Well, here it is the middle of August already! I cant really say how time flies when you are having fun (though I hope YOU are having fun!), I can only say how time flies!! Every day I get more emails, and my list of things to do grow by leaps and bounds maybe by next August I will get them done! (Okay, I have to admit, however busy I may be, this is what I want to do. I am surrounded by such wonderful people and we do such good work as Lions.) Our first District Cabinet meeting was held on Saturday, and there are a couple or three highlights I want to share. We had a great presentation with some proposals for reintroducing the Youth Exchange programme into our District. Lions Edna & Arnold Nelson from Cowley and PCC George Takashima are the leading force for this valuable programme and we even found some money in the budget to support it! (And, yes, Lion Bryant, treasurer and keeper of the money, they will have to provide a budget and receipts to use any of it!) Something else that is promising we have a candidate for the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI) to be held in October. Lion Ryan McNeil is the LFC Chairperson and Vice President of the Redcliff Lions Club. Our best wishes and support go to Lion Ryan as he takes ad- vantage of one of the many resources through Lions Clubs International! PDG Ste- ve Hadnagy, Convention Chairperson filled us in on the preparation and plans for the upcoming District Convention to be held in Butte, Montana on November 7 th & 8 th . Some of you may remember the incredibly successful first Montana Rally held a few years ago? Well, PDG Steve and PDG Ed Malesich had a hand in that and it seems like this convention will be not just successful, but certainly memorable! Registration is very affordable at $75 US and the room rates at the hotel and adjoin- ing motel are in line with that. When you call to make your reservations, make sure you ask for the Lions rate. There are a couple of things that clubs can think about in terms of helping promote this convention donation of items for the silent and live auctions, and perhaps you could consider offering to host a coffee break?? Our In- ternational Guest is from North Dakota Director Robert Littlefield and his wife Kathy. It would be really special if he could induct a new member or two at the ConventionHint! Hint! Hint! We welcomed 4 guests from District 37-O at the Cabinet meeting: DG Don Edy and his partner in service, Lion Lin Kent, VDGs Hazel Hiebert and Gail Haight. In May, after the MD Convention we got together to talk briefly and informally about the changes that would be in the works if our MD redistricting proposal is approved District 37N DG Pauline Cooper 3115 31 Street South Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 6S9 [email protected] 403.380.3116
VDG Cathy Anderson 226 Sherwood Place West Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 6S9 [email protected] 403.381.2895
Secretary Ardith Tjornelund PO Box 748 Cardston, Alberta TOK OKO [email protected] 403.653.4719 f Trea. Bryant Duchimensky 2 Chilcotin Way Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 7L8 [email protected] 403.380.3715 Inside this issue: D.G. Message 1 MD 37 Pin 3 MD Pin 3 Club Request 4 DG Calendar 5 District Web Address 5 District Governor Goals 6 A Final Note 6 Pig & Pumpkin Festival 7 Show & Shine 8 WWDRD 9 District Cabinet 10 District 37N Convention 11 Be Noticed 14 Lions Make a Difference 15
PRAIRIES to PEAKS August 2014
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by the Board at LCI. One thing that we agreed to do is to attend each others District Cabinet Meetings. On August 17 th , VDG Cathy Anderson and I will be attending DG Dons first Cabinet meeting. Each District han- dles the business of Lionism differently and it will be interesting to see how 37-O and 37-N are similar and different. Immediate Past District Governor Monte Weisser drove up from Kalispell, and tried to hide his gloating for not having to chair the meeting, and for being able to transfer all the boxes, flags and other Dis- trict paraphernalia to me. Thanks, IPDG Monte. (hmmmph)
So, what else? I said in last months newsletter that I would explain the design on my personal pin. The ex- planation is elsewhere in this issue. I have Goals for Membership and Leadership I have but they are goals I cannot achieve alone. Your help is needed. Each club should have their own set of goals and I en- courage-suggest-ask-beg each club to actually write these goals down and share with the DG Team (me, VDG Cathy, Zone Chair, District GLT PDG Sharon West & her team, and District GMT PDG Laura Dick- erson & her team), because, maybe we can help you achieve your goals, just as I am hoping you will help me achieve MY goals for the betterment of Lions within our District. There are some great tools to help strength- en a club: Blueprint for a Stronger Club and the Club Excellence Process (CEP) are but two for you to use. My Goals on Membership and Leadership are summarized elsewhere in this newsletter. (The complete pack- age including the action plans/step-by-step to achieve the goals will be uploaded to the District Website.)
Just had a thought I have been talking about VDG Cathy and while I know some of you know who she is, she hasnt been formally introduced in the District Newsletters or on our website. Well, photos have been tak- en and she is finding her bio, but she is a little distracted because she is on a baby-watch for her daughters first child. VDG Cathys photo and bio will be in next months issue of this newsletter (and maybe on the website sooner). VDG Cathy and I went to the first MD Council meeting in Calgary at the end of last month. One topic of discussion was the Centennial Committee. PID Dr Patti Hill and PDG Bill Pfeifer are the co- chairs and each District has a representative on the committee. VDG Cathy is our rep. As you know, the cen- tennial anniversary of Lions Clubs International will be in 2017 and while it does seem way too far in the future, remember how time flies?, clubs are asked to think about projects to commemorate this landmark achievement. 100 years of service to the world wow! 2017 is also marks a significant date in Canadian his- tory Canada will celebrate her 150 th birthday. So, think about doing something significant to celebrate 100 years of Lionism (and again, let us know!)
There is a `Centennial Service Challenge on the LCI website that you should look at. One other item from the Council meeting has direct impact on clubs and finances. (No, it is NOT a dues increase.) LCI has imple- mented a pre-authorized debit payment process for clubs to use to pay their International Dues. The way I un- derstand it, each club will be contacted to complete the debit payment form with the banking information. When a club receives a bill/invoice for International dues, the club secretary/treasurer will send an email to LCI to authorise them to take the money directly from the bank account. No extra charges for money orders and there should be no more problems with delays and subsequent exchange rate issues. The MD and LCI have been using a similar process with automatic deposit for reimbursement of expenses for the District Gov- ernors. I think that with the implementation of this debit/withdrawal process, many of the current issues with late or short payments will be eliminated.
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Well, you would think I have nothing better to do than sit here at my computer and tap away babble-babble- babble. But, there is sooo much going on in Lions and with Lions, it is important that I share with you what I can. Knowledge is power. Each Lion in each club has the power and I know you have the heart. Interna- tional President Joe Prestons theme is something we all can embrace Strengthen the Pride EVERY Li- on has a role to play and is valued. Share your commitment to the Pride and invite others to experience the experience of being part of this wonderful organization Just Ask someone who has a heart like yours. Yours in service (and proud of it!) DG Pauline
District Governor Paulines Personal Pin: So, it is a pin with a lot of stuff going on let me explain from the top down! But first, I must give special thanks to my brother PCC Ben Pond for the initial design of the pin, and Laurie Artiss, The Pin People, who have such talented artists. Easy part very top - my title and name, far left our District 37-N, in the middle of the mountain - Lionistic year 2014-2015 and on the far right - the Lions clubs International symbol Now, the mountain is a representation of Chief Mountain quite a distinctive shape in the southern Alberta Rockies the mountain is actually in Montana but as we say on this side of the border they may have the mountain, but we have the view! I like the symbolism of the mountain being so much a part of both Alberta and Montana and being a Lion in our District truly represents the international flavour of our wonderful organization. We can proudly wave both flags and sing the national anthems (with en- thusiasm, if not always in tune!) Snow at the base of the mountain yeah, we have snow and we know how to deal with it. The river represents the border and the bridge over it, represents us the Lions in our District showing that borders do not stop our desire to serve. Left hand side of the bridge is a star to represent the US side of our district and the maple leaf on the right, represents the Canadian side. My motto for this year is: We Serve From Prairies to Peaks and it is placed under the bridge to show we have to support the service pro- vided by Lions in our District and everywhere from the prairies in the east to the peaks in the west. The colours are kind of sym- bolic of the blue and gold in the Alberta provincial flag just so you know that I am an Alberta girl! To some, my personal pin may be just that an ordinary pin but I hope when you look at it, you will see the pride we have as Lions in an International District, in an International Organization dedicated to the service of others. And whatever happens to our District boundaries, WE SERVEFROM PRAIRIES TO PEAKS.
MD 37 Pin for the International Convention in Toronto (July 2014) are available! I have 120 MD 37 Pins available for sale. For ease of ac- counting (and to keep the treasurer relatively happy!) the pins cost $3 each (Canadian $) or $2.50 each (US$).
I REALLY DO WANT TO VISIT YOU AND YOUR CLUB! CLUB REQUEST FOR GOVERNORS VISIT 2014-2015 Club Name __________________________________________________________________ Contact name _______________________________________________________________ Phone number ______________________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________________________________ Meeting Location: __________________________________________________________ Requested date of visitation in order of preference: 1st_______________________________________________ 2nd______________________________________________ 3rd______________________________________________ Meeting Time: ______________ Dinner meeting? ________ Will there be any other clubs visiting? Yes _____ No ______ If so, name them: ______________________________________________________ Will Governor be expected to speak? Yes _____ No ______ Specific topic? _________________________________________________________ Will Governor be expected to install officers? Yes _____ No ______ If yes, please have information ready for the Governor. Will Governor be expected to induct new members? Yes _____ No ______ If yes, please advise the number of LCI NEW MEMBER KITS and PINS that will be required. Will Governor be expected to give out Awards? Yes _____ No ______ If yes, please have the information prepared for the Governor prior to arri- val.
Any additional comments or requests? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Please return this request form ASAP, so I can schedule my club visits. I will correspond to your club as to which date works well for me. Remember the earlier I receive your request, the easier it will be for me to fulfill your first choice.
Please forward this form to: Lion Pauline Cooper 3115-31 St S, Lethbridge, AB Canada T1K 6S9 (or PO Box 394, Babb, MT USA 59411) Residence: (403) 380-3116 Cellular: (403) 332-2340 Email: [email protected]
Yours in Lionism, District Governor Pauline Cooper Page 5
District Governor Calendar: August - December 2014
August 17 District 37O Cabinet Meeting Calgary, AB 18 Polson - Presentation 20 Plains Steak Fry Official Visit 27-31 Personal Nova Scotia September 1-2 Personal Nova Scotia 9-18 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum - San Juan, Puerto Rico 26-27 District 37S Convention Ennis, MT 28 Official Visit Kalispell Sunrisers Lions Club October 3-5 Regional Leadership Institute Lethbridge, AB Rescheduled to April Location TBA 14 Lethbridge Host New Member Evening 24-25 District 37I Convention Camrose, AB 31 District 37L Convention Edmonton, AB November 1 District 37L Convention Edmonton, AB 7-8 District 37N Convention Butte, MT All Welcome! 9 District 37N Cabinet Meeting Butte, MT All Welcome! 16 District 37O Cabinet Meeting Calgary, AB 22 Fort Macleod Lions 75 th Charter Anniversary Celebration December
. www.e-district.org/sites/37n Page 6
District Governors Goals for 2014-2015:
Membership, Membership Growth & Retention Promote formation of ONE ethnic club by April 30, 2015 Increase number of women by 36 18 each in AB and MT approximately 3% increase by May 30, 2015 Encourage each club to promote and implement one community service project that includes the partic- ipation of non-Lions by May 2015 Reduce number of dropped members by active use of Exit Interviews Active involvement in promoting club growth with clubs having less than 10 members Leadership Increase Participation in Leadership Training By 20% over the 2013-2014 attendance Increase district participation in online LCI leadership courses Identify future district leaders Hold specific Zone Chair training For each of the Goals listed above, I have corresponding Action Plans, the step-by-step actions required to achieve these goals. I will put all the information on our District Website, and both PDG Laura Dickerson as the District Coordinator for GMT (Global Membership Team) and PDG Sharon West as the District Coordinator for GLT (Global Leadership Team) will have all the plans and will be able to assist you. (Projected date for the information to be on the website and with the District GMT/GLT Coordina- tors is September 2014).
A final note: This newsletter and our District Website is for the use of the Lions in District 37-N. Advertise your club events and activities and successes. Photos are great. Articles and photos may be sent to the Newsletter Edi- tor, PDG Ed Malesich at [email protected] . AndWe have already lost some loved and beloved members of our Lions family. I do look at the deceased listing on the LCI website, but I would appreciate it if you could let Secretary Lion Ardith, VDG Cathy or me as soon as one of our Lions passes away. We can let the District know of the loss and perhaps one/ some of us would want to pay our respects to the club and the family. Page 7
DISTRICT DIRECTORY This is a work in progress. All the club information and that of the club executive is taken from the LCI website so it is information that was provided by each club. Please ensure that the names, phone numbers, addresses mailing and email, are all correct and up-to-date. Advertising in terms of businesses, club events etc. help offset the cost of printing the directory, so please consider supporting your District in this way. Each club will receive 2 copies of the directory (President & Secretary) at no cost. Each advertiser will re- ceive one copy with payment for the ad. Additional copies may be purchased by individuals for $5 each. (contact either Lion Ardith, District Secretary, or VDG Cathy)
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WWDRD The young man stood at the front of the room, took a moment to compose himself and started to talk. He had a tattoo on his wrist WWDRD. He showed us and then told us what is meansto him, his family and I think it should be significant to all of us. The young mans mother had passed away just 4 months before we gathered to commemorate and celebrate the life of his father. Legion members and Lions members sat side by side in the front rows. It wasnt just the family grieving this loss of a remarkable man. For more than 40 years this man had been known as Santa to many in the area and as one of the speakers said He was no saint except when he was St Nick! He was a dedicated family man and a loving husband (and I guess he was sometimes a little stubborn). His commitment to his family extended to the entire community. For ex- ample: he saw a need for something like a girls hockey team and made it happen. When I was in Toron- to in July at the International Convention, there was a logo/motto I saw that perfectly fits this fine gentleman Where there is a need, there is a Lion. And our new International President Joe Preston was promoting getting new members by saying something along the lines of Just Askask someone who has a heart like yours.
WWDRD?? - What Would Doug Raffan Do? Lion Doug exemplifies all we try to do and be as Lions we arent perfect but we care, and try to make the world a better place. I wont suggest that we all get tattoos to remind us how vital it is to our own well-being and that of our communities to live our motto We Serve, because wearing our Lions pin should be signage enough. I will suggest that we all try a little harder to find those who have caring hearts like ours, and welcome them into this Lions family, so they can share the in- credible, wonderful feeling of making a difference in the lives of others. And I would like to think Lion Doug would agree that Where theres a need, theres a Lion. By DG Pauline Page 10
2014-2015 District 37-N Cabinet
I really, really, really would appreciate it if someone would come forward and fill the cabinet vacancies ESPECIALLY the Zone Chairpersons and Lions Quest. Individuals interested in the 2 nd VDG position are also sought! PLEASE!
Page 11
DISTRICT 37 N FINLEN 2014 CONVENTION NOVEMBER 7-8, 2014 HOTEL & MOTOR INN BUTTE, MONTANA Hi Fellow Lions, These are exciting times with many new challenges and changes in front of us. The Butte Mile-Hi Lions Club has the honor of hosting what will be District 37N's last convention. We want to sincerely invite you to attend and to explain our host hotel. The Finlen is an historic hotel, located in uptown Butte. The hotel has been restored to its original grandeur. Because of the historic nature of this facility, you will find many beautiful rooms to select from. Ranging in cost from ninety dollars ($90.00) for elegant historic accommodations to sixty-eight dollars ($68.00) for standard motel rooms, it will be important for you to make your room reservations EARLY! We only have fifty two rooms available so we are asking that you call now, discus the type of accommodation you would like to have and then make your reservation EARLY. In closing, you will notice that we have one of the lowest registration fees of any District Convention. Please take advantage of these savings and help our committee by registering early. That's it for now, but look forward to a great convention. Free Tours, Free Pasty Dinner, Motivating Speakers and wonderful Lions fellowship are part of what you have to look forward to in Butte....The Can Do City....The Mining City.... The Festival City..... The Fun City! Lion Steve Hadnagy Convention Chairperson 126 South Main Street Butte, MT 59701 (406) 782-7710 Cell: (406) 490-7710 Email: [email protected] PDG STEVE HADNAGY, Convention Chair 128 S. Main St. Suite, MT 59701 w 406-782-7710 c 406-490-7710 [email protected] PDG ED MALESICH, Assistant Convention Chair 2345 Grand Ave. Butte, MT 59701 406-723-4689 [email protected] Page 12
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DISTRICT 37N CONVENTION WOW! District 37N Convention will be hosted by the Butte Mile-Hi Lions Club November 7-8 in Historic uptown Butte, Mt. The new nine-story hotel, built for less than $1 million, opened in 1924 which was modelled after the Astor Hotel in New York. The Finlen Hotel hosted the likes of Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and Charles Lindberg. In 1948 it boasted 200 rooms for $2.50 a night. ***Look for the following at the District 37N Convention*** Low, low registration fee. Very reasonable hotel/motel rates. Attractive tours at no or minimal cost. Map and menu of eatery establishments within six blocks. Tremendous guest speakers. Fantastic meals to include traditional Butte specialities. Top notch tail twisters. Auction Raffle tickets. All in historic uptown Butte. Lots of FUN! FUN! FUN!
Be sure to look for this logo at your District 37N Convention November7-8. Page 14
DISTRICT 37N CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORM (To register for the convention online, download the PDF file to your computer an- dopen it with Adobe Reader. Fill out the form and click on the "e-mail form" but- ton at top of form. Follow the instructions in the pop-up window that willappear. You may then click on the "print form" button at the top of the form to print a copy for your records). ***Adobe Reader is required to fill out theform and if you do not have Adobe Reader, it can be downloaded (here). You will also find a registration form on the District 37N Web Site located at: . www.e-district.org/sites/37n
BE NOTICED! Advertise in the 37-N District Directory/Website and spread word of your business, club or special event! Cost: $25 business card size $50 half page (5 x 4) $75 full page (5 x 8) Any questions, please contact: District Governor Pauline Cooper at [email protected] phone #: 403-380-3116 (leave message) or 1 st Vice District Governor Cathy Anderson at [email protected] phone #: 403-381-2895 Please send your artwork and payment to:
st VDG Cathy Anderson 226 Sherwood Place West, Lethbridge, AB Canada T1K 6E6.
(Cheques/checks, money orders payable to District 37-N)
Page 15
Lions Making a Difference! Congratulations to Lion Dennis Devries of the Polson Lions Club! PID Tom Lehman presented Lion Dennis with a Presidential Cer- tificate of Appreciation for all his work with the Plus-Optix eye-screening project undertaken by the Polson Lions Club. As always, good food and great company made the celebration memorable! Thank you! Congratulations to Alvin Amundson of the Plains Lions Club! 2 nd Vice President Ron Warren presented Lion Al with a plaque with the significant pins collected by Lion Al over his 62 years in Lions. Celebration was held at the County Fair Grounds with the Plains Lions Club and friends. The Annual Steak Fry was enjoyed by all many thanks to all for the hospitality extended to DG Pauline and PCC Ardith Tjornelund.
Lion Dennis Devires of the Polson Lions Club Lions Alvin Amundson and Ron Warren of the and PID Tom Lehman. Plains Lions Club.