The Capsule March 2014
The Capsule March 2014
The Capsule March 2014
The Capsule
Hands and Hearts for Horses 3ill &e presentin+ the pro+ram on Thurs)ay, March 4 /or our Delta Kappa Gamma meetin+ at -an)5In5 -an) Primary School# 6e 3ill &e meetin+ in the Media Center 7 8ou may par0 in the /ront circle o/ the school or si)e par0in+ lot 7 the entrance to the media center will be marked with balloons. School address* !49$ :#S# -3y 9! ;ypass 7 Thomas<ille, ' $=2
Please remember to help 7shower8 9ands : 9earts "or 9orses. -hey need toilet paper' paper towels' wet wipes' 9and Saniti;er' (ysol Spray' white printer paper' new or #sed toys "or the classroom' and arts/cra"ts s#pplies.
Min tes ! "an ar# $%& '($) The Alpha Delta Chapter o/ Delta Kappa Gamma met on Thurs)ay, >anuary 4, 20 ! at 6ashin+ton Mi))le School Me)ia Center in Cairo, GA# Gra)y County ser<e) as hostesses /or our >anuary meetin+# The hostesses pro<i)e) )eli+ht/ul re/reshments an) /ello3ship 3as en?oye) &y e<eryone# @ormer Chapter Presi)ent San)ra Clar0 3elcome) e<eryone to our meetin+ Ain the a&sence o/ @aith Shi<er 7 )ue to sic0nessB# The inspiration /or our chapter meetin+ 3as +i<en &y >an 6est&er+, entitle) "aluin+ the Gi/ts 7 ;i&le Cea)in+s /or Teachers# *eports+ The minutes 3ere presente) /rom the Capsule# There 3as a motion an) secon) to accept the minutes as 3ritten# The treasurer1s report 3as +i<en &y De&orah @i<eash, 3ith DE$$#= in our chapter account# Correspondence* Susan Thompson5 T3o Alpha Delta sisters ha<e reFueste) reser<e status mem&ership )ue to tra<el an) health* Kloteel 2ee an) Gpal 2e3is# The motion 3as ma)e &y 2ois Duncan an) a secon) &y Miriam Po3ell to accept this reFuest# The chapter <ote 3as ta0en an) it passe)# ,orld -ellowship* Chapter mem&ers &rou+ht home &a0e) +oo)ies an) cra/t items /or our annual sale /or 6orl) @ello3ship# Items inclu)e) mu//ins, &rea)s, ?ellies an) ?ams, an) home+ro3n /ruits# Greetin+s /rom the State* District " Director, ;ec0y A<era <isite) our chapter /or the >anuary meetin+# It 3as a ?oy to ha<e her share in our meetin+# She +a<e personal in<itations to the District " 3or0shop that 3ill &e hel) in 2ees&ur+ on March 9, 0*00 7 2*00 p#m# at 2ee County Mi))le School 6est# She encoura+e) mem&ers to atten) the State &oar) meetin+ in Macon on Satur)ay, @e&ruary 22# ;ec0y +a<e important )ates /or /uture meetin+s inclu)in+ )istrict, state, an) International Con<ention# Officer Nominations* The nomination committee presente) the slate o/ o//icers /or the Alpha Delta Chapter# These inclu)e)* Presi)ent* >an 6est&er+, st "ice5Presi)ent* 2isa Gilli+an, 2n) "ice5 Presi)ent* Co&in Cart3ri+htH Treasurer* De&orah @i<eashH Cecor)in+ Secretary* Annette >ames Mem&er %ominations are )ue to Presi)ent @aith Shi<er prior to the March 4 meetin+# Alpha Delta .ro/ram* Gur pro+ram 3as presente) &y ;eth 6om&le# She presente) an in/ormati<e pro+ram a&out scholarships a<aila&le to our mem&ers# ;eth share) a&out the scholarships /rom the state le<el o/ Delta Kappa Gamma# She also share) a&out her eIperiences /rom recei<in+ the Delta Kappa Gamma 7 (lise ;oylston Grant# She has use) the +rant /or literacy acti<ities in her school an) /or author <isits /or her stu)ents# ;eth share) a&out other community an) &usiness +rants inclu)in+ 6almart @oun)ation, 2aura ;ush @oun)ation /or America1s 2i&raries, an) Dollar General ;ac0 to School Grant# ;eth presente) mem&ers 3ith in/ormation an) 3e&sites 5 entitle)* GCA%TS an) E0 6ays to :se Technolo+y in your Classroom Tomorro3 /or a))itional in/ormation# The /eature 3as a &eauti/ul pot o/ yello3 tulips# De&orah @i<eash 3as the 3inner o/ the /eature# The meetin+ 3as a)?ourne)# *eminders+ %eIt meetin+* Thurs)ay, March 4, 20 ! at -an)5In5-an) Primary School 7 hostesses* Thomas County# Ce/reshments* !*'0 p#m# 7 Meetin+* E*00 p#m# Cespect/ully su&mitte), Co&in ># Sha<er
GreetingsF I hope eBeryone is enEoying the warmth and cold o" o#r so#thern winter. (ois' *an and I haBe been at ?Gec#tiBe %oard in !acon today. -here were DC= other Psi State ladies in attendance too. -he most important in"ormation we receiBed was abo#t o#r District H training in (eesb#rg on Sat#rday' !arch 0' .=D4. -he theme "or the training is IGolden Stars Shine on District H.I -here will be workshops "or the incoming President' -reas#rer' omm#nications' ?d#cational ?Gcellence' !embership' etc. $e wo#ld loBe to haBe many o" o#r Alpha Delta members attendF -he "orm "or registration is on the Alpha Delta website blog. Another eGciting actiBity taking place in a "ew months will be the Psi State Delta 9ostel. It will be a "#l"illed weekend in Pine !o#ntain at allaway Gardens. -he package price "or the room' "ood' admission' and grat#ities is J..1. $o#ldnKt that be a nice place to relaG to kick o"" "all breakL IKm looking "orward to o#r Alpha Delta meeting at 9and KM 9and. 9ands and 9earts will be o#r program "or the meeting. IKm interested in learning more abo#t their therape#tic riding program. IKBe heard and read wonder"#l comments abo#t it since moBing to -homasBille. See yo# all soonF @aith ShiBer President' Alpha Delta (.=D.2.=D4) ,ou are in&ited*oin members at the .=D4 International onBention Indianapolis' Indiana *#ly .02A#g#st D' .=D4
S!ring +irthdays
</.= >yan 9arrell 4/< ?leanor 9allman 4/D. *anet ampbell 4/.1 @rances 9allman 1/C Diane -#ten 1/D/ %ernice !itchell
</.1 ?li;abeth *ohnson 4/1 -eresa arBer 4/.= %eBerly Ponder 1/< >obin ShaBer 1/3 indy -#rner 1/.0 Gwen (ee
</.3 @aye Aing 4/C Annette *ames 4/.< Aloteel (ee 1/4 Amy @owler 1/0 %eth $omble
$e apologi;e i" yo#r birthday is not listed. Please send yo#r birth date to *an $estberg at so it may be added to the database.