)d ;e to he)p ESA and
the SCI& "oard o+ Directors pro,ide +inger
+oods/ game priDes/ and in,ite attendees(
*ach attendee is encoraged to )a3e a
412(00 donation to &CI,( Donations made
at the "unco Part* .i)) ;e used to purchase
;oo>s +or Su))i,an count* preschoo)ers=
In 0127 SCI& mai)ed a tota) o+
5E/F1G +ree Imagination &i;rar* ;oo>s to
Su))i,an Count* preschoo) chi)dren= In
2014# the price of the boo3s went p to
412(50 per child# per year( This inc)udes
postage and hand)ing= &CI, )ails
appro6i)ately 5#000 boo3s per )onth and
)st raise al)ost 460#000 through grants/
donations/ and +undraisers=
The Sullivan County Imagination
Library is a model of Dollys early program.
All children ho are legal residents of
Sullivan County !including "luff City#
"ristol and $ingsport% from birth to age five
can be registered for this program. &nce
registered# each child then receives a free
age'appropriate boo( in the mail every
month ) si*ty boo(s in all if signed at birth.
+very child ill have boo(s of their very
on# at no cost to them# than(s to the
,overnors "oo(s -rom "irth -oundation#
the State of Tennessee# Sullivan County
Imagination Library# Dollyood
-oundation and many other generous
sponsors. @SCI& .e;siteA
Su))i,an Count* is +ortunate to ha,e
a strong organiDation )i>e SCI& promoting
ear)* chi)dhood reading= At our August
meeting .e .i)) need to decide i+ .e .ant to
participate .ith ESA= I!A'INE the
;ene+its i+ a)) Su))i,an Count* preschoo)ers
arri,ed at schoo) loving boo3s and reading!
Changes in Iota Committees
,t the -&ecuti%e .oard /eeting
this summer! tentati%e changes were
made in the committee structure which
we hope will mae Iota wor e%en
better. These will show up in your
0earboo! but the main changes are:
Membership**/artha 1ard! 2hair
(3ther members remain the same)
Yearbook (tae off ,rchi%es)
Nominations**Trish $arris! #oan
$olt! co*chairs
chair to .elinda 2astille 4 add
#oan $olt
Literacy**add 2ynthia Li%esay
nternational Pro!ects** add .etty
M"sic**add .eth 5eno
NE% Co!!ittee:
#istorical Preservation**#oy
.ranham! Linda Fontaine! /ary
,ll other committees stay the same.
'lanning for September6
)ur September meeting is
7hursday! Sept/ 33, at &it. anor.
)ur program "ill be presented by
Rita Sims 8uillen, author of
Hiding Ezra, based on the true
story of a South"est 7irginia ##I
deserter. ark your calendar8

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